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The ‘low’ in the transient temperature versus depth borehole profiles around 120 m seen from deep temperature logs in the Canadian Prairies (southern Alberta–southern Saskatchewan), as well as in some of the European data, has been interpreted to be related to the Little Ice Age (LIA). Data point to the lowest ground surface and subsurface temperatures occurring in the very late eighteenth to nineteenth centuries. Inversion of these logs shows that surface temperature lows were followed by a recent warming period. Further, the synthetic profiles built on the basis of solar forcing history, stretching as far back as the beginning of the seventeenth century, suggest that the LIA signatures interpreted from the inversion of the borehole temperature logs would be difficult to be explained by known published models of past solar irradiation despite large range of assumed sensitivities for the couplings assumed, and that further forcing needs to be considered.  相似文献   

Analysis of hydraulic heads and chemical compositions of Devonian formation waters in the west central part of the Alberta Basin, Canada, characterizes the origin of formation waters and migration of brines. The Devonian succession in the study area lies 2000–5000 m below the ground surface, and has an approximate total thickness of 1000 m and an average slope of 15 m/km. Four Devonian aquifers are present in the study area, which form two aquifer systems [i.e., a Middle–Upper Devonian aquifer system (MUDAS) consisting of the Elk Point and Woodbend–Beaverhill Lake aquifers, and an Upper Devonian aquifer system (UDAS) consisting of the Winterburn and Wabamun aquifers]. The Ireton is an effective aquitard between these two systems in the eastern parts of the study area. The entire Devonian succession is confined below by efficient aquitards of the underlying Cambrian shales and/or the Precambrian basement, and above by overlying Carboniferous shales of the Exshaw and Lower Banff Formations.The formation water chemistry shows that the Devonian succession contains two distinct brine types: a ‘heavy brine,’ located updip, defined approximately by TDS >200 g/l, and a ‘light brine’ with TDS <200 g/l. Hydraulic head distributions suggest that, presently, the ‘light brine’ attempts to flow updip, thereby pushing the ‘heavy brine’ ahead. The interface between the two brines is lobate and forms large-scale tongues that are due to channeled flow along high-permeability pathways. Geological and hydrogeochemical data suggest that the following processes determined the present composition of the ‘light’ and ‘heavy’ brines: original seawater, evaporation beyond gypsum but below halite saturation, dolomitization, clay dehydration, gypsum dewatering, thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR), and halite dissolution. The influx of meteoric (from the south) and metamorphic (from the west) waters can be recognized only in the ‘light brine.’ Albitization can be unequivocally identified only in the ‘heavy brine.’ The ‘heavy brine’ may be residual Middle Devonian evaporitic brine from the Williston Basin or the Elk Point Basin, or it may have originated from partial dissolution of thick, laterally extensive Middle Devonian evaporite deposits to the east of the study area. The ‘light brine’ most probably originated from dilution of ‘heavy brine’ in post-Laramide times.  相似文献   

In NE China, voluminous granitoids were emplaced in late Paleozoic and Mesozoic times. We report here Sr–Nd–O isotopic and elemental abundance data for two highly evolved granitic plutons, Woduhe and Baerzhe, from the Great Xing'an Mountains. They show a rather “juvenile” Sr–Nd isotopic signature and a spectacular tetrad effect in their REE distribution patterns as well as non-CHARAC (charge-and-radius-controlled) trace element behavior. The emplacement ages are constrained at 130±4 Ma for the Woduhe and 122±5 Ma for the Baerzhe granites by Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isotope analyses. Both granites are also characterized by low but imprecise initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of about 0.703. The Nd–Sr isotope data argue for their generation by melting of dominantly juvenile mantle component with subordinate recycled ancient crust. This is largely compatible with the general scenario for much of the Phanerozoic granitoids emplaced in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The parental magmas for both the Woduhe and Baerzhe granites have undergone extensive magmatic differentiation, during which intense interaction of the residual melts with aqueous hydrothermal fluids (probably rich in F and Cl) resulted in the non-CHARAC trace element behavior and the tetrad effect of REE distribution. Both the Woduhe and Baerzhe granites show the characteristic trace element patterns of rare-metal granites, but their absolute abundances differ by as much as two orders of magnitude. The oxygen isotope compositions of the two granites have been severely disturbed. Significant 18O depletion in feldspar, but not so much in quartz, suggests that the hydrothermal alteration took place in a temperature condition of 300–500 °C. This subsolidus hydrothermal alteration is decoupled from the late-stage magma–fluid interaction at higher temperatures. Despite the two distinct and intense events of “water–rock” interaction, the Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd geochronological systems seem to have maintained closed, hence, suggesting that the two events occurred shortly after the plutonic emplacements.  相似文献   

Early Ordovician A-type granites in the northeastern (NE) Songnen Block NE China were studied to better understand the geodynamic settings in this region. This research presents new zircon U–Pb ages and whole-rock geochemical data for the Early Ordovician granites in the NE Songnen Block. Zircon U–Pb dating indicates that the granite in the Cuibei, Hongxing, and Meixi areas in the NE Songnen Block formed in the Early Ordovician with ages of 471–479 Ma. The granites show geochemical characteristics of high SiO2 and K2O compositions and low FeOT, MgO, CaO, and P2O5 compositions. They belong to a high K calc-alkaline series and display a weak peraluminous feature with A/CNK values of 0.98–1.14. The rocks have a ∑REE composition of 249.98–423.94 ppm, and are enriched in LREE with (La/Yb)N values of 2.87–9.87, and display obvious Eu anomalies (δEu?=?0.01–0.29). Trace elements of the studied granites are characterized by enrichment in Rb, Th, U, Pb, Hf, and Sm, and depletion of Ba, Nb, Ta, and Sr. They display geochemical features of high Zr?+?Y?+?Nb?+?Ce values (324–795 ppm) and Ga/Al ratios consistent with A-type granites. Based on particular geochemical features, such as high Rb/Nb (7.98–24.19) and Y/Nb (1.07–3.43), the studied A-type granites can be further classified as an A2-type subgroup. This research indicates that the Early Ordovician A-type granites were formed by the partial melting of ancient crust in an extensional setting. Lower Sr/Y and (Ho/Yb)N ratios indicate that plagioclase and amphibole are residual in the source, and garnet is absent, implying that the magma was generated at low levels of pressure. By contrast, the contemporaneous granites in the SE Xing’an Block suggest a subduction-related tectonic setting, and its adakitic property indicates a thickened continental crust. We suggest that the Paleo-Asian Ocean plate between the Xing’an and Songnen blocks subducted northward during the Early Ordovician. Meanwhile, the NE Songnen Block was exposed to a passive continental margin tectonic setting.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1359-1383
The Jiangnan Orogen is located at a key tectonic position along the junction between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks. We obtained detailed major and trace elements, whole-rock Nd + zircon Hf isotope data, and U–Pb age data from several Mesozoic granites, including the Fuling (FL), Taiping–Huangshan (TH), Lingshan (LS), Sanqingshan (SQS), and Baijuhuajian intrusions in order to investigate their sources and petrogeneses related to extension in South China. Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) analyses of zircon from the FL, TH, SQS, and LS bodies yield Early Cretaceous ages of 124–135 Ma. These plutons are alkali-feldspar granites to syenogranites–monzogranites, and show A-type affinities. They have high K2O and total alkali contents, and are enriched in rare earth elements (except for Eu), Zr, and other high-field-strength elements as well as high Ga/Al ratios, and are depleted in Ba and Sr. These granites are metaluminous to weakly peraluminous (ACNK from 0.81 to 1.27). The whole-rock ?Nd(T) values of??5.34 to??0.96 are coupled with zircon ?Hf(T) values (from??5.3 to +4.24), and all samples plot along the mantle array. Field observations, geochronology, geochemistry, Nd isotopic, and zircon Hf isotopic compositions suggest that they formed by the partial melting of Mesoproterozoic metamorphic basement, with input from juvenile, mantle-derived materials in the shallow (<30 km) crust at high temperatures (756–965°C). These melts underwent crystal fractionation of biotite, plagioclase, and K-feldspar. The upwelling of asthenosphere triggered partial melting of the metamorphic protolith in a back-arc or intra-arc rift setting, reflecting rollback of the Pacific plate. Our research adds new geochronologic constraints on Cretaceous (135–120 Ma) A-type granites from the NE sector of the Jiangnan Orogen. Combined with previous research, we suggest that three main episodes of late Mesozoic extensional tectonism took place in South China: (1) 190–170 Ma (mainly inland), (2) 165–120 Ma (including 165–150 Ma in SE Shi-Hang, 135–120 Ma in NE Shi-Hang, and ~125 Ma in the Lower Yangtze River Belt), and (3) 100–90 Ma (coastal area), showing an oceanwards younging trend due to the subduction of the Palaeo-Pacific plate.  相似文献   

A ground surface temperature history for the last 500 years was created from the inversion of geophysical temperature logs in four deep (?>?1400?m) boreholes on the Blackwood Plateau in southwestern Australia. Modelled temperature changes show close agreement with ground surface temperature histories from elsewhere in the world for this period and indicate that the Blackwood Plateau has experienced a 0.4 K increase in mean temperature between the beginning of the sixteenth century and the 1980s, with more than half of the increase having taken place after 1900. The modelling indicates that the highest temperatures in the region for the last 500 years were recorded during the twentieth century, and that the current rate of temperature change of more than 0.5° K per century is higher than at any other time during this time period.  相似文献   

The abundance of titanium in some postkinematic granites in SW Norway is three to four times higher than the global average for granites. The basement gneisses exhibit no significant difference from the global average.  相似文献   


青藏高原东北缘茶卡北山地区发现了伟晶岩型Li-Be矿床, 然而该地区尚未发现与成矿相关的花岗岩类侵入体, 这也制约了成矿规律研究与成矿预测的开展。本文报道了茶卡北山地区新识别的阿斯合塔花岗岩的锆石、独居石U-Pb年龄、全岩地球化学、锆石Hf同位素、全岩Nd同位素资料。阿斯合塔岩体由黑云母花岗闪长岩、黑云母花岗岩和含石榴子石花岗岩组成; 含石榴子石花岗岩锆石206Pb/238U年龄分散分布, 主要介于248~232Ma, 独居石206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为243.0±1.1Ma和246.3±1.0Ma。岩石具高SiO2(76.56%~77.70%)和K2O+Na2O(7.81%~8.50%), 低Fe2O3T(0.50%~0.73%)和MgO(0.003%~0.072%)的特征, 分异指数(DI)为94~96, 铝饱和指数(A/CNK)为0.98~1.09, 为弱过铝质高钾钙碱性系列, 富集K、Rb、Th、U和Pb, 强烈亏损Ba、Sr、P、Eu和Ti, 高Rb/Sr比值(12~93)、低Zr/Hf比值(11~18)和K/Rb比值(61~93), 全岩εNd(t)为-5.53~-5.26, 锆石εHf(t)为-5.1~0.2。阿斯合塔岩体主体为高分异Ⅰ型花岗岩, 岩浆源于元古代陆壳物质组成下地壳的部分熔融, 并有少量幔源镁铁质岩浆混合或新生地壳的加入。综合分析表明, 阿斯合塔岩体高分异花岗岩具有形成以Be为主稀有金属矿的可能, 该地区Li-Be矿化呈现多期次特征。


Chemical composition and stable carbon isotopic studies were undertaken for 27 gas samples from deep strata of the Xujiaweizi Depression in the Songliao Basin to investigate their origin. Gas molecular and carbon isotopic compositions show great variety. Methane is the main component for all studied samples and its content ranges from 57.4% to 98.2% with an average of 90.1%. Gas wetness ranges from 0.8% to 16.7% with an average of 2.7%. The main non-hydrocarbon gases are carbon dioxide and nitrogen with an average of 4.0% and 3.2%, respectively. Carbon isotope data suggest that these deep strata gases are mainly coal-type gases mixed with minor amounts of associated (oil-type) gases. Coal-type gases are characterized by heavier carbon isotopic values and drier chemical compositions. These gases were generated from the Lower Cretaceous Shahezi Formation coals interbedded shales with type III kerogen during the postmature stage of hydrocarbon generation. Oil-type gases are characterized by lighter carbon isotope and higher wetness, which were generated from the Lower Cretaceous shales with type II kerogen in the shallow strata during the early mature stage of hydrocarbon generation. Mixing of two different gases causes unusual carbon isotopic distribution patterns, with lighter isotopic values in higher numbered carbons in most gases. The discovery of coal-type gases in the Songliao Basin provides new prospects for the exploration in this region.  相似文献   

The Sangan mining region, which has a proven reserve of approximately 1000 Mt of 53% iron ore, is located in the Khaf-Kashmar-Bardeskan volcano-plutonic belt in northeastern Iran. The geological units in the eastern zone of the Sangan region consist of Precambrian schists, Jurassic sedimentary rocks and Tertiary subvolcanic granitoid intrusions. Iron skarn mineralization consists of stratiform and massive bodies in the carbonate rocks that are adjacent to the granitoid intrusions. Detailed field mapping revealed that 39-Ma syenitic intrusive bodies in the western and central zones of the Sangan region were the main sources of heat and fluid for the iron mineralization.A Mid-Cenozoic biotite granite pluton is associated with the eastern anomalies. However, field relationships suggested that this pluton is not the source of the metals, heat or fluids that were responsible for the iron mineralization. This pluton is rich in silica (SiO2 contents from 66.4 to 79.1 wt%) and is characterized by high-K series with metaluminous to slightly peraluminous affinity.Geochronological (U-Pb zircon method) and geochemical data, including major and trace elements and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes, define the complex origin of these plutons, which consist of alkaline granitoids that appear to be A-type in character but also show I-type affinity.New geochemical and isotopic data from plutons in the eastern anomalies and data from previous studies of the western and central anomalies and the southeastern intrusive rocks in the Sangan region show that these plutons have close affiliation with lower to upper crust-derived melts and were largely modified into highly fractionated I-type granite. These rocks were derived from and emplaced by varying degrees of partial melting during the Middle Eocene (Bartonian to Lutetian, 38.3–43.9 Ma) from a crustal protolith in a normal to mature volcanic continental arc setting.The Sangan granitoids were produced from crustal assimilation by a heat source from mantle melts, which are associated with the Kashmar-Neotethyan slab that subducted under Eurasia. The Khaf-Kashmar-Bardeskan igneous rocks reflect an active Cenozoic plate margin that was related to the closure of the Kashmar-Neotethyan Sea between the Lut and Eurasia blocks because of the continuous convergence between the Arabian and Iran plates during the Late Cretaceous–Early Paleocene.  相似文献   

深部高承压水地层裂隙岩体冻结温度场实测研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
李栋伟  周艳  靳鹏伟  李阳  张瀚 《冰川冻土》2016,38(1):140-144
通过深部高承压水地层冻结法凿井现场实测,获得矿井裂隙岩体各个层位测温孔的温度和盐水去回路干管温度变化规律.结果表明:测温孔实测温度在冻结初期呈线性下降规律;当温度继续降低到岩石的结冰温度以后,降温速率逐步增加;当冻结帷幕达到设计温度时,实测温度变化趋于平缓;外圈管外侧测温孔降温速率最慢,两圈管之间位置的测温孔降温速率最快;位于不同位置不同层位的测温孔降温速率不一致,其中位于92m深度的卵石层(C1#测温孔)降温速率为0.54℃·d-1,位于209m深度的砂质泥岩(C3#测温孔)降温速率为0.9℃·d-1;根据实测温度可以预测地层形成冻结帷幕的交圈时间、厚度、平均温度等冻结设计参数.深部裂隙岩体冻结温度实测资料对指导冻结帷幕设计与施工具有重要实践意义.  相似文献   

Pb-evaporation zircon analyses coupled with a detailed cathodoluminescence (CL) study on the complete series of granitoids from the northern Oberpfalz, NE Bavaria, provide new evidence for the commencement and timing of late-Variscan magmatism. All granitoids analysed in this study were dated before by Rb-Sr and/or K-Ar methods. Investigated samples comprise medium-grained, I-type dioritic rocks (redwitzites), I/S-type granites (Leuchtenberg, Marktredwitz (G1), Zainhammer) and S-type granites (Falkenberg, Liebenstein, Mitterteich, Friedenfels, Steinwald, Flossenbürg, Bärnau). The zircon evaporation technique reveals three groups of 207Pb/206Pb ages which are interpreted to represent magmatic crystallisation: (1) ages of 324-321 Ma are found in all analysed redwitzites and in almost all I/S-type granites; (2) the granites of Falkenberg and Liebenstein yield ages of ~315 Ma; (3) ages between 312 and 310 Ma are recorded in the Mitterteich, Friedenfels, Steinwald and Flossenbürg granites. Titanite crystals from different redwitzite bodies yield conventional U-Pb ages of 325-322 Ma, identical to the Pb-evaporation zircon data of these rocks. The S-type granites of groups 2 and 3 contain zircons with relict cores but only a small number of them yield older ages, indicating that some of the cores must have lost their radiogenic Pb. From the geochronological data, we infer that metamorphic conditions of the Variscan crust produced different granite types at different times. The data support a model involving an early period of mantle-related magmatism which postdates the final convergence stage of the Variscan orogen. This magmatic activity was at the same time as the thermal peak of regional metamorphism and is followed by a late period of crustal anatexis, which is probably related to post-collisional extension of the thickened Variscan crust.  相似文献   

玛因鄂博岩体分布于新疆阿尔泰山南缘玛因鄂博深大断裂北东侧。主体岩石类型包括片麻状英云闪长岩、黑云母花岗闪长岩、二长花岗岩。岩石中含有较高的黑云母,并可见夕线石、堇青石、电气石等富铝特征矿物。锆石的 SHRIMP U—Pb 定年表明该岩体结晶年龄为283Ma。岩石具有低的 SiO_2、CaO、Ba、Sr、Nb、P_2O_5、Al_2O_3/TiO_2比值及高 MgO、FeO~T、Cr、Ni、TiO_2、REE(∑REE=126.8×10~(-6)~218.11×10~(-6))、A/CNK(>1.1)等特征,富集轻稀土((La/Yb)_N=5~11),具有中等的 Eu负异常(δEu=0.52~0.74)。上述特征表明该岩体与典型的高温型强过铝花岗岩相似。岩石的 Nd 同位素分析表明,其 Nd 初始值变化大(-0.3~-3.5),而其中辉长岩体的 Nd 初始值为5.5。基于上述,我们认为花岗岩原始岩浆来源于底侵的玄武岩浆引起的低成熟度碎屑岩部分熔融,并有部分玄武岩浆的加入。结合区域地质资料,推测它形成于后碰撞阶段,属于后碰撞强过铝花岗岩。在阿勒泰地区早二叠纪强过铝花岗岩的界定为阿尔泰乃至中亚造山带的后碰撞花岗岩提供了一种重要的岩石成因类型。  相似文献   

李宇  李文庆  孙金龙 《岩石学报》2022,38(10):3021-3036

本文对内蒙古莫尔道嘎地区(额尔古纳地块)花岗质岩石行了锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学和岩石地球化学研究, 确定其形成时代、岩石成因, 从而揭示区域构造背景。莫尔道嘎地区花岗岩中的锆石均呈半自形-自形, 震荡生长环带明显, 暗示其岩浆成因。测年结果显示, 研究区花岗岩可划分为两个期次: 晚三叠世(~216Ma)和早侏罗世(201~195Ma)。莫尔道嘎地区晚三叠世-早侏罗世花岗岩的地球化学属性相似, 它们具有高硅(SiO2=67.09%~77.05%)、富铝(Al2O3=12.18%~16.83%)、贫铁(Fe2O3T=1.30%~3.48%)等特征, 属于准铝质-过铝质(A/CNK=0.97~1.13)、高钾钙碱性系列, 具有I型花岗岩的地球化学属性。此外, 晚三叠世-早侏罗世花岗岩相对富集大离子亲石元素(LILEs)和轻稀土元素(LREEs), 亏损重稀土元素(HREEs)和高场强元素(HFSEs, Nb、Ta、P、Ti等), 具有与俯冲带环境下形成的火成岩类似的特征。额尔古纳地块上同时期的钙碱性系列岩石组合的发现, 进一步表明莫尔道嘎地区晚三叠世-早侏罗世花岗岩形成于活动大陆边缘环境。结合前人对东北地区中生代火成岩时空变异分布特征的研究, 本文莫尔道嘎地区晚三叠世-早侏罗世花岗质岩体形成与蒙古-鄂霍茨克大洋板片南向俯冲作用密切相关。


NE China is the easternmost part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The area is distinguished by widespread occurrence of Phanerozoic granitic rocks. In the companion paper (Part I), we established the Jurassic ages (184–137 Ma) for three granitic plutons: Xinhuatun, Lamashan and Yiershi. We also used geochemical data to argue that these rocks are highly fractionated I-type granites. In this paper, we present Sr–Nd–O isotope data of the three plutons and 32 additional samples to delineate the nature of their source, to determine the proportion of mantle to crustal components in the generation of the voluminous granitoids and to discuss crustal growth in the Phanerozoic.

Despite their difference in emplacement age, Sr–Nd isotopic analyses reveal that these Jurassic granites have common isotopic characteristics. They all have low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7045±0.0015), positive Nd(T) values (+1.3 to +2.8), and young Sm–Nd model ages (720–840 Ma). These characteristics are indicative of juvenile nature for these granites. Other Late Paleozoic to Mesozoic granites in this region also show the same features. Sr–Nd and oxygen isotopic data suggest that the magmatic evolution of the granites can be explained in terms of two-stage processes: (1) formation of parental magmas by melting of a relatively juvenile crust, which is probably a mixed lithology formed by pre-existing lower crust intruded or underplated by mantle-derived basaltic magma, and (2) extensive magmatic differentiation of the parental magmas in a slow cooling environment.

The widespread distribution of juvenile granitoids in NE China indicates a massive transfer of mantle material to the crust in a post-orogenic tectonic setting. Several recent studies have documented that juvenile granitoids of Paleozoic to Mesozoic ages are ubiquitous in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, hence suggesting a significant growth of the continental crust in the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

本文对额尔古纳地块北段的富源沟林场含电气石花岗岩体进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素定年和岩石地球化学研究。含电气石花岗岩的锆石206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值为458±4 Ma(MSWD = 1.8),表明含电气石花岗岩形成于晚奥陶世初期。岩石地球化学特征表明该花岗岩应为高钾钙碱性系列(K2O = 3.45%~4.83%),铝饱和指数A/CNK>1.1(1.11~1.28),属强过铝质的S型花岗岩,富集Th、U、Rb、K等元素,相对亏损Sr、Ba、 Nb、Ti、 P、Eu等元素,是同碰撞构造背景下地壳部分熔融的产物。结合前人研究资料和本文数据提出,富源沟林场含电气石花岗岩的形成与额尔古纳地块和兴安地块的碰撞拼贴有关,形成于额尔古纳地块与兴安地块碰撞拼贴作用所引发的碰撞构造背景,由于地缘因素,构造岩浆作用滞后于额尔古纳地块东缘的碰撞拼贴时限,是额尔古纳地块和兴安地块碰撞拼贴的远程效应。  相似文献   

Trond Slagstad 《Tectonophysics》2006,412(1-2):105-119
The Late Carboniferous–Early Permian Oslo Rift formed in apparently cold, stable lithosphere of the Fennoscandian Shield in a tensional stress regime widely documented in Northwest Europe at that time. The Rift formed obliquely to older, crustal structures that display only limited Permian reactivation, and, although numerical modelling suggests that the present-day lithospheric structure would serve to focus tensional stresses in the Oslo region, the assumption that no lithospheric evolution has occurred since the Palaeozoic is by no means obvious. Here, I show that, up to 5 km thick, regional-scale Late- to Post-Sveconorwegian granites in the vicinity of the Oslo Rift, with heat-production rates averaging ca. 5 μW/m3, nearly three times higher than the surrounding Sveconorwegian gneisses, would have increased the temperature in the lower crust and lithospheric mantle by up to 100 °C, resulting in significant thermal weakening of the lithosphere in this area. Given a tensional stress regime, weakening by these high heat-producing element granites would have made the Oslo area a favoured site for passive rifting and may have been a first-order parameter locating rifting to this part of the Fennoscandian Shield. The thermo-rheological effects of such granites must be considered along with other factors in future models of initial rift mechanisms in the Oslo Rift, and probably in other rifts elsewhere.  相似文献   

We observed a direct reaction of metallic iron with water to form iron hydride and iron oxide, 3Fe + H2O–>2FeHx + FeO, at pressures from 6 GPa to 84 GPa and temperatures above 1,000 K in diamond anvil cell (DAC). Iron hydride is dhcpFeHx or -FeHx, and iron oxide has the rhombohedral or B1 structure at pressures at least up to 37 GPa. The formation of an assembly composed of dhcpFeHx and FeO with the B8 structure was observed at 84 GPa. In primordial Earth, water formed by dehydration of the low temperature primitive materials reacts with metallic iron in the high temperature component to form iron hydride FeHx and iron oxide FeO. The former would be incorporated in the iron forming the core. Thus hydrogen could be an important element of the Earths core. This reaction would be essential for transport of hydrogen into the core in the accretion stage of the Earth.  相似文献   

热储温度是划分地热系统成因类型和评价地热资源潜力的重要参数。文章在采集分析渝东南13个地热水样的基础上,利用无蒸汽损失石英和有蒸汽损失石英温标法、玉髓法a和玉髓法b,修正的SiO2温标法,K-Mg、Na-Li、Na-K、Na-K-Ca等阳离子温标法计算渝东南深部热储温度,并利用Na-K-Mg三角图解法和矿物饱和指数法检验所用方法的可靠性,结果表明:研究区利用SiO2(无蒸汽损失)温标法和修正后的SiO2温标法计算所得出的热储平均温度更适用,各地热水点热储温度范围在62.78~124.81℃,平均热储温度88.98℃。   相似文献   

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