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A floating breakwater produces less environmental impact, but is easily destroyed by large waves. In this paper, the spar buoy floating breakwater is introduced with a study on the wave reflection and transmission characteristics and mooring line tension induced by the waves. Mei (The Applied Dynamics of Ocean Surface Waves, Wiley, New York (1983) 740 p) proposed a theoretical solution for the reflection and transmission coefficients as the wave propagates through a one-layer slotted barrier. For a multiple-layer fence system, the analytical solution is proposed linearly. The results show that the theoretical computations agree well with the experimental trends. For a multiple-layer fence system, the transmission coefficients become maximal as the layer spacing to wavelength ratio moves to 1/2. Conversely, the coefficients become minimal, as the ratio moves to 0.3. To estimate the maximum tension of the mooring line, both numerical calculations and laboratory experiments were executed. The numerical calculation results were similar to the experimental results.  相似文献   

对并联式后弯管波力发电浮体模型的波能转换性能和锚泊力进行了试验研究。结果表明并联式后弯管浮体模型的最佳响应周期基本不变,各单元浮体性能略有差异,位于中间的单元浮体性能略低于两侧的浮体,波能转换性能随浮体数量增加而下降,多点系泊使并联式后弯管装置效率提高。并联式后弯管波力发电装置采用标准化单元设计,灵活组成不同装机容量的装置,将大大降低锚泊系统、海底电缆系统的费用。  相似文献   

Nautical radar and scalar buoy measurements of ocean wind generated waves have been analysed to compare the spectral parameters estimated from both sensors. The time series of different sea-state parameters and the differences and ratios of the values obtained from radar and buoy data using different analysis methods are compared. It has been observed that main differences between the sea-state parameters derived by using measurements obtained from both sensors result both from device characteristics and from the method of spectral estimation. In particular, it is shown that the Nyquist frequency has an important effect on the value of the sea-state parameters depending on spectral moments of order higher than zero.  相似文献   

以新型激光雷达浮标系统为研究对象,基于ANSYS/AQWA开展了激光雷达浮标系统运动响应特性数值研究,研究了浮标吃水深度、形状参数对于激光雷达浮标运动响应的影响规律,分析了附加质量、辐射阻尼、运动响应RAO及一阶、二阶波浪力等水动力参数。采用时域分析方法对不同风浪流荷载入射角度下的激光雷达浮标锚泊系统张力特性进行了计算分析。研究结果表明:随着浮标吃水深度的增加,浮标纵荡方向响应无明显变化,垂荡响应显著增大;随着浮标底部圆台直径的增大,浮标纵荡方向响应变化较小,而圆柱形浮标垂荡运动响应显著大于圆台形浮标;当浮标系泊锚链发生松弛—张紧状态变化时易出现极端张力,且极端张力出现的幅值和频率随有效波高的增大和谱峰周期的减小而增大。  相似文献   

应用三维势流理论及非线性时域耦合分析方法,在西非双方向涌浪和波浪条件下对深水浮筒及穿梭油轮水动力性能进行了数值计算,并与水池模型试验对比。对单浮筒在作业、生存海况下的运动响应进行了准确预报,同时对浮筒和穿梭油轮连接原油外输作业时的波频运动、平面运动给出了合理分析;得到原油外输装置在西非深水海域环境下的水动力响应特性,为我国参与西非深水海洋油气开采提供技术建议。  相似文献   

采用强迫振动试验的方法,对Spar平台不同振幅和不同振动频率下的附加质量系数和粘性阻尼系数进行了系统研究。分析研究了实心垂荡板和开孔垂荡板对Spar平台水动力特性的影响,并将Spar平台整体模型的试验结果与圆柱体和单独考虑垂荡板时的试验结果比较,结果表明垂荡板结构能有效提高Spar平台的附加质量系数和粘性阻尼系数,在KC=0.2~1.3时,开孔率为5%的开孔垂荡板Spar平台和实心垂荡板Spar平台相比,粘性阻尼有所提高但是附加质量减小。试验进一步研究了垂荡板间距对Spar平台水动力性能的影响,得到了水动力系数随垂荡板间距的变化情况,研究成果对实际工程中Spar平台的优化设计具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

海洋观测浮标系统应用广泛,浮标体的平衡性能是影响海洋观测浮标使用的重要因素之一(着重观测波浪等水文参数除外)。以一种主体直径为2.3 m的浮标体为例,运用动力学平衡理论,通过数学分析法进行推演计算,分析后得到了此浮标体的重心和浮心的位置。其中,重心位于主浮体的中轴线偏下位置;按照浮标体倾斜一定角度的情况下,推算出浮标体浮心位置,并由此得出其稳心的位置。依据计算,得出浮标体倾斜20°的情况下,此浮标体依然处于稳态平衡,理论结果表明此浮标体设计具有一定的可行性。通过海上实际测试,验证了理论计算分析的正确性。文中对浮标体平衡性的研究采用了理论分析与实验印证相结合的方法,其分析计算方法具有普适性,适用于其他型号的海洋观测浮标体,乃至所有水面浮体的平衡性分析,可为水面浮体设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

On May 22 and 24, 1995, a buoy, designed to float with the water surface and equipped with a GPS antenna, was deployed off the California coast at 16 locations near the Texaco oil platform, Harvest. The purpose of this deployment was threefold:.(1) to demonstrate the ability of this style of buoy to calibrate the TOPEXIPOSEIDON (TIP) altimeter range measurement as it overflew the platform: (2) to demonstrate the ability of the buoy to map the ocean's surface over a 10‐km‐diameter circle surrounding platform Harvest; and (3) to demonstrate the ability of the buoy to measure the sea state accurately. During the 1.6‐h period surrounding the time of the TIP overflight, the buoy‐measured sea level never differed by more than 1.5 cm from the sea level measured by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) acoustic tide gauge on the platform. The good agreement demonstrated the capability of this style of buoy to calibrate altimetric satellites. A paraboloid was fitted to sea level from 16 buoy locations surrounding the platform with a 2.5‐cm rms residual. On a 10‐km‐diameter circle centered on the platform, the paraboloid was within 2.4‐cm rms of the Ohio State University Mean Sea Surface (OSUMSS95). H u3 values calculated around the overflight times from the GPS buoy vertical positions had a mean difference of 2 cm and a standard deviation of 18 cm from values calculated from the University of Colorado (CU) pressure gauge system. At the time of the overflight, H u3 was near 2 m, while 3‐m seas were observed by the CU pressure system during measurements later in the day. This experiment demonstrates that a simple wave‐rider buoy design can give comparable accuracies to that of more complex GPS platforms such as the University of Colorado's spar buoy, but is much easier to deploy and capable of being used in more severe weather conditions. Thus, such a buoy and derivative designs have great potential for calibrating altimetric experiments, and for oceanographic and geodetic mapping experiments.  相似文献   

碟形网箱水动力特性的研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
根据物模实验得到碟形网箱在不同海况条件下的受力并给出了其估算方法和公式及其相关系数的取值,同时总结了碟形网箱的运动特性。  相似文献   

This note presents some analytical results for a tail–tube buoy configuration frequently used in wave energy conversion. The overall approach is based on Falnes and McIver's (Falnes, J., McIver, P., 1985. Surface wave interactions with systems of oscillating bodies and pressure distributions. Applied Ocean Research 7 (4), 225–234) extension to floating oscillating water columns of Evans' (Evans, D.V., 1982. Wave power absorbtion by systems of oscillating surface pressure distributions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 114, 481–499) theory of oscillating pressure distributions. The diffraction air-flow flux through the tube and the diffraction wave force on the flotation collar are obtained using the formulation of Garrett (1970, 1971) (Garrett, C.J.R., 1970. Bottomless harbours. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 43 (3), 433–449. Garrett, C.J.R., 1971. Wave forces on a circular dock. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 46 (1), 129–139). Results can be used in sizing the tube and collar for efficient energy conversion.  相似文献   

在张力腿平台筋腱与海底桩基连接后,需要筋腱支撑浮筒为筋腱提供足够的浮力,保证筋腱在平台运抵工作海域之前不会发生倾覆。针对南海油田自主研发的张力腿平台筋腱实际尺寸及设计要求,设计了适用于1 061 mm(40英寸)筋腱、500米水深的张力腿平台筋腱支撑浮筒,并对筋腱支撑浮筒主要受力进行了分析计算,根据所计算的载荷情况对关键部件进行了有限元仿真分析,验证了结构强度的可靠性,并得到了结构的应力集中点与最大变形点,为筋腱支撑浮筒的结构设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

深海锚泊浮标的二阶动力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
计算了规则波上深海锚泊浮标的运动响应和锚泊线的动力响应。在对浮标的二阶漂移力计算时考虑了锚系的影响,并将浮标平均漂移的计算结果与不考虑锚系影响的结果进行了比较。本文计算所用浮标为单点系泊浮标,锚链由不同重量的分段组成。  相似文献   

海洋放射性原位监测相比于传统采样回实验室分析可以实现连续、实时、自动化监测。文中研究了基于大浮标的海洋放射性原位监测系统,使用放射性测量传感器测量周围环境的放射性数据,使用GPS确定所测环境坐标,通过北斗通讯的方式将所测得放射性数据、位置信息等发送给岸站,岸站收到数据后计算并显示放射性测量传感器所测周围环境放射性数据能谱;研究设计了一种分包发送数据,数据丢包补发机制,解决海洋放射性数据量大、传输时间长、数据不全会造成解谱不准确的问题。最后通过实验室长期实验验证,长期数据平均接收率达到98%以上,能够利用海洋放射性原位监测系统实现准确可靠的监测。  相似文献   

Reliable performance is the key requirement for instruments used in offshore moored buoys for cyclone monitoring, as under performance of the sensors can have a serious impact on the societal protection, and in addition, lead to costly repair and reinstallations. The instrument selection and application practices are based on the experiences of the global scientific community, and their performances are monitored based on IEC61508 standards. Reliability modeling based on experiences in the operation and maintenance of moored surface buoys for approximately two decades has identified that the sensor suite used for cyclone monitoring has a Mean Time Between Failure of 0.6 years, which is the basis of the implemented reliability centered maintenance strategies. As this is the first attempt to study the performance of such moored buoy instruments which have cumulatively clocked more than 7.3 million demanding offshore instrument-hours, the data presented shall serve as input for the offshore environmental instrument system design.  相似文献   

针对海上目标探测问题, 将矢量水听器和Argo浮标相结合, 可构建一种具有水中目标探测能力的新型水下声学浮标平台。该浮标平台可多次上浮和下潜, 具有在位时间长、隐蔽性能高、成本低等特点, 单台水下声学浮标即可实现海上目标探测, 利用多台水下声学浮标可快速形成大面积区域覆盖能力。为进一步验证水下声学浮标对海上目标探测性能, 2019年8月在南海海区开展了多台水下声学浮标海上试验, 数据处理结果表明: 南海夏季典型声速剖面下, 水下声学浮标对船长42m航速8.4kn的水面航船目标最远探测距离可达13.8km, 目标估计方位均方根误差最优可达5°, 在水面航船距离最近的1.9km处, 目标估计方位标准差可达2°。  相似文献   

HY-2 has been launched by China on August 16, 2011 which assembles multi-microwave remote sensing payloads in a body and has the ability of monitoring ocean dynamic environments. The HY-2 satellite data need to be calibrated and validated before being put into use. Based on the in-situ buoys from the Nation- al Data Buoy Center (NDBC), Ku-band significant wave heights (SWH, hs) of HY-2 altimeter are validated. Eleven months of HY-2 altimeter Level 2 products data are chose from October 1, 2011 to August 29, 2012. Using NDBC 60 buoys yield 902 collocations for HY-2 by adopting collocation criteria of 30 min for tempo- ral window and 50 km for a spatial window. An overall RMS difference of the SWH between HY-2 and buoy data is 0.297 m. A correlation coefficient between these is 0.964. An ordinary least squares (OLS) regression is performed with the buoy data as an independent variable and the altimeter data as a dependent vari- able. The regression equation of hs is hs (HY-2)=0.891 × hs (NDBC)+0.022. In addition, 2016 collocations are matched with temporal window of 30 rain at the crossing points of HY-2 and Jason-2 orbits. RMS difference of Ku-band SWH between the two data sets is 0.452 m.  相似文献   

针对有缆潜标系统测量质量不稳定,缆绳阻力大、浮球浮力不足,测量系统难以绷紧,导致潜标摇摆、缆绳倾斜,受海洋环境的其他外力作用,影响采集资料的质量等问题,设计了自升式连体潜标测量系统。该系统最大特点是把各种仪器设备与释放器搭载组合到同一平行面的潜标内,把仪器设备、释放器与浮体材料合成为单位体积最小的潜标测量平台。该系统还有体积小、质量轻、造价低、操作简便等特点,适用于水深1 200 m内的海区,采用座底方式进行测量。系统通过释放装置脱钩,脱钩后连体潜标可自行升浮到海面,并具有隐蔽性好不易被破坏的优点。经过近1 a的试验,已多次在南海水深400 m多的海区顺利完成了海上投放与回收试验,试验结果良好。  相似文献   

姜斌  厉运周  陈永华 《海洋科学》2021,45(7):95-102
为了获取海洋连续稳定的气象和水文数据,作者设计了基于Linux的气象水文浮标采集系统,多线程同时测量海面的气象参数(温度、湿度、气压和风速、风向)和海下的水文参数(不同深度的水温和盐度),监控浮标的电压、漏水和开舱状态,测量和监控原始数据自动备份到系统的数据库,通过CDMA/GPRS或卫星与岸站接收系统通信,实现采集数...  相似文献   

深海剖面测流潜标系统设计及姿态分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合深海海流剖面测量实际应用,介绍了潜标系统的设计中须注意的几个问题。针对绳索和不同形状的潜标系统测量单元,给出了静力计算和姿态分析的步骤与方法。根据测量要求,在假定的海流剖面环境下,计算了各潜标单元在海水中的位置、倾斜以及潜标系统的浮力配置和锚块配重。该方法对于潜标设计具有实际参考意义。  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic characteristics of heave plates with different form edges of Truss Spar Platform are studied in this paper.Numerical simulations are carried out for the plate forced oscillation by the dynamic mesh method and user defined functions of FLUENT.The added mass coefficient and the damping coefficient of heave plate with tapering condition and the chamfer condition are calculated.The results show that,in a certain range,the hydrodynamic performance of heave plate after being tapered is better.  相似文献   

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