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The stable isotopic composition of the bivalve shell has been widely used to reconstruct the pa-laeo-climate and palaeo-environment. The climatic and environmental significance of carbon isotopic composition of the bivalve shell is still in dispute, and incorporation of metabolic carbon can obscure carbon isotope records of dis-solved inorganic carbon. This study deals with freshwater bivalve, Corbicula fluminea aragonite shell. The results indicated that the δ13C values of bivalve shells deposited out of equilibrium with the host water and showed an onto-genic decrease, indicating that there are metabolic effects and more metabolic carbon is incorporated into larger shells. The proportion of metabolic carbon of shells varies between 19.8% and 26.8%. However, δ13CS can still be used as qualitative indicators of δ13CDIC and environmental processes that occurred during shell growth.  相似文献   

黔南宾夕法尼亚亚纪Triticites带内大型Fomitchevella珊瑚礁群落中见附礁生长的腕足动物Striatifera striata 和Enteletoides shuichengensis,XRD测试结果显示Striatifera striata壳体次生层为保存较好、成分纯净的低镁方解石,完全未受到成岩作用...  相似文献   

Mineralogical, textural and geochemical investigations were made to determine the post-depositional evolution of Devonian and Early Carboniferous carbonates from Valle de Tena. The carbonate association is made up of low-Mg calcite, which occurs as micrite, spar cements, neomorphic patches and spar filling veinlets. Non-stoichiometric dolomite and ankerite occur as cements (dolomite also as replacements) in the Middle Devonian, post-dating calcite types. All these phases pre-date tectonic stylolites, indicating compaction after stabilization of the carbonate minerals. Strontium concentrations indicate that Early Devonian and Early Carboniferous micrites initially precipitated as aragonite; Middle and Late Devonian micrites precipitated as high-Mg calcites. Both precursors were diagenetically stabilized to low-Mg calcites through interaction with meteoric waters in phreatic environments. Trace elements in dolomite and ankerite indicate precipitation from Sr-enriched meteoric water. All studied carbonates, except Middle Devonian limestones, precipitated in reducing environments, which favoured incorporation of Fe and Mn. Late calcite generations precipitated from more saline waters than micrites. Light 18O values in micrites suggest alteration mainly in meteoric-phreatic environments. The dolomites and ankerites precipitated from more 18O-depleted fluids than the calcites, suggesting a greater contribution from meteoric waters. Variations in 13C of micrites represent primary secular trends, according to published 13C variations. The 13C oscillations within each succession probably relate to sea-level oscillations. Strontium isotopes also point to a meteoric origin of diagenetic fluids. Model calculations suggest that O and Sr isotopes equilibrated between calcites and fluid at relatively low water/rock ratios, whereas C isotopic signatures are inherited from limestones.  相似文献   

A continuous high-resolution (monthly) record of stable isotopes (δ13C and δ18O) in a well-laminated freshwater travertine deposited at Baishuitai, SW China from May 1998 to November 2001 was presented. The travertine exhibits clear annual bands with coupled brown/white color laminations. Throughout field investigation, it was found that the thin (1.5–2.2 mm), brown porous lamina was formed in the monsoonal rainy season from April to September, whereas the thick (5–8 mm), dense white lamina was formed in the dry season from October to March. The comparisons of lamina thickness and stable isotope signals in the travertine with the meteorological records allow us to constrain the relevant geochemical processes in the travertine formation under different climate conditions and to relate climate variables to their physicochemical proxies in the travertine record. Sympathetic variations in lamina thickness, δ13C and δ18O along the sampled profile reflect changes in hydrogeochemistry, showing that thin lamina and low δ13C and δ18O values occur in warm and rainy seasons. The decreased amount of calcite precipitation and low δ13C values during the warm and rainy seasons is caused by dilution of overland flow after rainfall. The low δ18O values are believed to be related to the rainfall amount effect in subtropical monsoonal regions. This process is thought to be markedly subdued whenever the amount of rainfall is lower than a given threshold. Accordingly, distinct minima in lamina thickness, δ13C and δ18O are interpreted to reflect events with above-average rainfall, possibly heavy floods, and vice versa. This study demonstrates the potential of freshwater travertine to provide valuable information on seasonal or even monthly rainfall variations.  相似文献   

为提高云南老厂雨汪区块煤层气(CBM)产能,基于6口煤层气先导试验井的气体样品组分、甲烷碳同位素、产出水氢氧同位素及微量元素测试结果,结合研究区煤层气地质条件和产能特征,分析了气体组分、水的氢氧同位素特征及微量元素成分对产能的指示意义。结果表明:研究区煤层气气体组分以CH4为主,含少量C2H6、N2和CO2,不含重烃,为热成因气,并经过了后期的次生改造。煤层气井产出水的氢氧同位素特征说明产出水来源于大气降水,呈现明显的18O漂移特征。主成分分析结果显示产出水微量元素成分可以归纳为两个主成分,分别反映气井的产气和产水情况。根据煤层气井气水产出情况、产出水的氢氧同位素特征、微量元素成分综合分析表明,当前雨汪区块除LC-C3井外其他井产出水主要为压裂液,储层降压受限,导致气井产量较低。  相似文献   

通过对长江中游和尚洞HS-2号石笋的沉积特征及C、O同位素Mg、Sr微量元素相结合分析,利用U系法定年,获取了长江中游19.0ka~6.9ka的古气候、古环境信息(平均分辨率为17a,局部分辨率达到7a).得出如下结论(1)19.0~16.6ka, C、O同位素偏轻,气候冷湿;(2)16.6~11.1ka, C、O同位素偏重, 气温上升,降水偏少;(3)11.1~10.3ka 干热时期中的突然回冷事件对应于新仙女木事件(Younger Dryas Event);(4)10.3~6.9 ka B.P δ18O及δ13C值逐渐变轻,而Mg/Sr比继续增大,表现为气温上升,降雨量较大.反映了历史时期湿冷、干热、湿暖交替变化的气候趋势,得出了长江中游千年级和百年级的一些气候变化趋势,特别是发现了新仙女木事件在长江中游洞穴石笋中完整的记录,说明新仙女木事件是全球性气候突变与环境灾变事件  相似文献   

藏北安多地区毗邻羌塘盆地南界,属于藏北地层分区。研究区沙木罗组地层为一套稳定的浅海相碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩建造,依次发育风化壳沉积,潮坪相沉积以及混合台地相沉积,有大量生物礁产出。本文通过对沙木罗组地层中采集到的18件样品进行常量、微量元素及碳氧同位素测试,结合沉积相分析,旨在探索本区晚侏罗世古海平面升降、氧化还原条件以及古气候的演化规律。研究发现,Ni、Sr、Cu、V、Cr、Ni/Co及δ~(13)C等变化能反映氧化还原环境的变化,而Mn、Na、Sr/Cu、P、Ti及δ~(18)O和Z值的波动能指示古气候的变化。研究结果表明:研究区的古环境演化共经历了3个阶段:(1)风化壳阶段的强氧化环境;(2)潮坪阶段的半氧化半还原环境;(3)台地区与三期生物礁建造相对应的3次氧化与还原环境转换。古气候演化也经历了3个阶段:(1)风化壳区的干旱气候;(2)潮坪区的半干旱半湿润气候;(3)台地区3次干湿气候的频繁转换,分别与本区的3个造礁期相对应。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地南部奥陶系马家沟组主要由原始沉积的碳酸盐岩和岩溶角砾岩组成.储集空间以次生孔隙为主.中奥陶世沉积作用之后不久,即发生了溶解作用、白云石沉淀、干化脱水作用、机械压实作用、岩溶作用和胶结作用.胶结作用很普遍,主要发生在中石炭世之后的埋藏条件下,是对储层重要的破坏作用.充填于硬石膏结核溶模孔和非组构选择性溶蚀孔、洞、缝的方解石和白云石是最常见的胶结物.这些方解石和白云石胶结物具泥晶、嵌晶状或粒状晶粒结构.泥晶白云石基质的δ18O值-10.98‰~-0.8‰,平均-5.54‰;δ13C值-4.76‰~5.77‰,平均1.51‰.充填于溶蚀孔、缝中的白云石的δ18O值-12.54‰ ~-2.67‰,平均-7.34‰; δ13C值-5.56‰~3.48‰,平均0.28‰.充填于溶蚀孔、缝方解石的δ18O值-15.42‰ ~-6.02‰,平均-9.51‰;δ13C值-12.44‰~1.33‰,平均-3.20‰.总的来说,白云石和方解石胶结物的δ18O和δ13C值低于泥晶白云石基质的,原因是形成晚,受淡水淋滤、埋藏作用和有机质影响较大.泥晶白云石基质的Na含量0~ 350 μg/g,平均59μg/g; Sr含量0~380 μg/g,平均10 μg/g;Fe含量0~ 14 570 μg/g,平均1 040 μg/g; Mn含量0~4 670 μg/g,平均183 μg/g.充填于次生孔隙中的胶结物的Na、Sr、Mn含量与泥晶白云石基质的差别不大,因这些元素含量均低.充填于次生孔隙的碳酸盐胶结物较泥晶白云石基质有明显高的Fe含量.胶结物包裹体的均一温度在90℃ ~ 140C范围内.胶结物沉淀于埋藏较深,温度较高的还原条件下.流体包裹体的气相成分以CH4最为普遍,液相成分以H2O占绝大多数.早期胶结物形成于天然气形成前,晚期胶结物形成于天然气形成之后.岩溶洼地是胶结作用最发育的地带.  相似文献   

通过对柴达木盆地察尔汗古湖贝壳堤剖面沉积物中总有机碳、有机质碳同位素及碳酸盐含量、碳氧同位素的分析, 并结合粒度数据, 将研究剖面所记录的古湖泊环境演化过程划分为5个阶段.其中254 (连续古湖泊沉积开始与第八层底部) ~210cm (距今39.7~35.8ka BP之间) 为湖泊发育期.210~185cm (距今35.8~33.6ka BP之间), 185~112cm (距今33.6~27.2ka BP之间) : TOC、CaCO3含量较高、δ18 O值偏正, δ13 Corg偏负, Mz值较低, 反映了当时温度较高, 湖水水位较高; 而112~55cm (距今27.2~22.3ka BP之间) 和55~0cm (距今22.3~17.5ka BP之间) : TOC、CaCO3含量较低、δ18 O值偏负, δ13 Corg偏正, Mz值较高, 表明了温度相对较低(但气候仍较温暖), 湖水水位较低, 湖泊处于退缩时期.其间分别在距今32.2~32.4ka BP、30.4~29.8ka BP和28.4~27.2ka BP出现了3次较大的退缩过程, 约22ka BP出现了一次气候突变.贝壳堤剖面揭示在39.7~18.5 14C ka BP之间柴达木盆地气候较温暖湿润, 形成高湖面.从18.2ka BP开始, 湖泊进入退缩阶段.到17.5ka BP快速形成盐壳, 高湖面持续历史结束.   相似文献   

The isotopic evolution of δ13C and δ18O is reported for the Jurassic and early Cretaceous in two pelagic sections of the External Zones in the Betic Cordilleras (SE Spain). Stable isotope curves from pelagic trough and swell sections display similar patterns. Variations in δ18O and δ13C values from strata at equivalent age probably reflect both early diagenetic cementation and later temperature‐related burial diagenesis. Comparison of global isotope curves with those presented in this work allows the differentiation of global from local events. Thus, the anoxic event during the early Toarcian (falciferum Zone) is characterized by elevated δ13C and depressed δ18O values. The isotopic record also allows the detection of the middle Oxfordian transgression. There are other peaks for the late Toarcian, early Bajocian, Callovian and early Berriasian that can also be used as tools for correlation purposes. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在朝阳小塔子沟-东五家子金矿田范围内,北地金矿、小塔子沟金矿和东五家子金矿,因距离岩体的远近不同,形成了不同的特征.石英流体包裹体研究表明,位于岩体内接触带的北地金矿为中温、中-深成热液矿床,位于岩体外接触带的小塔子沟金矿为中温、中成热液矿床,远离岩体的东五家子金矿为中-低温、浅成热液矿床.氢、氧同位素研究表明,北地金矿和小塔子沟金矿的成矿流体主要为岩浆水,东五家子金矿的成矿流体为岩浆水和大气降水混合成因.微量元素研究表明,北地金矿矿石以Mo、Bi等元素相对富集为特征,小塔子沟金矿矿石以Cu、Zn等元素相对富集为特征,东五家子金矿矿石以Pb、Ag等元素相对富集为特征.矿床离岩体越远,金矿物中Au/Ag比值越小.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地西部克拉通台地区寒武系中寒武统发育大量泥晶白云岩红层。钻孔岩芯观察及岩石学分析表明,该白云岩以岩芯呈暗红色、显微镜下呈泥粉晶结构、并伴随有纤状石膏假晶与陆源石英碎屑为主要特征,指示了该白云岩形成于潮上带蒸发环境。地球化学分析结果表明,该白云岩具有固有属性的CaO%,MgO%含量正相关特征, 因此,塔里木盆地中寒武统泥晶白云岩红层属于典型的潮上带Sabkha型沉积的“原白云石”。泥晶白云岩红层U,Mo含量亏损,指示了该白云岩形成于氧化环境,与色泽较红相一致;稀土元素特征上,该泥晶白云岩红层稀土元素配分模式呈右倾特征,但是在陆源碎屑的影响下,常出现中稀土元素富集的“帽”型特征;碳氧同位素分析表明,泥晶白云岩红层碳同位素变化没有规律性,多数δ18OPDB值变化在-7‰~-4.4‰之间,与潮上带蒸发沉积的Sabkha特征一致;英买7井白云岩红层δ18OPDB值较低(<-10‰),可能为成岩作用过程中热液改造的结果;由于泥质矿物的存在,潮上带白云岩87Sr/86Sr比值一般比同期海水值偏高。  相似文献   

低镁方解石腕足化石壳体被广泛地应用于地质历史时期原始海洋地球化学组成的重建研究,其保存度的识别是该研究的一项重要内容。通常使用显微结构、阴极发光和微量元素含量等3种方法验证其对原始地球化学信息的保存,微量元素含量的识别方法一直被置于较为次要的地位。我们对采自广西六景泥盆系腕足化石微量元素研究表明,其Fe、Mn、Sr分别为(12~2800)×10-6、(1~711)×10-6和(243~1835)×10-6。上述3种识别方法实质上都是微量元素的识别,其余两种识别方法只是微量元素的不同表现而已。通过氧同位素组成、Mn和Sr/Mn对比,得知Mn含量小于100×10-6,Sr/Mn值高于10的腕足化石壳体基本上保存完好。这一发现为利用腕足化石研究海水原始碳氧同位素提供了有力的判据。  相似文献   

云南白水台现代内生钙华微层的特征及其古气候重建意义   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
在云南白水台采集一现代内生钙华样品,该样品形成于1998年5月至2001年11月。切片观察,钙华中可见薄的褐色疏松微层和厚的白色致密微层,且交替出现。结合钙华样品的高分辨率碳氧稳定同位素测试,发现薄的褐色疏松微层(1.5~2.2mm)在每年的雨季(4~9月)形成,而厚的白色致密微层(5~8mm)在旱季(10~3月)形成。通过与气象记录的对比,建立起了这些钙华亚年层厚度和稳定同位素特征与气候变化的关系。结果发现:薄的微层及其低δ13C和δ18O值形成于温暖湿润的雨季。在雨季,雨水的稀释作用导致了内生钙华沉积的减慢和低的13C含量,而钙华的低18O值则主要与亚热带季风地区的雨量效应有关。因此,钙华微层厚度,以及δ13C和δ18O的显著降低反映了高的降雨条件,反之,则反映干旱的气候条件。本研究说明钙华可以提供有价值的年际甚至季节尺度的气候变化信息。  相似文献   

“三角形地域及隆起边缘带有利成矿”反映了已知矿床集中区与大地构造单元特定部位间的联系。采用考虑横向剪切的Reissner平板理论和李国豪解斜板问题的弯曲应力解析算法,计算结果表明,在斜板角区及边缘带出现明显的弯曲应力集中。这种模拟与现象间的一致性,说明板壳力学对于研究区域构造及其与矿床分布间关系的适用性。叙述了斜板弯曲应力分布的一般形式及其在河南西部找矿预测中的应用。  相似文献   

甘肃敦煌小独山西石英脉型钨矿床位于北山成矿带柳园-俞井子裂谷带西段,经过详查和勘探工作,发现其资源量已达大型钨矿床规模。文章在野外详细观测和系统采样的基础上,对不同成矿阶段的样品使用岩相学、激光拉曼光谱、显微测温和碳、氢-氧同位素测试等方法,对矿脉中流体包裹体进行了综合研究。结果显示,该矿床矿脉中主要发育有气-液两相(Ⅰ型)和含液相CO2三相(Ⅱ型) 2类包裹体。其中,Ⅰ阶段流体呈中高温、中盐度特征,主成矿(Ⅱ)阶段呈中高温、中低盐度特征,Ⅲ阶段呈低温,低盐度特征,均一温度与盐度呈现出正相关关系。包裹体的δD和δ18O值范围分别为-98.3‰~-76.4‰和0.8‰~5.4‰,呈岩浆水与大气降水相混合的特征;方解石中流体的δ13C值为-0.26‰~-0.73‰,δ18O值为-1.26‰~-3.73‰,显示C可能来源于海相碳酸盐岩,在后期演化过程中与大气降水发生了氧同位素交换作用。成矿早期与主成矿期均受到了大气降水的影响,该矿床发生了明显的流体混合作用是该地区成矿的主要因素。  相似文献   

河南西峡恐龙蛋壳化石的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了恐龙蛋壳化石的宏观和微观结构特征,在扫描电镜下观察到了恐龙蛋壳化石的组织结构。对恐龙蛋壳化石做了碳、氧同位素分析,经研究发现,恐龙蛋壳化石碳、氧同位素异常主要与成岩次生变化有关。要从恐龙蛋壳化石的碳、氧同位素上去追索恐龙的食物类型、生态环境及其绝灭原因等,必须对恐龙蛋壳化石的原生碳酸盐矿物和次生碳酸盐矿物加以分离。  相似文献   

采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱和同位素质谱等测试方法,对泰国呵叻盆地中部二叠系浅海相碳酸盐岩进行了微量元素与碳氧同位素组成及指标分析,讨论了研究区二叠系沉积古环境及其与碳酸盐岩烃源岩发育的控制关系。通过δ~(13)C/δ~(18)O指标及Sr/Ba、V/Ni、V/(V+Ni)比值等综合判别表明,研究区二叠系帕诺考组碳酸盐岩浅水斜坡亚相以淡-微咸水为主,属弱氧化-弱还原环境。深水斜坡亚相位于浪基面以下,以半咸水-咸水为主,属于缺氧的还原环境,为有机质保存提供了有利条件,是研究区碳酸盐岩烃源岩发育的有利相带。  相似文献   

Intrusion-related migmatites comprise a substantial part of the high-grade part of the southern Damara orogen, Namibia which is dominated by Al-rich metasedimentary rocks and various granites. Migmatites consist of melanosomes with biotite+sillimanite+garnet+cordierite+hercynite and leucosomes are garnet- and cordierite-bearing. Metamorphic grade throughout the area is in the upper amphibolite to lower granulite facies (5–6 kbar at 730–750 °C). Field evidence, petrographic observations, chemical data and mass balance calculations suggest that intrusion of granitic magmas and concomitant partial melting of metasedimentary units were the main processes for the generation of the migmatites. The intruding melts were significantly modified by magma mixing with in situ partial melts, accumulation of mainly feldspar and contamination with garnet from the wall rocks. However, it is suggested that these melts originally represented disequilibrium melts from a metasedimentary protolith. The occurrence of LILE-, HFSE- and LREE-enriched and -depleted residues within the leucosomes implies that both quartzo-feldspathic and pelitic rocks were subjected to partial melting. Isotope ratios of the leucosomes are rather constant (143Nd/144Nd (500 Ma): 0.511718–0.511754, ε Nd (500 Ma): ?3.54 to ?5.11) and Sr (87Sr/86Sr (500 Ma): 0.714119–0.714686), the metasedimentary units have rather constant Nd isotope ratios (143Nd/144Nd (500 Ma): 0.511622–0.511789, ε Nd (500 Ma): ?3.70 to ?6.93) but variable Sr isotope ratios Sr (87Sr/86Sr (500 Ma): 0.713527–0.722268). The most restitic melanosome MEL 4 has a Sr isotopic composition of 87Sr/86Sr (500 Ma): 0.729380. Oxygen isotopes do not mirror the proposed contamination process, due to the equally high δ18O contents of metasediments and crustal melts. However, the most LILE-depleted residue MEL 4 shows the lowest δ18O value (<10). Mass balance calculations suggest high degrees of partial melting (20–40%). It is concluded that partial melting was promoted by heat transfer and release of a fluid phase from the intruding granites. High degrees of partial melting can be reached as long as the available H2O, derived from the crystallization of the intruding granites, is efficiently recycled within the rock volume. Due to the limited amounts of in situ melting, it seems likely that such regional migmatite terranes are not the sources for large intrusive granite bodies. The high geothermal gradient inferred from the metamorphic conditions was probably caused by exhumation of deep crustal rocks and contemporaneous intrusion of huge masses of granitoid magmas. The Davetsaub area represents an example of migmatites formed at moderate pressures and high temperatures, and illustrates some of the reactions that may modify leucosome compositions. The area provides constraints on melting processes operating in high-grade metasedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

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