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Polychlorobiphenyls (PCB) and organochlorine (OC) pesticides are endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). The Italian Ministry of Environment has undertaken a program (1999-2001) to measure levels of contaminants in top marine predators and to develop sensitive biomarkers for the evaluation of toxicological risk in these species. In 1999, 15 swordfishes (Xiphias gladius) taken from the Mediterranean Sea along the Sicilian coast (Strait of Messina, Italy) and in the Atlantic Ocean along the Azores Islands, and analysed for 34 congeners of PCBs and 27 organochlorine (OC) pesticides in gonad, muscle, liver and blubber tissues. In the tissues of Mediterranean swordfishes the sum of the determined PCBs congeners ranged from 4.61 to 4651.17 ng g(-1) on fresh tissue basis. Among organochlorine pesticides DDE, DDT and DDD (TDE) predominated with an overall range of 2.37-4734.56 ng(-1) w.w. In particular p,p'-DDE had concentrations appearing up to 3900 ng(-1), with the highest values found in fatty tissues, such as blubber. In the liver of Azores Island swordfishes lower levels of summation PCBs (8.43-294.17 ng/g w.w.) and summation DDTs (<0.01-217.44 ng/g w.w.) were determined.  相似文献   

During the last few decades, the combined effects of natural and human activities acting on the Mediterranean Sea basin have caused a reduction in the swordfish (Xiphias gladius, L. 1758) population. In this project, we investigated the accumulation of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg) levels in the Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of swordfish during a five-year survey. In the marine environment, top predators such as swordfish accumulate high concentrations of toxic metals, and thus, potentially incur a high toxicological risk. Furthermore, heavy metals, such as chemical pollutants, have strong long-term effects on fish, and thus, constitute a high risk for the resource and humans that consume it. The aim of this work is to contribute to the assessment of the state of European swordfish population health. We analyzed muscle tissue from 56 specimens captured in Mediterranean and Atlantic areas for trace elements. Mean concentrations of Hg, Cd, and Pb were in the following ranges: 0.66-2.41, 0.04-0.16, and 0.97-1.36 mg/kg ww, respectively. These data suggest a need for continuous monitoring to avoid reductions in the population of this fish species of high commercial and ecological interest.  相似文献   

Alfacs Bay is a N.W. Mediterranean estuary important for mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) aquaculture. During studies at the site, fiberglass particles were detected. The presence of fiberglass occurred naturally in the water throughout the study period (November 2006 to July 2007). An investigation was undertaken into its role in the feeding behavior of the local mussels. Fiberglass was present in all types of mussel samples. Rejection, which we would have expected for the whole study period, was only evident during the second season studied. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the ingestion of fiberglass by a marine organism. Our novel finding indicates the need to investigate fiberglass ingestion by marine organisms at different levels of the food web and the possible implications for human health and the health of the organisms themselves. In addition, we propose the use of mussels as sentinel organisms to monitor fiberglass contamination in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Eight shallow water Posidonia oceanica meadows were sampled in June 1999 along 300 km of the Ligurian coast and were compared through shoot density and lepidochronology. The growth of the seagrass was examined in the light of climate fluctuations and local stresses, colonisation by alien, invasive alga Caulerpa taxifolia, and effects of the oil spill from the tanker "Haven", and other anthropogenic impacts. Both shoot density and lepidochronology pointed to a generalised state of regression of all the meadows. The analysis of long-term growth curves of the rhizomes showed a positive trend parallel to the increase of air temperature. Two main groups of meadows were individuated on the basis of growth curve similarity. The first included four meadows, namely Ventimiglia, Imperia, Noli and Prelo, that were characterised by average values of rhizome growth of 8-9.1 mmyear(-1) and shoot density greater than 200 shootsm(-2). Although the Imperia meadow was the only one where the alien invasive alga C. taxifolia was found, it did not show differences for rhizome growth in comparison to the other meadows. The second group was formed by meadows that had suffered past anthropogenic impacts: Arenzano and Monterosso al Mare. They showed higher rhizome growth rates (9.4-10.6 mmyear(-1)) and shoot densities between 200 and 100 shootsm(-2). At Arenzano, where "Haven" oil was stranded in April 1991, no rhizome older than 8 years was found, thus confirming the shoot mortality induced by the oil spill event. The two last meadows exhibited growth curves very different from all the others: Portovenere, is a shallow meadow where P. oceanica merely survives in an extremely degraded situation with highest rhizome growth rate (12 mmyear(-1)), the other, Riva Trigoso, is the only meadow implanted on rock and had the lowest growth rates (7.1 mm year(-1)).  相似文献   

In 1990, restrictions on the use of tributyltin (TBT)-based antifouling paints were implemented in Iceland. A previous study showed that the level of imposex in the dogwhelk, Nucella lapillus, in Icelandic waters had decreased significantly between 1992 and 1998. In this study, we repeated the survey on imposex in N. lapillus at 33 locations from the Icelandic coast in 2003. The results indicated that both Vas Deferens Sequence Index (VDSI) and Relative Penis Size Index (RPSI) had further declined in 13 locations since 1998. Among these 13 sites, RPSI was reduced to zero in five cases. While improvements from 1992/1993 to 1998 were seen in reduced levels of imposex near both large and small harbours, the pattern from 1998 to 2003 was somewhat different, with improvement mainly observed near smaller harbours. No significant changes in imposex levels near larger harbours occurred over this period. Although the imposex levels still remain high near the large harbour complexes in Reykjavík and Hafnarfjörður, it is evident that regulations, including the use of less toxic antifouling paints and community action, have lead to substantial improvements in the marine environment of Iceland. International Maritime Organisation’s ban on the application of TBT after 2003 is apparently necessary to allow further improvements in larger harbours. The environmental effects of new antifoulants replacing TBT need to be further evaluated.  相似文献   

Cloud water interception (CWI) occurs when cloud droplets are blown against the forest canopy, where they are retained on the vegetation surface, forming larger water droplets that drip into the forest floor. CWI was measured from 1 October 1997 to 30 September 1999, on a first‐line tree heath (Erica arborea), at Bica da Cana, Madeira Island. Rainfall was corrected for wind‐loss effect and compared with throughfall and other climatological normals. The CWI depletion rate along a forest stand transect was also analysed during three distinct fog events in 2008. Cloud water was 28 mm day?1, corresponding to 68% of total throughfall and 190% of the gross precipitation. Cloud water correlates directly with monthly normals of fog days and wind speed and correlates inversely with the monthly air temperature normal. CWI has an exponential correlation with monthly relative humidity normal. Cloud water capture depletion along the stand shows a logarithmic decrease. Although a forest stand does not directly relate to a first‐line tree heath, this study shows that CWI is a frequent phenomenon in the Paul da Serra massif. Restoration and protection of high altitude ecosystems in Madeira should be a priority, not only for biodiversity, ecological and economical purposes but also for its role in regional water resources. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to clarify the effect of ulvoid (Ulva spp.) accumulation on the structure and function of an eelgrass bed by the coast of Iwakuni, Seto Inland Sea, Japan. We monitored eelgrass shoot density and volume of ulvoid accumulation in the study site and evaluated effects of the accumulated ulvoid canopy on the percent survival, seedling density, growth rates, photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and carbon contents of eelgrass. Eelgrass shoot density decreased by the accumulation of ulvoid. Also, seedling density decreased by the increase in the ulvoid volumes. Shoot density, seedling density and leaf elongation were negatively correlated with ulvoid volume. Carbon contents in eelgrass decreased by the accumulation of ulvoid (canopy height: 25cm). These results suggest that accumulation of ulvoid bloom has significant negative impacts on the structure and function of eelgrass bed, i.e. decreases in vegetative shoot density, seedling density, shoot height and growth rate.  相似文献   

Different experimental conditions (fed large, fed small, starved large, starved small groups, batch offered ration during experiment and low fish loading for a constant volume of water) of the carnivorous fish Clarias batrachus resulted in marked changes in the concentration of different N species (ammonium-N, nitrate-N, nitrate-N, organic-N as well as the sum of all forms of N) in aquaria water. Organic forms of nitrogen were the most important species of nitrogen excreted by the test fish. The maintenance nitrogen excretion rate was distinctly higher in larger fishes than in smaller ones. Different species of N were found to differ significantly depending upon the fed or starved conditions as well as small or large groups. A reduced level of oxygen in experimental aquaria inhibited the synthesis of nitrate which was maximum in control aquaria with considerably higher values of oxygen.  相似文献   

Responses of the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis (L.) to suspended solids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the lethal and sublethal effects of suspended solids on the survival and physiological, behavourial and morphological changes of the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis collected from Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong. Results showed that P. viridis survived in all test conditions of suspended solids from 0 to 1200 mg/l over a period of 96 h. Physiological responses of the green-lipped mussel under 14-d exposure of suspended solids from 0 to 600 mg/l, followed by 14-d recovery in natural seawater, revealed no significant changes (p>0.05) in oxygen consumption and dry gonosomatic index for treatments in different concentrations of suspended solids and exposure time. Changes in clearance rate were only found to be significant (p<0.001) with exposure time. Responses in behavourial and morphological changes of the green-lipped mussel were also studied under similar experimental treatments and exposure time. Byssus production was significantly (p<0.001) related to exposure time. Gill damage, however, was significantly greater in treatments (p<0.001). Present findings suggested that P. viridis could tolerate a high level of suspended solids in the laboratory. There were dose-dependent effects of suspended solids on morphology of gill filaments. Implications of survival and responses of the green-lipped mussel to suspended solids in the marine environment are discussed.  相似文献   

Most of the mesotrophic to eutrophic lakes in central Europe have been showing signs of oligotrophication during recent years. The question as to how the fish populations would react to this new situation was investigated looking at the growth rate of roachRutilus rutilus (L.) of Lake Sarnen, central Switzerland. The water temperature sum as day-degrees over 12 to 13°C for the months of June to October was found to be the predominant factor governing the marked year-to-year fluctuations of the growth rate. Contrary to expectation, the decreasing trophic state of the lake has not yet manifested itself noticeably in the growth rate.  相似文献   

The feeding activity of adult roach (Rutilus rutilus), perch (Perca fluviatilis) and ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) was studied over a one year cycle to show trophic relations between fish and the prey communities in eutrophic Lake Aydat.Daily consumption rates were referred to the stock of the different age classes of fish. Seven food compartments (phytoplankton, macrophytes, Cladocera, Copepoda, macroinvertebrates, fish and sediment) were used by the fish. The main prey compartment ofR. rutilus were macroinvertebrates (39.7%), sediment (29.0%), macrophytes (15.4%) and phytoplankton (14.9%). Little zooplankton was consumed (2.4%).P. fluviatilis fed mainly on macroinvertebrates and fish fry (both 41.8%) and some zooplankton (15.0%). ForG. cernuus, macroinvertebrates dominated in the diet (97.4%). During spring, Bacillariophyceae and macroinvertebrates represented the principal preys. During summer, insect larvae, phytoplankton and macrophytes were the principal components of the diet. At the end of summer, macrofauna was scare and fish tended to move to the pelagic zone feeding on plankton. In autumn, the prey spectrum was large. During winter, sediment was the most important item consumed, together with some macroinvertebrates. The impact of this fish community through consumption is highest on macroinvertebrates (40.7%), flora (27.7%) and sediment (28.4%). The predation of these three fish on zooplankton was low (1% per day of the zooplankton biomass) and restricted to periods when the other items were scarce. Interspecific competition is not excluded for macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   

The growth rate of the Arctic charr,Salvelinus alpinus (L.), is exceptionally high in Lake Geneva; one of the highest every recorded. This can be explained by three factors: (1) the Arctic charr of Lake Geneva is the most southerly indigenous population in the world, (2) the trophic resources are important because of the eutrophication of the lake, (3) the fish density is low.  相似文献   

The common mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis was selected as unique biomonitor species to implement a regional monitoring programme, the CIESM Mediterranean Mussel Watch (MMW), in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. As of today, and upon standardization of the methodological approach, the MMW Network has been able to quantify (137)Cs levels in mussels from 60 coastal stations and to produce the first distribution map of this artificial radionuclide at the scale of the entire Mediterranean and Black Seas. While measured (137)Cs levels were found to be very low (usually < 1 Bq kg(-1) wet wt) (137)Cs activity concentrations in the Black Sea and North Aegean Sea were up to two orders of magnitude higher than those in the western Mediterranean Basin. Such effects, far from representing a threat to human populations or the environment, reflect a persistent signature of the Chernobyl fallout in this area.  相似文献   

Larvae of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) reared in tanks for 27 days survived better in lake water to which 2% of artificial sea water had been added (46.6% average survival rate) than in lake water only (13.5% survival). One week after hatching, over 90% of the larvae had their guts filled in all tanks. During the following week the populations divided into floaters (fish with an inflated swimbladder) and sinkers (fish apparently lacking a functional swim-bladder). Although they continued feeding, sinkers remained smaller than floaters and most of them died.  相似文献   

This study reports the occurrence of shell deformities in the Baltic clam Macoma balthica from the Northern Baltic Sea (Trösa Archipelago, Sweden). The functional significance and the bioindicative potential of observed exoskeleton’ anomalies was assessed using a suite of physiological and morphological biomarkers.Analyzed shell deformations (SD) included damages of the dorsal margin visible as shell excavations, destruction of the beak, umbo and hinge ligament and decreased shell’ transparency. Deformed clams exhibited worse physiological conditions and increased frequency of micronuclei. Skewed sex ratio towards male domination was observed in all studied populations. Spatial differences in the occurrence of deformed clams are reported, with more than 50% of deformed clams inhabiting polluted locations and 8% the reference station. These results are encouraging for the use of described SDs as initial and cost effective indicators of environmental health.  相似文献   

A centimeter-sized CaAl-rich inclusion, CAI 3643, in the Allende meteorite has preserved a record of its multiple stages of growth by condensation at high temperature. It consists of three distinct, concentric layers—core, mantle and crust. The open-textured core is composed of hibonite laths, interstitial melilite and voids, grains of alumina, and OsIr metal nuggets in the inner core that are complementary in composition to RuPt-rich nuggets in the outer core. The core formed out of rapidly-aggregated crystals from two episodes of condensation in the same gaseous reservoir. Mo and W depletions in the nuggets indicate condensation from a relatively oxidizing gas, with 60 times higherH/2OH2 than solar gas. The compact mantle of coarse melilite contains perovskite inclusions and rare NiFe metal and sulfide grains. The compact, fine-grained crust consists of melilite, hibonite, spinel, perovskite, and opaques similar to those in the mantle. Neither mantle nor crust has been molten; each grew by condensation of solids directly onto the surface of the CAI. The formed CAI experienced some metamorphic recrystallization of melilite, and volatile alteration producing grossular, feldspathoids and hercynite. Trace element analyses of perovskites and a bulk sample show the mantle and crust to be depleted in refractory elements (i.e. Group II) and complementary to the ultra-refractory core. Despite differences in texture and composition, the core, mantle and crust display a continuity in their modal mineralogical compositions, their extreme Al2O3 enrichments (53–69% cf. 25–45% for other CAI's) and their trace element complementarity. This implies that all the layers of 3643 formed from the same cooling gaseous reservoir within a limited interval of time and space, consistent with an origin in a local, transient heating event in the CV chondrite formation region of the nebula.  相似文献   

Different sizes of the dogwhelk Nucella lapillus were collected from eight locations along the southwest and north coasts of Iceland. Concentrations of total metallothioneins (MTs) and heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Cr, Mn, Ni, and Zn) were analysed using the silver saturation method and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. The level of tributyltin (TBT) contamination was also assessed using imposex indices, the vas deferens stage index (VDSI) and relative penis size index (RPSI). Gufunes N. lapillus presented the highest values of VDSI (4.0) and RPSI (11.1), followed by Grenivík individuals (VDSI = 3.0; RPSI = 0.9), while the Strandakirkja population showed the lowest VDSI (0.3) and zero RPSI. At a standardised size (0.25 g dry soft-body weight), Grenivík N. lapillus exhibited significantly higher concentrations of all metals whereas overall metal concentrations were significantly lower in individuals from Strandakirkja and Garðskagi compared to other study sites. Partial correlation analyses with size correction indicated that MT concentrations were better correlated with Cd and Cu concentrations than with other metals. At the standard size, the pattern of MT concentrations in N. lapillus from different sites was, however, very different from those of metal profiles. Such discrepancies between the patterns of MT and metals in N. lapillus might be explained by the fact that MT induction could be influenced by various factors such as temperature, dietary metal intake, growth rate and co-existence of other MT-inducing chemicals.  相似文献   

This study attempts to understand the dependence on abiotic factors and on the biotic process of the population development. We used three spatial point process models (Poisson, Area-Interaction and shot-noise Cox processes) in both homogenous and inhomogeneous versions to model the distribution of three Carex remota cohorts in wet zones of a temperate forest in the north of Spain. The cohorts studied were adults and seedlings born in two consecutive years. With the use of these models we are able to simulate separately and jointly the effect on plant distribution of a homogeneous or heterogeneous habitat, and the absence or presence of some biotic processes, as seed dispersal and/or density-dependent interactions. The result of the bivariate function analysis does not reveal sufficient evidences, but suggests a weak positive relation between adults and seedlings that survived a dry period in the first summer. Models from the three cohorts show a decreasing degree of clustering from seedlings to adults. Besides, the results show that the importance of the main factors that explain the population structure changes along the development of Carex stages. Compared to seedlings, the adults pattern shows an increasing dependence on abiotic factors.  相似文献   

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