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The occurrence of rapid movement of suspended sediment in subsurface stormflow on a large field plot in California is described. Concentrations of over 1000mgl?1 were recorded in storms of only low to moderate intensity. The observed sediment was composed of uniformly fine-sized particles 4 to 8 μm in diameter. The mode of transport seems different from processes previously reported. Differences in sediment concentrations in different events, levels of 137Cs on the sediment, and several other types of evidence indicate that the sediment was detached and entrained at the ground surface by raindrop impact and that the water and sediment flow occurred mainly through macropores in the soil. As conditions similar to those at the study site are not uncommon, it seems probable that the phenomenon may occur in many regions.  相似文献   

Fallout radionuclides (FRNs) 137Cs and 210Pb are well established as tracers of surface and sub‐surface soil erosion contributing sediment to river systems. However, without additional information, it has not been possible to distinguish sub‐surface soil erosion sources. Here, we use the FRN 7Be (half‐life 53 days) in combination with 137Cs and excess 210Pb to trace the form of erosion contributing sediment in three large river catchments in eastern Australia; the Logan River (area 3700 km2), Bowen River (9400 km2) and Mitchell River (4700 km2). We show that the combination of 137Cs, excess 210Pb and 7Be can discriminate horizontally aligned sub‐surface erosion sources (rilled and scalded hillslopes and the floors of incised drainage lines and gully ‘badland’ areas) from vertical erosion sources (channel banks and gully walls). Specifically, sub‐surface sources of sediment eroded during high rainfall and high river flow events have been distinguished by the ability of rainfall‐derived 7Be to label horizontal soil surfaces, but not vertical. Our results indicate that in the two northern catchments, erosion of horizontal sub‐surface soil sources contributed almost as much fine river sediment as vertical channel banks, and several times the contribution of hillslope topsoils. This result improves on source discrimination provided previously and indicates that in some areas erosion of hillslope soils may contribute significantly to sediment yield, but not as topsoil loss. We find that in north‐eastern Australia, scalded areas on hillslopes and incising drainage lines may be sediment sources of comparable importance to vertical channel banks. Previous studies have used the combination of 137Cs, excess 210Pb and 7Be to estimate soils losses at the hillslope scale. Here, we show that with timely and judicious sampling of soil and sediment during and immediately after high flow events 7Be measurements can augment fallout 137Cs and 210Pb to provide important erosion source information over large catchments. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The contributions of sediment from different geomorpholigical units within a small basin in the Loess Plateau have been determined using caesium-137 as a tracer. The mean caesium-137 content of sediment originating from the hill area, where sheet and rill erosion are predominant, was 3–37 Bq kg-1, whereas no caesium-137 was detected in the sediment originating from the gully area where gullying and gravitational erosion are predominant. The mean caesium-137 content of sediment from two flood deposits was 0–23 Bq kg-1 and 0–89 Bq kg-1. The relative contribution from the hill area in the two floods was 7 per cent and 26 per cent, whilst that from the gully area was 93 per cent and 74 per cent.  相似文献   

In response to the potential shortcomings of single-technique strategies in the investigation of erosion and sedimentation, a combined magnetic and radiometric (13Cs and 210Pb) approach has been undertaken in the upland, watershed-lake system of Howden Reservoir, Derbyshire. By combining these techniques, some assessment of sediment sources and the erosion status of the catchment has been achieved. Alone, each approach would have been unable to determine unequivocally sediment provenance. Furthermore, the parallel use of these measurements has highlighted limitations and/or uncertainties in both the magnetic and 137Cs techniques. These problems reflect the particular soil characteristics and drainage conditions of this upland catchment. Despite the documented severity of peat erosion in the region, Howden Reservoir has a mixture of sediment sources and a relatively moderate rate of sedimentation. Sediment yields (total 127·7 t km?2 yr?1 including organic fraction 31·3 t km?2 yr?1) are, however, higher than in other British upland areas.  相似文献   

We investigate the use of the short‐lived fallout radionuclide beryllium‐7 (7Be; t1/2 = 53·4 days) as a tracer of medium and coarse sand (0·25–2 mm), which transitions between transport in suspension and as bed load, and evaluate the effects of impoundment on seasonal and spatial variations in bed sedimentation. We measure 7Be activities in approximately monthly samples from point bar and streambed sediments in one unregulated and one regulated stream. In the regulated stream our sampling spanned an array of flow and management conditions during the annual transition from flood control in the winter and early spring to run‐of‐the‐river operation from late spring to autumn. Sediment stored behind the dam during the winter quickly became depleted in 7Be activity. This resulted in a pulse of ‘dead’ sediment released when the dam gates were opened in the spring which could be tracked as it moved downstream. Measured average sediment transport velocities (30–80 metres per day (m d?1)) exceed those typically reported for bulk bed load transport and are remarkably constant across varied flow regimes, possibly due to corresponding changes in bed sand fraction. Results also show that the length scale of the downstream impact of dam management on sediment transport is short (c. 1 km); beyond this distance the sediment trapped by the dam is replaced by new sediment from tributaries and other downstream sources. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The 137Cs radioactivity of soils was used as a tracer of soil erosion in a catchment in the Netherlands: 143 samples were analysed to map the 137Cs redistribution using geostatistical interpolation methods. Caesium-137 activities on grassland are significantly higher than on arable land. Also, 137Cs activities on waning slopes are higher and activities on steep slopes are lower. The soil erosion estimates, derived from the 137Cs data, are used to validate the USLE erosion model. The recent Chernobyl nuclear accident also contributed to the 137Cs activity. However, the Chernobyl input of 137Cs, with a constant ratio of 1.765:1 to 134Cs, cannot be used as a tracer of soil erosion. Because of the rapid decay of 134Cs, we will not be possible to separate the sources of 137Cs in the near future in areas significantly influenced by Chernobyl fallout and in these areas 137Cs can no longer be used as a soil erosion tracer.  相似文献   

Wildfire is a natural component of sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) steppe rangelands that induces temporal shifts in plant community physiognomy, ground surface conditions, and erosion rates. Fire alteration of the vegetation structure and ground cover in these ecosystems commonly amplifies soil losses by wind- and water-driven erosion. Much of the fire-related erosion research for sagebrush steppe has focused on either erosion by wind over gentle terrain or water-driven erosion under high-intensity rainfall on complex topography. However, many sagebrush rangelands are geographically positioned in snow-dominated uplands with complex terrain in which runoff and sediment delivery occur primarily in winter months associated with cold-season hydrology. Current understanding is limited regarding fire effects on the interaction of wind- and cold-season hydrologic-driven erosion processes for these ecosystems. In this study, we evaluated fire impacts on vegetation, ground cover, soils, and erosion across spatial scales at a snow-dominated mountainous sagebrush site over a 2-year period post-fire. Vegetation, ground cover, and soil conditions were assessed at various plot scales (8 m2 to 3.42 ha) through standard field measures. Erosion was quantified through a network of silt fences (n = 24) spanning hillslope and side channel or swale areas, ranging from 0.003 to 3.42 ha in size. Sediment delivery at the watershed scale (129 ha) was assessed by suspended sediment samples of streamflow through a drop-box v-notch weir. Wildfire consumed nearly all above-ground live vegetation at the site and resulted in more than 60% bare ground (bare soil, ash, and rock) in the immediate post-fire period. Widespread wind-driven sediment loading of swales was observed over the first month post-fire and extensive snow drifts were formed in these swales each winter season during the study. In the first year, sediment yields from north- and south-facing aspects averaged 0.99–8.62 t ha−1 at the short-hillslope scale (~0.004 ha), 0.02–1.65 t ha−1 at the long-hillslope scale (0.02–0.46 ha), and 0.24–0.71 t ha−1 at the swale scale (0.65–3.42 ha), and watershed scale sediment yield was 2.47 t ha−1. By the second year post fire, foliar cover exceeded 120% across the site, but bare ground remained more than 60%. Sediment yield in the second year was greatly reduced across short- to long-hillslope scales (0.02–0.04 t ha−1), but was similar to first-year measures for swale plots (0.24–0.61 t ha−1) and at the watershed scale (3.05 t ha−1). Nearly all the sediment collected across all spatial scales was delivered during runoff events associated with cold-season hydrologic processes, including rain-on-snow, rain-on-frozen soils, and snowmelt runoff. Approximately 85–99% of annual sediment collected across all silt fence plots each year was from swales. The high levels of sediment delivered across hillslope to watershed scales in this study are attributed to observed preferential loading of fine sediments into swale channels by aeolian processes in the immediate post-fire period and subsequent flushing of these sediments by runoff from cold-season hydrologic processes. Our results suggest that the interaction of aeolian and cold-season hydrologic-driven erosion processes is an important component for consideration in post-fire erosion assessment and prediction and can have profound implications for soil loss from these ecosystems. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Field‐ and laboratory‐scale rainfall simulation experiments were carried out in an investigation of the temporal variability of erosion processes on interrill areas, and the effects of such variation upon sediment size characteristics. Poorly aggregated sandy soils from the semi‐arid environment of Senegal, West Africa, were used on both a 40 m2 field plot and a 0·25 m2 laboratory plot; rainfall intensity for all experiments was 70 mm h?1 with a duration of 1 to 2 hours. Time‐series measurements were made of the quantity and the size distribution of eroded material: these permitted an estimate of the changing temporal balance between the main erosion processes (splash and wash). Results from both spatial scales showed a similar temporal pattern of runoff generation and sediment concentration. For both spatial scales, the dominant erosional process was detachment by raindrops; this resulted in a dynamic evolution of the soil surface under raindrop impact, with the rapid formation of a sieving crust followed by an erosion crust. However, a clear difference was observed between the two scales regarding the size of particles detached by both splash and wash. While all measured values were lower than the mean weight diameter (MWD) value of the original soil (mean 0·32 mm), demonstrating the size‐selective nature of wash and splash processes, the MWD values of washed and splashed particles at the field scale ranged from 0·08 to 0·16 mm and from 0·12 to 0·30 mm respectively, whereas the MWD values of washed and splashed particles at the laboratory scale ranged from 0·13 to 0·29 mm and from 0·21 to 0·32 mm respectively. Thus only at the field scale were the soil particles detached by splash notably coarser than those transported by wash. This suggests a transport‐limited erosion process at the field scale. Differences were also observed between the dynamics of the soil loss by wash at the two scales, since results showed wider scatter in the field compared to the laboratory experiments. This scatter is probably related to the change in soil surface characteristics due to the size‐selectivity of the erosion processes at this spatial scale. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation experiments of water erosion at the local scale (20 × 5 m) using a process‐based model [Plot Soil Erosion Model_2D (PSEM_2D)] were carried out to test the effects of various environmental factors (soil type, meteorological forcing and slope gradient) on the runoff and erosion response and to determine the dominant processes that control the sediment yield at various slope lengths. The selected environmental factors corresponded to conditions for which the model had been fully tested beforehand. The use of a Green and Ampt model for infiltration explained the dominant role played by rainfall intensity in the runoff response. Sediment yield at the outlet of the simulated area was correlated positively with rainfall intensity and slope gradient, but was less sensitive to soil type. The relationship between sediment yield (soil loss per unit area) and slope length was greatly influenced by all environmental factors, but there was a general tendency towards higher sediment yield when the slope was longer. Contribution of rainfall erosion to gross erosion was dominant for all surfaces with slope lengths ranging from 4 to 20 m. The highest sediment yields corresponded to cases where flow erosion was activated. An increase in slope gradient resulted in flow detachment starting upstream. Sediment exported at the outlet of the simulated area came predominantly from the zone located near the outlet. The microrelief helped in the development of a rill network that controlled both the ratio between rainfall and flow erosion and the relationship between sediment yield and slope length. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Headcut erosion is associated with major hydraulic changes induced by the gully head of concentrated flow. However, the variation in the hydraulic characteristics of the headcut erosion process is still not clear in the gully region of the Loess Plateau. A series of rainfall combined scouring experiments (flow discharges ranging from 3.6 to 7.2 m3 hr−1, with 0.8 mm min−1 rainfall intensity) were conducted on experimental plots to clarify the variation in the hydraulic parameters induced by gully head and erosion processes under different flow discharges. The results showed that concentrated flows in the catchment area and gully bed were turbulent (Reynolds number ranging from 1,876 to 6,693) and transformed between supercritical and subcritical (Froude number ranging from 0.96 to 3.73). The hydraulic parameters, such as the flow velocity, Reynolds number, shear stress, stream power, Darcy–Weisbach friction factor, and unit stream power in the catchment area were 0.45–0.59 m s−1, 2086–6693, 1.96–5.33 Pa, 0.89–2.86 W m−2, 0.08–0.16, and 0.023–0.031 m s−1, respectively. When the concentrated flows dropped from the gully head, the hydraulic parameters in the gully bed decreased by 3.39–26.07%, 1.49–29.99%, 65.19–67.14%, 67.25–74.96%, 28.53–61.31%, and 67.82–77.14%, respectively, which contributed to the flow energy consumption at the gully head. As flow discharge increased, Reynolds number, shear stress, and stream power increased, while flow velocity, Froude number, unit stream power, and Darcy–Weisbach friction factor did not. The flow energy consumption at the gully head was 9.66–10.13, 13.25–13.74, 15.68–16.41, and 19.28–20.25 J s−1, respectively, under different flow discharges and accounted for 60.58–68.50% of the flow energy consumption of the experimental plots. Generally, the sediment discharges increased rapidly at the initial stage, then increased slowly, and finally reached a steady state condition, which showed a significant declining logarithmic trend with experimental duration (P<.01) and increased with increasing flow discharge. Accordingly, the flow energy consumption was significantly correlated with the sediment yield. These findings could improve our understanding of the hydraulic properties and flow energy characteristics of headcut erosion.  相似文献   

To quantify the changes in flow energy, sediment yield and surface landform impacted by headcut height during bank gully erosion, five experimental platforms were constructed with different headcut heights ranging from 25 to 125 cm within an in situ active bank gully head. A series of scouring experiments were conducted under concentrated flow and the changes in flow energy, sediment yield and surface landform were observed. The results showed that great energy consumption occurred at gully head compared to the upstream area and gully bed. The flow energy consumption at gully heads and their contribution rates increased significantly with headcut height. Gully headcuts also contributed more sediment yield than the upstream area. The mean sediment concentrations at the outlet of plots were 2.3 to 7.3 times greater than those at the end of upstream area. Soil loss volume at gully heads and their contribution rates also increased with headcut height significantly. Furthermore, as headcut height increased, the retreat distance of gully heads increased, which was 1.7 to 8.9 times and 1.1 to 3.2 times greater than the incision depth of upstream area and gully beds. Positive correlations were found between energy consumption and soil loss, indicating that energy consumption could be used to estimate soil loss of headcut erosion. Headcut height had a significant impact on flow energy consumption, and thus influenced the changes in sediment yield and landform during the process of gully headcut erosion. Headcut height was one of the important factors for gully erosion control in this region. Further studies are needed to identify the role of headcut height under a wide condition. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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