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Although obvious in the field, the impact of road building on hydrology and gullying in Ethiopia has rarely been analysed. This study investigates how road building in the Ethiopian Highlands affects the gully erosion risk. The road between Makalle and Adwa in the highlands of Tigray (northern Ethiopia), built in 1993–1994, caused gullying at most of the culverts and other road drains. While damage by runoff to the road itself remains limited, off‐site effects are very important. Since the building of the road, nine new gullies were created immediately downslope of the studied road segment (6·5 km long) and seven other gullies at a distance between 100 and 500 m more downslope. The road induces a concentration of surface runoff, a diversion of concentrated runoff to other catchments, and an increase in catchment size, which are the main causes for gully development after road building. Topographic thresholds for gully formation are determined in terms of slope gradient of the soil surface at the gully head and catchment area. The influence of road building on both the variation of these thresholds and the modification of the drainage pattern is analysed. The slope gradient of the soil surface at the gully heads which were induced by the road varies between 0·06 and 0·42 m m?1 (average 0·15 m m?1), whereas gully heads without influence of the road have slope gradients between 0·09 and 0·52 m m?1 (average 0·25 m m?1). Road building disturbed the equilibrium in the study area but the lowering of topographic threshold values for gullying is not statistically significant. Increased gully erosion after road building has caused the loss of fertile soil and crop yield, a decrease of land holding size, and the creation of obstacles for tillage operations. Hence roads should be designed in a way that keeps runoff interception, concentration and deviation minimal. Techniques must be used to spread concentrated runoff in space and time and to increase its infiltration instead of directing it straight onto unprotected slopes. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ten representative research sites were selected in eastern Spain to assess soil erosion rates and processes in new citrus orchards on sloping soils. The experimental plots were located at representatives sites on limestone, in areas with 498 to 715 mm year?1 mean annual rainfall, north‐facing slopes, herbicide treated, and new (less than 3 years old) plantations. Ten rainfall simulation experiments (1 h at 55 mm h?1 on 0·25 m2 plots) were carried out at each of the 10 selected study sites to determine the interill soil erosion and runoff rates. The 100 rainfall simulation tests (10 × 10 m) showed that ponding and runoff occurred in all the plots, and quickly: 121 and 195 s, respectively, following rainfall initiation. Runoff discharge was one third of the rainfall, and sediment concentration reached 10·4 g L?1. The soil erosion rates were 2·4 Mg ha?1 h?1 under 5‐year return period rainfall thunderstorms. These are among the highest soil erosion rates measured in the western Mediterranean basin, similar to badland, mine spoil and road embankment land surfaces. The positive relationship between runoff discharge and sediment concentration (r2 = 0·83) shows that the sediment availability is very high. Soil erosion rates on new citrus orchards growing on sloped soils are neither tolerable nor sustainable. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Field studies of rainsplash erosion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies on sandy soils of the Cottenham Series in mid-Bedfordshire confirm in the field the relationships between splash erosion, rainfall energy and ground slope obtained in the laboratory experiments of other workers. Only 0·06 per cent of the rainfall energy contributes to splash erosion and rates are low, attaining a maximum of 0·082 kg m?2 y?1 on a slope of 11°. The major role of splash action is in the detachment of soil particles prior to their removal by overland flow.  相似文献   

The soil in the Rif, Morocco, is at serious risk because increasing anthropogenic pressures are gradually transforming large natural areas into farmland. The distribution of magnetic minerals within the soil profile can be used to assess soil development and degradation. The soils in the study area are severely eroded because of a combination of highly erodible soils, intense rainstorms and scarce vegetation cover. To sample of representative soil profiles, lithology, slope gradient and land use were considered. The ranges of magnetic susceptibility in the soil profiles distinguished between two primary soil groups. Magnetic susceptibility varied in the soil profile and along the soil toposequence, and the variations were related to the differences in the original magnetic composition and the influence of main erosion factors. Lithology is the main factor contributing to the variation in magnetic susceptibility. The magnetic susceptibility values in soils on Tertiary marls (χ = 13·5 × 10?8 m3 kg?1) differed significantly from those on Quaternary terraces (χ = 122·1 × 10?8 m3 kg?1). Slope affected the distribution of magnetic susceptibility because of the continuous loss of topsoil in some parts of the slope and the deposition of eroded soil in others. Elimination of the natural vegetation cover and a shift to cultivated land for cereals has had a negative impact on soil development and, on similar slopes and substrates, magnetic susceptibility decreased significantly in cultivated soils. The soils on steep slopes that had natural vegetation cover retained the magnetic minerals better than did those on gentler slopes that were under cultivation. Grazing, clearing and, especially, tilling has weakened the soil and made it much more vulnerable to erosion. An analysis of the main factors causing erosion will help to promote rational use of the land and to establish conservation strategies in such fragile agroecosystems. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The contribution of bioturbation to downslope soil transport is significant in many situations, particularly in the context of soil formation, erosion and creep. This study explored the direct flux of soil caused by Aphaenogaster ant mounding, vertebrate scraping and tree‐throw on a wildfire‐affected hillslope in south‐east Australia. This included the development of methods previously applied to Californian gopher bioturbation, and an evaluation of methods for estimating the volume of soil displaced by tree‐throw events. All three bioturbation types resulted in a net downslope flux, but any influence of hillslope angle on flux rates appeared to be overshadowed by environmental controls over the spatial extent of bioturbation. As a result, the highest flux rates occurred on the footslope and lower slope. The overall contribution of vertebrate scraping (57.0 ± 89.4 g m?1 yr?1) exceeded that of ant mounding (36.4 ± 66.0 g m?1 yr?1), although mean rates were subject to considerable uncertainty. Tree‐throw events, which individually cause major disturbance, were limited in their importance by their scarcity relative to faunalturbation. However, tree‐throw might be the dominant mechanism of biotic soil flux on the mid‐slope provided that it occurs at a frequency of at least 2–3 events ha?1 yr?1. Although direct biotic soil flux appears to be geomorphologically significant on this hillslope, such transport processes are probably subordinate to other impacts of bioturbation at this site such as the enhancement of infiltration following wildfire. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Observations of soil moisture and salt content were conducted from May to August at Neleger station in eastern Siberia. Seasonal changes of salt and soil moisture distribution in the active layer of larch forest (undisturbed) and a thermokarst depression known as an alas (disturbed) were studied. Electric conductivity ECe of the intact forest revealed higher concentrations that increased with depth from the soil surface into the active layer and the underlying permafrost: 1 mS cm?1 at 1·1 m, to 2·6 mS cm?1 at 160 cm depth in the permafrost. However, a maximum value of 5·4 mS cm?1 at 0·6 m depth was found in the dry area of the alas. The concentration of ions, especially Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, SO42? and HCO3? in the upper layers of this long‐term disturbed site, indicates the upward movement of ions together with water. A higher concentration of solutes was found in profiles with deeper seasonal thawing. The accumulation of salts in the alas occurs from spring through into the growing season. The low concentration of salt in the surface soil layers appears to be linked to leaching of salts by rainfall. There are substantial differences between water content and electric conductivity of soil in the forest and alas. Modern salinization of the active layer in the alas is epigenetic, and it happens in summer as a result of spring water collection and high summer evaporation; the gradual salt accumulation in the alas in comparison with the forest is controlled by the annual balance of water and salts in the active layer. Present climatic trends point to continuous permafrost degradation in eastern Siberia increasing the risk of surface salinization, which has already contributed to changing the landscape by hindering the growth of forest. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediment transport in the scoria areas of Marion Island is primarily the result of needle‐ice‐induced frost creep associated with diurnal soil frost cycles. Clasts move most rapidly in ?ne textured areas (532 mm a?1; SD 382), more slowly in stony areas (161 mm a?1; SD 179), and most slowly in blocky areas (26 mm a?1; SD 23). Movement rates increase with increasing frost susceptibility of sediments, slope angle and altitude. The heave of dowels indicates that frost heave is active in all the scoria areas examined. The depth of effective frost heave increases with increasing altitude, with frost heave being restricted to the upper 100 mm of the soil in low altitude areas (<200 m). The heave of 150 mm dowels at the higher altitude sites provides evidence for segregation ice formation at depths greater than those associated with needle ice and diurnal soil frost cycles. Vertical movement pro?les show a concave downslope pro?le, with sediment movement rates being most rapid at the soil surface and decreasing rapidly with depth. This pro?le shape is typical of areas dominated by diurnal freeze–thaw cycles and needle ice. The capture of sediments moving downslope in troughs and the sampling of material lifted by needle ice, suggest that sediment transport by needle ice under present conditions is extremely effective. Observations suggest that although both ?ne material and clasts are transported downslope, some preferential transport of clasts occurs. Experiment results and observations of soil frost processes suggest that frost creep associated with needle ice activity is the dominant slope process in the scoria areas of Marion Island. Other slope processes such as slopewash and debris ?ows appear to play a relatively minor and localized role in sediment transport. It is suggested that needle ice activity is likely to be the dominant geomorphic agent in other areas of the Subantarctic with similar climatic characteristics to Marion Island. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil‐tree water relationships were studied using time domain reflectometry (TDR) in two small forested basins in Spain. The stem water content of two Mediterranean Quercus species (Quercus pyrenaica and Quercus rotundifolia) was measured using previously constructed species‐specific equations. To monitor soil moisture, a TDR station network was used in both cases. Sixteen Q. pyrenaica and six Q. rotundifolia individuals were selected to install two TDR probes in their trunks (at 20 and 120 cm above the ground) to monitor stem water content. Stem and soil water contents were measured fortnightly. The stem water content of both species showed a similar temporal trend for the period studied. A spring maximum (0·654 cm3 cm?3 for Q. pyrenaica and 0·568 cm3 cm?3 for Q. rotundifolia) was found to be associated with high transpiration and no soil moisture deficit, and a late‐summer minimum (0·520 cm3 cm?3 for Q. pyrenaica and 0·426 cm3 cm?3 for Q. rotundifolia) was associated with the end of the dry season. This drop in stem water content occurs when the available water in the soil decreases. This seasonal difference presumably reflects water withdrawn from stem storage to support the transpirational demands of the tree. Since plant water stress results in reduced stem water content and since this drop can be measured by TDR, it may be concluded that this technology offers a suitable tool for detecting plant water stress. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Physical modelling has been developed in order to simulate the effects of periglacial erosion processes on the degradation of slopes and scarps. Data from 41 experimental freeze–thaw cycles are presented. They attest to the efficiency of periglacial processes that control both erosion and changes in scarp morphology: (i) cryoexpulsion leads to an increase of scarp surface roughness and modifies significantly the internal structure of the active layer; (ii) combined effects of frost creep and gelifluction lead to slow and gradual downslope displacements of the active layer (0·3 cm/cycle); (iii) debris flows are associated with the most significant changes in scarp morphology and are responsible for the highest rate of scarp erosion; (iv) quantification of the erosion rate gives values close to 1 cm3 cm?2 for 41 freeze–thaw cycles. These experimental results are consistent with field data acquired along the La Hague fault scarp (Normandy, France) where an erosion rate of 4·6 ± 1 m3 m?2 per glacial stage has been computed from the volume of natural slope deposits stored during the Weichselian glacial stage. These results show that moist periglacial erosion processes could lead to an underestimation of Plio‐Quaternary deformation in the mid‐latitudes. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In October 1965 and February 1966, 55 Young-pits were installed in tropical Northern Territory (NT) and temperate New South Wales (NSW). Pits were monitored in 1968, 1971 and 1974; also, for the NT only, in 1988. In each region, half of the pits are on weathered granite, and half on sandstone. Local relief is 30m or less, and slopes are up to 20°. Annual rainfall is evenly distributed in the NSW sites (800 mm a−1), but is confined to the five to six month wet season in NT (1200 mm a−1). Six pits suffered external disturbance and so were not analysed. Analysis of 160 rods in 49 undisturbed pits shows: (1) vectorial movement generally not downslope parallel to the ground surface, but dominated by a vertically downward component; (2) significant uphill and vertically upward components of movement for many rods; (3) a weak correlation between total movement and sine of slope; (4) rapid movement during 1965-68, and slow movement thereafter; (5) significantly higher creep rates on the NT granites than on all other sites, perhaps because mound-building termites are especially active there. We conclude that our data do not support soil creep models which assume that all movement is downslope and slope-parallel. Repeated long-term measurements are essential to distinguish long-term creep rates from the short-term effects of disturbance. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil cores from river marginal wetlands from the Torridge and Severn catchments in the UK were collected to study rates of soil denitrification at different sites and at two stations (levee and backplain depression) at the river margin. Half the cores were sterilized prior to flooding to destroy the denitrifying bacteria. After flooding and equilibration, monitoring the concentration of amended nitrate in the supernatant of the sterile cores over a period of 7 days provided a simple procedure for the estimation of the diffusion coefficient of the nitrate ion in the flooded soils. An expression was developed that permitted this diffusion coefficient to be extracted from the slope of a plot of supernatant concentration versus (time)1/2. The values obtained, at 15 °C, varied from 2·4 to 6·8 × 10?10m2s?1. Sterile cores are usually treated as controls in denitrification experiments; this work develops a procedure whereby they may yield useful soil process information. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A small hillslope was chosen to investigate the role of throughflow as a mechanism responsible for the movement of soil water and solutes towards a saline seep and as a source of recharge to a permanent, regional aquifer at depth. The hydraulic properties, chemical characteristics and physical responses of both systems were studied on a deeply weathered, salt-affected hillslope. Additional data were also obtained from other sites in south-western Australia. Regional groundwater flow occurred in a variably textured, deeply weathered material in which the hydraulic conductivity varied from < 0·001 to 0·14m day?1. Perched groundwater flow (throughflow) occurred in the higher permeability (? 1·5 m day?1), near-surface soil materials. Throughflow occurred throughout winter, contributing approximately 530 m3 of fresh (? 160 mg l?1 Cl) water to a saline seep. By contrast, the deep aquifer discharged approximately 1100 m3 of waters with salt concentrations of 2000–6000 mg l?1 Cl. Recharge and discharge rates to and from the deep aquifer, were estimated to be of the order of 5–20 mm a?1 and 50–300 mm a?1 respectively. Saturated conditions existed throughout winter within the seep and the immediately adjacent non-saline area, with up to 60 per cent of the hillslope soils becoming saturated after major rainfall events ( > 20 mm day?1). In the mid-slopes, in particular along a central depression, saturation of the shallow soils caused macropore channel recharge to take place through the clay-textured subsoils. Water-level responses suggest that approximately 25–30 per cent of annual recharge occurred from one storm studied in September 1984. Recharge through macropore channels is a significant mechanism in the concave slope areas on the hillslope. Throughflow was found to be a major source of water, but not salt, contributing to the saline seep. In general, the contribution of throughflow was found to decrease further inland at other sites studied. However, at inland sites where perennial, perched aquifers have developed in deep sands, saline areas have been caused by throughflow and not by deep aquifer discharge.  相似文献   

The nature and rates of fluvial and slope processes change over time and space as urbanized areas replace forested land in Singapore. Storm-based and time-based data, from undisturbed rainforests, heavily disturbed construction sites, urban grass-covered slopes and an experimental plot, are collected to observe the impact of rainwater on the soil moisture conditions, surface microtopography, runoff generation, sediment movement, and ground lowering in the three different categories of land use. The undisturbed forested environment is characterized by high throughfall (58% of total rainfall) and frequent negative soil moisture suctions. The slow and unconcentrated overland flow during heavy storms is restricted by the forest floor microtopography. No rills develop. Ground lowering is recorded as 3·2–3·4 mm a?1. But sediment movement is episodic and suspended sediment concentrations in overland flow are 172–222 mg l?1. During urban construction, gully development is rapid on the bare slopes, runoff generation, voluminous, and sediment-laden discharges (5200–75498 mg l?1) lead to sediment plumes at channel mouths. Ground lowering rates are measured at 132·4 mm a?1. Once grass-covered, runoff carries less suspended sediment (800 mg l?1) and ground lowering rates are reduced, but depend on the condition of the cover, ranging from 0·2 to 8·2 mm a?1. As urban development continues, environments are altered both in time as well as spatially.  相似文献   

In order to assess the net effect and relative importance of geomorphic processes at two natural woodland sites in southeast Australia, 100 small tiles were placed on the soil surface in 1979 and their movement was monitored over the course of nearly three decades. Rates of tile burial and other tile displacement were considerable but also markedly random, being largely inconsistent with expected patterns of displacement by orthodox creep and rainwash processes. This included substantial upslope displacement and burial depths that ranged from zero to 5 cm. We suggest that such turbulent transport in the topsoil has mostly been caused by the direct and indirect transfer of soil and clasts by animals and plants (i.e. bioturbation). In addition to direct evidence of biota interacting with tiles, the effectiveness of bioturbation at our sites has been well established and the overall tile burial rate of 0·25 to 0·4 mm yr?1 is comparable to rates of surface mounding. Patterns of tile movement are generally consistent with soils‐geomorphic theory regarding the biomantle and bioturbation‐driven stonelayer formation, and provide further evidence that soil transfer and slope movement, in many situations, are markedly random and complex processes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Erosion of soil from pre-afforestation plough furrows has been measured on four soil types in Scotland for 12 to 18 month periods between 1987 and 1990. Rainfall-run-off was also measured at one site. Run-off is directly proportional to furrow length and rainfall intensity, and for a wide range of intensities (typically > 6 mm hr?1) small amount of soil is flushed out of the furrows. However, for furrow spacings of 3.8 m, a critical downslope run-off increment associated with significant soil loss is of the order of 25 cm3 s?1 m?1, which is in accord with a storm of five years return period and a maximum intensity of 25 mm hr?1. The total run-off volume for any hydrograph is commensurate with the total rainfall in the rainstorm — typically 40–80% by the hydrograph peak and approaching 100% by the end of the hydrograph; i.e. long term storage is negligible. A positive relationship was recorded between furrow length, slope angle and sediment yield, with deposition predominating in furrows less than 30 m in length on slopes less than a few degrees. Soil loss is proportional to the excess streampower expended by the run-off with an exponent in the range 1–1.5. For the soils examined, significant differences in soil loss when comparing sites for low power expenditure become undifferentiated at high power expenditures. For the rainfall regimes monitored, maximum soil losses were in the region of 40 kg per meter run-length of furrow, when soil peds were ripped from the bed. Laboratory data concerning the critical erosion threshold power and shear stress to erode soil peds are in general accord with the threshold furrow run-lengths defined using the field data for a five year storm and the soil losses observed.  相似文献   

An experimental slope of gradient 12° was constructed, comprising two 5 m × 2 m × 0·3 m contiguous strips of natural soils. Soil freezing and thawing took place from the surface downwards in an open hydraulic system, water being supplied at the base of each soil. Thermal conditions, porewater pressures and soil displacements were monitored using a PC-based logging system, with readings taken at half-hourly intervals. Soil surface displacements due to frost heave and solifluction were measured using linear voltage displacement transducers. Soil temperatures were determined using thermistors and semiconductor temperature sensors. Antifreeze-filled miniature ceramic-tipped pressure transducers were used to determine porewater pressure variations. The potential of this experimental approach for precise monitoring of mass movement processes associated with thawing of ice-rich soils is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The effect of bedrock permeability on subsurface stormflow initiation and the hillslope water balance is poorly understood. Previous hillslope hydrological studies at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed (PMRW), Georgia, USA, have assumed that the bedrock underlying the trenched hillslope is effectively impermeable. This paper presents a series of sprinkling experiments where we test the bedrock impermeability hypothesis at the PMRW. Specifically, we quantify the bedrock permeability effects on hillslope subsurface stormflow generation and the hillslope water balance at the PMRW. Five sprinkling experiments were performed by applying 882–1676 mm of rainfall over a ~5·5 m × 12 m area on the lower hillslope during ~8 days. In addition to water input and output captured at the trench, we measured transpiration in 14 trees on the slope to close the water balance. Of the 193 mm day?1 applied during the later part of the sprinkling experiments when soil moisture changes were small, <14 mm day?1 was collected at the trench and <4 mm day?1 was transpired by the trees, with residual bedrock leakage of >175 mm day?1 (91%). Bedrock moisture was measured at three locations downslope of the water collection system in the trench. Bedrock moisture responded quickly to precipitation in early spring. Peak tracer breakthrough in response to natural precipitation in the bedrock downslope from the trench was delayed only 2 days relative to peak tracer arrival in subsurface stormflow at the trench. Leakage to bedrock influences subsurface stormflow at the storm time‐scale and also the water balance of the hillslope. This has important implications for the age and geochemistry of the water and thus how one models this hillslope and watershed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Both evergreen and deciduous forests (Efs and Dfs) are widely distributed under similar climatic conditions in tropical monsoon regions. To clarify the hydraulic properties of the soil matrix in different forest types and their effects on soil water storage capacity, the soil pore characteristics (SPC) were investigated in Ef and Df stands in three provinces in Cambodia. Soils in the Ef group were characterized in common by large amounts of coarse pores with moderate pore size distribution and the absence of an extremely low Ks at shallow depths, compared to Df group soils. The mean available water capacity of the soil matrix (AWCsm) for all horizons of the Ef and Df group soils was 0·107 and 0·146 m3 m?3, respectively. The mean coarse pore volume of the soil matrix (CPVsm) in the Ef and Df groups was 0·231 and 0·115 m3 m?3, respectively. A water flow simulation using a lognormal distribution model for rain events in the early dry season indicated that variation in SPC resulted in a larger increase in available soil water in Ef soils than in Df soils. Further study on deeper soil layers in Ef and each soil type in Df is necessary for the deeper understanding of the environmental conditions and the hydrological modelling of each forest ecosystem. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Surfactants are chemical compounds that can change the contact angle of a water drop on solid surfaces and are commonly used to increase infiltration into water repellent soil. Since production fields with water repellent soil often contain areas of wettable soil, surfactants applied to such fields worldwide will likely be applied to wettable soil, with unknown consequences for irrigation‐induced erosion, runoff, or soil water relations. We evaluated surfactant and simulated sprinkler irrigation effects on these responses for three wettable, Pacific Northwest soils, Latahco and Rad silt loams, and Quincy sand. Along with an untreated control, we studied three surfactants: an alkyl polyglycoside (APG) in solution at a concentration of 18 g active ingredient (AI) kg?1, a block copolymer at 26 g kg?1, and a blend of the two at 43 g kg?1. From 2005 to 2009 in the laboratory, each surfactant was sprayed at a rate of 46·8 l ha?1 onto each soil packed by tamping into 1·2‐ by 1·5‐m steel boxes. Thereafter, each treated soil was irrigated twice at 88 mm h?1 with surfactant‐free well water. After each irrigation, runoff and sediment loss were measured and soil samples were collected. While measured properties differed among soils and irrigations, surfactants had no effect on runoff, sediment loss, splash loss, or tension infiltration, compared to the control. Across all soils, however, the APG increased volumetric water contents by about 3% (significant at p≤0·08) at matric potentials from 0 to ? 20 kPa compared to the control. With a decrease in the liquid–solid contact angle on treated soil surfaces, surfactant‐free water appeared able to enter, and be retained in pores with diameters ≥ 15 µm. All told, surfactants applied at economic rates to these wettable Pacific Northwest soils posed little risk of increasing either runoff or erosion or harming soil water relations. Moreover, by increasing water retention at high potentials, surfactants applied to wettable soils may allow water containing pesticides or other agricultural chemicals to better penetrate soil pores, thereby increasing the efficacy of the co‐applied materials. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Acid‐neutralizing capacity (ANC) is an important index for streamwater acidification caused by external factors (i.e. chronic acid deposition) and internal factors such as soil acidification due to nitrification. In this study, the influence of forest clear‐cutting and subsequent regrowth on internal acidification was investigated in central Japan, where stream pH (near 7·0) and ANC (above 0·1 meq L?1) are high. pH, the concentrations of major cations (Na+, K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+), major anions (NO3?, Cl? and SO42?) and dissolved silica (Si), and ANC were measured in 33 watersheds of various stand ages, during 2002 to 2004. Only NO3? concentration decreased with stand age, whereas pH, ANC, and concentrations of the sum of base cations (BC) and Si were negatively correlated with the minimum elevation of the watershed. The correlation between the BC/Si ratio and minimum elevation suggested that factors contributing to acid neutralization changed at 1100 m above sea level. In watersheds at lower elevations (?1100 m), the relatively high contribution of soil water with longer soil contact times should result in higher ANC, and cation exchange reactions should be the dominant process for acid neutralization due to deposition of colluvial soils on the lower slope. In contrast, in higher‐elevation watersheds (≥1100 m), weathered residual soils are thin and the small contribution of deeper groundwater results in lower ANC. These results suggest that the local acid sensitivity is determined by the hydrological and geomorphologic factors generated by steep topography. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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