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This paper examines the presence, distribution, nature and sources of 22 Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are important environmentally and toxicologically, in sediments from the Stagnone coastal lagoon at Marsala (Italy). Analysis was performed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) with selected ion monitoring (SIM). The total concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ranged from 72 to 18381 μg/kg of dry matrix. The relative standard deviation (RSD) of the replicates on the concentrations of individual compounds ranged from 5% to 20%. The accuracy of method was estimated by analyzing “blank” samples added of known quantities of analytes and the recover percentage was 88 ± 9%. The detection limit (LOD) of analytical procedure was less than 0.2 μg/kg d.w. for all analytes. The quantification limit (LOQ) of analytical procedure was less than 0.7 μg/kg d.w.The resulting distributions and weight ratios of specific compounds are discussed in terms of sampling location and origin of organic matter. A comparison with other studies of total PAHs suggests that the levels are within the concentration ranges already reported by other authors. From an eco-toxicological point of view, total PAH concentrations at seven out of the eight sites studied represent a relatively clean environment when compared to other sites.Organic matter content and PAH concentrations were found to be correlated and the compounds present in Stagnone sediments were shown to be mainly of pyrolitic origin, while a negligible quantity of PAHs may derive from biogenic sources since all the sediments contain perylene traces. There is no evidence of coal-tar contamination.Cluster analysis was carried out in order to discriminate between different PAH origins.  相似文献   

Abstract. Polychaete community structure in Valle Magnavacca, the largest basin of the Valli di Comacchio (Northern Adriatic Sea) lagoonal ecosystem, was analyzed in a three‐year study. Three shallow‐water stations were sampled at about 3‐month intervals. Univariate and multivariate analyses were utilized to investigate community structure changes in relation to natural and man‐induced disturbance. The polychaete community at station 3, in the central area of the lagoon, was the most disturbed, while that of station 2 was the most well structured. We hypothesize that polychaete community structure results from regular seasonal disturbances which lead to almost predictable fluctuations in species abundance. Superimposed on these regular cycles are acute disturbance events that further reduce species abundance or exclude species from the habitat.  相似文献   

The Marano Lagoon, in the northern Adriatic Sea (Italy), has been affected by mercury (Hg) contamination from industrial and mining activities. It has been estimated that 186,000 kg of Hg were deliberately discharged into the main drainage system (Aussa–Corno River) by a chlor-alkali plant (CAP) from 1940s to 1984. The lagoon has also experienced a secondary long-term Hg input, originated from mining activity in Idrija (Slovenia), due to the supply of fluvial suspended particles carried by the Isonzo River in the Gulf of Trieste. Since local fishing activities are extensively conducted, there is great concern on the risk posed by potentially harmful effects of Hg to the trophic chain.  相似文献   

The Valli di Comacchio is one of most representative choked (not influenced by the tidal regime) lagoons in the Mediterranean and Europe. We compared the ecological status (ES) classification (sensu European Water Framework Directive, 2000/60/EC) of the Valli obtained through supporting physicochemical elements and biotic indices. The variability of water parameters was investigated through 1997–2002 at 4 permanent sampling stations. During the six years of investigation, macrobenthic data were collected to identify the response of several biological indices (taxonomic, functional and ecological). ES classification through supporting physicochemical elements resulted in discordant patterns. Nor taxonomic neither functional measures were able to add more information than that given by univariate biodiversity measures. Gaps and bias of the indices used were identified. Due to the absence of well defined environmental gradients, taxonomic and functional measures loose most of their usefulnesses. ES classification through ecological indices (M-AMBI and BITS) resulted in quite a concordant pattern, although BITS underestimated ES when there was a strong dominance of one opportunist family in the benthic community.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial variability of dissolved inorganic phosphate (DIP), nitrogen (DIN), carbon (DIC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were studied in order to determine the net ecosystem metabolism (NEM) of San Diego Bay (SDB), a Mediterranean-climate lagoon. A series of four sampling campaigns were carried out during the rainy (January 2000) and the dry (August 2000 and May and September 2001) seasons. During the dry season, temperature, salinity and DIP, DIC and DOC concentrations increased from oceanic values in the outer bay to higher values at the innermost end of the bay. DIP, DIC and DOC concentrations showed a clear offset from conservative mixing implying production of these dissolved materials inside the bay. During the rainy season, DIP and DOC increased to the head, whereas salinity decreased toward the mouth due to land runoff and river discharges. The distributions of DIP and DOC also showed a deviation from conservative mixing in this season, implying a net addition of these dissolved materials during estuarine mixing within the bay. Mass balance calculations showed that SDB consistently exported DIP (2.8–9.8 × 103 mol P d−1), DIC (263–352 × 103 mol C d−1) and DOC (198–1233 × 103 mol C d−1), whereas DIN (5.5–18.2 × 103 mol N d−1) was exported in all samplings except in May 2001 when it was imported (8.6 × 103 mol N d−1). The DIP, DIC and DOC export rates along with the strong relationship between DIP, DIC or DOC and salinity suggest that intense tidal mixing plays an important role in controlling their distributions and that SDB is a source of nutrients and DOC to the Southern California Bight. Furthermore, NEM ranged from −8.1 ± 1.8 mmol C m−2 d−1 in September to −13.5 ± 5.8 mmol C m−2 d−1 in January, highlighting the heterotrophic character of SDB. In order to explain the net heterotrophy of this system, we postulate that phytoplankton-derived particulate organic matter, stimulated by upwelling processes in the adjacent coastal waters, is transported into the bay, retained and then remineralized within the system. Our results were compared with those reported for the heterotrophic hypersaline coastal lagoons located in the semi-arid coast of California–Baja California, and with those autotrophic hypersaline systems found in the semi-arid areas of Australia. We point out that the balance between autotrophy and heterotrophy in inverse estuaries is dependent on net external inputs of either inorganic nutrients or organic matter as it has been indicated for positive estuaries.  相似文献   

Sand transport in Lido and Chioggia inlets was measured using modified Helley–Smith sand traps equipped with 60-micron nets. The traps had an efficiency of about 4% only but provided enough material for analysis. Very fine sand (0.07 < d < 0.11 mm) only was collected in the traps. Transport of sand was greatest in the bottom 10% of the water column and followed a Rouse profile. Sand extended to a height of about 4 m above the bed during peak flows corresponding to the estimated thickness of the boundary layer; and observed in synoptic ADCP profiles. The sand in the benthic boundary layer was largely inorganic (>95%); above this layer, organic content varied widely and was greatest near the surface. The movability number Ws/UWs/U showed a linear relationship to dimensionless grain diameter (D*): (Ws/U)=(D/10)(Ws/U)=(D/10); D* < 10. Sand concentration in suspension was simulated by a mean Rouse parameter of −2.01 ± 0.66 (Lido inlet) and −0.82 ± 0.27 (Chioggia inlet). The β parameter ( Hill et al., 1988) was correlated with D* and movability number in the form: β=2.07−2.03D+59(Ws/U)2β=2.072.03D+59(Ws/U)2 (r2 = 0.42). Von Karman's constant was back-calculated from a Law of the Wall relationship as a test on the accuracy of U* estimates; a mean value of 0.37 ± 0.1 (compared to the accepted value of 0.41) suggest U* was accurate to within 10%. The constant of proportionality (γ = 3.54 × 10−4) between reference concentration (Ca) and normalized excess bed shear stress was in line with the published literature.  相似文献   

This study examined the phenology and ecological consequences of a benthic filamentous cyanobacterial bloom (Lyngbya majuscula) in Deception Bay (Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia). Bloom initiation occurred in mid December 1999 and expanded to encompass an 8 km2 area by April 2000. Small fish and penaeid prawns (<25 cm total length) were quantitatively sampled through periods designated as before, during and after the bloom using a combination of pop-netting within mangroves and beam trawling over adjacent seagrass beds. Data on larger-bodied fish were compiled from daily fishing logs provided by local commercial fishers. Changes in dry mass of bloom material caught in nets and changes in water chemistry were also measured. Mean concentrations of ammonia-N in residual water within mangroves were several orders of magnitude higher in the affected area than in the control and dissolved oxygen was markedly lower in affected areas. Across the study area, mean density, live mass and number of species declined during the bloom, with fish assemblages using mangroves showing greater decline than assemblages using seagrasses. Response at the species level was highly variable; generally, epibenthic species showed a more sustained decline than demersals. Mean monthly fish catch was significantly lower in bloom than non-bloom years. This study has also demonstrated that throughout the bloom, the affected area continued to support a highly diverse and abundant fish and prawn assemblage, and probably maintained its function as an important nursery habitat for many species.  相似文献   

Abstract. .The phosphate uptake kinetics of single cells and colonies of the haptophycean alga Phaeocystis pouchetii were investigated in short- and long-term experiments. In phosphate-deprived cultures, the highest nutrient uptake rate (Vmax) of both growth forms appeared to be similar. However, the half-saturation constant for phosphate uptake of the cells embedded in a colony (Ks= 3.08 μM) was considerably higher than that of the single cells (Ks= 0.31 μM). This is consistent with the existence of a diffusion barrier formed by the colony membrane and colonial mucus. Over a 24 h light/dark cycle, the phosphate assimilation rate in moderately limited colonies and single cells was nearly identical during the light period. In the following dark phase, colony cells maintained this uptake rate, whereas the uptake of the single cells diminished by 70 %. The high dark uptake rate in colonies ran parallel with the absorption and degradation of intracolonial carbon compounds, suggesting that the dissimilation of these compounds covers the energy requirements for phosphate uptake in the dark. In Phaeocystis cultures during a transition to phosphate depletion, a significant amount of phosphate was found in the colonial mucus, isolated by selective filtration. The possible absorption of phosphate by the mucus and the role of mucus in the energy budget seem to be an essential feature of phosphate uptake of colonies. Short-term measurement of phosphate uptake in colony cells may therefore underestimate the phosphate uptake of the whole colony.  相似文献   

The Sabaudia's lake consists of a protected coastal lagoon, located in the central Italy, historically characterized by recurrent mortality events of marine fauna during warmer months. A field study was monthly conducted on mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis cultivated inside the lagoon, measuring hemocyte parameters as total circulating count (THC), viability (HV), spreading and oxidative response to in vitro phagocytosis stimulation. A depression of the immune response was observed during the spring season, as indicated by higher values of hemocyte circularity and lower luminescence levels related to respiratory burst, also associated to modulation of THC and HV. The water temperature and the oxygen concentration appeared as the major environmental factors having influence on the phagocytosis activity. Therefore, the hemocyte variations have been intended as early danger signal to evaluate the immunodepression induced by the environmental stressors which could reveal in advance the development of critical situations for mussel survival.  相似文献   

The Arcachon lagoon is a 156 km2 temperate mesotidal lagoon dominated by tidal flats (66% of the surface area). The methane (CH4) sources, sinks and fluxes were estimated from water and pore water concentrations, from chamber flux measurements at the sediment–air (low tide), sediment–water and water–air (high tide) interfaces, and from potential oxidation and production rate measurements in sediments. CH4 concentrations in waters were maximal (500–1000 nmol l−1) in river waters and in tidal creeks at low tide, and minimal in the lagoon at high tide (<50 nmol l−1). The major CH4 sources are continental waters and the tidal pumping of sediment pore waters at low tide. Methanogenesis occurred in the tidal flat sediments, in which pore water concentrations were relatively high (2.5–8.0 μmol l−1). Nevertheless, the sediment was a minor CH4 source for the water column and the atmosphere because of a high degree of anaerobic and aerobic CH4 oxidation in sediments. Atmospheric CH4 fluxes at high and low tide were low compared to freshwater wetlands. Temperate tidal lagoons appear to be very minor contributor of CH4 to global atmosphere and to open ocean.  相似文献   

In the last years, the overall fish industry in the lagoon of Venice has shown a gradual decline. In order to better understand this process, we carry out a socio-economic questionnaire next to the fisherman population. Questionnaire contains significant qualitative and quantitative data that allow us to evaluate the social and the cultural profile of the respondents, including information with respect to the different technological fishing characteristics involved, type and amount of the species harvested as well as the overall productivity of the activity. Furthermore, the questionnaire contains an economic valuation exercise so as to assess in monetary terms the preferences of the fishermen with respect to different alternative policy options that may characterize a future regulation of this economic activity. Estimation results show that fishermen welcome any regulation initiative that is characterized by: (1) banning all fishing activities during the night, (2) allocating fishing concessions areas to each fishermen in a way that minimize the distance between the fishing area and the harbor, and (3) by introducing of a labeling mechanism that certifies the origin of the product. Moreover, the underlying economic valuation mechanism reveals to sensitive to respondent's motivational profile, including the overall trust and confidence that fisherman community places on the current institutional bodies. This result reveals to be of particular significance when attempting the design of an efficient, widely supported regulation of the fishing activity in the lagoon of Venice.  相似文献   

A number of biochemical markers and a physiological index were measured in mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, transplanted or native to five different contaminated sites in the lagoon of Venice. Mussels from Pellestrina, a reference site in the adjacent Adriatic Sea, were transplanted for 6 weeks to areas of the lagoon where indigenous mussels were also collected. As biochemical indices, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, aldehyde dehydrogenase (ADH) and NADPH cytochrome c reductase (NADPHcred) were measured in mussel digestive gland; survival in air as a physiological index was also determined. Biomarker responses varied among sites and between indigenous and transplanted animals. Significant induction of catalase and SOD was shown in animals transplanted to the urban sites of Salute and Chioggia, respectively. In indigenous mussels, induction of SOD and NADPHcred was seen in animals from the polluted site of Treporti and the heavily contaminated industrial area of Marghera. The overall biochemical data indicate significantly higher activity for ADH in transplanted animals in comparison with indigenous ones which, in contrast, present an increase in SOD. As regard survival in air, control mussels did not seem to be healthier in comparison either with transplanted or indigenous ones, suggesting that pollution has no effect on this parameter.  相似文献   

The assemblage structure and spatial distribution patterns of macrobenthic communities according to environmental conditions were analysed through five samplings carried out at 14 intertidal soft sediment stations in the Oualidia lagoon (NW Morocco). A total of 89 macrobenthic taxa were collected, amounting to 55.188 specimens. Molluscs, polychaetes and arthropods were the most species‐rich groups. The snail Peringia ulvae was the most dominant species, especially abundant in the mid‐ and upper lagoon sections (nearly 64% of the total specimens gathered), followed by the mollusc Scrobicularia plana (10%). Diversity values were generally low (<3 bit) pointing out the high dominance by few species. Multivariate analyses clearly distinguished three distinct macrobenthic assemblages, successively distributed from lagoon inlets towards inner parts. Nevertheless, each assemblage was found in particular habitat types and had a specific species composition in response to different environmental characteristics. (a) The Scolelepis fuliginosa community occupied sandy substrates at the lower section of the lagoon with stronger marine influence and, (b) the P. ulvae community lived in sandy‐muddy substrates, including two sub‐communities dominated, respectively, by Cerastoderma edule, S. plana and Tritia pfeffeiri inhabiting the middle section and S. plana the upper section. The combination of salinity, temperature, pH and silt content was identified as the major environmental variable subset with the highest correlation with the observed macrofaunal patterns and silt fraction as the single best correlated variable. The results demonstrated significant spatial differences in macrobenthic assemblage structure and composition along environmental gradients in spite of the absence of direct freshwater river inflow.  相似文献   

This paper considers the hypothesis that changes in community structure through the control of the larvae maintenance and of the biological traits of the species mostly contribute to the spatio-temporal community pattern. This is supported by the results of the study, the changes to the macrobenthic community pattern deriving from two sampling periods in Gialova lagoon (SW Greece), carried out on a seasonal basis for two yearly periods: 1994-95 and 1998-99. Cognetti’s hypothesis that populations of the tolerant species occupying coastal marine habitats may belong to different species is another alternative hypothesis still to be tested. The importance of alternative management plans aiming at the amelioration of the hydrodynamic conditions of the lagoons and supported by continuous scientific monitoring is highlighted. Two canals bringing fresh water were opened at the beginning of the second sampling period, an intervention among others, suggested by the management plan proposed after the end of the first sampling period. The results show considerable variations in the values of the key environmental variables, for instance long periods with negative Redox potential values, decreased salinity and increased concentrations of the particulate organic matter and of the nutrients. The variables were correlated with the spatio-temporal community pattern, characterized during the second sampling period by: (i) greater dissimilarities among stations/seasons; (ii) disruption of the periodic trend observed on the seasonal scale; (iii) larger relative dissimilarities among the patterns stemming from the macrobenthos and the most abundant groups (polychaetes, molluscs, crustaceans); (iv) significant decrease in abundance or even the disappearance of several marine origin species, along with increased abundance in a few brackish-water species. All of the above changes in the community pattern are considered as early warning signals leading towards degradation, which has not yet been registered in the phylogenetic/taxonomic structure of the macrobenthic community.  相似文献   

The macrozoobenthic assemblage from the Karavasta lagoon system, the main wetland of Albania, was studied on soft bottoms and artificial hard substrates. Three different communities were identified: the typical ‘brackish‐water community’, an ‘outlet community’ dominated by filter‐feeders, and a typical ‘marine community’, inhabiting fine sandy bottoms, where polychaetes are dominant, together with a few species of tunicates and bivalves, which colonize hard substrates. The occurrence of build‐ups of the bryozoan Conopeum seurati, settled on the upper portion of long submerged wooden poles, was the main feature of faunistic interest. The faunistic affinity between the zoobenthic assemblage recorded in the hyperhaline lagoon of Karavasta and the assemblages from two Italian lagoons, the brackish Lake of Lesina and the euhaline Lake of Fogliano, was considered according to the different hydrological conditions and the geographical location. Hydrological confinement and salinity were likely to be the leading factors influencing the benthic community composition in the Karavasta wetland area. Therefore, on a vaster spatial scale, the isolation and geographical proximity of the ecosystems and colonizing ability and dispersal changes of the species appear to be the main factors liable to produce faunal variations.  相似文献   

Food of barracouta (Teleosti: Gempylidae) in eastern Cook Strait   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The stomach contents were examined from 244 barracoota, Thyrsites atun (Euphrasen), caught in eastern Cook Strait, New Zealand. In the year of sampling (1966–67) the euphausid Nyctiphanes australis Sars was most commonly taken as food during the cooler months, replaced by the teleost hoki, Macruronus novae‐zelandiae Hector, in summer. The proportions of full and empty stomachs suggested that the barracouta fed sparingly before spawning but heavily afterwards.  相似文献   

In July 2007, phosphorus input by an upwelling event along the east coast of Gotland Island and the response of filamentous cyanobacteria were studied to determine whether introduced phosphorus can intensify cyanobacterial bloom formation in the eastern Gotland Basin. Surface temperature, nutrient concentrations, phytoplankton biomass and its stoichiometry, as well as phosphate uptake rates were determined in two transects between the coasts of Gotland and Latvia and in a short grid offshore of Gotland. In the upwelling area, surface temperatures of 11–12 °C and average dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) concentrations of 0.26 μM were measured. Outside the upwelling, surface temperatures were higher (15.5–16.6 °C) and DIP supplies in the upper 10 m layer were exhausted. Nitrite and nitrate concentrations (0.01–0.22 μM) were very low within and outside the upwelling region. Abundances of filamentous cyanobacteria were highly reduced in the upwelling area, accounting for only 1.4–6.0% of the total phytoplankton biomass, in contrast to 18–20% outside the upwelling. The C:P ratio of filamentous cyanobacteria varied between 32.8 and 310 in the upwelling region, most likely due to the introduction of phosphorus-depleted organisms into the upwelling water. These organisms accumulate DIP in upwelling water and have lower C:P ratios as long as they remain in DIP-rich water. Thus, diazotrophic cyanobacteria benefit from phosphorus input directly in the upwelling region. Outside the upwelling region, the C:P ratios of filamentous cyanobacteria varied widely, between 240 and 463, whereas those of particulate material in the water ranged only between 96 and 224. To reduce their C:P ratio from 300 to 35, cyanobacteria in the upwelling region had to take up 0.05 mmol m−3 DIP, which is about 20% of the available DIP. Thus, a larger biomass of filamentous cyanobacteria may be able to benefit from a given DIP input. As determined from the DIP uptake rates measured in upwelling cells, the time needed to reduce the C:P ratio from 300 to 35 was too long to explain the huge bloom formations that typically occur in summer. However, phosphorus uptake rates increased significantly with increasing C:P ratios, allowing phosphorus accumulation within 4–5 days, a span of time suitable for bloom formation in July and August.  相似文献   

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