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Centuries of evolution of viticultural patterns in Europe have established well-known associations between cultivars and viticultural regions. Though California's viticultural landscape is much younger than Europe's, scholars increasingly talk about cultivar specialization in California wine regions. This study uses data for recent years and location quotients to test the hypothesis of regional cultivar specialization in California. Support is found for the hypothesis, though not for each cultivar and region. Evidence suggests also that there are significant differences between California and Europe with respect to viticultural specialization. Two such differences are in physical geography and wine laws.  相似文献   

河南省区域经济差异及时空特征分析   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
以SPSS统计分析软件和GIS技术为基础,以县域为研究单位,分析改革开放以来河南省县域经济差异变化的时间特征、空间格局及其变化过程,结果表明:(1)河南县域经济发展水平绝对差异扩大,相对差异起伏发展.两极分化显现;(2)在空间上经济发展水平形成了以西北部为中心,向东南递减的核心圈层结构;(3)经济发展现状水平与经济发展初始水平和发展速度呈明显的相关性,现状发展水平较高的地区,其经济发展初始水平和发展速度一般都较高。对县域经济差异的成因,从区域发展战略、资源条件、区位、投资政策和市场化程度等方面进行了揭示,最后提出了对河南区域经济发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国区域经济差异的时空尺度分析   总被引:136,自引:20,他引:116  
运用多阶段Theil系数嵌套分解法和小波分析法,从空间尺度和时间尺度两个方面研究中国区域经济差异问题。基本结论是:从省级行政区域单元来看,东部省际之间差异的变化趋势和全国的变化趋势基本是一致的,中部和西部省际之间的差异一直相对较小,而且变化趋势较为缓慢,但是三大地带之间差异一直在增大。从地级行政区域单元来看,省内差异是全国整体差异的重要构成部分,省内差异对于全国整体差异的贡献比三大地带之间差异和省际差异的贡献显著得多。从时间尺度来看,在大时间尺度(譬如24年)水平上,中国区域经济差异的变化过程,基本上服从“倒U型”曲线规律,但是小时间尺度(譬如23年或22年)水平上来看,则呈现为一条由几个倒U与U型曲线首尾相接的“复合倒U型曲线”。  相似文献   

区域可持续发展研究中的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在剖析了区域发展,持续发展和可持续发展关系的基础上,探讨了区域的层次性及其可持续刀菜的目标模式,区域的类型及其可持续发展的要求等问题,按照主导因子的原则,将区域划分成自然区域,经济区域,政治区域和文化区域等,讨论了不同类型区域可持续性发展的要求。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(2):376-383

The purpose of this paper is to examine a particular type of formal geographic region—the viticultural region—to promote an understanding of the geographical bases of wine production. The authors have found that the viticultural area is an excellent vehicle for teaching students how geographers construct and analyze regions. Although the wine industry in the United States is concentrated overwhelmingly in California and secondarily in a belt running from New York across Pennsylvania and into Ohio, most of the lower 48 states have at least one officially recognized viticultural area. The following problem has been developed to be used “as is” or to be modified for any state or region in the country. By the end of the problem, students have gained hands-on experience in defining regions, correlating physical geography with human activities, and thinking about the importance of place names and scale.  相似文献   

技术扩散与区域经济发展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在知识经济时代,技术扩散是影响高新技术研究开发成败,区域经济竞争力强弱的关键因子之一,文章阐述了技术扩散的概念,扩散过程及其对区域产业升级和更新的影响,并通过对浙江金昌模式的介绍,分析,提出了发展中国家和地区应该首先接受区外先进同行企业的技术转移,进而建立与高校,研究院所等技术创新源的直接联系,建立开放灵活的技术保障体系的对策建议,以实现发展中国家和地区充分利用技术扩散规律,加快产业的技术升级和换代,提高区域产业竞争力的奋斗目标。  相似文献   

中国区域发展格局演变过程与调控   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
樊杰  王亚飞  梁博 《地理学报》2019,74(12):2437-2454
2018年底中国人均GDP达到64520元(将近10000美元)。世界各国发展历程和区域发展差距倒“U”字型曲线表明,中国区域发展格局演变将步入从区域间经济发展差距持续扩大转向缩小的拐点区段。本文讨论了1978年以来拐点发生前40年间中国区域发展格局演变过程,① 处于发展上游(前8位最发达的省区)和下游(后8位欠发达省区)省区人均GDP的差距从1978年的407元增加到2018年的53817元;② 城市化和经济发展的重心在外向型经济、非公有经济的拉动下,呈顺时针方向发生旋转,中国东南地区成为经济加速集聚的区域;③ 中国区域发展格局形成以京津冀、长三角、珠三角、成渝地区四大核心区域为顶点、相邻区域的连线为边界合围成的菱形结构,其GDP占全国比重稳定在75%左右。2020年中国区域发展格局应进入演变的拐点,一方面表现为区域经济差距的缩小,另一方面则是从非高质量的区域发展向高质量区域发展的转变。区域高质量发展是在经济效益持续增长过程中,生态效益和社会效益将相向基本同步的增长过程,并呈现出因地域功能不同而分异的区域高质量发展模式。未来30年,按照促进区域均衡(协调)发展和高质量发展的双重目标要求,应把重点城市化地区、相对欠发达地区、重要安全保障区等三类区域以及区域间互动关系等为调控和优化中国区域发展格局的重点,而建立以主体功能区划—战略—规划—制度为统领的空间治理体系,将成为调控和优化区域发展格局的基本保障。  相似文献   

The rapid expansion of the New Zealand wine industry has rested largely on a specific wine commodity form, Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc. Global demand for a specialised product has provided the impetus for substantial development at the regional level, an increasingly complex industry structure, and for the intrusion of international capital. This paper explores the contests and relations within the industry through attention to the commodity's value-added chain, wherein recent developments are interpreted as a contest over the brand rents. The contemporary situation therefore may be explained through overlapping organisational and geographic framings of these relations: producer versus buyer-driven dynamics; regional–national and global interests; and inter- and intra-corporate strategies. The commercial contest for control of the region-varietal commodity reveals some paradoxical outcomes in which the region is reaffirmed as a site of investment in an evidently globalised industry, and the significance of who controls what fraction of the value chain is re-asserted.  相似文献   

The investigation of L g attenuation characteristics in the region bounding the western branch of the East African rift system using digital recordings from a seismic network located along the rift between Lake Rukwa and Lake Malawi is reported. A set of 24 recordings of L g waves from 12 regional earthquakes has been used for the determination of anelastic attenuation, Q Lg , and regional body-wave magnitude, m b Lg , scale. The events used have body-wave magnitudes, m b , between 4.6 and 5.5, which have been determined teleseismically and listed in ISC bulletins. The data were time-domain displacement amplitudes measured at 10 different frequencies (0.7–5.0  Hz). Q Lg and its frequency dependence, η , in the region can be represented in the form Q Lg = (186.2 ± 6.5)  f  (0.78±0.05). This model is in agreement with models established in other active tectonic regions. The L g -wave-based magnitude formula for the region is given by m b Lg = log   A + (3.76 ± 0.38)  log   D − (5.72 ± 1.06), where A is a half-peak-to-peak maximum amplitude of the 1  s L g wave amplitude in microns and D is the epicentral distance in kilometres. Magnitude results for the 12 regional earthquakes tested are in good agreement with the ISC body-wave magnitude scale.  相似文献   

Eco-geographic regionalization has been one of the most important topics in China's regionalization researches since the end of the 20th century. It is a major ecosystem in geographic zonality. A hierarchical system, which is formed by division or combination of natural features based on geographic relativity and comparison of major ecosystem factors (including biological and non-biological) and geographic zonality, is called eco-geographic regional system. This paper introduces process of China's regionalization development. The first level unit, temperature zone, is delineated with main criteria of temperature. The second level unit, humidity region, is based on criteria of water/moisture states. The third level unit, natural region, is divided according to medium geomorphologic units. Vegetation types and soils are applied as supplementary criteria to indicate temperature and water/moisture states. Mapping process from qualitative to quantitative and China's eco-geographic regional system are also explained in this paper.  相似文献   

巴丹吉林沙漠及其毗邻地区降水特征及风沙环境分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
利用巴丹吉林沙漠及其周边18个气象站点近40 a来的气象资料,详细分析了区域降水、风况、大风日数和沙尘暴等环境要素的时空变化规律。由于受沙漠、湖泊和绿洲等景观格局的影响,巴丹吉林沙漠及其毗邻地区气候要素的时空分布存在很大的差异。大风和沙尘天气主要集中在拐子湖和民勤两地,年均沙尘暴日数分别为28.9 d和37.3 d。沙漠地区降水与其外围相同纬度相比,呈明显下降趋势。沙漠东侧年均降雨量明显高于西侧。年均降雨量最小区域主要集中在额济纳旗,不足50 mm;而在沙漠东侧的诺尔公和吉兰泰年均降雨量分别为114.7 mm和116 mm。通过本研究,不仅为预测巴丹吉林沙漠及其毗邻地区风沙环境发展趋势提供基础资料,也能为揭示区域环境演变规律和生态治理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

我国都市圈理论研究与规划实践中的若干误区   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
袁家冬  周筠  黄伟 《地理研究》2006,25(1):112-120
随着我国城市化进程的加快,在长江三角洲、京津冀、珠江三角洲和辽中南等经济社会发展水平最高的地区,大城市的地域空间组织开始从单体型城市的简单形态,向以中心城市为核心的诸多城市和地区相互交融形成的都市圈的复杂形态转变。大上海、大北京、大广州、大沈阳等大都市圈的雏形已经初步形成,同时在一些经济发展水平较高的大中城市的周边地区,一些区域性都市圈和地方性都市圈也在逐渐形成。以这些中心城市为核心的都市圈的形成与发展,对区域经济社会的发展起到了越来越重要的支撑作用。借鉴发达国家的经验,实施都市圈的发展战略已经成为一个共识。正确引导都市圈的建设与发展是我国新形势下城市发展的一个重要课题。本文指出了我国目前都市圈理论研究和规划实践上存在的一些误区,对都市圈的基本概念、地域本质、形成机理、地域结构与空间形态、类型与规模等进行了分析,为我国21世纪都市圈的建设与发展提供科学的理论依据。  相似文献   

Identifying the problem regions and regional problems, and thus improving regional policies, are crucial for the sustainable development of various economic entities. The coordinated development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization(hereinafter referred to as "Sihua") is not only a practical need but an important strategic direction of integrating urban-rural development and regional development in recent China, and it also provides a significant perspective for identifying problem regions and regional problems so as to improve the regional policies. This study mainly aims to: firstly, establish a comprehensive evaluation index system so as to explore the spatial pattern of coordinated development of Sihua in China at prefecture level; secondly, to develop an evaluation criteria system to identify the problem regions and regional problems from the perspective of coordinated development of Sihua. This paper comes first in the scientific community to evaluate the coordinated development state of Sihua in China at prefecture level and identify the problem regions and regional problems from the perspective of Sihua development by quantitative analysis. This study may benefit the improvement of regional policies and thus contribute to the sustainable socio-economic development of China.  相似文献   

Identifying the problem regions and regional problems, and thus improving regional policies, are crucial for the sustainable development of various economic entities. The coordinated development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization(hereinafter referred to as "Sihua") is not only a practical need but an important strategic direction of integrating urban-rural development and regional development in recent China, and it also provides a significant perspective for identifying problem regions and regional problems so as to improve the regional policies. This study mainly aims to: firstly, establish a comprehensive evaluation index system so as to explore the spatial pattern of coordinated development of Sihua in China at prefecture level; secondly, to develop an evaluation criteria system to identify the problem regions and regional problems from the perspective of coordinated development of Sihua. This paper comes first in the scientific community to evaluate the coordinated development state of Sihua in China at prefecture level and identify the problem regions and regional problems from the perspective of Sihua development by quantitative analysis. This study may benefit the improvement of regional policies and thus contribute to the sustainable socio-economic development of China.  相似文献   

经济区域空间格局变化是区域经济不断发展的外在化表现,文章从区域、经济区域等基本概念入手,以经济全球化为背景,分析了市场机制作用下中国经济区域再形成过程的态势和外部环境变化,指出随着我国经济体制改革的深入进行,应积极培育合理经济区、建立合理的区际分工体系、培育区域之间合理的竞争态势,以提高我国区域竞争力和国家竞争力。  相似文献   

关联视角下的区域产业动态研究进展与反思   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
朱晟君  金文纨  胡晓辉 《地理研究》2020,39(5):1045-1055
区域产业动态是经济地理学的经典研究主题。不同尺度的传统经济地理研究常以企业、产业和区域为研究对象,忽略了不同个体之间的关联。近年来,经济地理学增加了关于企业关联的研究,但对于产业关联和区域关联的关注仍显不足。基于关联视角,本文首先围绕产业关联和区域关联等概念探讨了关联的形成机制,进一步梳理关于产业关联、区域关联与区域产业动态的研究进展,并为未来区域产业动态研究提出相关建议。与企业关联相同,产业和区域关联也与个体间的要素流动有关。现有研究表明产业关联有助于揭示区域产业演化规律,而区域关联会通过区域间要素流动影响区域产业动态。关联视角是区域产业动态研究的新视角,具有较大的研究潜力,值得引起经济地理学者们的关注。  相似文献   

中国生态地理区域系统区划   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
Eco-geographic regionalization has been one of the most important topics in China‘s regionalization researches since the end of the 20th century. It is a major ecosystem in geographic zonality. A hierarchical system, which is formed by division or combination of natural features based on geographic relativity and comparison of major ecosystem factors (including biological and non-biological) and geographic zonality, is called eco-geographic regional system. This paper introduces process of China‘s regionalization development. The first level unit, temperature zone, is delineated with main criteria of temperature. The second level unit, humidity region, is based on criteria of water/moisture states. The third level unit, natural region, is divided according to medium geomorphologic units. Vegetation types and soils are applied as supplementary criteria to indicate temperature and water/moisture states. Mapping process from qualitative to quantitative and China‘s eco-geographic regional system are also explained in this paper.  相似文献   

Regional tourism and South-South economic cooperation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regional tourism within developing countries is a growing phenomenon. Yet this aspect has been largely neglected in social science research as well as tourism planning. This paper highlights the general nature, scale and economic significance of regional tourism in three leading regions in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The topic is especially timely as economic self-reliance and cooperation are increasingly reiterated in the context of the emergence of regional groupings. A key question addressed is whether regional tourism development represents any new and viable prospects for regional economic improvement and partnership, especially compared to international tourism centred on attracting visitors from industrialized countries. Based on a critical assessment of the experiences of three regional blocs (ASEAN – the Association of South-East Asian Nations; SADC – the Southern African Development Community; and Mercosur – a common market comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, with Chile being an associated member), the paper suggests that a basic appreciation of the prospects of regional tourism is not enough to produce perceptible benefits. Regional tourism development is occurring in a haphazard manner, with little attention to managing existing socio-economic inequalities and centre-periphery relations. The paper is based primarily on the review of secondary literature readily available to the author combined with a few documents obtained directly from different regional organizations or through Internet search. A small amount of material, especially concerning emerging tourism trends and outcomes, is drawn from a research project on national mass tourism in developing countries coordinated by the author at the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva.  相似文献   

基于ESDA的区域经济空间差异分析——以江苏省为例   总被引:79,自引:10,他引:79  
基于ESDA全局和局部空间自相关分析,利用江苏省1978~2002年县域人均GDP数据,对江苏省县域总体和局部空间差异的变化趋势、特征与成因进行了初步探索。结果首先表明,随着我国改革开放进程的逐步深化,江苏省县域经济空间差异在总体上呈现缩小趋势。其次,江苏省县域局部空间差异不断缩小,特别是苏南和苏北县域,表现出与周边地区同步发展态势。再者,苏南地区对全省的极化效应明显大于其扩散效应。大致自1992年以来,苏南和苏北地区内部分别形成了与周边地区显著相似的区域。最后,江苏省县域总体和局部空间差异的缩小并不是全省区域经济协调发展的标志,而是南北空间分异的表现。在循环累积因果机制作用下,南北差异有可能进一步扩大。  相似文献   

刘志华  徐军委 《地理科学》2023,43(1):92-100
基于1999—2017年省级碳收支核算数据,构建空间计量模型检验影响碳排放公平性的关键因素。结果表明:(1)省域碳排放公平性的区域差异性显著,整体表现为西部地区>中部地区>东部地区;(2)中国省域碳排放公平性存在显著的空间溢出效应,从全国层面看,产业结构、经济发展水平、环境规制对碳排放公平性具有负向空间溢出效应,技术创新则对其具有正向空间溢出效应;从区域层面看,产业结构、城镇化进程、技术创新与对外开放水平对东部地区各省(市)碳排放公平性的空间溢出效应最明显,中部地区各省域的经济发展水平与技术创新对周边地区碳排放公平性有较为显著的正向空间溢出效应,经济发展水平、对外开放程度与环境规制是制约西部地区各省(区、市)碳排放公平性提升及溢出的主要因素。  相似文献   

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