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Deinstitutionalisation of psychiatric patients since the 1980s has introduced a new population and a new land use to New Zealand's urban areas. This paper reviews the geography of deinstitutionalisation, and investigates whether the North American phenomenon of a service-dependent ghetto can be identified in Dunedin.  相似文献   

Geography teaching that highlights theoretical perspectives may help develop students’ critical disciplinary thinking, despite foundational knowledge being described to New Zealand geography teachers as ‘not every body's cup of tea’. This article extends the tea metaphor by contrasting two cultivations of theoretical perspectives in school geography. Unlike the two major cultivars of the Camellia shrub, however, this paper argues that perspectives have been minimally grown through one cultivar that focuses on the views of case study individuals and organisations. A maximal cultivation of perspectives is advanced in order to progress school‐aged understanding of the diverse nature of geographical knowledge.  相似文献   

Using Homi Bhabha's discussion of vernacular cosmopolitanism as a starting point this paper attempts to reinterpret its thesis through an architectural reading of postindependence social transformations in Ceylon that coincided with the emergence of a new middle class. Inspired by American examples, suburban domestic architecture that was modest and repetitive and employed systematized construction methods made a break from a long history of labour intensive processes. This created channels through which American influences entered the local industry and were disseminated within it as an alternative ‘tropical’ modernism. This paper studies the location and marginalization of these influences within architectural discourse.  相似文献   

This paper examines the circumstances in which ethnic labels and identities are constructed and the conditions that are producing socio-cultural divergence within them. Using Samoan identities as an example, it is argued firstly that categories based on descent will not necessarily reflect socio-cultural realities within them and, secondly, that Samoan identities constructed at various times for particular purposes may have given an impression of ethnic unity which masked considerable internal divergence. Finally, it is argued that it may be increasingly difficult for migrant Samoans to agree on symbols of Samoan identity, much less to agree on whether or not these might be building blocks of a national identity. This fluid reality raises fundamental issues about the significance of the apparently fixed descent categories with which we all routinely work.  相似文献   

One factor that influences foraging is predation risk. As a result, herbivores may not use landscapes uniformly due to spatial differences in perceived predation risk. Wild herbivores forage across these ‘landscapes of fear’; however, the extent to which domestic herbivores consider them is generally unknown. Using a grid of artificial food patches and measuring giving up densities (GUDs), we mapped landscapes of fear of free-ranging domestic goats on three substrates. In the first experiment, we related GUDs to landscape variables. Goats preferred feeding in open ground with firm substrate compared to a sandy riverbed or a rocky hillside. We suggest that differences relate to escape potential and the occurrence of ambush sites. Landscape variables that influenced feeding effort were patch visibility and plants next to a patch. In a second experiment, we increased predation risk by adding predator dung and urine into the habitats. In response, feeding effort declined across all three habitats. Furthermore, goats only responded to patch visibility and not plants next to the patches. Better sightlines increase predator detection and allow individuals to see group members. Our results indicate that predation risk influences the extent to which free-ranging domestic herbivores utilise landscapes.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the existing literature on disaster risk preparedness in sub‐Saharan African cities. The paper demonstrates how corruption and personal greed condemn society to the mercy of disaster events, by examining stakeholders′ perspectives on the causal factors of the collapse of a Melcom shopping centre in Accra and by situating the event within the broader context of disaster management. A high concentration of people and physical and financial assets in cities means that a single accident can cause catastrophic effects and destroy years of development gains. The paper shows how increasing urbanization is shaping where and when disaster strikes and whom it affects most. It further emphasizes the need for disaster risk reduction practitioners to communicate with urban planning professionals in the planning and implementation of development projects. Significantly, the evidence suggests that the government has failed to incorporate lessons gleaned from past disasters into policies to avert future disasters. The paper concludes that a deeper understanding of the root causes of past events and a sustained focus on risk reduction and disaster preparedness are crucial to mitigating the impact of hazards and building resilient cities.  相似文献   

在有关养老的老年学和地理学研究中,“就地养老”是一个广泛使用的概念,并一直被认为是解决老龄人口养老需求的有效政策手段。迄今为止,关于就地养老的研究主要关注了很多能够让老年人健康就地(或在家)养老的物质方面的因素,比如住房条件或家庭照护。有些老年学研究者们认识到,就地养老受到居住环境中实体环境和社会、情感因素的共同影响。但我们认为,在养老体验研究中,要更加深入地审视“人”和“地方”之间的复杂关系。特别是,我们主张就地养老成功的因素是地方具有维持良好关系的潜力。提到“地方(place)”一词的时候,人们过分局限于关注老年人身体上接近的地理空间,或是具有实体边界的地方,例如房子或社区。而我们通过回顾现有文献发现,对许多选择就地养老的人来说,更具有意义的是随着时间的推移,他们在不同空间尺度上所建立起来的多元的、网络化的社会和非社会关系。基于这个新的视角,可以更好地理解老年人与地方的多层次的联系,以及从不同尺度和不同类型的人与地方的关系来考察就地养老的意义。  相似文献   

理解地理“耦合”实现地理“集成”   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
“耦合”作为物理学的经典概念,为许多学科提供了一套阐述多主体相互作用的思路和方法。“集成”不是来自特定学科,但因其高度的概括能力被广泛应用于自然和人文科学领域。地球科学是应用这两个概念最多的学科之一。地理学作为自然与人文交叉学科,具有区域性、综合性和复杂性特征。在使用耦合概念时,不同地理分支具有不同的理解,为此,地理学者有必要明确界定不同学科、不同情景下耦合概念的内涵,从而更准确地探索陆地表层格局、过程和机制。首先,从地理要素耦合、地理空间耦合、地理界面耦合、地理空间尺度耦合、地理关系耦合、地理耦合解译六个方面,对地理耦合的内涵进行全面解析和界定,并给出了相应的研究实践案例。其次,从地理学的视角认识理解集成,并以“黑河流域生态—水文集成研究”重大研究计划的地理实践为例,介绍实现地理集成的基本路径。最后,提出理解地理“耦合”与实现地理“集成”之间的联系。  相似文献   

基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)遥感云平台,利用2000—2019年MODIS积雪产品资料提取和计算新疆积雪终日信息,利用趋势分析,变异系数等方法分析了新疆积雪终日时空变化特征和变化趋势。结果表明:(1) 新疆积雪终日以天山为界,天山以北长于南部,山区为积雪终日的高值区,盆地为积雪终日的低值区。北疆准噶尔盆地和伊犁河谷积雪终日在75~114 d之间,南疆塔里木盆地在0~31 d之间属于低值区。阿尔泰山脉、天山山脉和昆仑山脉区域在224~365 d之间属于高值区。(2) 南疆和北疆积雪终日有明显的时空差异,2000—2019年北疆准噶尔盆地和高海拔山脉地区积雪终日有明显的推迟趋势,推迟幅度达到14 d,占新疆总面积的8%。南疆塔里木盆地和东疆区域有明显的提前趋势,提前幅度达到16 d约占新疆总面积的44%。塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地具有相反的变化趋势。(3) 新疆积雪终日年际变化差异显著,天山中段和北疆积雪终日出现不稳定状况,天山中段2002—2009年总体上呈现“M”型的特点,即多年积雪消融日年均值中出现明显的波峰和波谷,北疆2009—2019年积雪终日有较大的年际变化呈现出不稳定状况,出现明显的波峰和波谷,年际变化较大。  相似文献   

2000—2019年中国重大生态工程生态效益遥感评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了重大生态工程实施生态效益评估理论框架,在选取生态系统宏观结构、生态系统质量和生态系统服务3大类、6个一级指标和9个二级指标的基础上,利用地面和遥感数据,结合模型模拟,生成了2000—2019年长时间序列评估指标参数数据集,定量评估了中国重大生态工程实施20年后的生态效益。结果表明:生态恢复程度中等、较高和高的区域面积分别占全国国土面积的24.1%、11.9%和1.7%,生态工程实施数量越多的地区,生态恢复程度越高,生态恢复程度较高和高的区域主要集中在黄土高原、北方农牧交错带、东北平原、川滇黔渝湘结合部等地区;气候因素和生态工程对植被净初级生产力变化的贡献率分别为85.4%和14.6%,对水蚀模数变化的贡献率分别为69.5%和30.5%;中国植被覆盖度有20%的恢复潜力,森林植被覆盖度恢复潜力为6.4%,草地植被覆盖度恢复潜力为23%;气候条件是生态恢复的重要限制因素,生态恢复程度较高和高的区域主要分布在年均温大于0 ℃和年降水量大于300 mm的地区。因此,重大生态工程的部署,应充分考虑气候条件的限制性,避免实施单一生态工程或单一生态恢复措施,充分发挥生态工程组合措施的综合效应,提高生态投入资金的最大效益。  相似文献   

刘晓宇  辛良杰 《地理研究》2022,41(6):1637-1651
土地价格是城市综合发展水平的反映,厘清中国城市土地价格的时空演变特征及其成因,有助于从宏观上把握地区间的发展差异。本文以地级行政区为研究对象,系统分析2007—2019年中国332个城市综合土地价格和住宅、商服、工矿仓储用地价格的演变特征及驱动因素,主要结论如下:① 2007—2019年间中国城市综合地价呈现显著的上涨趋势,由2007年的392.34元/m2上升至2019年的1357.31元/m2,年均增长80.73元/m2;地价水平在空间上呈现“东南高,西北低”的格局。② 三种主要地类的价格及增速高低依次为:住宅用地>商服用地>工矿仓储用地,发展逐渐分化,差距不断扩大。③ 不同等级城市的土地价格逐渐分化为三类:高速增长型(一线城市)、平稳增长型(新一线城市和二线城市)和缓慢增长型(三线城市、四线城市和五线城市),呈现出明显的“马太效应”。④ 人均地区生产总值、人口密度和普通中小学学校数越高的城市,各类土地价格越高;本地人均地区生产总值、第二产业占比和第三产业占比越高的城市,其相邻城市的住宅和商服地价越高,工矿仓储地价越低。  相似文献   

经过5000年文化积淀的中国乡村,除早已生成各自独特稳定的人居环境、社会结构、风俗习惯和运行机制外,更蕴藏了人—地和谐的生态智慧、特殊的地方性知识和丰富的地方遗产资源。作为复杂多元的地域综合系统,乡村遗产的现代化过程不仅包括土地、建筑等空间要素的嬗变,更反映了伴随“人”的生计方式与日常生活的地方实践所产生的乡土社会全系统变迁。实现乡村遗产传统与现代的共生、古典与时尚的互融、传承与创新的契合,需要打破城乡二元体制壁垒、搭建城乡内循环的桥梁,促进以“人、地、业”为核心的资源要素的流动、交互和均衡配置是乡村遗产地实现乡村振兴的核心要义。共生理论是研究乡村各系统内部关系的重要理论,利用该理论可解析乡村遗产地“人—地—业”3个子系统协同发展路径。论文以河北易县听松文化社区为例,基于共生视角阐释了返乡精英带动下人口、土地和产业3个子系统协同动态演化的过程,并提出乡村遗产地共生发展的价值逻辑:① 构建乡村社区共生体;② 促进地域循环共生圈;③ 培育横向产业共生链。以期实现乡村遗产地的人、地、业要素融合与科学重构,为保护和传承乡愁遗产地的文化资源、推动乡村振兴和建设美好乡村提供可能的理论启示与经验借鉴。  相似文献   

全球生产网络背景下,生产组织的“全球—地方”跨域关联研究具有重要的理论意义。为探究中国合资汽车生产网络在“全球—地方”互动情景下跨域网络特征及地理空间表征,论文基于“全球—地方”生产关联与多尺度融合视角,利用整车制造一级供应链数据,分析以一汽—大众为代表的中国合资汽车生产网络的跨域关联及其影响因素。研究发现:① “全球—地方”多尺度融合为理解跨国公司构建全球生产网络的产业转移足迹提供了良好视角。德国大众公司通过构建全球生产网络嵌入中国汽车制造业体系,生产网络结构表现出典型的“全球—地方”关联特征。② 一汽—大众整车生产本土一级供应商数量的空间分布与中国国土开发的“T”字形战略高度吻合。供应商资本类型/技术掌控呈现出同类型空间集聚的地域组织模式,集聚程度呈现独资≈合资>内资的差异性特征。③ 一汽—大众通过整车厂生产转移和跨区域供应链采购,生产组织形成了以整车厂所在城市为核心、受地理边界制约的跨区域集群网络结构。④ 地理时空约束、区位优势与集聚效应、模块化生产为代表的技术革新、跨国集团的企业战略与外资俱乐部策略,共同影响了一汽—大众汽车生产网络的空间组织结构。论文通过典型案例研究,为理解“全球—地方”多尺度下中国关键性产业生产网络的组织结构提供了理论与现实依据。  相似文献   

孙铁山  张洪鸣  李佳洺 《地理研究》2022,41(9):2350-2366
本文分析了2003—2018年中国12个规模较大的城市群的空间体系特征及其变动趋势,并借助城际投资联系数据,分析了各城市群城市网络特征,实证检验了城市网络联系度对城市群空间体系集聚水平的影响。研究发现,2003—2018年城市群空间体系总体呈均衡化发展趋势,且不同城市群城市网络特征差异明显,按发育程度可以分为四种类型:联系紧密-结构均衡-强中心带动型城市网络,联系紧密-弱中心带动-相对开放型城市网络,结构均衡但联系相对较弱型城市网络,以及联系相对较弱且结构极化型城市网络。实证结果证实了城市网络联系的紧密程度和连通度的提高有利于降低城市群空间体系的极化水平,城市网络联系带来的外部性有助于避免城市群空间体系的过度极化及由此带来的集聚负外部性,实现更加均衡的城市群空间结构。但城市网络联系对城市群空间体系均衡化发展的作用依赖于城市网络的结构特征,城市网络结构的极化对城市群空间体系均衡化发展存在抑制作用。  相似文献   

This paper questions the assumptions of ‘diaspora’, ‘citizenship’ and ‘development’ underlying diaspora strategies targeting a specific pool of overseas Malaysian ‘talent’ migrants. I examine the Malaysian state's discursive attempts to construct a carefully contained economic ‘diaspora'—the ‘Malaysian diaspora'—through its talent return migration programme. In this process, there is a portion of the ‘Malaysian diaspora’, especially non‐bumiputeras (sons of soil), who are doubly neglected and excluded: first, from access to full and equal citizenship (which arguably contributed to their emigration in the first place); and second, from eligibility and recognition to participate in Malaysia's talent return migration programme. However, recent political activism calling for electoral reform and overseas voting rights challenges state‐constructed visions of the ‘diaspora’ and their expected roles in advancing ‘development’. This paper concludes by highlighting questions raised by the Malaysian case, linking these explicitly to how diaspora strategies—as they have been conceived, practised and contested—challenge the broader Migration and Development paradigm.  相似文献   

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