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Natural sediments are a complex mixture of magnetic minerals with different origins and different geochemical history, each of which is called a magnetic component. Magnetic components practically never occur in isolated form, and their characterization using bulk magnetic measurements relies on the individuation of the systematic variation of some parameters within a large group of samples. These variations can be interpreted either as a mixing trend or as the result of natural processes, which affect the physical and chemical properties of the magnetic particles. An alternative approach is offered by the analysis of magnetization curves using model functions, which are supposed to represent the magnetic properties of individual components. The success of this approach relies on (1) the choice of model functions that can reproduce the natural properties of a component with sufficient accuracy by varying a minimum number of parameters and (2) on very precise and accurate measurements, which are necessary to overcome the extreme sensitivity of the method to noise. In this paper, the analysis of remanent magnetization curves proposed by Egli (2003) is applied to a large set of representative sediments from the most variable environments and to a set of artificial magnetite samples. Despite the variety of materials and natural processes involved in the formation of these sediments, seven groups of magnetic components with well-defined and consistent properties could be identified. It has been found that both lacustrine and marine sediments contain two magnetically distinct groups of magnetosomes, which react differently to changes of the redox potential. The effects of some natural processes, such as weathering, reductive dissolution and transport could be observed on the individual components.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to compute a detailed budget for a small semiarid tropical drainage basin in Kenya. Results indicated that transfer of sediments (‘inputs’) from primary source areas was minor in comparison to changes in storage. The major sediment source area within the Katiorin drainage basin was the colluvial hillslope zone. The net change in storage within this zone was approximately 2100 Mg yr?1. Surface wash and rilling were the dominant transport processes responsible for the remobilization of colluvial sediments. Sediment storage within the in-channel reservoir increased by 60 Mg yr?1, which was minor when compared to the total store of sediment in this reservoir. During 1986, the channel network stored only a small fraction ( < 3 per cent) of the sediment delivered from the hillslope subsystem. Therefore, the in-channel reservoir had limited influence on sediment conveyance to the basin outlet. These data indicate that a static equilibrium condition cannot be assumed within the Katiorin drainage basin. Such an assumption would result in erosion estimates of approximately 5.5 mm yr?1 for the entire basin (based on a sediment output of 7430 Mg km?2 yr?1 and a measured bulk density of 1.35 Mg m?3). However, this masked the actual rates of 1.2 to 7.1 mm yr?1 in subbasin primary source areas, and rates of 0.6 to 17 mm yr?1 for colluvial material in the various subbasins. The extreme accelerated erosion rates resulted from minimal ground vegetation, steep slopes, soil crust formation, an erodible substrate, and a well-integrated drainage network for rapid conveyance of sediments from the hillslope subsystem to the basin outlet.  相似文献   

As mineral magnetism is used as a tracer for sourcing river and dam sediments, changes in the magnetic properties that may occur during transport between the source and sink must be considered. Abrasion and breakage of particles will occur during transport. These processes were examined in simulation experiments with a granitic and a sedimentary soil. The effects of these processes on the magnetic properties of a granitic and a sedimentary soil were examined using a simulated breakage/abrasion experiment. Breakage and/or abrasion had substantial effects on the magnetic properties of both soils. All particle sizes were affected, but the magnitude varied through the size range of derived particles. The major effect was on the concentration of magnetic minerals, with differences between the concentrations in particle sizes of the original material and those generated by the experiments being as much as 20 times. The effect on the granite soil was to reduce the concentrations, i.e. derived material was less than original material; whereas for the sedimentary soil the derived particles had higher concentrations. The effect on magnetic grain size, as indicated by the magnetic ratios, was less than the effect on the mass magnetic properties, but still substantial for some ratios for some sizes. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Physical properties of cores taken from sediments in the channel zone of the Volga Stretch in the Rybinsk Reservoir are studied. The physical properties of the sediments are shown to be related to the evolution of geomorphological processes and the amount of organic matter in the sediment. Variations in the physical properties were used to recognize synchronous formation of sediment horizons corresponding to certain formation stages of the reservoir soil complex and anomalous environmental and climatic events. Three stages of channel sedimentation are established based on characteristic behavior of magnetic parameters and organic matter content. The magnetic parameters of sediments are shown to allow data reconstruction on some environmental and hydrological processes.  相似文献   

Research on suspended sediment transport in the catchments of the Old Mill reservoir and Slapton Lower Ley, South Devon, has attempted to discriminate changing catchment sources on the basis of downcore variations in the mineral magnetic properties of lake, reservoir and floodplain sediments. Here, we examine these downcore variations and also explore the variability in catchment sources and the influence of topographic controls on mineral magnetic signatures of topsoils and subsoils. Particle size controls on the mineral magnetic signatures are explored by an analysis of a fractionated sediment sample, whilst the possible impact of diagenesis is assessed by an examination of the Mn profiles in the lake and reservoir sediments. From this analysis it is evident that the mineral magnetic signatures of well sorted floodplain deposits are more likely to reflect the particle size composition of the transported material. By contrast, the mineral magnetic record in the sediment of Slapton Ley appears to be most strongly influenced by dissolution of magnetic minerals. The sediment of the Old Mill reservoir provides the only suitable record for the application of a simple mixing model which is developed in order to quantify changes in the relative contribution of topsoil and subsoil through time. The research has important implications for attempting to reconstruct sediment sources in highly eutrophic lakes and emphasizes the uncertainty in the application of simple mixing models. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accelerated erosion of fine‐grained sediment is an environmental problem of international dimensions. Erosion control strategies and targeting of mitigation measures require robust and quantitative identification of sediment sources. Here, we use magnetic ‘fingerprinting’ to characterize soils, and examine their affinity with and contribution to suspended sediments transported within two subcatchments feeding Bassenthwaite Lake, northwest England. A high‐resolution soil magnetic susceptibility survey was made using a field susceptometer (ZH Instruments, SM400 probe). Combining the spatial and vertical (down‐profile) soil magnetic data, a subset of soil profiles was selected for detailed, laboratory‐based magnetic remanence analyses. The magnetic properties of the catchment soils are highly particle size‐dependent. Magnetic analyses were performed on the 31–63 µm fraction, for particle size‐specific comparison both with the suspended sediments and lake sediments. Fuzzy cluster analysis groups the soil magnetic data into six clusters, apparently reflecting variations in parent material and horizon type, with three magnetically hard soils as unclassified outliers. Examination of the cluster affinity of the soils, suspended sediments and lake sediments indicates that topsoils of the upper Newlands Valley and subsoils around Keskadale Beck are a major source of the Newlands Beck suspended load, and the recent (post‐nineteenth century) sediments in the deep lake basin. Older lake sediments show strong affinity with a small number of the Derwent suspended sediments and one of the Glenderamackin soils. A large number of Derwent suspended sediments show no affinity with any of the soils or lake sediments, instead forming a coherent, discrete and statistically unclassified group, possibly resulting from mixing between the magnetically hard subsoils of the medium to high‐altitude Glenderamackin and Troutbeck areas and softer, lower altitude Glenderamackin soils. The lack of any affinity of these suspended sediments with the lake sediments may indicate deposition along the Derwent flood plain and/or in the shallow delta of Lake Bassenthwaite. Particle size‐specific magnetic fingerprinting is thus shown to be both highly discriminatory and quantitatively robust even within the homogeneous geological units of this catchment area. Such a methodological approach has important implications for small–large scale catchment management where sources of sediment arising from areas with uniform geology have been difficult to determine using other approaches, such as geochemical or radionuclide analyses. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There are many problems associated with beach tracing and sand provenance in coastal studies over short and long timescales. Here, an attempt has been made to trace the source sediments of the beaches along the Holderness and Humberside coastline of northeast England, between Scarborough and Mablethorpe, using rapid field and laboratory magnetic techniques. The methodology employed involves classification and modelling of sediment sources and mixtures based on their magnetic properties. Focus is given to a strong ferrimagnetic black sand (heavy mineral) which dominates the magnetic signal of the beach mixtures. Delimiting the spatial extent, quantifying and tracing of this mineral may give a good indication of wave energy and sediment movement processes along this coastline. This paper represents results obtained during a short-time-scale survey.  相似文献   

Thermomagnetic and microprobe analyses are carried out and a set of magnetic characteristics are measured for 25 meteorites and 3 tektites from the collections of the Vernadsky Geological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Museum of Natural History of the North-East Interdisciplinary Science Research Institute, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It is found that, notwithstanding their type, all the meteorites contain the same magnetic minerals and only differ by concentrations of these minerals. Kamacite with less than 10% nickel is the main magnetic mineral in the studied samples. Pure iron, taenite, and schreibersite are less frequent; nickel, various iron spinels, Fe-Al alloys, etc., are very rare. These minerals are normally absent in the crusts of the Earth and other planets. The studied meteorites are more likely parts of the cores and lower mantles of the meteoritic parent bodies (the planets). Uniformity in the magnetic properties of the meteorites and the types of their thermomagnetic (MT) curves is violated by secondary alterations of the meteorites in the terrestrial environment. The sediments demonstrate the same monotony as the meteorites: kamacite is likely the only extraterrestrial magnetic mineral, which is abundant in sediments and associated with cosmic dust. The compositional similarity of kamacite in iron meteorites and in cosmic dust is due to their common source; the degree of fragmentation of the material of the parent body is the only difference.  相似文献   

Magnetic properties of hydrocarbon (HC) containing soils and sediments from two sites (Site A and B) of the former oil-field H?nigsen were analyzed in order to determine whether magnetic methods can be employed to delineate HC contamination of soils and sediments. Magnetic parameters such as magnetic susceptibility and induced isothermal remanent magnetizations, as well as soil and sediment properties such as pH, iron content and water content, HC content and most probable number counts of iron-metabolizing microorganisms were determined. The magnetic concentration-dependent parameters for HC contaminated samples were 25 times higher in soils from Site A than in sediment samples from Site B. However, at Site B the magnetic susceptibility was still four times higher in comparison to lithologically similar non-contaminated sediment samples from a third Site C. Newly formed magnetite containing mainly single domain particles was responsible for the magnetic enhancement, whereas superparamagnetic grains represented only a minor component. Site A had an acidic pH compared to neutral pH at Site B, and a higher crystalline and bioavailable total iron content. Nevertheless, Site B samples contained significant numbers of both iron(II)-oxidizing and iron(III)-reducing microorganisms indicating that microbial iron cycling might have taken place at this site and potentially played a role for iron mineral transformation, including magnetite (trans)formation. The content of total non-polar hydrocarbons (TNPH) at Site A was one order of magnitude higher than at Site B. Only at Site A magnetic susceptibility correlated well with TNPH. Our results demonstrate that HC contaminated samples had an enhanced magnetite content compared to non-contaminated soils and sediments. Therefore, magnetic methods may provide a quick and cost-effective way to assess HC contamination in soils and sediments. However, more field sites and laboratory investigations are needed to reveal the complex nature of the processes involved.  相似文献   

Lignin and pigment biomarkers were analyzed in surface sediments of the Louisiana Continental margin (LCM) to distinguish differences in the degradative state of sedimentary organic matter along and between two major depositional pathways (along shore and offshore to the Mississippi Canyon) from Southwest (SW) Pass in July 2003. Barataria Bay, an inter-distributary estuary, was also assessed as a potential source of terrestrial organic matter to the LCM. Sediment signatures taken along the same pathways after Hurricane Ivan (October 2004) were compared with the pre-Ivan signature to elucidate carbon dynamics after major hurricane events. Density fractions were investigated at key stages across the LCM. Mississippi Canyon sediments are a depocenter for labile and refractory organic matter derived from river and previously deposited shelf sediments. Barataria Bay material may be a contributing source of sedimentary organic matter in shallow shelf areas bordering the bay and is thus potentially important in carbon cycling in sediments of these shallow areas; however, our results show that organic matter inputs from the bay were likely rapidly decomposed and/or diluted. Hurricane Ivan mobilized sedimentary organic carbon (SOC) offshore and homogenized terrestrial sediment parameters and gradients. As observed through pigment concentrations sediments tended to equilibrate to a more steady-state condition within months of the disturbance. Insights from density fractions show that selective degradation and aggregation/flocculation processes were also very important processes during cross-shelf transport. Zooplankton grazing, largely on diatoms and other algae, was a shelf wide phenomenon, however, grazing products dominated the marine-derived SOC in margin sediments west of the birdsfoot delta indicated by the abundance of steryl chlorin esters (SCEs).  相似文献   

This paper investigates temporal variations in fluxes of peat and other sediment in the catchment of March Haigh Reservoir, West Yorkshire. Long‐term estimates of sediment yield were derived from a study of reservoir sediments. Magnetic properties were used to correlate ten cores to a master profile dated using 210Pb and 137Cs. A 14C date suggests that most of the organic component of the sediment is allochthonous and derived from peat eroded from the catchment. Organic sediment yields suggest low catchment erosion rates between 1838 and 1963. Blanket peat erosion increased significantly after 1963, and peaked between 1976 and 1984. Estimates of total sediment yield range between 2 and 28 t km?2 a?1. These yields are significantly lower than those from some previous studies examining reservoir sedimentation in other blanket peat‐covered catchments. The low yield estimates may be due to relatively low rates of erosion in the basin, but may also be partly explained by maintenance of silt traps during the early life of the reservoir and removal of sediment by scouring. Sedimentation within the reservoir is spatially variable, and bathymetry and sediment source appear to be the dominant controls on sedimentation patterns within the reservoir. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The changes of magnetic susceptibility(κ) are correlated with those of corresponding sedimentological, geochemical, mineralogical and biological results, which verifies thatκ can be taken as one of the environmental proxies. However, usually the exact origin of magnetic signal is poorly understood, and is difficult to relate with the environmental evolution. Magnetic properties of material derived from the catchment and sedimentary environment may affect the accumulation, preservation, or authigenesis and diagenesis of magnetic minerals. In the Lake Hulun region in Inner Mongolia, it is found that muddy sediments, deposited during high water level period (corresponding to humid climate), have comparatively highκ values. In contrast, the sandy sediments, deposited during low water level period (corresponding to arid climate), have lowκ values. Detailed rock magnetic investigation confirms that detrital magnetite derived from volcanic rocks in the catchment exists in both muddy and sandy sediments. During high water level period, secondary ferrimagnetic iron sulphide was produced in muddy sediments under relatively reductive conditions. Ferrimagnetic iron sulphide, coexisting with detrital magnetite, predominates the magnetic properties of muddy sediments, resulting in increasingκ. This paper reveals the significance of authigenic ferrimagnetic iron sulphide produced after sediment deposition.  相似文献   

Duricrusts are an important landscape component of the Kalahari region of central southern Africa. Their exposures within the dry valleys (mekgacha) of the Kalahari provide some of the most widespread surface outcrops of the terrestrial Jurassic to Holocene Kalahari Group sediments. Exposures have been extensively used in the construction of lithostrati-graphic sequences, on the assumption that valley systems have incised their courses through a pre-existing duricrust sequence. Recent work, however, has identified the role of groundwater erosion processes in valley development, which may have influenced duricrust formation. Studies of duricrusts from boreholes drilled within two mekgacha show that duricrust type is intrinsically related to the presence of a valley. Analyses of calcretes and silcretes in a series of profiles and thin sections from the Letlhakeng area of Botswana also indicate extensive alteration and diagenesis in association with former higher water tables. Sedimentary sequences within duricrust host materials can be identified but there is no evidence for correlation of duricrust cements between exposures. Profile studies from the Auob Valley in Namibia, however, suggest that this valley has incised through a sequence of duricrusts. Caution is advised in future attempts to correlate duricrust types on the basis of valley exposures, with the recommendation that where such exposures are used in a lithostratigraphic context, only duricrust host material characteristics and not cementing materials should be considered.  相似文献   

Well-preserved metalliferous sediments and pillow basalts of Lower Ordovician age (ca. 490 Ma) have been studied in an attempt to specify the Nd isotopic composition of Iapetus seawater. Initial143Nd/144Nd ratios of the pillow basalts are indistinguishable from published initial ratios for the 505-Ma Bay of Islands ophiolite complex and are within the anticipated range for MORB-type basalts 500 Ma ago. Metalliferous sediments occur both interstitial to basalt pillows and as well-developed sedimentary accumulations. The initial143Nd/144Nd ratios for the non-interstitial variety range from 0.511851 to 0.511712 Nd = ?2.7to?5.4) and are considered to provide an estimate of143Nd/144Nd in Iapetus seawater. The interstitial metalliferous sediments show evidence for a significant basalt-derived Nd component. Although volcanic activity occurred at the margin of Iapetus essentially contemporaneous with the formation of the metalliferous sediments, it is clear that arc-type volcanic material was not a major source of Nd in Iapetus seawater. Rather the source of Nd was from continental regions with a similar average age to those supplying material to the present-day Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Lake Pernatoe is located on Paramushir Island, Kuril Arc, in the area of sand dunes. The 7-m-thick sediments of this lake pertain to the Holocene and contain palustrine, marine, and lacustrine facies. The rock magnetic properties of the sediments are analyzed for tracking the changes in sedimentation conditions. Marine facies are noted with low content of magnetic minerals; their magnetization is dominated by the paramagnetic component; pseudo-single-domain particles of magnetic material and iron sulfides (pyrite) are present. Pyrite frequently occurs in diatoms in the form of chains, spherules, and crystals. The lacustrine facies show high values of the magnetic parameters; they contain multidomain particles, mostly titanomagnetite and magnetite. Sands and sandy silts have the maximum values of magnetic parameters and reflect the stages of aeolian activity, corresponding to climatic cooling and marine regressions. On the basis of magnetic properties, four stages of active aeolian sedimentation are identified in the Holocene.  相似文献   

A method is presented for determining bounds of the properties of axial symmetric bodies from a finite number of gravity and magnetic observations based on Parker's theory of ideal bodies. Bounds on the density contrast and the intensity of magnetization are calculated as a function of depth to the top of the anomalous source, restricting the range of smallest possible solutions to fit the data. The model studied is approximated by an array of vertical annuli cylinders, each of uniform density and magnetization. Linear programming algorithms based on the ideal body theory were used to calculate the distribution of these parameters within the body. Simultaneous inversion of gravity and magnetic data is performed assuming a constant ratio between the density contrast and the intensity of magnetization and that a common body is responsible for both observed fields. The parameter k(|J|/δp) provides information about the rock type of the structure. Interpretation of gravity and aeromagnetic data from Darnley Bay, NWT, Canada, indicated the presence of a shallow ultrabasic intrusion.  相似文献   

Magnetic parameters and their environmental implications of sediments in a core (PD) from the Pearl River Delta, South China, indicate that ferrimagnetic minerals with low coercivity, such as magnetite, dominate the magnetic properties although small amounts of Fe-sulphides occur. The fraction of Fe-sulphides increases and becomes the dominant minerals determining the magnetic characteristics in grey-black organic-rich clay horizons, indicating an anoxic, sulphate-reducing swamp environment resulting from a marine regression. In the "Huaban clay" , hard magnetic minerals, such as hematite and goethite, largely control the magnetic properties of the sediments and imply a long period of exposure and weathering. Where magnetite is the main magnetic mineral, its fraction and grain size determine properties such as magnetic susceptibility (κ ) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM). Ratios of SIRM/κ and χarm/SIRM reflect changes in sea level with high SIRM/κ and χarm/SIRM correlating with a smaller magnetic mineral grain size and rising sea level. Based on downcore variations of these environmental magnetic parameters along with sediment characteristics and microfauna, the sedimentary environment of the Pearl River Delta area can be divided into two main cycles of transgression and regression during the late Pleistocene and Holocene with more sub-cycles of sea level fluctuation during each transgression.  相似文献   

himu, em i andem ii are three of the main geochemical mantle components that give rise to oceanic island basalts [1]. They represent the end members that produce the extreme isotopic compositions measured on intraplate volcanics. In French Polynesia, all three mantle components are represented in volcanic rocks. The characteristichimu signature is found in Tubuai, Mangaia and Rurutu,em i is present in the source of Rarotonga and Pitcairn volcanics andem ii dominates the composition of most Society Islands. Intermediate values between the three end members are found on most islands.We suggest that the three components are not independent but are physically related in the mantle. Thehimu component is thought to be recycled oceanic crust that lost part of its Pb through hydrothermal processes prior to and during subduction.em i andem ii are believed to acquire their isotopic and trace element characteristics through entrainment of sediments that were subducted together with the oceanic crust.The trace element pattern and the isotopic composition ofhimu lavas can be quantitatively modelled using a mixture of 25% old recycledmorb crust and 75% mantle peridotite. The extreme Pb composition is modelled assuming that Pb was lost from oceanic crust when hydrothermal alteration at the ridge leached Pb from the basalt to redeposit it as sulphides on top of and throughout the crust, followed by preferential dissolution of sulphides during dehydration in the subduction zone. These processes led to a drastic increase of theU/Pb ratio of the subducted material which evolved over 2 Ga to very radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions. Pb isotopic compositions similar to those ofem i andem ii are modelled assuming that sediments with average crustal Pb isotopic compositions were subducted and recycled into the mantle together with the underlyingmorb oceanic crust. Pelagic sediments (μ 5 andκ 6) account for the Pb isotopic composition ofem i whereas terrigenous sediments (μ 10 andκ 4.5) evolve towards theem ii end member. A few percent of sediment in the recycled crust-sediment mixture will destroy the characteristic Pb isotopic signature of thehimu component. This, together with the low probability of isolating oceanic crust in the mantle for 2 Ga, explains why the extremehimu composition, as seen on Tubuai and St Helena, is sampled so rarely by oceanic volcanism.  相似文献   

峡谷分层型水源水库表层沉积物溶解性有机物光谱特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
结合三维荧光光谱技术(EEMs)与紫外吸收光谱(UV-vis),并利用平行因子分析(PARAFAC)的方法,对金盆水库表层沉积物中溶解性有机质(DOM)光谱的空间分布特征及来源进行分析,并探讨沉积物DOM的荧光组分与可溶性有机氮(SON)、可溶性无机氮(SIN)之间的相关性.结果表明,金盆水库表层沉积物DOM由3类荧光组分组成,分别是类富里酸C1(235 nm,315 nm/430 nm)、类色氨酸C2(220 nm,275 nm/330 nm)和类胡敏酸C3(265 nm/520 nm),各组分荧光强度占总荧光强度百分比的平均值分别为43.15%、31.54%和25.31%.表层沉积物DOM浓度在空间上呈现从上游到主库区先减少后增加的趋势.光谱斜率S275-295S350-400和光谱斜率比SR反映出各采样点陆源与内源占比的差异性.荧光指数、自生源指标和腐殖化指标都表明金盆水库沉积物DOM的来源具有内源与陆源双重特征.相关性分析表明,表层沉积物DOM各组分与SON和SIN均呈显著正相关,说明DOM与氮元素的迁移转化密切相关.  相似文献   

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