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Wadi Fatima, east of jiddah on the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia, is a microcosm of the geology of the jiddah area. Rocks ranging in age from 800-million-year-old metamorphic rocks to Tertiary lava flows are exposed, and illustrate the geological richness of western Saudi Arabia. The valley is a major south-west-trending fault zone that has been active since Precambrian times. A major Tertiary dyke swarm in the vicinity of Wadi Fatima is related to the opening of the Red Sea as the African-Arabian landmass split apart.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical investigations of natural and contaminated subsurface waters were conducted between 1992–94 in an area where liquid radioactive waste (RAW) was impounded in a small lake, and subsequently leaked into an underlying water bearing horizon. The waste was discharged from the radiochemical plant of the Mayak Amalgamated Industry near Chelyabinsk, Russia. The underlying water-bearing horizon in fissured metavolcanic rocks was penetrated by uncased observation wells in order to log the hydrogeochemistry. Logging was carried out using a specially designed hydrogeochemical probe, which contained 8 channels to measure continuously the temperature, pressure, electric conductivity, pH, Eh, the dissolved O2 concentration, and the activities of Na, and NO3 in the wells. The logging technique enabled the natural hydrogeochemical setting to be characterized and permitted delineation of bodies of contaminated waters of different origins using measurements of pH, pNa and pNO3. The technique also permitted an evaluation of variations in the chemical composition of the RAW solutions due to radiolytic processes and to chemical interactions with the geologic medium. A conceptual model is proposed for the chemical evolution of the migrating contaminated subsurface waters in the area investigated.  相似文献   

太湖流域某地区浅层地下水有机污染特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对太湖流域某地区浅层地下水有机污染特征进行了总结,并就污染来源、污染途径和典型污染源附近浅层地下水有机污染特征等问题进行了研究。研究结果表明,该地区浅层地下水中各组分的检出率较高,但检出浓度较低,除苯在个别采样点处超出美国环保局(EPA)饮用水标准外,其余卤代烃和单环芳烃组分均没有超标;平面分布上,卤代烃和单环芳烃各组分的浓度高值点大都集中于该地区东南部的工业区内,这种空间分布特征与工业区的分布具有明显的一致性;垂向上有浅部地下水的污染程度相对较重、深部地下水较轻的特点;典型污染源周边浅层地下水的污染程度较重,但随着采样点远离污染源,地下水中各有机污染组分的浓度迅速衰减。  相似文献   

加强基础地质综合研究探索地调工作创新机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋承菘 《中国地质》2001,28(1):1-3,8
国土资源部在组织新一轮国土资源大调查时明确提出,要站在历史的新高度,用新理论、新技术和新方法开展工作,力争通过几年的努力,抓出一批新成果,建设一个新体制,形成一套新机制,树立一个新形象。经过一年多来的实践,我们逐步体会到对地质工作管理模式要不断创新,实行科学管理。科学管理应该有三个层次,一是要有一个民主科学的管理机制,二是要有一个强有力的管理层,三是要有一个非常得力的组织实施层。在这三个层次中,核心是要建立一个民主科学的管理机制,这是地质调查工作不可缺少的一个重要环节。在计划经济条件下,地质工作…  相似文献   

Releases of NaCl-rich (>100 000 mg/L) water that is co-produced from petroleum wells can adversely affect the quality of ground and surface waters. To evaluate produced water impacts on lakes, rivers and streams, an assessment of the contamination potential must be attainable using reliable and cost-effective methods. This study examines the feasibility of using geographic information system (GIS) analysis to assess the contamination potential of Cl to Skiatook Lake in the Hominy Creek drainage basin in northeastern Oklahoma. GIS-based predictions of affects of Cl within individual subdrainages are supported by measurements of Cl concentration and discharge in 19 tributaries to Skiatook Lake. Dissolved Cl concentrations measured in October, 2004 provide a snapshot of conditions assumed to be reasonably representative of typical inputs to the lake. Chloride concentrations ranged from 5.8 to 2300 mg/L and compare to a value of 34 mg/L in the lake. At the time of sampling, Hominy Creek provided 63% of the surface water entering the lake and 80% of the Cl load. The Cl load from the other tributaries is relatively small (<600 kg/day) compared to Hominy Creek (11 900 kg/day) because their discharges are relatively small (<0.44 m3/s) relative to Hominy Creek (3.1 m3/s). Examination of chemical components other than Cl in stream and lake waters indicates that many species, such as SO4, cannot be used to assess contamination potential because they participate in a number of common biogeochemical processes that alter their concentrations.  相似文献   

Although fish in Dorena Lake are contaminated with mercury, the source of pollution in the watershed was unconfirmed until the present study. To trace the mercury to its source, fine-grained sediment samples were collected from the major streams of the watershed. A few samples of mine waste/tailings were also obtained from the Bohemia Mining District where mercury was historically used in processing gold and silver ore. Mercury concentrations in sediment from streams that do not drain the central mining district average 0.066 ppm, whereas samples taken downstream of the district contain 0.140-1.339 ppm. Mine waste/tailings contain 13.441 to >50 ppm mercury. The source of mercury contamination in the Dorena Lake watershed is thus the Bohemia Mining District. Historical and geological evidence strongly suggests that the mercury problem in the district resulted from gold-mercury amalgamation practices, but naturally high mercury content in mineralized areas cannot be ruled out with the data presented here.  相似文献   

岩体深部结构面是岩体工程质量评价、三维地质建模、钻孔水文地质试验和地下实验室工程设计等研究的重要影响因素.甘肃北山新场花岗岩地段已被确定为中国高放废物地质处置地下实验室的推荐场址.基于超声波钻孔电视技术和其他地质资料对场址岩体深部结构面特征开展研究,结果表明:场址内花岗岩体具有很好的完整性,有利于地下实验室的工程建造.场址周边断裂构造纵向延伸范围有限,断裂带规模和横向影响范围随深度增加而逐渐减小.结构面产状特征与区域构造特征相一致,为区域构造特征研究提供了佐证.研究成果为地下实验室工程的开挖设计提供了重要参考依据,并为区域基础地质研究提供参考资料.  相似文献   

A geological study of lake van,Eastern Turkey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lake Van is a lake with a volume of 607 km3 and a maximum depth of 451 m in a tectonically active zone in eastern Anatolia. It may be divided into three physiographic provinces: lacustrine shelf, sublacustrine slope and lake basin. The shelf is largely made up of submerged fluvial valleys and alluvial plains, as evidenced by the local occurrence of karst-like topography, buried, leveed river valleys and sediment wedges interpretable as relict deltas. The shelf and basinal deposits are characterized by an alternating succession of well-stratified and chaotically reflecting layers consisting of turbidites and slump deposits respectively. This thick sequence of unconsolidated to consolidated sediments is underlain by a Paleozoic metamorphic or Upper Cretaceous limestone basement.Holocene lake level fluctuations are highly correlatable with solar activity. Heat budget estimates imply a high geothermal gradient in the Van region. Because of winter convection, chemical composition of the lake water is homogeneous throughout the lake. Though they bring in waters of varying compositions, the rivers discharge a larger quantity of bicarbonate than alkaline earth metals. This soda-chemistry may be attributed to postvolcanic CO2-activity.The fine laminations of the sediments of Lake Van are interpreted as varves: a white carbonate layer is deposited in winter and a dark layer during the summer. Using these varves for age dating, the sedimentation rate during the Holocene may be determined. This varies between 40 and 90 cm/1000 years.The lake level was at its highest at 72 m above present at the height of the last ice age about 18,000 yr B. P. A dramatic drop to over 300 m below present occurred about 9500 yr B. P., with an equally dramatic rise around 6500 yr B. P. These sudden variations are attributed to the morphometric pattern of the lake, and they left distinctive imprints on the sedimentary, geochemical and pollen record.
Zusammenfassung Der Van-See hat ein Volumen von 607 km3 und eine maximale Wassertiefe von 451 m. Er liegt in einer tektonisch aktiven Zone und ist von Vulkanen umgeben. Drei physiographische Provinzen lassen sich ausscheiden: Schelf, Seeabhang und Seebecken. Der Schelf besteht weitgehend aus ehemaligen Flußtälern und alluvialen Ebenen mit ausgeprägter karstartiger Topographie, Deltaschüttungen und mäandrierenden Flußtälern. Schelf- und Beckensedimente setzen sich zusammen aus unverfestigten wechselnden Abfolgen von gut geschichteten und chaotischen Lagen, die ihrerseits von paläozoischen Metamorphiten und Oberkretazischen Kalken unterlagert sind.Rezente Seespiegelschwankungen sind mit Sonnenfleckenzyklen korrelierbar. Wärmekapazitätsberechnungen für das gesamte Wasservolumen sind nur durch die Annahme eines hohen geothermischen Wärmeflusses in der Van-Region zu deuten. Bedingt durch Winterkonvektion wird die Wassersäule gut durchmischt und chemisch einheitlich. Der hohe Sodagehalt des Sees ist aus postvulkanischen CO2-Emissionen abzuleiten.Sedimentkerne umfassen das gesamte Holozän, und eine ausgeprägte Warvenschichtung erlaubt eine genaue Datierung der Profile. Die Sedimentationsrate schwankt zwischen 40 und 90 cm pro 1000 Jahre.Der Seespiegel hatte seinen höchsten Stand mit 72 m über dem heutigen vor ca. 18 000 Jahren, also dem klimatischen Minimum der Weichseleiszeit. An der Wende Pleistozän-Holozän erfolgte eine schnelle Absenkung des Spiegels um ca. 300 m ( 9500 Jahre v. d. Gegenwart), um 3000 Jahre später, während des Atlantikums, in wenigen Jahrhunderten um 200 m wieder anzusteigen. Diese plötzlichen Ereignisse sind Ausdruck des morphometrischen Musters des Sees in Verbindung mit klimatischen Veränderungen im Gefolge deletzten Eiszeit. Die Sedimentfazies spiegelt diese Geschehnisse durch charakteristische sedimentologische, paläontologische oder geochemische Indikatoren wider.

Résumé Le Lac de Van a un volume de 607 km3 et une profondeur maximale de 451 m. Il est situé au milieu de volcans dans une zone tectoniquement active en Anatolie orientale. Trois zones physiographiques peuvent être distinguées: le shelf, le versant et le bassin du lac. Le shelf consiste pour la plus grande partie en anciennes vallées fluviales et en plaines alluviales avec topographie karstique bien marquée, en vallées fluviales enterrées et remblayées et des coins sédimentaires, qui peuvent être interprétés comme des débris deltaïques. Les dépôts sédimentaires du shelf et du bassin se caractérisent par des alternances de couches, les unes bien stratifiées, les autres chaotiques, faites de turbidites et de dépôts formés à la suite de glissements, au-dessous desquelles se trouvent des métamorphites paléozoïques et des calcaires formés au cours du Crétacé supérieur.Des oscillations récentes du niveau du lac peuvent être mises en relation avec des cycles de taches solaires. Des calculs de la capacité thermique supposent un gradient géothermique élevé dans la région de Van. A cause de la convection hivernale, la composition chimique de l'eau du lac est homogène dans l'ensemble du lac. Bien que les fleuves apportent des eaux de compositions variables, ils transportent une quantité plus grande de bicarbonate que les métaux alcalins. Ce chimisme sodique peut être attribué à une activité post-volcanique de l'anhydride carbonique.Les fines laminations des sédiments du Lac de Van sont interprétées comme varves: une couche carbonatique blanche est déposée en hiver, et une couche sombre en été. En utilisant ces varves comme moyen de datation on peut déterminer le taux de sédimentation prédominant au cours de l'Holocène. Celui-ci varie entre 40 et 90 cm par millénaire.Le plus haut niveau du lac s'est trouvé à 72 m au-dessus du niveau actuel, à l'apogée de la dernière glaciation qui eut lieu, il y a environ 18 000 ans. Un abaissement rapide à 300 m au-dessous du niveau actuel survint il y a 9500 ans, suivi d'une remontée aussi rapide il y a 6500 ans. Ces oscillations brusques sont attribuées à la condition morphométrique du lac en relation avec les changements climatiques consécutifs à la dernière glaciation. Elles ont laissé des empreintes caractéristiques sur les faciès sédimentaire, géochimique et pollinique.

607 3, 451 . . 3 - : , . . . , -. . . , , . . , . , . 2. , . 40 90 1.000 . — 72 — 18.000 — . 9.500 , / 300 , 3.000 , 200 . , , . , , , .

高放废物地质处置系统核素迁移模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高放废物地质处置系统核素迁移研究是高放废物安全处理和处置的重要内容.从整个系统的角度出发,把高放废物地质处置系统核素迁移过程分为三种模式:工程屏障中的释放-扩散模型;地质屏障中的对流-弥散模型和在生物圈中的分区传递模型.在分区传递模型中利用转移系数描述核素在各分区之间的迁移.通过对每种模型核素迁移机理的分析得出概化模型,并给出了相应的数学描述.  相似文献   

为了准确掌握翡翠原石的放射性水平,消除公众对珠宝玉石存在放射性的疑虑,本文选取了3种翡翠原石的10件样品,利用高纯锗型(HPGe)低本底多道γ能谱仪测量了样品中天然放射性核素226Ra、232Th和40K的比活度值.结果表明,样品中有关核素的比活度值低于或仅略高于仪器检测限,样品的内照指数(IRa)和外照指数(Iγ)均远远低于国家对建筑材料中放射性核素的限量规定,说明翡翠原石的放射性水平很低,与环境的天然本底相当,不存在所谓的放射性危害.  相似文献   

本文介绍了高放废物处置场的基本结构并着重阐述了工程地质方法在高放废物处置场建设中的应用,应用主要包括以下几个方面:(1)处置场场区围岩稳定性评价;(2)处置场场区岩体力学性质参数的测量;(3)建立处置场场区工程地质模型.  相似文献   

张成梁 《地质论评》1999,45(7):222-225
垂挂在长白山天池出口的长白瀑布是长白山名胜佳景之一,其西侧的悬壁羊肠小道是通往天池水面的必经之路,其东侧的悬崖峭壁和崎曲山脊与天文峰相连,其下方的温泉群常年热气缭绕引人入胜……。这些奇观险境如今都处于强烈风化剥蚀和重力作用之下。特别是节理和层理发育的岩层及风化壳,在冰冻、雪蚀、风雨的寒暑酷凿下,易发生垮塌、滑坡、泥石流等灾害。研究这些地质灾害与自然景观的保护颇具现实意义。  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》1999,93(2-3):201-213
New palaeomagnetic results are presented from the recently dated Palaeoproterozoic ultramafic Konchozero sill, and associated basalts (three sites, 38 oriented samples). Three stable components of remanence have been isolated during thermal and alternating field demagnetisation. The component I, with a mean direction of D=103°, I=40°, k=18, α95=11° (N=11 samples), pole position of 14°S, 282°E, has been obtained from the unaltered deeper part of the sill and from baked schists. The study of the baked contact confirms the conclusion that component I is supposed to be primary and corresponds to the Sm–Nd age of the sill of 1974±27 Ma. The palaeopole of component I is not consistent with the accepted Fennoscandian apparent polar wander path (APWP) for the period 2120–1880 Ma, and for that part the Fennoscandian APWP should be revised. Two other components (component II: D=349°, I=39°, k=35, α95=6°, N=19 samples, pole position 49°N, 231°E; and component III: D=17°, I=41°, k=44, α95=5°, N=19 samples, pole position 50°N, 190°E) fit the APWP well, with palaeomagnetically estimated ages of ca. 1860 and 1760 Ma respectively.  相似文献   

The biomarker composition and stable isotope (C, O) ratio values of organic matter (OM) and carbonate from sediment cores from the oligotrophic Lake Brienz and the eutrophic Lake Lugano (both in Switzerland) are compared, in order to obtain information about OM sources and transformation processes. Eutrophic conditions at Lake Lugano are reflected in elevated total organic carbon (TOC) content and hydrogen index (HI) values, as well as higher lipid concentrations. Parallel down core trends in δ13C values of TOC and calcite in the Lake Lugano sediments reflect bioproductivity cycles. Variations in δ18O values of calcite are consistent with changes in mean summer temperature over the time interval covered by the core. In contrast, such a correlation does not exist for Lake Brienz and there the stable isotope composition of calcite reflects its allochthonous origin. In the sediments of both lakes, fatty acid (FA) distributions and the composition of n-alkanols and n-alkanes indicate highly variable proportions of autochthonous OM sources (algae, zooplankton, bacteria) and OM from land plants. Enhanced in situ microbial synthesis during sediment deposition in Lake Lugano is suggested by the higher TOC-normalised concentrations of branched chain FAs (C15–C17), hopanoic acids and triterpenoid alcohols (i.e. tetrahymanol, diplopterol). Variations in the concentrations of cholesterol are related to contributions from zooplankton and/or green algae, while sitosterol concentrations reflect the input of vascular plants. Periods of increased input of OM from diatoms are evidenced by high 24-methylcholesta-5,22-dien-3β-ol (either epibrassicasterol or brassicasterol) and/or highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) alkenes concentrations. High relative concentrations of diplopterol in Lake Lugano sediments are consistent with the predominance of cyanobacteria commonly observed in eutrophic lakes. The presence of archeol and hydroxyarcheol in very low concentrations in the Lugano sediments argues for the activity of methanogens and/or anaerobic methanotrophs.Differences in OM degradation processes are reflected in higher chlorin index values in the Brienz sediments but higher saturated vs. unsaturated n-FAs in the core from Lugano. Higher concentrations of branched chain FAs and 16:1ω7 n-FA, as well as enhanced 18:1ω7/18:1ω9 n-FA, are consistent with enhanced bacterial biomass in the Lugano water column or sediments. The preservation of phytol seems to be enhanced in sediments with a high relative contribution of land plant OM. Major factors affecting OM accumulation in the lakes are differences in OM sources (i.e. terrestrial OM vs. autochthonous production), extent of bacterial activity and most likely oxygen availability in the water column.  相似文献   

云南省地质灾害综合防治体系建设是国内规模最大、最广泛的地质灾害防治专项,其实施使全省地质灾害发生数量大幅减少,因灾死亡及失踪人数明显递减,防灾减灾成效显著。文章依据12项系列专题研究成果,综述了体系建设实施概况及防灾减灾成效,归纳评述了取得的主要科技成果,重点对高原地质灾害成因、规律认识、特殊岩土控灾机制、易发性分区评价、隐患综合遥感识别、自动化监测预警及信息标准体系建设进展进行了总结,成果可为云南省地质灾害综合防治提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

The calcite-dolomite ratio of the Vempalle dolomitic limestones, serpentinised dolomitic limestones, and serpentines from the mineralised zone of the asbestos is determined by infrared spectroscopy. The ratio varies between 2 and 5·4 in the dolomitic limestones, between 1 and 1·5 in the serpentinised dolomitic limestones and it is taken as zero in the serpentines as both calcite and dolomite bands are absent in their infrared absorption spectra. The release of calcite during the serpentinisation is identified, which confirms the formation of serpentine.  相似文献   

郑州市龙湖成湖方案研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人工湖建设可能引起地下水位的抬升,将对周边生态环境造成影响,如部分河岸区的浸没、土壤次生盐渍化、地下水质恶化、影响湖周高层建筑物的地基承载力等。在分析人工湖渗漏问题基础上, 提出了在不采取防渗措施和采取防渗措施两种不同情况下的成湖方案, 并进行了防渗方案的优选。用地下水数值模型MODFLOW和优化模型MODMAN对处于黄河冲积平原地区拟开挖人工湖进行了数值模拟及优化。结果表明,在龙湖运行时,只要人工湖的渗漏量控制在一定范围内,辅之于相应的湖体周边的降水措施,就可有效避免各种环境问题的出现。  相似文献   

祁连山哈拉湖坳陷与已发现天然气水合物的木里坳陷同属于南祁连盆地次级坳陷,有相似的水合物成藏条件,但由于该区地质工作程度低,坳陷内第四系覆盖层下的地质构造信息不清,对该区的天然气水合物成藏条件缺乏认识。为查明哈拉湖坳陷的地质构造特征和天然气水合物成藏条件,在哈拉湖坳陷区内开展了物化探综合探测及研究,结果表明:(1)调查区内可划分出4个凹陷区、2个凸起区,调查区内可划分出26条断裂;(2)调查区永冻土层分布特征以新生界沉积区以大面积片状和基岩出露区以岛状分布为主,永冻土层发育与高程、地形、地表覆盖层及表层土壤水分等因素密切相关;(3)调查区发现了两处地球化学异常,以酸解烃重烃、酸解烃干燥系数、顶空气甲烷和荧光光谱为指标组合,显示了两种不同的异常特征类型,异常浓集中心明显,强度较高;(4)哈拉湖坳陷的烃原岩条件相对差,烃源岩的保存完整性和印支—燕山期圈闭构造是水合物成藏的关键,哈拉湖坳陷区北部和地球化学Ⅰ号异常区可为水合物成藏远景区。本文为南祁连盆地下一步天然气水合物资源调查与评价提供了依据。  相似文献   

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