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青藏高原东缘新构造及其对汶川地震的控制作用   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
张岳桥  杨农  施炜  董树文 《地质学报》2008,82(12):1668-1678
基于卫星遥感图像解译、地形起伏度分析和地面调查资料,论述了青藏高原东缘构造地貌格局、新构造演化阶段和活动断裂特征,提出青藏高原东缘不同地块在晚新生代时期有序的向东挤出过程,并划分为4个阶段:中新世早期川滇地块向北东挤出、中新世晚期川滇地块的再次强烈向东挤出、上新世至早中更新世时期川青地块的向东挤出、晚更新世以来最新构造变动阶段,青藏高原东缘地貌边界带也经历了由西向东、由南向北的有规律的迁移过程。基于活动构造的最新研究成果和现今GPS测量成果,阐述了东昆仑岷山龙门山走滑逆冲断裂系统的运动学特征。根据地震破裂构造的实地调查,分析了汶川地震的地表破裂行为,提出了汶川地震的发震构造模型。研究认为,青藏高原东部地区NW向楔状条块向东运动速度的一半被鲜水河断裂及其北西延伸的构造带所吸收,而龙门山构造带向东运动受阻于四川盆地之下扬子刚性地块,使得龙门山断裂带处在低应变、高应力环境下,因长期应力应变累积而导致向西陡倾的断裂带突然向东逆冲运动而释放能量。汶川强震发生的深部机理值得深入研究。  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘活动构造   总被引:74,自引:0,他引:74  
青藏高原东缘由岷山断块和龙门山构造带构成。以活动构造地貌学为主线,在解析该地区主干断裂晚第四纪以来活动的地质地貌表现的基础上,对一批断裂运动学和史前强震活动的定量数据进行分析研究,结果表明:在岷山断块中,虎牙断裂的平均左旋滑动速率为1.4 mm/a,垂直滑动速率为0.3 mm/a。岷江断裂的平均垂直滑动速率介于0.37 mm/a~0.53 mm/a之间,左旋位错量与垂直位错量大致相当;在龙门山构造带中,茂汶-汶川断裂、北川-映秀断裂和彭县-灌县断裂的平均垂直滑动速率均在1 mm/a左右,且几条主干断裂的右旋位错量与垂直位错量相当。结合震源机制解结果和GPS测量资料,建立晚新生代以来青藏高原东缘向南东方向逸出的构造变形模式。  相似文献   

新构造运动与活动构造对人类的出现、演化、生存和发展都产生着深刻影响。近年来在青藏高原东缘部署开展的活动断裂调查与活动构造体系研究、川滇地块旋扭变形的古地磁学研究、西秦岭地区新构造与活动构造研究、滇西盆谷区的新构造幕划分、腾冲火山活动特征及其新构造背景调查等都取得了一系列重要进展与成果。这些成果对于深入认识和理解青藏高原东部地区现今地壳变形特征及其动力学机制和探索活动构造体系控震作用都具有重要意义,并可为该区的重大工程规划建设与国土规划利用的科学决策和城镇化发展等提供重要的地质依据。  相似文献   

新构造运动与活动构造对人类的出现、演化、生存和发展都产生着深刻影响。近年来在青藏高原东缘部署开展的活动断裂调查与活动构造体系研究、川滇地块旋扭变形的古地磁学研究、西秦岭地区新构造与活动构造研究、滇西盆谷区的新构造幕划分、腾冲火山活动特征及其新构造背景调查等都取得了一系列重要进展与成果。这些成果对于深入认识和理解青藏高原东部地区现今地壳变形特征及其动力学机制和探索活动构造体系控震作用都具有重要意义,并可为该区的重大工程规划建设与国土规划利用的科学决策和城镇化发展等提供重要的地质依据。  相似文献   

龙日坝断裂带位于青藏高原最东缘,呈北东-南西向延伸,平行于其东侧的龙门山断裂带,二者大约相距150 km。与龙门山断裂带不同的是,龙日坝断裂带在青藏高原东缘相关GPS测量中表现为一明显的速度梯度带,说明龙日坝断裂带可能具有很重要的构造属性。然而有关龙日坝断裂带的地表结构构造延伸问题一直悬而未决,目前还存在许多的争议,这在一定程度上也阻碍了我们对青藏高原东缘相对于印度-欧亚板块碰撞地球动力学响应的了解。在本次研究中,我们将首次采用ALOS-PALSAR卫星数据,并结合地表地质和前人的地球物理学研究成果,来监测与龙日坝断裂带的构造活动相关的细微地表形变,并由此控制龙日坝断裂带的延伸范围。研究结果表明,龙日坝断裂带与其西南侧的抚边河断裂带相交且近乎垂直,而非前人研究所认为的龙日坝断裂带延伸至其西缘的鲜水河断裂带。综合研究结果也为了解龙日坝断裂带的大地构造属性提供了数据支持。  相似文献   

大陆造山带的伸展构造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大陆造山带是会聚作用的结果,主要由各种类型褶皱、逆冲断层和推覆构造组成。然而,越来越多的事实证明,伸展构造同样也是造山带内重要的构造要素。文中以科迪勒拉、安第斯、阿尔卑斯、喜马拉雅等著名造山带为例,对此作了详细的介绍与评述。在整个造山作用过程中,伸展构造不仅扮演了重要的角色,而且也是重要的控矿构造。  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘古近纪粗碎屑岩沉积学及其构造意义   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
青藏高原东缘古近纪盆地的填图和沉积学研究表明,在青藏高原东缘区域性走滑-挤压构造背景下形成的古近纪盆地内广泛发育厚层—巨厚层状的紫红色粗碎屑岩系。其沉积特征指示为一种近源快速堆积的泥石流和辫状河道沉积体,形成于干旱炎热气候条件下的典型陆内冲积扇环境。盆地充填序列、粗碎屑岩层序、动植物化石和盆地内岩浆岩~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar年代学等综合研究结果表明,古近纪盆地内粗碎屑岩大约形成于38~29 Ma。该时期与青藏高原东缘北段(横断山地区)古近纪盆地的形成和南段(兰坪—思茅地区)大盆地的裂解时间基本一致,这很可能预示着青藏高原在晚始新世—早渐新世期间曾发生过整体的快速构造隆升。  相似文献   

宁夏南部晚更新世沉积物沉积特征及其构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
徐涛  杨家喜  刘源  施炜  魏巍 《地学前缘》2013,20(4):36-45
通过研究宁夏南部第四纪沉积物类型及沉积作用,结合沉积物年代学分析,初步确定宁夏南部晚更新世发育众多沉积盆地。其沉积学特征研究表明,晚更新世沉积盆地主要发育冲积扇沉积物、湖相泥质粉砂质沉积物、盆地边缘斜坡岩相组合、现代河流一级阶地沉积物以及黄土等几种沉积物。沉积作用特点显示,晚更新世沉积盆地的大范围出现主要受构造伸展作用控制,表明青藏高原北东扩展过程中,宁夏南部地区于晚更新世期间还存在较明显的构造伸展活动,从而证实青藏高原隆升及其北东向扩展具明显的阶段性。  相似文献   

青藏高原北缘阿尔金东段中生代南北向伸展作用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
青藏高原北缘的阿尔金山脉东段发育了延伸大于300 km、东西走向的拉配泉断裂,为南倾的正断层,局部倾角可以低至30°以下。断层中段表现为30~50 m厚的韧性剪切带,发育有较好的糜棱岩组构和矿物伸展线理;东段和西段以碎裂变形为特征。断裂带内运动学标志,如不对称香肠构造、不对称褶皱和次级脆性和韧性断裂,都指示了上盘向南的正滑移剪切方式。两方面证据控制了拉配泉断裂的活动时代。首先,拉配泉断裂上盘局部产出早-中侏罗世沉积地层。侏罗系地层中的砾石,特别是其中的含叠层石硅质灰岩和紫色石英岩,可以与断裂下盘的岩石相对比。早-中侏罗世地层可能为拉配泉断裂之上的伸展盆地沉积。其次,拉配泉断裂下盘岩石的40Ar/39Ar热年代学分析给出2个明显的冷却事件。较老的事件出现在约220~187 Ma之间的三叠纪末期至侏罗纪早期,而年轻的事件出现在早白垩世的晚期(约100 Ma).约220~187 Ma之间的冷却年龄在拉配泉断裂下盘岩石中普遍存在,代表了拉配泉断裂正断作用的主要阶段。约100 Ma时,断裂东段的正断作用再次活动,该事件可能被南倾的恰什坎正断层运动所叠加而增强,并与拉配泉断裂的东段合并。这2条断裂具有共同的上盘向南的正滑移运动方式。青藏高原和东亚其它地区的中生代伸展作用可以归结为特提斯洋向北和太平洋向西俯冲形成的弧后伸展作用。   相似文献   

青藏高原东缘具有青藏高原地貌、龙门山高山地貌和山前冲积平原三个一级地貌单元 ,本文以岷江作为切入点 ,研究了该地区河流下蚀速率与山脉的隆升作用之间的相互关系。在建立岷江阶地序列的基础上 ,利用阶地高程和热释光年代学测年资料分别定量计算了岷江在川西高原、龙门山和成都盆地的下蚀速率 ,结果表明岷江各河段的下蚀速率明显不同 ,分别为 1.0 7~ 1.6 1mm / a、1.81m m/ a和 0 .5 9mm / a;在龙门山地区岷江的下蚀速率最高 ,约为川西高原地区的 1.5倍 ,约为成都平原地区的 3倍 ;而同一河段不同时期岷江的下蚀速率基本是连续的 ,具有很好的线性关系 ,可作为该河段整个河谷的下蚀速率。基于龙门山的表面隆升速率 (0 .3~ 0 .4 mm / a) ,在约束局部侵蚀基准面和气候变化对阶地形成的控制作用的基础上 ,本文建立了青藏高原东缘岷江下蚀速率与龙门山表面隆升速率之间的线性关系 ,结果表明河流下蚀速率约为山脉表面隆升速率的 5倍。根据龙门山表面在隆升速率和下切速率等方面均大于川西高原 ,并结合龙门山活动构造以走滑作用为主 ,笔者认为青藏高原东缘的边缘山脉以剥蚀隆升为主 ,兼有构造隆升作用。最后 ,根据岷江最大切割深度所需的时间 (3.4 8Ma)和成都盆地最古老的岷江冲积扇大邑砾岩的时间 (3.6 Ma  相似文献   

We present in this paper some new evidence for the change during the Quaternary in kinematics of faults cutting the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. It shows that significant shortening deformation occurred during the Early Pleistocene, evidenced by eastward thrusting of Mesozoic carbonates on the Pliocene lacustrine deposits along the Minjiang upstream fault zone and by development of the transpressional ridges of basement rocks along the Anninghe river valley. The Middle Pleistocene seems to be a relaxant stage with local development of the intra-mountain basins particularly prominent along the Minjiang Upstream and along the southern segment of the Anninghe River Valley. This relaxation may have been duo to a local collapse of the thickened crust attained during the late Neogene to early Pleistocene across this marginal zone. Fault kinematics has been changed since the late Pleistocene, and was predominated by reverse sinistral strike-slip along the Minshan Uplift, reverse dextral strike-slip on the Longmenshan fault zone and pure sinistral strike-slip on the Anninghe fault. This change in fault kinematics during the Quaternary allows a better understanding of the mechanism by which the marginal ranges of the plateau has been built through episodic activities.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between high positive isostatic gravity anomalies (IGA), steep topography and lower crustal extrusion at the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. IGA data has revealed uplift and extrusion of lower crustal flow in the Longmen Shan Mountains (the LMS). Firstly, The high positive IGA zone corresponds to the LMS orogenic belt. It is shown that abrupt changes in IGA correspond to zones of abrupt change of topography, crustal thickness and rock density along the LMS. Secondly, on the basis of the Airy isostasy theory, simulations and inversions of the positive IGA were conducted using three-dimensional bodies. The results indicated that the LMS lacks a mountain root, and that the top surface of the lower crust has been elevated by 11 km, leading to positive IGA, tectonic load and density load. Thirdly, according to Watts’s flexural isostasy model, elastic deflection occurs, suggesting that the limited (i.e. narrow) tectonic and density load driven by lower crustal flow in the LMS have led to asymmetric flexural subsidence in the foreland basin and lifting of the forebulge. Finally, based on the correspondence between zones of extremely high positive IGA and the presence of the Precambrian Pengguan-Baoxing complexes in the LMS, the first appearance of erosion gravels from the complexes in the Dayi Conglomerate layer of the Chengdu Basin suggest that positive IGA and lower crustal flow in the LMS took place at 3.6 Ma or slightly earlier.  相似文献   

Project INDEPTH (InterNational DEep Profiling of Tibet and the Himalaya) is an interdisciplinary program designed to develop a better understanding of deep structures and mechanics of the Tibetan Plateau. As a component of magnetotelluric (MT) work in the 4th phase of the project, MT data were collected along a profile that crosses the eastern segment of the Altyn Tagh fault on the northern margin of the plateau. Time series data processing used robust algorithms to give high quality responses. Dimensionality analysis showed that 2D approach is only valid for the northern section of the profile. Consequently, 2D inversions were only conducted for the northern section, and 3D inversions were conducted on MT data from the whole profile. From the 2D inversion model, the eastern segment of the Altyn Tagh fault only appears as a crustal structure, which suggests accommodation of strike slip motion along the Altyn Tagh fault by thrusting within the Qilian block. A large-scale off-profile conductor within the mid-lower crust of the Qilian block was revealed from the 3D inversion model, which is probably correlated with the North Qaidam thrust belt. Furthermore, the unconnected conductors from the 3D inversion model indicate that deformations in the study area are generally localized.  相似文献   

龙门山地区水系发育特征及其对青藏高原东缘隆升的指示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
龙门山位于青藏高原东缘,既是青藏高原周缘山脉中陡度最大的山脉,也是构造活动和地貌景观塑造最为强烈的地区之一。因此,该区域成为研究构造-地貌-水系之间相互关系的实验场。本文基于ASTER GDEM数据,提取了青藏高原东缘地区15条基岩河道的纵剖面,采用简单数学函数拟合河流纵剖面形态,并结合基岩水力侵蚀模型,分析龙门山不同位置的地形特征。本次研究获得以下几点认识:①通过对龙门山地区河流纵剖面的分析,龙门山整体上具有较高的隆升速率,导致这一地区强烈的河流侵蚀作用;②龙门山中段和南段的河流双对数图以上凸型为主,说明该区域尚未达到均衡状态,处于前均衡期;③龙门山北段的河流双对数图呈直线形态,说明该区域达到均衡状态,处于均衡期;④龙门山不同地区的水系发育特征,表明龙门山中段和南段具有更强的构造活动性、更高的隆升速率,龙门山北段则具有较弱的构造活动性、较低的隆升速率,并反映了青藏高原东缘的隆升作用具有明显的空间差异性。  相似文献   

The geology and tectonics in the eastern margin of Tibetan Plateau are complex. The main tectonic framework is composed of blocks and faults. Using discontinuous global positioning system survey data for 2008–2014, the velocity field for the Eurasia reference framework was obtained. Based on the velocity field, the present-day velocities of the blocks and boundary faults were estimated. The results reveal that the movement rates of the Chuan-Qing, South China, Chuan-Dian and Indo-China blocks are(17.02±0.60) mm/a,(8.77±1.51) mm/a,(13.85±1.31) mm/a and(6.84 ± 0.74) mm/a, respectively, and their movement directions are 99.5°, 120.3°, 142.9° and 153.3°, respectively. All blocks exhibit clockwise rotation. The displacement rates of the Xianshuihe, Longmenshan, Anninghe, Zemuhe, Xiaojiang and Red River faults are(7.30±1.25–8.30±1.26) mm/a,(10.07±0.97–11.79±0.89) mm/a,(0.96±0.74–2.98±1.73) mm/a,(2.03±0.49–3.20±0.73) mm/a,(3.45±0.40–6.02±0.50) mm/a and(6.23±0.56) mm/a, respectively. The Xianshuihe, Anninghe, Zemuhe and Xiaojiang faults show leftlateral strike-slip movement, while the Longmenshan and Red River faults show right-lateral strikeslip. These characteristics of the blocks and faults are related to the particular tectonic location and dynamic mechanism.  相似文献   

The Wenchuan earthquake has altered the crustal motion characteristics in the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent regions.Using discontinuous GPS survey data for 2008–2012, the velocity field for the Eurasia reference framework has been obtained, and the general trend of contemporary crustal motion after the occurrence of the Wenchuan earthquake has been studied.In addition, using the velocity field, the block movement velocity has been estimated by least-squares fitting.Furthermore, the properties and displacement rates of main faults have been obtained from the differences in velocity vectors of the blocks on both sides of the faults.The results reveal that there are no obvious changes in the general characteristics of crustal motion in this area after the Wenchuan earthquake.The earthquake mainly changed the rate of the movement of the Chuan-Qing block and caused variation in the movement direction of the South China block.The effect of the earthquake on faults is mainly reflected in variations in fault displacement velocity; there is no fundamental change in the properties of fault activity.The displacement rates of the Xianshuihe fault decreased by 3–4 mm/a, the Longmenshan fault increased by 9–10 mm/a, and the northern segment of the Anninghe fault increased by approximately 9 mm/a.Furthermore, the displacement rates of the Minjiang, Xueshan, Huya, Longquanshan, and Xinjin faults increased by 2–3 mm/a.This implies that the effects of the Wenchuan earthquake on crustal movement can mainly be observed in the Chuan-Qing, South China, and N-Chuan-Dian blocks and their internal faults, as well as the Xianshuihe and Longmenshan faults and the northern section of the Anninghe fault.The reason for this is that the Wenchuan earthquake disturbed the kinematic and dynamic balance in the region.  相似文献   

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