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秦岭-大别-苏鲁高压超高压变质带是华北与扬子板块俯冲碰撞作用的产物。以榴辉岩为代表的高压超压变质岩的研究将为整个造山带形成与演化历史的建立提供重要信息。本文对分布于大别和苏鲁地区的榴辉岩进行了地质学、岩石学、矿物化学及年代学研究,获得了以下认识:(1)榴辉岩可分成低温高压榴辉岩和超高压榴辉岩。超高压榴辉岩分布于前寒武纪的大别、东海、胶东和胶南变质杂岩之中,低温高压榴辉岩分布于中晚元古代的红安群、松宿群和苏家河群变质岩系之中。在大别山地区,超高压榴辉岩、高压榴辉岩,以及绿帘-蓝片岩成带状,从北到南依次平行于造山带展布。(2)大别山地区的高压榴辉岩变质作用的温压条件是:450-550℃,1.4-1.6GPa。超高压榴辉岩变质条件是:650-870℃,>2.7-2.9GPa,苏鲁地区的超高压榴辉岩是820-1000℃,>2,8-3.1GPa,榴辉岩的形成温度从西向东逐渐升高。(3)榴辉岩经历了绿帘角闪岩相→榴辉岩相→角闪岩相→绿帘-角闪岩相或绿帘-蓝片岩相→绿片岩相5期变质作用。超高压榴辉岩变质作用PTt轨迹呈顺时针方向旋转,进变质作用为缓慢升温显著增压过程,退变质作用早期为近等温迅速降压过程,中期具近等压降温特征,晚期为近等温降压过程。(4)大别-苏鲁地区至少经历了两期高压变质作用,加里东期夹持于华北与  相似文献   

新发现榴辉岩带位于拉萨北东方向,产在青藏高原拉萨地体中东部。观察到的榴辉岩带宽度约500~600m,呈近东西向延伸,已知规模10km以上。榴辉岩为常见的金红石榴辉岩、石英榴辉岩和多硅白云母榴辉岩。榴辉岩的单斜辉石中含硬玉分子变化较大,Jd=16%~44%,但均落于绿辉石成分区间;石榴子石中镁铝榴石(Pyrope)端元组分16%~33%,铁铝榴石(Alm)40%~54%,钙铝榴石(Gross)22%~31%。利用Grt-Omp-Phe和Grt-Omp矿物组合对变质温-压初步估算,获得金红石榴辉岩样品06Y-334的变质p、t分别为2.58GPa、635℃和2.67GPa、730℃,样品06Y-345的t主要在680~780℃区间,样品06Y-336的t主要在640~740℃区间,3个样品获得的结果相近。显微镜观察表明多硅白云母可能为折返阶段的退变质矿物而不属变质峰期的矿物,推测峰期的压力值有可能高于2.67GPa而进入柯石英稳定区间(p>2.8GPa)。石榴子石和绿辉石中出现的一些类似柯石英假象的石英包裹体与这一推断相吻合。以上初步研究结果表明,拉萨地体的榴辉岩带可能是中国境内又一条高压/超高压(?)变质带。  相似文献   

桐柏—大别山高压超高压变质带   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
桐柏—大别山高压超高压变质带自南向北可划分为3个带:绿帘-蓝片岩相变质带,高压榴辉岩相变质和超高压榴辉岩相变质带,超高压变质带形成于加里东期洋壳俯冲作用过程中,而前两个高压变质带则是印支期陆-陆俯冲-碰撞作用的产物。  相似文献   

南苏鲁造山带的超高压变质岩及岩石化学研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在南苏鲁造山带核部,古老的表壳岩和花岗质侵人岩经历了三叠纪的超高压变质作用,在超高压变质岩石抬升过程中经历了强烈的角闪岩相退变质作用改造。据岩相学和岩石化学研究,可以区分出六大类典型超高压变质岩:榴辉岩、石榴石橄榄岩、石英硬玉岩、石榴石多硅白云母片岩、硬玉石英岩和石榴石绿辉石文石岩。这些岩石的角闪岩相退变质产物分别是斜长角闪岩、蛇纹岩、长英质片麻岩、长石石英云母片岩、石英岩和大理岩。地球化学研究揭示,榴辉岩的原岩很可能是形成在大陆内部构造环境的拉斑玄武岩,而石榴石橄榄岩可能是起源于亏损的残余地幔。石英硬玉岩原岩包括正变质的花岗岩和奥长花岗岩、副变质的酸性火山碎屑岩和长石石英砂岩。大面积分布的古老花岗岩很可能是形成在大陆或大陆边缘环境。长石石英云母片岩、石英岩和大理岩的原岩为沉积岩,与副变质的长英质片麻岩和基性火山岩—起构成了古老的表壳岩组合。双峰式的酸性和基性火山岩组合的存在也证明部分表壳岩是形成在大陆环境。因此,可以推测南苏鲁造山带核部的超高压变质岩原岩为形成在大陆板内环境的沉积岩—酸性和基性火山岩—花岗岩和奥长花岗岩建造。  相似文献   

南苏鲁超高压变质带东海ZK703钻孔榴辉岩的变质作用   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
张泽明  许志琴 《地质学报》1999,73(4):321-333
东海ZK703钻孔位于苏鲁超高压变质带南部,钻孔深558m穿过的岩性主要为榴辉岩,黑云斜长片麻岩和石榴橄榄岩,及少量多硅白云母石英片岩,石榴石多硅白云母英片岩,蓝晶石石英岩和硬玉石英岩,钻孔揭示榴辉岩呈层状产出,具中等倾角,稳定延利到钻孔深度以下。超高压矿物或其后成合晶假象在这些岩石中的保存,以及岩石之间的接触关系表明,这是一个整体经历了超高压变质作用的表壳岩和基性一超基性岩组合,据原生次要矿物,  相似文献   

杨经绥 Joliv.  M 《地质学报》2000,74(2):156-168
在青海都兰北东40km野马滩一带元古宙变质杂岩中,新发现走向近东西的榴辉岩;可分为南北两带,北带宽约5km,南带宽3~5km。北带榴辉岩相矿物组合为石榴石-绿辉石-多硅白云母-金红石,它们的退变质矿物主要为角闪石及少量高钠的斜长石类。而南带峰期变质矿物为石榴石-绿辉石-蓝晶石-金红石-黝帘石(?),退变质矿物中则出现大量高钠质斜长石。带另一个明显的区别是北带铁铝榴石端元组分含量较南带的略高,而镁铝  相似文献   

山东荣成高钙石榴辉石岩的地球化学特征及其成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾令森  杨天南 《地球科学》2006,31(4):488-496
在苏鲁超高压变质带荣成蓝晶石榴辉岩中, 发现一具有特殊结构和地球化学特征的石榴辉石岩.该石榴辉石岩以包裹体的形式赋存于强烈退变的蓝晶石榴辉岩中.岩相学观测表明该岩石的主要结构为石榴石呈薄带、项链状相互连接的网状结构, 分割由辉石和石榴石、钛铁氧化物等出溶片晶组成的区域.全岩地球化学分析表明, 和邻近的蓝晶石榴辉岩相比, 该岩石具有(1) 相对低的SiO2 (42.5%~43.1%), 异常高的CaO (21.4%~21.9%)和CaO/Al2O3比值(1.46~1.64); (2) 较高的TiO2 (1.77%~1.89%)、V (359~419μg/g)、Nb (~8μg/g)、Y (17.7~23.1μg/g)和Zr (~150μg/g); (3) LREE富集和微弱的Eu负异常; (4) 较低的Cr、Ni和Co.上述地球化学特征表明荣成辉石岩的原岩形成于经过橄榄石分离结晶作用的超基性岩浆或经历了Na和K亏损过程的高钙基性岩浆.这2种过程都要求较高的温压条件, 压力 > 15×105kPa, 温度 > 1300 ℃, 这和荣成辉石岩的原岩的初始稳定条件的温压估算相一致.该研究结果表明在苏鲁超高压变质带中, 一些超高压变质岩的母岩形成于高温部分熔融或岩浆演化作用, 明显不同于大多数榴辉岩或片麻岩的原岩形成环境.   相似文献   

北苏鲁超高压变质带前寒武纪基底研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北苏鲁超高压变质带位于胶东牟平-即墨断裂以东的地区,其前寒武纪基底以出露新元古代的双峰式火成岩为主要特征,其主要岩石组合包括大量花岗片麻岩以及少量变(超)基性岩(榴辉岩)、变沉积岩。对花岗片麻岩、变质(超)基性岩的岩石组合、地球化学、锆石U-Pb和Lu-Hf同位素的研究表明,北苏鲁存在新太古代-古元古代的残留地壳,经历了1.8~2.2 Ga期间的岩浆-火山-变质事件;新元古代中期(0.72~0.80 Ga)与Rodinia超大陆的裂解相关的岩浆活动促使地壳的生长和再造,形成了北苏鲁的前寒武纪基底的主体;北苏鲁和苏鲁-大别造山带一样,其前寒武纪基底是扬子板块北缘的一部分,苏鲁造山带的西北边界是五莲-烟台断裂带。  相似文献   

Coesite inclusions are found in kyanite from the Lanshantou eclogite in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt. This discovery extends the stable region of kyanite to over 2.4 GPa. As an important UHP metamorphic belt in China, the Sulu eclogite belt is the product of A-subduction induced by strong compression of the Yellow Sea terrane to the Jiaodong-northereastern Jiangsu terrane during the interaction of the Eurasian plate and Palaeo-Pacific plate in the Indosinian. It stretches about 350 km and contains over 1000 eclogite bodies. Most eclogites in this belt belong to Groups B and C in the classification of Coleman et al., and commonly contain kyanite, while the Lanshantou eclogite belongs to Group A and contains coesite. The MgO, CaO and FeO contents in garnet and pyroxene show regular variation from the core to the rim, which reveals the PTt paths of progressive metamorphism during the Early Mesozoic (240-200 Ma) and retrogressive metamorphism during the Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic exhum  相似文献   

The Curie point depth of continental crust can reflect the regional tectonic pattern and geothermal structures. Analysis of magnetism is an efficient way to obtain the Curie point depth on a regional scale. This study systematically investigated the Curie point depth of Sulu (苏鲁) ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt (33°40'N to 36°20'N and 118°E to 120°E, ca. 60 000 km2), eastern China using aeromagnetic data. The results show that the Curie point depth of the Sniu region varies from 18.5 to 27 kin. The shallowest Curie point depth (ca. 18.5 km) is located in Subei (苏北) subsidence, where the estimated temperature gradient value is about 31.35℃/kin, which is comparable with the measured value of 30℃/krn. In addition, a two-dimensional numerical solution of the heat conduction was used to calculate the temperature field to a depth of 30 km along the profile from Tancheng (郯城) to Lianshui (涟水) with a length of 139 km. The steady state model solved using the finite element method shows that the temperature around the Curie point depth is about 585.36℃, which is close to the Curie temperature (580 ℃) of magnetite at atmospheric pressure. These results provide new insights into the tectonic and continuous thermal structures of the Sulu UHP metamorphic belt.  相似文献   

There are four units of high-pressure to ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism extending from south to north across the Tongbai-Dabie Mountains: the epidote-blueschist-facies unit, the low-temperature eclogite facies unit , the ultrahigh-pressure eclngite facies unit and the medium-temperature eclogite facies unit . The later two units were formed during the Caledonian subduction between the Tongbai-Dabie microplate and the North China plate ,the former two units are the products of Indosinian continental-continental subduction and collision between the Yangtze and the North China plates.  相似文献   

The occurrence,mineralogy and geochemistry of eclogites in the Mt.Dabie area show that they were subjected to a high-pressure metamorphism together with the country rocks,but their petrochemistry and REE geochemistry show some difference from those of the country rocks.The geochemical characteristics of the eclogites are similar to those of bot continental tholeiitic basalt and oceanic tholeiitic basalt.The rocks probably subducted to the upper mantle with the Dabie metamorphic complex.When elevated to the surface,they were subjected to different staes of retrogressive metamorphism.  相似文献   

The Drillhole ZK703 with a depth of 558 m is located in the Donghai area of the southern Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt, eastern China, and penetrates typical UHP eclogites and various non-mafic rocks, including peridotite, gneiss, schist and quartzite. Their protoliths include ultramafic, mafic, intermediate, intermediate-acidic, acidic igneous rocks and sediments. These rocks are intimately interlayered, which are meters to millimeters thick with sharp and nontectonic contacts, suggesting in-situ metamorphism under UHP eclogite facies conditions. The following petrologic features indicate that the non-mafic rocks have experienced early-stage UHP metamorphism together with the eclogites: (1) phengite relics in gneisses and schists contain a high content of Si, up to 3.52 p.f.u. (per formula unit), while amphibolite-facies phengites have considerably low Si content (<3.26 p.f.u.); (2) jadeite relics are found in quartzite and jadeitite; (3) various types of symplectitic coronas and pseud  相似文献   

大别山-苏鲁超高压变质带的矿物学和岩石学研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文总结了近年来大别山 苏鲁超高压变质带的矿物学和岩石学进展。针对大别山 苏鲁超高压变质带中的区域片麻岩围岩是否经历超高压变质的问题 ,研究者在常规岩石学和矿物学手段不能奏效的情况下 ,引入显微喇曼光谱测试 ,最终在各种类片麻岩的锆石中发现柯石英、硬玉和雯石等高压和超高压矿物包裹体 ,证明大别山 苏鲁超高压变质带中的大多数岩石曾与榴辉岩一起被俯冲到地幔深度 ,后又一起回返到地表。在喇曼光谱的测试过程中 ,发现锆石中的柯石英包裹体有 0~ 2 3 0 0MPa不等的现时晶内超压 ,并证明这种晶内超压是超高压变质岩回返过程中 ,柯石英向石英转化而导致的体积膨胀造成的。研究者在产于青岛仰口榴辉岩的石榴子石中发现大量单斜辉石、金红石和磷灰石出熔 ,精细的晶体化学和岩石学研究证明出熔前的石榴子石形成于大于 70 0 0MPa的压力条件 ,说明苏鲁地区的部分陆壳岩石可能曾被俯冲到大于 2 0 0km深的地幔。岩石学研究发现产于桃行地区的榴辉岩在角闪岩相区域退变质之前 ,在 4 0~ 5 0km的浅部地幔深度发育有一期高压麻粒岩相 过渡榴辉岩相变质。进一步研究发现这期变质是由于峰期的多硅白云母在回返到 4 0~5 0km深的浅部地幔时脱水熔融导致的  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Anew ultrahigh pressure ( UHP) metamorphicbelt ,the South Altun-North Qaidam-North QinlingUHP metamorphic belt ,has been recently discoveredand widely discussed by different workers (Yang J Set al .,2003 ,2002 ,2001 ,2000 ,1998 ;Zhang J Xetal .,2002 ,1999 ; Zhang G et al .,2001 ; Hu et al .,1996 ,1995 ,1994) . Detailed studies have also beencarried out onthe Dabie-Sulu UHP/ HP metamorphicbelt inthe central orogenic belt (COB) of China (Gaoet al .,2002 ;Sun et al …  相似文献   

阿尔金西段的榴辉岩呈透镜状产于角闪岩相为特征的长英质片麻岩和泥质片麻岩中,岩相学研究和反应结构显示它经历了峰期的榴辉岩相、减压过程中的高压麻粒岩相和角闪岩相变质作用。峰期榴辉岩相的变质条件为t=710~850℃,p>1.5GPa。在退变质早期,通过绿辉石分解成相对贫钠的单斜辉石及斜长石后成合晶,榴辉岩转变成高压麻粒岩,局部的平衡组合显示其t=700~800℃,p=1.1~1.4GPa。晚期的退变质作用使麻粒岩组合转变成由韭闪石、韭闪石质普通角闪石和斜长石所组成的角闪岩相平衡共生组合,其平衡变质条件为t=620~740℃,p=0.65~0.95GPa。榴辉岩的微量及稀土元素分析显示其原岩主要具有“T”型大洋玄武岩特征,少量具有堆晶岩性质。保存较好榴辉岩的全岩及Sm-Nd矿物等时线测定获得500±10Ma的年龄;其变质锆石的U-Pb年龄为503.9±5.3Ma,两者基本一致的年龄数据反映了榴辉岩的峰期变质时代,从而表明了阿尔金西段加里东期与深俯冲和陆-陆碰撞作用有关的山根的存在。通过与柴达木北缘存在的类似的榴辉岩的对比,估算出阿尔金断裂的左行位移为400km。  相似文献   

中国桐柏大别构造带变质演化的岩石学证迹   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
桐柏大别构造带是秦岭造山带的东延部分,经历过多期次不同体制的构造运动,现今的桐柏大别山区是由一系列变质地体拼合而成,地体与地体之间为断层或韧性剪切带所围限各地体有自身变质变形史和PTt轨迹,但却有着碰撞造山带所共有的后造山抬升过程。本文揭示了随县群、红安岩群及大别杂岩中柯石英榴辉石、蓝晶铝直闪石片岩及紫苏石榴黑云母片麻岩的退变质再平衡结构特点。报道了大别山麻粒岩相变质年龄为1699Ma。各类岩石减压退变质再平衡结构,标志着后造山的隆升过程及其对桐柏大别构造带变质演化的启示。  相似文献   

Zhang Zeming  Xu Zhiqin  Xu Huifen 《Lithos》2000,52(1-4):35-50
The 558-m-deep ZK703 drillhole located near Donghai in the southern part of the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt, eastern China, penetrates alternating layers of eclogites, gneisses, jadeite quartzites, garnet peridotites, phengite–quartz schists, and kyanite quartzites. The preservation of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic minerals and their relics, together with the contact relationship and protolith types of the various rocks indicates that these are metamorphic supracrustal rocks and mafic-ultramafic rock assemblages that have experienced in-situ ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. The eclogites can be divided into five types based on accessory minerals: rutile eclogite, phengite eclogite, kyanite–phengite eclogite, quartz eclogite, and common eclogite with rare minor minerals. Rutile eclogite forms a thick layer in the drillhole that contains sufficient rutile for potential mining. Two retrograde assemblages are observed in the eclogites: the first stage is characterized by the formation of sodic plagioclase+amphibole symplectite or symplectitic coronas after omphacite and garnet, plagioclase+biotite after garnet or phengite, and plagioclase coronas after kyanite; the second stage involved total replacement of omphacite and garnet by amphibole+albite+epidote+quartz. Peak metamorphic PT conditions of the eclogites were around 32 to 40 kbar and 720°C to 880°C. The retrograde PT path of the eclogites is characterized by rapidly decreasing pressure with slightly decreasing temperature. Micro-textures and compositional variations in symplectitic minerals suggest that the decompression breakdown of ultrahigh-pressure minerals is a domainal equilibrium reaction or disequilibrium reaction. The composition of the original minerals and the diffusion rate of elements involved in these reactions controlled the symplectitic mineral compositions.  相似文献   

山东大疃榴辉岩和石榴透辉石岩的成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山东大疃迟家店和石榴二辉橄榄岩中榴辉岩与石榴透辉石岩呈过渡关系,前者位于中心,后者为边缘带,在边缘带的透辉石中出现不规则状和条纹状绿辉石,通过对两类岩石的岩石学,矿物学特征及岩石平衡温压条件的研究,并与国内外不同地区,不同产状同类岩石进行一对比后认为,二者的关系虽然基本符合常见蚀变规律,即中心的榴辉石中绿辉石蚀变成透辉石,从而形成石榴透辉石岩边缘带,但是根据榴辉岩,石榴透辉石岩的REE特征和岩石平  相似文献   

大别—苏鲁超高压变质带内的块状榴辉岩及其构造意义   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
大别—苏鲁超高压(> 27× 108Pa) 变质带内的榴辉岩, 在大陆深俯冲、碰撞和折返剥露过程中, 大都遭受了强烈的变形和变质作用的重置与再造.但是, 大型榴辉岩体核部以及包裹于大理岩和石榴橄榄岩体内部的块状榴辉岩, 往往保留其初始简单的矿物组合、中-细粒状变晶结构和块状构造.详细地分析了块状榴辉岩的几何学、岩相学及变质作用特征, 指出它们是超高压榴辉岩递进及多期变质变形分解作用的残留体, 位于尺度不同的弱应变域内, 是大陆深俯冲及碰撞作用的真正记录.   相似文献   

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