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Seismic surveys successfully imaged a small scale CO2 injection (1,600 ton) conducted in a brine aquifer of the Frio Formation near Houston, Texas. These time-lapse borehole seismic surveys, crosswell and vertical seismic profile (VSP), were acquired to monitor the CO2 distribution using two boreholes (the new injection well and a pre-existing well used for monitoring) which are 30 m apart at a depth of 1,500 m. The crosswell survey provided a high-resolution image of the CO2 distribution between the wells via tomographic imaging of the P-wave velocity decrease (up to 500 m/s). The simultaneously acquired S-wave tomography showed little change in S-wave velocity, as expected for fluid substitution. A rock physics model was used to estimate CO2 saturations of 10–20% from the P-wave velocity change. The VSP survey resolved a large (∼70%) change in reflection amplitude for the Frio horizon. This CO2 induced reflection amplitude change allowed estimation of the CO2 extent beyond the monitor well and on three azimuths. The VSP result is compared with numerical modeling of CO2 saturations and is seismically modeled using the velocity change estimated in the crosswell survey.  相似文献   

CO2-enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is an upcoming technology in India. At present, no Indian field is under CO2-EOR and implementation of this technique to a mature oil field needs a rigorous study. In the present work, we made an attempt to investigate the CO2-EOR potential of a mature oil field, situated in Cambay Basin, India. The field was put on production in 1961, and it has produced approximately 65.36 MMt oil during massive water flooding, leading to residual oil reserves of 6.49 MMt. The operator of the field is interested in incremental oil recovery from this field by injecting CO2. This requires estimation of incremental oil recovery potential of the field by carrying out systematic study. We, therefore, developed a conceptual model inspired by Ankleshwar oil field of Cambay Basin using available information provided by the field operator and carried out systematic studies to establish an optimized strategy for CO2 injection. To achieve this goal, we investigated the effect of various operational parameters on oil recovery efficiency of our conceptual model and selected optimum parameters for reservoir simulations. Simulation results clearly indicate that the field can be a good candidate for CO2-EOR, and an additional oil recovery of 10.4% of hydrocarbon pore volume is feasible. Major outcome of the study is an optimized black-oil simulation model, which is in good agreement with the fine grid compositional model of high accuracy. The proposed black-oil model can easily be implemented and updated compared with compute intensive finer compositional simulation model.  相似文献   

对具有多层含水结构的哈密盆地地下水系统, 提出了一类考虑弱透水层弹性释水作用的地下水流耦合数学模型。利用实际资料的数值模拟结果表明, 与忽略弱透水层弹性释水作用的数学模型相比, 其精度提高、更符合实际的水文地质条件, 为定量评价多层越流系统地下水资源提供了一种实用可靠的数值方法。  相似文献   

The utilization of anthropogenic CO2 for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) can significantly extend the production life of an oil field, and help in the reduction of atmospheric emission of anthropogenic CO2 if sequestration is considered. This work summarizes the prospect of EOR and sequestration using CO2 flooding from an Indian mature oil field at Cambay basin through numerical modelling, simulation and pressure study based on limited data provided by the operator. To get an insight into CO2-EOR and safe storage process in this oil field, a conceptual sector model is developed and screening standard is proposed keeping in mind the major pay zone of the producing reservoir. To construct the geomodel, depth maps, well positions and coordinates, well data and well logs, perforation depths and distribution of petrophysical properties as well as fluid properties provided by the operator, has been considered. Based on the results from the present study, we identified that the reservoir has the potential for safe and economic geological sequestration of 15.04×106 metric ton CO2 in conjunction with a substantial increase in oil recovery of 10.4% of original oil in place. CO2-EOR and storage in this mature field has a bright application prospect since the findings of the present work could be a better input to manage the reservoir productivity, and the pressure field for significant enhancement of oil recovery followed by safe storage.  相似文献   

This study focused on the target injection layers of deep saline aquifers in the Shiqianfeng Fm. in the Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) Demonstration Projects in the Ordos Basin, northwestern China. The study employed a combination method of experiments and numerical simulation to investigate the dissolution mechanism and impact factors of CO2 in these saline aquifers. The results showed (1) CO2 solubility in different types of water chemistry were shown in ascending order: MgCl2-type water < CaCl2-type water < Na2SO4-type water < NaCl-type water < Na2CO3-type water < distilled water. These results were consistent with the calculated results undertaken by TOUGHREACT with about 5% margin of error. CO2 solubility of Shiqianfeng Fm. saline was 1.05 mol/L; (2) compared with distilled water, the more complex the water’s chemical composition, the greater the increase in HCO3 ?concentration. While the water’s composition was relatively simple, the tested water’s HCO3 ?concentrations were in close accord with the calculated value undertaken by the TOUGHREACT code, and the more complex the water’s composition, the poorer the agreement was, probably due to the complex and unstable HCO3 ? complicating matters when in an aqueous solution system including both tested HCO3 ?concentration and calculated HCO3 ?concentration; (3) the CO2 solubility in the saline at the temperature conditions of 55 °C and 70 °C were 1.17 and 1.02 mol/L. When compared with the calculated value of 1.20 and 1.05 mol/L, they were almost the same with only 1 and 3% margin of error; concentrations of HCO3 ? were 402.73 mg/L (0.007 mol/L) and 385.65 mg/L (0.006 mol/L), while the simulation results were 132.16 mg/L (0.002 mol/L) and 128.52 mg/L (0.002 mol/L). From the contrast between the tested data and the calculated data undertaken by the TOUGHREACT code, it was shown that TOUGHRACT code could better simulate the interaction between saline and CO2 in the dissolution sequestration capacity. Therefore, TOUGHREACT code could be used for the inter-process prediction of CO2 long-term geological storage of CO2; (4) The Ca2+ concentration and SO4 2?concentration in saline water had less effect on the solubility of CO2 and HCO3 ?concentration. In addition, TDS and pH values of saline affected not only the solubility of CO2, but also the conversion of CO2 to HCO3 ? due to that they can affect the activity and acid-base balance. So in fact, we just need to consider that the TDS and pH values are main impact factors in the dissolution sequestration capacity of CO2 geological sequestration in deep saline aquifers.  相似文献   

CO2 geological storage is a transitional technology for the mitigation of climate change. In the vicinity of potential CO2 reservoirs in Hungary, protected freshwater aquifers used for drinking water supplies exist. Effects of disaster events of CO2 escape and brine displacement to one of these aquifers have been studied by kinetic 1D reactive transport modelling in PHREEQC. Besides verifying that ion concentrations in the freshwater may increase up to drinking water limit values in both scenarios (CO2 or brine leakage), total porosity of the rock is estimated. Pore volume is expected to increase at the entry point of CO2 and to decrease at further distances, whereas it shows minor increase along the flow path for the effect of brine inflow. Additionally, electrical conductivity of water is estimated and suggested to be the best parameter to measure for cost-effective monitoring of both worst-case leakage scenarios.  相似文献   

In this work 3-[2-(2-aminoethylamino)ethylamino]propyl trimethoxysilane (TRI) was employed to functionalize MWCNT containing hydroxyl groups (OH-MWCNT), and the XRD, FTIR, TGA and CHNS elemental analysis techniques were used to characterize the resulted adsorbents. The characterization results for amine-MWCNT showed amine groups effectively attached to the surface of the MWCNT. The equilibrium adsorption capacity of pure CO2 and CH4 and their binary mixture on the pristine MWCNT, OH-MWCNT and amine-MWCNT was measured through a set of equilibrium adsorption experiments at 303.2 and 318.2 K. Capacities of all three types of adsorbents for CO2 adsorption were higher than those for methane adsorption. Also, amine-MWCNT demonstrated better performance on CO2 adsorption than the other two adsorbents, especially at low partial pressures. The capacity of amine-MWCNT for pure CO2 adsorption was 2.5 and 4 times as much as those for pristine MWCNT and OH-MWCNT, respectively, at the temperature of 303.2 K and the pressure of 0.2 bar. The binary adsorption experiment revealed that CO2/CH4 selectivity for pristine MWCNT and amine-MWCNT in all molar fractions of CO2 is about 1.77 and 7, respectively.  相似文献   

Modeling geological carbon storage represents a new and substantial challenge for the subsurface geosciences. To increase understanding and make good engineering decisions, containment processes and large-scale storage operations must be simulated in a thousand-year perspective. Large differences in spatial and temporal scales make it prohibitively expensive to compute the fate of injected CO2 using traditional 3D simulators. Instead, accurate forecast can be computed using simplified models that are adapted to the specific setting of the bouyancy-driven migration of the light fluid phase. This paper presents a family of vertically integrated models for studying the combined large-scale and long-term effects of structural, residual, and solubility trapping of CO2. The models are based on an assumption of a sharp interface separating CO2 and brine and can provide a detailed inventory of the injected CO2 volumes over periods of thousands of years within reasonable computational time. To be compatible with simulation tools used in industry, the models are formulated in a black-oil framework. The models are implemented in MRST-co2lab, which is an open community software developed especially to study and optimize large-scale, long-term geological storage of CO2. The resulting simulators are fully implicit and handle input from standard geomodeling tools.  相似文献   

A field facility located in Bozeman, Montana provides the opportunity to test methods to detect, locate, and quantify potential CO2 leakage from geologic storage sites. From 9 July to 7 August 2008, 0.3 t CO2 day−1 were injected from a 100-m long, ~2.5-m deep horizontal well. Repeated measurements of soil CO2 fluxes on a grid characterized the spatio-temporal evolution of the surface leakage signal and quantified the surface leakage rate. Infrared CO2 concentration sensors installed in the soil at 30 cm depth at 0–10 m from the well and at 4 cm above the ground at 0 and 5 m from the well recorded surface breakthrough of CO2 leakage and migration of CO2 leakage through the soil. Temporal variations in CO2 concentrations were correlated with atmospheric and soil temperature, wind speed, atmospheric pressure, rainfall, and CO2 injection rate.  相似文献   

Geological storage of CO2 in the offshore Gippsland Basin, Australia, is being investigated by the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) as a possible method for storing the very large volumes of CO2 emissions from the nearby Latrobe Valley area. A storage capacity of about 50 million tonnes of CO2 per annum for a 40-year injection period is required, which will necessitate several individual storage sites to be used both sequentially and simultaneously, but timed such that existing hydrocarbon assets will not be compromised. Detailed characterisation focussed on the Kingfish Field area as the first site to be potentially used, in the anticipation that this oil field will be depleted within the period 2015–2025. The potential injection targets are the interbedded sandstones of the Paleocene-Eocene upper Latrobe Group, regionally sealed by the Lakes Entrance Formation. The research identified several features to the offshore Gippsland Basin that make it particularly favourable for CO2 storage. These include: a complex stratigraphic architecture that provides baffles which slow vertical migration and increase residual gas trapping and dissolution; non-reactive reservoir units that have high injectivity; a thin, suitably reactive, lower permeability marginal reservoir just below the regional seal providing mineral trapping; several depleted oil fields that provide storage capacity coupled with a transient production-induced flow regime that enhances containment; and long migration pathways beneath a competent regional seal. This study has shown that the Gippsland Basin has sufficient capacity to store very large volumes of CO2. It may provide a solution to the problem of substantially reducing greenhouse gas emissions from future coal developments in the Latrobe Valley.  相似文献   

Careful site characterization is critical for successful geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) because of the many physical and chemical processes impacting CO2 movement and containment under field conditions. Traditional site characterization techniques such as geological mapping, geophysical imaging, well logging, core analyses, and hydraulic well testing provide the basis for judging whether or not a site is suitable for CO2 storage. However, only through the injection and monitoring of CO2 itself can the coupling between buoyancy flow, geologic heterogeneity, and history-dependent multi-phase flow effects be observed and quantified. CO2 injection and monitoring can therefore provide a valuable addition to the site-characterization process. Additionally, careful monitoring and verification of CO2 plume development during the early stages of commercial operation should be performed to assess storage potential and demonstrate permanence. The Frio brine pilot, a research project located in Dayton, Texas (USA) is used as a case study to illustrate the concept of an iterative sequence in which traditional site characterization is used to prepare for CO2 injection and then CO2 injection itself is used to further site-characterization efforts, constrain geologic storage potential, and validate understanding of geochemical and hydrological processes. At the Frio brine pilot, in addition to traditional site-characterization techniques, CO2 movement in the subsurface is monitored by sampling fluid at an observation well, running CO2-saturation-sensitive well logs periodically in both injection and observation wells, imaging with crosswell seismic in the plane between the injection and observation wells, and obtaining vertical seismic profiles to monitor the CO2 plume as it migrates beyond the immediate vicinity of the wells. Numerical modeling plays a central role in integrating geological, geophysical, and hydrological field observations.  相似文献   

A numerical model was developed to investigate the potential to detect fluid migration in a (homogeneous, isotropic, with constant pressure lateral boundaries) porous and permeable interval overlying an imperfect primary seal of a geologic CO2 storage formation. The seal imperfection was modeled as a single higher-permeability zone in an otherwise low-permeability seal, with the center of that zone offset from the CO2 injection well by 1400 m. Pressure response resulting from fluid migration through the high-permeability zone was detectable up to 1650 m from the centroid of that zone at the base of the monitored interval after 30 years of CO2 injection (detection limit = 0.1 MPa pressure increase); no pressure response was detectable at the top of the monitored interval at the same point in time. CO2 saturation response could be up to 774 m from the center of the high-permeability zone at the bottom of the monitored interval, and 1103 m at the top (saturation detection limit = 0.01). More than 6% of the injected CO2, by mass, migrated out of primary containment after 130 years of site performance (including 30 years of active injection) in the case where the zone of seal imperfection had a moderately high permeability (10??17 m2 or 0.01 mD). Free-phase CO2 saturation monitoring at the top of the overlying interval provides favorable spatial coverage for detecting fluid migration across the primary seal. Improved sensitivity of detection for pressure perturbation will benefit time of detection above an imperfect seal.  相似文献   

A regional scale, showcase saline aquifer CO2 storage model from the North German Basin is presented, predicting the regional pressure impact of a small industrial scale CO2 storage operation on its surroundings. The intention of the model is to bridge the gap between generic and site-specific, studying the role of fluid flow boundary conditions and petrophysical parameters typically found in the North German Basin. The numerical simulation has been carried out using two different numerical simulators, whose results matched well. The most important system parameters proved to be the model’s hydrological boundary conditions, rock compressibility, and permeability. In open boundary aquifers, injection-induced overpressures dissipate back to hydrostatic level within a few years. If a geological flow barrier is present on at least one side of the aquifer, pressure dissipation is seriously retarded. In fully closed compartments, overpressures can never fully dissipate, but equilibrate to a compartment-wide remnant overpressure. At greater distances to the injection well, maximum fluid pressures are in the range of a few bar only, and reached several years to decades after the end of the actual injection period. This is important in terms of long-term safety and monitoring considerations. Regional pressure increase impacts the storage capacities of neighbouring sites within hydraulically connected units. It can be concluded that storage capacities may be seriously over- or underestimated when the focus is on a single individual storage site. It is thus necessary to assess the joint storage capacities and pressure limitations of potential sites within the same hydraulic unit.  相似文献   

CO2 pilot injection studies, with site-specific geologic assessment and engineering reservoir design, can be instrumental for demonstrating both incremental enhanced oil recovery and permanent geologic storage of greenhouse gases. The purpose of this paper is to present the geologic and reservoir analyses in support of a field pilot test that will evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of commercial-scale CO2-enhanced oil recovery to increase oil recovery and extend the productive life of the Citronelle Oil Field, the largest conventional oil field in Alabama (SE USA). Screening of reservoir depth, oil gravity, reservoir pressure, reservoir temperature, and oil composition indicates that the Cretaceous-age Donovan sand, which has produced more than 169 × 106 bbl in Citronelle Oil Field, is amenable to miscible CO2 flooding. The project team has selected an 81 ha (200 ac) 5-spot test site with one central gas injector, two producers, and two initially temporarily abandoned production wells that are now in production. Injection is planned in two separate phases, each consisting of 6,804 t (7,500 short tons) of food-grade CO2. The Citronelle Unit B-19-10 #2 well (Permit No. 3232) is the CO2 injector for the first injection test. The 14-1 and 16-2 sands of the upper Donovan are the target zones. These sandstone units consist of fine to medium-grained sandstone that is enveloped by variegated mudstone. Both of these sandstone units were selected based on the distribution of perforated zones in the test pattern, production history, and the ability to correlate individual sandstone units in geophysical well logs. The pilot injections will evaluate the applicability of tertiary oil recovery to Citronelle Field and will provide a large volume of information on the pressure response of the reservoirs, the mobility of fluids, time to breakthrough, and CO2 sweep efficiency. The results of the pilot injections will aid in the formulation of commercial-scale reservoir management strategies that can be applied to Citronelle Field and other geologically heterogeneous oil fields and the design of similar pilot injection projects.  相似文献   

A generalized cubic equation of state is given. The Peng-Robinson and the Soave-Redlich-Kwong equations are special cases of this equation. The generalized equation of state is precisely as simple and computationally efficient as these classical equations. Through comparison with the Span-Wagner equation for CO 2, we obtain an improved density accuracy in predefined temperature-pressure domains. The generalized equation is then verified through two relevant examples of CO 2 injection and migration. Comparisons are made with other standard cubic EOS in order to show the range of solutions obtained with less accurate EOS.  相似文献   

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