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Groundwater quality in parts of Central Ganga Basin, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 This paper deals with the drinking water quality of the Ganga-Kali sub-basin which occupies 1300 km2 over parts of Aligarh and Etah districts. Water samples were collected from shallow and deep aquifers and were analyzed for major ions and trace elements. The analytical data were interpreted according to published guidelines. Chemical analysis shows that the groundwater in the basin is alkali bicarbonate type. Trace element studies of water from the shallow aquifer show that the concentration of toxic metals Fe, Mn, Cd, Pb, and Cr+6 are above permissible limits which may present a health hazard. The water from the deep aquifer is comparatively free from contamination. The aquifers are subject to contamination due to sewage effluents and excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture. Received: 7 December 1998 · Accepted: 2 March 1999  相似文献   

Fluoride contamination in groundwater resources of Alleppey,southern India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alleppey is one of the thickly populated coastal towns of the Kerala state in southern India.Groundwater is the main source of drinking water for the 240,991 people living in this region.The groundwater is being extracted from a multi-layer aquifer system of unconsolidated to semi-consolidated sedimentary formations,which range in age from Recent to Tertiary.The public water distribution system uses dug and tube wells.Though there were reports on fluoride contamination,this study reports for the first time excess fluoride and excess salinity in the drinking water of the region.The quality parameters,like Electrical Conductivity(EC) ranges from 266 to 3900 μs/cm,the fluoride content ranges from 0.68 to2.88 mg/L,and the chloride ranges between the 5.7 to 1253 mg/L.The main water types are Na-HC03,NaCO_3 and Na-Cl.The aqueous concentrations of F~- and CO_3~(2-) show positive correlation whereas F~- and Ca~(2+) show negative correlation.The source of fluoride in the groundwater could be from dissolution of fluorapatite,which is a common mineral in the Tertiary sediments of the area.Long residence time,sediment-groundwater interaction and facies changes(Ca-HCO_3 to Na-HCO_3) during groundwater flow regime are the major factors responsible for the high fluoride content in the groundwater of the area.High strontium content and high EC in some of the wells indicate saline water intrusion that could be due to the excess pumping from the deeper aquifers of the area.The water quality index computation has revealed that 62%of groundwater belongs to poor quality and is not suitable for domestic purposes as per BIS and WHO standards.Since the groundwater is the only source of drinking water in the area,proper treatment strategies and regulating the groundwater extraction are required as the quality deterioration poses serious threat to human health.  相似文献   

The concentrations of fluorine in groundwater of North Jordan range from 0.009 to 0.055 mg/l. Other chemical parameters, e.g. pH, EC, TDS, Cl, TH, HCO3, PO4, SO4, NO3, NH4, K, Ca, Mg, and NO3 have been studied and showed higher concentrations in HCO3 and NO3 of 307 and 51 mg/l, respectively. Thermodynamic considerations show that almost all the analyzed samples are undersaturated with respect to calcite and fluorite. This undersaturation is probably due to their low availability in the locations. Fluoride concentration shows a positive relation to pH and HCO3, whereas Cl, Mg, Ca, and Na initially increase and then decrease with increasing fluoride in the water. Saturation indexes of fluorite and calcite are estimated. The chemistry of the groundwater is controlled by the fluorite and calcite solubility. The topography of the area has exerted control on the aerial extent of fluoride concentration.  相似文献   

Groundwater composition in the Kulpawn basin is largely controlled by aluminosilicates dissolution and cation exchange resulting in mainly Ca-Mg-HCO3 and NaHCO3 water types. Principal component analysis, Piper graphical classification, and stable isotope (18O and 2H) of groundwater and surface-water samples were used to delineate geochemical processes and groundwater facies. The groundwater is mildly acid to neutral and low in conductivity. Chemical constituents except HCO3 and SiO2 have low concentration. No cation shows clear majority, however, the order of relative abundance is Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+. HCO3 is the predominant anion and the order of abundance is HCO3  > NO3  > SO4 2− > Cl. SiO2 concentration is high compared with the major cations. Dissolution of plagioclase, pyroxene and biotite and cation exchange are responsible for groundwater composition. Isotopic data suggest integrative, smooth and rapid recharge from meteoric origin. The groundwater quality is generally good for domestic usage; however, 18 and 47% of boreholes respectively have NO3 and F levels outside WHO recommended limits suggesting potential physiological problems in some localities. The groundwater has low sodium absorption ratio and low to moderate salinity hazard but significant magnesium hazard partially limiting its use for irrigation.  相似文献   

Groundwater is a critical resource in Deoria district, as it is the main source of drinking water and irrigation. The aquifer has deteriorated to a high degree, during the last two to three decades, in quality and quantity due to high population growth and environmental pollution. More than 90% of the population get their drinking water from subsurface waters. Fifteen wells were sampled in June 2006 to probe the hydrogeochemical components that influence the water quality. The results show that groundwater have EC, TDS, Na+, Mg2+, HCO3 and TH higher than the WHO, 1997 maximum desirable limits. A hydrogeochemical numerical model for carbonate minerals was constructed using the PHREEQC package. The regression analysis shows that there are three groups of elements which are significantly and positively correlated. The main hydrochemical facies of the aquifer (Ca + Mg–HCO3) represents 33.33% of the total wells. The geochemical modeling demonstrated that the reactions responsible for the hydrochemical evolution in the area fall into three categories: (1) dissolution of salts, (2) precipitation of dolomite, (3) ion exchange. Solubility of dolomite, calcite, aragonite and gypsum were assessed in terms of the saturation index. The thermodynamic prerequisites for dolomite supersaturation reactions are satisfied by subsurface waters, since they are supersaturated with respect to dolomite, undersaturated (or in equilibrium) with respect to calcite, and undersaturated with respect to gypsum. The Ca2+ versus SO42− and Mg2+ versus SO42− trends are also compatible with homologous trends resulting from dolomite supersaturation.  相似文献   

In this study, multivariate statistical methods including factor, principal component and cluster analysis were applied to surface water quality data sets obtained from the Tahtali River Basin, Turkey. Factor and principal components analysis results revealed that surface water quality was mainly controlled by agricultural uses and domestic discharges. Cluster analysis generated two clusters. Based on the locations of the sites consisted by each cluster and variable concentrations at these stations, it was concluded that agricultural discharges strongly affected north and northeast part of the region. These methods are believed to assist water managers to understand complex nature of water quality issues and determine priorities to improve water quality.  相似文献   

Dwarka River Basin is one of the fluoride affected river basin in Birbhum, West Bengal. In the present research work, various controlling factors for fluoride contamination in groundwater i.e., geology, aquifer type, groundwater table, soil, rainfall, geomorphology, drainage density, land use land cover, lineament and fault density, slope and elevation were considered to delineate the potential fluoride contamination zones within Dwarka River Basin in Birbhum. Assigning weights and ranks to various inputs factor class and their sub-class respectively was carried out on the basis of knowledge driven method. Weighted overlay analysis was carried out to generate the final potential fluoride contamination zones which are classified into two broad classes i.e., ‘high’ and ‘low’, and it is observed that major portion of the study area falls under low fluoride contamination category encompassing 88.61% of the total area which accounts for 759.48 km2 and high fluoride contaminated region accounts for 11.40% of the total study area encompassing an area of about 97.67 km2. Majority of high fluoride areas fall along the flood plain of Dwarka River Basin. Finally, for validation 197 reported points within Dwarka having fluoride in underground water are overlaid and an overall accuracy of 92.15% is observed. An accuracy of 83.21% and 84.24% is obtained for success and prediction rate curve respectively.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the origin of high fluoride in a regional alluvial aquifer system under water stress in the North Gujarat-Cambay (NGC) region in western India. This region is severely affected by endemic fluorosis due to ingestion of groundwater containing excessive fluoride. With an objective to understand factors controlling high fluoride concentration in groundwater of this region, 225 groundwater samples have been analysed for various chemical parameters. Samples were collected from different depth zones tapping shallow dug wells, geothermal springs, hand-pumps and tubewells, including free flowing artesian wells up to 450 m depth from the aquifers in the Quaternary alluvial formation covering most of the study area. No relation was found between fluoride concentration and depth of sampled groundwater. However, certain sub-aquifer zones have been identified within the Cambay Basin where groundwater contains relatively high fluoride concentration. In general, areas of high fluoride overlap areas with high electrical conductivity (EC). On the west flank of the Cambay Basin in the low lying belt linking Little Rann of Kachchh-Nalsarovar-Gulf of Khambhat (LRK-NS-GK), high fluoride and EC in shallow aquifers originate from evaporative enrichment. On the east flank of Cambay Basin, some high fluoride pockets are observed which are probably due to preferential dissolution of high fluoride bearing minerals. On this flank high fluoride is also associated with thermal springs. Within the Cambay Basin, alternating belts of low and high fluoride concentrations are ascribed to groundwater recharge during the past wet and arid climatic phases, respectively. This is based on groundwater radiocarbon age contours of ~20 ka overlapping the high fluoride belt.
Resumen Este artículo reporta sobre el origen de altas concentraciones de flúor en un sistema regional de acuíferos bajo presión hídrica en la región del norte de Gujarat-Cambay (NGC) del occidente de India. Esta región está afectada severamente por fluorosis endémica debido a la ingestión de agua subterránea que contiene exceso de flúor. Se tomaron 225 muestras de agua subterránea las cuales fueron analizadas por varios parámetros químicos con el objetivo de entender los factores que controlan las elevadas concentraciones de flúor en esta región. Las muestras se colectaron a diferentes profundidades en pozos someros, manantiales geotermales, pozos con bombas de mano, y pozos entubados incluyendo pozos artesianos de flujo libre de hasta 450 m de profundidad emplazados en los acuíferos de la formación aluvial Cuaternaria que cubre la mayor parte del área de estudio. No se encontró ninguna relación entre la concentración de flúor y la profundidad de las muestras de agua subterránea. Sin embargo, se identificaron dentro de la cuenca Cambay algunas zonas sub-acuíferas donde el agua subterránea contiene concentraciones relativamente altas de flúor. En general, las áreas con elevada concentración de flúor están sobrepuestas a áreas de alta conductividad eléctrica (CE). Sobre el flanco occidental de la cuenca Cambay, en la faja baja que une Little Rann con Kachchh-Nalsarovar-Golfo de Khamhat (LRK-NS-GK), las altas concentraciones de flúor y altas CE en acuíferos someros se derivan de enriquecimiento por evaporitas. Sobre el flanco oriental de la cuenca Cambay se observaron algunos cuerpos con alta concentración de flúor los cuales se deben probablemente a la disolución preferencial de minerales con alto contenido de flúor. En este flanco el alto contenido de flúor también se asocia con manantiales termales. Dentro de la cuenca Cambay existen fajas alternantes, con concentraciones altas y bajas de flúor, las cuales se atribuyen a recarga de agua subterránea durante las fases climáticas pasadas, húmedas y áridas, respectivamente. Este planteamiento se basa en contornos de edades de ~20 ka de radiocarbono que están sobrepuestos a la faja alta en flúor.

Résumé Cet article étudie lorigine des teneurs élevées en Fluorure dans un système aquifère alluvial régional, soumis à un stress hydrique dans le Nord Gujarat–région Cambay (NGC) à lOuest de lInde. Cette région est sévèrement affectée par une fluorose endémique, due à lingestion deau souterraine très riche en fluor. Avec pour objectif de comprendre les paramètres contrôlant les fortes teneurs en fluor, 225 échantillons deau souterraine ont été analysés sur différents paramètres. Les échantillons ont été pris à différentes profondeurs : puits de surface, sources géothermiques, pompes à main, forages artésiens jaillissant dont la profondeur avoisine les 450 m dans les formations alluviales quaternaire recouvrant la plus grande partie de la région étudiée. Il ny a pas de relation entre la profondeur et les teneurs en fluorure. Néanmoins, certaines zones sub-aquifères ont été identifiées dans le Basin de Cambay où leau souterraine présentait des concentrations relativement élevées en fluorure. En général les zones de hautes concentrations en fluorure recouvrent les zones à fortes conductivité électrique (abréviation en anglais: EC). Sur le flanc Ouest du bassin de Cambay dans le mince lit reliant Little Ran de Kachchh-Nalsarovar au golfe de Khambhat (LRK-NS-GK), les fortes teneurs en fluorure et les EC dans la nappe phréatique proviennent de lenrichissement par les évaporites. Sur le flanc Est du bassin, des poches de teneurs élevées en fluorures ont été observées, probablement dues à des dissolutions préférentielles de minéraux fluorés. Sur ce flanc des teneurs sont également associées à la présence de sources géothermales. Dans le bassin de Cambay, les alternances de couches lits à fortes teneurs et de lits à faibles teneurs sont expliquées par la recharge durant les périodes climatiques humides et les périodes climatiques plus sèches. Ceci est corroboré par les datations au radiocarbone (environ 20.000 an) au dessus du lit riche en fluorure.

Groundwater samples collected from both open and bore wells in an area of about 270 km2 from Madras City, India, have been analyzed for major ions (HCO3, Cl, Si, Na, Ca, and Mg) and trace elements (As, Se, B, V, Cr, Fe, Co, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Mn, Ni, Mo, and Ba). The study reveals that the quality of potable water has deteriorated to a large extent. Seawater intrusion into the aquifer has been observed in nearly 50 percent of the study area. The toxic elements (As and Se) have already exceeded the maximum permissible limits of drinking water in almost the entire city. A positive correlation of As and Se with other toxic metals such as V, Cr, Fe, B, etc., indicates that all these elements are anthropogenic in origin. Applying multivariate analysis, the source for trace elements in groundwater has been grouped into two major factors: pollution and mobilization factors. The groundwater in the study area is largely contaminated by organic effluents and reflects the intensity of pollution caused by the overlying soil sediment and rapid infiltration of the pollutants.  相似文献   

The hydrogeochemistry of 26 wells belonging to ten different aquifers in the county of Ensenada, Baja California, is studied. These wells are all used to supply the rural communities in the region, which comprise ~37,000 inhabitants, excluding the city of Ensenada. High total dissolved solids (TDS) concentrations (maximum 7.35 g l−1) indicate that salt is a ubiquitous contaminant in the aquifers due to seawater intrusion. The aquifers that support extensive agriculture activities (Maneadero, San Quintín, San Simón and El Rosario) are characterized by higher N–NO3 concentrations (maximum 20 mg l−1) derived from fertilizers. Fluoride concentrations exceed the 1.5 mg l−1 Mexican official limit in only four wells. The enrichments of F in the southern aquifers are thought to be associated to water–rock interactions controlled mainly by Na–Ca equilibrium reactions with fluorite, as suggested from high dissolved Na concentrations in these waters. In the northern aquifer of Maneadero, no enrichment of Na is found and a geothermal source for F is likely. Water is hard to moderately hard, with Ca/Mg ratios >1. Although drinking water directly from the tap is not a common practice in these localities, most sources have concentrations of major ions and TDS that exceed the Mexican official limits.  相似文献   

The complex depositional pattern of clay and sand in most of the areas controlled the vertical and lateral movement of nitrate in groundwater. The variation of nitrate concentration at different groundwater levels and the lateral distribution of nitrate in the groundwater at two sites indicated the filtration of nitrate by clayey formations. A rural agricultural district located in the Vamsadhara river basin, India was selected for studying the lateral and vertical distribution of nitrate in the groundwater and the association of nitrate with other chemical constituents. The nitrate concentrations in the groundwater are observed to vary between below detectable limit and 450 mg NO3/L. The sources for nitrate are mainly point sources (poultry farms, cattleshed and leakages from septic tanks) and non-point sources (nitrogenous fertilisers). The nitrate concentrations are increased after fertiliser applications. However, very high concentrations of nitrate are derived from animal wastes. Relatively better correlations between nitrate and potassium are observed (R = 0.74 to 0.82). The better relationship between these two chemical constituents in the groundwater may be due to the release of potassium and nitrate from both point and non-point sources. The nitrate and potassium concentrations are high in the groundwater from clayey formations.  相似文献   

The area lies between Hugli river in the northwest and Bidyadhari river in the east and includes the East Kolkata Wetlands. The East Kolkata Wetlands is included in the List of Wetlands of International Importance (“Ramsar List”), as per the Convention on Wetlands signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971. This wetland has been declared as a Ramsar site on the 19th August 2002 (Ramsar site no. 1208) and therefore has acquired an international status. The area is a part of the lower deltaic plain of the Bhagirathi–Ganga river system and is generally flat in nature. The sub-surface geology of the area is completely blanketed by the Quaternary fluviatile sediments comprising a succession of clay, silty clay, sand and sand mixed with occasional gravel. The Quaternary aquifer is sandwiched between two clay sequences. The confined aquifer is made up of moderately well sorted sand and reflects fluviatile environment of deposition. The regional groundwater flow direction is from east to west. Detailed geochemical investigations of 40 groundwater samples along with statistical analysis (for example, correlation and principal component analysis) on these chemical data reveal: (i) four types of groundwater quality, for example, good, poor, very poor and water unsuitable for drinking purpose, (ii) four hydrochemical facies which may be assigned to three broad types such as “fresh”, “blended”, and “brackish” waters, (iii) the evolution of the “blended” water is possibly due to hydraulic mixing of “fresh” and “brackish” waters within the aquifer matrix and/or in well mixing, and (iv) absence of Na–Cl facies indicates continuous flushing of the aquifer.  相似文献   

Geobacter become dominant members of the microbial community when Fe(III)-reducing conditions develop as the result of organic contamination, or when Fe(III) reduction is artificially stimulated. These results suggest that further understanding of the ecophysiology of Geobacter species would aid in better prediction of the natural attenuation of organic contaminants under anaerobic conditions and in the design of strategies for the bioremediation of subsurface metal contamination. Received, May 1999/Revised, October 1999/Accepted, October 1999  相似文献   

In this study, hydrogeologic and hydrochemical information from the Mersin-Erdemli groundwater system were integrated and used to determine the main factors and mechanisms controlling the chemistry of groundwaters in the area and anthropogenic factors presently affecting them. The PHREEQC geochemical modeling demonstrated that relatively few phases are required to derive water chemistry in the area. In a broad sense, the reactions responsible for the hydrochemical evolution in the area fall into four categories: (1) silicate weathering reactions; (2) dissolution of salts; (3) precipitation of calcite, amorphous silica and kaolinite; (4) ion exchange. As determined by multivariate statistical analysis, anthropogenic factors show seasonality in the area where most contaminated waters related to fertilizer and fungicide applications that occur during early summer season.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(3):487-497
This study aims to investigate the mechanisms and health risks of fluoride enrichment in groundwater in the Loess Plateau, China. By taking Dali County, Shaanxi Province, China as an example, this study obtains the following results through field investigation and the analyses of water, soil, and crop samples. (1) The groundwater can be divided into two major types, namely the Quaternary pore-fissure water and Karst water. The Karst area and sandy area have high-quality groundwater and serve as the target areas for optional water supply. The groundwater in the study area is slightly alkaline and highly saline. Meanwhile, high-fluoride groundwater is mainly distributed in the loess and river alluvial plains in the depression area of the Guanzhong Basin and the discharge areas of the groundwater, with the highest fluoride concentration exceeding seven times the national standard. (2) Fluoride in groundwater mainly originates from a natural source and human activities. The natural source refers to the fluoride-bearing minerals in rocks and soil, and the fluoride from this source is mainly controlled by natural factors such as climate, geologic setting, pH, specific hydrochemical environment, ion exchange, and mineral saturation. Human activities in modern life can be further divided into industrial and agricultural sources primarily. (3) The health risks of fluoride contamination are very high in the Loess Plateau, especially for children compared to adults. Meanwhile, the risks of fluoride exposure through food intake are higher than those through drinking water intake. The authors suggest selecting target areas to improve water supply and ensure the safety of drinking water in the study area. Besides, it is necessary to plant crops with low fluoride content or cash crops and to conduct groundwater treatment to reduce the fluoride concentration in drinking water. These results will provide a theoretical basis for safe water supply in the faulted basin areas in the Loess Plateau.© 2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

Although high As groundwater has been observed in shallow groundwater of the Hetao basin, little is known about As distribution in deep groundwater. Quantitative investigations into relationships among chemical properties and among samples in different areas were carried out. Ninety groundwater samples were collected from deep aquifers of the northwest of the basin. Twenty-two physicochemical parameters were obtained for each sample. Statistical methods, including principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), were used to analyze those data. Results show that As species were highly correlated with Fe species, NH4-N and pH. Furthermore, result of PCA indicates that high As groundwater was controlled by geological, reducing and oxic factors. The samples are classified into three clusters in HCA, which corresponded to the alluvial fans, the distal zone and the flat plain. Moreover, the combination of PCA with HCA shows the different dominant factors in different areas. In the alluvial fans, groundwater is influenced by oxic factors, and low As concentrations are observed. In the distal zone, groundwater is under suboxic conditions, which is dominated by reducing and geological factors. In the flat plain, groundwater is characterized by reducing conditions and high As concentrations, which is dominated by the reducing factor. This investigations indicate that deep groundwater in the alluvial fans mostly contains low As concentrations but high NO3 and U concentrations, and needs to be carefully checked prior to being used for drinking water sources.  相似文献   

A detailed hydrogeological investigation was carried out in parts of the Central Ganga Plain, India, with the objective of assessing the aquifer framework and its resource potential. The area was studied because of its dual hydrogeological situation, that is water logging and soil salinization in the canal command areas and depletion of aquifers in the western part of the basin. A comprehensive investigation of the aquifer system between the Ganga River and Kali River revealed its lateral and vertical dimensions and hydrogeological characteristics. Moreover, study of the groundwater occurrences, movements and behaviour, in terms of water level fluctuation with time and space, confirms the coexistence of over exploitation as well as water logging in the area.

Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at
Resumen Una investigación hidrogeológica detallada se llevó a cabo en partes de la Llanura de Ganga Central, India, con el objetivo de evaluar la estructura del acuífero y su potencial del recurso. El área fue estudiada por su doble situación hidrogeológica, es decir la saturación con agua y salinización de suelos en las áreas dominadas por el canal y vaciamiento de acuíferos en el la parte occidental de la cuenca. Una investigación completa del sistema acuífero entre el Río Ganga y el Río Kali, reveló sus dimensiones verticales y laterales y las características hidrogeológicas. Además, los estudios sobre la ocurrencia del agua subterránea, sus movimientos y comportamiento, en lo que se refiere al nivel de agua, y a su fluctuación en el tiempo y el espacio, confirma la co-existencia en el área de sobre- explotación así como de saturación con agua.

Résumé L'objectif de cette étude hydrogéologique détaillée de portions de la Plaine Centrale du Gange est de déreminer la structure aquifère et la ressource potentielle. L'intérêt de la zone repose sur sa dualité du point de vue hydrogéologique, les zones influencées par le canal présentent une remontée de la nappe avec une salinisation des sols, la portion Ouest du bassin présente une baisse du niveau des aquifères. Par cette étude, le système aquifère compris entre la rivière du Gange et la rivière Kali révèle ses dimensions latérales et verticales ainsi que ses caractéristiques hydrogéologiques. De plus, l'étude des événements, des mouvements et du régime hydrogéologique affectant le niveau phréatique confirme la co-existence de surexploitation et de saturation des sols dans la région.

 Soil and groundwater samples were collected during two seasons, premonsoon (April 1990) and postmonsoon (December 1990), and analyzed for major elements (Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, K, Ca, Ti, Mn and Fe), trace elements (Ni, Pb, Co, Cr and Zn) and water parameters (pH, conductivity, acidity, alkalinity, hardness, Cl and SO4). All the data were subjected to linear discriminant analysis and partial correlation analysis in order to understand the seasonal variation in the data. It was observed from the Mahalanobis generalized distance that in both soil and groundwater samples there was a large difference in the concentration level of premonsoon and postmonsoon data. Linear discriminant functions were calculated to distinguish between premonsoon and postmonsoon samples. From the partial correlation coefficient analysis of soil samples, dominance of chemical weathering and precipitation of atmospheric fallout during monsoon were inferred. In the case of the water samples, high conductivity and high hardness in the postmonsoon samples as well as atmospheric fallout of Pb and Ni during the premonsoon period was suggested from partial correlation of water samples. Received: 19 September 1995 · Accepted: 12 December 1995  相似文献   

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