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没有围墙的GIS实验室 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
美国前副总统戈尔认为数字地球可以变成一个“没有围墙的实验室”,那么什么是“没有围墙的实验室”,如何建设 ?本文在对当前数字地球研究成果分析的基础上 ,指出“没有围墙的实验室”的核心就是“没有围墙的 GIS实验室”. 相似文献
南京师范大学虚拟地理环境教育部重点实验室在地图学与地理信息系统国家重点学科支撑下,经过多年的努力与发展,已成为我国地理学与地理信息科学研究、学术交流、高层次人才培养和地理信息产业化的重要基地。实验室瞄准国际地理科学与地理信息科学发展前沿,面向国家与地方经济建设和社会发展的重大需求,以“扎根地理学、服务地理学、发展地理学”为显著特色,围绕“地理信息系统集成与共享服务”、“地理知识发现与规律挖掘”、“地理建模与地理模拟”及“地理环境遥感动态监测”四个方向开展理论和应用研究,形成了以“长江学者”和优秀中青年学术骨干为主体的研究团队。 相似文献
在社会发展的层面上认识“数字地球” 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文讨论了“数字地球”的有关问题。指出“数字地球”是人类社会及其活动在网络空间的延伸和拓展,是信息技术带来的社会发展趋势。关于“数字地球”的讨论不应局限在空间信息技术领域,而应该在社会发展的层面上认识它 相似文献
实验室简介南京师范大学虚拟地理环境教育部重点实验室在地图学与地理信息系统国家重点学科支撑下,经过多年的努力与发展,已成为我国地理学与地理信息科学科学研究、学术交流、高层次人才培养和地理信息产业化的重要基地。实验室瞄准国际地理科学与地理信息科学发展前沿 相似文献
当前,随着新的地质研究理论和方法、新的分析测试技术及方法、新的分析仪器及设备和新的信息处理技术的广泛应用,以及社会对所提供的分析测试数据的质量要求不断提高,这几者之间的动态平衡,赋予了实验室质量保证这项系统工程以新的含义、内容和方法。此文对这种新的含义,内容和方法的实现进行了探讨,并以实验室的分析测试工作与现代科技同步发展的要求阐述了分析测试质量保证的工作体系。 相似文献
关于“数字城市”的初步研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
寇有观 《地球信息科学学报》2001,3(1):59-62
在研究数字城市体系框架和数字城市工程总体设计的基础上,讨论数字城市基础信息平台,以及电子商务、电子政务、智能交通、智能社区、安全保障、科技教育、文化娱乐和信息服务等职能;探讨数字城市工程的数据获取与更新、数据库、网络、行业信息工程和数据标准等体系 相似文献
正实验室简介南京师范大学虚拟地理环境教育部重点实验室在地图学与地理信息系统国家重点学科支撑下,经过多年的努力与发展,已成为我国地理学与地理信息科学科学研究、学术交流、高层次人才培养和地理信息产业化的重要基地。实验室瞄准国际地理科学与地理信息科学发展前沿,面向国家和地方经济建设和社会发展的重大需求,以"扎根地理学、服务地理学、发展地理学"为显著特色,围绕"地理信息系统集成与共享服务"、"地理知识发现与规律挖掘"、"地理建模与地理模拟"及"地理环境遥感动态监测"四个方向开展理论和应用研究,形成了以"长江学者"和优 相似文献
实验室简介南京师范大学虚拟地理环境教育部重点实验室在地图学与地理信息系统国家重点学科支撑下,经过多年的努力与发展,已成为我国地理学与地理信息科学科学研究、学术交流、高层次人才培养和地理信息产业化的重要基地。实验室瞄准国 相似文献
正实验室简介南京师范大学虚拟地理环境教育部重点实验室在地图学与地理信息系统国家重点学科支撑下,经过多年的努力与发展,已成为我国地理学与地理信息科学科学研究、学术交流、高层次人才培养和地理信息产业化的重要基地。实验室瞄准国际地理科学与地理信息科学发展前沿,面向国家和地方经济建设和社会发 相似文献
实验室简介南京师范大学虛拟地理环境教育部重点实验室在地图学与地理信息系统国家重点学科支撑下,经过多年的努力与发展,已成为我国地理学与地理信息科学科学研究、学术交流、高层次人才培养和地理信息产业化的重要基地。实验室瞄准国际地理科学与地理信息科学发展前沿,面向国家和地方经济建设和社会发展的重大需求,以“扎根地理学、服务地理学、发展地理学”为显著特色,围绕“地理信息系统集成与共享服务”、“地理知识发现与规律挖掘”、“地理建模与地理模拟”及“地理环境遥感动态监测”四个方向开展理论和应用研究,形成了以“长江学者”和优秀中青年学术骨干为主体的研究团队。 相似文献
近年来,基于点云的室内三维重建在各个领域得到了越来越多的关注.然而通过点云重建室内模型仍有许多问题需要解决:①重建模型的几何特征约束性较差;②模型几何特征拓扑重构复杂;③模型多为表面模型未构建实体模型.针对以上问题,提出了一种基于约束最小二乘的线特征方法实现室内墙体的重建.首先采用局部最小二乘拟合和全局区域生长的思想从... 相似文献
In order to study buckling propagation mechanism in deep sea pipelines, the contact between pipeline's inner walls in buckling process was studied. A two-dimensional ring model was used to represent the pipeline and a nonlinear spring model was adopted to simulate the contact between inner walls. Based on the elastoplastic constitutive relationship and the principle of virtual work theory, the coupling effect of pipeline's nonlinear large deformation and wall contact was included in the theoretical analysis with the aid of MATLAB, and the application scope of the theoretical model was also discussed. The calculated results show that during the loading process, the change in external pressure is closely related to the distribution of section stress, and once the walls are contacting each other, the external pressure increases and then remains stable after it reaches a specific value. Without fracture, the pipeline section will stop showing deformation. The results of theoretical calculations agree well with those of numerical simulations. Finally, in order to ensure reliability and accuracy of the theoretical results, the collapse pressure and propagation pressure were both verified by numerical simulations and experiments. Therefore, the theoretical model can be used to analyze pipeline's buckling deformation and contact between pipeline's inner walls, which forms the basis for further research on three-dimensional buckling propagation. 相似文献
Soil organic matter(SOM) is an important parameter related to soil nutrient and miscellaneous ecosystem services. This paper attempts to improve the performance of traditional partial least square regression(PLSR) model by considering the spatial autocorrelation and soil forming factors. Surface soil samples(n = 180) were collected from Honghu City located in the middle of Jianghan Plain, China. The visible and near infrared(VNIR) spectra and six environmental factors(elevation, land use types, roughness, relief amplitude, enhanced vegetation index, and land surface water index) were used as the auxiliary variables to construct the multiple linear regression(MLR), PLSR and geographically weighted regression(GWR) models. Results showed that: 1) the VNIR spectra can increase about 39.62% prediction accuracy than the environmental factors in predicting SOM; 2) the comprehensive variables of VNIR spectra and the environmental factors can improve about 5.78% and 44.90% relative to soil spectral models and soil environmental models, respectively; 3) the spatial model(GWR) can improve about 3.28% accuracy than MLR and PLSR. Our results suggest that the combination of spectral reflectance and the environmental variables can be used as the suitable auxiliary variables in predicting SOM, and GWR is a promising model for predicting soil properties. 相似文献
The effect of four bottom substrates, oyster shell powder (OP), sugarcane bagasse (SB), a mixture of OP and SB (OS) and fresh soil (FS), on the water quality and bacterial and zooplankton density of intensive shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) culture tanks without water change and the growth performance of cultured shrimp were compared in this study. At the end of a 110 days culturing trial, the total ammonium-N (TAN) of the water on SB and the nitrite nitrogen (NO2-N) on OS was significantly lower than that on the other substrates (P<0.05), which coincided with the high density of ammonium- and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in the water on SB and OS, respectively. The concentration of chlorophyll a (Chl a) increased slowly on OP, SB and OS but remained low on FS. The density of total bacteria on OP, SB and OS was one order of magnitude higher than that on FS, and the density of zooplankton on SB and OS was significantly higher than that on FS or OP (P<0.05). The improved water quality and increased density of bacteria and zooplankton on SB and OS may have had a synergistic effect on shrimp culture, improving its growth performance (high survival rate and yield and low feed conversion rate). SB and OS were more effective for improving the growth performance of intensively cultured L. vannamei without water change than OP and FS. To our knowledge, this study presents the first evidence regarding the effect of different bottom substrates on intensive shrimp culture. 相似文献
Spatial interpolation is an important method in the process of DEM construction. However, DEMs constructed by interpolation methods may induce serious distortion of surface morphology in areas lack of terrain data. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a strategy combining high-accuracy surface modeling(HASM) and classical interpolation methods to construct DEM. Firstly, a triangulated irregular network(TIN) is built based on the original terrain data, and the area of the triangles in the TIN is used to determine whether to add supplementary altimetric points(SA-Points). Then, classical interpolation methods, such as Inverse Distance Weighted(IDW) method, Kriging, and Spline, are applied to assign elevation values to the SA-Points. Finally, the SA-Points are merged with the original terrain data, and HASM is used to construct DEM. In this research, two test areas which are located in Nanjing suburb in Jiangsu Province and Guiyang suburb in Guizhou Province are selected to verify the feasibility of the new strategy. The study results show that:(1) The combination of HASM and classical interpolation methods can significantly improve the elevation accuracy of DEMs compared with DEM constructed by a single method.(2) The process of adding SA-Points proposed in this study can be repeated in many times. For the test areas in this paper, compared with the results with only one execution, the results with more executions are in much more accordance with the actual terrain.(3) Among all the methods discussed in this paper, the one combined HASM and Kriging produce the best result. Compared with the HASM alone, absolute mean error(MAE) and root mean square error(RMSE) of the best result were reduced from 1.29 m and 1.83 m to 0.68 m and 0.45 m(the first test area), and from 0.32 m and 0.38 m to 0.21 m and 0.28 m( The second test area). 相似文献
中央地勘基金不是“免费午餐” 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
业界翘首以盼的中央地质勘查基金,近日终于出台。财政部、国土资源部发布《中央地质勘查基金(周转金)管理暂行办法》,中央地勘基金年内将启动,财政部初步考虑安排20亿元。对中央地勘基金,业界人士有这样两种心态:一种认为,基金是块“唐僧肉”,不要白不要;另一种则认为,基金搞不好会弄成个“烫手山芋”,可不是好要的。一前一后,到底该怎么看呢? 相似文献
Are there some relationships among species diversity and soil chemical properties of high altitude natural grasslands? Plant community composition and chemical properties of soil samples were compared to investigate the relationship between soil and species diversity, and the richness in Tibetan alpine grasslands. Results showed that species diversity was significantly positively related to soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (TN), available nitrogen (AN), total phosphorus (TP), available phosphorus (AP), and available potassium (AK) in the high alpine grasslands. Margalefs species richness index was also significantly positively related to SOM, TN, AN, and TP. Most soil chemical properties showed significantly positive correlation with species diversity and Margalef's richness index. Our results suggested that higher plant species richness index and diversity occurred in more fertile soil habitats in high altitude natural grassland community. In practice, fertilization management for the restoration of degraded grassland should be conducted with reference to the nutrient levels ofnatural grassland without the additional artificial fertilizer and with higher species-diversity and richness index. 相似文献
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Although the impact of ocean acidification on marine bivalves has been previously investigated under mainly controlled laboratory conditions, it is still... 相似文献