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Diatom surface sediment samples and corresponding water chemistry were collected from 56 lakes across a natural conductivity gradient in western Uganda (reflecting a regional climatic gradient of effective moisture) to explore factors controlling diatom distribution. Here we develop a regional training set from these crater lakes to test the hypothesis that this approach, by providing more appropriate and closer analogues, can improve the accuracy of palaeo-conductivity reconstructions, and so environmental inferences in these lake systems compared to larger training sets. We compare this output to models based on larger, but geographically and limnologically diverse training sets, using the European Diatom Database Initiative (EDDI) database. The relationships between water chemistry and diatom distributions were explored using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and partial CCA. Variance partitioning indicated that conductivity accounted for a significant and independent portion of this variation. A transfer function was developed for conductivity (r jack 2 ?=?0.74). Prediction errors, estimated using jack-knifing, are low for the conductivity model (0.256 log10 units). The resulting model was applied to a sedimentary sequence from Lake Kasenda, western Uganda. Comparison of conductivity reconstructions using the Ugandan crater lake training set and the East Africa training set (EDDI) highlighted a number of differences in the optima of key diatom taxa, which lead to differences in reconstructed values and could lead to misinterpretation of the fossil record. This study highlights issues of how far transfer functions based on continental-scale lake datasets such as the EDDI pan-African models should be used and the benefits that may be obtained from regional training sets.  相似文献   

Diatom-based transfer functions for inferring epilimnetic total phosphorus (TP) have been developed from a data set of 33 southeastern Australian water storages. Regular institutional monitoring of these sites has allowed comparison of models developed from TP data covering different time periods. A model based on mean annual TP performs better than models derived from winter maximum TP, spring minimum TP or TP nearest the time of diatom sampling. A mean annual TP model (WA-PLS 2 component) has a jack-knifed diatom-inferred versus measured TP correlation coefficient (r 2 jack) of 0.69 and a root-mean-square-error of prediction (RMSEP) of 0.246 log10g TP l–1, while alternative models have RMSEP > 0.27. Deletion of two samples with uncharacteristic species composition and environmental conditions improved performance of the mean annual TP model (r 2 jack= 0.74; RMSEP = 0.233 log10g TP l–1). Comparison with other published diatom-TP calibration models indicates that this model performs relatively well, with possible contributing factors including the extensive characterisation of TP (with an average 15 determinations making up the annual mean) and the dominance of planktonic diatoms in most sites. Downcore application of the model will allow the reconstruction of reservoir nutrient histories since commissioning, and thus provide a basis for understanding and management of reservoirs.  相似文献   

Diatom preservation can be a major taphonomic issue in many lakes but is often unrecognised and its impacts on qualitative and quantitative inferences (such as productivity and biodiversity estimates) from sedimentary archives are seldom explored. Here two palaeolimnological case studies of 20th-century anthropogenic eutrophication of freshwater lakes in Northern Ireland (Lough Neagh and Lough Augher) are re-visited and new data presented on diatom preservation. Assessing problems of taphonomy challenges previous interpretations of silica dynamics and diatom productivity at these sites. Diatom preservation was assessed in both sediment trap material and sediment cores from Lough Neagh, and in sediment cores from Lough Augher. Preservation data, combined with geochemical analysis (Si, Fe), provide an insight into silica cycling and diatom accumulation over a range of temporal scales from these lakes. Diatom preservation was generally good for the Lough Neagh material, although differential (better) preservation of the smaller Aulacoseira subarctica compared to the larger Stephanodiscus neoastraea sensu lato valves was clear, especially in sediments. Porewater silica showed a complex seasonal pattern in the upper sediment, against expectations of steady-state. The Lough Augher material was generally poorly preserved, although preservation (dissolution) was significantly (and positively) correlated to bulk sedimentation rate, and was found to be a major control on (net) diatom accumulation rate across the basin. Past seasonal and severe anoxia at Lough Augher did not improve diatom preservation, contrary to some previous studies, which may be due to extreme changes in sedimentary redox conditions. Finally, using published experimental relationships between dissolution and diatom valve loss, correction factors were applied to previously published profiles of diatom accumulation over the last ~150 years (biovolume from Lough Neagh and frustule accumulation rate from Lough Augher), which suggest that diatom productivity estimates from sedimentary records are underestimated by a factor of 2–4 due to dissolution effects alone. The results clearly have implications for the reliability and accuracy of diatom-based inferences made from sediment records, both qualitative and quantitative, especially for those that employ diatoms as direct measures of productivity or biodiversity.  相似文献   

A fundamental task for petroleum exploration decision-making is to evaluate the uncertainty of well outcomes. The recent development of geostatistical simulation techniques provides an effective means to the generation of a full uncertainty model for any random variable. Sequential indicator simulation has been used as a tool to generate alternate, equal-probable stochastic models, from which various representations of uncertainties can be created. These results can be used as input for the quantification of various risks associated with a wildcat drilling program or the estimation of petroleum resources. A simple case study is given to demonstrate the use of sequential indicator simulation. The data involves a set of wildcat wells in a gas play. The multiple simulated stochastic models are then post-processed to characterize various uncertainties associated with drilling outcomes.  相似文献   

We used statistical analyses to determine which subset of 36 environmental variables best explained variations in surface sediment δ13C and δ15N from 50 lakes in western Ireland that span a human-impact gradient. The factors controlling lake sediment δ13C and δ15N depended on whether organics in the lake sediment were mostly derived from the lake catchment (allochthonous) or from productivity within the lake (autochthonous). Lake sediments with a dominantly allochthonous organic source (high C:N ratio sediments) produced δ13C and δ15N measurements similar to values from catchment vegetation. δ13C and δ15N measurements from lake sediments with a dominantly autochthonous organic source (low C:N ratio sediments) were influenced by fractionation in the lake and catchment leading up to assimilation of carbon and nitrogen by lacustrine biota. δ13C values from lake sediment samples in agricultural catchments were more negative than δ13C values from lake sediment samples in non-impacted, bogland catchments. Hypolimnetic oxygen concentrations and methane production had a greater influence on δ13C values than fractionation due to algal productivity. δ15N from lake sediment samples in agricultural catchments were more positive than δ15N in non-impacted bogland catchments. Lower δ15N values from non-impacted lake catchments reflected δ15N values of catchment vegetation, while higher δ15N values in agricultural catchments reflected the high δ15N values of cattle manure and inorganic fertilisers. The influence of changing nitrogen sources and lake/catchment fractionation processes were more important than early diagenesis for lake sediment δ15N values in this dataset. The results from this study suggest a possible influence of bound inorganic nitrogen on the bulk sediment δ15N values. We recommend using a suitable method to control for bound inorganic nitrogen in lake sediments, especially when working with clay-rich sediments. This study confirms the usefulness of δ13C and δ15N from bulk lake sediments, as long as we are mindful of the multiple factors that can influence these values. This study also highlights how stable isotope datasets from lake surface sediments can complement site-specific isotope source/process studies and help identify key processes controlling lake sediment δ13C and δ15N in a study area.  相似文献   

We compared water chemistry and environmental data with midge assemblage data, using multivariate analysis to assess the environmental gradients that limit midge (Chironomidae, Chaoboridae and Ceratopogonidae) distributions in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, northeastern Manitoba, Canada. Midge remains, comprising 62 taxa, were obtained from surficial sediments of 63 ponds. Ponds were sampled to maximize the salinity gradient. Specific conductance ranged from 46 to 29,000 μS cm?1. Proximity to the coast was a principal determinant of pond salinity, with ponds closer to Hudson Bay shoreline more saline that those farther away. Multivariate analysis indicated that midge distributions have a significant relationship ( $ {\text{r}}_{\text{boot}}^{2} = 0.68 $ ) with salinity in the data set. This work will allow paleolimnological inferences of midge community responses to changing sea level (i.e. salinity) via isostatic rebound within the Hudson Bay Lowlands, and will provide essential limnological information to scientists and managers in a region where understanding of aquatic ecosystems is limited. One undescribed midge taxon was dominant in ponds with the highest salinities and may be a key indicator for inferring highly saline environments.  相似文献   

The trophic status of lakes in New Zealand is, on average, low compared to more densely populated areas of the globe. Despite this, trends of eutrophication are currently widespread due to recent intensification in agriculture. In order to better identify baseline productivity and establish long-term trends in lake trophic status, diatom-based transfer functions for productivity-related parameters were developed. Water quality data and surface sediment diatom assemblages from 53 lakes across the North and South Islands of New Zealand were analysed to determine species responses to the principal environmental gradients in the data set. Repeat sampling of water chemistry over a 12-month period enabled examination of species responses to annual means as well as means calculated for stratified and mixed periods. Variables found to be most strongly correlated with diatom species distributions were chlorophyll a (Chl a), total phosphorus (TP), dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), ionic concentration (measured as electrical conductivity (EC)) and pH. These variables were used to develop diatom-based transfer functions using weighted averaging regression and calibration (simple, tolerance down-weighted and with partial least squares algorithm applied). Overall, models derived for stratified means were weaker than those using annual or isothermal means. For specific variables, the models derived for the isothermal mean of EC (WA-tol r2jack = 0.79; RMSEP = 0.15 log10 S cm–1),the annual mean of pH (WA r2jack = 0.72; RMSEP = 0.25 pH units) and the isothermal mean of Chl a (WA r2jack = 0.71; RMSEP = 0.18 log10 mg m–3 Chl a) performed best. The models derived for TP were weak in comparison (for the annual mean of TP: WA r2jack = 0.50; RMSEP = 0.24 log10 mg m–3 TP) and residuals on estimates for this model were correlated with several other water quality variables, suggesting confounding of species responses to TP concentrations. The model derived for the isothermal mean of DRP was relatively strong (WA-tol r2jack = 0.78; RMSEP = 0.17 log10 mg m–3 DRP); however, residual values for this model were also found to be strongly correlated with several other water quality variables. It is concluded that the poor performance of the TP and DRP transfer functions relative to that of the Chl a model reflects the coexistence of nitrogen and phosphorus limitation within the lakes in the data set. In spite of this, the suite of transfer functions developed from the training set is regarded as a valuable addition to palaeolimnological studies in NewZealand.  相似文献   

Chrysophycean stomatocysts were identified and enumerated from the surface sediments of 60 lakes located on the Interior Plateau of British Columbia. The lakes span a salinity gradient from freshwater to hypersaline (0.0–92.4 g L–1), with the majority being fresh to hyposaline. One hundred and ten stomatocyst morphotypes, almost all of which were previously described, were identified from the lake sediments. The first axis of direct gradient analysis, which was highly significant, was essentially a salinity axis (i.e. [Ca], [Mg], [K], [Na], [SO4], [DIC], and [Cl]). Most cysts were found to have fairly broad tolerances, with the narrowest tolerances occurring among morphotypes with the lowest salinity optima. Weighted-averaging regression and calibration techniques were used to develop an inference model to measure the relationship between measured average lakewater salinity and stomatocyst inferred salinity (apparent r2=0.80). Simple weighted-averaging produced a model with a lower bootstrapped RMSE of prediction than weighted-averaging with tolerance downweighting. These data indicate that chrysophyte stomatocysts are useful quantitative indicators of past lakewater salinity (in the freshwater to hyposaline range) in B.C. lakes, and can be used to strengthen the interpretations from diatom-inference models already developed from the same region.  相似文献   

The relationship between surface sediment diatom assemblages and measured limnological variables in thirty-three coastal Antarctic lakes from the Vestfold Hills was examined by constructing a diatom-water chemistry dataset. Previous analysis of this dataset by canonical correspondence analysis revealed that salinity accounted for a significant amount of the variation in the distribution of the diatom assemblages. Weighted-averaging regression and calibration of this diatom-salinity relationship was used to establish a transfer function for the reconstruction of past lakewater salinity from fossil diatom assemblages. Weighted-averaging regression and calibration with classical deshrinking provided the best model for salinity reconstructions and this was applied to the fossil diatom assemblages from one of the saline lakes in the Vestfold Hills in order to assess its potential for palaeosalinity and palaeoclimate reconstruction.  相似文献   

The probability of crane living in reedy wetlands can reach 100%, at the same time, the area of reed, the water level and adjacent water area are main factors which control the crane's habitat selection. We all know that all these factors are spatially heterogeneous. For the Xianghai wetland safety and to protect the Xianghai wetland habitat of crane, this paper has mainly identified a solution to these problems. The wetland information is extracted from the TM images, which reflect the whole wetland landscape and are very important for both quantitative analysis of remote sensing observation of the earth system and positioning analysis in GIS database that is automatically extracted from DEM. The DEM for Xianghai characteristics of topography is created. On the basis of the GRID SUBMODULE, applying the GIS spatial overlay analysis, the relationship between the water level and the reed area below the water level and the rating distribution maps of reed area above water level is established. When the water level reaches the altitude of 165 m, the reed area, 981.2 ha is maximum, i.e., the water level of 165 m is the optimal.  相似文献   

Shallow Miocene salt deposits located below the city of Tuzla (BiH) have been exploited during the last 60 years by means of wells extracting salt-saturated groundwater brines. The massive extraction activities have led to severe subsidence accommodated by collapse and strain localization. Surface topography and geomorphology have been influenced and modified by several faults and fractures.A series of sequential topographical survey data collected during the last 50 years have been used to obtain the total subsidence envelope surface. In order to analyze the salt dissolution-related morphological development of the Tuzla topography and to identify the location of faults and fractures in the deformed area, we applied curvature analysis to the subsidence surface by means of two different analytical methods: the directional, two-dimensional curvature and the analytic Gaussian curvature. The comparison of the curvature maps with those of surface fractures visible in the area shows a good spatial agreement between the directional curvature and fracture intensity, whereas the subsurface normal faults are more evident in the Gaussian curvature maps.  相似文献   

近年来,由于水资源不合理利用引发的水资源污染、短缺以及自然灾害的加剧,制约着城镇、区域和国家的社会经济发展,对生态环境安全及人类的可持续发展造成威胁。如何保证在环境演变、城镇发展的过程中,水资源得到可持续开发利用,水文化的地方性得以保持和丰富,成为当下生态环境保护、城市规划设计的一大挑战。2018年9月25-29日在北京召开的中德双边研讨会聚焦环境变化,以“可持续视角的水环境保护利用与水空间规划设计”为主题,在规划、地理、景观、建筑、旅游、生态、水利、历史等多学科领域,就中德双方在不同的城镇化发展阶段面临的水资源保护与可持续开发问题及其相关经验和解决对策。中德两国的29位专家学者,就城镇化过程中水环境保护与利用的挑战、水资源的可持续利用、水空间的规划设计策略等三个主题展开交流与讨论,并就双边学术研究、人才培养和成果交流方面的合作渠道和模式进行探讨。  相似文献   

Holocene sediments in Lake Winnipeg are expressed in the lower Lake Agassiz sequence which is unconformably overlain by the Lake Winnipeg sequence. Nine sites, covering the North and South basins and the connecting Narrows, were selected for analysis of Holocene changes in thecamoebian faunae. Only the Lake Winnipeg sequence contains thecamoebians. This study indicates that biologic productivity and consequently the type of organic material in the sediments is the main control on thecamoebian taxa in Lake Winnipeg. Other factors controlling the distribution of thecamoebians are water chemistry and turbidity. Inorganic sediment geochemistry and water temperature do not appear to significantly influence the thecamoebian fauna of Lake Winnipeg. Variations in the abundance of key thecamoebian species along a north-south transect divide Lake Winnipeg into three distinct areas. The North Basin has remained relatively unchanged since the retreat of Lake Agassiz as indicated by the domination of Difflugia manicata throughout its history. This species appears to prefer Cyanophyta and diatoms as its food source. In the Narrows harsh conditions created by turbid waters and lack of algal food taxa result in Centropyxis aculeata replacing Difflugia manicata as the dominant species. In the South Basin three thecamoebian assemblages are recognized. Cucurbitella tricuspis, indicative of eutrophic conditions, dominates the most recent sediments of the South Basin. The underlying sediments are characterized by Difflugia globulus. In Lake Winnipeg this species is not a cold climate (arctic) indicator as suggested elsewhere but instead seems to prefer sediments containing green and yellow-green algal material. A Centropyxis-Arcella Assemblage occurs only at the base of the southernmost core where it is indicative of an early phase of hyposaline conditions as developed in shallow pools during the southward transgression of Lake Winnipeg. This study illustrates the usefulness of thecamoebians as paleolimnological indicators. Environmental changes are more significant in the restricted South Basin resulting in distinct thecamoebian assemblages. In contrast, the North Basin provided a stable environment throughout the late Holocene reflected in only subtle faunal changes.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖湿地水位与洲滩淹露模型构建   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
周霞  赵英时  梁文广 《地理研究》2009,28(6):1722-1730
水是控制湿地生态过程的一个重要因子,为了研究洲滩变化和湿地草洲生长发育规律,以便更好地监测和保护湿地生态系统,有必要研究鄱阳湖水体变化特征,分析湿地洲滩水位的时空动态变化和洲滩淹露规律。本文以鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区为例,在对鄱阳湖多年水位进行分析的基础上,利用多时相遥感影像和DEM提取湿地洲滩特征;并在GIS支持下综合考虑地形、鄱阳湖水位、湖泊缓冲区等因素,建立了湿地水位及洲滩淹露模型。时空验证结果表明,该模型具有较好的模拟效果,精度在85%以上。同时,本文根据研究区特点及水体在TM2、7波段的特征差异,构建了一个新的水体指数FDWI,提取水体精度达到98%,特别是对潮湿的沙地、植被和云有很好的区分能力。  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to sum up knowledge of colour infrared (CIR) aerial photography as a tool for vegetation data for mapping and monitoring in environmental and biodiversity surveys and change detection surveillance. It compiles thirty years of research of the main ecosystems in Swedish vegetation, where the overall goal was to develop methods for mapping and monitoring vegetation by use of CIR aerial photographs, assess the accuracy compared to field-based mapping and to implement them as a tool in nature conservation and environmental planning. The methods include development of a classification system, identification and analysis of indicators, development of interpretation techniques, and evaluation compared to the data collected in the field. The CIR observable criteria are colour, texture, pattern, size, form, and density, based on spectral reflectance, physiognomy, life forms, ecological conditions, moisture and nutrition, vegetation period and phenology, topography, site conditions, and management methods. The methods have been used to produce vegetation maps of mountains, boreal forests, and mires in northern and central Sweden, in national inventories of wetlands, ancient meadows and pastures, key biotopes in forests and for monitoring agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

According to recent estimates, the continental mid-crust contains 35–40 per cent amphibolites. Heating of the crust by an underlying mantle plume, for example beneath continental rifts, high plateaus, and areas of intraplate volcanic activity, releases water. Dehydration of amphibole-bearing rocks at depths of 20–40  km occurs mainly in the temperature range 650–700 °C, and this releases about 0.4  wt per cent of water.
  Seismic tomography studies of the crust in the Kirgyz Tien Shan Range, where the age of the tectonic activity is less than 30  Ma, revealed a low-velocity zone in the mid-crust. The velocity of P waves was 0.4  km  s1 lower than in normal crust. MT sounding data in the region show the existence of a low-resistivity layer with an average resistivity of about 25  Ω  m at the depth of the low-velocity layer. The spatial correlation of the observed anomalous layers and calculated effect of fluid phase on seismic and electric parameters of rocks suggests the presence of aqueous fluids released by the heating of the mid-crust.  相似文献   

水位作为湖泊重要的水文要素之一,在反映湖泊水量变化,指示湖泊湿地生态环境状况等方面都有重要的生态意义。选取黑河下游尾闾湖东居延海为研究区域,采用湖泊形态学法对湖泊最小生态水面和最低生态水位进行了研究。依据水量平衡原理,结合已有研究对不同情景下的生态需水量进行了估算。最后结合黑河输水河道耗水规律,提出不同情景(水文频率)下各水文断面需下泄水量。研究结果对于干旱区流域湖泊湿地的保护和水资源的合理利用都有重要意义,同时也为黑河流域生态输水工程的实施提供现实的科学依据。  相似文献   

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