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In Algeria, the climate change in recent decades has a negative impact on water resources. The goal of this study is to determine the influence of these hazards on surface water resources in the basin of Macta (Northwest of Algeria). The study of climatic pulsations is implemented from the climate coefficient changes and its moving averages over 3 years. Variations of this coefficient based on years, for the period 1949–1973, show an alternation of wet and dry years. Starting from 1973, a very dry period of more than 20 years was installed in the basin, with deficits ranging from 22% to 72%. The consequences of the surface water deficit can damage the environmental balance and consequently affect the various human activities that are directly or indirectly related to the use of these resources.  相似文献   

This work describes the climate change impact study on rainfall patterns in Macta watershed, located in the northwest of Algeria. The monthly rainfall data collection, verification and validation have built a database with 42 stations, each with 42 years of observations from 1970 to 2011. The study of annual total rainfall has identified a downward trend and quantifies the deficits that are within the observation time series. The division of the annual rainfall series into four periods allowed to highlighting the increase in inter-year temporal variability with the coefficient of variation increases from 17 to 27%. The study shows an annual rainfall deficit increment from 13 to 25%. The standard deviation values decrease significantly for the last two periods showing a spatial variability. Multivariate statistical study by the hierarchical clustering method resulted in the formation of station groups indicating the unification of monthly rainfall patterns.  相似文献   

New field measurement techniques are allowing researchers to better understand how surficial properties affect the temporal and spatial variability of dust emissions. In this paper we review the current understanding of the dust emission process and present new field measurements that examine how three surface properties: roughness, crust strength, and temporal changes of surface properties affect dust emissions. These data were collected using three unique measurement systems developed by our team. Roughness exerts considerable control on the entrainment threshold and emissions of dust from a surface. We have carried out a series of experiments designed to quantify roughness effects on aeolian sediment entrainment and transport in a shear stress partitioning framework. Our results show that the model of Raupach et al. (1993) provides very good agreement with available data to predict the amount of shearing stress on the intervening surface among roughness elements, relatively independent of their size and distribution. However, element size affects the aeolian sediment transport process beyond that attributable only to the reduction of surface shear stress caused by the roughness. Additional interactions of the elements with the saltation cloud appear to reduce the transport efficiency and potentially dust emissions as well. The effect of crust strength on dust emissions was assessed using a newly-developed pin penetrometer, which can measure crust strength in-situ. Previous researchers suggested that variation in crust strength even within a small area could lead to considerable spatial variability in dust emissions. Our measurements showed that crust strength is highly variable over a scale of centimeters. This variability may help to explain some of the observed scatter in field measurements of dust emissions for what appear to be homogeneous surfaces. Variability of dust emissions in time and space was also evaluated using a new instrument, the Portable In-Situ Wind Erosion Lab (PI-SWERL) developed to measure dust emissions from soil surfaces.  相似文献   

Many coastal tideland areas in southern Hangzhou Gulf in Zhejiang Province of China have been successively enclosed and reclaimed for agricultural land uses under a series of reclamation projects over the past 30 years. The variability of soil salinity was considerably great and an understanding of the temporal and spatial components of soil salinity variability is essential before decisions can be made about the feasibility of site-specific management. In this paper, a 5.35-ha field reclaimed in 1996 was selected as the study site and 112 bulk electrical conductivity (ECb) measurements were performed in situ by a hand held device in the topsoil (0–20 cm) at regular 20-m intervals across the field over a two-year period. Conventional statistics and geostatistical techinques were used to assess the spatial variability and temporal stability of soil-salinity distribution. The results indicated high coefficients of variation in topsoil salinity over the three samplings. Simple mean ECb comparison revealed that soil salinity increased from winter to spring. Kriged contour maps showed the spatial trend of salinity distribution and revealed the consistently high and low salinity areas of the field. In percentage terms, the proportions of the moderately saline class, strongly saline class, and extremely saline class were 37, 39, and 24%, respectively. Temporal stability map indicated that more than 60% of the study field was determined as the stable class. Based on the spatial and temporal characteristics, a similarity assessment map was created, which presented 5 homogenous sub-zones, each with different characteristics that can have an impact on the way the field is managed. It was concluded that saline soil land might be managed in a site-specific way based on the clearly defined management sub-regions within the field.  相似文献   

程红战  陈健  胡之锋  黄珏皓 《岩土力学》2018,39(8):3047-3054
采用传统研究方法对盾构开挖面稳定性的分析多基于土体是均质、各向同性材料的假设,显然与其本身的非均质性相违背。为此,开展了考虑土体抗剪强度参数的空间变异性对盾构开挖面稳定性的影响研究。在随机场理论的基础上,采用协方差矩阵分解法建立了描述砂土内摩擦角空间变异性的三维随机场模型,借助于数值分析软件平台研究了内摩擦角的变异系数、自相关距离对开挖面失稳模式、极限支护应力的影响规律,并采用概率分析法探讨了极限支护应力特征值的选取。结果表明:砂土内摩擦角的空间变异性对开挖面稳定性有重要的影响;随内摩擦角的变异系数的增大,极限支护应力的概率分布离散性越大;开挖面失稳模式与自相关距离的大小密切相关,当自相关距离与隧道直径比较接近时,开挖面可能出现局部失稳;提出了开挖面极限支护应力特征值的概念,并结合失稳概率给出了其初步确定方法。  相似文献   

黄淮海流域旱涝时空分布及组合特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黄淮海流域及其周边地区204个气象站点1961-2010年逐日降水过程资料、国家1:25万DEM数据和1:20万土地利用数据为基础,在利用降水Z指数对黄淮海流域旱涝进行评价的基础上,采用下垫面数据对结果进行修正,并分析黄淮海流域旱涝面积的时间变化特征,对黄淮海地区的易旱区、易涝区进行了划分,进一步选取集对分析法划分了流域内季节间旱涝交替的易发区。结果表明:黄淮海流域内夏秋两季旱涝问题较为严重,且秋旱面积上升趋势较为明显;黄河和海河流域以干旱居多,淮河则是干旱和雨涝并存,季节间的旱涝交替多集中在淮河流域中上游地区。  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Ougda magmatic complex occurs within platformal carbonate rocks in the western part of the Pan-African fold belt of the Tuareg shield (NW Africa). It is composed of - 800 Ma old, relatively high P-T (i.e., Grt + Cpx-bearing: P > 5 kbar; T≈900'Q, tholeiitic mafic/ultramafic cumulates and related rocks intruded by intermediate to mafic calcalkali plutons (e.g., Cpx+Hbl-bearing gabbro) and dikes. Apparent contrasts in structural level of crystallization indicate that the calc-alkali rocks are significantly younger than the tholeiites, which temporally correlate with a period of regional extension in this part of Africa. Intrusion of the calc-alkali rocks may have occurred during the formation of an arc after the tholeiitic rocks had been (diapirically?) emplaced within the shelf carbonates, and prior to (> 630 Ma) the Pan-African orogeny. Data reported herein indicate that the Ougda complex records the inception and demise of a Neoproterozoic ocean basin. Similar crustal sections have been described from collisional (e.g., Aleutian islands) and extensional (e.g., Ivreä-Verbano zone) settings, indicating that processes operating in both environments can generate nearly indistinguishable igneous suites; the prevalence of shallow-level calc-alkali rocks in both settings may mask the presence of more mafic, tholeiitic rocks at depth.  相似文献   

贾翔  李琪 《冰川冻土》2020,42(2):716-726
冬季牲畜宿营地是游牧过程中牲畜和人共同休憩的场所。通过解译提孜那甫河流域2000年、 2010年和2018年的Landsat影像, 提取相应时期的冬季牲畜宿营地信息, 探究近18年来宿营地的时空变化特征。结果表明: 研究区冬季牲畜宿营地由2000年的306处增至2018年的712处, 其数量和面积增加显著; 宿营地分布热点区由中部向东西向扩散, 冷点区沿西北 - 东南方向蔓延; 宿营地分布于海拔2 100~3 000 m的水草条件较好的缓坡区域, 由阴坡逐渐向阳坡过渡, 向居民点方向迁移, 与道路的距离呈两级分化的趋势, 冰雪融水是牲畜和牧民的主要水源; 人口、 载畜量、 NDVI和农村公路密度是冬季牲畜宿营地时空变化的最主要驱动力因素。鉴于牧民相对恶劣的生产生活现状, 建议应因地制宜, 增加和改善露营基础设施, 助力脱贫攻坚。  相似文献   

Models are the only tools capable of predicting the evolution of groundwater systems at a regional scale, by taking into account a large amount of information. This study presents the association of a water balance model (WetSpass) with a groundwater flow and solute transport model (SUFT3D, saturated and unsaturated flow and transport in 3D) in order to simulate the present and future groundwater quality in terms of nitrate in the Upper Dyle basin (439 km2) Belgium. The HFEMC (hybrid finite element mixing cell) method implemented in the SUFT3D code is used to model groundwater flow and nitrate transport. Spatially distributed recharge, modelled with WetSpass, is considered for prescribing the recharge to the groundwater flow model. The feasibility of linking the WetSpass model with the finite-elements SUFT3D code is demonstrated. Time evolution and distribution of nitrate concentration are then simulated using the calibrated model. Nitrate inputs are spatially distributed according to land use. The spatial simulations and temporal trends are compared with previously published data on this aquifer and show good results.  相似文献   


Drought monitoring is carried out using various drought indices, including SPI, to generate time series of dry and wet periods. Furthermore, the dispersion of dry and wet periods was embossed with different intensities (high, medium, and low) over the data record years. Although these results were very necessary for planning and predicting future droughts, it appeared that the application of any trend over dry and wet periods could provide more accurate and unbiased or safer predictions in terms of analysis process. Generally, most of the researchers believed that the results of a drought trend analysis have been influenced by short-term persistence or significant autocorrelation with different lags on drought event time series and the mentioned impact should be preferably removed. Accordingly, drought monitoring was accomplished using SPI and PNPI drought indices to extract time series of dry and wet periods in terms of 50-year (1965–2014) annual rainfall data of 40 synoptic stations over Iran. Having used the basic and modified Mann–Kendall nonparametric tests, it was attempted to analyze the trend of dry and wet periods extracted from mentioned indices. The results represent the relative advantage of using the modified Mann–Kendall test in drought trend analysis. Furthermore, it was shown that the trend of dry and wet periods was negative in the majority of selected stations and that this trend was significant at 95% confidence level in northwest of Iran. Also, the results indicated the similar performance of SPI and PNPI indices in trend analysis of dry and wet periods.


Trends in the spatial distribution of chlorophylla (chla) and colloidal and total carbohydrates on the Molenplaat tidal flat in the Westerschelde estuary, Netherlands, reflected spatial differences in physical properties of the sediment. Results from a Spearman Rank Order Correlation indicated that many of the physical and biological measures covaried. Multiple regression analyses describing the relationship between colloidal carbohydrates and sediment properties resulted in several highly significant equations, although in all cases chla was able to predict colloidal carbohydrate content. Relationships between sediment surface chla and colloidal carbohydrate, and sediment erodibility (i.e., critical erosion threshold, Ucrit, and mass of sediment eroded at a velocity of 30 cm s?1) determined in annular flume experiments were examined. Overall sediment erodibility was lowest (i.e., high thresholds, low mass eroded) for the siltiest sediments in June 1996 when chla and colloidal carbohydrates were high (56.9 μg gDW?1 and 320.6 μg gluc.equ. gDW?1, respectively), and greatest (i.e., low thresholds, high mass eroded) at the sandier sediments in September 1996, when chla and colloidal carbohydrates were low (1.0 μg gDW?1 and 5.7 μg gluc.equ. gDW?1, respectively). When sediments were grouped according to relative silt content, the most significant relationships were found in muddy sand with a finegrained fraction (<63 μm) of 25–50%. Thresholds of erosion increased, while mass of sediment eroded decreased, with increasing chla and colloidal carbohydrate. A similar trend was observed for the sand-muddy sand (63 μm 10–25%). In the sand (63 μm 0–10%), there were no relationships for Ucrit, whereas mass eroded appeared to increase with increasing chla and colloidal carbohydrate. The increased carbohydrate may stick sand grains together, altering the nature of erosion from rolling grains to clumps of resuspension.  相似文献   

为了探究平朔矿区所在流域不同水体同位素的时空变化规律,揭示采煤活动下区域水循环规律,于2020年8月和12月对流域内地表水、地下水和矿井水进行采样,测试样品的D和18O同位素组成,并利用贝叶斯混合模型MixSIAR计算了矿井水不同来源的贡献率。结果表明:(1)地表水和矿井水δD和δ18O夏季较冬季高;地下水δD和δ18O季节差异不明显。地表水氢氧同位素值沿程呈增加趋势,但局部受到矿井水的补给,出现贫化;地下水氢氧同位素值沿径流方向呈逐渐增加趋势。(2)采煤区氢氧同位素值较非采煤区明显增加。受季节效应影响,在空间分布上8月浅层地下水氢氧同位素高值区域较12月明显增多。(3)δ18O与δD关系图表明,地表水在接受大气降水的补给之后受到了蒸发分馏作用的影响;浅层地下水的补给源较复杂,深层地下水由于采煤形成的导水裂隙带受到了浅层地下水和地表水的补给;矿井水受地表水、浅层地下水和深层地下水的补给。(4) MixSIAR模型揭示出深层地下水是矿井水的主要补给来源,占61.60%~67.20%,且补给比例冬季大于...  相似文献   

潘北斗 《地质与勘探》2022,58(3):532-544
在具有较多已知矿床(点)的区域,从矿床(点)的空间分布模式中可以挖掘出成矿过程的重要信息,这些信息对于认识区域成矿规律、指导区域找矿具有重要意义。不同矿床类型之间的空间关联,通常都是通过结合地质和成矿规律定性分析来研究,缺少定量、精确的研究方法。针对这个问题,本文提出了一种定量分析不同矿床(点)类型之间空间关联的方法—基于ROC曲线的矿床空间关系挖掘方法。该方法采用数据分析中常用的ROC曲线,通过构建矿床空间点缓冲区,利用GIS软件计算得到ROC曲线和曲线下面积AUC以及Youden指数等相关参数,利用ROC曲线和AUC等参数定量探讨不同矿床类型之间的空间关联。通过网络分析对不同矿床类型之间的空间关系定量指标进行可视化,通过社团检测算法找出众多不同矿床类型中存在较强关联关系的矿床类型群组。以中南半岛矿床点的空间分布为实例进行研究,挖掘出了该研究区9种主要矿床类型之间的空间关联规律。结果表明,研究区的热液型Pb矿、热液型Cu矿、热液型Pb-Zn矿、砂矿型Au矿四种主要矿床类型之间存在较强空间关联(AUC值0.74~0.88),在空间上相互靠近,相伴产出。热液型Sn矿、砂矿型Sn两类之间关联关系强烈(AUC值0.62~0.79)。热液型Au矿、热液型Fe矿、热液型Sb矿的空间分布模式较为独立,与其他矿床类型之间关联较弱。利用本文提出的方法可以定量挖掘出区域上不同矿床类型之间的空间关联关系,为区域成矿研究和找矿实践提供重要信息。  相似文献   

Quantifying the spatial and temporal distribution of natural groundwater recharge is usually a prerequisite for effective groundwater modeling and management. As flow models become increasingly utilized for management decisions, there is an increased need for simple, practical methods to delineate recharge zones and quantify recharge rates. Existing models for estimating recharge distributions are data intensive, require extensive parameterization, and take a significant investment of time in order to establish. The Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey (WGNHS) has developed a simple daily soil–water balance (SWB) model that uses readily available soil, land cover, topographic, and climatic data in conjunction with a geographic information system (GIS) to estimate the temporal and spatial distribution of groundwater recharge at the watershed scale for temperate humid areas. To demonstrate the methodology and the applicability and performance of the model, two case studies are presented: one for the forested Trout Lake watershed of north central Wisconsin, USA and the other for the urban-agricultural Pheasant Branch Creek watershed of south central Wisconsin, USA. Overall, the SWB model performs well and presents modelers and planners with a practical tool for providing recharge estimates for modeling and water resource planning purposes in humid areas.
Resumen La cuantificación de la distribución espacial y temporal de la recarga natural de agua subterránea es un requisito previo para una modelación y una gestión efectivas de las aguas subterráneas. Dado que se está incrementando el uso de los modelos de flujo para la toma de decisiones de gestión, existe una necesidad creciente de métodos simples y prácticos para delimitar las zonas de recarga y cuantificar los rangos de la misma. Los modelos existentes para la estimación de la distribución de la recarga requieren datos intensivos, una parametrización extensiva y una inversión de tiempo significativa para ser establecidos. El Servicio Geológico y de Historioa Natural de Wisconsin (WGNHS) ha desarrollado un modelo simple de balance diario de agua en el suelo (SWB) que usa de forma sencilla datos disponibles de suelo, de cobertera, topográficos y climáticos conjuntamente con un Sistema de Información Geográfica (GIS) para estimar la distribución espacial y temporal de la recarga de aguas subterráneas a escala de cuenca para zonas templadas húmedas. Para demostrar la metodología, aplicabilidad y el comportamiento del modelo, se presentan dos casos: uno en la cuenca boscosa de Trout Lake, en la zona Norte-Central de Wisconsin, USA y el otro en la Cuenca urbano-agrícola de Pheasant Branch Creek, Sur-Centro de Winconsin, USA. En conjunto, el modelo SWB funciona bien y presenta a los modeladores y planificadores una herramienta práctica para llevar a cabo una estimación de la recarga para propósitos de modelación y planificación de los recursos de agua en zonas húmedas.

Résumé Quantifier les distributions temporelle et spatiale de la réalimentation naturelle des eaux souterraines est en règle générale un préalable à une modélisation et une gestion efficaces des eaux souterraines. Etant donné que les modèles numériques sont utilisés de manière croissante dans les prises de décisions en matière de gestion, il existe un besoin accru pour des méthodes simples et pratiques, afin de délimiter les zones d’alimentation et de quantifier les recharges associées. Les modèles existants, destinés à l’estimation de la répartition des réalimentations, demandent énormément de données, un paramétrage long, et un investissement conséquent en temps de mise en œuvre. Le Wisconsin Geologic and Natural History Survey (WGNHS) a développé un modèle simple basé sur un bilan en eau quotidien dans les sols (SWB); il utilise les données directement disponibles sur les sols, l’occupation des sols, la topographie et le climat, en conjonction avec un Système d’Information Géographique, afin d’estimer les distributions temporelle et spatiale de la réalimentation des eaux souterraines à l’échelle du bassin versant, pour les zones humides tempérées. Afin de démontrer la méthodologie, l’applicabilité et les performances du modèle, deux applications sont présentées: la première sur le bassin versant boisé de Trout Lake au centre-nord du Wisconsin (Etats-Unis), et le second sur le bassin versant agricole et urbanisé de Pheasant Branch Creek au centre-sud du Wisconsin. Le modèle SWB se comporte globalement bien, et offre aux modélisateurs un outil fonctionnel pour estimer les réalimentations, dans le cadre de modélisations et de plans de gestion des ressources en eau souterraine dans les zones humides.

为了明确Melut盆地北部不同地区原油母质来源、沉积环境及亲缘关系,采用饱和烃色谱及色谱-质谱方法,开展了盆地北部不同地区原油地球化学特征分析及对比。研究表明,盆地北部各地区原油正构烷烃无明显奇偶优势,Ts/Tm值1.36~3.47、C31升藿烷22S/(22S+22R)比值0.54~0.60、αααC2920S/(20S+20R)与C29αββ/(ααα+αββ)比值大于0.4,总体表现为成熟原油;伽马蜡烷指数普遍小于0.1,C21三环萜烷具有明显优势,Pr/Ph值0.97~2.31,均值1.61,指示其烃源岩形成于弱还原-弱氧化的淡水湖相环境;生油母质为II~III型混合型。不同地区原油母质来源及成熟度有差异:Moleeta次凹东坡原油为单峰后峰态分布,高碳数正构烷烃含量占优势,C24TeT/C23TT平均值大于1,具有明显的陆源高等植物贡献,原油成熟度较低,发育重质—中质油;Jamous次凹深洼区原油为前峰优势的双峰态分布,C24  相似文献   

Metagabbros and amphibolites exposed in the Bou-Maïza area of the Edough massif (northeast Algeria) are described in detail. Field and petro-structural observations point to the syn-sedimentary emplacement of gabbros as clasts, blocks and lenses of polymictic gabbroic breccias. Associated amphibolites display fine-scale parallel sedimentary bedding and represent mafic epiclastites, litharenites and mafic greywackes. The mafic beds and lenses are intercalated with aluminous pelitic schists of continental origin, quartzite and marble. It is concluded that all mafic rocks from this locality derive from the erosion of an oceanic plutono-volcanic complex of MORB affinity that was reworked in a block matrix mélange and emplaced as turbidites and debris flows during the Mesozoic. We propose a convergent plate margin setting for these formations connected with the subducted Calabrian branch of the Tethyan slab.  相似文献   

This study examines spatial and temporal variability of rainfall in Bizerte-Ichkeul Watershed. The basin, located in the extreme north of Tunisia, covers an area of 3084 km2. Thirteen rainfall stations, with continuous monthly precipitation records over the period (1970–2011), were considered in the analysis. Two methods were used. In the first, the dimensionless standardized precipitation ratio is applied to examine precipitation temporal variation. The second method is represented by continuous wavelet analysis for the precipitation spatial analysis and the identification of the origin of its variability. The study of temporal variability of annual rainfall showed severe persistent and recurrent drought episodes over the period (1977–2001). Wavelet analysis resulted in detecting the modes and origins of precipitation variability. Three energy bands were clearly identified: (1, 2–4, and 4–8 years) for the entire watershed. The visualization of the power distribution showed that the observed modes of variability are different in their power distributions from one station to another. The approach adopted allowed the identification of two groups with the same precipitation frequency and temporal variation. These groups were defined according to the difference in occurrence of the frequency band for each station.  相似文献   

处理DEM中闭合洼地和平坦区域的一种新方法   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
数字高程模型(DEM)中的闭合洼地和平坦区域影响着流域排水网络的自动提取.目前已提出很多方法来处理这两种地形,但均针对已经形成的DEM单元网格进行处理,结果往往生成伪河道及平行河道.在回顾分析了这些方法存在的问题后,提出了一种新的处理方法,该法认为DEM中的闭合洼地和平坦区域是由于低质量的资料输入、生成DEM时的内插误差等引起的.通过增加输入地形高程信息,避免了DEM中平坦区域和闭合洼地的生成,从而使由DEM生成的河网与实际河网能够精确拟合.实例分析表明,该方法效果明显.  相似文献   

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