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Late Pleistocene tephras derived by large explosive volcanic eruptions are widespread in the Mediterranean and surrounding areas. They are important isochronous markers in stratigraphic sections and therefore it is important to constrain their sources. We report here tephrochronology results using multiple criteria to characterize the volcanic products of the Late Pleistocene Ciomadul volcano in eastern–central Europe. This dacitic volcano had an explosive eruption stage between 57 and 30 ka. The specific petrological character (ash texture, occurrence of plagioclase and amphibole phenocrysts and their compositions), the high-K calc-alkaline major element composition and particularly the distinct trace element characteristics provide a strong fingerprint of the Ciomadul volcano. This can be used for correlating tephra and cryptotephra occurrences within this timeframe. Remarkably, during this period several volcanic eruptions produced tephras with similar glass major element composition. However, they differ from Ciomadul tephras by glass trace element abundances, ratios of strongly incompatible trace elements and their mineral cargo that serve as discrimination tools. We used (U-Th)/He zircon dates combined with U-Th in situ rim dates along with luminescence and radiocarbon dating to constrain the age of the explosive eruptions of Ciomadul that yielded distal tephra layers but lack of identified proximal deposits.  相似文献   

The Montardone mélange (Mm) is a chaotic, block-in-matrix unit outcropping in the Montebaranzone syncline in the northern Apennines. The Mm occurs in the uppermost part of the Termina Fm, the Middle–Late Miocene interval of a succession deposited in a wedge-top slope basin (Epiligurian succession). The Mm is closely associated with bodies of authigenic carbonates, characterized by negative values of δ13C (from ?18.22 to ?39.05 ‰ PDB) and chemosynthetic benthic fauna (lucinid and vesicomyid bivalves). In this paper, we propose that the Mm is a mud volcano originated by the post-depositional reactivation and rising of a stratigraphically lower mud-rich mass transport body (Canossa–Val Tiepido sedimentary mélange or olistostrome) triggered by fluid overpressure. We base our conclusion on (1) the Mm pierces the entire Termina Fm and older Epiligurian units and represents the direct continuation of the underlying Canossa–Val Tiepido mélange; (2) the geometry and facies distribution of the Montebaranzone sandstone body, which are compatible with a confined basin controlled by the rising of the Mm; (3) the systematic presence of large-scale (lateral extension 300–400 m) seep-carbonates associated with the mélange, suggesting a persistent gas-enriched fluid vent from the ascending overpressured mud; (4) blocks and clasts sourced from the Mm, hosted by the authigenic carbonates, conveyed by ascending mud and gas-enriched fluids. The Mm represents one of the few fossil examples of reactivation of a basin-scale sedimentary mélange (olistostrome); a three-stage model showing mechanisms of Mm raising is proposed.  相似文献   

Basic volcanic rocks from Tafresh, west Kashan, and west Nain volcanic successions in the central part of Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Assemblage (UDMA) of Iran yield K–Ar ages ranging from 26.8 to 18.2 Ma. These ages indicate significant Late Oligocene–Early Miocene basic volcanism in the UDMA. These ages, combined with K–Ar ages of 26.0 and 14.1 Ma, respectively, for associated low-silica and high-silica adakites, help constrain reconstructions of the UDMA geodynamic evolution. Late Oligocene–Early Miocene slab roll-back associated with an asthenospheric mantle influx are suggested as the major processes responsible for concurrent volcanism showing Nb–Ta-depleted, Nb–Ta-enriched and low-silica adakite signatures. Slab roll-back, the likely consequence of a decrease in subduction velocity, led to partial melting of the subducted slab and produced Early–Middle Miocene high-silica (dacitic) adakites. Oligocene to Miocene volcanic rocks do not conform to the Oligocene continental collisional model for the UDMA, rather they suggest a decrease in the subduction rate that prompted the asthenospheric mantle influx.  相似文献   

The patterns and history of Mesozoic–Cenozoic plume magmatism in the Arctic is considered in relation with suprasubduction volcanism and geodynamic events. The Mesozoic–Cenozoic magmatic history of the area includes seven stages, distinguished by correlation of ages and compositions of volcanics associated with mid-ocean rifting, plumes, and subduction; three of seven stages correspond to global events at 230–200 Ma, 130–120 Ma, and 40–30 Ma. The reported study supports the inferred inverse correlation between plate velocities and amount of subduction-related volcanism. The gained knowledge is used for paleotectonic reconstructions in the Arctic.  相似文献   

The late Neogene to Quaternary Cappadocian Volcanic Province (CVP) in central Anatolia is one of the most impressive volcanic fields of Turkey because of its extent and spectacular erosionally sculptured landscape. The late Neogene evolution of the CVP started with the eruption of extensive andesitic-dacitic lavas and ignimbrites with minor basaltic lavas. This stage was followed by Quaternary bimodal volcanism. Here, we present geochemical, isotopic (Sr–Nd–Pb and δ18O isotopes) and geochronological (U–Pb zircon and Ar–Ar amphibole and whole-rock ages) data for bimodal volcanic rocks of the Ni?de Volcanic Complex (NVC) in the western part of the CVP to determine mantle melting dynamics and magmatic processes within the overlying continental crust during the Quaternary. Geochronological data suggest that the bimodal volcanic activity in the study area occurred between ca. 1.1 and ca. 0.2 Ma (Pleistocene) and comprises (1) mafic lavas consisting of basalts, trachybasalts, basaltic andesites and scoria lapilli fallout deposits with mainly basaltic composition, (2) felsic lavas consisting of mostly rhyolites and pumice lapilli fall-out and surge deposits with dacitic to rhyolitic composition. The most mafic sample is basalt from a monogenetic cone, which is characterized by 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7038, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.5128, 206Pb/204Pb = 18.80, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.60 and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.68, suggesting a moderately depleted signature of the mantle source. Felsic volcanic rocks define a narrow range of 143Nd/144Nd isotope ratios (0.5126–0.5128) and are homogeneous in Pb isotope composition (206Pb/204Pb = 18.84–18.87, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.64–15.67 and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.93–38.99). 87Sr/86Sr isotopic compositions of mafic (0.7038–0.7053) and felsic (0.7040–0.7052) samples are similar, reflecting a common mantle source. The felsic rocks have relatively low zircon δ18O values (5.6 ± 0.6 ‰) overlapping mantle values (5.3 ± 0.3 %), consistent with an origin by fractional crystallization from a mafic melt with very minor continental crustal contamination. The geochronological and geochemical data suggest that mafic and felsic volcanic rocks of the NVC are genetically closely related to each other. Mafic rocks show a positive trend between 87Sr/86Sr and Th, suggesting simultaneous assimilation and fractional crystallization, whereas the felsic rocks are characterized by a flat or slightly negative variation. High 87Sr/86Sr gneisses are a potential crustal contaminant of the mafic magmas, but the comparatively low and invariant 87Sr/86Sr in the felsic volcanics suggests that these evolved dominantly by fractional crystallization. Mantle-derived basaltic melts, which experienced low degree of crustal assimilation, are proposed to be the parent melt of the felsic volcanics. Geochronological and geochemical results combined with regional geological and geophysical data suggest that bimodal volcanism of the NVC and the CVP, in general, developed in a post-collisional extensional tectonic regime that is caused by ascending asthenosphere, which played a key role during magma genesis.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2002,15(4):209-231
Along the Periadriatic Lineament in the Alps and the Sava–Vardar Zone of the Dinarides and Hellenides, Paleogene magmatic associations form a continuous belt, about 1700 km long. The following magmatic associations occur: (1) Eocene granitoids; (2) Oligocene granitoids including tonalites; (3) Oligocene shoshonite and calc-alkaline volcanics with lamprophyres; (4) Egerian–Eggenburgian (Chattian) calc-alkaline volcanics and granitoids. All of these magmatic associations are constrained by radiometric ages, which indicate that the magmatic activity was mainly restricted to the time span between 55 and 29 Ma. These igneous rocks form, both at surface and in the subsurface, the distinct linear Periadriatic–Sava–Vardar magmatic belt, with three strikes that are controlled by the indentation of Apulia and Moesia and accompanying strike-slip faulting. The geology, seismicity, seismic tomography and magnetic anomalies within this belt suggest that it has been generated in the African–Eurasian suture zone. Based on published analytical data, the petrology, major and trace element contents and Sr, Nd and O isotopic composition of each magmatic association are briefly defined. These data show that Eocene and Oligocene magmatic associations of the Late Paleogene Periadriatic–Sava–Vardar magmatic belt originated along a consuming plate margin. Based on isotopic systems, two main rock groups can be distinguished: (1) 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7036–0.7080 and δ18O = 5.9–7.2‰, indicating basaltic partial melts derived from a continental mantle–lithosphere, and (2) 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7090–72131 and δ18O = 7.3–11.5‰, indicating crustal assimilation and melting. The mantle sources for the primary basalt melts are metasomatized garnet peridotites and/or spinel lherzolites and phlogopite lherzolites of upper mantle wedge origin. The geodynamic evolution of the plutonic and volcanic associations of the Periadriatic–Sava–Vardar magmatic belt was related to the Africa–Eurasia suture zone that was dominated by break-off of the subducted lithospheric slab of Mesozoic oceanic crust, at depths of 90–100 km. This is indicated by their contemporaneity along the 1700 km long belt.  相似文献   

Palynological and stratigraphical analyses were carried out on the outcrops of the Solimões River to present new information about freshwater paleoenvironments of a fluvial–deltaic and meandering river system, evaluate the vegetation changes in the upper Solimões and Içá Formations in the eastern Solimões Basin, and the role of the Purus Arc in the evolution of central Amazon during the upper Neogene. The upper Miocene to Pliocene Solimões Formation is related to a fluvial–deltaic system, with fine-grained sediments of the prodelta–lacustrine environment supplied by meandering distributaries and delta front environment. The lake and distributaries were surrounded by extensive deltaic and floodplains colonized by lowland freshwater forests under wet climate conditions, persisting until the Pliocene. The Içá Formation started to deposit unconformably on the Solimões Formation during the Pleistocene, following the development of extensive meandering channels surrounded by floodplains of an essentially fluvial system linked to development of the present eastward direction of the Amazon River until the Atlantic coast. These floodplains were colonized by few palm species and pteridophytes of lowland freshwater forests during the Pleistocene. Additionally, no algae and fungi were observed, which may be related to drier climate conditions and/or different morphological conditions than the upper Solimões Formation.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(18-19):1947-1986
Loess is one of the most widespread subaerial deposits in Alaska and adjacent Yukon Territory and may have a history that goes back 3 Ma. Based on mineralogy and major and trace element chemistry, central Alaskan loess has a composition that is distinctive from other loess bodies of the world, although it is quartz-dominated. Central Alaskan loess was probably derived from a variety of rock types, including granites, metabasalts and schists. Detailed stratigraphic data and pedologic criteria indicate that, contrary to early studies, many palaeosols are present in central Alaskan loess sections. The buried soils indicate that loess sedimentation was episodic, or at least rates of deposition decreased to the point where pedogenesis could keep ahead of aeolian input. As in China, loess deposition and pedogenesis are likely competing processes and neither stops completely during either phase of the loess/soil formation cycle. Loess deposition in central Alaska took place before, and probably during the last interglacial period, during stadials of the mid-Wisconsin period, during the last glacial period and during the Holocene. An unexpected result of our geochronological studies is that only moderate loess deposition took place during the last glacial period. Our studies lead us to conclude that vegetation plays a key role in loess accumulation in Alaska. Factors favouring loess production are enhanced during glacial periods but factors that favour loess accumulation are diminished during glacial periods. The most important of these is vegetation; boreal forest serves as an effective loess trap, but sparsely distributed herb tundra does not. Thus, thick accumulations of loess should not be expected where tundra vegetation was dominant and this is borne out by modern studies near the treeline in central Alaska. Much of the stratigraphic diversity of North American loess, including that found in the Central Lowlands, the Great Plains, and Alaska is explained by a new model that emphasizes the relative importance of loess production factors versus loess accumulation factors.  相似文献   

The following paper presents an integrated approach of field observations and surface and subsurface data to precisely determine the geodynamic evolution during the Late Miocene of Mateur and Menzel Bourguiba region (northeastern Tunisia). Alternation between compressive and transtensive regime has been generated as a consequence of relative bringing of Africa and Eurasia plates. The first compressive regime controlled the Late Miocene M1 which edified folds and reverse faults. The second one during Late Miocene M2 was transtensive and remobilized E–W right lateral strike slip deep faults which generated the eastern Mateur distensional zone as a NW–SE releasing bend. The last compressive phase during Messinian and Pliocene–Early Quaternary has reactivated the E–W deep faults as right lateral strike slip movement with reverse component, the NE–SW faults were acted with reverse movement and the folding was accentuated. In this study, no deformation is observed affecting Middle Quaternary–actual series, but the compressive regime continues until the present according to the evidence existing in other regions of Tunisia.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Research》2014,81(3):400-423
The way in which the NE Tibetan Plateau uplifted and its impact on climatic change are crucial to understanding the evolution of the Tibetan Plateau and the development of the present geomorphology and climate of Central and East Asia. This paper is not a comprehensive review of current thinking but instead synthesises our past decades of work together with a number of new findings. The dating of Late Cenozoic basin sediments and the tectonic geomorphology of the NE Tibetan Plateau demonstrates that the rapid persistent rise of this plateau began ~ 8 ± 1 Ma followed by stepwise accelerated rise at ~ 3.6 Ma, 2.6 Ma, 1.8–1.7 Ma, 1.2–0.6 Ma and 0.15 Ma. The Yellow River basin developed at ~ 1.7 Ma and evolved to its present pattern through stepwise backward-expansion toward its source area in response to the stepwise uplift of the plateau. High-resolution multi-climatic proxy records from the basins and terrace sediments indicate a persistent stepwise accelerated enhancement of the East Asian winter monsoon and drying of the Asian interior coupled with the episodic tectonic uplift since ~ 8 Ma and later also with the global cooling since ~ 3.2 Ma, suggesting a major role for tectonic forcing of the cooling.  相似文献   

Based on geological data and the geochemical and isotopic (Sr, Nd) parameters of the Devonian volcanic associations of the Minusa basin, the main regularities of volcanism development are considered, the composition of magmatic sources is studied, and the geodynamic mechanisms of their involvement in rifting are reconstructed. The early stage of formation of the Minusa basin was characterized by intense volcanism, which resulted in differentiated and, more seldom, bimodal volcanic complexes composed of pyroclastic rocks and dolerite sills. At the late stage, only terrigenous deposits accumulated in the basin. It has been established that the basites are similar in composition and are intermediate in geochemical characteristics between intraplate rocks (OIB) and continent-marginal ones (IAB). The basites, like OIB, have high contents of all lithophile elements, which is typical of enriched mantle sources, and, like IAB, show negative anomalies of Nb, Ta, Ti, and, to a smaller extent, Rb, Th, Zr, and Hf, selective enrichment in Pb and Ba (and, sometimes, Sr), and a weak REE differentiation (7 < (La/Yb)N < 17). In contrast to the basins in other segments of the Devonian Altai–Sayan rift area, the igneous associations in the Minusa basin are characterized by a worse expressed geochemical inhomogeneity of rocks and lack of high-Ti (> 2 wt.% TiO2) basites. The Sr and Nd isotope compositions of the Minusa basites deviate from the mantle rock series toward the compositions with high radiogenic-strontium and low REE contents.This points to the melting of a mantle substratum (PREMA-type) and carbonate-rich sedimentary rocks, which were probably assimilated by basaltic magma. The correlations between the contents of trace incompatible elements in rocks with SiO2 = 53–77 wt.% testify to the assimilation of crustal substrata by parental basaltic melts and the subsequent differentiation of contaminated magmas (AFC model). We propose a model for the formation of primary melts with the simultaneous participation of magmatic sources of two types: plume and fluid-saturated suprasubductional, localized beneath the active continental margin.  相似文献   

Late Mesozoic dioritic and quartz dioritic plutons are widespread in the Daye region, eastern Yangtze craton, eastern China. Detailed geochronological, geochemical, and Sr–Nd isotopic studies have been undertaken for most of these plutons, in an attempt to provide a comprehensive understanding in the age, genesis and geodynamical control of the extensive magmatism. SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating indicate that the plutons were emplaced in the range of latest Jurassic (ca. 152 Ma) to early Cretaceous (ca. 132 Ma), which was followed by dyke emplacement between 127 and 121 Ma and volcanism during the 130–113 Ma interval. Both diorites and quartz diorites are sodic, metaluminous, high-K calc-alkaline, and characterized by strongly fractionated, sub-parallel REE patterns without obvious Eu anomalies. The rocks are enriched in highly incompatible elements and large ion lithophile elements, but depleted in high field strength elements. Samples of diorite and quartz diorite have similar Sr–Nd isotopic compositions that are consistent with the early Cretaceous basalts and mafic intrusions throughout the eastern Yangtze craton. The geochemical and isotopic data, together with results of geochemical modeling, indicate an enriched mantle source for the plutonic rocks. The quartz diorites have geochemical signatures resembling adakites, such as high Al2O3 (15–19 wt.%), Sr (630–2,080 ppm), Na2O (>3.5 wt.%), negative Nb–Ta anomalies, low Y (7–19 ppm), Yb (0.5–1.8 ppm), Sc (5–15 ppm), and resultant high Sr/Y (45–200) and La/Yb (31–63) ratios. Genesis of the adakitic quartz diorites is best explained in terms of low-pressure intracrustal fractional crystallization of cumulates consisting of hornblende, plagioclase, K-feldspar, magnetite, and apatite from mantle-derived dioritic magmas. Mantle-derived magmatism broadly coeval with that of the Daye region also is widespread in other regions of the eastern Yangtze craton, reflecting large-scale melting of the lithospheric mantle during the Late Mesozoic. The large-scale magmatism was most likely driven by lithospheric extension associated with thinning of lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern China continent.  相似文献   

在华北克拉通北缘阴山地块东部固阳地区发现了假白榴石粗面玄武岩和钾质粗面岩两种高钾准铝质碱性火山岩。地质年代学数据显示,假白榴石粗面玄武岩的磷灰石U-Pb年龄为322±14Ma,钾质粗面岩的锆石U-Pb年龄为315.6±7.5Ma,说明其形成时代均为晚石炭世。岩石地球化学特征显示,二者均富Al、Fe,贫Mg;富集大离子亲石元素(如Rb、Ba和K),相对亏损高场强元素(如Ta、Nb和Ti),轻重稀土分异明显,富集轻稀土,相对亏损重稀土,Eu异常不明显;高(87Sr/86Sr)i比值(0.710028~0.714745),低εNd(t)值(-9.0~-17.2),表现出相似的交代岩石圈地幔源区和地壳混染特征。将该碱性火山岩与兴蒙造山带晚石炭世-早二叠世中基性火山岩和阴山地块白垩纪中基性火山岩进行岩石类型对比,发现华北克拉通北缘产出的火山岩多为高钾碱性系列,而兴蒙造山带中产出的火山岩则多为钙碱性系列;与兴蒙造山带晚石炭世-早二叠世中基性火山岩进行岩石成因对比,发现它们的岩浆源区和混染程度并不相同,即固阳地区碱性火山岩为受到早古生代俯冲沉积物交代的岩石圈地幔部分熔融所形成的岩浆在上升过程中混染华北克拉通TTG片麻岩后喷发的产物,而兴蒙造山带中火山岩的产出则多为亏损地幔部分熔融所形成的岩浆在上升过程中轻度混染地壳物质后喷发的结果。在固阳地区发现晚石炭世碱性火山岩,代表着古亚洲洋在该时期的后造山伸展作用范围已延伸至华北克拉通北缘。  相似文献   

Early Cenozoic magmatism in the eastern Sakarya Zone (NE Turkey) provides an important constraint on the regional tectono-magmatic evolution of the region. Early Eocene syn-collisional adakitic rocks are observed as small stocks with outcropping areas commonly less than 10 km2. This study presents petrography, whole-rock geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope data, as well as in-situ 40Ar/39Ar age constraints on one of these adakitic andesites in the Altınpınar area of Gümüşhane, and discusses source region, petrological processes and geodynamic setting prevailed during their genesis. Andesites commonly show microlitic porphyric and vitrophyric porphyric textures, and include significant amounts of mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs). Plagioclase, hornblende, Fe-Ti oxides and minor pyroxene are the main mineral phases. In-situ 40Ar-39Ar amphibole dating constrains the cooling age of andesites into a time span from 52.8 ± 1.3–48.8 ± 1.9 Ma. Andesites are medium to high-K calc-alkaline and display most of the signatures typical of those of the adakites. They are characterized by moderate MgO (1.7–4.1 wt%), low Y (9−14 ppm), Yb (0.9–1.5 ppm), and HREE and high Sr (325−964 ppm) contents, and high Sr/Y (36–76) ratios. 87Sr/86Sr(t) (0.704948−0.705100) and 143Nd/144Nd(t) (0.512588−0.512628) ratios are in the isotopic range of the adakites. All these geochemical and isotopic data suggest that the parental magma of adakitic andesites has been produced by partial melting of oceanic basalts under amphibole-eclogite facies conditions during the breakoff of the northern Neotethyan oceanic slab.  相似文献   

K–Ar dating of mineral separates extracted from various granitoid rock units of the eastern Pontides and central Anatolia, Turkey, has provided some new insights unravelling various stages of the Neo-Tethyan convergence system, which evolved with northward subduction between the Eurasian plate (EP) to the north and the Tauride-Anatolide platform (TAP) to the south along the İzmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture (IAES) zone. Arc-related granitoid rocks are only encountered in the eastern Pontides and yield K–Ar cooling ages of both Early Cretaceous (138.5 ± 2.2 Ma) (early arc), and Late Cretaceous, ranging from 75.7 ± 0.0 to 66.5 ± 1.5 Ma (mature arc), respectively. The multi-sourced granitoids of the eastern Pontides, with a predominant mantle component and K–Ar ages between 40 and 50 Ma, are considered to be a part of post-collisional slab break-off magmatism accompanied by tectonic denudation of pre-Late Cretaceous granitoid rocks following juxtaposition of the EP and the TAP around 55–50 Ma in the eastern Pontides. The K–Ar cooling ages of collision-related S-, I- and A-type granitoids in central Anatolia reflect good synchronism between 80 and 65 Ma, suggesting a coeval genesis in a unique geodynamic setting but with derivation from various sources—namely, purely crustal, purely mantle and/or of mixed origin. This sort of simultaneous generation model for these S-I-A-type intrusives seems to be consistent with a post-collisional lithospheric detachment related geodynamic setting. I-type granodioritic to tonalitic intrusives with K–Ar cooling ages ranging from 40 to 48 Ma in east-central Anatolia are interpreted to have been derived from a post-collisional, within-plate, extension-related geodynamic setting following the amalgamation of the EP and the TAP in east-central Anatolia.  相似文献   

Chemical and isotopic data from 12 volcanic centers of the southern Central Volcanic Zone (CVZ) in Chile, whose ages of 20, 16, 11, 8, 5, 2 and <1 Ma bracket the peak of shortening and crustal thickening in the mid-Miocene, show systematic differences with age. The composition of andesites erupted before and after crustal thickening are similar in terms of most major and trace elements, but the post-Miocene andesites show enrichments in Th, U, Cs and Rb, as well as high 87Sr/86Sr and 206Pb/204Pb ratios coupled with low εNd values which indicate greater crustal contamination compared with the older equivalents. Comparison of contamination indicators with age shows that contamination was low from 20 Ma to 8 Ma, increased sharply between 8 and 5 Ma, and remained at a high level into the Quaternary. Constant ratios of fluid-mobile vs immobile elements (Cs/Th or Ba/Zr) in even the most contaminated rocks indicate that fluid interaction was negligible. The contaminated andesites display disequilibrium textures and contain phenocrysts with a mixed population of melt inclusions. We suggest that the main process of crustal contamination was mixing with crustal melts. This is supported by geophysical evidence for a zone of partial melting in the mid and lower crust under the magmatic arc and by the presence of late Miocene to Pliocene crustal-derived felsic ignimbrites in the CVZ.  相似文献   


The Pliocene–Quaternary volcanics in NE Turkey are mainly hornblende–phyric trachyandesites having a narrow range of SiO2 from 61.88 to 63.00 wt.% and exhibiting adakitic signatures with their Na2O (3.67–4.27 wt.%), Al2O3 (16.19–16.80 wt.%), Y (14.1–16.5 ppm) contents and K2O/Na2O (0.87–1.12), Sr/Y (44.24–54.90), and La/Yb (36.80–43.88) ratios. Plagioclases as the main mineral phases show a wide range of compositions, and weak normal and reverse zoning. Hornblendes are generally edenite and pargasite (Mg#: 0.39–0.74). Clinopyroxenes are augite (Mg#: 0.58–0.76). Biotites have Mg# ranging from 0.45 to 0.66. The textural and compositional variations indicate disequilibrium crystallization possibly arising from magma mixing. The U–Pb zircon dating of the adakitic volcanics yielded 3.4–1.9 Ma. The studied rocks display moderate light rare earth element /heavy rare earth element ratios and enrichment in the lithophile element and depletion in high field strength element, implying that the parental magmas were derived from mantle sources previously enriched by slab-derived fluids and/or subducted sediments. The crystallization temperature and pressure estimations based on the clinopyroxene thermobarometry range from 1144 to 1186°C and from 3.92 to 7.97 kbar, respectively. Hornblende thermobarometry, oxygen fugacity, and hygrometer calculations yielded results as 908–993°C at a pressure of 2.87–5.22 kbar, water content of 4.4–8.4 wt.%, and relative oxygen fugacity (ΔNNO log units) of ?0.6 to 0.9, respectively. Biotite thermobarometry suggests relatively higher oxygen fugacity conditions (10–13.33 to 10–17.60) at temperatures of 676–819°C and at pressures from 1.15 to 1.76 kbar. In the light of the obtained data and modelling, it can be concluded that the magmas of the adakitic volcanics were derived from enriched mantle source through relatively higher partial melting and experienced magma mixing with melts at the crustal level. Additionally, the fractional crystallization and assimilation-fractional crystallization processes may have played an important role during the evolution of the studied volcanics.  相似文献   

The Guri Member is a limestone interval at the base of the calcareous marls of the Mishan Formation. It is the youngest hydrocarbon reservoir of the southeast part of the Zagros sedimentary basin. This Member overlaid siliciclastic rocks of Razak Formation and is overlain by green and gray marls of the Mishan Formation. In order to consider the paleoecology and paleoenvironments of the Lower–Middle Miocene (Guri Member), we have studied biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of the Guri Member based on foraminifer and microfacies in two stratigraphic sections including Dorahi–Homag and Chahestan. A total of 33 genera and 56 species of benthic and planktonic foraminifera were identified in two studied stratigraphic sections. Benthic and planktonic foraminifera demonstrate Aquitanian to Langhian age (Early–Middle Miocene) for this Member at the study area. Studied interval has deposited in four facies association including supratidal, lagoon, coral reef, and open sea on a carbonate ramp. Carbonate rocks of the Guri Member have precipitated in two and three depositional sequences at Chahestan and Dorahi–Homag sections, respectively. Sedimentation of marine carbonates of the Guri Member on siliciclastic deposits reflects a major transgression of sea level at Lower to Middle Miocene that led to creating a new sea in the Zagros basin at that age. Increasing siliciclastic influx along with a sea level fall finally caused burying of the carbonate ramp. Except for the beginning of sedimentation of carbonate at the base of both stratigraphic sections (depositional sequence 1), most of the system tracts are not matched to global sea level curve that reflect local effects of the basin. Distribution of foraminifera suggests precipitation in tropical to subtropical in mesotrophic to oligotrophic and eutrophic to oligotrophic conditions. Based on large benthic foraminifera (porcelaneous large benthic foraminifera and hyaline larger benthic foraminifera), water temperature average was determined between 25 and 30 °C that was confirmed by analyzing oxygen and carbon stable isotopes. Finally, we have utilized achieved data to reconstruction and modeling of paleoecology, paleoenvironments, and sea level changes in the southeast part of the Zagros basin.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Research》2014,81(3):464-475
It is highly debated whether glacial advances on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP) occurred as a response to temperature cooling, or whether they were forced by an increase in moisture brought by the intensive Indian summer monsoon. We here report a case study investigating this issue. Multiple moraine series in the Yingpu Valley, Queer Shan ranges of the Hengduan Mountains, and eastern QTP, provide an excellent archive for examining the timing and trigger mechanism of glacier fluctuations. Twenty-seven optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) samples of glacial sediments were collected from this valley. The quartz OSL ages show that the moraine series of Y-1, I, M and O were formed during the Late Holocene, Late Glacial, the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 (likely mid-MIS-3). The youngest Y-2 moraines probably formed during the Little Ice Age (LIA). The oldest H moraines formed before MIS-3. We found that glacial advances during the late Quaternary at the Yingpu Valley responded to cold stages or cold events rather than episodes of enhanced summer monsoon and moisture. As a result, glaciers in the monsoonal Hengduan Mountains were mainly triggered by changes in temperature. Millennial time scale temperature oscillations might have caused the multiple glacial advances.  相似文献   

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