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Geoid determination with density hypotheses from isostatic models and geological information 总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2
M. Kuhn 《Journal of Geodesy》2003,77(1-2):50-65
Geoid determination by Stokes's formula requires a complete knowledge of the topographical mass density distribution in order
to perform gravity reductions to the geoid boundary. However, deeper masses are also of interest, in order to produce a smooth
field of gravity anomalies which will improve results from interpolation procedures. Until now, in most cases a constant mass
density has been considered, which is a very rough approximation of reality. The influence on the geoid height coming from
different mass density hypotheses given by the isostatic models of Pratt/Hayford, Airy/Heiskanen and Vening Meinesz is studied.
Apart from a constant mass density value, additional density information deduced from geological maps and thick sedimentary
layers is considered. An overview of how mass density distributions act within Stokes's theory is given. The isostatic models
are considered in spherical and planar approximation, as well as with constant and lateral variable mass density of the topographical
and deeper masses. Numerical results in a test area in south-west Germany show that the differences in the geoid height due
to different density hypotheses can reach a magnitude of more than 1 decimetre, which is not negligible in a precise geoid
determination with centimetre accuracy.
Received: 7 January 2002 / Accepted: 20 September 2002
M. Kuhn now at: Western Australian Centre for Geodesy, Curtin University of Technology, GPO Box U1987, Perth, WA 6845, Australia
Acknowledgements. The author would gratefully thank Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Heck, who was the supervisor of my PhD thesis, and the second examiner
Prof. Dr.-Ing. K.H. Ilk, as well as all other colleagues for their support of this work. Particular thanks go to the Landesvermessungsamt
Baden–Württemberg (Survey Department of Baden–Württemberg), Bureau Gravimetrique International (BGI, France) for providing
the gravity data and the Geologisches Landesamt Baden–Württemberg (Geological Department of Baden–Württemberg) for providing
data and maps of the sediment layers within the Rhine Valley. Grateful thanks goes to Prof. W.E. Featherstone and the reviewers
Prof. S.D. Pagiatakis, Dr. U. Marti as well as an unknown reviewer for their helpful comments on this paper. 相似文献
Mirko Scheinert Jan Müller Reinhard Dietrich Detlef Damaske Volkmar Damm 《Journal of Geodesy》2008,82(7):403-414
Antarctica is the only continent that suffers major gaps in terrestrial gravity data coverage. To overcome this problem and
to close these gaps as well as to densify the global satellite gravity field solutions, the International Association of Geodesy
(IAG) Commission Project 2.4 “Antarctic Geoid” was set into action. This paper reviews the current situation concerning the
gravity field in Antarctica. It is shown that airborne geophysical surveys are the most promising tools to gain new gravity
data in Antarctica. In this context, a number of projects to be carried out during the International Polar Year 2007/2008
will contribute to this goal. To demonstrate the feasibility of the regional geoid improvement in Antarctica, we present a
case study using gravity and topography data of the southern Prince Charles Mountains, East Antarctica. During the processing,
the remove–compute– restore (RCR) technique and least-squares collocation (LSC) were applied. Adding signal parts of up to
6 m to the global gravity field model that was used as a basis, the calculated regional quasigeoid reveals the dominant features
of bedrock topography in that region, namely the graben structure of the Lambert glacier system. The accuracy of the improved
regional quasigeoid is estimated to be at the level of 15 cm. 相似文献
Geoid determination in Turkey (TG-91) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
M. Emin Ayhan 《Journal of Geodesy》1993,67(1):10-22
It is considered that precise geoid determination is one of the main current geodetic problems in Turkey since GPS defined coordinates require geoidal heights in practice. In order to determine the geoid by least squares collocation (LSC) the area covering Turkey was divided into 114 blocks of size 1° × 1°. LSC approximation to the geoid based upon the tailored geopotential model GPM2-T1 is constructed within each block. The model GPM2-T1 complete to degree and order 200 has been developed by tailoring of the model GPM2 to mean free-air anomalies and mean heights of one degree blocks in Turkey. Terrain effect reduced point gravity data spaced 5 × 5 within each block which the sides extended 0°.5 were used in LSC. Residual terrain model (RTM) depends on point heights at 15×20 griding and 5×5 and 15×15 mean heights has been carried out in terrain effect reduction. Indirect effect of RTM on geoid is also taken into account. The geoid, called Turkish Geoid 1991 (TG-91), referenced to GRS-80 ellipsoid has been computed at 3 × 3 griding nodes within each block. The quality of the TG-91 is also evaluated by comparing computed and GPS derived geoidal height differences, and 2.1 – 2.6 ppm accuracy for average baseline lenght of 45 km is obtained. 相似文献
One-year average satellite altimetry data from the Exact Repeat Missions (ERM) of GEOSAT have been used to determine marine gravity disturbances in the Labrador Sea region using the inverse Hotine approach with FFT techniques. The derived satellite gravity information has been compared to shipboard gravity as well as gravity information derived by least-squares collocation (LSC), GEMT3 and OSU91A geopotential models in the Orphan Knoll area. The RMS and mean differences between satellite and shipboard gravity disturbances are about 8.0 and 2.8 mGal, respectively. There is no significantly difference between the results obtained using FFT and LSC. 相似文献
Downward continuation and geoid determination based on band-limited airborne gravity data 总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4
The downward continuation of the harmonic disturbing gravity potential, derived at flight level from discrete observations
of airborne gravity by the spherical Hotine integral, to the geoid is discussed. The initial-boundary-value approach, based
on both the direct and inverse solution to Dirichlet's problem of potential theory, is used. Evaluation of the discretized
Fredholm integral equation of the first kind and its inverse is numerically tested using synthetic airborne gravity data.
Characteristics of the synthetic gravity data correspond to typical airborne data used for geoid determination today and in
the foreseeable future: discrete gravity observations at a mean flight height of 2 to 6 km above mean sea level with minimum
spatial resolution of 2.5 arcmin and a noise level of 1.5 mGal. Numerical results for both approaches are presented and discussed.
The direct approach can successfully be used for the downward continuation of airborne potential without any numerical instabilities
associated with the inverse approach. In addition to these two-step approaches, a one-step procedure is also discussed. This
procedure is based on a direct relationship between gravity disturbances at flight level and the disturbing gravity potential
at sea level. This procedure provided the best results in terms of accuracy, stability and numerical efficiency. As a general
result, numerically stable downward continuation of airborne gravity data can be seen as another advantage of airborne gravimetry
in the field of geoid determination.
Received: 6 June 2001 / Accepted: 3 January 2002 相似文献
Lars E. Sjöberg 《Journal of Geodesy》1989,63(2):213-221
Integral formulas are derived for the determination of geopotential coefficients from gravity anomalies and gravity disturbances
over the surface of the Earth. First order topographic corrections to spherical formulas are presented. In addition new integral
formulas are derived for the determination of the external gravity field from surface gravity.
Taking advantage of modern satellite positioning techniques, it is suggested that, in general, the external gravity field
as well as individual coefficients are better determined from gravity disturbances than from gravity anomalies. 相似文献
J. Ågren 《Journal of Geodesy》2004,78(4-5):314-332
One important application of an Earth Gravity Model (EGM) is to determine the geoid. Since an EGM is represented by an external-type series of spherical harmonics, a biased geoid model is obtained when the EGM is applied inside the masses in continental regions. In order to convert the downward-continued height anomaly to the corresponding geoid undulation, a correction has to be applied for the analytical continuation bias of the geoid height. This technique is here called the geoid bias method. A correction for the geoid bias can also be utilised when an EGM is combined with terrestrial gravity data, using the combined approach to topographic corrections. The geoid bias can be computed either by a strict integral formula, or by means of one or more terms in a binomial expansion. The accuracy of the lowest binomial terms is studied numerically. It is concluded that the first term (of power H2) can be used with high accuracy up to degree 360 everywhere on Earth. If very high mountains are disregarded, then the use of the H2 term can be extended up to maximum degrees as high as 1800. It is also shown that the geoid bias method is practically equal to the technique applied by Rapp, which utilises the quasigeoid-to-geoid separation. Another objective is to carefully consider how the combined approach to topographic corrections should be interpreted. This includes investigations of how the above-mentioned H2 term should be computed, as well as how it can be improved by a correction for the residual geoid bias. It is concluded that the computation of the combined topographic effect is efficient in the case that the residual geoid bias can be neglected, since the computation of the latter is very time consuming. It is nevertheless important to be able to compute the residual bias for individual stations. For reasonable maximum degrees, this can be used to check the quality of the H2 approximation in different situations.Acknowledgement The author would like to thank Prof. L.E. Sjöberg for several ideas and for reading two draft versions of the paper. His support and constructive remarks have improved its quality considerably. The valuable suggestions from three unknown reviewers are also appreciated. 相似文献
Lunar gravity field determination using SELENE same-beam differential VLBI tracking data 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
S. Goossens K. Matsumoto Q. Liu F. Kikuchi K. Sato H. Hanada Y. Ishihara H. Noda N. Kawano N. Namiki T. Iwata F. G. Lemoine D. D. Rowlands Y. Harada M. Chen 《Journal of Geodesy》2011,85(4):205-228
A lunar gravity field model up to degree and order 100 in spherical harmonics, named SGM100i, has been determined from SELENE and historical tracking data, with an emphasis on using same-beam S-band differential VLBI data obtained in the SELENE mission between January 2008 and February 2009. Orbit consistency throughout the entire mission period of SELENE as determined from orbit overlaps for the two sub-satellites of SELENE involved in the VLBI tracking improved consistently from several hundreds of metres to several tens of metres by including differential VLBI data. Through orbits that are better determined, the gravity field model is also improved by including these data. Orbit determination performance for the new model shows improvements over earlier 100th degree and order models, especially for edge-on orbits over the deep far side. Lunar Prospector orbit determination shows an improvement of orbit consistency from 1-day predictions for 2-day arcs of 6 m in a total sense, with most improvement in the along and cross-track directions. Data fit for the types and satellites involved is also improved. Formal errors for the lower degrees are smaller, and the new model also shows increased correlations with topography over the far side. The estimated value for the lunar GM for this model equals 4902.80080±0.0009 km3/s2 (10 sigma). The lunar degree 2 potential Love number k 2 was also estimated, and has a value of 0.0255 ± 0.0016 (10 sigma as well). 相似文献
In addition to the on-line data evaluation during the measurements with the absolute gravity meter JILAG-3, a subsequently more intensive examination of the measured time/distance data pairs is performed. This allows an additional assessment of the gravity results, the station quality and the measurement conditions. Sinusoidal disturbances in the raw data deteriorate the determination of gravity. Incoming microseisms affect the mean result of the free-fall experiments randomly after a large number of measurements. Instrumental vibrations of the gravity meter during the measurement procedure may influence the gravity result systematically. A station comparison indicates that a 30 Hz frequency is triggered by JILAG-3 itself and influences the measurements depending on the stability of the foundation. Using a mathematical filter it is possible to separate the deteriorations from the gravity acceleration. Up to now an improvement in the absolute accuracy of gravity after filtering could not be proved, but an increase of the precision is indicated. 相似文献
P波段极化干涉SAR森林高度反演研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
森林高度信息是森林研究必不可少的内容之一,对全球碳循环、森林资源管理以及获取精确的林下地形等具有重要意义。极化干涉SAR技术(PolInSAR)是目前提取森林高度的一种热门的方法,其中,P波段极化干涉SAR由于电磁波的强穿透力使其相比其他波段具有一些独有的特征。文中首先分析P波段极化干涉SAR森林高度反演的优势与不足,然后结合目前主流的森林高度反演算法,提出一种适用于P波段极化干涉SAR高度反演的新方法。该方法通过对非线性迭代算法的初始值进行有效约束,从而解算出相对可靠的消光系数,同时考虑地体幅度比对森林高度的影响,最终得到相对准确的森林高度。最后,将该方法与现有的经典算法及优化算法进行对比,通过对实验结果定性和定量分析,得出在P波段条件下该方法相比三阶段算法精度提高67.5%,相比固定消光系数法精度提高29.8%,验证了该方法的可靠性和优越性。 相似文献
Y. M. Wang C. Becker G. Mader D. Martin X. Li T. Jiang S. Breidenbach C. Geoghegan D. Winester S. Guillaume B. Bürki 《Journal of Geodesy》2017,91(10):1261-1276
Three Geoid Slope Validation Surveys were planned by the National Geodetic Survey for validating geoid improvement gained by incorporating airborne gravity data collected by the “Gravity for the Redefinition of the American Vertical Datum” (GRAV-D) project in flat, medium and rough topographic areas, respectively. The first survey GSVS11 over a flat topographic area in Texas confirmed that a 1-cm differential accuracy geoid over baseline lengths between 0.4 and 320 km is achievable with GRAV-D data included (Smith et al. in J Geod 87:885–907, 2013). The second survey, Geoid Slope Validation Survey 2014 (GSVS14) took place in Iowa in an area with moderate topography but significant gravity variation. Two sets of geoidal heights were computed from GPS/leveling data and observed astrogeodetic deflections of the vertical at 204 GSVS14 official marks. They agree with each other at a \({\pm }1.2\,\, \hbox {cm}\) level, which attests to the high quality of the GSVS14 data. In total, four geoid models were computed. Three models combined the GOCO03/5S satellite gravity model with terrestrial and GRAV-D gravity with different strategies. The fourth model, called xGEOID15A, had no airborne gravity data and served as the benchmark to quantify the contribution of GRAV-D to the geoid improvement. The comparisons show that each model agrees with the GPS/leveling geoid height by 1.5 cm in mark-by-mark comparisons. In differential comparisons, all geoid models have a predicted accuracy of 1–2 cm at baseline lengths from 1.6 to 247 km. The contribution of GRAV-D is not apparent due to a 9-cm slope in the western 50-km section of the traverse for all gravimetric geoid models, and it was determined that the slopes have been caused by a 5 mGal bias in the terrestrial gravity data. If that western 50-km section of the testing line is excluded in the comparisons, then the improvement with GRAV-D is clearly evident. In that case, 1-cm differential accuracy on baselines of any length is achieved with the GRAV-D-enhanced geoid models and exhibits a clear improvement over the geoid models without GRAV-D data. GSVS14 confirmed that the geoid differential accuracies are in the 1–2 cm range at various baseline lengths. The accuracy increases to 1 cm with GRAV-D gravity when the west 50 km line is not included. The data collected by the surveys have high accuracy and have the potential to be used for validation of other geodetic techniques, e.g., the chronometric leveling. To reach the 1-cm height differences of the GSVS data, a clock with frequency accuracy of \(10^{-18}\) is required. Using the GSVS data, the accuracy of ellipsoidal height differences can also be estimated. 相似文献
One year (November 1986 to October 1987) of Geosat altimeter data with improved orbits produced at The Ohio State University
has been used to define sea surface heights for 22 ERM and one year averaged Geosat track. All sea surface heights were referenced
to the single reference track through the application of geoid gradient corrections. The root mean square (RMS) gradient correction
was on the order of ±1 cm although it could reach 20 cm with data points in trench areas. 10 values used to form the mean
were considered.
Although this study was initially driven by a need for a good reference sea surface for geodetic applications the formation
of the reference track yields information on the variability of the ocean surface in the first year of the Geosat ERM. The
RMS point variability was ± 12.6 cm with only a very small number of values exceeding 50 cm when a depth editing criteria
was used. Global plots of the sea surface variability clearly reveal the major ocean currents and their variations in position
in the year. Examination of the 1° × 1° averaged sea surface height variations show average and maximum variability values
as follows: Gulf Stream (29 and 50 cm); Kurshio Current (24 and 49 cm); Agulhas Current (24 and 52 cm) and the Gulf of Mexico
(18 and 31 cm). These magnitudes may be dependent on the radial orbit correction procedure. To investigate this effect sea
slope variations were also computed. These results also showed clear current structures but also high frequency gravity field
information despite efforts to average out such information.
The data described in the paper is available from the authors for numerous other studies, some of which are suggested in the
paper. 相似文献
When planning a satellite gravity gradiometer (SGG) mission, it is important to know the quality of the quantities to be recovered
at ground level as a function of e.g. satellite altitude, data type and sampling rate, and signal variance and noise. This
kind of knowledge may be provided either using the formal error estimates of wanted quantities using least-squares collocation
(LSC) or by comparing simulated data at ground level with results computed by methods like LSC or Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
Results of a regional gravity field recovery in a 10o×20o area surrounding the Alps using LSC and FFT are reported. Data used as observations in satellite altitude (202 or161 km) and for comparison at ground level were generated using theOSU86F coefficient set, complete to degree 360. These observations are referred to points across simulated orbits. The simulated
quantities were computed for a 45 days mission period and 4 s sampling. A covariance function which also included terms above
degree 360 was used for prediction and error estimation. This had the effect that the formal error standard deviation for
gravity anomalies were considerably larger than the standard deviations of predicted minus simulated quantities. This shows
the importance of using data with frequency content above degree 360 in simulation studies. Using data at202 km altitude the standard deviation of the predicted minus simulated data was equal to8.3 mgal for gravity and0.33 m for geoid heights. 相似文献
Marine gravity and geoid determination by optimal combination of satellite altimetry and shipborne gravimetry data 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
. Satellite altimetry derived geoid heights and marine gravity anomalies can be combined to determine a detailed gravity field
over the oceans using the least-squares collocation method and spectral combination techniques. Least-squares collocation,
least-squares adjustment in the frequency domain and input-output system theory are employed to determine the gravity field
(both geoid and anomalies) and its errors. This paper intercompares these three techniques using simulated data. Simulation
studies show that best results are obtained by the input-output system theory among the three prediction methods. The least-squares
collocation method gives results which are very close to but a little bit worse than those obtained using input-output system
theory. This slightly poorer performance of the least-squares collocation method can be explained by the fact that it uses
isotropic structured covariance (thus approximate signal PSD information) while the system theory method uses detailed signal
PSD information. The method of least-squares adjustment in the frequency domain gives the poorest results among these three
methods because it uses less information than the other two methods (it ignores the signal PSDs). The computations also show
that the least-squares collocation and input-output system theory methods are not as sensitive to noise levels as the least-squares
adjustment in the frequency domain method is.
Received 19 January 1996; Accepted 17 July 1996 相似文献
A wide-angle airborne laser ranging system has been developed for the determination of relative heights of ground-based benchmarks
in regional-scale networks (typically 100 laser reflectors spread over 100 km2). A first prototype demonstrated a 1–2 mm accuracy in radial distance measurement in a ground-based experiment in 1995. The
first aircraft experiment was conducted in 1998, over a small area (1 km2) equipped with a network of 64 benchmarks. The instrument was modified before that experiment, in order to minimize echo
superimposition due to the high density of benchmarks. New data processing algorithms have been developed, for the deconvolution
of strongly overlapped echoes and a high a priori uncertainty in the aircraft flight path, and for the estimation of benchmark
coordinates. A special methodology has been developed for the parameterization of these algorithms and of outlier detection
tests. From a total of 2×104 pseudo-range measurements, that have been acquired from two flights composed of 30 legs each, only 3×103 remain after outlier detection. A positioning accuracy of 1.5 cm in the vertical coordinate (2.1 cm in the difference between
the two flights) has been achieved. It is shown that the errors are normally distributed, with a nearly zero mean, and are
consistent with the a posteriori uncertainty. It is also shown that the accuracy is limited mainly by the sensitivity of the
photodetector used for this experiment (due to reduced response time). Another limiting factor is the effect of aircraft attitude
changes during the measurements, which produces additional uncertainties in absolute distance measurements. It is planned
to test new photodetectors with high internal gains. These should provide, in future experiments with smaller benchmark density,
an improvement in signal-to-noise ratio of a factor of 5–10, leading to sub-centimeter vertical positioning accuracy.
Received: 19 June 2001 / Accepted: 3 January 2002 相似文献
Martin Ekman 《Journal of Geodesy》1989,63(3):281-296
Geodynamic phenomena of permanent or secular characters play a significant role when defining height systems and gravity systems.
A treatment is here given of the permanent earth tide, postglacial land uplift, sea level changes and polar drift from this
point of view.
1. | The various gravity and geoid concepts originating from differing ways of handling the permanent tide are treated, and transformations between them are given. Numerical applications are made to height and gravity systems in the Nordic countries, including determination of land uplift. The oceanographic deviation of mean sea level in the Baltic Sea is discussed with respect to the permanent tide. Problems caused by the permanent tide in height determination based onGPS are illustrated. |
2. | The effects of postglacial land uplift and sea level changes are dealt with together. Again, numerical applications are made to height and gravity systems in the Nordic countries. It is discussed how sea level data should be included in the determination of land uplift. An attempt to estimate the remaining land uplift is made. |
3. | A few words are said on the role of polar drift when defining a gravity system. |
The geodetic boundary value problem is formulated which uses as boundary values the differences between the geopotential of
points at the surface of the continents and the potential of the geoid. These differences are computed by gravity measurements
and levelling data. In addition, the shape of the geoid over the oceans is assumed to be known from satellite altimetry and
the shape of the continents from satellite results together with three-dimensional triangulation. The boundary value problem
thus formulated is equivalent to Dirichlet's exterior problem except for the unknown potential of the geoid. This constant
is determined by an integral equation for the normal derivative of the gravitational potential which results from the first
derivative of Green's fundamental formula. The general solution, which exists, of the integral equation gives besides the
potential of the geoid the solution of the geodetic boundary value problem. In addition approximate solutions for a spherical
surface of the earth are derived. 相似文献
ZHOU Xuhua WU Bin PENG Bibo XU Houze 《地球空间信息科学学报》2006,9(4):250-254
IntroductionSince the launch of man-made satellite early in1957 ,the research for satellite gravity has beentaken a wide attentioninfield of geodesy .Early ,the ground-based satellite tracking has providedan observational data set which has been used tode… 相似文献