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Bituminous rocks in the Ozank(?)y(Ankara) field are different from those of the Paleocene- Eocene Mengen and Güineytepe(Bolu) regions in metal enrichment levels.Organic carbon(C_(org)) content of organic material-rich rocks in the Ozank(?)y(Ankara) field is 3.66-40.72% wt averaging 14.34%.The dominant organic materials are algae/amorphous accompanied by minor amount of herbaceous material(The dominant kerogen type is Type-Ⅰwith a limited amount of Type-Ⅱkerogen.). The bituminous rocks in the Ozank(?)y field are enriched in heavy metals such as Ni,Mn,As and Cr.In comparison with the average enrichment values of elements,Ni,Mn,As and Cr in bituminous shales of the Ozank(?)y field are as about 4.38,14.93,10.90 and 5.58 times as average values.The average concentrations of these heavy metals are also as high as 215×10~(-6),828×10~(-6),58.54×10~(-6),and 148×10~(-6) respectively.In addition,sorption properties of clay and organic materials are also important for metal enrichments in the bituminous shales.  相似文献   

Bituminous rocks in the Ozank(o)y (Ankara) field are different from those of the Paleocenecontent of organic material-rich rocks in the Ozank(o)y (Ankara) field is 3.66-40.72 % wt averaging 14.34%. The dominant organic materials are algae/amorphous accompanied by minor amount of herbaceous material (The dominant kerogen type is Type-Ⅰ with a limited amount of Type-Ⅱ kerogen.).The bituminous rocks in the Ozank(o)y field are enriched in heavy metals such as Ni, Mn, As and Cr. In comparison with the average enrichment values of elements, Ni, Mn, As and Cr in bituminous shales of the Ozank(o)y field are as about 4.38, 14.93, 10.90 and 5.58 times as average values. The average concentrations of these heavy metals are also as high as 215 × 10-6, 828 × 10-6, 58.54 × 10-6, and 148× 10-6 respectively. In addition, sorption properties of clay and organic materials are also important for metal enrichments in the bituminous shales.  相似文献   

微堆中子活化分析测定碳酸盐岩中痕量元素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘耀华  洪飞  金平 《岩矿测试》2003,22(1):28-32
研究了微堆中子活化分析测定碳酸盐岩中痕量元素的测量条件和测定中的影响因素。一般样品采用仪器中子活化分析直接测定;痕量元素含量太低的样品,用1mol/LHCl浸取试样,在pH8的NH4Cl NH3·H2O缓冲溶液中用1 (2 吡啶偶氮) 2 萘酚沉淀富集痕量元素,去除大量的钙、镁基体,可降低方法测定下限,检出限为0.001~20μg/g。方法经国家碳酸盐岩标准物质GBW07108和GBW07114分析验证,结果与标准值相符,RSD(n=11)<12%。  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩中有机质组成特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王敏芳 《世界地质》2003,22(1):26-29
对碳酸盐岩有机质组分进行分类时,有两种分类标准,一是主要采用煤岩学方法,二是采用孢粉学研究方法。本文使用煤岩学方法作为标准,对碳酸盐岩有机质的组成特征进行分析。按有机质来源和有机组分光性和形态等方面差别划分为内源有机质、次生有机质和陆源有机质三类。内源有机质类中分腐泥组和动物有机组,前者主要来源于菌藻类,后者则主要来源于浮游动物有机体;次生有机质中区分出微粒体、有机包裹体、沥青;陆源有机质类分类术语仍沿用煤显微组分分类系统和术语。碳酸盐岩烃源岩的有机质主要为腐泥型,有机质来源以低等藻类为主,且有机质组成特征与碳酸盐岩烃源岩的地质年代有关。碳酸盐岩还存在着差异演化的特征。  相似文献   

摘要:为了查明祁连山冻土区木里煤田天然气水合物的气源,从QH 1、QH 2、QH 3井采集侏罗系样品44块,在常规的岩石热解和有机碳分析的基础上,进行GC MS分析和显微组分镜下鉴定。样品TOC在14%~166%之间,Ro为071%~079%;泥岩TI大于40,煤小于0。正构烷烃呈前峰型分布,主峰碳为C17-C19,Pr/Ph普遍大于11;三环萜烷以C19TT-C20TT为主峰,C24Te对C26TT有绝对优势;甾烷系列C27-C28-C29甾烷呈反“L”形分布;藿烷系列C31升藿烷占优势,C34、C35升藿烷含量低且G/C30H低,大部分小于02。结果表明,该区侏罗系烃源岩基本处于成熟阶段,有机质为Ⅱ2型-Ⅲ型,主要来自陆相高等植物输入,为河湖沼泽相沉积。有机质丰度较高,属中等-好烃源岩。综合分析认为,研究区侏罗系烃源岩处于成熟度阶段但未到主生气期,不是研究区水合物主力气源岩。  相似文献   

稻米中微量元素及有机组分分布特征的研究@武正华¥中国科学院地球化学研究所微量元素,有机组分,分布特征,稻米稻米中微量元素及有机组分分布特征的研究武正华(中国科学院地球化学研究所,贵阳550002)关键词微量元素有机组分分布特征稻米稻米的形成具有分层特征。这...  相似文献   

Trace elements and rare earth elements (REE) of the sulfide minerals were determined by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The results indicate that V, Cu, Sn, Ga, Cd, In, and Se are concentrated in sphalerite, Sb, As, Ge, and Tl are concentrated in galena, and almost all trace elements in pyrite are low. The Ga and Cd contents in the light-yellow sphalerites are higher than that in the brown and the black sphalerites. The contents of Ge, Tl, In, and Se in brown sphalerites are higher than that in light-yellow sphalerites and black sphalerites. It shows that REE concentrations are higher in pyrite than in sphalerite, and galena. In sphalerites, the REE concentration decreases from light-yellow sphalerites, brown sphalerites, to black sphalerites. The ratios of Ga/In are more than 10, and Co/Ni are less than 1 in the studied sphalerites and pyrites, respectively, indicating that the genesis of the Tianqiao Pb–Zn ore deposit might belong to sedimentary-reformed genesis associated with hydrothermal genesis. The relationship between LnGa and LnIn in sphalerite, and between LnBi and LnSb in galena, indicates that the Tianqiao Pb–Zn ore deposit might belong to sedimentary-reformed genesis. Based on the chondrite-normalized REE patterns, δEu is a negative anomaly (0.13–0.88), and δCe does not show obvious anomaly (0.88–1.31); all the samples have low total REE concentrations (<3 ppm) and a wide range of light rare earth element/high rare earth element ratios (1.12–12.35). These results indicate that the ore-forming fluids occur under a reducing environment. Comparison REE compositions and parameters of sphalerites, galenas, pyrites, ores, altered dolostone rocks, strata carbonates, and the pyrite from Lower Carboniferous Datang Formation showed that the ore-forming fluids might come from polycomponent systems, that is, different chronostratigraphic units could make an important contribution to the ore-forming fluids. Combined with the tectonic setting and previous isotopic geochemistry evidence, we conclude that the ore-deposit genesis is hydrothermal, sedimentary reformed, with multisources characteristics of ore-forming fluids.  相似文献   

福州盆地地热水微量元素特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
福州地热田是以燕山晚期侵入岩为主要热储层的中低温对流型地热系统.通过对福州盆地不同类型地下水的取样分析发现,福州盆地不同类型地下水中微量元素质量浓度变化关系较复杂.研究表明,地热水微量元素质量浓度主要受含水介质的岩性控制,也与地下水温度有关.对所检测的19个微量元素,除个别元素外,第四系孔隙水微量元素质量浓度均大于基岩裂隙水;Ga、Rb、Sb、Se、Sr、Tl元素质量浓度随水温的升高而增高.基岩裂隙热水与第四系孔隙水混合形成的第四系热水中,As、Cd、Cu、Mo、Pb、Sb、Se、Sr等元素质量浓度明显增高,说明在混合过程中这些元素又发生了溶解作用.根据地热水微量元素与盆地周围不同期次侵入岩体微量元素质量浓度的聚类分析,得出福州地热水形成的地球化学环境主要与福州岩体、魁岐岩体和文笔山岩体的岩性有关.地热水微量元素是地热水在形成过程中与这些岩体的岩石接触发生水-岩相互作用形成的.  相似文献   

The Honggang member of the early Paleogene Buxin Formation is the main source rock in the Sanshui Basin, characterized by organic-rich black shales with the cyclic recurrence of organic- poor sediments. The geochemical characteristics of the Honggang member have been documented to determine the organic matter types and depositional environments in this paper. The organic matter of the black shales mainly consists of a mixture of land plant-derived and phytoplankton-derived organic matter. Total organic carbon content (TOC)–sulfur–iron (Fe) relationships suggest that the organic- rich black shales were deposited under dysoxic-to-euxinic water conditions. The time that iron minerals remained in contact with H2S in anoxic waters possibly influenced the formation of syngenetic pyrite, and organic carbon controlled the formation of diagenetic pyrite. Organic-poor intervals usually show pyrite sulfur enrichment and higher degree of pyritization values relative to low organic carbon contents. This resulted from HS– diffusing downward from overlying organic-rich sediments and formed Fe sulfides through reactions with sufficient Fe. Trace elements generally exhibit low concentrations and little TOC dependence, suggesting some degree of depletion in these elements in the early Paleogene sediments of the Sanshui Basin. This probably resulted from cyclic recurrences of oxic benthic conditions, which promoted the remobilization of trace elements and caused the low concentration of trace elements.  相似文献   

通过漠河盆地北部油气地质调查,圈出了与油气形成密切相关的烃源岩层(含炭泥岩)的分布范围,为下一步寻找油气资源提供了靶区。研究表明:漠河盆地烃源岩类型为黑色泥岩,烃源岩w(TOC)为0.20%~30.30%。圈出26处烃源岩区,面积134.69 km2。烃源岩样品的最高热解温度(Tmax)平均值为442℃,烃源岩演化处于成熟-过成熟阶段。漠河盆地西北部的成烃地质条件:中侏罗统沉积岩系为油气储藏提供了良好的空间和气源;中生代岩浆活动及韧性剪切作用为烃源岩成气作用提供了良好的温度条件;张性断裂、裂隙和碎裂岩化构造为油气运移和储存提供了运移通道和储存空间。  相似文献   

彭艳东 《地质与勘探》2010,46(6):1071-1078
根据最近几年开展的1∶5万区域地质调查获得的新资料,确认了内蒙古自治区赤峰地区四家子盆地张家口组的存在。四家子盆地晚侏罗世张家口组火山岩广泛分布。张家口旋回火山岩属高钾钙碱性岩石系列,火山岩岩性为流纹岩类、粗面岩类和粗安岩类。张家口火山旋回可分为三个亚旋回。张家口旋回火山岩稀土总量较高,稀土分布模式呈右倾型,轻稀土分馏作用高于重稀土的分馏作用,为轻稀土富集型,总体显示弱负铕异常、弱的负铈异常。稀土元素具有陆内火山岩的基本特征。结合同位素年代学研究成果和其他岩石地球化学资料,综合研究及分析表明,张家口组火山岩成岩物质主要来源于地壳,火山岩的成因以部分熔融为主。  相似文献   

王兆云  程克明 《沉积学报》2000,18(4):600-605
碳酸盐沉积物特殊的成岩机理和过程决定了有机质的复杂赋存状态,在碳酸盐岩中,除分散有机质外,还存在包裹体有机质。在包裹体有机质的提取过程中,当用6%(质量分数)的盐酸酸解碳酸盐矿物时,又将包裹体中的一部分有机质分离出(部分呈悬浮状态),本文定义为酸溶有机质I。对这三部分可溶有机质的含量、红外光谱、GC、GC-MS等分析表明它们的特征是不同的,并且分散有机质和包裹有机质在不同演化阶段对成烃的贡献不同。这为评价碳酸盐岩生烃潜力以及研究碳酸盐岩生烃机制和过程奠定了基础。  相似文献   

张英  李剑  张奎  关平  李谨  王晓波 《地质学报》2007,81(12):1716-1722
柴达木盆地东部第四系生物气源岩有机质丰度是控制该区生物气资源的关键因素。通过重新设计实验流程,建立了针对未成熟生物气源岩的有机质丰度评价方法。柴达木盆地第四系生物气源岩可溶有机质含量约是不溶有机质含量的2.6倍,有机质大部分以可溶的形式存在。鉴于未成熟生物气源岩有机质赋存形式的特殊性,提出了柴达木盆地东部第四系生物气源岩的有机质丰度评价标准。大量存在的可溶有机质揭示柴达木盆地东部地区第四系仍处于生物甲烷生成阶段,较高的气源岩有机质丰度为生物气勘探提供了重要的资源保障。  相似文献   

The relationship between trace elements in coal and organic functional groups of coal,also some of aromatic structure,was investigated by using curve fitting of infrared spectra.Cluster analysis was also performed according to the degree of affinity of organic groups to the trace elements.The results show that there is a possibility that trace elements,especially LREE,were bound to peripheral organic functional groups of middle rank coal macromolecule.The most possible functional group that binds trace element is the hydroxyl,and to the less degree,the asymmetric-CH_3andCH_2 stretching,-CH_3 stretching,etc.The degree of affinity of trace elements to different functional groups varies.The tendency obeys the natural structural changing law of trace elements—the periodic law.The deviation of some trace elements from this regular trend is attributed to the deviation of intrinsic"confusion degree"(conventional molar entropy)of the matter system of coal basin,which is affected by the inner and outer factors during the evolution.  相似文献   

对准格尔煤田黑岱沟露天矿煤的主量元素、稀土元素和微量元素含量和矿物组成进行了研究。结果表明,黑岱沟露天矿煤中稀土元素平均含量为248.12×10-6,约为中国煤平均值的2.83倍。LREE平均含量为236.66×10-6,HREE平均含量为11.46×10-6,LREE/HREE平均值为20.81,(La/Yb)N平均值为1.59,表明煤中LREE相对HREE富集。煤中部分稀土元素可能富集在勃姆石和黏土矿物中。稀土元素分配曲线δCeS变化区间(0.89~2.21)和δEuS中度亏损(0.46~0.86),验证了沉积环境在煤层形成演化过程中对煤中稀土元素输入的稳定性。黑岱沟煤层中微量元素明显偏高的有Ga、Pb、Se、Sr、Th 和Zr,这些元素的含量高于中国、中国华北晚古生代和美国煤的算术均值,也高于地壳克拉克值。  相似文献   

吉林省白头山火山岩的微量元素及其岩石学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白头山火山岩中含有一套粗面岩—钠碱流岩,与下伏的长白山玄武岩组成一个岩石系列。在白头山火山岩中,REE、Zn、Zr等元素十分富集,而过渡元素及Sr、Ba等元素极其贫 化。REE配分具明显的Eu负异常,许多不相容元素在岩石系列中表现出良好的线性关系。依据微量元素行为的数学模式对这些特征进行定性分析和定量模拟,其结果表明白头山火山岩是由长白山玄武岩岩浆经结晶分异形成的。  相似文献   

应用全岩有机岩石学分析方法,对库车坳陷北部山前带中生界三叠系和侏罗系烃源岩的显微组分、主要富氢组分、有机质类型及热演化程度进行了研究。结果表明:库车坳陷北部山前带侏罗系克孜勒努尔组烃源岩显微组分总含量最高,恰克马克组烃源岩最低。中生界烃源岩显微组分组成具有镜质组含量高、壳质组和惰性组相对发育、腐泥组贫乏的特征。不同层位具有一定差异性,克孜勒努尔组和塔里奇克组中镜质组含量较高,恰克马克组壳质组相对发育。孢子体、壳屑体、角质体和藻类体是其主要的富氢组分,恰克马克组富氢组分相对含量最高。烃源岩有机质类型以Ⅲ型和Ⅱ2型为主,有利于生气,镜质组反射率Ro为056%~187%,热演化程度处于成熟-高成熟阶段。克拉苏—依奇克里克构造带冲断前缘烃源岩显微组分总含量与热演化程度均相对较高,为烃源岩的最大成熟生烃中心。烃源岩高生烃潜力与高的壳质组含量和低的陆源有机质含量有关。  相似文献   

An 11-month observation of dissolved and particulate organic matter, chlorophyll a(Chl a), C18 Sep-Pak extractable hydrophobic dissolved organic matter (hDOM) fraction and associated dissolved trace metals (Cd, Cu, V, Co, Ni, Mo, U) was performed in the Lot–Garonne River system. This system includes the Riou Mort, the Lot River and the downstream reaches of the Garonne River and represents the fluvial transport path of trace metals between the major point source of polymetallic pollution, located in the Riou Mort watershed and the Gironde estuary. Spatial and temporal variations of dissolved and particulate organic carbon and Chl areflect the presence of different types of organic matter and their relation with the hDOM fraction. Maximum Chl a/POC ratios (up to 0.03), indicate intense phytoplankton production from March to May. In the Lot River (Temple), DOC and POC concentrations were clearly higher and mean Chl a concentration (2.8 mg g−1) was about three times higher than those of the other sites. High Chl a/POC ratios suggest high phytoplankton activity with maxima in spring and late summer. In the Riou Mort River, very high POC concentrations of up to 40 (mean: 20) occurred, whereas Chl a concentrations were relatively low indicating low phytoplankton activity. High, strongly variable DOC and POC concentrations suggest important natural (Carboniferous soils, forests) or anthropogenic (e.g., former coal mines, waste areas, agriculture, sewage) carbon sources within the small Riou Mort watershed. Despite high DOC concentrations in the Riou Mort River, hDOM metal fractions were generally lower than those at the other sites. The general order of decreasing binding strength between metals and the organic hydrophobic phase (Cu, U > Co, Ni > V, Mo > Cd) at all four sites was in good agreement with the Irving–William series of transition element affinity towards organic ligands. Accordingly, the role of the hydrophobic phase in dissolved Cd transport appeared to be negligible, whereas the hDOM–Cu fraction strongly contributed to dissolved Cu transport.  相似文献   

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