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天池火山东北侧造盾玄武岩可划分出8个流动单元,熔岩流的流动距离主要集中在30~50km,熔岩流宽度以5km左右为主。通过由野外调查获得的天池火山东北侧不同熔岩流单元的地表坡度、熔岩流厚度等,结合温度、密度与黏度等物理参数,按照熔岩流速度公式恢复的头道组和早白山组0.5m厚晶体含量5%的玄武岩熔岩流流速集中在0~1m/s之间。晶体含量为30%、厚度为0.5m的晚白山组和老房子小山组玄武岩熔岩流的流动速度集中在0~0.12m/s之间。厚度增大至2m左右,晶体含量不变的头道组和早白山组的玄武岩熔岩流流动速度可加快至11m/s。天池火山2m厚的碱性熔岩流在12h内达到或接近了它的最远距离,而各组内2m厚拉斑玄武岩熔岩流在20h内接近了最远距离。0.5m厚的熔岩流在10d内接近最大距离。50km是预计的熔岩流长度,在未来制定减灾措施时,可将此长度作为重要依据之一。天池火山熔岩流灾害主要表现为熔岩流动时对房屋建筑、农田、道路、林地、电站的毁坏,火灾及大量的人口伤亡  相似文献   

以新疆阿什库勒火山群为研究实例,进行了熔岩流灾害区划的探索性研究。首先,在野外地质调查和岩石学基础上,通过系列经验公式计算和设定了研究区岩浆的密度、黏度和溢出温度等参数。利用熔岩流的热流变运动学模型先进行了实验性模拟,检验了参数设定的合理性和方法的可行性;继而开展了针对研究区的应用型模拟,计算了未来熔岩喷发在不同喷发规模下的覆盖范围。最后通过对模拟结果的分析和借鉴国外灾害区划的方法,进行了阿什库勒火山区灾害的极危险、危险、次危险和潜在危险4级区划,同时提出了相应等级灾害的应对方案和规划建议。虽然中国近300a来未遭遇熔岩流灾害的影响,但文中前瞻性的研究工作将为中国相关灾害研究提供思路,也为中国活动火山区的未来灾害预警和工程建设提供方法储备。  相似文献   

为了更准确地分析基础隔震系统的动态响应和隔离能力,构建服从Hooke定律、Kelvin/Voigt定律的线性流变模型,采用1977年罗马尼亚地震的数据资料,对该模型进行动力特性的理论分析和实验研究,然后建立相关参数的表达式,发现各参数受到黏性阻尼系数c的离散变化和角速度ω的连续变化影响较大。通过与实验对比发现所建立表达式是正确的。可以通过最大传递力Q0和运动传递率T来评估系统的动态隔离能力。  相似文献   

为量化冰及冰川在流变过程中位错密度随流变应力的变化,发展了一个基于位错的非线性弛豫模型.模型的计算表明:在冰的指数蠕变阶段,滞弹性试验所形成的应力/应变滞后环的宽度与面积随流变应力的增加呈线性增加,位错密度随流变应力的增加呈平方增加;在冰的线性蠕变阶段,滞弹性试验所形成的应力/应变滞后环的宽度、面积和位错密度保持不变.  相似文献   

何兵红  吴国忱 《地震学报》2015,37(4):661-677
常规τ值法假设应力松弛时间与应变延迟时间近似相等, 造成了常Q模型拟合精度低. 本文利用精确的广义流变体模型Q值计算公式, 研究改进的τ值法求解常Q模型参数. 根据地震波散射理论, 推导了基于广义流变体模型的黏滞性介质一阶波恩近似方程, 结合位移-速度关系得到了含卷积完全匹配层边界条件的黏滞性介质应力-速度方程的一阶波恩近似表达式. 通过数值实验验证并对比了黏滞性介质中全波波动方程、 一阶波恩近似方程以及单程波波动方程的波场特征, 讨论了基于流变体模型的黏滞性介质一阶波恩近似方程对速度扰动和Q扰动的适应性, 以及对旅行时和振幅精度的影响.   相似文献   

基于BISQ模型的三维双相各向异性介质数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
Biot-flow and squirt-flow are the two most important fluid flow mechanisms in porous media containing fluids. Based on the BISQ (Biot-Squirt) model where the two mechanisms are treated simultaneously, the elastic wave-field simulation in the porous medium is limited to two-dimensions and two-components (2D2C) or two-dimensions and three-components (2D3C). There is no previous report on wave simulation in three- dimensions and three-components. Only through three dimensional numerical simulations can we have an overall understanding of wave field coupling relations and the spatial distribution characteristics between the solid and fluid phases in the dual-phase anisotropic medium. In this paper, based on the BISQ equation, we present elastic wave propagation in a three dimensional dual-phase anisotropic medium simulated by the staggered-grid high-order finite-difference method. We analyze the resulting wave fields and show that the results are an improvement.  相似文献   

基于块石静、动室内三轴试验确定的广义塑性模型参数,对直立墙结构振动台试验进行有限元数值模拟,并与试验结果进行对比分析,进一步探讨直立墙结构在地震荷载作用下的破坏过程和破坏特征。计算表明:该模型可较合理地模拟直立墙结构的地震反应特性和破坏特征,计算结果与试验现象基本相符。位于抛石基床上的直立墙结构破坏模式为直立墙向外海侧的滑移、倾斜和竖向沉降,其破坏过程为:当输入加速度较小时,直立墙处于稳定状态;随着输入加速度逐渐增大,直立墙在自身惯性力和墙后回填块石的动土压力作用下缓慢向外海侧水平滑移、倾斜和竖向沉降,墙后回填块石出现沉陷,但变形较小;当加速度达到一定值时,直立墙向外海侧移动和回填块石沉陷速率急剧增加,变形较大。  相似文献   

荆思佳  肖薇  王伟  刘强  张圳  胡诚  李旭辉 《湖泊科学》2019,31(6):1698-1712
湖泊模型为数值天气预报模型提供热量通量、水汽通量和动量通量等下边界条件,但是不同时间尺度上湖泊水热通量变化的控制因子不同,因此有必要对湖泊模型进行多时间尺度上的离线评估.本文利用2012-2016年太湖中尺度通量网避风港站的气象资料和辐射数据驱动CLM4-LISSS模型(Community Land Model version 4-Lake,Ice,Snow and Sediment Simulator),并与涡度相关观测(Eddy Covariance,EC)结果进行对比,以年平均潜热通量模拟结果最佳为目标调整了模式中的消光系数、粗糙度长度方案,研究了该模型从半小时到年尺度上对湖表温度和水热通量的模拟性能.结果表明:模型对湖表温度的模拟在各时间尺度上均比较理想,但是模拟的日较差较小;从半小时到年尺度上潜热通量的变化趋势都能被很好地模拟出来,但在季节尺度上,潜热通量的模拟出现了秋冬季偏高、春夏季偏低的情况,季节变化模拟不准确.湖表温度和潜热通量模拟偏差的原因可能是消光系数的参数化方案.相比之下,感热通量尽管年际变化趋势的模拟值与观测值一致,但是从半小时到年尺度均被高估.特别地,冷锋过境期间,模型能较好地模拟出潜热通量和感热通量的变化趋势,但对于高风速条件下的感热通量模拟效果不佳.本文的研究结果能为湖泊模式的应用与发展提供有用信息.  相似文献   

高铁列车运行过程中绝大部分时间都是行驶在高架桥上的,高铁列车经过桥梁时,通过与大地耦合的桥墩激发地震波发震过程和平地不完全一样.本文探索高铁列车行驶经过高架桥桥墩,通过桥墩对地下介质激发地震波的机理及过程.为了便于理论分析,文中将高铁列车简化为在高架桥上沿一个方向运动的移动线源,通过每节车厢前后组轮对,对每一个桥墩施加力的作用,而桥墩插入地面几十米深至围岩,与表层土壤和深层围岩双重耦合,由此给出高铁列车通过桥墩激发地震波的震源时间函数.同时,基于广义连续介质力学框架下的修正偶应力理论,推导包含介质特征尺度的弹性波动方程,并应用此弹性波动方程以及构建的高铁震源时间函数,采用优化的交错网格有限差分算法,实现数值模拟,将合成的地震记录与实际地震记录对比分析,其结论将为进一步的基于高铁震源的成像和反演研究提供理论依据.  相似文献   




 A new data set of Etna lava flows erupted since 1868 has been compiled from eight topographic maps of the volcano published at intervals since then. Volumes of 59 flows or groups of flows were measured from topographic difference maps. Most of these volumes are likely to be considerably more accurate than those published previously. We cut the number of flow volumes down to 25 by selecting those examples for which the volume of an individual eruption could be derived with the highest accuracy. This refined data set was searched for high correlations between flow volume and more directly measurable parameters. Only two parameters showed a correlation coefficient of 70% or greater: planimetric flow area A (70%) and duration of the eruption D (79%). If only short duration (<18 days) flows were used, flow length cubed, L3, had a correlation coefficient of 98%. Using combinations of measured parameters, much more significant correlations with volume were found. Dh had a correlation coefficient of 90% (h is the hydrostatic head of magma above the vent), and  , 92% (where W is mean width and E is the degree of topographic enclosure), and a combination of the two , 97%. These latter formulae were used to derive volumes of all eruptions back to 1868 to compare with those from the complete data set. Values determined from the formulae were, on average, lower by 16% (Dh), 7% (, and 19% . Received: 30 November 1998 / Accepted: 20 June 1999  相似文献   

Internal differentiation processes in a solidifying lava flow were investigated for the Kutsugata lava flow from Rishiri Volcano in northern Japan. In a representative 6-m thick lava flow that was investigated in detail in this study, segregation products darker than the host lavas manifested mainly in the form of pipes (vesicle cylinders) and layers (vesicle sheets), occurring around 0.5–2.3 m and 2.0–4.0 m above the base, respectively. Both the cylinders and sheets are significantly richer in incompatible elements such as TiO2 and K2O than the host lavas, which suggest that these products essentially represent residual melt produced during solidification of the lava flow. Field observation and the geochemical features of the lavas suggest that the vesicle cylinders grew upward from near the base of the flow by continuous feeding of residual melt from the neighboring host lavas to the heads of the cylinders. On the other hand, the vesicle sheets were produced in situ in the solidifying lava flow as fracture veins caused by horizontal compression. The vesicle cylinders have a remarkably higher MgO content (up to 8 wt.%) than the host lava (< 6 wt.%), whereas the vesicle sheets display MgO depletion (as low as 3.5 wt.%). The relatively high MgO content of the vesicle cylinders cannot be explained solely by the mechanical mixing of olivine phenocrysts with the residual melt. It is suggested that the vesicle cylinders were produced by the extraction of olivine-bearing interstitial melt from an augite-plagioclase network in the host lava, whereas the vesicle sheets were formed by the migration of the residual melt from a crystal network consisting of plagioclase, augite, and olivine in the host lava into platy fractures. We infer that this selective crystal fractionation for forming the vesicle cylinders resulted from processes in which abundant vesicles rejected from the upward-migrating floor solidification front prevented olivine crystals from being incorporated into the crystal network in the host lava. The vesicle cylinders are considered to have formed in ∼ 1 day after the lava flow came to rest, while relatively large vesicle sheets (> 1 cm thick) appeared much later (after ∼ 9 days). The formation of these segregation products was essentially complete within 20 days after the lava emplacement.  相似文献   

 A basaltic andesite lava flow from Porri Volcano (Salina, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) is composed of two different magmas. Magma A (51 vol.% of crystals) has a dacitic glass composition, and magma B (18 vol.% of crystals), a basaltic glass composition. Magma B is hosted in A and consists of sub-spherical enclaves and boudin-like, banding and rolling structures (RS). Four types of RS have been recognized: σ–type;δ–type; complex σ-δ–types and transitional structures between sub-spherical enclaves and rolling structures. An analysis of the RS has been performed in order to reconstruct the flow kinematics and the mechanism of flow emplacement. Rolling structures have been selected in three sites located at different distances from the vent. In all sites most RS show the same sense of shear. Kinematic analysis of RS allows the degree of flow non-coaxiality to be determined. The non-coaxiality is expressed by the kinematic vorticity number Wk, a measure of the ratio Sr between pure shear strain rate and simple shear strain rate. The values of Wk calculated from the measured shapes of microscopic RS increase with increasing distance from the vent, from approximately 0.5 to 0.9. Results of the structural analysis reveal that the RS formed during the early–intermediate stage of flow emplacement. They represent originally sub-spherical enclaves deformed at low shear strain. At higher strain, RS deformed to give boudin-like and stretched banding structures. Results of the kinematic analysis suggest that high viscosity lava flows are heterogeneous non-ideal shear flows in which the degree of non-coaxiality increases with the distance from the vent. In the vent area, deformation is intermediate between simple shear and pure shear. Farther from the vent, deformation approaches ideal simple shear. Lateral extension processes occur only in the near-vent zone, where they develop in response to the lateral push of magma extruded from the vent. Lateral shortening processes develop in the distal zone and record the gravity-driven movement of the lava. The lava flow advanced by two main mechanisms, lateral translation and rolling motion. Lateral translation equals rolling near the vent, while rolling motion prevailed in the distal zones. Received: 6 November 1997 / Accepted: 29 November 1997  相似文献   

A short length of channel on Pico Partido volcano, Lanzarote, provides us the opportunity to examine the dynamics of lava flowing in a channel that extends over a sudden break in slope. The 1–2-m-wide, 0.5–2-m-deep channel was built during the 1730–1736 eruptions on Lanzarote and exhibits a sinuous, well-formed channel over a steep (11° slope) 100-m-long proximal section. Over-flow units comprising smooth pahoehoe sheet flow, as well as evidence on the inner channel walls for multiple (at least 11) flow levels, attest to unsteady flow in the channel. In addition, superelevation is apparent at each of the six bends along the proximal channel section. Superelevation results from banking of the lava as it moves around the bend thus causing preferential construction of the outer bank. As a result, the channel profile at each bend is asymmetric with an outer bank that is higher than the inner bank. Analysis of superelevation indicates flow velocities of ~8 m s–1. Our analysis of the superelevation features is based on an inertia-gravity balance, which we show is appropriate, even though the down-channel flow is in laminar flow. We use a viscosity-gravity balance model, together with the velocities calculated from superelevation, to obtain viscosities in the range 25–60 Pa s (assuming that the lava behaved as a Newtonian liquid). Estimated volume fluxes are in the range 7–12 m3 s–1. An apparent down-flow increase in derived volume flux may have resulted from variable supply or bulking up of the flow due to vesiculation. Where the channel moves over a sharp break in slope and onto slopes of ~6°, the channel becomes less well defined and widens considerably. At the break of slope, an elongate ridge extends across the channel. We speculate that this ridge was formed as a result of a reduction in velocity immediately below the break of slope to allow deposition of entrained material or accretion of lava to the channel bed as a result of a change in flow regime or depth.  相似文献   

Since the mechanical properties of lava change over time, lava flows represent a challenge for physically based modeling. This change is ruled by a temperature field which needs to be modeled. MAGFLOW Cellular Automata (CA) model was developed for physically based simulations of lava flows in near real-time. We introduced an algorithm based on the Monte Carlo approach to solve the anisotropic problem. As transition rule of CA, a steady-state solution of Navier-Stokes equations was adopted in the case of isothermal laminar pressure-driven Bingham fluid. For the cooling mechanism, we consider only the radiative heat loss from the surface of the flow and the change of the temperature due to mixture of lavas between cells with different temperatures. The model was applied to reproduce a real lava flow that occurred during the 2004–2005 Etna eruption. The simulations were computed using three different empirical relationships between viscosity and temperature.  相似文献   

The use of a hand-held thermal camera during the 2002–2003 Stromboli effusive eruption proved essential in tracking the development of flow field structures and in measuring related eruption parameters, such as the number of active vents and flow lengths. The steep underlying slope on which the flow field was emplaced resulted in a characteristic flow field morphology. This comprised a proximal shield, where flow stacking and inflation caused piling up of lava on the relatively flat ground of the vent zone, that fed a medial–distal lava flow field. This zone was characterized by the formation of lava tubes and tumuli forming a complex network of tumuli and flows linked by tubes. Most of the flow field was emplaced on extremely steep slopes and this had two effects. It caused flows to slide, as well as flow, and flow fronts to fail frequently, persistent flow front crumbling resulted in the production of an extensive debris field. Channel-fed flows were also characterized by development of excavated debris levees in this zone (Calvari et al. 2005). Collapse of lava flow fronts and inflation of the upper proximal lava shield made volume calculation very difficult. Comparison of the final field volume with that expecta by integrating the lava effusion rates through time suggests a loss of ~70% erupted lava by flow front crumbling and accumulation as debris flows below sea level. Derived relationships between effusion rate, flow length, and number of active vents showed systematic and correlated variations with time where spreading of volume between numerous flows caused an otherwise good correlation between effusion rate, flow length to break down. Observations collected during this eruption are useful in helping to understand lava flow processes on steep slopes, as well as in interpreting old lava–debris sequences found in other steep-sided volcanoes subject to effusive activity.  相似文献   

长白山天池火山研究进展   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
长白山天池火山距今4105年以来至少发生过两次大规模喷发。其最近的一次大喷发发生于公元850~1040年间。估计了这次喷发的喷发物体积和C1,F,S等的释放量。数值模拟表明,该次大喷发对全球气候变化产生过重要影响,最近的地球物理探测结果显示,在该火山下面存在地壳和上地幔双层岩浆房。认为该火山现在仍是一座具潜在灾害性大喷发危险的现代活动火山。  相似文献   

A Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) image acquired on 23 July 1991 recorded widespread activity associated with the Episode 48 of the Pu'u 'O'o-Kupaianaha eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. The scene contains a very large number (>3500) of thermally elevated near infrared (0.8–2.35 m) pixels (each 900 m2), which enable the spatial distribution of volcanic activity to be identified. This activity includes a lava lake within Pu'u 'O'o cone, an active lava tube system (7.9 km in length) with skylights between the Kupaianaha lava shield and several ocean entry points, and extensive active surface flows (total area of 1.3 km2) within a much larger area of cooling flows (total16 km2). The production of an average flux density map from the TM data of the flow field, wherein the average flux density is defined in units of Wm-2, allows for the chronology of emplacement of active and cooling flows to be determined. The flux density map reveals that there were at least three breakouts (>5000 Wm-2) feeding active flows, but on the day that the data were collected the TM recorded a waning phase of surface activity in this area, based on the relatively large amount of intermediate power-emitting (cooling) flows compared to high power-emitting (active) flows. The production of a comparable flux density map for future eruptions would aid in the assessment of volcanic hazards if the data were available in near-real time.  相似文献   

The Xinanjiang model, which is a conceptual rainfall‐runoff model and has been successfully and widely applied in humid and semi‐humid regions in China, is coupled by the physically based kinematic wave method based on a digital drainage network. The kinematic wave Xinanjiang model (KWXAJ) uses topography and land use data to simulate runoff and overland flow routing. For the modelling, the catchment is subdivided into numerous hillslopes and consists of a raster grid of flow vectors that define the water flow directions. The Xinanjiang model simulates the runoff yield in each grid cell, and the kinematic wave approach is then applied to a ranked raster network. The grid‐based rainfall‐runoff model was applied to simulate basin‐scale water discharge from an 805‐km2 catchment of the Huaihe River, China. Rainfall and discharge records were available for the years 1984, 1985, 1987, 1998 and 1999. Eight flood events were used to calibrate the model's parameters and three other flood events were used to validate the grid‐based rainfall‐runoff model. A Manning's roughness via a linear flood depth relationship was suggested in this paper for improving flood forecasting. The calibration and validation results show that this model works well. A sensitivity analysis was further performed to evaluate the variation of topography (hillslopes) and land use parameters on catchment discharge. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Temperature is an important factor affecting seismic velocity, and terrestrial heat flow is the most direct indication of temperature distribution of the lithosphere. Some authors therefore suggested that Pn velocity should be inversely related with heat flow. The average heat flow values (q) and Pn velocities (V Pn) in 22 areas have been calculated and collected from published literatures to investigate the possible correlation between these two parameters for the continental area of China. However, the results show that the variations ofq andV Pn in the studied areas are far away from the expected inverse relation. The effects of pressure of seismic velocity and contribution of crustal radiogenic heat on heat flow have been taken into consideration in regressions respectively and simultaneously. However, all the corrections are of little help for the improvement of the expected inverse relation. The conclusion deduced from the present study is that in a large scale region with complex tectonic evolution history and complex deep structure framework such as the continental area of China, temperature at the Moho boundary is not the most important factor affecting Pn velocity. The conceptual inverse correlation between heat flow and Pn velocity might be masked by various “noises”. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, 42–50, 1992.  相似文献   

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