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The Batinah coastal plain in northern Oman has experienced a severe deterioration of groundwater quality due to seawater intrusion as a result of excessive groundwater abstraction for agricultural irrigation. Upgrading all farms to fully automated irrigation technology based on soil moisture sensors may significantly reduce the water demand and lead to recovering groundwater levels. This study compares the effects of smart irrigation technology, recharge dams, and a combination of both on seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of the Batinah. A groundwater flow and transport model is used to simulate the effect of reduced pumping rates on seawater intrusion for various intervention scenarios over a simulation period of 30 years, and an economic analysis based on cost-benefit analysis is conducted to estimate the potential benefits. Results indicate that a combination of smart irrigation and recharge dams may prevent further deterioration of groundwater quality over the next 30 years. In conjunction with increased efficiency, this combination also generates the highest gross profit. This outcome shows that the problem of seawater intrusion needs to be tackled by a comprehensive, integrated intervention strategy.  相似文献   

This paper refers to the development of a conceptual model for the management of a coastal aquifer in northern Greece. The research presents the interpretation and analysis of the quantitative (groundwater level recordings and design of piezometric maps) regime and the formation of the upcone within the area of investigation. Additionally it provides the elaboration of the results of chemical analyses of groundwater samples (physicochemical parameters, major chemical constituents and heavy metals and trace elements) of the area which were taken in three successive irrigation periods (July–August 2003, July–August 2004 and July 2005), in order to identify areas of aquifer vulnerability. The study identifies the areas where ion exchange phenomena occur, as well as the parts of the aquifer where the qualitative degradation of the aquifer system is enhanced. The paper, finally, assesses the lack of any scientific groundwater resources management of the area by the local water authorities, as well as the current practices of the existing pumping conditions scheme as applied by groundwater users.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Seawater intrusion is a major problem to freshwater resources especially in coastal areas where fresh groundwater is surrounded and could be easily influenced by seawater. This study presents the development of a conceptual and numerical model for the coastal aquifer of Karareis region (Karaburun Peninsula) in the western part of Turkey. The study also presents the interpretation and the analysis of the time series data of groundwater levels recorded by data loggers. The SEAWAT model is used in this study to solve the density-dependent flow field and seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer that is under excessive pumping particularly during summer months. The model was calibrated using the average values of a 1-year dataset and further verified by the average values of another year. Five potential scenarios were analyzed to understand the effects of pumping and climate change on groundwater levels and the extent of seawater intrusion in the next 10 years. The result of the analysis demonstrated high levels of electrical conductivity and chloride along the coastal part of the study area. As a result of the numerical model, seawater intrusion is simulated to move about 420 m toward the land in the next 10 years under “increased pumping” scenario, while a slight change in water level and TDS concentrations was observed in “climate change” scenario. Results also revealed that a reduction in the pumping rate from Karareis wells will be necessary to protect fresh groundwater from contamination by seawater.  相似文献   

To delineate spatial extent of seawater intrusion in a small experimental watershed in the coastal area of Byunsan, Korea, electrical resistivity surveys with some evaluation core drillings and chemical analysis of groundwaters were conducted. The vertical electrical sounding (VES) method was applied, which is useful to identify variations in electrical characteristics of layered aquifers. The drilling logs identified a three-layered subsurface including reclamation soil, weathered layer and relatively fresh sedimentary bedrock. The upper two layers are the main water-bearing units in this area. A total of 30 electrical sounding curves corresponded mostly to the H type and they were further divided into three classes: highly conductive, intermediate, and low conductive, according to the observed resistivity values of the most conductive weathered layer. In addition, groundwater samples from 15 shallow monitoring wells were analyzed and thus grouped into two types based on HCO3/Cl and Ca/Na molar ratios with TDS levels, which differentiated groundwaters affected by seawater intrusion from those not or less affected. According to relationships between the three classes of the sounding curves and groundwater chemistry, locations of the monitoring wells with low HCO3/Cl and Ca/Na ionic ratios coincided with the area showing the highly conductive type curve, while those with the high ratios corresponded to the area showing low conductive curve type. Both the low electrical resistivity and the low ionic ratios indicated effects of seawater intrusion. From this study, it was demonstrated that the VES would be useful to delineate seawater intrusion in coastal areas.  相似文献   

The Salalah central sewage treatment plant has been designed to treat 20,000 m3/day at the first stage and two further stages to double the initial capacity. The plant currently (2005) treats more than 15,000 m3/day effluents to a tertiary level, and after chlorination phase, the effluents are recharged into tube wells in a line parallel to the coast. The process aims to help stabilize the seawater interface and a part to be recovered from hand-dug wells/boreholes further inland and downstream. A three-dimensional flow and solute advection transport model was developed to assess the effectiveness of the proposed recharge scheme and to track the solute transport with respect to the design system. The advection transport model predicted that in 2020 the maximum pathlines of the injection fluids would reach the abstraction wells that are located 600 m, southward of the injection bores in about 1-year travel time in the case of the no-management interference and more than that southward under management interference. The developed flow predicted the wedge of the saline intrusion in 2019 is tracked up to 2.7 and 3.4 km from the shoreline with the injection and without the injection, respectively under constant underflow. The injection scheme is effective in pushing back the saline zone front by 700 m. This study argues that the treated wastewater would help to increase the water levels at the vicinity of the injection line and to reduce the influence of saline inflows from the coast. The reclaimed sewage recharge scheme is examined in the case of the Salalah coastal aquifer using groundwater simulation, which can also be applied to other regions with similar conditions.  相似文献   

Seawater intrusion into the shallow aquifer in the Syrian coast, north of Latakia (Damsarkho, Ras Ibn Hani) and south of Tartous (Al Hamidieh, Ein Zarka) was studied using hydrochemical and isotopic techniques. The electrical conductivity (EC) distribution map north of Latakia revealed that mixing in this area is the consequence of a frontal intrusion of seawater within the fresh groundwater aquifer which, in turn, results from intensive pumping since the 1960s which has lowered the water table inland below sea level. In Ein Zarka, south of Tartous, in contrast, the EC distribution revealed that seawater intrusion is due to local up-coning as a result of intensive pumping. The deuterium and oxygen-18 relationship is that of a mixing line with a slope of 5.55, indicating an intrusion between freshwater and seawater. In addition, the relationship between oxygen-18 and chloride reveals that the mixing has a dominant role compared to evaporation process. The mixing ratios are estimated to be between 6 and 10% north of Latakia, while they do not exceed 3% south of Tartous. A tritium model was applied to compute the “mean transit time”, which is estimated to be around 10 years, on average, to reach the equilibrium that existed originally between the fresh groundwater and seawater, provided that severe pumping is completely halted and the aquifer is naturally recharged by rainfall and deep percolation of irrigation water, thereby allowing the restoration of the hydraulic gradient. This paper is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Y. Yurtsever.  相似文献   

Seawater intrusion was observed in China’s coastal aquifers as early as 1960s. At present, it covers an area of more than 2,000 km2 in China. In 2002, the seawater intrusion area was increased to 1773.6 km2 in Shandong Province, China, and it is continuing to extend in the coastal area of Laizhou Bay. In order to study the characteristic of the seawater intrusion and the pattern of the saltwater/freshwater interface, we set the China’s first three-dimensional seawater intrusion observation network in Longkou City of Shandong Province in 1989. In order to control the development of the seawater intrusion, in 1995, a continuous underground concrete wall, by the method of high-pressure jet grouting, was constructed in the downstream plain area of the Huangshuihe river in Longkou City. The average depth of the 5,842 m long concrete wall is 26.7 m, and the maxim depth is 41 m. It forms a coastal underground reservoir with the total storage capacity of about 5,359 × 104 m3. In the past 10 years, the reservoir obtained great economic benefit, social benefit and ecosystem benefit.  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to quantify the geochemical processes and the timescale of seawater intrusion into a coastal aquifer from changes in the major ionic composition of the water and the natural distribution of the cosmogenic isotopes 14C and 3H. For that purpose, we sampled saline and brackish groundwaters from the Israeli coastal aquifer. A multilayer sampler (MLS) was used to obtain very high resolution (10 cm) profiles across the fresh-saline water interface (FSI).The chemical and stable isotope data revealed three distinct water types (end members) that are located in different zones on the route to the coastal aquifer: (1) slightly modified Mediterranean seawater (SWS); (2) slightly diluted (with up to 20% fresh groundwater) saline groundwater (SDS); and (3) fresh groundwater (FGW).The SWS samples generally show an excess of total alkalinity and total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and a depletion of 13CDIC and 14CDIC with respect to normal seawater indicating that anaerobic oxidation of organic matter is the first diagenetic reaction that affects seawater during its penetration into the bottom sediments. SDS waters appear when SWS is slightly diluted, gain Ca2+ and Sr2+, and is depleted in K+, suggesting that the main processes that transform SWS into SDS are slight dilution with fresh groundwater and cation exchange. At the fresh-saline water interface, SDS generally shows conservative mixing with FGW.Inspection of chemical data from coastal aquifers around the world indicates that intensive ion exchange in slightly diluted saline groundwater is a globally important phenomenon of seawater intrusion. Most of our saline groundwater samples contain substantial amounts of 3H suggesting that penetration of Mediterranean seawater and its inland travel to a distance of 50-100 m onshore occurred 15-30 yr ago. This is supported by the 14CDIC mass balance that explains the relatively low 14CDIC activities in the SDS as influenced by diagenesis and not by simple radioactive decay.  相似文献   

Due to the sea level rise and the excessive exploitation of freshwater, seawater intrusion is becoming a critical issue. To clarify the degree of seawater intrusion in Donghai Island and the microbial community structure and functional response to seawater intrusion, groundwater samples and sediment samples were collected at profiles A, B; the profiles were along the direction of groundwater flow, perpendicular to the coastline, a hydrogeochemical survey and soil microbial community analysis were also performed. The hydrogeochemistry analysis showed that the chemical type of groundwater was Na–Cl, brackish water was dominant in the area, and coastal groundwater was strongly affected by seawater intrusion. The effect of seawater intrusion on structural and functional diversity of soil microbes was analyzed from soil samples of the study area, by polymerase chain reaction denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). The results of DGGE patterns and phylogenetic tree show that the extent of seawater intrusion has directly influenced soil microbial community structure. The changes of microbial community structure might be related to the major elements’ concentrations in groundwater. Phylogenetic affiliation indicated that γ-proteobacteria were dominated in the profile A, while β-proteobacteria were mainly appeared in the profile B. The Flavobacteriaceae was only appeared at the shrimp ponds nearby.  相似文献   

Pollution of groundwater by seawater intrusion poses a threat to sustainable agriculture in the coastal areas of Korea. Therefore, seawater intrusion monitoring stations were installed in eastern, western, and southern coastal areas and have been operated since 1998. In this study, groundwater chemistry data obtained from the seawater intrusion monitoring stations during the period from 2007 to 2009 were analyzed and evaluated. Groundwater was classified into fresh (<1,500 μS/cm), brackish (1,500–3,000 μS/cm), and saline (>3,000 μS/cm) according to EC levels. Among groundwater samples (n = 233), 56, 7, and 37% were classified as the fresh, brackish, and saline, respectively. The major dissolved components of the brackish and saline groundwaters were enriched compared with those of the fresh groundwater. The enrichment of Na+ and Cl was especially noticeable due to seawater intrusion. Thus, the brackish and saline groundwaters were classified as Ca–Cl and Na–Cl types, while the fresh groundwater was classified as Na–HCO3 and Ca–HCO3 types. The groundwater included in the Na–Cl types indicated the effects of seawater mixing. Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, SO4 2−, and Br showed good correlations with Cl of over r = 0.624. Of these components, the strong correlations of Mg2+, SO4 2−, and Br with Cl (r ≥ 0.823) indicated a distinct mixing between fresh groundwater and seawater. The Ca/Cl and HCO3/Cl ratios of the groundwaters gradually decreased and approached those of seawater. The Mg/Cl, Na/Cl, K/Cl, SO4/Cl, and Br/Cl ratios of the groundwaters gradually decreased, and were similar to or lower than those of seawater, indicating that Mg2+, Na+, K+, SO4 2−, and Br, as well as Cl in the saline groundwater can be enriched by seawater mixing, while Ca2+ and HCO3 are mainly released by weathering processes. The influence of seawater intrusion was evaluated using threshold values of Cl and Br, which were estimated as 80.5 and 0.54 mg/L, respectively. According to these criteria, 41–50% of the groundwaters were affected by seawater mixing.  相似文献   

Hydrogeology Journal - Significant urbanization and industrialization, combined with strong population growth, have been witnessed in the Arabian Peninsula (Oman, United Arab Emirates, Saudi...  相似文献   

Wang  Zhiwei  Chen  Huawei  Li  Fulin  Wang  Genxu 《Natural Hazards》2022,113(1):237-259
Natural Hazards - The horizontal seismic responses in cold regions have not received adequate attentions. In seismic design for frozen ground, computations for unfrozen ground are generally adopted...  相似文献   

Seawater intrusion is a major threat to the rapidly depleting groundwater resources in the coastal areas of India. Groundwater-based irrigation, significant industrial development and rapid urbanization are some of the key contributors exacerbating the stress on groundwater resources. Vulnerability to seawater intrusion in the Ramanathapuram district of Eastern India is assessed here utilizing the GALDIT method, for a period of 10 years (2001–2010). Results revealed a drastic increase in percent area coverage under moderate vulnerability, from 19.5 to 53.88 %, between the years 2001 and 2010. On the contrary, areas classified as highly vulnerable underwent minor changes over the span of the study. Vulnerability of the study area was also analyzed for the year 2050 considering an average global mean sea level rise of 3.1 mm/year. Results from the analysis for the year 2050 showed that, almost, the entire study area (~97 %) was classified under moderate vulnerability. As a remedial measure to this imminent threat, favorable zones for artificial recharge were delineated on the basis of overlay analysis with weightage values for important controlling factors. Subsequently, the quantity of artificial recharge required to inhibit the intrusion of seawater, at specified favorable zones were estimated to be 674.87, 599.18 and 1,450.66 m3/year.  相似文献   

Seawater intrusion is one of the most serious environmental problems in many coastal regions all over the world. Mixing a small quantity of seawater with groundwater makes it unsuitable for use and can result in abandonment of aquifers. Therefore, seawater intrusion should be prevented or at least controlled to protect groundwater resources. This paper presents development and application of a simulation‐optimization model to control seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers using different management scenarios; abstraction of brackish water, recharge of freshwater, and combination of abstraction and recharge. The model is based on the integration of a genetic algorithm optimisation technique and a coupled transient density‐dependent finite element model. The objectives of the management scenarios include determination of the optimal depth, location and abstraction/recharge rates for the wells to minimize the total costs for construction and operation as well as salt concentrations in the aquifer. The developed model is applied to analyze the control of seawater intrusion in a hypothetical confined coastal aquifer. The efficiencies of the three management scenarios are examined and compared. The results show that combination of abstraction and recharge wells is significantly better than using abstraction wells or recharge wells alone as it gives the least cost and least salt concentration in the aquifer. The results from this study would be useful in designing the system of abstraction/recharge wells to control seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers and can be applied in areas where there is a risk of seawater intrusion. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The overexploitation of groundwater in coastal aquifers is often accompanied by seawater intrusion, intensified by climate change and sea level rise. Heading long-term water quality safety and thus the determination of vulnerable zones to seawater intrusion becomes a significant hydrogeological task for many coastal areas. Due to this background, the present study focussed the established methodology of the GIS-based GALDIT model to assess the aquifer vulnerability to seawater intrusion for the Algerian example of the Quaternary coastal Collo aquifer. According to the result analysis overall, more than half of the total surface of the northern study area can be classified as highly vulnerable. Besides the coastline, the areas nearby the local wadis of Guebli and Cherka occur to be the most vulnerable in the region. In view of further map removal performance as well as single-parameter sensitivity analyses from a coupled perspective respectively the GALDIT parameters, distance from the shore (D) and aquifer hydraulic conductivity (A) have been found to be of key significance regarding the model results (mean effective weightings ~?18–19%). Overall, the study results provide a good approximation basis for future management decisions of the Collo aquifer region, including various perspectives such as identification of suitable settings for prospective groundwater pumping wells.  相似文献   

 The Gaza Strip coastal aquifer is under severe hydrological stress due to over-exploitation. Excessive pumping during the past decades in the Gaza region has caused a significant lowering of groundwater levels, altering in some regions the normal transport of salts into the sea and reversing the gradient of groundwater flow. The sharp increase in chloride concentrations in groundwater indicates intrusion of seawater and/or brines from the western part of the aquifer near the sea. Simulations of salt-water intrusion were carried out using a two-dimensional density-dependent flow and transport model SUTRA (Voss 1984). This model was applied to the Khan Yunis section of the Gaza Strip aquifer. Simulations were done under an assumption that pumping rates increase according to the rate of population growth, or about 3.8% a year. Model parameters were estimated using available field observations. Numerical simulations show that the rate of seawater intrusion during 1997–2006 is expected to be 20–45 m/yr. The results lead to a better understanding of aquifer salinization due to seawater intrusion and give some estimate of the rate of deterioration of groundwater. Received, September 1997 Revised, January 1998, July 1998 Accepted, August 1998  相似文献   

Negative hydraulic barriers that intercept inflowing saltwater by pumping near the coast have been proposed as a corrective measure for seawater intrusion in cases where low heads must be maintained. The main disadvantage of these barriers is that they pump a significant proportion of freshwater, leading to contamination with saltwater at the well. To minimize such mixing, a double pumping barrier system with two extraction wells is proposed: an inland well to pump freshwater and a seawards well to pump saltwater. A three-dimensional variable density flow model is used to study the dynamics of the system. The system performs very efficiently as a remediation option in the early stages. Long-term performance requires a well-balanced design. If the pumping rate is high, drawdowns cause saltwater to flow along the aquifer bottom around the seawater well, contaminating the freshwater well. A low pumping rate at the seawards well leads to insufficient desalinization at the freshwater well. A critical pumping rate at the seawater well is defined as that which produces optimal desalinization at the freshwater well. Empirical expressions for the critical pumping rate and salt mass fraction are proposed. Although pumping with partially penetrating wells improves efficiency, the critical pumping rates remain unchanged.  相似文献   

Groundwater suitability for agriculture in an island with limited recharge area may easily be influenced by seawater intrusion. The aim of this study was to investigate seawater intrusion to the suitability of the groundwater for oil palm cultivation at the ex-promontory land of Carey Island in Malaysia. This is the first study that used the integrated method of geo-electrical resistivity and hydro-geochemical methods to investigate seawater intrusion to the suitability of groundwater for oil palm cultivation at two different land cover condition. The relationship between earth resistivity, total dissolved solids and earth conductivity was derived with crop suitability classification according to salinity, used to identify water types and also oil palm tolerance to salinity. Results from the contour conductivity maps show that area facing severe coastal erosion and area still intact with mangrove forest exhibits unsuitable groundwater condition for oil palm at the unconfined aquifer thickness of 15 and 31 m, respectively. Based on local sea-level rise prediction and Ghyben–Herzberg assumption (sharp interface), the condition in the study area, especially in severe erosion area, by the twenty-first century will no longer be suitable for oil palm plantation. The application of geo-electrical method combined with geochemical data, aided with the information on environmental history and oil palm physiography, has demonstrated that the integration of techniques is an effective tool in defining the status of agricultural suitability affected by salinity at the coastal aquifer area.  相似文献   

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