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本文利用AIM卫星搭载的CIPS云图反照率和冰晶粒径数据,从中提取了2007/08南半球和2008年北半球共6489个小尺度重力波活动(波长5~150km范围)个例,对重力波区域与背景云层冰晶粒径谱进行对比分析,从而研究重力波对冰晶平均半径和谱宽的影响规律.结果表明,北半球重力波区域冰晶的平均半径和谱宽分别比背景云层小2.5nm和6.1nm,南半球则分别减小1.1nm和7.9nm.在随纬度的分布上,小于80°时,南北半球的平均半径扰动值均为负值,绝对值随纬度增大而减小,而大于80°时,负扰动转变为正扰动,且绝对值增加;谱宽扰动的绝对值也随着纬度增加而减小,但均为负值.在季节内随时间的分布上,南北半球重力波对冰晶平均半径和谱宽的扰动在始末阶段以负值为主,且绝对值较大,而在中期阶段正负值相当,且绝对值较小.这一特征与重力波引起冰晶粒径变化的振幅在纬度和时间上的分布趋势一致.重力波的波长均随纬度升高而减小,在季节的始末阶段较大,中期小,且南半球的平均波长和变化幅度都要明显大于北半球的,粒径扰动振幅随波长的变化率为南半球0.207nm·km-1,北半球的0.163nm·km-1.根据分析推断,重力波自身的扰动振幅应与其影响区域内的谱参数相对于背景云层的变化量有直接关系,且振幅越大,平均半径和谱宽的负扰动就越大.  相似文献   

During the International Polar Year (IPY), one area of great interest is co-coordinated, multi-instrument probing of the ionosphere at high latitudes. This region is important not only for the applications that rely upon our understanding of it, but also because it contains the footprints of processes that have their origin in the interplanetary space. Many different techniques are now available for probing the ionosphere, from radar measurements to the analysis of very low frequency (VLF) wave paths. Combining these methods provides the ability to study the ionosphere from high in the F-region to the bottom of the D-layer. Thus, coupling processes from the magnetosphere and to the neutral atmosphere can be considered. An additional dimension is through comparisons of the response of the two polar ionospheres to similar (or the same) geomagnetic activity. With more instruments available at the South Pole inter-hemispheric, studies have become easier to accomplish such that a fuller picture of the global response to Sun–Earth coupling can be painted.This paper presents a review of the current state of knowledge in ionospheric probing. It cannot provide a comprehensive guide of the work to date due to the scale of the topic. Rather it is intended to give an overview of the techniques and recent results from some of the instruments and facilities that are a part of the IPY cluster 63—Heliosphere Impact on Geospace. In this way it is hoped that the reader will gain a flavor of the recent research performed in this area and the potential for continuing collaboration and capabilities during the IPY (2007–2009).  相似文献   

This article describes the characteristics of debris obtained from the basal ice in a borehole in the Agassiz ice cap, Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories by the Canadian Polar Continental Shelf Project in 1979. The debris appears to have been incorporated by basal freezing at a time when the base of the glacier upstream was near the pressure melting point and some 19°C warmer than at the present site. Such an occurrence may be explained by a different flow regime, by a thicker ice sheet, by the influence of irregular bedrock topography on basal ice conditions at some stage in the past, or by a combination of these factors.  相似文献   

Ocean/ice interaction at the base of deep-drafted Antarctic ice shelves modifies the physical properties of inflowing shelf waters to become Ice Shelf Water (ISW). In contrast to the conditions at the atmosphere/ocean interface, the increased hydrostatic pressure at the glacial base causes gases embedded in the ice to dissolve completely after being released by melting. Helium and neon, with an extremely low solubility, are saturated in glacial meltwater by more than 1000%. At the continental slope in front of the large Antarctic caverns, ISW mixes with ambient waters to form different precursors of Antarctic Bottom Water. A regional ocean circulation model, which uses an explicit formulation of the ocean/ice shelf interaction to describe for the first time the input of noble gases to the Southern Ocean, is presented. The results reveal a long-term variability of the basal mass loss solely controlled by the interaction between waters of the continental shelf and the ice shelf cavern. Modeled helium and neon supersaturations from the Filchner–Ronne Ice Shelf front show a “low-pass” filtering of the inflowing signal due to cavern processes. On circumpolar scales, the simulated helium and neon distributions allow us to quantify the ISW contribution to bottom water, which spreads with the coastal current connecting the major formation sites in Ross and Weddell Seas.
Christian B. RodehackeEmail:

利用1988~1999年欧洲非相干散射EISCAT(European Incoherent Scatter)雷达观测数据,对不同太阳活动周相、不同季节的极光椭圆区电离层F区电子密度进行统计分析,研究其气候学特征,并与IRI-2001模式比较.EISCAT观测到的电子密度显示出显著的太阳活动高年“冬季异常”和太阳活动低年半年变化等现象.EISCAT实测电子密度随时间和高度的平均二维分布和500 km高度以下总电子含量TEC,从总体来看与IRI-2001模式预测结果符合较好.但高年在TEC达到最大值前后,IRI-2001模式预测的电子密度高度剖面与EISCAT观测结果有显著差别:F2峰以上IRI-2001模式预测的电子密度过大,造成TEC明显高于雷达观测值.另外,在太阳活动下降相,EISCAT观测显示出明显的半年周期季节变化特征,但IRI-2001模式未能预测出此下降相季节变化.  相似文献   

亚洲-太平洋涛动是北半球夏季亚洲大陆和北太平洋副热带地区对流层中高层扰动温度场上大尺度的东西反相的遥相关现象,其异常变化与亚洲-太平洋地区夏季风气候有着密切的联系.基于欧洲中心的ERA-40再分析资料和国家气候中心BCC_CSM1.1(m)气候系统模式多年的数值模拟结果,本文主要评估了BCC_CSM1.1(m)模式对于夏季亚洲-太平洋涛动的空间分布、指数的时间演变及与其变化所对应的亚洲地区夏季环流异常等方面的模拟能力,结果表明:BCC_CSM1.1(m)模式能够较好地模拟出北半球夏季对流层中高层扰动温度在亚-太地区中纬度存在的西高东低"跷跷板"现象;模式能够模拟出夏季亚洲-太平洋涛动指数的年际变率,但是不能模拟出该指数在20世纪60-70年代明显下降的年代际趋势;模式还能较好地模拟出亚洲-太平洋涛动高低指数年亚洲-太平洋地区夏季环流的异常:指数偏高年份,南亚高压增强,高空西风急流带和热带东风急流均加强,索马里越赤道气流增强,南亚热带季风和东亚副热带季风均增强,东亚季风低压槽加强,西北太平洋副热带高压增强,南亚和东亚北部降水增加,菲律宾地区、中国长江流域-朝鲜半岛-日本一带地区降水减少,反之亦然.  相似文献   

In meandering rivers, the local channel migration rate increases with increasing bend sharpness until it reaches a maximum at a certain critical value of the bend sharpness. Beyond this critical value, the migration rate decreases if bend sharpness increases. Similarly, reach‐averaged migration rates attain a maximum at a certain river sinuosity. This work investigates the physics of these phenomena by comparing the results of two physics‐based models of different complexity, in which the migration rates are proportional to the near‐bank flow velocity excess. In the computational tests the river was allowed to meander progressively, starting from an almost straight planimetry. Both models reproduced the observed peak in the curve describing the local migration rate as a function of the ratio radius of curvature‐channel width (R/B), with a rising limb at lower R/B values and a falling limb at higher R/B values. The rising limb can be explained by the decrease in relative lag distance between near‐bank flow velocity and forcing curvature as R/B increases. The falling limb results from the decrease in local channel curvature and near‐bank flow velocity excess. Since the models do not include flow separation, the results indicate that this phenomenon is not needed to explain the decrease of channel migration rates in sharp bends. The models reproduced also the peak in the curve describing the reach‐averaged migration rates as a function of river sinuosity The increase and then decrease of reach‐averaged migration rates as sinuosity increases appears to be mainly caused by the variation of the reach‐averaged value of the ratio R/B. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

刘喜迎  刘海龙 《地球物理学报》2012,55(09):2867-2875
为研究近期21年(1989—2009年)北极地区海冰变化原因,本文利用欧洲中期天气预报中心ERA-Interim数据集资料和美国麻省理工学院MITgcm全球海冰-海洋耦合模式开展了不同大气强迫条件下海冰变化的数值模拟研究.研究工作中共设计了6个数值试验,除1个试验全部采用1989—2009年每日4个时次的大气强迫场外,其余5个试验各有一种大气强迫(地表气温、地表大气比湿、向下短波辐射通量、向下长波辐射通量和地表风)采用1989年月平均结果.分析了各模拟试验结果中3月和9月北极地区海冰面积的年际变化特征及最小二乘拟合意义下的线性变化趋势,并以ERA-Interim结果为参照标准对各模拟试验结果进行了对比和检验,以说明不同大气强迫量变率对海冰变化的作用.结果表明:地表气温变率和向下长波辐射通量变率是造成海冰面积减少的主要原因;向下短波辐射通量变率对海冰面积变化影响几乎可以忽略;地表大气比湿变率对海冰面积线性变化趋势影响较小,但对海冰面积年际变化特征有调制作用;地表风变率对海冰季节变化、海冰面积线性变化趋势及年际变化特征均有明显影响,说明提高大气风应力精度是改善海冰数值模拟结果的重要手段.  相似文献   

为研究近期21年(1989—2009年)北极地区海冰变化原因,本文利用欧洲中期天气预报中心ERA-Interim数据集资料和美国麻省理工学院MITgcm全球海冰-海洋耦合模式开展了不同大气强迫条件下海冰变化的数值模拟研究.研究工作中共设计了6个数值试验,除1个试验全部采用1989—2009年每日4个时次的大气强迫场外,其余5个试验各有一种大气强迫(地表气温、地表大气比湿、向下短波辐射通量、向下长波辐射通量和地表风)采用1989年月平均结果.分析了各模拟试验结果中3月和9月北极地区海冰面积的年际变化特征及最小二乘拟合意义下的线性变化趋势,并以ERA-Interim结果为参照标准对各模拟试验结果进行了对比和检验,以说明不同大气强迫量变率对海冰变化的作用.结果表明:地表气温变率和向下长波辐射通量变率是造成海冰面积减少的主要原因;向下短波辐射通量变率对海冰面积变化影响几乎可以忽略;地表大气比湿变率对海冰面积线性变化趋势影响较小,但对海冰面积年际变化特征有调制作用;地表风变率对海冰季节变化、海冰面积线性变化趋势及年际变化特征均有明显影响,说明提高大气风应力精度是改善海冰数值模拟结果的重要手段.  相似文献   

南海北部神狐海域天然气水合物成藏模式研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
南海北部陆坡神狐海域是我国海洋天然气水合物勘探开发研究的重点靶区,独特的水合物成藏特征,难以利用当前观测到的沉积速率和流体流动条件对其成藏机理进行解释和量化说明,对其形成演化模式和控制因素尚不明确.本文构建了海洋天然气水合物形成演化过程的动力学模型,模型的主控参量为海底沉积速率和水流速率,以此计算了神狐海域天然气水合物聚集演化过程,并与饱和度的盐度测试值进行对比.最后,在研究神狐海域地质构造活动和水合物成藏动力学基础上建立了神狐天然气水合物形成演化模式.认为神狐海域当前的天然气水合物是在上新世末—更新世早期断裂体系水合物基础上继承演化而来的,神狐海域天然气水合物形成演化具有典型的二元模式.第一阶段水合物形成发生在距今1.5 Ma之前构造活动形成的断裂体系中,高达50 m/ka的孔隙水流动携带了大量的甲烷进入水合物稳定带,导致了水合物的快速生成,在4万年内形成了饱和度达20%的甲烷水合物;第二阶段发生在1.5 Ma以来,泥质粉砂沉积使沉积体渗透率骤减,0.7 m/ka的低速率水流使甲烷供给不足,在海底浅层新沉积体中无法生成水合物,仅在水合物稳定带底部有缓慢的水合物继承增长,并因此形成了神狐海域当前观测到的水合物产出特征,而且水合物资源量仍在减少.  相似文献   

The western boundary current in the southern South China Sea (SCS) in summer does not always flow northward along the Indo-China Peninsula, it leaves the southeast coast of peninsula around 10–14°N, forming a strong eastward jet called “Vietnam Coastal Current” or “Southeast Vietnam Offshore Current” (SVOC). It is known that the wind stress curl is the major driving factor responsible for this current. In this paper, we carry on the study of the separation position, strength and forming time of this current. A connected single-layer/two-layer model is employed here to study these problems. According to the numerical experiments and analyses of the vorticity dynamics, it is found that, the local wind stress curl (including the northern cyclonic and the southern anticyclonic wind forcing curl), the nonlinear term, the topographic effect, the planetary vorticity advection and the water exchange between the SCS and Java Sea via the Sunda Shelf have an important effect on both the position where this current leaves the coast and its strength; when there is an inflow via the Sunda Shelf, the current is stronger and the separation position is more northward; whereas the water stratification, the coastline and the inflow of Kuroshio have little effect on its separation. In fact, two opposite flowing currents, the northward SVOC and the southward western branch of the cyclonic eddy to its north near the Indo-China Peninsula, collide with each other, and the strength of these two currents determine the separation position of the SVOC. Origin of the SVOC may be driven by the local negative wind stress curl in the middle SCS in mid-spring, this current flows along the coast of the Indo-China Peninsula and leaves the coast at high latitude, flowing northeastward; once the local positive wind stress curl near the northern Indo-China Peninsula or the negative one near the southern Indo-China Peninsula is large enough, this current will begin to leave the coast at low latitude.  相似文献   

The Boston Harbor, Massachusetts Bay and Cape Cod Bay system (MBS) is a semi-enclosed coastal embayment located in the western Gulf of Maine (GOM). The strength of the spring bloom in the MBS varies dramatically and the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. It has been hypothesized that the weak (or missing) 1998 spring bloom was due to increased zooplankton grazing pressure after a relatively warmer winter that led to earlier development of zooplankton populations. However, chlorophyll concentrations were low in the entire GOM region during the spring bloom period of 1998. These low chlorophyll waters would enter the MBS by persistent intrusion from the GOM and affect the MBS spring bloom by reducing the accumulation of phytoplankton biomass, suggesting an alternative explanation for the missing bloom. In this study, the influences of the intruding GOM waters on the MBS spring bloom are examined using numerical simulations and observations to compare two contrasting spring blooms (a weak bloom in 1998 versus a strong bloom in 2000). The results indicate that intruding waters from the GOM significantly reduced the strength of spring bloom in 1998, but enhanced the spring bloom in 2000. A theoretical analysis suggests that the influence of the intrusion on the MBS spring bloom is mostly limited to the northern portion of the MBS, and the impact area is determined by local net growth, velocity of intruding flow and horizontal mixing. The intrusion of GOM waters carries the signal of long-term variability in the GOM region and thus may be an important oceanic pathway for climate changes to impact the MBS ecosystem.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to explore the use of flow dimensions as a tool for characterizing hydraulic conditions in faulted media. Transient flow is numerically simulated in synthetic vertically-faulted reservoirs. Analysis of the obtained time series following the Generalized Radial Flow (GRF) model displays combined radial and fractional signals with a flow dimension n=1.5n=1.5. Investigating the transient geometry of the frontal equipotential surface shows that fractional flow occurrence is due to abnormal fault diffusion as a consequence of water supply from the matrix under specific conditions. An original hydrodynamical explanation for fractional flow in vertically faulted media is suggested, along with a reinterpretation of the bilinear regime. It is shown that the GRF theory remains valid in such discontinuum as the fundamental relationship between n and the cross-flow area is satisfied. These results provide insights in the use of the flow dimension as a hydraulic diagnostic tool in faulted media.  相似文献   

Multiple‐layered tsunami deposits have been frequently reported from coastal stratigraphic sequences, but the formation processes of these layers remain uncertain. A terrestrial sandy deposit formed by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami was investigated at Ban Nam Kem, southern Thailand. Four internal layers induced by two tsunami waves were identified in the tsunami deposit. Sedimentary structures indicated that two units were formed by run‐up currents caused by the tsunami and the other two units were deposited by the backwash flows. Graded bedding was common in the layers, but inverse grading was observed at limited intervals on the surveyed transects. The characteristics of the multiple‐layered tsunami deposit vary remarkably over a very short distance (<1 m) in response to the local topography. Remarkable asymmetries in thickness and grain‐size distribution are recognized between the run‐up and backwash flow deposits. On the basis of the interpretation of sedimentary structures, the formation process of the multiple‐layered tsunami deposit observed in this study can be explained in a schematic model as the modification of the ideal tsunami sequence by local erosion and the asymmetric hydraulic properties of tsunami waves, such as the maximum shear velocity and the heterogeneity of the flow velocity field.  相似文献   

The ECOLOPHY experiments aimed at investigating physical exchanges between coastal and open sea. They were carried out in June and December 2005 over the shelf-break in the North-eastern part of the Gulf of Lions (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea). This area is considered to be the generation zone for the eddy and meandering structures of the Northern Current (NC). The objective of the present work is to examine mesoscale variability of this coastal slope current in the light of available data. Numerical modeling is used to support the field data analysis. ADCP current measurements over a one-year period show that mesoscale activity is maximal in late winter, correlating with the seasonal variability of the NC and, also, partly with local winds. Measured currents exhibit mesoscale fluctuations with periods ranging from 3 to 30 days, in agreement with previous analyses. Fluctuations of periods longer than 10 days are found to be mainly oriented in the direction of the mean current, whereas more frequently observed high frequency fluctuations tend to be oriented cross-slope, suggesting a relationship with the NC mesoscale meandering. Moreover, trajectories of surdrift buoys launched in the NC vein exhibit mesoscale phenomena, such as current meanders or eddies and on-shelf intrusions. Numerical modeling provides a synoptic point of view and is used hereafter to support physical interpretation of punctual eulerian or lagrangian measurements. Therefore, modeled hydrodynamic fields are used to analyze surdrift buoy trajectories and computed vertically averaged current and Ertel potential vorticity provide a better understanding of these behaviors.  相似文献   

A hybrid approach is applied to construct 2-D synthetic seismograms for explosive sources. The computation of the signals has been performed with a hybrid technique, that couples the modal summation method, describing the P-SV propagation from the source to a target area, to the finite difference method, allowing the computation of the 2-D response of the target area. We use this technique to study the site response in the city of Benevento (Southern Italy). The results are compared both with those obtained for the same model, but considering an extended double-couple source and SH wave propagation and with those derived from a direct analysis of experimental data obtained during the Benevento Seismic Risk Project, funded by the Commission of European Communities. The type and depth of the source and the source-receiver distance can provide different excitations, but the response of the target area, in terms of ratios of response spectra, remains in general stable in the high frequency range (>2 Hz). The explosive source does not excite lower frequencies and is therefore unable to provide estimates of site effects in this frequency range. We also show that it is important to consider both P-SV and SH waves when assessing site effects. Finally, a very good definition of a structural model from geological data is fundamental in order to explain the observed data in the time domain. The observed data validate our synthetic modelling for evaluating the site effects and for a tentative seismic microzonation of the city of Benevento.  相似文献   




常成  罗纲 《地球物理学报》2022,65(8):3006-3024

在斑岩成矿系统中, 岩浆侵入体顶部广泛发育了破裂系统.这些破裂既是导矿流体通道, 也是多种矿体赋存的重要空间, 即成矿空间或容矿空间.然而, 该破裂系统形成的力学机制与原因还缺乏细致、深入的研究.本文开发了一个概念性的热-孔隙流体-应力应变耦合(thermal-hydraulic-mechanical coupled)的二维平面应变有限元模型, 并模拟了斑岩成矿系统的温度、应力、应变、孔隙流体压力的演化及岩浆侵入体周围的破裂形成过程.模型结果显示柱状高温岩浆侵入围岩的热作用导致了围岩中三个有效主应力的变化, 但它们增加或减小的幅度不同, 从而导致了差应力或偏应力在侵入岩体顶部及其与围岩接触带的集中.对于具有较高渗透率顶层的斑岩成矿系统, 这种在侵入岩体周边的差应力或偏应力集中, 最终导致了侵入岩体顶部脉状破裂系统的发育以及岩体与围岩接触带中破裂的发育; 而孔隙流体压力对侵入岩体顶部脉状破裂系统的形成与演化也具有一定的辅助作用.最后, 本文将这个概念性模型应用到青藏甲玛斑岩铜多金属成矿系统, 模拟了甲玛斑岩矿床顶部破裂系统的形成与发育, 模型结果与甲玛矿床的斑岩及角岩矿体的容矿破裂分布一致.本研究为斑岩成矿系统中破裂的产生及其导矿构造、容矿空间的形成和发育提供了力学解释, 也对矿产的勘探与开发有着科学指导意义.


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