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We present a set of Roche tomography reconstructions of the secondary stars in the cataclysmic variables AM Her, QQ Vul, IP Peg and HU Aqr. The image reconstructions show distinct asymmetries in the irradiation pattern for all four systems that can be attributed to shielding of the secondary star by the accretion stream/column in AM Her, QQ Vul and HU Aqr, and increased irradiation by the bright-spot in IP Peg. We use the entropy landscape technique to derive accurate system parameters (   M 1, M 2  , i and γ) for the four binaries. In principle, this technique should provide the most reliable mass determinations available, since the intensity distribution across the secondary star is known. We also find that the intensity distribution can systematically affect the value of γ derived from circular orbit fits to radial velocity variations.  相似文献   

We present the complete set of 34 ASCA observations of non-magnetic cataclysmic variables. Timing analysis reveals large X-ray flux variations in dwarf novae in outburst (Z Cam, SS Cyg and SU UMa) and orbital modulation in high inclination systems (including OY Car, HT Cas, U Gem, T Leo). We also found episodes of unusually low accretion rate during quiescence (VW Hyi and SS Cyg). Spectral analysis reveals broad temperature distributions in individual systems, with emission weighted to lower temperatures in dwarf novae in outburst. Absorption in excess of interstellar values is required in dwarf novae in outburst, but not in quiescence. We also find evidence for subsolar abundances and X-ray reflection in the brightest systems.
LS Peg, V426 Oph and EI UMa have X-ray spectra that are distinct from the rest of the sample and all three exhibit candidate X-ray periodicities. We argue that they should be reclassified as intermediate polars.
In the case of V345 Pav we found that the X-ray source had been previously misidentified.  相似文献   

We use the ROSAT North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) survey to construct a small, but purely X-ray flux-limited sample of cataclysmic variable stars (CVs). The sample includes only four systems, two of which (RX J1715.6+6856 and RX J1831.7+6511) are new discoveries. We present time-resolved spectroscopy of the new CVs and measure orbital periods of 1.64 ± 0.02 and 4.01 ± 0.03 h for RX J1715.6+6856 and RX J1831.7+6511, respectively. We also estimate distances for all the CVs in our sample, based mainly on their apparent brightness in the infrared. The space density of the CV population represented by our small sample is  1.1+2.3−0.7× 10−5 pc−3  . We can also place upper limits on the space density of any subpopulation of CVs too faint to be included in the NEP survey. In particular, we show that if the overall space density of CVs is as high as  2 × 10−4 pc−3  (as has been predicted theoretically), the vast majority of CVs must be fainter than   L X≃ 2 × 1029 erg s−1  .  相似文献   

Roche tomography is a technique used for imaging the Roche-lobe-filling secondary stars in cataclysmic variables (CVs). In order to interpret Roche tomograms correctly, one must determine whether features in the reconstruction are real, or the result of statistical or systematic errors. We explore the effects of systematic errors using reconstructions of simulated data sets, and show that systematic errors result in characteristic distortions of the final reconstructions that can be identified and corrected. In addition, we present a new method of estimating statistical errors on tomographic reconstructions using a Monte Carlo bootstrapping algorithm, and show this method to be much more reliable than Monte Carlo methods which 'jiggle' the data points in accordance with the size of their error bars.  相似文献   

Following a recent report that AO Psc has broad iron Kα emission lines we have looked at the ASCA spectra of 15 magnetic cataclysmic variables. We find that half of the systems have Kα lines broadened by ∼ 200 eV, while the remainder have narrow lines. We argue that the Doppler effect is insufficient to explain the finding and propose that the lines originate in accretion columns on the verge of optical thickness, where Compton scattering of resonantly trapped line photons broadens the profile. We suggest that the broadening is a valuable diagnostic of conditions in the accretion column.  相似文献   

We study the chemical evolution of population I and population II secondaries in cataclysmic variables (CVs) assuming that during nova explosions a part of the high metallicity nova ejecta is intercepted by the secondary and mixed into its convective envelope. We derive analytic expressions for the chemical composition of the envelope of the secondary as a function of the chemical composition of the nova ejecta X i,ej and the cross-section of the secondary σ . For population I CVs we find that the increase of the metallicity of the secondary is comparable to its initial metallicity only if σ is larger by an order of magnitude than the geometrical cross-section. A significant accumulation is therefore possible only in those species that are highly overabundant in the nova ejecta. Because the changes in the abundances of even those species depend strongly on the poorly known cross-section σ , the predictive power of our model is weak for population I CVs as long as σ is not well determined. In the case of population II CVs the accumulation of heavy elements by this process dominates over the initial metallicity of the secondary even for values of σ that are smaller by an order of magnitude than the geometrical cross-section. Thus, within a short time after turn-on of mass transfer, the relative metal abundances in the envelope of the secondary reflect those in the nova ejecta. This is nearly independent of the cross-section σ .  相似文献   

We report on the properties of 71 known cataclysmic variables (CVs) in photometric Hα emission-line surveys. Our study is motivated by the fact that the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) Photometric Hα Survey of the northern galactic plane (IPHAS) will soon provide r ',  i ' and narrow-band Hα measurements down to   r '≃ 20  for all northern objects between  − 5° < b < +5°  . IPHAS thus provides a unique resource, both for studying the emission-line properties of known CVs and for constructing a new CV sample selected solely on the basis of Hα excess. Our goal here is to carry out the first task and prepare the way for the second. In order to achieve this, we analyse data on 19 CVs already contained in the IPHAS data base and supplement this with identical observations of 52 CVs outside the galactic plane.
Our key results are as follows: (i) the recovery rate of known CVs as Hα emitters in a survey like IPHAS is ≃70 per cent; (ii) of the ≃30 per cent of CVs which were not recovered ≃75 per cent were clearly detected but did not exhibit a significant Hα excess at the time of our observations; (iii) the recovery rate depends only weakly on CV type; (iv) the recovery rate depends only weakly on orbital period; (v) short-period dwarf novae tend to have the strongest Hα lines. These results imply that photometric emission-line searches provide an efficient way of constructing CV samples that are not biased against detection of intrinsically faint, short-period systems.  相似文献   

The European Space Agency γ-ray telescope, INTEGRAL , is detecting relatively more intrinsically rare cataclysmic variables (CVs) than were found by surveys at lower energies. Specifically, a large fraction of the CVs that are INTEGRAL sources consists of asynchronous polars and intermediate polars (IPs). IP classifications have been proposed for the majority of CVs discovered by INTEGRAL , but, in many cases, there is very little known about these systems. In order to address this, I present time-resolved optical data of five CVs discovered through INTEGRAL observations. The white dwarf spin modulation is detected in high-speed photometry of three of the new CVs (IGR J15094−6649, IGR J16500−3307 and IGR J17195−4100), but two others (XSS J12270−4859 and IGR J16167−4957) show no evidence of magnetism, and should be considered unclassified systems. Spectroscopic orbital period ( P orb) measurements are also given for IGR J15094−6649, IGR J16167−4957, IGR J16500−3307 and IGR J17195−4100.  相似文献   

Large differences between the properties of the known sample of cataclysmic variable stars (CVs) and the predictions of the theory of binary star evolution have long been recognized. However, because all existing CV samples suffer from strong selection effects, observational biases must be taken into account before it is possible to tell whether there is an inconsistency. In order to address this problem, we have modelled the impact of selection effects on observed CV samples using a Monte Carlo approach. By simulating the selection criteria of the Palomar–Green (PG) Survey, we show that selection effects cannot reconcile the predictions of standard CV evolution theory with the observed sample. More generally, we illustrate the effect of the biases that are introduced by magnitude limits, selection cuts in U − B and restrictions in Galactic latitude.  相似文献   

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