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Berry Head, a limestone headland in Torbay, southwest England, exhibits a series of subaerial marine erosion platforms and raised beaches spanning an altitude range of 97 m. Solution caves on the headland show preferred horizontal development at elevations that are correlated with the marine erosion platforms, and developed in a marine/freshwater mixing zone whose position was controlled by high sea-level still-stands. Corbridge Cave in Berry Head Quarry lies below the raised beaches in Torbay, and contains evidence of three marine transgressions in the form of fine-grained marine ponding deposits with a marine microfauna. Uranium-series dating of intercalated speleothems indicates that a transgression during oxygen isotope stage 5e reached an elevation of 5.8 m OD, while an earlier transgression (probably during stage 7) reached at least 7.2 m OD. These findings are used to constrain possible interpretations of the aminostratigraphy of raised beaches in Southwest Britain, and a correlation of the Unnamed Stage of Bowen, Sykes, Reeves, Miller, Andrews, Brew and Hare with oxygen isotope stage 5e is proposed.  相似文献   

Aminostratigraphy is central to the recently revised correlation of Quaternary deposits in the British Isles, providing a link between terrestrial deposits and marine Oxygen Isotope Stages. The central tenet of British aminostratigraphy, however, that shells from the same interglacial yield very similar ratios, so that the characteristic ratios from different interglacials are distinct, remains uncertain. The data available suggest that amino‐acid ratios from different interglacials do not fall into discrete groups, but overlap considerably. It is therefore not valid to assign individual shells to Oxygen Isotope Stages simply on the basis of their amino‐acid ratios, which means that filtering data to remove high or low values, on the assumption that they represent reworked shells, is unacceptable. The range of ‘characteristic ratios’ assigned to British warm stages may have been underestimated and the degree of separation between them overestimated. Amino‐acid ratios should be treated as sample data that are naturally variable. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

New TIMS dates from British sites underpin and extend the growing model of mammalian faunal history during the Late Pleistocene. The sequence of British faunas during the three successive warm phases of MIS 5 presents a challenging model in which the mammal faunas of the first two temperate phases, 5e and 5c is dominated by species of a classically interglacial character, while that of the final phase, sub‐stage 5a, is dominated by bison and reindeer. This we see as the ‘cold fauna’ appearing in Britain during the cool isotope sub‐stage 5b and subsequently isolated by the rising sea level of isotope sub‐stage 5a. All these three faunas are true island faunas. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Early Pleistocene is an important interval in the Quaternary period as a time not only of climatic and environmental change, but also of key events in human evolution. However, knowledge of this period in northwest Europe is hampered by the limited extent of deposits of this age. Westbury Cave in the Mendip Hills of Somerset preserves an understudied example of fossil-bearing Early Pleistocene sediments, with rare potential to inform our understanding of British Early Pleistocene stratigraphy and landscape evolution outside the East Anglian Crag Basin. This study identifies the processes responsible for deposition of the Early Pleistocene Siliceous Member in Westbury Cave, thereby aiding taphonomic and palaeoenvironmental interpretations of associated fossil assemblages. New excavations revealed over ten metres of Siliceous Member stratigraphy, dominated by fine-grained silts/clays with interbedded sands and gravels, interpreted as being deposited within a subterranean lake or flooded conduit with fluvial input. All sediments sampled were reversely magnetised and are assigned to the Matuyama Reversed Chron. Lithological analysis of gravel clasts revealed variable components of durable non-local and non-durable local clasts. Gravels containing the latter are interpreted as distal talus slope deposits, and those lacking non-durable lithologies as stream or flood deposits. However, it remains unclear from available data whether apparently non-local clasts were sourced from long distance or stem from a more local, now denuded catchment. Siliceous Member bio- and magnetostratigraphy suggest that deposition occurred late in the Early Pleistocene, a period apparently otherwise unrepresented in the UK.  相似文献   

Competition between taxa related to climate changes has been proposed as a possible factor in Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions, and here we present isotope evidence of the diets of three co-existing bear species [black bear (Ursus americanus), brown bear (Ursus arctos), and the now extinct short-faced bear (Arctodus simus)] from a locale in western North America dating to the Late (Terminal) Pleistocene (~14.5–11.7 ka). The three bear species were found at several sites on Vancouver Island, on the western coast of Canada. To examine the chronological overlap and niche partitioning between these species of bear, we used direct radiocarbon dating, stable isotope analysis and ZooMS proteomic identification methods. Here we present new radiocarbon evidence from Terminal Pleistocene U. americanus, U. arctos and A. simus from several sites on the island, along with both bulk collagen and compound-specific isotope data for these species. Radiocarbon dates confirm the chronological overlap of Arctodus and both Ursus species in the montane regions of the island at the end of the Pleistocene. Stable isotope data reveal niche differentiation between these species, with U. americanus occupying a distinctly lower trophic position than the other two taxa.  相似文献   

The glaciomarine model for deglaciation of the Irish Sea basin suggests that the weight of ice at the last glacial maximum was sufficient to raise relative sea‐levels far above their present height, destabilising the ice margin and causing rapid deglaciation. Glacigenic deposits throughout the basin have been interpreted as glaciomarine. The six main lines of evidence on which the hypothesis rests (sedimentology, deformation structures, delta deposits, marine fauna, amino‐acid ratios and radiocarbon dates) are reviewed critically. The sedimentological interpretation of many sections has been challenged and it is argued that subglacial sediments are common rather than rare and that there is widespread evidence of glaciotectonism. Density‐driven deformation associated with waterlain sediments is rare and occurs where water was ponded locally. Sand and gravel deposits interpreted as Gilbert‐type deltas are similarly the result of local ponding or occur where glaciers from different source areas uncoupled. They do not record past sea‐levels and the ad hoc theory of ‘piano‐key tectonics’ is not required to explain the irregular pattern of altitudes. The cold‐water foraminifers interpreted as in situ are regarded as reworked from Irish Sea sediments that accumulated during much of the late Quaternary, when the basin was cold and shallow with reduced salinities. Amino‐acid age estimates used in support of the glaciomarine model are regarded as unreliable. Radiocarbon dates from distinctive foraminiferal assemblages in northeast Ireland show that glaciomarine sediments do occur above present sea‐level, but they are restricted to low altitudes in the north of the basin and record a rise rather than a fall in sea‐level. It is suggested here that the oldest dates, around 17 000 yr BP, record the first Late Devensian (Weichselian) marine inundation above present sea‐level. This accords with the pattern but not the detail of recent models of sea‐level change. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The experiments on gold solubility in amino acid solution mdicate that gold is very intensively soluble in amino acid(or other organic acids),which is extensively present in geological bodies,and is most soluble in histidine.The temperature and concentration,acidity and type of amino acid in the solution are important factors affecting gold-amino acid complexing. The solubility of gold in amino acid is different under different conditions of temperature, amino acid concentration and pH value of the solution,At 80℃ and pH=6-8,gold is most soluble in amino acid.Gold dispersed in water and rocks could be concentrated and transported by amino acid and then precipitated in favorable loci.Amino acids might have played an important role in metallogenesis as well as in the formation of source beds of gold.Nitrogen,oxygen and sulfur in amino acid might have reacted with gold to form soluble complex ions.  相似文献   

刘哲  赵华  杨劲松  宋磊  王成敏  张鹏 《地质通报》2022,41(2-3):271-281
“河套古大湖”对于研究区域环境及气候演化具有重要的意义,然而,其形成与消亡的时代仍存在争议。依托于哈素海西南岸边获取的HSH钻孔,采用AMS14C、OSL测年方法确定了沉积物年代,结合岩心的岩性、沉积结构等特征,分析了哈素海的演化历史,并探讨了河套古大湖存亡的时期。结果表明,哈素海地区晚更新世以来的沉积环境主要经历了以下转变过程:150~70 ka为较稳定的湖泊,70~55 ka湖泊水位下降,为滨湖相沉积,55~27 ka为湖沼沉积,27~0 ka为滨湖相沉积。根据哈素海的沉积演化历史,结合河套盆地相关研究成果,认为河套古大湖早在150~110 ka就已形成,其后水位下降,直至55 ka之后,萎缩消亡,河套盆地局部地区形成湖沼沉积,但已不再是统一的大湖。研究结果对于深入探讨河套盆地演化历史乃至黄河的变迁具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文对北京平原区Jr173井和Jr176井安山岩进行了SHRIMP和LA-LCP-MS锆石U-Pb定年,用以精确限定北京平原区火山岩时代、盆地形成与地貌转变之间的关系。2个安山岩中的锆石多晶型良好,具有典型的生长环带和较高的Th/U比值,显示其为岩浆锆石。Jr173井底部安山岩14颗锆石的206Pb/238U年龄可分为两组,其加权平均年龄分别为122.6Ma和138.4Ma;Jr176底部安山岩53颗锆石的206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为122.63Ma,表明该期火山岩的形成时代为早白垩世晚期,与前人认为的侏罗纪有较大区别。结合前人资料,北京地区沿着黄庄-高丽营断裂一线形成断陷盆地,西部隆升为山脉,东部下降为平原,就其安山岩喷发时代、空间展布和盆地发育特征而言,可视为中国东部晚中生代构造演化的一个缩影。  相似文献   

祁凯  任战利  张梦婷  马骞  杨燕  刘润川 《岩石学报》2020,36(6):1897-1912



Post‐glacial, neritic cool‐water carbonates of the Western Mediterranean Sea were examined by means of hydroacoustic data, sediment surface sampling and vibrocoring to unravel geometries and to reconstruct sedimentary evolution in response to the last sea‐level rise. The analysed areas, located on the Alboran Ridge, in the Bay of Oran, and at the southern shelf of the island of Mallorca, are microtidal and bathed by oligotrophic to weakly mesotrophic waters. Seasonal water temperature varies between 13 °C and 27 °C. Echosounder profiles show that the Bay of Oran and the southern shelf of Mallorca are distally steepened ramps, while the Alboran Ridge forms a steep‐flanked rugged plateau around the Alboran Island. In the three areas, an up to 10 m thick post‐glacial sediment cover overlies an unconformity. In Oran and Mallorca, stacked lowstand wedges occur in water depths of 120 to 130 m. On the Alboran Ridge and in the Bay of Oran, highstand wedges occur at 35 to 40 m. Up to 5 m long cores of upper Pleistocene to Holocene successions were recovered in water depths between 40 and 81 m. Deposits contain more than 80% carbonate, with mixed carbonate‐volcaniclastics in the lower part of some cores in Alboran. The carbonates consist of up to 53% of aragonite and up to 83% of high magnesium calcite. Radiocarbon dating of bivalve shells, coralline algae and serpulid tubes indicates that deposits are as old as 12 400 cal yr bp . The carbonate factories in the three areas are dominated mostly by red algae, but some intervals in the cores are richer in bivalves. A facies rich in the gastropod Turritella, reflecting elevated surface productivity, is restricted to the Mallorca Shelf. Rhodoliths occur at the sediment surface in most areas at water depths shallower than 70 m; they form a 10 to 20 cm thick veneer overlying rhodolith‐poor bioclastic sediments which, nonetheless, contain abundant red algal debris. This rhodolith layer has been developing for the past 800 to 1000 years. Similar layers at different positions in the cores are interpreted as reflecting in situ growth of rhodoliths at times of reduced net sedimentation. Sedimentary successions in the cores record the post‐glacial sea‐level rise and the degree of sediment exposure to bottom currents. Deepening‐upward trends in the successions are either reflected by shallow to deep facies transitions or by a corresponding change of depth‐indicative red algae. There are only weak downcore variations of carbonate mineralogy, which indicate that no dissolution or high magnesium to low magnesium calcite neomorphism occurs in the shallow subsurface. These new data support the approach of using the Recent facies distribution for interpretation of past cool‐water, low‐energy, microtidal carbonate depositional systems. Hydroacoustic data show that previous Pleistocene transgressive and highstand inner ramp deposits and wedges were removed during sea‐level lowstands and accumulated downslope as stacked lowstand wedges; this suggests that, under conditions of high‐amplitude sea‐level fluctuations, the stratigraphic record of similar cool‐water carbonates may be biased.  相似文献   

Palaeodunes were examined on the eastern margin of the Rio Branco–Rupununi savanna, northeast Amazonia. Optical dating suggests that the onset of aeolian activity was between 17 000 and 15 000 yr ago, just after the Last Glacial Maximum. Both the palaeodune axes and modern dominant wind directions have northeast to east‐northeast directions, implying no significant shift in atmospheric circulation patterns over northeast Amazonia during the Late Pleistocene to Holocene. Major regional climate change events, such as the Younger Dryas, do not appear to have had any effect on the rates of aeolian deposition at the study site. Aeolian activity appears to have continued to the present day, showing a remarkably constant deposition rate of around 0.13 m kyr?1 initially, increasing smoothly to the present. Until more palaeodunes in northern Amazonia are dated, it is impossible to determine if this record of gradual aeolian deposition is a reliable regional palaeoclimate indicator, rather than being the result of local bioclimatic and geomorphological effects. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Glacial landforms and sediments provide evidence for the existence of two Late Pleistocene major glacial advances in the Queer Shan, northern Hengduan Mountains in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. In the current study, optically stimulated luminescence and electron spin resonance dating results reveal that the two glacial advances occurred during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in MIS 2, respectively. Geomorphic evidence shows that the glacial advance during MIS 3 was more extensive than that in MIS 2. This glacial advance is synchronous with other glaciated areas in the Himalaya and Tibet, but contrasts with global ice volumes that reached their maximum extent during the LGM. Glaciers in the Queer Shan are of the summer accumulation type and are mainly fed by precipitation from the south Asian monsoon. Palaeoclimate proxies show that during MIS 3 the south Asian monsoon strengthened and extended further north into the Tibetan Plateau to supply more precipitation as snow at high altitudes. This in turn led to positive glacier mass balances and caused glaciers to advance. However, during the LGM, despite cooler temperature than in MIS 3, the weakened south Asian monsoon and the associated reduced precipitation were not as favourable for glacier expansion as in MIS 3. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对取自渤海辽东湾中部LDD7孔的300个沉积物样品进行了微体古生物分析,对196个样品进行了粒度分析,并选取8个层位的底栖有孔虫混合种进行了AMS14C测年,利用线形插值方法建立了该孔的年代地层框架。研究结果表明:自晚更新以来辽东湾中部保持了相对连续的沉积序列,LDD7孔记录了该区约60.85 cal.kaBP以来的沉积环境演化过程。根据垂向上微体化石组合和岩性的变化,将全长50.1 m的沉积物柱状样划分为9个沉积单元,分别代表晚更新世冰期旋回中随着海平面的变化,辽东湾中部区域在不同阶段分别处于海相、陆相或海陆过渡相沉积环境;LDD7孔中共识别出两次主要的海侵过程,分别对应着渤海中部Bc-1孔所记录的献县海侵与黄骅海侵;此次测年结果进一步明确了辽东湾中部两次海侵持续的确切时间,分别是45.84~27.66 cal.kaBP和10.64~0 cal.kaBP。此外,几个相关岩心的年代框架计算结果表明,献县海侵过程中辽东湾南部沉积速率低于中部,而献县海侵之后辽东湾南部的沉降总量和平均沉积速率都明显高于中部。  相似文献   

3D seismic data from the Dogger Bank, North Sea, allow the mapping of Late Pleistocene and Holocene depositional systems in unprecedented detail. The data demonstrate that glacial processes resulted in the development of incised tunnel valley systems during the Weichselian and that these were subsequently modified by fluvial processes in a pro-glacial setting. Subsequently, the Dogger Bank formed an emergent plain during the Holocene with a complex meandering river system, associated tributary or distributary channels and lakes, dominating the region. Prior to the sea level rising sufficiently to submerge the Dogger Bank around 7500 yr ago, the meandering river system was replaced by a dendritic channel network of potential fluvial, estuarine or intertidal origin. As the Holocene depositional features bear no systematic relationship to the bathymetry this study demonstrates that previously published bathymetry-based models for the Holocene palaeogeographic development of the North Sea require modification.  相似文献   

New data were obtained for the Chulym River basin in the southeastern part of the West Siberian Plain, one of the understudied parts of Siberia in terms of age and composition of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes for Late Pleistocene megafauna. The 14C dates from the Sergeevo outcrop, the most complete section of Late Quaternary deposits in the region, are mostly greater than ~30 550 bp. Other localities yielded 14C values in the range from >44 500 to ~19 300 bp. The finite date of ~42 270 bp for the Khozarian steppe elephant (Mammuthus trogontherii chosaricus) from Asino is intriguing because previously it was not detected in the Late Pleistocene of Siberia after the last interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 5e), ~115 000–130 000 years ago. Stable isotope data show both similarities and differences compared to the pre-Last Glacial Maximum megafaunal species in other parts of Siberia.  相似文献   

A 61-m-long sediment core (HB-1) and 690 km of high-resolution seismic profiles from offshore of the Yellow River delta, Bohai Sea, were analyzed to document the stratigraphy and sea-level changes during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dating and analyses of benthic foraminifera, ostracods, the mineral composition, and sedimentary characteristics were performed for core HB-1, and seven depositional units (DU 1–DU 7 in descending order) were identified. The seismic reflection data were interpreted in light of the sedimentological data of the core and correlated with other well-studied cores obtained previously in the Bohai Sea area. Seven seismic units (SU 1 to SU 7 in descending order) were distinguished and interpreted as follows: SU 7 corresponds to marine facies in Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 5; SU 6, to terrestrial facies in MIS 4; SU 5 and SU 4, to alternating terrestrial and marine facies (DU 7–DU 5) in MIS 3; SU 3, to terrestrial facies (DU 4) in MIS 2; SU 2, to Holocene marine facies (DU 3 and DU 2); and SU 1, to modern Yellow River delta sediments deposited since 1855 (DU 1).The sedimentary facies from DU 7 to DU 5 reflect sea-level fluctuations during MIS 3, and the boundary between DU 5 and DU 6, which coincides with that between SU 4 and SU 5, is a distinctive, laterally continuous, undulating erosion surface, with up to 20 m of relief. This surface reflects subaerial exposure between transgressions during MIS 3. Estimated sea levels during MIS 3 ranged from −35 ± 5 to −60 ± 5 m or lower, with short-term fluctuations of 20 m. Sedimentary environments in the Bohai Sea area were governed mainly by eustatic sea-level changes and the Bohai Strait topography, which controls the entry of sea water into the Bohai Sea area.The mineral composition of the sediment core suggests that the Yellow River did not discharge into the Bohai Sea, or at least did not influence the study area significantly, during parts of MIS 3 and MIS 2 to the early Holocene (11–8.5 cal kyr BP).  相似文献   

受东西向佛冈-丰良断裂控制的佛冈复式岩体形成于多期次和不同来源的岩浆侵入作用。白沙地区细粒黑云母二长花岗岩体位于佛冈岩体北缘,是佛冈岩体的一部分,成因目前还不明确。文章以该岩体细粒黑云母二长花岗岩为研究对象,进行了岩石学、锆石U-Pb年代学、地球化学和Hf同位素组成研究。研究结果显示,白沙地区细粒黑云母二长花岗岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb加权平均年龄为155.6~157.1 Ma,表明其侵位于晚侏罗世。岩体具高硅(w(SiO2)=70.74%~77.47%)、富碱(w(Na2O+K2O)=5.78%~8.62%)、低磷(w(P2O5)=0~0.10)等特征,富集Rb、Th、U、K、Pb、Nd、Zr和Hf等元素,亏损Ba、Nb、La、Ce、Sr、P、Eu和Ti等元素。岩石总体上明显富集轻稀土元素((La/Yb)N=0.94~54.69,1个为0.94),具明显的负Eu异常(δEu=0.07~0.57,n=6),个别正Eu异常(1.00~1.16,n=3)。岩体地球化学特征指示,细粒黑云母二长花岗岩为高分异I型花岗岩。岩体形成于古太平洋板块(库拉板块)与欧亚板块俯冲作用和菲律宾地块与南中国-印支地块的岩石圈消减作用下,岩石圈伸展-减薄,导致地幔物质上涌,在高温条件热流作用下幔源物质诱导下地壳中-元古代物质部分熔融形成。  相似文献   

Shell bar, composed of abundant fossil shells of Corbicula fluminea müller and Corbicula largillierti philippi and located at the southeastern end (36°30′N, 96°12′E) of the paleolake Quarhan, is one of the most prominent features in the Qaidam basin. It is the highest site where such species of fossil shells have been found in the Late Pleistocene age. A 2.6-m-thick fresh profile was manually excavated to determine the formation ages and the scope of the high paleolake levels. Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), conventional radiocarbon dating, and sector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy 230Th methods were used to investigate the reliability and accuracy of dating results in different laboratories. Ages of various components (e.g. acid residual and acid soluble fraction of the organic matter) from the same sample were determined. Age differences of a variety of materials (e.g. organic matter, fossil shells, and salt crystals), and age differences at the same sampling position were evaluated. Dating shows that the AMS ages given by alkali residue and acid soluble fractions vary greatly, e.g., from 124.5 cm upwards. The dates given by the acid soluble fraction were normal. Down the column, the dates show a reverse pattern and those of alkali residues, especially the lower part of the section, show an unstable pattern. These imply that organic matter had been influenced by two separate processes. One possible explanation is that the alkali residual fraction most likely had been contaminated by dead carbon-bearing reworked material because the study section is located near the edge of the paleolake and could have been easily influenced by old eroded deposits. Another is that the acid soluble fraction could have been contaminated by upward-flowing groundwater containing soluble organic matter. The amount of this soluble organic material should be very small because the strongest age reversal is in the lower part, where the TOC content remains low, meaning that the change of soluble organic fraction alters neither TOC content nor the δ 13C dramatically. It is concluded that a uniform mega-paleolake developed in the Qaidam basin in the northeastern Tibetan plateau between 39.7 and 17.5 14C kaB.P. During the period when the high paleolake level of Qarhan was formed, the huge paleolake covered a vast area with dramatic lake level fluctuations. It is found that the ages determined may be influenced by either radioactive 14C variations of repeated deposition or content variations in the atmosphere. The ages given by fossil shells are 15–18 ka older than those given by organic matter. The large differences between the ages of fossil shells and organic matter might have resulted from the large water areas and huge water volume and the special location of the high-elevation Qaidam basin. This study also shows the reliability and accuracy of the 230Th dating method on the salt crystals but further study is needed to determine whether this method could be applied to the study area. __________ Translated from Quaternary Sciences, 2007, 27(4): 511–521 [译自: 第四纪研究]  相似文献   

东海E1孔晚更新世以来的地层、生物与环境   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
东海E1孔水深100m,是迄今东海陆架水深最深、采样最密、研究最详细的钻孔。依据有孔虫动物群的研究和碳同位素测年,可将E1孔的地层分成3段:S1—S3(0.00~3.34m)为全新统;S4—S24(3.34~53.43m)为晚更新统;S25(53.43~55.63m)为中更新统。有孔虫以浮游种类为主,属热带至亚热带动物群。研究发现本区自晚更新世以来有3次高海面期:第一次高海面期与长江三角洲平原的镇江海进、华北平原的天津海进和华南的长乐海进相当,属全新世,为外浅海环境;第二次高海面期与长江三角洲平原的隔湖海进、华北平原的沧州海进、和华南的福州海进相当,属晚更新世晚期,为外浅海环境;第三次高海面期与长江三角洲的江阴海进、华北平原的白洋淀海进相当,属晚更新世早期,为中至外浅海环境。在最晚中更新世低海面期本区曾暴露成陆。  相似文献   

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