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Summary A redetermination of the crystal structure of zeophyllite, idealized Ca13Si10O28F10.6H2O [a=9.377(2), c=36.57(2) Å; Z=3], space group R3 (No. 148) yielded R = 0.033 for 2238 observed single crystal X-ray data (Fo > 3Fo). The atomic coordinates in combination with the anisotropic thermal displacement parameters as well as the internal R-value from merging equivalent intensities gave no evidence for a violation of trigonal symmetry. The structure is characterized by SiO4 tetrahedra combined to open branched vierer single layers in an arrangement normal to the threefold axes. These layers are connected via the Ca(O,F)x polyhedra and hydrogen bridges to a framework with a pronounced cleavage parallel to (00.1). The statistic . occurrence of Si-OH groups in parts of the structure was confirmed by IR-investigations.
Über Zeophyllit aus Radzein, Böhmisches Mittelgebirge: Röntgen- und IR-Untersuchungen
Zusammenfassung Eine Neubestimmung der Kristallstruktur an Zeophyllit, idealisiert Ca13Si{ion10}O28F10· .6H20 [a=9.377(2), c=36.57(2) Å; Z=3], Raumgruppe R3 (No. 148), ergab R = 0.033 für 2238 beobachtete Röntgeneinkristalldaten (Fo > 3Fo). Die Koordinaten der Atome in Verbindung mit den Parametern der anisotropen thermischen Schwingung sowie der interne R-Wert nach Mittelung äquivalenter Intensitäten ergaben keinen Anhaltspunkt für eine Verletzung der trigonalen Symmetrie. Die Struktur ist charakterisiert durch SiO4-Tetraeder, verknüpft zu open branched vierer single layers, die normal zur dreizähligen Achse angeordnet sind. Diese Schichten werden über die Ca(O,F)x Polyeder und Wasserstoffbrücken zu einem Gerüst mit ausgeprägter Spaltbarkeit parallel (00.1) verbunden. In der Struktur statistisch auftretende Si-OH-Gruppen konnten durch IR-Untersuchungen belegt werden.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

High-Ti melanephelinite (3.8–5.9 wt% TiO2), medium-Ti (phono)tephrite (2.7–3.1 wt% TiO2), and low-Ti olivine melanephelinite/basanite (1.9–2.3 wt.% TiO2) are subordinate rock types in the central European Cenozoic Volcanic Province. A contrasting melanephelinite to (phono)tephrite series occurs in the Lou?ná–Oberwiesenthal Volcanic Centre (37–28 Ma) and also as satellite volcanic bodies (26–12 Ma) together with olivine melanephelinite/basanite (17–20 Ma) on the southwestern periphery of the Kru?né hory mountains (Erzgebirge). The volcanic rocks intrude the Variscan basement of the uplifted shoulder of the Oh?e/Eger Rift in the Kru?né hory mountains of the Bohemian Massif. Low Mg# (44–59) and Cr, Ni contents and enrichment of LILE, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, U, Th and LREE in the high-Ti melanephelinites contrast with the composition of primitive low-Ti olivine melanephelinites/basanites displaying high Mg# (63–74) and high contents of compatible elements. The high-Ti melanephelinites reveal a wide range in initial 87Sr/86Sr of ca. 0.7034–0.7038 and εNd of 2.4–4.9. The low-Ti melanephelinites show an overlapping range of initial 87Sr/86Sr of ca. 0.7035–0.7036 and εNd of 4.3–5.5. The large variation in initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios at similar εNd values in those rock types is interpreted as evidence for melting of metasomatized lithospheric mantle sources comprising K-bearing phases with radiogenic Sr. Modification of the olivine-free alkali basaltic magmas by differentiation or crustal contamination could give rise to the medium-Ti (phono) tephrites. The initial isotope ratios of all samples are consistent with HIMU-mantle sources and contributions from lithospheric mantle. The olivine-free melanephelinitic rocks often contain alkali pyroxenite–ijolite xenoliths with initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of ca. 0.7036 and εNd of 3.0. We interpret these xenoliths as samples of an intra-crustal alkali complex derived from similar mantle sources as those for the basaltic volcanic rocks.  相似文献   

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