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深圳填海造地动态变化及其驱动因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于海岸地貌基本概念界定填海造地范围在现代海岸带平均高潮位以下。基于多期遥感影像,利用单波段影像提取及影像二值化处理辨识深圳填海造地的动态变化数据。根据1978-1985年、1986-1994年、1995-1998年、1999-2004年4个时间段的填海数据解析结果,分析了在深圳这一典型的快速城市化地区城镇化进程中填海造地的起始阶段、快速阶段、增速阶段到理性阶段的阶段性过程。在此基础上,对深圳填海造陆的驱动力进行分析,建立了填海造地的综合驱动框架模型;归纳了区位因素、政策因素、社会经济因素和自然生态因素四大填海驱动力,并结合深圳的城市发展进程与深圳填海的不同阶段对每一因素的驱动作用进行了剖析。  相似文献   

澳门海洋空间资源利用研究——澳门的填海造地工程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
澳门原系海中孤岛,由于利用了自然条件,进行填海造地工程,使孤岛相连,土地面积扩大,城市发展,交通改善,经济增长,成为利用海洋空间资源的典型地区。文章论述了澳门有利于填海工程实施的自然条件,海洋空间利用的发展过程,及填海造地工程的巨大作用和深远意义。  相似文献   

围填海强度指数RII(reclamation intensity index)为海湾围填海面积占海湾总面积的比率,用以反映海湾利用海域围海造地的开发强度.本研究引用福建省海湾数模与环境研究对海湾围填海综合评价成果的数据,以湄洲湾的围填海方案为例讨论海湾围填海对环境影响的累积效应,通过福建主要海湾的RII与综合评价指数的相关性分析,提出RII可作为海湾围填海的限制性指标,应用于海湾围填海的影响评价和围填海规模的控制.  相似文献   

建设持续发展的东吾洋经济区郑健(霞浦县农业区划办公室)一、区域概况东吾洋地处闽东沿海,位于福建省霞浦县南部,座落在群山环抱之中,形似葫芦,腹大口小,南以东安岛为屏,两侧进出水口通向官井洋。沿岸共有二十九个行政村,68469人,区域总面积2.72万公顷...  相似文献   

徐君亮 《热带地理》1999,19(4):331-336
从宏观上论述了珠江口伶仃洋河口湾的动力特性, 分析了澳门附近海区独特的水流结构。指出澳门水域位于伶仃洋西部河流型河口段, 地处具有强劲径流的洪湾水道和伶仃洋落潮流交汇处, 泥沙大量沉降, 浅滩发育, 滩涂资源丰富。文中根据珠江河口区海滩围垦适宜的填海高程, 阐述了澳门地区两大类七个亚类海滩资源的特征、面积、分布和开发利用评价。认为结合口门治导和港航治理, 合理填海造地是振兴澳门经济的必由之路。文中结合经济和城市发展, 提出6 个海滩主题开发区域。  相似文献   

从宏观上论述了珠江口伶仃洋河口湾的动力特性,分析了澳门附近海区独特的水流结构。指出澳门水域位于伶仃洋西部河流型河口段,地处具有强劲径流的洪湾水道和伶仃洋落潮流交汇处,泥沙大量沉降,浅滩发育,滩涂资源丰富。文中根据珠江河口区海滩围垦适宜的填海高程,阐述了澳门地区两大类七个亚类海滩资源的特征、面积、分布和开发利用评价。认为结合口门治导和港航治理,合理填海造地是振兴澳门经济的必由之路。文中结合经济和城市发展,提出6个海滩主题开发区域。  相似文献   

围填海是开发利用海洋的一种人类活动,围填海虽然促进了福建省沿海地区的经济发展,但是破坏了滨海湿地和近岸海域的生态环境,严重影响了滨海湿地和近岸海域的可持续发展。梳理了1949年至今的福建省围填海活动的进程,可以将福建省围填海活动进程划分为20世纪后50 a的粗放开发阶段和21世纪以来的逐步管控阶段;在此基础上,分析了围填海工程对福建省海岸线和滨海湿地、近岸海域水动力和水环境、地形地貌和沉积环境、生物资源、生态系统功能等方面的影响。为消除或减少福建省围填海活动对近岸海域产生的负面影响,实现海洋经济与生态保护协同发展的目标,从加快处理历史遗留问题、优化提升生态安全格局和有序推进美丽海湾建设三方面,提出了围填海管控与生态修复的相应建议。  相似文献   

据日本国土地理院的调查,此次9级地震和大海啸,导致日本东北部由北向南、大约443平方公里的陆地被海水吞没,总面积超过东京的七成。尽管一些地区可以采取排水的办法“要回陆地”,但能否将所有的“沉没地”恢复原状,仍是未知数。“是让这些地方从此成为大海,还是重新填海造地,或重新开垦,恐怕还要等好几年才能下定论。”国土地理院一名负责人说。  相似文献   

香港位于珠江口东侧,北与广东省深圳特区毗邻。地处太平洋与印度洋航运的要冲。由香港岛、九龙和“新界”三部分组成。包括港(香港岛)、九(九龙半岛南部)他区的10个区和新界地区(九龙半岛中、北部及235个岛屿)的8个区,共18个行政区,总面积1084平方千米,人口630多万,其中98%以上是华人,外国人总共不到2%。香港是享誉全球的国际性大都会,每年流动人口达1000多万人次,大大超过了定居香港的人口数。香港原是广东省沿海的一个小渔村;秦汉时属南海郡。东晋时属宝安县。唐、宋、元、明属东范县。明万历元年归新安县管辖。清道光计…  相似文献   

台湾港口开发和对福建的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄民生 《福建地理》2001,16(2):31-34,12
台湾沿岸建港自然条件并不比福建优越,但港口开发却十分出色,本文分析了台湾建港条件、港口开发过程和布局特点,提出福建沿岸港湾资源优越,可以借鉴台湾港口建设,促进台湾外向型经济发展和临海型工业开发等经验,加速港口开发,推动经济发展。  相似文献   

Abstract:    University research in coastal geomorphology, processes and management has made a major contribution to the fundamental understanding of coastal systems in New Zealand over the past 43 years. This article examines the growth in university-based coastal research since 1964 and discusses the geographical pattern and themes of this research. Data indicate a significant geographical concentration of research effort and focus on a narrow range of research themes. Underlying reasons for these characteristics of New Zealand coastal research are explored and challenges facing university based research are discussed. Such challenges can be overcome through a more coordinated research effort to realize the huge potential to undertake coastal science of national relevance and international significance.  相似文献   

Coastal steepening potentially presents an array of management issues in the form of financial implications of sea defence degradation, increased risk posed to the hinterland as wave attenuation is reduced, 'coastal squeeze' and statutory requirements in the light of the Habitats Directive. The extent to which coastal steepening has occurred throughout England and Wales has been investigated through use of a GIS and dataset based on historical Ordnance Survey map information. Data were collected along 1084 selected profile lines, positioned so as to be geomorphologically representative of the coast. Features recorded from each map year included the positions of mean high water (MHW) and mean low water (MLW), the relative movements of which infer changing intertidal gradients. The results presented in this paper are on a subject and scale not previously published. It is revealed that 61% of the coastline studied has experienced a tendency towards steepening. Of the remainder, 33% has flattened, and 6% has experienced no rotational movement. This tendency towards steepening has been the dominant movement on each of the west, south, and east coasts.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization has resulted in the loss of coastal and marine habitats in cities worldwide. The effective conservation of urban coastal ecosystems requires detailed knowledge of their spatial distribution, necessitating high-resolution mapping. Our study produces a high-resolution coastal and marine habitat map and shoreline map for the tropical city-state of Singapore created through pixel-based supervised classification of satellite imagery, bathymetry data and expert ground knowledge. These maps can be used as a base reference for multiple applications including ecological research, conservation and urban planning. They also help identifiy trends in the extent of key coastal habitats, providing insight into their differing levels of vulnerability to loss and potential for restoration to ensure long-term resilience. The method used for mapping shoreline typologies and resulting insights gained, can guide other rapidly urbanizing coastal cities on strategies to assemble useful spatial knowledge for effective conservation of their urban coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

1Environmentalseting1.1IntroductionThecoastalwetlandsandestuariesofLouisianaareoneoftheworld'sgreatecosys-tems[1].Formilennia...  相似文献   

Future coastal defence policies and 'natural' processes will have an impact on habitats within Special Areas of Conservation (SAC), Special Protection Areas (SPA) and Ramsar sites. An overview of the potential nature and extent of these changes (losses or gains over the next 50 years) around the coast of England and Wales was carried out to inform policy decisions on the legal and funding aspects of coastal defence options and possible habitat replacement. It is predicted that there could be a net loss of freshwater and brackish habitat of around 4000 hectares, together with a net gain of intertidal (saltmarsh and mudflat/sandflat) habitats of around 770 hectares, with the gains associated with managed retreat ( c .12 500 ha) balancing the expected losses due to coastal squeeze and erosion on the unprotected coast. The likely costs of freshwater and brackish habitat replacement, on a hectare-for-hectare basis, is estimated to be in the order of £50–60 million, including site purchase, set-up and on-going management costs.  相似文献   

Abstract:    Marine dispersal provides a mechanism for introduced plants to invade coastal systems. Regular surveillance is essential for management of marine dispersed weeds. This paper outlines the biological, physical and management dimensions of this coastal issue in New Zealand.  相似文献   

本文在RS和GIS支持下研究了河北昌黎黄金海岸地区1985年至2000年的土地利用变化格局及其影响因子。该区域的海岸区位对海岸带土地利用变化具有重要影响作用,近岸带变化较剧烈,远岸带变化较小,且具有不同的变化特点。海岸带管理政策对土地利用变化的程度和特征存在重要影响,开发区土地利用变化较剧烈,其变化类型受开发方式及其目标影响;保护区主要是大片沙丘转变为林地和草地。  相似文献   

渤海西岸平原海平面上升危害性评估   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
本文按照IPCC第三工作组海岸管理小组拟定的国际共同研究大纲与方法,在对渤海西岸平原海平面上升的危害性进行评估时,应用TM遥感影像与地理信息系统,由土地利用类型、海岸蚀积动态叠加1─6m等高线编制成环境地形图,再与地面形变图等辅助图件对照分析,预测海平面上升对环境和社会经济的危害。  相似文献   

Legal factors play an underrated but significant role as constraints on conservation management. In this paper, based on observations in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, mode of land tenure is assessed to determine its influence on the conservation management of coastal dunes. The tenure types considered are: private ownership, corporate private ownership, tenancy, secured tenancy, leasing, common (joint) ownership, uncertain ownership, public ownership and its subset military ownership. It is suggested that multiple private ownership is least likely to favour effective conservation management. Public ownership by a statutory conservation authority and corporate private ownership by a conservation-orientated NGO are regarded as the optimum tenure types for conservation management of coastal dunes.  相似文献   

The modelling approach for sustainable management is outlined, the results of management scenarios obtained by the modelling studies are discussed and the results taken from the applications of the best management scenarios are presented as a case study. The best management strategy was observed to be the use of the lagoon as a recreational water body. It may be concluded that the WQRRS ecological model originally developed by the US Corp of Engineers can be used successfully to make a decision between various management strategies for maintaining the sustainability of coastal lagoons.  相似文献   

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