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Re-Os同位素对峨眉山大火成岩省成因制约的探讨   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
史仁灯  郝艳丽  黄启帅 《岩石学报》2008,24(11):2515-2523
峨眉山大火成岩省(ELIP)主要由玄武岩、玄武质火山碎屑岩及少量的苦橄岩(包括越南的科马提岩)、长英质岩石以及层状岩体和岩墙组成,其物质来源直接关系到其成因是否与地幔柱活动有关。Re-Os同位素体系是地核、地幔和地壳物质的最佳示踪剂。前人对ELIP内的Re-Os同位素研究表明,低Ti玄武岩的Os含量为0.006×10^-9-0.40010^-9,^187Os/^188Os初始值为0.1371~1.403,并提出其与地幔柱活动有关;而高Ti玄武岩的Os含量为0.00410^-9~0.56010^-9,^187Os/^188Os初始值为0.1271~5.19,认为起源于大陆岩石圈地幔或地幔柱上升过程中受到大量岩石圈地幔“混染”(xu JF et al.,2007);科马提岩的0s含量为1.2410^-9~7.0010^-9,^187Os/^188Os初始值为0.1251~0.1261,苦橄岩的Os含量为0.3210^-9~2.32910^-9,^187Os/^188Os初始值为0.1233~0.1266,指示苦橄岩和科马提岩均来自亏损地幔源区(Hanski et al.,2004;陈雷等,2007)。本文利用Os含量最低、^187Os/^188Os最高的高Ti玄武岩作为地壳端员,用铁质陨石、原始上地幔(PUM)和亏损地幔(DMM)作为地核和各种地幔端员,分别做二元混合计算,结果显示绝大多数玄武岩和所有苦橄岩及科马提岩均落在地壳和DMM混合曲线附近,并且邻区特提斯洋地幔岩与DMM具有相近的Os含量和^187Os/^188Os组成,据此推测峨眉山火成岩的形成与特提斯洋的活动有关,主要受控于地壳和亏损地幔的相互作用。  相似文献   

李宏博  张招崇  吕林素 《岩石学报》2010,26(10):3143-3152
本文以1:20万和1:5万区调资料为基础,结合野外观察研究了峨眉山大火成岩省主要分布区内的基性(辉绿岩)岩墙群的几何学特征。结果表明,岩墙群的几何学特征表现为中心放射状,由6条巨型岩墙群组成,辐射角度近200°。其中心收敛于永仁一带,与地层学指示的最大隆起位置吻合,指示了二叠纪峨眉山玄武岩事件的地幔柱中心位置。岩墙群分布呈中东部较多而西部少的特点,这可能与不同的剥蚀程度有关。  相似文献   

郝艳丽  黄启帅  张晓冉  史仁灯 《岩石学报》2011,27(10):2937-2946
云南大理苦橄岩产出于峨眉山大火成岩省内带,位于峨眉山玄武岩系底部.岩石具斑状结构,斑晶占20%~40%左右,由自形-半自形的橄榄石和单斜辉石组成;基质约占60% ~ 80%,主要由长条状斜长石和颗粒状单斜辉石组成,辉绿结构;含少量尖晶石.绝大部分样品全岩SiO2低于47%,为45.94%~46.37%(1个样品达47.35%),MgO大于18%,介于19.01%~23.77%之间,Na2O+ K2O低于2%,介于1.52%~1.97%之间,具典型苦橄岩的岩相学和岩石化学特征.全岩Re含量变化范围较小,介于0.349×10-9~0.424×10-9之间;Os含量变化范围较大,介于0.889×10-9~4.276×10-9之间;187Re/188Os=0.437±0.012 ~2.708±0.025,187Os/188Os =0.1283±0.0002~0.1354±0.0004;从中分选出的橄榄石的Re、Os含量分别为0.030×10-9~0.049×10-9、0.625×10-9~0.757×10-9,1s7Re/188Os =0.191±0.038 ~0.377±0.062,187Os/188 Os=0.1254±0.0005 ~ 0.1268±0.0005,均低于全岩;尖晶石的Os含量最高,为80.5×10-9,187Os/188 Os最低,为0.1252±0.0003.经质量平衡计算,基质的187Os/188Os比值介于0.1380 ~0.1415之间,与原始上地幔相比,基质的Re-Os同位素组成具有壳层熔岩的特点,而橄榄石和尖晶石具有熔融残留相的特点,基质的γOs大于0,介于+2.0~ +3.28之间,矿物的γOs均小于O,介于-2.01~-2.59之间,显示明显的亏损特征,无核-幔边界源区信息,而全岩的介于-1.11~ -3.24之间,为基质和斑晶及尖晶石的混合结果,推测峨眉山大火成岩省是壳-幔相互作用的产物.  相似文献   

四川华蓥偏岩子地区位于四川盆地中东部,新发现的晚二叠世玄武岩介于茅口组(下伏)和龙潭组(上覆)之间,可与峨眉山玄武岩进行对比.矿物学和地球化学研究表明,偏岩子玄武岩属于高钛亲碱性系列,具有OIB型的稀土元素和微量元素配分模式.偏岩子玄武岩基本未遭受地壳混染,单斜辉石的结晶温度为1405~1439℃,指示源区存在异常高温...  相似文献   

The Late Middle Permian ( 260 Ma) Emeishan large igneous province in SW China contains two magmatic series, one comprising high-Ti basalts and Fe-rich gabbroic and syenitic intrusions, the other low-Ti basalts and mafic–ultramafic intrusions. The Fe-rich gabbros are spatially and temporally associated with syenites. Each series is associated with a distinctive type of mineralization, the first with giant Fe–Ti–V oxide ore deposits such as Panzhihua and Baima, the second with Ni–Cu–(PGE) sulfide deposits such as Jinbaoshan, Limahe and Zhubu. New SHRIMP zircon U–Pb isotopic data yielded 263 ± 3 Ma for the Limahe intrusion, 261 ± 2 Ma for the Zhubu intrusion and 262 ± 2 Ma for a syenitic intrusion. These new age dates, together with previously reported SHRIMP zircon U–Pb ages, suggest that all these intrusions are contemporaneous with the Emeishan flood basalts and formed during a major igneous event at ca. 260 Ma.The oxide-bearing intrusions have higher Al2O3, FeO (as total iron) and total alkalis (Na2O + K2O) but lower MgO than the sulfide-bearing intrusions. All intrusions are variably enriched in LREE relative to HREE. The oxide-bearing intrusions display positive Nb- and Ti-anomalies and in certain cases negative Zr–Hf anomalies, whereas the sulfide-bearing intrusions have obvious negative Nb- and Ti-anomalies, a feature of crustal contamination. Individual intrusions have relatively small ranges of Nd(t) values. All the intrusions, however, have Nd(t) values ranging from − 3.9 to + 4.6, and initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios from 0.7039 to 0.7105. The syenites have very low MgO (< 2 wt.%) but highly variable Fe2O3 (2.5 to 13 wt.%) with initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranging from 0.7039 to 0.7089. Magmas from both series could have derived by melting of a heterogeneous mantle plume: the high-Ti series from a Fe-rich, more fertile source and the low-Ti series from a Fe-poor, more refractory source. In addition, the low-Ti series underwent significant crustal contamination. The two magma series evolved along different paths that led to distinct mineralization styles.  相似文献   

云南上沧二叠纪枕状玄武岩位于峨眉山大火成岩省内带底部。该玄武岩全岩SiO2含量为49.36%~51.36%,TiO2含量为1.28%~1.91%,MgO含量为6.08%~10.79%,Mg#值为53~69,Al2O3含量为13.91%~16.31%,Na2O含量为1.59%~3.72%,K2O含量较低,为0.18%~0.76%,并且Na2O/K2O比值较高,为4.27~10.48,属拉斑系列玄武岩。具有右倾斜型稀土元素配分模式,重稀土和部分高场强元素与N-MORB接近,轻稀土和部分大离子亲石元素介于N-MORB和上地壳之间。(La/Sm)N比值大多数低于2.0(1.4~2.2),(Ce/Yb)N比值介于2.2~3.4之间,明显低于OIB,不具有OIB的地球化学特征,在Th/Hf-Ta/Hf构造环境判别图解中位于陆缘裂谷玄武岩区域,推测上沧枕状熔岩是古特提斯洋俯冲到扬子板块边缘形成的初始裂谷扩张的产物。  相似文献   

在特提斯喜马拉雅带东部江孜-康马一带发育大量近东西向展布的辉绿岩体/墙,研究表明这些基性岩至少可分为三期:(1)形成于~140Ma的辉绿岩具有OIB型地球化学特征,部分样品Sr-Nd同位素组成与其东部~132Ma错美-班布里大火成岩省中基性岩相当,部分高镁样品具有Nb-Ta负异常和Pb正异常,εNd(t)值小于0;(2)形成于~120Ma的辉绿岩显示N-MORB型地球化学特征;(3)形成于~90Ma的辉绿岩显示E-MORB型地球化学特征。后两期基性岩的Sr-Nd同位素组成均显示与印度洋MORB相关。结合同时期的Kerguelen地幔柱活动轨迹及东冈瓦纳大陆裂解事件,本文认为江孜-康马地区~140Ma基性岩代表Kerguelen地幔柱及其与上覆东冈瓦纳大陆岩石圈地幔相互作用产物,是Kerguelen地幔柱长期潜伏于东冈瓦纳大陆下的证据,在前人研究基础上将该地幔柱影响的范围从错美向西拓展了约200km;之后随着东冈瓦纳大陆裂解和印度洋的开启及扩张,印度板块逐渐北移并远离Kerguelen地幔柱,江孜-康马地区~120Ma和~90Ma两期基性岩代表新生印度洋软流圈部分熔融的产物,与Kerguelen地幔柱无关。该区识别出的三期基性岩浆活动表明:特提斯喜马拉雅带的东部在白垩纪经历了与东冈瓦纳大陆裂解、印度洋的开启和扩张相关的多期基性岩浆活动。这些基性岩为深入了解和限定特提斯喜马拉雅带自140Ma以来的古地理位置和构造演化过程提供了新的岩石记录和时间坐标。  相似文献   

The Emeishan continental flood basalt (ECFB) sequence in Dongchuan, SW China comprises a basal tephrite unit overlain by an upper tholeiitic basalt unit. The upper basalts have high TiO2 contents (3.2–5.2 wt.%), relatively high rare-earth element (REE) concentrations (40 to 60 ppm La, 12.5 to 16.5 ppm Sm, and 3 to 4 ppm Yb), moderate Zr/Nb and Nb/La ratios (9.3–10.2 and 0.6–0.9, respectively) and relatively high Nd (t) values, ranging from − 0.94 to 2.3, and are comparable to the high-Ti ECFB elsewhere. The tephrites have relatively high P2O5 (1.3–2.0 wt.%), low REE concentrations (e.g., 17 to 23 ppm La, 4 to 5.3 ppm Sm, and 2 to 3 ppm Yb), high Nb/La (2.0–3.9) ratios, low Zr/Nb ratios (2.3–4.2), and extremely low Nd (t) values (mostly ranging from − 10.6 to − 11.1). The distinct compositional differences between the tephrites and the overlying tholeiitic basalts cannot be explained by either fractional crystallization or crustal contamination of a common parental magma. The tholeiitic basalts formed by partial melting of the Emeishan plume head at a depth where garnet was stable, perhaps > 80 km. We propose that the tephrites were derived from magmas formed when the base of the previously metasomatized, volatile-mineral bearing subcontinental lithospheric mantle was heated by the upwelling mantle plume.  相似文献   

罗雕  侯通  潘荣昊 《岩石学报》2020,36(7):2116-2126
本文报道了攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿含矿岩体边缘岩相带中的苦橄玢岩和岩体中淡色辉长岩的锆石微量元素特征。结果表明二者所含锆石都具有明显的Ce正异常和Eu负异常,以及轻稀土元素亏损和重稀土元素富集的特征,其Th/U比值为0.35~3.23,都属于典型的岩浆锆石。本次研究利用最新实验标定的锆石氧逸度计对苦橄玢岩和淡色辉长岩的氧逸度进行了估算。估算结果表明苦橄玢岩和淡色辉长岩均具较高的氧逸度,分别为QFM+0.3~QFM+2.5和QFM+0.7~QFM+3(QFM为石英-铁橄榄石-磁铁矿缓冲剂)。苦橄玢岩作为来自深部岩浆房侵入到攀枝花主岩体的富橄榄石"晶粥体",其高氧逸度的特征反映出攀枝花岩体的原生岩浆以及地幔源区是相对氧化的,而导致这一结果的原因很可能与古老俯冲事件导致的地幔交代作用有关。通过地幔柱-岩石圈相互作用,在较高氧逸度下发生部分熔融形成了铁质苦橄岩及其堆晶作用产物苦橄玢岩。此外,淡色辉长岩的氧逸度也显示出较高的特征,这说明这种氧化的特征很可能是贯穿了整个成岩过程的,对钒钛磁铁矿成矿,特别是导致铁钛氧化物早期结晶起到了不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

塔里木北部二叠纪长英质火山岩年代学及地球化学特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
大面积分布于塔里木盆地的二叠纪玄武岩构成了面积250000km2的大火成岩省(LIP),长英质火山岩的发现为塔里木二叠纪火山作用的研究打开了新的窗口。本文从塔北地区约5000m深的钻井中收集了4件二叠纪长英质火山岩的样品。通过对其进行锆石U-Pb同位素测试,得出其形成时代为274~282Ma,为塔里木大火成岩省晚期岩浆作用的产物。岩石具有高钾的特征K2O+Na2O=7.29%~8.34%,K2O/Na2O>1,大部分属于高钾钙碱性系列,且属于过铝质(A/CNK=1.32~1.53)。具有富集LREE和Zr、Hf、Y,亏损Sr、P、Ti、Nb、Ta等特征,微量元素分布曲线形态与地壳相近,具有右倾的稀土元素配分曲线,且显示出一定的负铕异常。通过Sr-Nd-Pb同位素的分析得出其源区有大量地壳物质,这与其具有较高的Th、U含量和与地壳平均值相似的Nb/La、Nb/U、Th/Ta相一致。综合年代学、地球化学特征及构造环境的判断,认为塔北地区二叠纪长英质火山岩形成于地幔柱活动背景下的地壳物质的部分熔融。  相似文献   

西藏南东部新识别出来的措美大火成岩省的地幔柱头部物质成分尚未得到很好的约束。为探讨此问题,在全岩地球化学数据基础上,本文首次报道了藏东南措美大火成岩省中机布淌、打隆、措美和哲古错OIB型镁铁质岩的锆石Hf同位素和微量元素数据。本文报道的OIB型镁铁质岩包括碱性(组Ⅰ)和亚碱性(组Ⅱ)系列的辉长岩和辉绿岩,以岩墙或岩床的形式产出。这些镁铁质岩具有高的TiO2(2.61%~4.07%)和P2O5(0.32%~0.51%)含量,富集轻稀土元素和高场强元素,地球化学特征类似于OIB。全岩微量元素地球化学指标显示组Ⅰ样品没有或很少受到地壳混染,组Ⅱ样品经历了较高程度的地壳混染。组Ⅰ中一件样品(JBT03-1)具有变化范围大的锆石εHf(t)值(-4.8~+5.3),可能暗示其受到了地壳和/或岩石圈地幔物质的混染。本文结果表明锆石Hf同位素比全岩地球化学数据能够更为有效地识别基性岩浆是否受到地壳和/或岩石圈地幔物质混染。措美大火成岩省中的OIB型镁铁质岩样品(组Ⅰ和组Ⅱ),具有不同于俯冲带镁铁质岩和洋壳镁铁质岩的锆石稀土元素配分型式和锆石Ti温度,这可能是岩浆源区温度和成分不同的结果。综合考虑全岩地球化学和锆石Hf同位素指标,本文提出未受到地壳或岩石圈地幔混染的打隆镇辉长岩体(以组I中的DL01样品为代表)很可能代表了措美大火成岩省纯的地幔柱头部物质成分[87Sr/86Sr(t)=0.7047,εNd(t=+1.5,εHf(t=+2.1~+5.7]。这些成分与代表白垩纪Kerguelen地幔柱头部物质的Site 1138和Bunbury Casuarina玄武岩非常相似,可能指示措美大火成岩省中的OIB型镁铁质岩本身就是Kerguelen地幔柱头部物质发生减压熔融的产物。  相似文献   

In the Panxi region of the Late Permian (~ 260 Ma) Emeishan large igneous province (ELIP) there is a bimodal assemblage of mafic and felsic plutonic rocks. Most Emeishan granitic rocks were derived by differentiation of basaltic magmas (i.e. mantle-derived) or by mixing between crustal melts and primary basaltic magmas (i.e. hybrid). The Yingpanliangzi granitic pluton within the city of Panzhihua intrudes Sinian (~ 600 Ma) marbles and is unlike the mantle-derived or hybrid granitic rocks. The SHRIMP zircon U–Pb ages of the Yingpanliangzi pluton range from 259 ± 8 Ma to 882 ± 22 Ma. Younger ages are found on the zircon rims whereas older ages are found within the cores. Field relationships and petrography indicate that the Yingpanliangzi pluton must be < 600 Ma, therefore the older zircons are interpreted to represent the protolith age whereas the younger analyses represent zircon re-crystallization during emplacement. The Yingpanliangzi granites are metaluminous and have negative Ta–NbPM anomalies, low εNd(260 Ma) values (? 3.9 to ? 4.4), and high ISr (0.71074 to 0.71507) consistent with a crustal origin. The recognition of a crustally-derived pluton along with mantle-derived and mantle–crust hybrid plutons within the Panxi region of the ELIP is evidence for a complete spectrum of sources. As a consequence, the types of Panxi granitoids can be distinguished according to their ASI, Eu/Eu*, εNd(T), εHf(T), TZr(°C) and Nb–TaPM values. The diverse granitic magmatism during the evolution of the ELIP from ~ 260 Ma to ~ 252 Ma demonstrates the complexity of crustal growth associated with LIPs.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(13):1464-1477
We propose that inherited Neoproterozoic zircons in Mesozoic igneous rocks from the eastern portion of the North China craton (NCC) were initially derived from the Yangtze/South China block, rather than from the NCC itself. The mechanism that introduced these zircons into the NCC was likely tectonic underplating during Triassic continental subduction/collision of the Yangtze block beneath the NCC. The addition of abundant crustal materials represented by the exotic zircons, probably along the Moho or weak interfaces within the NCC crust, led to the crustal thickening of the NCC. These sialic materials contributed significantly to the Mesozoic igneous rocks, either as source rocks or as contaminants of magmas generated during an extensional environment following crustal thickening. Crustal thickening was spatially linked to lithospheric thinning, with both occurring mainly in the eastern segment of the NCC, suggestive of an intrinsic relationship between thickening and thinning events during Mesozoic evolution of the NCC.  相似文献   

朱江  张招崇  侯通  康健丽 《岩石学报》2011,27(9):2743-2751
在20世纪90年代,有学者认为峨眉山大火成岩省(Emeishan Large Igneous Province, ELIP)大规模火山活动与二叠-三叠系之交(Permian-Triassic Boundary, P-TB)的生物大灭绝事件在时间上有耦合关系,随后的40Ar/39Ar同位素测年结果也显示峨眉山大火成岩省是晚二叠世形成的。但是,近些年大量的SHRIMP U-Pb测年结果表明,ELIP大规模火山喷发约在~260Ma;因此有研究认为,ELIP火山活动与中二叠世瓜德卢普期末(end-Guadalupian)的生物灭绝事件在时间上联系更加紧密。至于P-T界线生物大灭绝,现在多数学者认为是,由于西伯利亚大火成岩省火山强烈活动释放大量气体和火山灰所造成环境变化引起的。最近,我们在ELIP东部的贵州盘县峨眉山玄武岩系剖面中发现顶部发育厚度达近百米的凝灰岩层,其LA-ICP-MS U-Pb法测年结果为251.0±1.0Ma,与浙江煤山剖面中二叠系-三叠系边界处黏土层或火山灰层的锆石U-Pb年龄接近。因此,峨眉山玄武岩喷发结束的时间应该在P-T边界,与西伯利亚大火成岩省的主体喷发时间一致。新的测年结果暗示了ELIP火山活动与地球历史上最大的一次生物灭绝事件(P-T边界)可能存在着成因联系。  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic to Cambrian Selwyn Block in Central Victoria forms the mainly unexposed basement to the Paleozoic metasediments, granitic rocks and felsic volcanic complexes of the Melbourne Zone of the Lachlan Orogen. The Late Devonian felsic rocks are largely products of partial melting of the Selwyn Block, and their chemistry implies that their sources were most probably arc-related andesite, dacite, volcaniclastic greywackes and some pelites. When plotted against the median longitudes of the plutons and volcanic complexes, the average values for 87Sr/86Srt and ?Ndt (at 370 Ma) reveal broad trends interpreted to reflect possible compositional and/or age structure in the Selwyn Block. Assuming that the trends are real, from W to E, I-type sources are progressively less crustally evolved, probably younging eastward. The S-type sources show no trend in ?Ndt, suggesting that there was efficient sediment mixing. The 87Sr/86Srt values, however, become more evolved eastward (opposite in sense to the apparent variation in the I-type sources). This is interpreted as the original Selwyn Block sediments having been more pelitic eastward, perhaps suggesting a deepening of the basin in this direction, as well as structurally upward in the succession. The opposite senses of variation highlights the spatial separation of the S- and I-type sources and suggest that the granitic magmas here are unlikely to represent any sort of mixing continuum.  相似文献   

孙洋  马昌前  张超 《地学前缘》2011,18(2):85-99
对大别山造山带的鲁家寨花岗岩进行了锆石U-Pb年代学、锆石Hf同位素和岩石地球化学研究.锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年结果表明鲁家寨花岗岩形成于新元古代((816±17)Ma).鲁家寨花岗岩总体具有高硅(SiO2 69.13%~75.47%)、准铝-弱过铝(A/CNK=0.98~1.01)的化学组成特征.稀土元素...  相似文献   

皖南歙县邓家坞钼矿床年代学及Hf同位素地球化学研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
李双  杨晓勇  孙卫东 《岩石学报》2012,28(12):3980-3992
歙县邓家坞片麻状花岗闪长岩体位于扬子陆块南缘,区内钼矿体主要产于岩体与变质流纹凝灰岩的外接触带上,受区内北东向的断裂控制。歙县邓家坞花岗闪长岩具有强过铝质的特征,为S-型花岗岩,属于高钾钙碱性系列岩石。岩石富集大离子亲石元素(Rb、Th、K),相对亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Ti),稀土元素含量较低(ΣREE=114.3×10-6~259.1×10-6),轻重稀土分异明显(ΣLREE/ΣHREE=6.48~10.98),中等的Eu负异常(EuN/EuN*=0.46~0.60),具有典型岛弧岩浆岩的特征。锆石U-Pb同位素定年结果显示206Pb/238U表面年龄为739~816Ma,加权平均年龄为772±11Ma (MSWD=5.0),表明邓家坞片麻状花岗闪长岩体形成于新元古代,与皖南新元古代花岗闪长岩的主成岩年龄(740~825Ma)基本一致。根据岩石Zr含量计算出歙县邓家坞花岗闪长岩的"锆石饱和温度"为792~827℃。锆石Hf同位素εHf(t)为0.55~4.69,平均值为2.48,二阶段模式年龄(tDM2)为1364~1565Ma,表明邓家坞片麻状花岗闪长岩源区主要为新生地壳组分。邓家坞钼矿5个辉钼矿样品Re-Os同位素定年的模式年龄为141.1~141.6Ma,等时线年龄为141.8±2.2Ma,表明该钼矿的成矿时代为早白垩世。邓家坞片麻状花岗闪长岩体不是成矿岩体,因此推测可能其深部有隐伏的早白垩世岩体。辉钼矿的Re含量为12.6×10-6~43.8×10-6,表明成矿物质以壳源为主。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1215-1233

Well-documented outcrops around the Emeishan Large Igneous Province (ELIP) in South China, eastern Tethys, encompassing the end-Guadalupian mass extinction have been investigated. Correlatable sections recording the event exhibit very similar lithological characters, positive-then-negative C isotope excursions and massive biotic demise. Detailed analyses of the fossil record and carbon isotopic variations were carried out on the Guadalupian–Wuchiapingian Boundary sections over the inner, middle, outer zones of the ELIP and its margin. Due to a pronounced decrease in marine habitat area and the environmental and ecological change over this part of the Tethys, the biota crisis records show the loss of numerous tropical invertebrate taxa, and exhibit fewer genera and smaller testing sizes and low productivity. The biota crisis was a sustainable and gradual reduction in diversity over the Capitanian. The associated carbon isotopic data reveal unusually high δ13C(carb) values before the late Capitanian, representing higher primary productivity (or buried rate) and more 13C-enriched CO2 released by hydrothermal carbonate breakdown from the upper crust into the sediments at that time. Subsequently, an accelerated negative excursion across the boundary and the gradual excursion with low carbon isotope amplitude favours an increased influx of light 12C sourced by the volcanism around the eastern Tethys. The very similar time–space relation between the biota crisis and the Emeishan volcanism confirms that volcanic eruptions may have triggered the biota crisis event in South China. Intensive volcanism could result in detrimental environmental and ecological stresses, habitat loss, organic material splitting, or the emission of light carbon and thermal fluid (or aerosol), implying that the losses of the shallow-marine invertebrates either occurred geologically instantaneously or in a series of closely spaced crises coinciding with the initial phase of ELIP formation. These findings in South China may reveal the causal relation between mass extinctions and LIPs in a global context.  相似文献   

Radiogenic isotopic dating and Lu–Hf isotopic composition using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry(LA-ICP-MS)of the Wude basalt in Yunnan province from the Emeishan large igneous province(ELIP)yielded timing of formation and post-eruption tectonothermal event.Holistic lithogeochemistry and elements mapping of basaltic rocks were further reevaluated to provide insights into crustal contamination and formation of the ELIP.A zircon U–Pb age of 251.3±2.0 Ma of the Wude basalt recorded the youngest volcanic eruption event and was consistent with the age span of 251-263 Ma for the emplacement of the ELIP.Such zircons hadεHf(t)values ranging from7.3 to+2.2,identical to those of magmatic zircons from the intrusive rocks of the ELIP,suggesting that crust-mantle interaction occurred during magmatic emplacement,or crust-mantle mixing existed in the deep source region prior to deep melting.The apatite U–Pb age at 53.6±3.4 Ma recorded an early Eocene magmatic superimposition of a regional tectonothermal event,corresponding to the Indian–Eurasian plate collision.Negative Nb,Ta,Ti and P anomalies of the Emeishan basalt may reflect crustal contamination.The uneven Nb/La and Th/Ta values distribution throughout the ELIP supported a mantle plume model origin.Therefore,the ELIP was formed as a result of a mantle plume which was later superimposed by a regional tectonothermal event attributed to the Indian–Eurasian plate collision during early Eocene.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Sugetbrak Formation in the Aksu area, which is located at the northwest margin of Tarim Block, comprises mafic rocks and provides key records of the evolution of the Rodinia supercontinent. However, the genetic relationship among these mafic rocks exposed in different geographical sections are still unclear. In this study, the petrology, geochemistry, and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope geochemistry of the mafic rocks exposed in the Aksu-Wushi and Yuermeinark areas have been studied in some ...  相似文献   

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