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Summary The nature and the role of gravity waves in the troposphere is briefly discussed and reviewed. After describing some basic properties of gravity waves and their generation mechanisms, we analyze their ability to influence phase changes, trigger and organize convective cells, to produce and interact with turbulence, and to affect diffusive processes in the atmosphere. Throughout, the emphasis is placed on the physical processes involved in the interaction of gravity waves with mesoscale and planetary boundary layer phenomena. Also discussed and reviewed are those remote sensing devices which are particularly useful in revealing and measuring such waves. Finally, an attempt is made to outline possible lines of future work for the purpose of fully understanding the role of gravity waves in mesoscale and microscale dynamics.  相似文献   

The objective of this experimental study was to account for the role of sediment availability and specific gravity on cluster formation and cluster geometric characteristics (spacing and size). To isolate the effects of sediment availability and specific gravity on cluster evolution, mono‐sized spheres were used to simulate the cluster evolutionary cycle. Overall, twelve experimental runs were carried out in the laboratory flume. Six of these tests were performed by using glass spheres (specific gravity, SG = 2·58) and the other six by employing an equal combination of glass and Teflon spheres (SG = 2·12) of the same diameter to evaluate the role of specific gravity on cluster evolution. The three sediment availability conditions that were investigated here simulated isolated gravel elements, pool–riffle sequences and densely packed gravel‐bed. An advanced image analysis technique was employed to track the evolution of cluster microforms and provide quantitative information about the size and shape of clusters and the number of clusters per unit area. The results of this study showed that: (1) sediment availability affects the architecture and size of cluster microforms; and (2) clusters consisting of mono‐sized sediments start disintegrating at twice the incipient conditions. By performing complementary tests for the isolated gravel elements case, it was found that the evolutionary cycle of individual clusters could be described as follows, in order of increasing stress: no cluster→two particle cluster→comet→triangle→rhomboid→break up. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

测点周围环境变化对重力观测影响研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分析重力测点周围土壤浸湿和环境变化对重力观测影响的模型,计算了重力测点周围由于土壤浸湿和环境变化对重力观测的影响实例,结果表明:两种情况一般都会对重力观测造成一定影响,提出了在进行重力观测和重力资料分析时如何避免环境变化引起的重力观测影响的建议。  相似文献   

地球重力场恢复中的位旋转效应   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
分析了地球自转引起的位旋转效应公式中采用近似速度的影响. 对一组GFZ的快速科学轨道、一组TUM的约化动力法轨道以及一组GFZ的事后科学轨道,计算了星历提供的速度与只有地球引力场对卫星产生作用时的卫星速度的差值,其中参考重力场模型分别采用EGM96、EIGEN2和EIGEN_CG01C. 通过比较得出:轨道数据与EIGEN2地球重力场模型的自恰性优于EGM96和EIGEN_CG01C地球重力场模型. 速度差各分量的变化具有很明显的周期性且与卫星轨道的运行周期相吻合. 当要求在卫星轨迹处获得1m2/s2精度的扰动位时,也即要求位旋转效应公式中卫星速度的近似精度小于2mm/s时,GFZ的快速科学轨道、TUM的约化动力法轨道只需要剔除那些速度精度不满足要求的卫星轨迹点;当要求在卫星轨迹处获得0.5m2/s2精度的扰动位时,应当重新估算上述轨道的速度信息,或采用精度更高的GFZ事后科学轨道.  相似文献   

张永志  李辉 《地震》2002,22(2):35-41
简要介绍了为探索和解释地震前后重力变化的各种孕震模式,推导了由孕震引起的密度变化和位移与地面重力位、重力、重力梯度之间的变化关系。摸拟计算了孕震位移和密度变化引起的重力位、重力、重力梯度变化的空间分布并分析了重力位、重力、重力梯度变化的空间分布特征。与此同时,采用广义司托克斯云积分和有限差分方法对云南丽江7. 0级地震前重力位、重力、重力水平梯度进行了计算。结果表明,强震前重力位、重力、重力梯度有其自身的变化特征,这对预测强震有实际意义。  相似文献   

The Earth's gravity field can be determined from gravity measurements made on the surface of the Earth, and through the analysis of the motion of Earth satellites. Gravity data can be used to solve the boundary value problem of gravimetric geodesy in various ways, from the classical formulation using a geoid to the concept of a reference surface interior to the masses of the Earth to a statistical method. We now have gravity information for 10 data blocks over 46% of the Earth's surface and more than several million point measurements available.Satellite observations such as range, range-rate, and optical data have been analyzed to determine potential coefficients used to describe the Earth's gravitational potential field. Coefficients, in a spherical harmonic expansion to degree 12, can be determined from satellite data alone, and to at least degree 20 when the satellite data is combined with surface gravity material. Recent solutions for potential coefficients agree well to degree 4, but with increasing disagreement at higher degrees.  相似文献   

Summary The decay of waves of small amplitude in a viscous liquid of finite depth is investigated. It is shown that the various modes may be conveniently classified and that in many limiting cases the modes of aperiodic decay are of particular importance. Detailed numerical results are given for these modes.  相似文献   

For the purposes of the calibration of the superconducting gravimeter (SG) in Bandung and the establishment of the absolute gravity (AG) points, we carried out AG measurements for the first time in Indonesia in November 2002. The measurements in Bandung were conducted between November 15th and 20th by means of a FG5 (#210), and 14,520 effective drops were obtained. The gravity value newly determined at the AG point in Bandung is 977976701.2 μgal (1 μgal = 10−8 ms−2) and the scale factor for the SG is −52.22 μgal/V. We also established another AG point in Yogyakarta near Merapi volcano and carried out AG measurements in Yogyakarta between November 22nd and 26th. The gravity value determined for this station is 978203093.5 μgal.  相似文献   

The experience with conducting a marine gravity survey onboard a surface vessel under complicated ice conditions at high latitude is described. In 2014, a high-precision marine gravity survey with two modifications of the Chekan-AM gravimeter was carried out in the North Pole region. The measurements were conducted during two months from aboard the Akademik Fedorov research vessel on a given grid with a total length of 10000 km of the routes. As a result, 70000 gravity points at Arctic latitudes including the region of the geographical North Pole itself are acquired. In this paper, we discuss the methodical aspects of conducting the survey and present the accuracy estimates of the gravity measurements. The comparison of the obtained results with the Earth’s gravity models demonstrates the absence of systematic errors and the higher spatial resolution of the measurements with the Chekan-AM gravimeters.  相似文献   

高精度绝对重力与重力梯度一体化和阵列式观测可有效提高不同深度重力场源体的识别精度。本文基于中国地震局发布的《中国地球物理站网(重力)规划(2020—2030)》中绝对重力观测技术的不足和发展方向,提出了绝对重力与重力梯度一体化的观测技术思路。在监测中发现,强震孕育过程中壳—幔热物质运移引起的微重力变化信号,有利于提升破坏性地震的中、短期和临震预测能力。有必要进一步拓展重力站网绝对重力控制能力等方面的应用,为我国专业地震台站探索重力观测技术新发展方向。   相似文献   

Gravity platforms, together with associated regions of foundation and fluid, are idealized using the finite element method. Radiation of wave energy away from the platform region is modelled by appropriate damping applied to the boundary of the foundation mesh. Response results, due to sinusoidally applied forces, are calculated for seven platform-foundation configurations. Of particular interest are those results for various assumed foundation conditions, including the presence of stiff soil layers. The response of these platforms due to North Sea storm conditions is also estimated. It is concluded that a simple static analysis of the platform-foundation system does not necessarily give an accurate prediction of the response under extreme loading conditions. It is proposed that each prototype platform must be assessed on its individual merits, particular attention being given to prevailing geotechnical conditions.  相似文献   

The gravity field of the earth is a natural element of the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS). Gravity field quantities are like spatial geodetic observations of potential very high accuracy, with measurements, currently at part-per-billion (ppb) accuracy, but gravity field quantities are also unique as they can be globally represented by harmonic functions (long-wavelength geopotential model primarily from satellite gravity field missions), or based on point sampling (airborne and in situ absolute and superconducting gravimetry). From a GGOS global perspective, one of the main challenges is to ensure the consistency of the global and regional geopotential and geoid models, and the temporal changes of the gravity field at large spatial scales. The International Gravity Field Service, an umbrella “level-2” IAG service (incorporating the International Gravity Bureau, International Geoid Service, International Center for Earth Tides, International Center for Global Earth models, and other future new services for, e.g., digital terrain models), would be a natural key element contributing to GGOS. Major parts of the work of the services would, however, remain complementary to the GGOS contributions, which focus on the long-wavelength components of the geopotential and its temporal variations, the consistent procedures for regional data processing in a unified vertical datum and Terrestrial Reference Frame, and the ensuring validations of long-wavelength gravity field data products.  相似文献   

重力聚点的概念是基于匀质椭球、水准椭球以及参数椭球各自表面重力随纬度的变化曲线在同一个纬度出现相聚的现象于2000年提出,并且当时给出了地球整体密度变化与重力聚点的关系,但是对于三种椭球表面重力曲线为什么在同一纬度相聚的原因、实际地球是否存在重力聚点以及重力聚点的地球动力学性质的阐述等方面都存在不完备性,使得重力聚点这一概念从提出至今仅停留在几何意义或数学性质上.本文将地球动力形状因子J2项作为变量,研究了地球表面重力随J2的变化规律.研究表明:该规律与“重力聚点定理”所述内容一致,从而将重力聚点与J2联系起来.由于J2的增加或减小,会导致地球表面重力在全球范围内以重力聚点(地心纬度φ=±35.264°)为分界线从北极向南极呈现出“负-正-负”或“正-负-正”的变化规律,全球地震的总体分布以及某些大地震的发生可能与此现象有关.  相似文献   

日全食期间在是否存在"引力异常"现象是一个关系到引力本质的重大问题,也是一个十分具有现实意义的科学问题.近一个世纪来,许多科学工作者作了大量的观测和实验,研究日全食期间的"引力异常"现象.肯定的、否定的结果并存,更多的是难以确定的结果.在学习、总结和发展了前人工作的基础之上,本文利用7台LaCoste-Romberg重力仪和1台SG-053超导重力仪,对2009年7月22日日全食期间的重力变化进行了精细的观测.研究利用了目前最好的观测环境和观测仪器,无论观测规模还是观测质量在近百年来日全食的重力观测研究中都是首屈一指的.在经过详细的数据处理和图像分析后,可以确定,日全食期间不存在现有观测能力之上的引力异常,以往发现的异常现象受剧烈的气象变化影响可能性极大.另外,在处理重力观测数据时,本文合理的利用了最小二乘多项式拟合法去除理论潮汐值,使计算得以简化,结论更加可靠.  相似文献   

目前,重力梯度仪成为重力仪器的主要研究方向,国内尚无此种仪器问世.本文利用加速度计在旋转载体中测量公式,推导出基于加速度计重力梯度仪测量公式.分析利用此公式进行重力梯度测量时需要注意的问题.然后以美国Bell/Aero公司生产的重力梯度仪为例,导出旋转加速度计式重力梯度仪测量结果.最后总结出基于加速度计重力梯度仪设计过程中存在的各种误差,并给出解决这些问题的方案.为国内重力梯度仪的研究工作提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Summary Observations of gravity over the Palaeozoic rocks of East Carmarthenshire show this to be an area of positive Bouguer anomalies, and throughout the district the isogams are aligned in a «Caledonoid» direction. The regional gradient over the anthracite coalfield can largely be explained in terms of known structure, while the anomaly values in the Towy valley above Llandeilo seem to have been affected by facies variations and contemporaneous volcanic activity. Fairly large anomalies are recorded near Carmarthen, and these may be associated with similar anomalies known near Aberystwyth (Cook & Thirlaway, 1950); they are interpreted as an expression of the Welsh geosyncline. The gravity low discovered in St. George's Channel byBrowne & Cooper (1950) is re-interpreted in terms of the depth of the pre-Palaeozoic floor. There is no marked evidence to indicate the presence of a concealed «granitic» intrusion beneath the coalfield, nor to substantiate the view that there was once a great thickness of Permian or later cover.  相似文献   

在云南省西部,跨越中、缅两国交界的横断山系地区(97°E~102°E,24°N~30°N)有近一半的面积尚没有重力测点、即重力数据空白区和重力测点稀少的普查级测区.以前的有关文献、图集中所给出对此地区的重力场都是十分模糊的结果与图件.因此应用这些资料无法详细地研究该地区重力场特征与深部地壳结构(构造).本文应用卫星重力异常资料作为“近似空间重力异常”,经中间层改正后给出的“计算布格重力异常”,其分布特征与该地区的地形高程呈很好的镜像相关.对相应山脉、河谷以及断裂构造都有所反映.特别是在横断山系地区该布格重力异常呈现为近南北的走向.为此,据该“计算布格重力异常”,并选定对该区有代表性的一条重力异常剖面作正反演计算,以得到其地壳深部结构剖面.结果表明,在横断山脉地区的地壳厚度在51~56 km间起伏变化;滇西北云岭山系以及玉龙山区的地壳厚度约在60 km以上. 最后,对所得结果与图件进行了讨论,并提出了几点认识和纠正的建议.  相似文献   

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