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林超然  谈哲敏 《气象科学》2022,42(4):427-439
台风次眼墙位于主眼墙外侧,由次对流环和低层切向风次极大值两个基本结构组成。本文通过一系列理想数值试验讨论了不同初始涡旋外围风场结构对次眼墙形成的影响作用以及关键动力学过程。结果表明,次眼墙形成的时间和位置与初始涡旋外围尺度显著相关:随着外围尺度递减,台风从形成完整双眼墙、伪双眼墙到没有双眼墙逐步过渡,次眼墙形成时间推迟且位置更加靠近台风中心。动力学分析发现,初始外围尺度可控制外雨带分布,雨带的非绝热加热主导了主眼墙外围边界层径向入流和绝对涡度径向输送的分布和大小。绝对涡度径向输送和摩擦耗散的相对大小及位置决定了次眼墙低层切向风次极大值出现的可能性和位置。动量强迫对低层切向风次极大值的大小仍有贡献。  相似文献   

The formation of tropical cyclones   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
Summary This paper attempts a synthesis of new observations and new concepts on how tropical cyclone formation occurs. Despite many worthy observational and numerical modeling studies in recent decades, our understanding of the detailed physical processes associated with the early stages of tropical cyclone formation is still inadequate; operational forecast skill is not very high. Although theoretical ideas cover a wide range of possibilities, results of new observations are helping us to narrow our search into more specific and relevant topic areas.With 33 FiguresPrologueThis paper is dedicated to Professor Herbert Riehl under whom I studied tropical meteorology at the University of Chicago from 1957–1961 and was later associated with at Colorado State University (CSU). Professor Riehl arranged my first aircraft flights into hurricanes in the late 1950s and gave great encouragment to me to explore the secrets of what causes a tropical disturbance to be transformed into a tropical storm.Herbert would persist in asking me nearly every week or so what causes a hurricane to form? I and my graduate students and research colleagues at CSU have been working to uncover the secrets of tropical cyclone formation ever since. The following article gives my current best estimate of the primary physical processes involved with this topic.  相似文献   

The generality of our conceptual model of Outer Mesoscale Convective System (OMCS) formation in western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones (TCs) that was based on a case study of Typhoon Fengshen (2008) is examined with a data base of 80 OMCSs during 1999-2009. Formations of 41 “Intersection type (Itype)” OMCSs are similar to our conceptual model in that the key feature is an elongated moisture band in the northerly TC circulation that interacts with the southwest monsoon flow. Two subtypes of these I-type OMCSs are defined based on different formation locations relative to the TC center, and relative to the monsoon flow, that lead to either outward or more cyclonic propagation of the OMCSs. Twenty-five “Upstream type (U-type)” OMCSs form in a similar moisture band, but upstream of the intersection of the outer TC circulation with the monsoon flow. Another 12 “Monsoon type (Mtype)” OMCSs are different from our conceptual model as the formation locations are within the monsoon flow south to the confluence region of TC northerly circulation with the monsoon flow. In all of these OMCSs, the monsoon flow is an important contributor to their climatology and synoptic environment. Expanded conceptual models of where the threat of heavy rainfall associated with the four types of OMCSs may be expected are provided based on different OMCS formation locations relative to the TC center and different propagation vectors in a storm-relative coordinate system.  相似文献   

The motion of binary tropical cyclones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary When two tropical cyclones are present simultaneously in the same region they show as a rule a counterclockwise rotation around each other. A theoretical explanation of this motion is given. The theory permits the computation of the rate of rotation. A discussion of nine examples with sufficiently reliable and complete observational data gives a satisfactory agreement between theoretical and observed rates of rotation.
Zusammenfassung Es ist häufig beobachtet worden, daß zwei tropische Zyklonen sich entgegen dem Uhrzeigersinne umeinander bewegen. Eine theoretische Erklärung dieser Bewegung kann gegeben werden auf Grund der Annahme, daß sich jedes Zyklonenzentrum unter dem Einfluß des Windfeldes der anderen Zyklone bewegt; auf Grund dieser Theorie läßt sich die Rotationsgeschwindigkeit des Zyklonenpaares berechnen. An Hand von neun Fällen mit genügend zuverlässigem und vollständigem Beobachtungsmaterial wird gezeigt, daß gute Übereinstimmung zwischen Theorie und Beobachtung besteht.

Résumé On a souvent observé que deux cyclones tropicaux se meuvent l'un par rapport à l'autre dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre. On peut expliquer le fait en admettant que chaque centre cyclonique se déplace sous l'influence du champ de vent de l'autre. Grâce à cette hypothèse on peut calculer la vitesse de rotation de la paire de cyclones. Neuf exemples richement documentés montrent un bon accord entre la théorie et l'observation.

With 3 Figures.  相似文献   

Utilizing Eliassen’s concepts, the forcing of the isentropic azimuthally-averaged mass-weighted radial-vertical circulation by diabatic heating and torques within an extratropical cyclone and a typhoon was studied through nu-merical simulations based on the linear diagnostic equation derived previously. The structure of the forcing associated with diabatic heating and torques was determined from quasi-Lagrangian diagnostic analyses of actual case studies. The two cyclones studied were the Ohio extratropical cyclone of 25-27 January 1978 and typhoon Nancy of 18-23 September 1979. The Ohio cyclone, which formed over the Gulf Coast and moved through Ohio and eastern Michigan, was one of the most intense storms with blizzard conditions to ever occur in this region. Typhoon Nancy which occurred over the South China Sea during the FGGE year was selected since relatively high quality assimilated data were available. Within the Ohio cyclone, the dominant internal processes forcing the mean circulation with em-bedded relatively strong hydrodynamic stability were the pressure torque associated with baroclinic (asymmetric) structure and the horizontal eddy angular momentum transport associated with the typical S-shaped thermal and wind structures of self-development. Within typhoon Nancy, the dominant internal process forcing the mean circula-tion with embedded weak hydrodynamic stability was the latent heat release. This analysis shows that the simulated azimuthally-averaged mass-weighted radial motions within these two cy?clones agree quite well with the “observed” azimuthally-averaged mass-weighted radial motions. This isentropic nu?merical study also provides insight into the relatively important internal forcing processes and the trade off between forcing and stability within both extratropical and tropical cyclones.  相似文献   

A method of diagnostic calculation of the maximal wind speed in the tropical cyclone, its radius, and central pressure is proposed taking into account large-scale air motions in a low-gradient baric field between subtropical anticyclones. The results of such calculations are considered. A conclusion is made about sufficient accuracy of calculations of the parameters within the tropical zone using only dynamic factors.  相似文献   

Studied is the evolution of the family of tropical cyclones in the Pacific Ocean in 2009. Analyzed is an unusual behavior of real simultaneously existing tropical cyclones (TCs). Investigated is a mechanism of the interaction between a pair of tropical cyclones of various intensities. Considered are the cases of triple interaction between a pair of TCs and the polar front, as well as the transformation and regeneration of TCs due to their entry to the cold front area. The dynamics of groups of real tropical cyclones is compared with the behavior of ideal cyclonic vortices in the experiments with the numerical model. Proposed are the variants of explaining the disappearance and formation of vortices, as well as of loops, zigzags, and sharp turns during their movement.  相似文献   

双台风相互作用的一种分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴中海 《大气科学》1981,5(1):32-42
一、引言 台风移动主要受背景流场的“引导气流”操纵。当间距足够近的两个或多个台风同时存在时,由于台风的位置变化比较显著,由它们引起的那部份“引导气流”的变化也就较大,这就使得在多台风情况下台风路径比较复杂。 在我们的统计动力学方案中,虽然在选取样本时已经有意识地剔除了一些影响明显的双台风个例。但是,从拟合误差的初步分析中,仍然很清楚地看出,产生较大误差极  相似文献   

The relationship between North Atlantic tropical cyclone (TC) peak intensity and subsurface ocean temperature is investigated in this study using atmospheric and ocean reanalysis data. It is found that the peak intensity of basin-wide strong TCs (Categories 4 and 5) is positively correlated with subsurface ocean temperature in the extratropical North Atlantic. A possible physical mechanism is that subsurface ocean temperature in the extratropical North Atlantic can affect local sea surface temperature (SST); on the other hand, the moisture generated by the warming SST in the extratropical North Atlantic is transported to the main region of TC development in the tropics by a near-surface anticyclonic atmospheric circulation over the tropical North Atlantic, affecting TC peak intensity. Moreover, coastal upwelling off Northwest Africa and southern Europe can affect subsurface ocean temperature in the extratropical North Atlantic. Therefore, the peak intensity of strong TCs is also found to be directly correlated with the water temperature in these two upwelling regions on an interdecadal timescale.摘要利用大气与海洋再分析数据等相关资料, 本项研究发现, 北大西洋强台风 (Saffir–Simpson分类中的第4和第5类) 的最大强度与亚热带北大西洋的次表层海温呈正相关. 由于亚热带北大西洋的次表层海温会影响当地的海表温度, 该地区海面产生的水汽通过近地面的反气旋大气环流可被输送到位于热带的台风主要发展区域, 进而影响台风的最大强度. 与此同时, 位于西非北部和南欧的近岸涌升流会影响亚热带北大西洋的次表层海温. 因此, 强台风的最大强度也被发现与上述两个涌升流区域的海温具有相关性, 但是这种相关性主要体现在年代际时间尺度上.  相似文献   

Discussed are the results of studying an evolution of tropical cyclones (TCs) in the Pacific Ocean using the data of computation of ETA and WRF NMM mesoscale numerical atmospheric models. Computed are the trajectories of TCs and the fields of meteorological variables in the typhoons, of the wind speed and kinetic energy in the subtropical jet stream during the development of Parma, Melor, and Lupit typhoons. Carried out are the analysis and comparison of computed fields of pressure, wind, kinetic energy, and trajectories of TCs obtained using these models and their comparison with the actual fields. It is demonstrated that both models computed rather well the complex trajectories and the fields of wind and kinetic energy varying in the course of the interaction. Proposed is an explanation of processes taking place during the interaction between the vortices and the subtropical jet stream and the polar front.  相似文献   

Analysis of the climatic characteristics of the tropical cyclones that affect China yields several interesting features. The frequency of these tropical cyclones tended to decrease from 1951 to 2005, with the lowest frequency in the past ten years. The decrease in the frequency of super typhoons is particularly significant. The main season of tropical cyclone activities is from May to November, with an active period from July to September. There are three obvious sources of these tropical cyclones and they vary with seasons and decades. Their movement has also changed with seasons. On average, these tropical cyclones affect China for 5.6 months annually and the period of influence decreases in the past decades. An analysis of daily data indicates that the days of typhoon influence are shorter in winter and spring and longer in summer. The frequency of tropical cyclones is the largest over southeastern China, decreasing northwestward. Taiwan is the region that is affected by tropical cyclones most frequently. The average annual precipitation associated with tropical cyclones has also decreased gradually northwestward from southeastern China.  相似文献   

Ocean feedback to tropical cyclones: climatology and processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study presents the first multidecadal and coupled regional simulation of cyclonic activity in the South Pacific. The long-term integration of state-of the art models provides reliable statistics, missing in usual event studies, of air–sea coupling processes controlling tropical cyclone (TC) intensity. The coupling effect is analyzed through comparison of the coupled model with a companion forced experiment. Cyclogenesis patterns in the coupled model are closer to observations with reduced cyclogenesis in the Coral Sea. This provides novel evidence of air–sea coupling impacting not only intensity but also spatial cyclogenesis distribution. Storm-induced cooling and consequent negative feedback is stronger for regions of shallow mixed layers and thin or absent barrier layers as in the Coral Sea. The statistical effect of oceanic mesoscale eddies on TC intensity (crossing over them 20 % of the time) is also evidenced. Anticyclonic eddies provide an insulating effect against storm-induced upwelling and mixing and appear to reduce sea surface temperature (SST) cooling. Cyclonic eddies on the contrary tend to promote strong cooling, particularly through storm-induced upwelling. Air–sea coupling is shown to have a significant role on the intensification process but the sensitivity of TCs to SST cooling is nonlinear and generally lower than predicted by thermodynamic theories: about 15 rather than over 30 hPa °C?1 and only for strong cooling. The reason is that the cooling effect is not instantaneous but accumulated over time within the TC inner-core. These results thus contradict the classical evaporation-wind feedback process as being essential to intensification and rather emphasize the role of macro-scale dynamics.  相似文献   

Estimates of the maximum potential intensity (MPI) of tropical cyclones (TC) using different model on the base of in situ measurements are analyzed. Estimates published by other researchers and the ones obtained by the author are used. The inadequacy of model estimates of MPI and the real intensity of TC is registered in a number of cases, that is, first of all, related to the neglect of a number of peculiarities of TC structure and their environment in models, which are available nowadays.  相似文献   

The frequency of tropical cyclones (TCs) in Taiwan during June to October (JJASO) is found to have a strong negative correlation with the Pacific/North American (PNA) pattern in the preceding April. In the negative PNA phase, the anomalous cyclonic and the anomalous anticyclonic circulations are intensified at low latitudes and midlatitudes from East Asia to the North Atlantic, respectively, from April to JJASO. Particularly in East Asia, the anomalous southeasterly that converges between the anomalous anticyclone to the east of Japan and the anomalous cyclone to the east of Taiwan plays a decisive role in moving TCs not only to Taiwan, but also to the midlatitude coastal regions of East Asia as a result of the steering flow. In addition, a southwestward extension of a western North Pacific (WNP) high during the positive PNA phase also contributed to a frequent movement of TCs to southern China without traveling north toward the midlatitude regions of East Asia. Due to the difference in the typical tracks of the TC in the WNP according to the PNA phase, the intensity of the TC in the negative PNA phase is stronger than that in the positive PNA phase.  相似文献   

热带气旋螺旋云带动力不稳定的性质   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
黄泓  张铭 《气象学报》2008,66(1):81-89
热带气旋螺旋云带的不对称特征,在热带气旋的路径和强度变化中起着重要作用,对其动力性质的研究是整个热带气旋研究中的重要组成部分.文中分别对一个正压无辐散涡旋模型和正压原始方程涡旋模型进行线性化,采用标准模方法计算扰动的谱点和谱函数,研究扰动在基本流场中的不稳定问题,从而讨论了热带气旋中螺旋云带动力不稳定的性质.将一指定的基流廓线代入这两个模型,均会出现不稳定扰动.前者的流动为涡旋运动,仅在不稳定扰动的两个峰值之间可以看出螺旋状的结构特征,在距涡旋中心140 km的外围,不稳定扰动沿径向没有波动分布,没有螺旋云带状结构.此处相应于涡旋Rossby波的停滞半径(stagnation radius),在此半径之内出现的螺旋结构称为内螺旋云带,而在此半径之外出现的螺旋云带称为外螺旋云带.也就是说前者仅出现了眼壁(最大风速半径之内的最大扰动中心)、内螺旋云带,而后者则出现了眼壁、内螺旋云带和外螺旋云带.这说明滤去重力惯性波的正压无辐散涡旋模型(前者)只适合于解释热带气旋不稳定内螺旋云带的形成和结构,当综合考虑不稳定内、外螺旋云带的形成时,水平辐合、辐散的作用不能忽略,此时必须要用正压涡旋模型(后者).在该模型中因最不稳定扰动随涡旋半径的不同,其分别体现了涡旋Rossby波和重力惯性波的特点,故其是不稳定的涡旋Rossby-重力惯性混合波,其不稳定的性质是非平衡的.由此可知,要同时解释内、外螺旋云带的生成和结构,则非平衡的涡旋Rossby-重力惯性混合波不稳定理论应是更合适的选择.  相似文献   

本文分析华南夏季风降水(P_(SM))与热带气旋降水(P_(TC))在年际和年代际尺度上的物理联系,结果表明:在年际变化上,华南P_(SM)与P_(TC)呈显著负相关。南海-西北太平洋的气旋性涡度和相对湿度增加以及垂直风切变减弱,有利于更多的热带气旋生成,从而使得华南P_(TC)增加。同时异常增暖的赤道中太平洋SST和异常偏冷的北印度洋SST会激发南海-西太平洋异常气旋,加之中国东部-日本异常反气旋的作用,使得华南P_(SM)减少。在年代际尺度上,华南P_(SM)与P_(TC)呈显著正相关,在1990s初华南P_(SM)与P_(TC)明显增加。其中,南海生成的热带气旋对华南P_(TC)年代际增多有重要贡献。前期冬春季西太平洋持续异常偏暖的SST会通过垂直环流的作用引起热带印度洋SST增暖并持续到夏季,之后偏暖的热带印度洋SST又反馈作用于西北太平洋异常反气旋,使得华南P_(SM)增加。1990s初南海夏季风爆发年代际偏早,促使华南上空的大气显热源从5月持续增加至夏季,从而有助于东亚副热带夏季风的增强和华南P_(SM)增加。  相似文献   

Motivated primarily by its application to understanding tropical-cyclone intensification and maintenance, we re-examine the concept of buoyancy in rapidly rotating vortices, distinguishing between the buoyancy of the symmetric balanced vortex or system buoyancy, and the local buoyancy associated with cloud dynamics. The conventional definition of buoyancy is contrasted with a generalized form applicable to a vortex, which has a radial as well as a vertical component. If, for the special case of axisymmetric motions, the balanced density and pressure distribution of a rapidly rotating vortex are used as the reference state, the buoyancy field then characterizes the unbalanced density perturbations, i.e. the local buoyancy. We show how to determine such a reference state without approximation.The generation of the toroidal circulation of a vortex, which is necessary for vortex amplification, is characterized in the vorticity equation by the baroclinicity vector. This vector depends, inter-alia, on the horizontal (or radial) gradient of buoyancy evaluated along isobaric surfaces. We show that for a tropical-cyclone-scale vortex, the buoyancy so calculated is significantly different from that calculated at constant height or on surfaces of constant σ (σ = (p  p*)/(ps  p*), where p is the actual pressure, p* some reference pressure and ps is the surface pressure). Since many tropical-cyclone models are formulated using σ-coordinates, we examine the calculation of buoyancy on σ-surfaces and derive an expression for the baroclinicity vector in σ-coordinates. The baroclinic forcing term in the azimuthal vorticity equation for an axisymmetric vortex is shown to be approximately equal to the azimuthal component of the curl of the generalized buoyancy. A scale analysis indicates that the vertical gradient of the radial component of generalized buoyancy makes a comparatively small contribution to the generation of toroidal vorticity in a tropical cyclone, but may be important in tornadoes and possibly also in dust devils.We derive also a form of the Sawyer–Eliassen equation from which the toroidal (or secondary) circulation of a balanced vortex may be determined. The equation is shown to be the time derivative of the toroidal vorticity equation in which the time rate-of-change of the material derivative of potential toroidal vorticity is set to zero. In analogy with the general case, the diabatic forcing term in the Sawyer–Eliassen equation is shown to be approximately equal to the time rate-of-change of the azimuthal component of the curl of generalized buoyancy.Finally, we discuss the generation of buoyancy in tropical cyclones and contrast the definitions of buoyancy that have been used in recent studies of tropical cyclones. We emphasize the non-uniqueness of the buoyancy force, which depends on the choice of a reference density and pressure, and note that different, but equivalent interpretations of the flow dynamics may be expected to arise if different reference quantities are chosen.  相似文献   

李畅  姜霞  沈新勇 《山东气象》2021,41(4):62-72
利用印度气象局(India Meteorological Department,IMD)、国际气候管理最佳路径档案库(International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship,IBTrACS)提供的1982—2020年阿拉伯海热带气旋路径资料,美国国家环境预报中心(National Centers for Environmental Prediction,NCEP)再分析资料,对近39 a阿拉伯海热带气旋源地和路径特征、活跃区域、频数及气旋累积能量(accumulated cyclone energy,ACE)指数的季节特征和年际变化特征进行分析,并结合环境因素,说明其物理成因。结果表明:阿拉伯海热带气旋多发于10°~25°N,65°~75°E海域,5—6月、9—12月发生频数较高且强度较强,1—4月、7—8月发生频数较低且气旋近中心最大风速均小于35 kn;频数的季节变化主要受控于垂直风切变要素;阿拉伯海热带气旋发生频数和ACE近年有上升趋势,年际变化主要受控于海面温度(sea surface temperature,SST)和850 hPa相对湿度要素。  相似文献   

Summary The results of computations of the radial circulation and associated surface pressure tendencies, needed to retain gradient wind balance in a model of an axisymmetric cyclone, due to the action of diabatic heating and boundary layer pumping, are presented. These computations show that diabatic heating will not induce further deepening (i. e. intensification) of the cyclone when this cyclone is weak and has a cold core. On the other hand, a relatively intense warmcore balanced cyclone will deepen appreciably, depending on the degree of baroclinicity and on where exactly the heat sources are located.These results underline the fact that Conditional Instability of the Second Kind (CISK) must be interpreted as a finite-amplitude instability. CISK cannot explain the genesis of a cyclone, such as a polar low or hurricane.With 18 Figures  相似文献   

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