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赵文敏 《地下水》2006,28(5):38-40
水资源的数量与质量,两者是不可分割的.随着运城市社会、经济的迅速发展,水资源利用量不断增大,废污水排放量与日俱增,水资源质量正受到严重威胁,水体污染范围在扩展,水质污染程度有所加重,有些区域或时段的水资源已无法利用.本文主要通过对1980~2000年运城市地下水水质研究,分析了人为因素对运城市地下水水质的影响.  相似文献   

城市垃圾及排污沟渠对拟建水源地地下水水质的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对地下水水源地附近的垃圾场及排污沟渠进行预测分析的基础上,通过建立地下水水质模拟模型分析污染源对地下水水质的影响,得出影响结论。  相似文献   

段小卫 《水文》2020,40(1):70-75
以盐城市河流为研究对象构建组合准则权重(Weight of Combination Criteria)与次序权重(Ordered Weighted Averaging)相结合的水质风险评价模型,通过控制决策风险水平得到不同条件下的次序权重,最终获取多种情况下的水质评价结果,为水质治理与保护提供参考。评价结果表明:当控制决策风险水平a=1时,该方法划分对监测点的水质类别划分结果与国标法基本一致,表明该方法在水质评价方面满足可行性和实用性两个基本要求;其次对研究区域主要水质指标的提取显示,研究区域水质受总有机碳(TOC)、总磷(TP)、氨氮和石油类影响较大;水环境受地理位置的影响入海口水质较差(IV类和V类),总体来说研究区域污染来源主要是农业污水、工业废水及城市污水。  相似文献   

地下水补给对河流水质模型的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以经典的一维水质模型及其解为基础,将地下水对河流的补给作用作为河流水质模型的一项影响因子,利用迭加原理,给出受到沿途地下水补给影响下的河流水质模型的解析解.利用这一新解析解,定量研究地下水补给作用对河流水质模型参数的影响规律.地下水渗出(相当于一点污染源)进入河流后,在随河水向下游运移的过程中,其水质浓度也将发生衰减."连续线源"对河流水体中溶质衰减过程的影响,不简单等同于几个"点源"的迭加.含水层与河流间水量交换作用,更宜用"连续线源"去刻画.以颖河为例,河流两岸潜水补给对河流水质模拟计算的影响程度研究表明,地下水补给对河流溶质沿河变化规律的影响,理论上不能用"综合衰减系数k值"简单反映,而且它对k值计算影响相当大.  相似文献   

本文应用灰色预测理认所建立的河流水质主要污染物溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、砷化物的普通GM(A,1)和新息GM(1,1)预测模型均经三种方法检验合格,可利用所建立模型对未来时间的河流水质进行预测。  相似文献   

杜倩 《地下水》2019,(3):52-53
探讨了城市调水工程中调水建筑物对河流生态系统的影响,以及具体调水系统对城市主要河网水质的影响。得出:大坝等水利工程对河流的割开以及局部区域气候的改变,城市引水工程常常会破坏影响河流生态系统的生物多样性。并利用MIKE11建立某市水动力和水质模型,数值模拟和分析了城市调水系统对水质的影响,结果表明通过科学的调度运行,城市主要河网中水质能得到一定改善。  相似文献   

杜淑如 《水文》1995,(5):33-36
面源与底质对半干旱地区中小河流的水质影响初探杜淑如(山西省水文总站太原分站)1问题的提出水体污染物质的含量变化受诸多因素的影响和制约。在不同河流断面,由于人类活动不同,污染物质排放数量、性质各异,即使在同一河流断面,亦因诸多因素的影响,污染物质排放在...  相似文献   

岩溶城镇区人类活动对地下水水质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以重庆市南山老龙洞地下河流域为研究单元,通过主成分分析和实地调查,研究该区域人类活动对岩溶地下水水质的影响,并探讨污染物的来源。结果表明,受城镇区人类活动影响,老龙洞地下河流域地下水 NO3--N和PO43--P污然最为严重,按 GB5749-2006规定,研究区的地下水已不可作为饮用水源。老龙洞地下河水NO3--N含量逐年在减少,而PO43--P却在增加,赵家院子泉水PO43--P增长也十分迅速,老龙洞地下河流域地下水受城镇化影响越来越明显。老龙洞地下河水受城镇人类活动、工业活动、农业活动的共同影响,污染比泉水严重。老龙洞地下河中NO3-和SO42-含量的减少,说明采取一些积极的措施,地下水的污染是可以得到治理的。  相似文献   

宝坻水源地作为重要的供水水源地,承担着向天津石化公司供水的任务。除氟化物含量偏高外,该水源地水质优良,是较理想的工业和生活用水水源地。根据近年来水源地监测过程中发现的问题,利用多年系列监测资料分析水源地水质动态变化特征和影响因素,为天津石化公司合理开采和利用地下水提供科学依据。  相似文献   

A study was carried out in Malawi to assess the extent of chemical pollution in a receiving river as affected by industrial effluents. Both the effluents and the water at selected points in the river were analysed for pH, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, electrical conductivity, suspended solids, nitrate, alkalinity, hardness, chloride and phosphate in the dry and rainy seasons. The results showed that the effluents were acidic in both the dry season (range: 4.2 ± 0.02–6.5 ± 0.02) and in the rainy season (range: 4.2 ± 0.05–5.6 ± 0.01). While the levels of dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, electrical conductivity, suspended solids, alkalinity and chloride were relatively high in the dry and rainy seasons, the concentration of phosphate and nitrate were low in both seasons. The water upstream was neutral (average pH, 7.40 ± 0.04) with high dissolved oxygen but low in the levels of the other parameters in both seasons. The water after the effluent receiving points was acidic and the levels of the other parameters were high, especially downstream. The results suggested that the water in the river was polluted and not good for human consumption. It is therefore recommended that the careless disposal of the wastes should be discouraged and although the values in some cases were lower than the allowable limits, the continued discharge of the effluents in the river may result in severe accumulation of the contaminants and, unless the authorities implement the laws governing the disposal of wastes, this may affect the lives of the people.  相似文献   

A study was carried out in a strip of a river in the dry and rainy seasons to assess the effect of farming along river banks on the quality of water in rivers. The results showed that there was an increase in the concentration of nitrate in the water downstream in both the rainy and dry seasons. In both rainy and dry seasons, the total nitrogen in the soil was highest (p<0.01) in the middle section. Significant seasonal differences (p<0.01) were observed for phosphate in water, being higher in the dry season. In the soil, the concentration of phosphate showed significant sectional differences (p<0.01) in the rainy season with the highest concentration observed in the lower section (1.74±0.01mg/l) and the least in the upper section (1.02±0.01g/l). However, in the dry season, the highest concentration was obtained in the middle section (1.69±0.01mg/l) and the least in the upper section (1.15±0.02 mg/l). The results suggest that the farms along the riverbanks have an impact on the water quality of the water in the river. It is therefore recommended that there should be close monitoring of the activities of the farms on riverbanks to minimise their impacts on the natural ecosystems that they interact with. Frequent monitoring of the water quality in the rivers relative to the farming estates should be done.  相似文献   

Understanding the effect of various environmental factors on algal blooms is essential for proper management of water resources. Eight weirs were constructed on the Nakdong River in South Korea between 2010 and 2011 to manage water resources and deal with possible floods and droughts. In this study, water quality observation data were collected from eight representative monitoring sites in the Nakdong River between 2001 and 2016. Particularly, the effect of the weirs construction on water retention time was statistically analyzed in terms of algal growth and other important water quality parameters. While there was slight increase of water temperature (0.8 °C) over 16 years, the concentrations of total phosphorous (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) decreased by 62.3, and 12.9%, respectively, after the construction of weirs. This TP decrease was noticeable, but still high enough to maintain the eutrophic state of the river. Correlation statistical analysis suggests that the Chl-a concentration is positively affected by the changes of TP, TN and chemical oxygen demand. However, there was no direct correlation between Chl-a concentration and the increased water retention time from the weir construction.  相似文献   

以北京市老城区雨洪控制与利用示范工程为背景.对天然降雨、不同下垫面雨水径流、示范工程处理过程雨水径流以及地下水水质进行分析研究,通过示范工程对雨洪的处理利用效果,探讨雨水回灌至地下能否对地下水环境产生负面影响。  相似文献   

Water quality monitoring in developing countries is inadequate, especially in stream water affected by urban effluents and runoff. The purpose of this study was to investigate heavy metal contaminants in the Nakivubo Stream water in Kampala, Uganda. Water samples Nakivubo Channelized Stream, tributaries and industrial effluents that drain into the stream were collected and analysed for the total elemental concentration using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The results showed that: 1) the wastewater was highly enriched with lead and manganese above the maximum permissible limit; 2) the levels of dissolved oxygen were below the maximum permissible limit, while the biological oxygen demand was above the maximum permissible limit. All industrial effluents/wastewater were classified as strong (> 220 mg/L). Factor analysis results reveal two sources of pollutants; 1) mixed origin or chemical phenomena of industrial and vehicular emissions and 2) multiple origin of lead (vehicular, commercial establishment and industrial). In conclusion, Nakivubo Channelized Stream water is not enriched with heavy metals. These heavy metals (lead, cadmium and zinc) were rapidly removed by co-precipitation with manganese and iron hydroxides and total dissolved solids into stream sediments. This phenomena is controlled by pH in water.  相似文献   

Sochi, the largest health resort in the country, is taken as an example to analyze a negative anthropogenic impact on the Black Sea coast environment, in particular on surface and sea waters. The paper gives the results of an integrated pollution study in Sochi, based on stationary systematic observations in the city of Sochi and Caucasus Biosphere Reserve, as well as on an integrated field survey of the resort's environment.  相似文献   

管线施工对西北干旱、半干旱地区的沙漠、荒漠等生态脆弱地区的生态环境,可能造成不可逆转的影响和破坏。应用遥感、野外样方调查等方法,通过对比“陕甘宁气田—银川天然气管线工程”管线两侧建设前后植被类型、土地利用和土壤侵蚀等因子的变化特征,对生态环境自然演替规律和工程建设的影响程度进行了研究,结合管线施工中采取的措施,提出了对生态环境保护的改进方向。  相似文献   

质量文化建设综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了质量管理的新发展,论述了质量文化的结构、内涵及其主要作用,树立新的质量管理观念,积极开展质量文化建设,  相似文献   

Alkaline rocks (phosphate deposits in particular) of igneous origin are currently being mined in Zimbabwe. Exploitation of these deposits, which are associated with metals and non-metals, provides a potential for changing the river water quality in the surrounding areas by increasing metal and phosphates levels in the water, thereby endangering the beneficial use of the river. The aim and objectives of this paper are to enumerate the current impacts associated with mining alkaline rocks on Save River water quality in Zimbabwe using the Dorowa mine as a case study. Though there are several impacts associated with the mining of alkaline rocks, this paper deals only with impacts on water quality.A preliminary assessment of the water quality in the Save River downstream of the Dorowa phosphate mine showed an increase in conductivity, iron content, manganese content, nitrates and hardness when compared to those taken before mining activity began. However, there was no notable increase in phosphate and metals except for Fe and Mn. A plausible explanation for the low phosphate values in the water is that the phosphates are precipitating and settling as sediments. Phosphate is known to effectively remove metals from the surface water through the formation of metal–phosphate minerals. Thus, various pollutants may be adsorbed into sediments accumulated on the bottom of the river. These sediments may accumulate pollutants over long periods and act as new pollutant sources to the overlying water when phosphate desorbs from sediments due to changes in water conditions. Therefore, the sediments can act as a source of water pollution in the future.  相似文献   

The Hsueh-Shan tunnel is the fifth longest road tunnel in the world. During the excavation, the tunnel encountered several events of groundwater inrush, causing serious delay of the construction. Data on groundwater discharge to the tunnel were gathered from the monitoring system and their spatial and temporal variations were analyzed. The results of the integrated analysis of groundwater discharge and local precipitation indicated that the discharge increased rapidly when the cumulative rainfall exceeded 85?mm. The groundwater level recession rate after a rainfall event was found to be independent of rainfall intensity. A hydrogeological conceptual model was developed to simulate the long-term groundwater discharge to the tunnel. Sensitivity analysis was first conducted to identify sensitive parameters, and then the calibration process was accomplished by the automated parameter estimation method. The calibrated model was then used to evaluate the potential impact of tunnel excavation on the Feitsui reservoir; the average percentage loss of inflow to the Feitsui reservoir from 2006 to 2010 is estimated to be 1.74?%. The developed model can provide a tool for evaluating the regional hydrogeologic setting and the influence of tunnel construction on water resources.  相似文献   

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