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Jaime Escobar Thomas J. Whitmore George D. Kamenov Melanie A. Riedinger-Whitmore 《Journal of Paleolimnology》2013,49(2):237-252
We examined the anthropogenic lead (Pb) burden that accumulated in sediment of lakes in the southeastern USA during the last ~150 years. Mining, smelting, agriculture, and fossil-fuel combustion are known to have contributed to Pb pollution in lakes of other regions. Few studies, however, have examined Pb sequestered in lakes of the southeastern USA, particulary peninsular Florida, which is subject to less continental atmospheric influence than other regions of the eastern USA. We obtained sediment cores from Little Lake Jackson and Little Lake Bonnet in Highlands County, Florida and used Pb isotopes in the records to identify principal sources of Pb contamination. The sediment records showed that changes in Pb concentration and isotope ratios correspond temporally with gasoline consumption in the USA, as well as with changes in lead ores used to produce leaded gasoline. Lead concentrations in the study lakes showed temporal variations that were similar to those found in peat records from east-central Florida. Isotope trends were similar to the mean USA atmospheric Pb deposition record, and to Pb isotope records from Bermuda and Atlantic corals. We modeled the isotopic composition of the anthropogenic Pb in lake sediments and found that the overall trend is controlled by Pb that was released during leaded gasoline combustion. There is, however, additional Pb at each site that comes from sources that are not fully represented by the natural, background Pb. Lead isotope ratios and Pb/arsenic (As) ratios provide evidence that Pb deposition in lakes during the middle 1900s might have been influenced by lead arsenate applications to golf courses, a source that is often ignored in Pb isotope studies. Isotope evidence confirms, however, that following cessation of commercial lead arsenate use in the 1960s, atmospheric alkyl lead was again the primary influence on Pb in sediments of the study lakes. 相似文献
Decadal variability in climate and glacier fluctuations on Mt Baker, Washington, USA 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Dori J. Kovanen 《Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography》2003,85(1):43-55
Climate variability in the Pacific basin has been attributed to large‐scale oceanic‐atmospheric modulations (e.g. the El Niño‐Southern Oscillation (ENSO)) that dominate the weather of adjacent land areas. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and north Pacific index are thought to be indicators of modulations and events in the northeast Pacific. In this study we find that variations in the PDO are reflected in the terminus position of glaciers on Mt Baker, in the northern Cascade Range, Washington. The initiation of retreat and advance phases of six glaciers persisted for 20–30 years, which relate to PDO regime shifts. The result of this study agrees with previous studies that link glacier mass balance changes to local precipitation anomalies and processes in the Pacific. However, the use of mass balance changes and glacier terminus variation for identification of regime shifts in climate indices is complicated by the lack of standardized measuring techniques, differing response times of individual glaciers to changes in climate, geographic and morphometric factors, and the use of assorted climate indices with different domains and time‐scales in the Pacific for comparison. 相似文献
Phosphorus accumulation rates in depositional zone sediments of Lake Okeechobee were determined in 11 mud-zone cores and two peat-zone cores dated by 210Pb. Although difficulties were encountered in interpreting 210Pb data from some sites, reliable dating of sediments from the mud zone of this shallow lake is possible. Sediment accumulation rates in this zone have increased during the present century by an average of about twofold, and accumulation of organic sediments in the lake during pre-settlement times apparently was much slower than during the past century. Concentrations of all forms of sedimentary P but especially nonapatite inorganic-P and organic-P also have increased since pre-settlement times and especially since about 1940. Annual P accumulation rates in the lake's sediments have increased about fourfold during the 1900s, with most of the increase occurring in the past 40–50 years. The recent accumulation rate of sedimentary P (past ~ 10 years) agrees within a factor of 1.5 with the net retention of P in the lake calculated from published input-output mass balances. 相似文献
中美港湾流域生态系统服务价值变化比较——以浙江象山港与佛罗里达坦帕湾为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
人类活动干扰下的生态系统服务价值变化的国别或区域差异与对比研究成果,可为海岸带综合管理和相关空间规划提供有效指引。以Landsat TM/OLI遥感影像为基础数据,运用GIS空间分析手段,对人类活动影响下的中美两个港湾生态系统服务价值时空变化格局进行了研究。结果表明:① 近30年来象山港流域生态系统类型以农田和森林为主,而坦帕湾流域则以城市和森林为主,两港湾非自然生态系统类型面积大于自然生态系统类型,是研究区生态格局分异的主要影响原因。② 随着人类活动强度增加与开发利用范围扩大,研究时段内象山港流域生态系统服务价值减少了397.64×106元,而坦帕湾减少了1186.73×106元。③ 两港湾流域生态系统服务价值空间分布与区域经济发展水平呈负相关,其中交通布局、农业生产、都市发展等因素对生态系统服务价值分布影响显著。④ 90年代以来坦帕湾海洋功能区划与滨海开发建设过程中遵循自然规律,尤其是“坦帕湾河口保护计划”的管理经验可供象山港开发利用借鉴,象山港需要细化符合其开发的管护方案与多规合一规划,加以启示国内相同级别港湾管理、增强邻里计划与合作交流。 相似文献
The use of sedimentary algal pigments to infer historic algal communities in Lake Apopka,Florida 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The primary producer community of Lake Apopka, a large (125 km2), shallow (mean depth, 1.7 m), polymictic Florida lake, shifted from macrophyte dominance to phytoplankton dominance in the 1940s. Today, frequent wind resuspension of highly organic, unconsolidated sediments supports a meroplanktonic community that is predominantly diatoms, but during calm periods the algal community is dominated by planktonic cyanobacteria. Sedimentary algal pigments (chlorophyll derivatives and carotenoids) and chemical proxies for nutrient enrichment (polyphosphate, total phosphorus and biogenic silica) in three sediment cores were used to investigate historic changes in primary producers. Sediments were separated into three stratigraphic zones using multivariate statistical techniques. Stratigraphic zonation was established in each core although sediment deposition at one site was insufficient to adequately resolve temporal changes. These results show the importance of selecting suitable sites for paleolimnological studies. The oldest zone represents macrophyte-derived sediments, and the two overlying zones represent phytoplankton-derived sediments deposited since the 1940s. Algal pigments in the most recent sediment zone show little degradation, which might be due to the presence of viable meroplankton in the sediment. After the initial primary producer shift from macrophytes to phytoplankton, the lake experienced a short period of cyanobacterial dominance followed by a period of benthic diatom abundance before being replaced by the present algal community consisting of cyanobacteria and meroplanktonic diatoms. Chlorophyll derivatives and carotenoids were highly correlated with total phosphorus. Historic trends inferred from the data include algal and cyanobacterial productivity that increased with increased phosphorus loading. The study demonstrates that valid paleolimnological proxies for historic eutrophication are available in loosely consolidated sediments of shallow, subtropical lakes. 相似文献
Jialin Li Yongchao Liu Ruiliang Pu Qixiang Yuan Xiaoli Shi Qiandong Guo Xiayun Song 《地理学报(英文版)》2018,28(8):1127-1151
Using multitemporal Landsat TM/OLI images at a 10-year interval, in this study, we (1) extracted information of spatial location, length, and sinuosity of coastline and landscape configuration, diversity and fragmentation in the bay areas of Xiangshan Bay (XB), China and Tampa Bay (TB), USA from 1985 to 2015; (2) constructed indices of artificial coastlines and human disturbance on bay area landscapes; and (3) explored and discussed the impacts of human activities on changes of coastlines and landscape types in the two bay areas. Our analysis results demonstrate the following five points. (1) During the past 30 years, the lengths of natural coastline in XB and TB shrank, while the lengths of their artificial coastline increased first and then maintained stable. Since there were different influences of human activities on coastlines and landscape types between the two bay areas, XB experienced dramatic changes in parts of coastline geomorphologies and continuous decrease of coastline sinuosity, while, in TB, there was a little change in coastline geomorphologies and its coastline sinuosity was almost unchanged. (2) The intensity of human activities in XB was continuously enhanced from 1985 to 1995, and then the degree of enhancement had slowed down after 1995. However, in the time period, the impacted extent of human activities gradually increased and finally covered almost entire coastlines in XB. In TB area, although the intensity of human activities was enhanced, the degree of enhancement slowed down from 1985 to 2015 and the impacted areas of human activates were concentrated in several coastal city areas. (3) The average area of landscape patches strongly disturbed by human activities in both XB and TB generally showed a trend of decreasing from 1985 to 2005. However, during the period of 2005 to 2015, the average patch area of landscapes disturbed by different degrees of human activities in XB changed differently, while in TB it almost did not change. (4) From 1985 to 2005, the indices of landscape diversity in various areas of human disturbance in XB gradually increased, while in TB, changes in indices of the landscape diversity varied. From 2005 to 2015, the changes in the intensity of human disturbance in both bay areas were from weak to strong, whereas the indices of landscape diversity in XB and TB increased first and then decreased. (5) The landscape fragmentation index in different human disturbance areas in both XB and TB gradually increased from 1985 to 2005, while from 2005 to 2015, in both bay areas, the landscape fragmentation index presented a decreasing trend. 相似文献
In this special issue, we report on efforts to reconstruct paleoclimate/paleolimnology of the Florida Everglades, applying a wide range of techniques including sedimentological, micropaleontological and biogeochemical approaches. The papers included here describe results obtained by studies conducted in Everglades National Park and the greater South Florida Everglades by Florida Coastal Everglades Long Term Ecological Research Program (FCE LTER) collaborators. This multi-investigator project contrasts nutrient dynamics in two inland-to-marine transects aligned along separate drainages in southern Florida that differ in their susceptibility to coastal pressures and in volume of freshwater delivery. This effort focuses on the paleoecological aspects of FCE LTER research that address scales of ecosystem transformations driven by climate variability and change and human activities. The central question addressed by this body of work is “How is the shape of the freshwater-to-marine gradient in the Florida coastal Everglades controlled by changes in climate, freshwater inflow (i.e. through human activities), and disturbance (i.e. sea level rise, hurricanes, fire)?” 相似文献
美国南佛罗里达大沼泽湿地恢复规划、实施及启示 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
从20世纪80年代开始,美国联邦政府与佛罗里达州政府共同制订和实施了一系列大沼泽湿地恢复计划和措施,特别是在2000年通过的《大沼泽湿地恢复综合规划》。该规划的目的是为了解决南佛罗里达大沼泽湿地的洪涝灾害、供水不足、水污染和生物多样性下降等问题。通过水利工程措施和生物措施相结合,保护、恢复与治理大沼泽湿地生态系统。在规划制订和实施过程中,应用科学战略、生态系统跟踪监测和综合评估提供了技术支撑。目前,该规划已取得了良好的社会经济效益和生态效益。从大沼泽湿地恢复的背景、工程实施过程和措施、科技支撑等方面,系统分析了大沼泽湿地恢复综合规划要点实施情况及效果,总结了该项目的主要经验及其对我国区域湿地保护与恢复的启示。 相似文献
We conducted multi-proxy geochemical analyses (including measurements of organic carbon, nitrogen and sulphur stable isotope
composition, and carbonate carbon and oxygen isotope composition) on a 13.5 m sediment core from Lake Bliden, Denmark, which
provide a record of shifting hydrological conditions for the past 6,700 years. The early part of the stratigraphic record
(6,700–5,740 cal year BP) was wet, based on δ18Ocarb and lithology, and corresponds to the Holocene Thermal Maximum. Shifts in primarily δ18Ocarb indicate dry conditions prevailed from 5,740 to 2,800 cal year BP, although this was interrupted by very wet conditions from
5,300 to 5,150, 4,300 to 4,050 and 3,700 to 3,450 cal year BP. The timing of the latter two moist intervals is consistent
with other Scandinavian paleoclimatic records. Dry conditions at Lake Bliden between 3,450 and 2,800 cal year BP is consistent
with other paleolimnological records from southern Sweden but contrasts with records in central Sweden, possibly suggesting
a more northerly trajectory of prevailing westerlies carrying moisture from the North Atlantic at this time. Overall, fluctuating
moisture conditions at Lake Bliden appear to be strongly linked to changing sea surface temperatures in the Greenland, Iceland
and Norwegian seas. After 2,800 cal year BP, sedimentology, magnetic susceptibility, δ13CORG, δ13Ccarb and δ18Ocarb indicate a major reduction on water level, which caused the depositional setting at the coring site to shift from the profundal
to littoral zone. The Roman Warm Period (2,200–1,500 cal year BP) appears dry based on enriched δ18Ocarb values. Possible effects of human disturbance in the watershed after 820 cal year BP complicate attempts to interpret the
stratigraphic record although tentative interpretation of the δ18Ocarb, magnetic susceptibility, δ13CORG, δ13Ccarb and δ18Ocarb records suggest that the Medieval Warm Period was dry and the Little Ice Age was wet. 相似文献
人类活动对港湾岸线及景观变迁影响的比较研究————以中国象山港与美国坦帕湾为例 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
利用多时期遥感数据,以10年为时间步长,提取1985-2015年4个时期中国象山港和美国坦帕湾的岸线空间位置,长度和曲折度以及港湾地区景观构型,多样性和破碎度等信息,构建海岸人工化和港湾景观人工干扰指标,探讨人类活动对港湾岸线,景观演变的影响.结果表明:① 近30年来,象山港和坦帕湾自然岸线长度不断缩减,人工岸线长度呈先增后稳定的态势.由于两地人类活动方式的差异,象山港局部岸段形态发生剧烈变化,岸线曲折度不断变小;而坦帕湾岸线形态变化较小,岸线曲折度几乎保持不变.② 1985-1995年,象山港海岸人工化不断加强,1995年以后有所减弱,但人类活动的影响范围逐渐变大,几乎遍及整个港湾海岸.1985-2015年,坦帕湾海岸人工化强度虽有加强,但增幅缓慢,海岸人类活动也主要集中于各沿海城市区域.③ 1985-2005年,象山港和坦帕湾各人工化强度等级样区景观平均斑块面积总体呈减少趋势,但2005-2015年,象山港各强度样区景观平均斑块面积变化趋势不一,坦帕湾各强度样区变幅则较为平稳.④ 1985-2005年,象山港各强度样区景观多样性指数逐渐增大,而坦帕湾变化不一;2005-2015年,两港湾人工化强度由弱至强,景观多样性指数先增后减.⑤ 1985-2005年,象山港和坦帕湾不同人工化强度样区,景观破碎度指数逐渐增大;2005-2015年,两港湾景观破碎度指数呈减小趋势. 相似文献
Charles G. Oviatt 《Journal of Paleolimnology》1988,1(1):9-21
Sevier Lake is the modern lake in the topographically closed Sevier Lake basin, and is fed primarily by the Sevier River. During the last 12 000 years, the Beaver River also was a major tributary to the lake. Lake Bonneville occupied the Sevier Desert until late in its regressive phase when it dropped to the Old River Bed threshold, which is the low point on the drainage divide between the Sevier Lake basin and the Great Salt Lake basin. Lake Gunnison, a shallow freshwater lake at 1390 m in the Sevier Desert, overflowed continuously from about 12 000 to 10 000 yr B.P., into the saline lake in the Great Salt Lake basin, which continued to contract. This contrast in hydrologic histories between the two basins may have been caused by a northward shift of monsoon circulation into the Sevier Lake basin, but not as far north as the Great Salt Lake basin. Increased summer precipitation and cloudiness could have kept the Sevier Lake basin relatively wet.By shortly after 10 000 yr B.P. Lake Gunnison had stopped overflowing and the Sevier and Beaver Rivers had begun depositing fine-grained alluvium across the lake bed. Sevier Lake remained at an altitude below 1381 m during the early and middle Holocene. Between 3000 and 2000 yr B.P. the lake expanded slightly to an altitude of about 1382.3 m. A second expansion, probably in the last 500 years, culminated at about 1379.8 m. In the mid 1800s the lake had a surface altitude of 1379.5 m. Sevier Lake was essentially dry (1376 m) from 1880 until 1982. In 1984–1985 the lake expanded to a 20th-century high of 1378.9 m in response to abnormally high snow-melt runoff in the Sevier River. The late Holocene high stands of Sevier Lake were most likely related to increased precipitation derived from westerly air masses.This is the first of a series of papers to be published by this journal that was presented in the paleolimnology sessions organized by R. B. Davis and H. Löffler for the XIIth Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), which took place in Ottawa, Canada in August 1987. Drs. Davis and Löffler are serving as guest editors of this series. 相似文献
We discuss the state of permafrost landscapes of Central Yakutia under the influence of current changes of climate and anthropogenic impacts. This study uses the data from the monitoring stations operated by the Permafrost Institute SB RAS, and from the Yakutsk and Pokrovsk meteorological stations. It is found that there is a rather good correlation between the data from the monitoring stations and from the Pokrovsk meteorological station. The last decade saw a considerable rise in temperatures of earth materials. The most sensitive to cliate change are the disturbed landscapes, primarily treeless landscapes such as anthropogenic complexes, and burned-out forests. 相似文献
Geomorphology of a beach-ridge complex and adjacent lake basins along the northern shore of Lake Michigan records fluctuations in the level of Lake Michigan for the last 8000 to 10 000 14C yr B.P. (radiocarbon years Before Present). A storm berm at 204.7–206 m (671.6–675.9 ft) exposed in a sandpit provides evidence of a pre-Chippewa Low lake level that is correlated with dropping water levels of Glacial Lake Algonquin (c. 10 300–10 100 14C yr B.P.). Radiocarbon dates from organic material exposed in a river cutbank and basal sediments from Elbow Lake, Mackinac Co., Michigan, indicate a maximum age of a highstand of Lake Michigan at 6900 14C yr B.P., which reached as high as 196.7 m (645 ft), during the early-Nipissing transgression of Lake Michigan. Basal radiocarbon dates from beach swales and a second lake site (Beaverhouse Lake, Mackinac Co.) provide geomorphic evidence for a subsequent highstand which reached 192.6 m (632 ft) at 5390±70 14C yr B.P.Basal radiocarbon dates from a transect of sediment cores, along with tree-ring data, and General Land Office Surveyor notes of a shipwreck, c. A.D. 1846, reveal a late-Holocene rate for isostatic rebound of 22.6 cm/100 radiocarbon years (0.74 ft/100 radiocarbon years) for the northern shore of Lake Michigan, relative to the Lake Michigan-Lake Huron outlet at Port Huron, Michigan. Changes in sediment stratigraphy, inter-ridge distance, and sediment accumulation rates document a mid- to late-Holocene retreat of the shoreline due to isostatic rebound. This regression sequence was punctuated by brief, periodic highstands, resulting in progressive development over the past 5400 14C yr of 75 pairs of dune ridges and swales each formed over an interval of approximately 72 years. Times of lake-level fluctuation were identified at 3900, 3200, and 1000 14C yr B.P. based on changes in inter-ridge spacing, shifts in the course of Millecoquins River, and reorientation of beach-ridge lineation. Soil type, dune development, and selected pollen data provide supporting evidence for this chronology. Late-Holocene beach-ridge development and lake-level fluctuations are related to a retreat of the dominant Pacific airmass and the convergence of the Arctic and Tropical airmasses resulting in predominantly meridional rather than zonal air flow across the Great Lakes region.This is the 13th in a series of papers published in this special AMQUA issue. These papers were presented at the 1994 meeting of the American Quaternary Association held 19–22 June, 1994, at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Dr Linda C. K. Shane served as guest editor for these papers. 相似文献
Sean Michael Earley Matthew Neal Waters Donald Thieme Joseph McDonald Smoak 《Journal of Paleolimnology》2017,57(4):295-306
Many freshwater resources receive materials from human development causing a decrease in ecological services when compared to pre-disturbance periods. As a result, the understanding of eutrophication and limnological change has increased, but less attention has been given to systems under intense human impact that have not eutrophied so that drivers precluding eutrophication can be documented. The primary objective of this research was to reconstruct allochthonous inputs and in-lake processes for Long Pond, Georgia, USA from the mid Holocene to present and link them to primary producer community changes. Long Pond is a mesotrophic lake located in a highly altered watershed from agricultural and municipal land use and housing developments. A 5 m sediment core was collected from Long Pond, and organic matter, nutrients (C, N, P), metals (Al, Fe, Cu), and photosynthetic pigments were measured. Long Pond existed in three limnological states spanning the past ~6000 years. Prior to modern lacustrine conditions, Long Pond was a wetland/peat system that experienced the highest primary producer abundance recorded in the core. The modern lacustrine state began in the late Holocene and was characterized by increased connectivity with the surrounding watershed and low productivity. Human impacts began around 1900 AD and included high levels of phosphorus and metal deposition but moderate levels of primary producer abundance. As a result, in-lake dynamics are believed to be regulating the trophic status of Long Pond. Low concentrations of available phosphorus in the water column combined with high concentrations of sedimentary phosphorus may imply the binding of phosphorus to the sediments by certain materials such as aluminum and iron. Long Pond serves as an example of the complex in-lake processes that can occur from allochthonous inputs and autochthonous responses in lake systems thus complicating management decisions. 相似文献
Martin F. Hilfinger IV Henry T. Mullins Adam Burnett Matthew E. Kirby 《Journal of Paleolimnology》2001,26(3):293-305
A series (N = 12) of short (< 1 m) sediment cores were collected from meromictic Green Lake in Fayetteville, New York to investigate potential anthropogenic impacts on the watershed during historic time and environmental change over the past ~ 2,500 years. Stratigraphic data document an abrupt basinwide change during the early 1800's A.D. from brown laminated sediments to grey varved sediments separated by a transition zone rich in aquatic moss. Deforestation of the region by European settlers during the early 1800's A.D. resulted in a flux of nutrients and increased biological productivity followed by a 7fold increase in sediment accumulation rates. Elemental geochemical data document the anthropogenic loading of lead to the to the lake basin via atmospheric fallout. Stable oxygen isotope (18O calcite) data also provide evidence for an abrupt shift in the isotopic composition of lake water ~ 150–200 years ago. This isotopic shift could have been a local phenomenon related to an increased supply of summer enriched precipitation following removal of forest vegetation, or it might have reflected broader scale climatic changes. We hypothesize that the 18O calcite shift was the result of the polar front jet stream migrating from a more southerly prehistoric position to a contracted, northerly configuration ~ 150–200 years ago. Such a shift could have been natural, associated with the end of the Little Ice Age or it may have been anthropogenically forced. 相似文献
Calibration of diatoms along a nutrient gradient in Florida Everglades Water Conservation Area-2A, USA 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Sherri R. Cooper Jacqueline Huvane Panchabi Vaithiyanathan Curtis J. Richardson 《Journal of Paleolimnology》1999,22(4):413-437
The relationship between diatom taxa preserved in surface soils and environmental variables at 31 sites in Water Conservation Area 2A (WCA-2A) of the Florida Everglades was explored using multivariate analyses. Surface soils were collected along a phosphorus (P) gradient and analyzed for diatoms, total P, % nitrogen (N), %carbon (C), calcium (Ca), and biogenic silica (BSi). Phosphorus varied from 315-1781 g g-1, and was not found to be correlated with the other geochemical variables. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to examine which environmental variables correlated most closely with the distributions in diatom taxa. Canonical correspondence analysis with forward selection, constrained and partial CCA, and Monte Carlo permutation tests of significance show the most significant changes in diatom assemblages along the P gradient (p < 0.01), with additional species differences correlated with soil C, N, Ca, and BSi.Weighted-averaging (WA) regression and calibration models of diatom assemblages to P and BSi were developed. The diatom-based inference model for soil [P] had a high apparent r2 (0.86) with RMSEboot = 218 g g-1. Indicator diatom species identified by assessing species WA optima and WA tolerance to [P], such as Nitzschia amphibia and N. palea for high [P] (~1300-1400 g-1) and Achnanthes minutissima var. scotica and Mastogloia smithii for low [P] (~400-600 g g-1), may be useful as monitoring tools for eutrophication in WCA-2A as well as other areas of the Everglades. Diatom assemblages analyzed by cluster analysis were related to location within WCA-2A, and dominant taxa within clusters are discussed in relation to the geochemical variables measured as well as hydrology and pH. Diversity of diatom assemblages and a Disturbance Index based on diatom data are discussed in relation to the historically P-limited Everglades ecosystem. Diatom assemblages should be very useful for reconstructions of [P] through time in the Florida Everglades, provided diatoms are well preserved in soil cores. 相似文献
城市家庭居住地选址的空间异质性分析——以美国佛罗里达州橙县为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
家庭选择居住地的行为天然具有空间性, 因而空间异质性效应是家庭居住地选址建模不可忽视的因素。传统的居住地选址模型基于空间一致性假设, 即假设影响因素对家庭的居住地选择行为的影响在空间上一致, 因而忽略了空间异质性效应。基于多项Logit 模型构建了居住地选址模型, 并在两个空间尺度和5 个子区域中分别应用该模型, 来反映影响因素的影响作用在空间上的变化。以美国佛罗里达州橙县家庭选址为例进行实证研究, 结果表明:家庭居住地选址行为的影响因素在不同的空间位置和空间尺度上具有不同的作用, 因而存在显著的空间异质性。尽管以美国地区为例, 但所得结论对国内案例区研究同样具有借鉴意义。 相似文献
Tomonori Naya Yoshihiro Tanimura Yutaka Kanai Fujio Kumon Kazuo Amano 《Journal of Paleolimnology》2007,37(4):547-563
In order to assess the recent anthropogenic environmental changes in Lake Kitaura, central Japan, changes during the past
few centuries were reconstructed from results of radiometric and tephrochlonological age determination, magnetic susceptibility
measurements, total organic carbon analyses, total nitrogen analyses and fossil diatom analyses on a sediment core from the
lake. A total of six major and sub-zones are recognized according to the diatom fossil assemblages, and we discuss aquatic
environmental change in Lake Kitaura mainly based on these diatom assemblage change. Zone Ia and Zone Ib (older than AD 1707)
are marine to brackish. In Zone IIa (AD␣1707–AD 1836), most of the brackish diatoms disappeared, and were replaced by freshwater
species indicating a decrease in salinity. We interpret the salinity decrease in Zone I–IIa as a sea-level fall during the
Little Ice Age. The salinity of the lake decreased to near freshwater conditions in Zone IIb (AD 1836–AD 1970), which could
arise from alteration in River Tone or development of a sandspit in the mouth of River Tone in addition to sea-level change.
In Zone IIIa (AD 1970–AD 1987), the diatom assemblage indicates a freshwater environment, and sedimentation rates increase
rapidly. These changes reflect sedimentary environment change and an ecosystem transition due to the construction of the tide
gate. In Zone IIIb (AD 1987–AD 2002), the diatom flux (valves cm−2 y−1) increased and species composition changed. The changes in Zone IIIb show a good agreement with limnological monitoring data
gathered from the lake. These paleolimnological data suggest that the recent human-induced changes of the aquatic environment
of the lake after the 1970s exceed rates during the period concerned in this study. 相似文献