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The nature of PGE-Re (PGE = Pt, Pd, Os, Ir, Ru) behavior in subcontinental lithospheric mantle was investigated using new, high precision PGE-Re abundance measurements and previously published Re-Os isotopic analyses of peridotite xenoliths from the Sierra Nevada and Mojave Province, California. Ru/Ir ratios and Ir concentrations are constant over a wide range in S content and major-element fertility indices (e.g., Mg/(Mg+Fe)), indicating that Ru and Ir are not only compatible during partial melting, but also that their partitioning behaviors may not be controlled entirely by sulfide. Pt/Ir, Pd/Ir, Os/Ir, and Re/Ir ratios range from slightly superchondritic to distinctly subchondritic for all xenoliths except for one anomalous sample (1026V), which is characterized by radiogenic 187Os/188Os, low Re/Os ratio, and large enrichments in Cu, Os, Pt, Pd, and S relative to Ir (COPPS metasomatism). Assuming chondritic initial relative abundances, the magnitudes of some of the depletions in Pt, Pd, Os, and Re relative to Ir and Ru require incompatible behavior or substantial secondary loss. In detail, some samples, which are otherwise characterized by fertile major-element indices, exhibit low S contents and subchondritic Os/Ir and Pd/Ir ratios, indicating that depletions in Pd and Os relative to Ir are not simple functions of the degree of melting as inferred from major elements. Possible mechanisms for depleting Pt, Pd, Os, and Re relative to Ir and Ru include partitioning into chromian spinels and alloys, partitioning between sulfide and sulfide liquids, mobilization by aqueous fluids, or secondary loss associated with late-stage sulfide breakdown. However, it is not possible to explain all of the depletions in Pt, Pd, Os, and Re by any single mechanism.The preferential enrichment in Os over Re and Ir in sample 1026V is somewhat paradoxical because this sample’s radiogenic 187Os/188Os requires a metasomatic agent, originating from a source with a high time-integrated Re/Os ratio. The abundant garnet websterite xenoliths may be a suitable source because they have high Re/Os ratios, radiogenic Os, and abundant garnet, which may sequester Re over Os during partial melting. However, their extremely low Os contents require the processing of large amounts of garnet websterite to concentrate enough Os into the metasomatic sulfides needed to enrich sample 1026V in Os. The homogeneity in 187Os/188Os ratio in the remaining xenoliths suggest that their Os isotopic compositions were not significantly affected by PGE metasomatism. The singular nature of 1026V’s composition emphasizes the rarity of COPPS metasomatism.  相似文献   

Co-existing plagioclase and alkali feldspars of the Sierra Nevada granites and plagioclases of the mafic inclusions have been analysed using an ARL EMX electron microprobe analyser. Each Sierran rock type contains co-existing feldspar pairs within specific compositional ranges. Core plagioclase compositions of the mafic inclusions are only slightly higher or lower in anorthite than the host rock plagioclases and cluster between An30 and An40. The chemical inhomogeneity of the Sierran potash feldspars and this effect on the Barth k value prohibits the use of the feldspars as geothermometers for these particular rocks. Results of the electron microprobe, x-ray, and petrographic study and the experimental hydrothermal investigation of the granites suggest but do not prove that both the plagioclase composition and the mafic inclusion mineralogy can be explained in terms of a model which considers the inclusions to be the refractory residue left over from the partial melting of crustal material.Submitted to the Faculty of the Department of the Geophysical Sciences, The University of Chicago, in partial fulfillment for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.  相似文献   

The Tuolumne batholith, Sierra Nevada, California, consists of several nested granitoid units and is an example of upper-crustal normally zoned intrusions. The two outermost units of the batholith are separated by a wide gradational contact in what is interpreted to represent a large magma chamber. In the Potter Point area near the eastern margin of the batholith, the gradational contact is cross-cut by a network of interconnected mafic–felsic sheets, which grade into zones of magmatic erosion by stoping where the host granodiorite between the sheets was entirely removed and replaced by younger enclave-rich quartz diorite. We interpret these features to record disruption of a steep solidification front, which migrated inwards from the eastern batholith margin and separated the mushy to solidified margin from the remaining active magma chamber. When intersecting the gradational contact, the solidification front started to break up via a network of tectonically driven fractures accompanied by simultaneous injection of localized magma pulses. The solidification front break-up is interpreted here as an initial stage of a “recycling” process, whereby older magma mush is disrupted and incorporated into younger magma batches, a process we propose to have been widespread along internal contacts in the Tuolumne magma chamber.  相似文献   

Sediment cores from two bedrock-dammed lakes in North Fork Big Pine Creek, Sierra Nevada, California, preserve the most detailed and complete record of Holocene glaciation yet recovered in the region. The lakes are fed by outwash from the Palisade Glacier, the largest (~1.3 km2) and presumably longest-lived glacier in the range, and capture essentially all of the rock flour it produces. Distinct late-Holocene (Matthes) and late-Pleistocene (Recess Peak) moraines lie between the modern glacier and the lakes. The lakes have therefore received continuous sedimentation from the basin since the retreat of the Tioga glacier (Last Glacial Maximum) and capture rock flour related to all post-LGM advances. A total of eight long cores (up to 5.5 m sediment depth) and one short surface sediment short core preserve a coherent record of fluctuating rock flour flux to the lakes through the Holocene. Age constraints on rock flour spikes in First and Second lakes based on 31 14C-dated macrofossils indicate Holocene glaciation began ~3200 cal yr B P, followed by a possible glacier maximum at ~2800 cal yr B P and four distinct glacier maxima at ~2200, ~1600, ~700 and ~250-170 cal yr. B.P., the most recent maximum being the largest.Reconstruction of the equilibrium-line altitudes (ELA) associated with each distinct advance recorded in the moraines (Recess Peak, Matthes, and modern) indicates ELA depressions (relative to modern) of ~250 m and 90 m for Recess Peak and Matthes advances, respectively. These differences represent decreases in summer temperatures of 1.7–2.8 °C (Recess Peak) and 0.2–2° (Matthes), and increases in winter precipitation of 22-34 cm snow water equivalent (s.w.e.) (Recess Peak) and 3-26 cm s.w.e. (Matthes) compared to modern conditions. Although small, these changes are significant and similar to those noted in the Cascade Range to the north, and represent a significant departure from historical climate trends in the region.  相似文献   

Twenty samples of hornblendes from rocks of 14 plutonic unitsin the central Sierra Nevada and Inyo Mountains, California,have been studied in detail. Optical, density, single-crystaland powder X-ray diffraction, and major and minor element chemicaldata are reported. The compositions of the hornblendes show only limited correlationwith the chemistry of the rocks in which they occurred. Hornblendesfrom granitic rocks of the eastern Sierra Nevada and Inyo Mountainshave a wide range of tetrahedral aluminum content which is oftenas low as three-quarters of an atom per formula unit, whereashornblendes from younger granitic rocks elsewhere in the SierraNevada batholith contain more than one atom of tetrahedral aluminumper formula unit. Because an increase of aluminum in tetrahedralco-ordination is considered indicative of higher temperaturesof crystallization, the observed differences in the hornblendessuggest that older plutonic rocks of the batholith may havebeen metamorphosed regionally or may have been affected by widespreadhydrothermal action prior to consolidation of later graniticrocks.  相似文献   

Biotites from plutonic recks of the central Sierra Nevada andInyo Mountains, California, have been examined and characterizedby powder X-ray diffraction and optical and chemical methods. Compositions of the biotites define a trend in the compositionaltriangle Fe+3 Fe+2Mg. When related to the experimentally studiedternary system KFe3+3AlSisO12H-1-KFe3+2 AlSi3O10(OH)2-KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2and coupled with the estimated positions of biotite solid solutionsfor different oxygen buffers, the trend suggests that oxygenfugacities in magmas during biotite crystallization were slightlyhigher than those defined by the Ni-NiO buffer. The compositionaldata also suggest that magmas were ‘buffered’ withrespect to oxygen by oxides existing within the magmas themselves. Correlation between the Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratio, an inferred temperatureindicator, and other elements is generally poor, which suggeststhat factors other than temperature at the time of crystallizationexerted an important influence on compositions.  相似文献   

Pleistocene fluvial landforms and riparian ecosystems in central California responded to climate changes in the Sierra Nevada, yet the glacial history of the western Sierra remains largely unknown. Three glacial stages in the northwestern Sierra Nevada are documented by field mapping and cosmogenic radionuclide surface-exposure (CRSE) ages. Two CRSE ages of erratic boulders on an isolated till above Bear Valley provide a limiting minimum age of 76,400±3800 10Be yr. Another boulder age provides a limiting minimum age of 48,800±3200 10Be yr for a broad-crested moraine ridge within Bear Valley. Three CRSE ages producing an average age of 18,600±1180 yr were drawn from two boulders near a sharp-crested bouldery lateral moraine that represents an extensive Tioga glaciation in Bear Valley. Nine CRSE ages from striated bedrock along a steep valley transect average 14,100±1500 yr and suggest rapid late-glacial ice retreat from lower Fordyce Canyon with no subsequent extensive glaciations. These ages are generally consistent with glacial and pluvial records in east-central California and Nevada.  相似文献   

The Genesis of Zoned Skarns in the Sierra Nevada, California   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zoned skarns occur at plutonic-metamorphic contacts, in veinscutting marble, and at contacts between marble and interlayeredamphibolite and biotite-rich rocks. For P = 2 kb, fluid inclusionsand P-T-XCO2 stability relations of calc-silicate assemblagessuggest T< 650 °C and a H2O-rich fluid (XCO2 < 0.1).Small-scale, Ca-rich endoskarns are common near exoskarns. Massbalance calculations suggest that: (a) the formation of exoskarnrequires the influx of solute in an aqueous solution from uncontaminatedmagma in addition to material derived from the endoskarn, (b)some ‘limestone assimilation’ is required to formendoskarns, and (c) skarn formation was essentially a constant-volumeprocess. Applying chromatographic theory, compositional profilesof garnet and pyroxene across zoned skarns suggest that infiltrationmetasomatism was an important process, although diffusion metasomatismappears to have produced local compositional gradients at theinfiltration ‘fronts’. Fluid flow calculations showthat thick exoskarns could readily form by intergranular infiltration of aqueous solutions. Reciprocal diffusional exchangeis suggested as a dominant mechanism in the formation of zonedskarns formed at contacts between interlayered metamorphic lithologies.  相似文献   

Compositionally zoned plutons are an important feature of theSierra Nevada batholith, California. Two such plutons have beenexamined to determine the mechanism by which crystals separatefrom a magma. The Tinemaha pluton shows continuous compositionalvariation from 58 to 67% SiO2, whereas the McMurry Meadows plutonis bimodal, with an outer margin of mafic granodiorite (59–60%SiO2) and an inner core of granite (66–69% SiO2). Extremedifferentiates also occur as small isolated masses within thesuite and may contain up to 76% SiO2. Both plutons are uniformin strontium isotopic composition but are different from eachother, with initial 87Sr/86Sr values of 0?70719 and 0?70651respectively. The Tinemaha pluton is both horizontally and vertically( 1000 m) zoned, with fractionation occurring both inward fromthe contacts and upward. The vertical trends in relative mineralproportions are not consistent with crystal settling. Both thevertical and horizontal variations in the chemical compositionof 50 elements, in mineralogy, and in accessory mineral lightrare-earth element zoning, are all directly relatable to side-wallcrystallization which created a less-dense melt that buoyantlymoved upward along the wall towards the top of the magma chamber.The different rates for diffusive heat exchange and compositionaldiffusion within the magma initiated the double-diffusive gradientin the magma chamber. Compositional variations in the side-wallcrystal accumulation zone occur as boundary layer melts evolve,reflecting changes in the bulk convecting magma. The compositionalgap in the McMurry Meadows pluton is the result of a similarbut more efficient side-wall fractionation process, relatedto a higher proportion of melt to crystals in the initial magmaand a slower rate of side-wall solidification as a result ofthe thermal blanket created by the enclosing Tinemaha pluton.  相似文献   

We use 10Be surface exposure dating to construct a high-resolution chronology of glacial fluctuations in the Sierra Nevada, California. Most previous studies focused on individual glaciated valleys, whereas our study compares chronologies developed throughout the range to identify regional patterns in the timing of glacier response to major climate changes. Sites throughout the range indicate Last Glacial Maximum retreat at 18.8 ± 1.9 ka (2σ) that suggests rather consistent changes in atmospheric variables, e.g., temperature and precipitation, throughout the range. The penultimate glacial retreat occurred at ca 145 ka. Our data suggest that the Sierra Nevada landscape is dominated by glacial features deposited during marine isotope stage (MIS) 2 and MIS 6. Deposits of previously recognized glaciations between circa 25 and 140 ka, e.g., MIS 4, Tenaya, early Tahoe, cannot be unequivocally identified. The timing of Sierra Nevada glacial retreat correlates well with other regional paleoclimate proxies in the Sierra Nevada, but differs significantly from paleoclimate proxies in other regions. Our dating results indicate that the onset of LGM retreat occurred several thousand years earlier in the Sierra Nevada than some glacial records in the western US.  相似文献   

Within the western Sierra Nevada metamorphic belt, linear bodiesof alpine-type ultramafic rock, now composed largely of serpentineminerals, parallel the regional strike and commonly coincidewith major fault zones. Within this metamorphic belt, east ofSacramento, California, ultramafic rocks near a large maficintrusion, the Pine Hill Intrusive Complex, have been emplacedduring at least two separate episodes. Those ultramafic rocks,evidently unaffected by the Pine Hill Intrusive Complex andcomposed largely of serpentine minerals, were emplaced alonga major fault zone after emplacement of the Pine Hill IntrusiveComplex. Those ultramafic rocks, contact metamorphosed by thePine Hill Intrusive Complex, show a zonation of mineral assemblagesas the igneous contact is approached: olivine+antigorite+chlorite+tremolite+Fe-Cr spinel olivine+talc+chlorite+tremolite+Fe-Crspinel olivine+anthophyllite+chlorite+tremolite+Fe-Cr spinel olivine+orthopyroxene+aluminous spinel+hornblende+Fe-Cr spinel.Superimposed on these mineral assemblages are abundant secondaryminerals (serpentine minerals, talc, chlorite, magnetite) whichformed after contact metamorphism. Correlation of observed mineralassemblages with the experimental systems, MgO-SiO2-H2O andMgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O suggests an initial contact temperature of775±25 °C for the Pine Hill Intrusive Complex assumingPtotal Pfluid PH2O. The pressure acting on the metamorphic rockduring emplacement of the intrusion is estimated to be a minimumof 1.5 kb.  相似文献   

Quartz–calcite sandstones experienced the reaction calcite+ quartz = wollastonite + CO2 during prograde contact metamorphismat P = 1500 bars and T = 560°C. Rocks were in equilibriumduring reaction with a CO2–H2O fluid with XCO2 = 0·14.The transition from calcite-bearing, wollastonite-free to wollastonite-bearing,calcite-free rocks across the wollastonite isograd is only severalmillimeters wide. The wollastonite-forming reaction was drivenby infiltration of quartz–calcite sandstone by chemicallyreactive H2O-rich fluids, and the distribution of wollastonitedirectly images the flow paths of reactive fluids during metamorphism.The mapped distribution of wollastonite and modeling of an O-isotopeprofile across a lithologic contact indicate that the principaldirection of flow was layer-parallel, directed upward, withany cross-layer component of flow <0·1% of the layer-parallelcomponent. Fluid flow was channeled at a scale of 1–100m by pre-metamorphic dikes, thrust and strike-slip faults, foldhinges, bedding, and stratigraphic contacts. Limits on the amountof fluid, based on minimum and maximum estimates for the displacementof the wollastonite reaction front from the fluid source, are(0·7–1·9) x 105 cm3 fluid/cm2 rock. Thesharpness of the wollastonite isograd, the consistency of mineralthermobarometry, the uniform measured 18O–16O fractionationsbetween quartz and calcite, and model calculations all arguefor a close approach to local mineral–fluid equilibriumduring the wollastonite-forming reaction. KEY WORDS: contact metamorphism, fluid flow, wollastonite, oxygen isotopes, reaction front  相似文献   

Granitoid rocks of the compositionally zoned Late Cretaceous Toulumne Intrusive Suite in the central Sierra Nevada, California, have initial87Sr/86Sr values (Sri) and143Nd/144Nd values (Ndi) that vary from 0.7057 to 0.7067 and from 0.51239 to 0.51211 respectively. The observed variation of both Sri and Ndi and of chemical composition in rocks of the suite cannot be due to crystal fractionation of magma solely under closed system conditons. The largest variation in chemistry, Ndi, and Sri is present in the outer-most equigranular units of the Tuolumne Intrusive Suite. Sri varies positively with SiO2, Na2O, K2O, and Rb concentrations, and negatively with Ndi, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, FeO, CaO, MnO, P2O5, TiO2, and Sr concentrations. This covariation of Sri, Ndi and chemistry can be modeled by a process of simple mixing of basaltic and granitic magmas having weight percent SiO2 of 48.0 and 73.3 respectively. Isotopic characteristic of the mafic magma are Sri=0.7047, Ndi=0.51269 and 18O=6.0, and of the felsic magma are Sri=0.7068, Ndi=0.51212 and 18O=8.9. The rocks sampled contain from 50 to 80% of the felsic component. An aplite in the outer equigranular unit of the Tuolumne Intrusive Suite apparently was derived by fractional crystallization of plagioclase and hornblende from magma with granudiorite composition that was a product of mixing of the magmas described above. Siliceous magmas derived from the lower crust, having a maximum of 15 percent mantle-derived mafic component, are represented by the inner prophyritic units of the Tuolumne Intrusive Suite.  相似文献   

BAKER  A. J. 《Journal of Petrology》1990,31(1):243-260
Stable isotope compositions of Ivrea Zone marbles and associatedlithologies are in general heterogeneous. The oxygen isotopecomposition of quartz in pelites ranges from 18O +9 to + 17(SMOW) and does not vary systematically with metamorphic grade.Peridotites retain oxygen isotope signatures close to mantlevalues. Marble calcites vary in isotopic composition from 13C + 2(PDB),180 +24(SMOW)to 13C –6(PDB), 18O + 13 (SMOW).Depletions in 18O and 13C may be explained dominantly by interactionwith fluids derived from within the observed metasedimentarysequence during prograde metamorphism. 18O and 13C show gradients of greater than 5/m across marblemargins and within marbles. The preservation of such isotopicgradients is not consistent with the long-term presence of grain-boundary-scaleinterconnected fluid films in and around marbles. There is ageneral lowering of 18O within individual marble bodies althoughlarge carbon and oxygen isotopic gradients are present. Calcitein marbles may attain oxygen isotope equilibrium, but rarelycarbon isotope equilibrium, with surrounding metapelites. Infiltrationof marbles must involve a component of channelized fluid flow. The general lack of isotopic equilibration within the sequencerequires channelized fluid flow and limited fluid-rock ratios.Large pervasive mantle to crust fluid fluxes are not consistentwith the observations. *Present address: Natural Environment Research Council, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1EU, England  相似文献   

This study presents Sr and Pb isotopic ratios and Rb, Sr, U, Th, and Pb concentrations of an ultrapotassic basaltic suite and related rocks from the central Sierra Nevada, California. The ultrapotassic suite yields a narrow range of Sr and Pb isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sr=0.70597–0.70653; 206Pb/ 204Pb=18.862–19.018; 207Pb/204Pb=15.640–15.686; 208Pb/ 204Pb=38.833–38.950). Associated basalts containing ultramafic nodules have less radiogenic Sr (87Sr/86=0.70430–0.70521) and generally higher Rb/Sr ratios than the ultrapotassic suite. Leucitites from Deep Springs Valley, California, contain high 87Sr/86Sr (71141–0.71240) and low 206Pb/204Pb (17.169–17.234) ratios, reflecting contamination by crustal granulite.The isotopic relationships support an origin of the ultrapotassic basaltic suite by partial melting of an enriched upper mantle source. Dehydration of a gently inclined oceanic slab beneath the Sierra Nevada may have provided Ba, K, Rb, Sr, and H2O, which migrated into the overlying upper mantle lithosphere. The end of subduction 10 m.y. ago allowed increased asthenospheric heat flow into the upper mantle lithosphere. The increased heat flow enhanced fluid movement in the upper mantle and contributed towards isotopic homogenization of the upper mantle source areas. Continued heating of the enriched upper mantle caused partial melting and subsequent eruption of the ultrapotassic lavas.  相似文献   

Sediments of Balsam Meadow have produced a 11,000-yr pollen record from the southern Sierra Nevada of California. The Balsam Meadow diagram is divided into three zones. (1) The Artemisia zone (11,000–7000 yr B.P.) is characterized by percentages of sagebrush (Artemisia) and other nonarboreal pollen higher than can be found in the modern local vegetation. Vegetation during this interval was probably similar to the modern vegetation on the east slope of the Sierra Nevada and the climate was drier than that of today. (2) Pinus pollen exceeded 80% from 7000 to 3000 yr B.P. in the Pinus zone. The climate was moister than during the Artemisia zone. (3) Fir (Abies, Cupressaceae, and oak (Quercus) percentages increased after 3000 yr B.P. in the Abies zone as the modern vegetation at the site developed and the present cool-moist climatic regime was established. Decreased fire frequency after 1200 yr B.P. is reflected in decreased abundance of macroscopic charcoal and increased concentration of Abies magnifica and Pinus murrayana needles.  相似文献   

Two roof pendants in the Hope Valley area, Alpine County, containabundant calc-silicate assemblages which can be related to univariantor invariant equilibria in the CaO-Al3O3-SiO2-H2O-CO2 system.Such assemblages are considered to represent components of reactionsthat buffered the chemistry of the pore fluid. Through dataobtained from microprobe analysis it is concluded that solidsolution in plagioclase, garnet, and clinozoisite are importantvariables such that on a TXco2 projection each sample had aunique path during metamorphism. Differences in the plagioclasecomposition of nearby samples with assemblages related by thereaction: grossularite(s.s)+quartz = anorthite(s.s.)+wollastonite, suggest unique equilibration temperatures for assemblages inlocal domains. In the Twin Lakes pendant in Fresno County, thereaction: clinohumite+calcite+CO2= 4forsterite+dolomite+H2O, is importantin magnesian marbles. Contrasting parageneses, which are relatedby this equilibrium, are considered to reflect variations influid composition. Constrasting assemblages in calc-silicaterocks, which are linked by the reactions: calcite+quartz= wollastonite+CO2, tremolite+calcite= dolomite+diopside+CO2+H2O, exist down to the scale of a thin section. Variation in Ti contentof idocrase may be an important factor in assemblages linkedby reactions involving this phase. This study suggests that during contact metamorphism of calcareousrocks in the Sierra Nevada, H2O and CO2 behaved as ‘initialvalue components’ (Zen, 1963) whose activities were controlledby reactions withion local systems.  相似文献   

Two types of mafic enclaves occur in the Dinkey Creek pluton:ubiquitous microgranular enclaves, and rare gabbroic enclaves.Common petrographic features of the microgranular enclaves are:(1) fine grain-size, (2) abundant acicular apatite, and (3)plagioclase zoned from bytownitic cores to andesine-labradoriterims, with sharp boundaries between these main zones. Subordinateoscillatory variations are commonly superimposed on both coresand rims. It has been found by secondary ion mass spectrometrythat the rims are identical in major and trace element compositionto plagioclase in the tonalite, which suggests crystallizationfrom the same or similar magmas. The gabbroic enclaves are composedpredominantly of hornblende (50–85%) and appear to bemagmatic segregations. The microgranular enclaves and host rocks display two convergingtrends on silica variation diagrams for Fe2O3, TiO2, Al2O3,Zn, and Zr. The dominant trend is defined by small microgranularenclaves, by samples from a large (20 m?30 m) microgranularenclave, and by the Dinkey Creek tonalites and granodiorites.The subordinate trend covers tholeiltic dikes and tonalitich and converges with the Dinkey Creek host rocks at 61 wt.%SiO2 Alkali and alkaline earth elements exhibit greater variabilitythan the above constituents and appear to be either enrichedor depleted as required for equilibrium with the host rocks.Low CaO and Sr concentrations in small enclaves (<30 cm)apparently reflect a lower modal abundance of calcic plagioclaseand more sericitization of this feldspar as compared with theplagioclase of the large microgranular enclave. The large enclaveis also richer in MgO than the small enclaves. With the exceptionof the alkali elements, the major element compositions of themicrogranular enclaves approach high-Al basaltic to andesiticcom positions. In one analyzed microgranular enclave, low La/Cerelative to chondrites and more abundant HREE than in othermicrogranular samples suggest that it may also contain minorcumulus hornblende. The petrographic and whole-rock geochemical relations, and theplagioclase compositions in the microgranular enclaves and theirhost rocks, indicate that the microgranular enclaves representmixtures of quenched basalts and Dinkey Creek tonalites. Itappears that dikes of high-alumina basalt were intruded intothe lower, tonalitic portions of the Dinkey Creek pluton, wherethey were partially quenched along an interface with overlyingtonalitic magma. Large portions of residual liquid in the partiallyquenched basalts permitted mixing with the overlying magma toform a hybrid zone. This zone was then disaggregated, yieldingthe enclaves, and they were dispersed throughout the upper partof the Dinkey Creek magma chamber. Subsequent crystallizationof tonalitic melt within the enclaves produced the zoned plagioclaseand re-equilibrated hornblende and biotite in the enclaves tothe Dinkey Creek magmatic conditions. Scouring disrupted hornblende-richmagmatic segregations and produced the gabbroic enclaves.  相似文献   

Contact metamorphic facies in a large roof remnant within thecomposite Sierra Nevada batholith vary from actinolite hornfelsto pyroxene-hornfels facies. Hornblende-hornfels facies rockssurround most plutons. The pyroxene-hornfels facies, definedby the appearance of hypersthene in mafic rocks, occurs onlywhere two aureoles overlap. The rate of reaction of biotite plus quartz to hypersthene plusK feldspar plus water in the pyroxene-hornfels facies was controlledby the rate of escape of water. The reactants are still presentin the rocks; hypersthene was not stable where water pressurewas as high as load pressure but was able to form locally aswater vapor escaped and water pressure fell below load pressure. The reaction of epidote to andradite took place in the high-gradepart of the hornblende-hornfels facies and in the pyroxene-hornfelsfacies rocks. Hydrothermal experiments show that this reactiontakes place in the range 575 to 600 C at 2,000 bars. The highestcrystallization temperature within the hypersthene-bearing rocksis estimated to have been 750 C. The recrystallization temperatureof the clinopyroxene-bearing mafic hornfelses in the hornblende-hornfelsfacies is estimated to have been 625 to 650C, and that ofthe hornblende-bearing mafic hornfelses to have been 525 to550C. Interpretation of the fabric of the hypersthene rocks suggeststhat most of the heat was transferred to the walls by conductionand radiation. The main effect of hot magmatic vapor was toproduce a retrograde zone at the end of the recrystallizationperiod. The duration of the high-temperature phase of the metamorphismis estimated to be of the order of 105 years.  相似文献   

Distribution of major and minor elements has been determined for five hornblende-biotite pairs from hornblende-biotite quartz diorite and monzotonalite and for a clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene pair from pyroxene diorite collected from the border zones and centers of zoned plutons in the northern Sierra Nevada, California. The distribution coefficients K d [Mg/Fe] for biotite/hornblende are of the same magnitude (0.61–0.67) for both the mafic border zone and the silicic center.For comparison, K D [Mg/Fe] values for biotite/hornblende from plutonic rocks of the central Sierra Nevada and the southern California batholith were calculated from data published by others. Rocks of the oldest age group (ca. 150 m.y.) in the central Sierra Nevada have an average distribution coefficient, K D , of 0.64, close to the average K D in the study area, where K-Ar dates are 143 to 129 m.y. The intermediate age group has an average K D =0.81, and the youngest group has K D =0.77. K D [Mg/Fe] for biotite/hornblende from the southern California batholith is 0.83, close to the average of the intermediate age group in the central Sierra Nevada. The calculated difference in pressure of crystallization between rocks of the Feather River area and the southern California batholith is 1 kb; the rocks of the Feather River area being crystallized at a higher pressure. This is in good agreement with the low-pressure contact metamorphism in the south (pyroxene hornfels facies), as compared with a medium-pressure metamorphism around the northern plutons, where andalusitesillimanite-cordierite and andalusite-staurolite subfacies of the amphibolite facies indicate pressures of about 4 kb.Trace elements Cr, V, Ni, Co, Ga are distributed equally between biotite and hornblende, whereas Ba and possibly Cu are concentrated in biotite and Sr and Sc and possibly Zr in hornblende.Publication authorized by the Director, U.S. Geological Survey.  相似文献   

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