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受特殊的丘陵地形、强风化岩石以及季节性强降雨的影响, 香港滑坡时有发生。根据香港土木工程拓展署(CEDD)土力工程处(Geotechnical Engineering Office, GEO)的相关资料, 梳理了香港工程边坡防治进展的历史进程和关键防治技术, 对我国大陆相关工程边坡防治具有一定的参考价值。 相似文献
边坡安全与滑坡风险管理:香港的经验 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
本文根据战后香港都市化的发展以及70年代以来,边坡安全体系的逐渐建立过程,描述了香港的滑坡问题,边坡安全体系既强调降低滑坡风险,同时也强调提高公众的滑坡风险意识。本文详细说明了体系中各分项的作用并评价了它们的影响,事实表明由于边坡安全体系的建立,香港滑坡的风险程度大大降低了,并且具有很好的“成本-效益”绩效。通过风险管理方法对边坡安全体系进行了分析和评价,进一步指出了这体系今后完善和发展的方向,为 相似文献
常吉高速公路湘西段地形起伏大, 地质条件复杂, 路堑边坡数量众多, 边坡稳定性问题突出。本文根据岩体产状与边坡坡面的关系研究, 认为常吉高速湘西段路堑边坡主要包括顺向坡、正交坡与反向坡, 其中顺向坡的变形破坏机制与它的物质组成、岩体结构合风化程度等有关。分析、总结了路堑边坡的变形破坏模式, 提出并实施了针对不同边坡结构类型与变形破坏模式的边坡防护措施。 相似文献
随着“百矿示范,千矿整治”活动的开展与深入,浙江省内废弃矿山治理的工程项目日益增多。本文通过对浙江某废弃采石场边坡加固防护工程实践,介绍了喷锚网防护工程的设计思路、施工工艺和技术措施,以及现场质量管理和检测要点,为类似工程提供了可借鉴的设计、施工经验。 相似文献
路基边坡的植物防护方法 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
针对目前公路边坡防护的现状及发展趋势,较系统地介绍了多种路基边坡植物防护方法,并指出了公路路基边坡植物防护方法中需要进一步研究和解决的问题。 相似文献
完整新鲜的花岗岩具有良好的的工程地质性质。但是受水、空气、温度等自然营力的侵蚀、剥蚀、风化作用,花岗岩体物理力学性质指标降低较多。使之成为工程建筑困难最大的岩石之一。论文以国道318线二郎山至康定公路改建工程中花岗岩边坡防护为例,分析了沿线花岗岩边坡主要地质特征。并根据岩体风化破碎情况、地质构造、卸荷作用以及表面覆盖层情况等因素,将边坡进行分类。通过分析各种类型边坡破坏的机理及模式,提出有效的加固防护方法。为处治已产生病害的花岗岩边坡提供科学、有效、经济、合理的加固防护技术。也为今后设计和施工中预防其病害提供经验和资料。 相似文献
人工边坡绿化种植技术及其在香港的应用 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
在人工边坡上进行绿化种植不仅美化环境,而且有控制冲蚀和稳定斜坡的作用,设计人员应考虑将植被作为所有土和风化岩石的人造斜坡的基本保护方法。香港在边坡绿化种植方面积累了成功的经验。文章概述了在人工边坡表面进行绿化种植的基本原理及其综合效应,详细介绍香港地区的人工边坡绿化种植技术,包括设计思路、设计过程、施工技术和维护管理等方面,并为当前中国内地人工边坡绿化种植技术的推广和研究提出了建议。 相似文献
香港主城区座落在香港岛一九龙地区的九龙花岗岩体上,该花岗岩体平面形态呈直径约11km的圆形,周边火山岩群山环绕,构成特殊的圆形盆地地貌,以往曾有人认为是陨石坑。笔者根据前人地质资料分析并经实地考察,认为该地貌形态实为大致以尖沙咀为中心的一个大型晚中生代复活破火山机构,九龙花岗岩体为破火口塌陷后侵位的中央侵入体,周围火山地层产状围斜内倾,发育环形断裂(主要为高角度正断层)和放射状断裂,具典型复活破火山特征,可称之为“九龙复活破火山”。 相似文献
香港九龙破火山的地层结构与划分讨论 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
香港岛—九龙半岛地区以往火山地层的划分主要依据岩性特征,基本不考虑火山构造和火山岩相的鉴别,由于陆相火山岩区特有的岩性岩相时空上的复杂多变,导致地层组越划越多,不能合理进行区域地层对比,更无法通过火山地层划分恢复古火山活动过程。笔者等在该地区开展了野外路线地质调查和火山构造—火山岩相研究,鉴别出九龙复活破火山机构,在此基础上确定火山地层主要由同一期普林尼式喷发形成的冷却单元构成,有类似的地层结构,结合年龄资料和区域地质对比,它们基本上可归入同一地层组;同时,分析了陆相火山地层的划分方法,指出岩石地层单位划分不能作为主要方法;冷却单元或流动单元才是合理划分陆相火山地层的基本单位。 相似文献
地质旅游利用现有的地质资源,以一种崭新的角度去发展可持续性的旅游景点。香港地少人多,发展旅游吸引点是极度困难的。香港陆地约有30%为花岗岩覆盖,其中的一半已在城市之下,其余的则拥有相当吸引人的地质景象,有极大潜力发展地质旅游。除吸引地质生态有关游客外,在花岗岩地区开发地质旅游,更容易普及地球科学,同时增强公众对地质地貌之欣赏能力,提高环保及地质保护意识。不过,于香港花岗岩区发展地质旅游所遇到的困难亦不少,主要来自规划、行政及安全的问题,当中需要政府、地区民众及地质旅游工作者并肩合作,寻求最佳解决方法。 相似文献
Whilst ecological modernisation theory emphasizes the potential for modern societies to recognize and respond to their environmental impacts by finding new ways of governing environment-economy relations, concepts of policy learning focus on the scope for new forms of environmental policy to be generated within and transferred between different contexts. Within this paper we explore the conceptual and practical linkages between the two areas of debate - a hitherto neglected area in the literature - and we set this discussion in the context of environmental policy-making in Hong Kong. We suggest that the practical relevance of the concepts of ecological modernisation and policy learning depends upon the presence of a reflexive society with rational, responsive institutions. While many theorists assume that such institutions exist, our analysis of policies for water and air quality management in Hong Kong highlights the need for theories to consider the embeddedness of existing institutions and the significance of the capacities for, and the barriers to, change more fully. We find that capacities for some forms of ecological modernisation and policy learning do exist in Hong Kong. However, we argue that the nature of these capacities often limits the potential for change to those local environmental problems that can be addressed through more technically and economically viable forms of policy intervention and that can be easily accommodated within existing political and economic structures. We also conclude that the capacities for ecological modernisation and policy learning that are needed if Hong Kong is to tackle the effects of the trans-boundary environmental problems that it is increasingly encountering have yet to emerge. 相似文献
根据地球物理探测、海底取样、钻探及现场测试等实测资料详细分析,发现粤港澳跨海大桥海域具有独特的自然条件以及复杂的海洋工程地质特征。海底地形地貌较为复杂,存在含浅层气区、活动性断层、沙波、地震活动、不规则基岩、埋藏古河道、冲刷槽沟和水下浅滩等潜在灾害地质因素,尤其粤港澳跨海大桥是特大型建筑,它经过的海域分布着多种潜在的地质灾害,应引起重视。 相似文献
Zhiguang SONG Nurdan S. Duzgoren-Aydin Minggang You Adnan Aydin 《中国地球化学学报》2006,25(B08):184-184
With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization in the Pearl River Delta region, organic as well as inorganic pollution is becoming a major environmental concern. Urban deposits including road dusts, corresponding gully sediments and topsoils proved to be useful tools for assessing the level and distribution of contaminants in metropolitan areas. Most of the previous studies utilizing urban deposits, however, focused on inorganic pollutants, while data on organic pollutants are rare. In this study, therefore, the organic pollutants in urban deposits of Hong Kong and Guangzhou were systematically investigated in terms of their abundance, composition and distribution. The road dusts, gully sediments and vehicular tunnel dusts as well as soils from different urban locations with variable traffic volumes (less than 1000 to more than 75000 AADT) were examined. The results indicated that vehicle-emitted particles were the major source of organic pollutants, while the contributions from background soils were very limited. Surprisingly, the soil in a remote island of Hong Kong with no vehicular traffic has also shown signs of pollution from vehicular particles likely through dry-wet atmospheric deposits. In general, the characteristics of organic pollutants in urban dusts from both cities are comparable although there were also some significant differences. For example, the amount of extractable organic matter in urban deposits of Hong Kong was significantly higher than that of Guangzhou. Differences in their extractable asphaltene contents not only reflected the differences in quality and types and fuels used in these cities, but also sample residence times, and thus different extents of weathering processes. 相似文献