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We have constructed a dynamo model for the magnetic field in spiral galaxies that takes into account the differences in star formation rates in different galaxies. The difficulty in constructing the model is that the star formation rate does not enter directly into the equations of magnetohydrodynamics, which include only the root-mean-square velocity of the interstellar gas, its density, and the half-thickness of the ionized gas disk. We propose a parametrization of these quantities that relates them to the star formation rate and investigate our model in terms of the so-called no-z approximation, which neglects the details of the magnetic field structure in a direction perpendicular to the galactic disk. The influence of the star formation rate on the galactic dynamo is a threshold one. This influence is small at moderate star formation rates and significant only at very high star formation rates. If the starburst intensity reaches some critical level (exceeding that in the Milky Way by an order of magnitude), then the large-scale magnetic field is destroyed and it is restored only after completion of the starburst. We provide a list of galaxies that exhibit a fairly high star formation rate and that can be interesting to study their magnetic fields.  相似文献   

In order to study magnetic field generation in galaxies with active processes such as intensive star formation, supernovae explosions, etc, a model is needed to differentiate between the properties of interstellar medium in different parts of the galactic disk. In this paper we consider galactic dynamo equations with stochastic coefficients where the parameters responsible for dissipation randomly depend on time and spatial coordinates and are distributed around two values corresponding to aweakly heated neutral component and a hot ionized component. Ionized gas is assumed to be concentrated in small regions evenly distributed over the galactic disk plane. The ratio of the total area of such regions to the entire disk plane corresponds to the mean surface star-formation density in the given region of the galactic disk. Unlike in our previous papers, we take into account the dissipation in the disk plane. We have obtained numerical estimates of the exponential growth rate for different numbers of areas containing ionized gas. We show that the influence of the fluctuations on the magnetic field behavior has a threshold nature; intensive star formation leads to the destruction of large scale magnetic field structures.  相似文献   

In this article it is argued that galactic magnetic fields are generated in the earliest moments of galaxy collapse. Our model proposes that provided, even if only briefly, a supermassive star is formed early on in the galaxy formation process, this star can produce a strong centrally localized magnetic field which may act as the seed field from which a galactic field can grow. In order to substantiate this model, detailed numerical calculations will be required.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of magnetic fields on star cluster formation by performing simulations following the self-gravitating collapse of a turbulent molecular cloud to form stars in ideal magnetohydrodynamics. The collapse of the cloud is computed for global mass-to-flux ratios of  ∞, 20, 10, 5  and 3, i.e. using both weak and strong magnetic fields. Whilst even at very low strengths the magnetic field is able to significantly influence the star formation process, for magnetic fields with plasma  β < 1  the results are substantially different to the hydrodynamic case. In these cases we find large-scale magnetically supported voids imprinted in the cloud structure; anisotropic turbulent motions and column density striations aligned with the magnetic field lines, both of which have recently been observed in the Taurus molecular cloud. We also find strongly suppressed accretion in the magnetized runs, leading to up to a 75 per cent reduction in the amount of mass converted into stars over the course of the calculations and a more quiescent mode of star formation. There is also some indication that the relative formation efficiency of brown dwarfs is lower in the strongly magnetized runs due to a reduction in the importance of protostellar ejections.  相似文献   

Some bursts of star formation are thought to be associated with situations in which a galaxy's density is increasing. Examples include protogalaxy collapse, mergers, inflow of gas into a galactic nucleus, or accretion of intergalactic gas. We have examined the evolution of the star formation rate (SFR) and other properties of galaxies with increasing density using one-zone cloud fluid equations describing an extension of the Oort cycle, for which the equilibrium state would give an SFR which increases monotonically with density. However, the calculations show that the energy input associated with the density increase generally dominates the evolution, and forces the system far from its normal equilibrium to a state in which cloud collisions are disruptive rather than coalescent. The calculations predict that starbursts associated with collapse, accretion, or inflow events should be preceded by a long incubation period with a very small SFR. For example, the initial star formation burst in a protogalaxy may be delayed for several billion years until nearly all the infalling material has been accreted onto the growing central object.  相似文献   

Void regions of the Universe offer a special environment for studying cosmology and galaxy formation, which may expose weaknesses in our understanding of these phenomena. Although galaxies in voids are observed to be predominately gas rich, star forming and blue, a subpopulation of bright-red void galaxies can also be found, whose star formation was shutdown long ago. Are the same processes that quench star formation in denser regions of the Universe also at work in voids?
We compare the luminosity function of void galaxies in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey, to those from a galaxy formation model built on the Millennium simulation. We show that a global star formation suppression mechanism in the form of low-luminosity 'radio-mode' active galactic nuclei (AGN) heating is sufficient to reproduce the observed population of void early types. Radio-mode heating is environment independent other than its dependence on dark matter halo mass, where, above a critical mass threshold of approximately   M vir∼ 1012.5 M  , gas cooling on to the galaxy is suppressed and star formation subsequently fades. In the Millennium simulation, the void halo mass function is shifted with respect to denser environments, but still maintains a high-mass tail above this critical threshold. In such void haloes, radio-mode heating remains efficient and red galaxies are found; collectively these galaxies match the observed space density without any modification to the model. Consequently, galaxies living in vastly different large-scale environments but hosted by haloes of similar mass are predicted to have similar properties, consistent with observations.  相似文献   

Using recent results on the operation of turbulent dynamos, we show that a turbulent dynamo may amplify a large-scale magnetic field in the envelopes of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. We propose that a slow rotation of the AGB envelope can fix the symmetry axis, leading to the formation of an axisymmetric magnetic field structure. Unlike solar-type αω dynamos, the rotation has only a small role in amplifying the toroidal component of the magnetic field; instead of an αω dynamo we propose an α 2 ω . The magnetic field may reach a value of     , where B e is the equipartition (between the turbulent and magnetic energy densities) magnetic field. The large-scale magnetic field is strong enough for the formation of magnetic cool spots on the AGB stellar surface. The spots may regulate dust formation, and hence the mass-loss rate, leading to axisymmetric mass loss and the formation of elliptical planetary nebulae (PNe). Despite its role in forming cool spots, the large-scale magnetic field is too weak to play a dynamic role and directly influence the wind from the AGB star, as required by some models. We discuss other possible problems in models where the magnetic field plays a dynamic role in shaping the AGB winds, and argue that they cannot explain the formation of non-spherical PNe.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of magnetic fields and radiative protostellar feedback on the star formation process using self-gravitating radiation magnetohydrodynamical calculations. We present results from a series of calculations of the collapse of  50 M  molecular clouds with various magnetic field strengths and with and without radiative transfer. We find that both magnetic fields and radiation have a dramatic impact on star formation, though the two effects are in many ways complementary. Magnetic fields primarily provide support on large scales to low-density gas, whereas radiation is found to strongly suppress small-scale fragmentation by increasing the temperature in the high-density material near the protostars. With strong magnetic fields and radiative feedback, the net result is an inefficient star formation process with a star formation rate of  ≲10  per cent per free-fall time that approaches the observed rate, although we have only been able to follow the calculations for 1/3 of a free-fall time beyond the onset of star formation.  相似文献   

We construct an approximation for the magnetic field of galaxies that takes into account the magnetic helicity conservation law. In our calculations, we use the fact that the galactic disk is fairly thin and, therefore, the magnetic field component perpendicular to the galactic disk can be neglected (the so-called no-z approximation). However, an averaging of the magnetic field over the entire galaxy, as was done in previous works, is not performed. Our results are compared both with the approximation that disregards the helicity flux and with the results obtained in models with helicity fluxes but without averaging. We show that, compared to the classical model, there are a number of new effects (for example, magnetic field oscillations) and, compared to the model with averaging, the behavior of the magnetic field “softens”: its stationary value is reached more slowly and the oscillation amplitude decreases. This is because the dissipative processes changing the magnetic field growth rate are taken into account in our model. In contrast to the model with averaging, here it becomes possible to construct the dependence of the magnetic field and helicity on the distance from the galactic center.  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamics of magnetic fields in spiral galaxies by performing 3D magnetohydrodynamics simulations of galactic discs subject to a spiral potential using cold gas, warm gas and a two-phase mixture of both. Recent hydrodynamic simulations have demonstrated the formation of interarm spurs as well as spiral arm molecular clouds, provided the interstellar medium model includes a cold H  i phase. We find that the main effect of adding a magnetic field to these calculations is to inhibit the formation of structure in the disc. However, provided a cold phase is included, spurs and spiral arm clumps are still present if β≳ 0.1 in the cold gas. A caveat to the two-phase calculations though is that by assuming a uniform initial distribution, β≳ 10 in the warm gas, emphasizing that models with more consistent initial conditions and thermodynamics are required. Our simulations with only warm gas do not show such structure, irrespective of the magnetic field strength.
Furthermore, we find that the introduction of a cold H  i phase naturally produces the observed degree of disorder in the magnetic field, which is again absent from simulations using only warm gas. Whilst the global magnetic field follows the large-scale gas flow, the magnetic field also contains a substantial random component that is produced by the velocity dispersion induced in the cold gas during the passage through a spiral shock. Without any cold gas, the magnetic field in the warm phase remains relatively well ordered apart from becoming compressed in the spiral shocks. Our results provide a natural explanation for the observed high proportions of disordered magnetic field in spiral galaxies and we thus predict that the relative strengths of the random and ordered components of the magnetic field observed in spiral galaxies will depend on the dynamics of spiral shocks.  相似文献   

We analyze the polarization effects of the radiation scattered in conical optically thin plasma envelopes. The density of free electrons in the envelope is assumed to decrease in inverse proportion to the square of the distance from the radiation source. The magnetic field, radial or azimuthal, is also assumed to vary in inverse proportion to the square of the distance from the center of the system. We take into account the fact that the scattered radiation near the surface of a star or a quasar is virtually unpolarized (the model of a nonpoint star). The spectra of linear polarization and its position angle are given for conical-envelope opening half-angles of 7.5°, 15°, and 30°. The inclination of the cone axis with respect to the observer’s direction took on values of 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, 120°, 135°, and 150°. We allowed for the fact that part of the envelope is screened from the observer by the star itself. We also give polarization spectra for the radiation scattered in two mutually opposite conical envelopes. We use the results of our theoretical calculations to analyze the polarimetric observations of relativistic jets in cosmic gamma-ray bursts and active galactic nuclei. As a result, we estimated the magnetic fields in these objects. The constraint on the density of relativistic electrons is <107 cm?3.  相似文献   

Large-scale magnetic fields in galaxies are thought to be generated by a turbulent dynamo. However, the same turbulence also leads to a small-scale dynamo which generates magnetic noise at a more rapid rate. The efficiency of the large-scale dynamo depends on how this noise saturates. We examine this issue, taking into account ambipolar drift, which obtains in a galaxy with significant neutral gas. We argue as follows.
(i) The small-scale dynamo generated field does not fill the volume, but is concentrated into intermittent rope-like structures. The flux ropes are curved on the turbulent eddy scales. Their thickness is set by the diffusive scale determined by the effective ambipolar diffusion.
(ii) For a largely neutral galactic gas, the small-scale dynamo saturates, as a result of inefficient random stretching, when the peak field in a flux rope has grown to a few times the equipartition value.
(iii) The average energy density in the saturated small-scale field is subequipartition, since it does not fill the volume.
(iv) Such fields neither drain significant energy from the turbulence nor convert eddy motion of the turbulence on the outer scale into wave-like motion. The diffusive effects needed for the large-scale dynamo operation are then preserved until the large-scale field itself grows to near equipartition levels.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new result, namely that the primal magnetic field of the collapsed core during a supernova explosion will, as a result of the conservation of magnetic flux, receive a massive boost to more than 90 times its original value by the Pauli paramagnetization of the highly degenerate relativistic electron gas just after the formation of the neutron star. Thus, the observed super-strong magnetic field of neutron stars may originate from the induced Pauli paramagnetization of the highly degenerate relativistic electron gas in the interior of the neutron star. We therefore have an apparently natural explanation for the surface magnetic field of a neutron star.  相似文献   

Galactic winds and mass outflows are observed both in nearby starburst galaxies and in high-redshift star-forming galaxies. We develop a simple analytic model to understand the observed superwind phenomenon with a discussion of the model uncertainties. Our model is built upon the model of McKee & Ostriker for the interstellar medium. It allows one to predict how properties of a superwind, such as wind velocity and mass outflow rate, are related to properties of its starforming host galaxy, such as size, gas density and star formation rate. The model predicts a threshold of star formation rate density for the generation of observable galactic winds. Galaxies with more concentrated star formation activities produce superwinds with higher velocities. The predicted mass outflow rates are comparable to (or slightly larger than) the corresponding star formation rates. We apply our model to both local starburst galaxies and high-redshift Lyman break galaxies, and find its predictions to be in good agreement with current observations. Our model is simple and so can be easily incorporated into numerical simulations and semi-analytical models of galaxy formation.  相似文献   

Future radio observations with the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and its precursors will be sensitive to trace spiral galaxies and their magnetic field configurations up to redshift z ≈ 3. We suggest an evolutionary model for the magnetic configuration in star‐forming disk galaxies and simulate the magnetic field distribution, the total and polarized synchrotron emission, and the Faraday rotation measures for disk galaxies at z ≲ 3. Since details of dynamo action in young galaxies are quite uncertain, we model the dynamo action heuristically relying only on well‐established ideas of the form and evolution of magnetic fields produced by the mean‐field dynamo in a thin disk. We assume a small‐scale seed field which is then amplified by the small‐scale turbulent dynamo up to energy equipartition with kinetic energy of turbulence. The large‐scale galactic dynamo starts from seed fields of 100 pc and an averaged regular field strength of 0.02 μG, which then evolves to a “spotty” magnetic field configuration in about 0.8 Gyr with scales of about one kpc and an averaged regular field strength of 0.6 μG. The evolution of these magnetic spots is simulated under the influence of star formation, dynamo action, stretching by differential rotation of the disk, and turbulent diffusion. The evolution of the regular magnetic field in a disk of a spiral galaxy, as well as the expected total intensity, linear polarization and Faraday rotation are simulated in the rest frame of a galaxy at 5GHz and 150 MHz and in the rest frame of the observer at 150 MHz. We present the corresponding maps for several epochs after disk formation. Dynamo theory predicts the generation of large‐scale coherent field patterns (“modes”). The timescale of this process is comparable to that of the galaxy age. Many galaxies are expected not to host fully coherent fields at the present epoch, especially those which suffered from major mergers or interactions with other galaxies. A comparison of our predictions with existing observations of spiral galaxies is given and discussed (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We have investigated magnetostatic equilibria for coronal loops embedded in a potential magnetic field on a rotating star. We find that for any given star, there is a maximum value of the plasma pressure inside a single loop, above which no equilibrium exists. This maximum internal pressure depends on the ratio of the temperatures inside and outside the loop, and on the ratio of the plasma pressure to the magnetic pressure at the base of the external field. Thus, any loop of a large-scale field which is heated or cooled to a different temperature from its immediate surroundings, or which experiences a change in its internal pressure may eventually lose equilbrium. For some values of the base pressure and temperature ratio the relation between summit height and footpoint separation is double-valued. As the summit height of a loop is increased, its footpoint separation increases to a critical value, then decreases to zero at the maximum possible summit height. At the critical footpoint separation the slope of the loop height-footpoint separation relation becomes infinite, and no equilibrium solution exists for greater footpoint separations.We find also that the strength and scale of the field external to the flux tube is the most important factor in determining its maximum height. The effects of varying the stellar rotation rate - and, hence, the variation in pressure with height - are comparatively unimportant, even for very high rotation rates at which the point of balance between gravitational and centrifugal forces lies close to the stellar surface. In this case it is possible to find equilibrium loop solutions whose summits lie outside the centrifugal balance point.We have also investigated the effects of varying the stellar surface gravity. For stellar of fixed mass and rotation rate, the loop dimensions scale approximately linearly with the stellar radius.  相似文献   

We calculate the mass-radius relationship of quark stars with the magnetized densitydependent quark mass model in this work, considering two magnetic field geometries: a statistically isotropic, tangled field and a force-free configuration. In both cases, magnetic field production decreases in the case of maximum quark star mass. Furthermore, a tangled, isotropic magnetic field has a relatively smaller impact on the mass and radius, compared to the force-free configuration, which implies that the geometry of the interior magnetic field is at least as important as the field strength itself when the influence of the strong magnetic field on the mass and radius is assessed.  相似文献   

We present measurements of magnetic field strength and geometry on the surfaces of T Tauri stars (TTS) with and without circumstellar disks. We use these measurements to argue that magnetospheric accretion models should not assume that a fixed fraction of the stellar surface contains magnetic field lines that couple with the disk. We predict the fractional area of accretion footpoints, using magnetospheric accretion models and assuming field strength is roughly constant for all TTS. Analysis of Zeeman broadened infrared line profiles shows that individual TTS each have a distribution of surface magnetic field strengths extending up to 6 kG. Averaging over this distribution yields mean magnetic field strengths of 1-3 kG for all TTS, regardless of whether the star is surrounded by a disk. These strong magnetic fields suggest that magnetic pressure dominates gas pressure in TTS photospheres, indicating the need for new model atmospheres. The He I 5876 Å emission line in TTS can be strongly polarized, so that magnetic field lines at the footpoints of accretion have uniform polarity. The circular polarization signal appears to be rotationally modulated, implying that accretion and perhaps the magnetosphere are not axisymmetric. Time series spectropolarimetry is fitted reasonably well by a simple model with one magnetic spot on the surface of a rotating star. On the other hand, spectropolarimetry of photospheric absorption lines rules out a global dipolar field at the stellar surface for at least some TTS.  相似文献   

An increase in solar activity is shown to be accompanied by a decrease in solar rotation rate. This effect has been established from various indices; it manifests itself as cyclic and secular variations in the global magnetic field, in the observations of the magnetic field of the Sun as a star, and in the observations of the solar corona. Some possible explanations of this effect are discussed.  相似文献   

The overabundance of Mg relative to Fe, observed in the nuclei of bright ellipticals, and its increase with galactic mass, poses a serious problem for all current models of galaxy formation. Here, we improve on the one-zone chemical evolution models for elliptical galaxies by taking into account positive feedback produced in the early stages of supermassive central black hole growth. We can account for both the observed correlation and the scatter if the observed anti-hierarchical behaviour of the AGN population couples to galaxy assembly and results in an enhancement of the star formation efficiency which is proportional to galactic mass. At low and intermediate galactic masses, however, a slower mode for star formation suffices to account for the observational properties.  相似文献   

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