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In this paper, a mathematical model is presented for the analysis of dynamic fracture propagation in the saturated porous media. The solid behavior incorporates a discrete cohesive fracture model, coupled with the flow in porous media through the fracture network. The double‐nodded zero‐thickness cohesive interface element is employed for the mixed mode fracture behavior in tension and contact behavior in compression. The crack is automatically detected and propagated perpendicular to the maximum effective stress. The spatial discretization is continuously updated during the crack propagation. Numerical examples from the hydraulic fracturing test and the concrete gravity dam show the capability of the model to simulate dynamic fracture propagation. The comparison is performed between the quasi‐static and fully dynamic solutions, and the performance of two analyses is investigated on the values of crack length and crack mouth opening. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

郑利涛  胡志强  唐洪祥 《岩土力学》2012,33(9):2771-2780
对于超固结黏土和密实砂土等软化材料或非关联塑性材料组成的地基、边坡及挡土墙墙后土体,在其破坏过程中,会产生应变局部化现象,使得控制方程的类型发生改变,从而导致出现数值解不惟一和解的网格相关性等现象。为了克服这些数值困难,基于强间断分析方法,及单元内嵌不连续面的有限元模型,对地基、土坡、墙后土体的渐进破坏过程进行了数值模拟。计算结果表明,单元内嵌不连续面模型可以有效地模拟土工结构失稳破坏过程,并且能够明显地改善采用常规有限元方法所产生的网格尺寸相关性问题。这一方法可作为传统极限平衡法进行稳定分析、承载力分析的有益补充。  相似文献   

For many decades most oil wells in Iran have produced using their natural flow potential and haven’t needed to be fractured. As time goes by, the reservoir pressure depletes and the need for hydraulic fracturing as a stimulation practice arises. Nonetheless there is no record of successful hydraulic fracturing in Iran.

The Bangestan reservoir with a suitable amount of oil in place and good rock reservoirs, has been selected for the present research work. In this work, the in situ stress profile was calculated by using the available petrophysical data. This is achieved by using poroelastic theory for the stresses, and the Mohr–Coulomb criterion to predict failure. The model leads to easily computed expressions for calculating the pressure required to maintain hydraulic fracturing. Then the appropriate depth for treatment was determined. The results indicate that Ilam and Sarvak formations could be good candidates for hydraulic fracturing. Then, for two layers, a hydraulic fracture was designed and the production was predicted and the Net Present Value (NPV) resulting from the fracture of both layers was investigated.  相似文献   

A virtual multidimensional internal bond (VMIB) model developed to simulate the propagation of hydraulic fractures using the finite‐element method is formulated within the framework of the virtual internal bond theory (VIB) that considers a solid as randomized material particles in the micro scale, and derives the macro constitutive relation from the cohesive law between the material particles with an implicit fracture criterion. Hydraulic pressure is applied using a new scheme that enables simulation of hydraulically driven cracks. When the model is applied to study hydraulic fracture propagation in the presence of a natural fracture, the results show the method to be very effective. It shows that although the in situ stress ratio is the dominant factor governing the propagation direction, a natural fault can also strongly influence the hydraulic fracture behavior. This influence is conditioned by the shear stiffness of the fault and the distance to the original hydraulic fracture. The model results show that when the fault is strong in shear, its impact on hydraulic fracture trajectory is weak and the hydraulic fracture will likely penetrate the fault. For a weak fault, however, the fracture tends to be arrested at the natural fault. The distance between the fault and the hydraulic fracture is also important; the fault influence increases with decreasing distance. The VMIB does not require selection of a fracture criterion and remeshing when the fracture propagates. Therefore, it is advantageous for modeling fracture initiation and propagation in naturally fractured rock. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

非连续面发育是非常规油气储层的显著地质特征之一,水力裂缝能否穿越非连续面扩展会关系到压裂的改造效果。为研究水力裂缝穿越非连续面扩展时断裂过程区(fracture process zone,简称FPZ)发育特征,采用自主设计的可视化压裂试验装置对含预制摩擦界面的砂岩平板试件开展水力压裂试验。基于数字图像相关法实时监测了水力裂缝正交穿越界面扩展过程中的位移及应变场特征。试验结果表明,水力裂缝穿越界面扩展之前,断裂过程区已经开始跨越界面发育;裂缝能否穿越界面扩展在FPZ的初始发育阶段已经注定,不受FPZ内应力软化过程影响。基于Renshaw-Pollard准则建立了考虑FPZ边界范围的裂缝穿越非连续面扩展准则,并通过前人及文中试验数据进行了可靠性验证。相比而言,改进准则更准确地考虑了裂缝前端线弹性断裂力学的适用范围。研究发现FPZ长宽比对裂缝穿越界面扩展准则有显著影响,相同条件下,FPZ长宽比越大,裂缝正交穿越界面扩展所需要的摩擦系数下限值越小。  相似文献   

为有效模拟裂缝性页岩储层中水力裂缝随机扩展过程,基于单元节点的拓扑数据结构,利用网格节点分裂方式,建立了一种基于有限元网格嵌入零厚度内聚力单元的水力裂缝随机扩展新方法。利用KGD模型解析解和2种室内试验,验证了新方法的准确性和有效性。同时,通过数值算例研究了水平地应力差和储层非均质性对水力裂缝随机扩展过程的影响。研究表明:(1)该方法弥补了ABAQUS平台内置的内聚力单元无法有效模拟水力裂缝随机扩展的不足;(2)在较高水平地应力差下页岩储层非均质性越强,与水力裂缝相交的高角度天然裂缝越容易开启。所建方法能准确地描述复杂水力裂缝的随机扩展行为,可为裂缝性页岩储层的数值模拟提供新手段。  相似文献   

Propagation of fractures, especially those emanating from wellbores and closed natural fractures, often involves Mode I and Mode II, and at times Mode III, posing significant challenges to its numerical simulation. When an embedded inclined fracture is subjected to compression, the fracture edge is constrained by the surrounding materials so that its true propagation pattern cannot be simulated by 2D models. In this article, a virtual multidimensional internal bond (VMIB) model is presented to simulate three‐dimensional (3D) fracture propagation. The VMIB model bridges the processes of macro fracture and micro bond rupture. The macro 3D constitutive relation in VMIB is derived from the 1D bond in the micro scale and is implemented in a 3D finite element method. To represent the contact and friction between fracture surfaces, a 3D element partition method is employed. The model is applied to simulate fracture propagation and coalescence in typical laboratory experiments and is used to analyze the propagation of an embedded fracture. Simulation results for single and multiple fractures illustrate 3D features of the tensile and compressive fracture propagation, especially the propagation of a Mode III fracture. The results match well with the experimental observation, suggesting that the presented method can capture the main features of 3D fracture propagation and coalescence. Moreover, by developing an algorithm for applying pressure on the fracture surfaces, propagation of a natural fracture is also simulated. The result illustrates an interesting and important phenomenon of Mode III fracture propagation, namely the fracture front segmentation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional hydraulic fracturing simulations using the cohesive zone model (CZM) can be readily found in the literature; however, to our knowledge, verified 3D cohesive zone modeling is not available. We present the development of a 3D fully coupled hydro-mechanical finite element method (FEM) model (with parallel computation framework) and its application to hydraulic fracturing. A special zero-thickness interface element based on the CZM is developed for modeling fracture propagation and fluid flow. A local traction-separation law with strain softening is used to capture tensile cracking. The model is verified by considering penny-shaped hydraulic fracture and plain strain Kristianovich‑Geertsma‑de Klerk hydraulic fracture (in 3D) in the viscosity- and toughness-dominated regimes. Good agreement between numerical results and analytical solutions has been achieved. The model is used to investigate the influence of rock and fluid properties on hydraulic fracturing. Lower stiffness tip cohesive elements tend to yield a larger elastic deformation around the fracture tips before the tensile strength is reached, generating a larger fracture length and lower fracture pressure compared with higher stiffness elements. It is found that the energy release rate has almost no influence on hydraulic fracturing in the viscosity-dominated regime because the energy spent in creating new fractures is too small when compared with the total input energy. For the toughness-dominated regime, the released energy during fracturing should be accurately captured; relatively large tensile strength should be used in order to match numerical results to the asymptotic analytical solutions. It requires smaller elements when compared with those used in the viscosity-dominated regime.  相似文献   

This paper presents an algorithm and a fully coupled hydromechanical‐fracture formulation for the simulation of three‐dimensional nonplanar hydraulic fracture propagation. The propagation algorithm automatically estimates the magnitude of time steps such that a regularized form of Irwin's criterion is satisfied along the predicted 3‐D fracture front at every fracture propagation step. A generalized finite element method is used for the discretization of elasticity equations governing the deformation of the rock, and a finite element method is adopted for the solution of the fluid flow equation on the basis of Poiseuille's cubic law. Adaptive mesh refinement is used for discretization error control, leading to significantly fewer degrees of freedom than available nonadaptive methods. An efficient computational scheme to handle nonlinear time‐dependent problems with adaptive mesh refinement is presented. Explicit fracture surface representations are used to avoid mapping of 3‐D solutions between generalized finite element method meshes. Examples demonstrating the accuracy, robustness, and computational efficiency of the proposed formulation, regularized Irwin's criterion, and propagation algorithm are presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, a fully coupled 2‐dimensional poroelastic displacement discontinuity method is used to investigate the refracturing process in horizontal wells. One of the objectives of refracturing is to access new reserves by adding new hydraulic fractures in zones that were bypassed in the initial fracturing attempt. Pore pressure depletion in the vicinity of old fractures directly affects the state of stress and eventually the propagation of newly created hydraulic fractures. Thus, a poroelastic analysis is required to identify guidelines for the refracturing process, in particular to understand the extension of the pore pressure depletion, and eventually, the orientation of new as well as old fractures. We propose a fully coupled approach to model the whole process of child fracture propagation in a depleted area between 2 parent fractures in the same wellbore. This approach omits the need of using multistep workflow that is regularly used to model the process. The maximum tensile stress criterion (σ criterion) is used for hydraulic fracture propagation. The proposed method is verified using available analytical solutions for total stress and pore pressure loading modes on a line fracture in drained and undrained conditions. Then, test cases of multifractured horizontal wells are studied to calculate the time evolution of the stress and pore pressure fields around old fractures and to understand the effect of these fields on the propagation path of newly created fractures. Finally, the effect of the pore pressure depletion on the propagation path of the newly created fractures in the bypassed area of the same wellbore is studied. The results show that the depleted areas around old fractures are highly affected by the extent and severity of the stress redistribution and pore pressure depletion. It is observed that a successful creation of new fractures may only happen in certain time frames. The results of this study provide new insights on the behavior of newly created fractures in depleted zones. They also clarify the relationship between stress change and pore pressure depletion in horizontal wells.  相似文献   

针对高角度天然裂缝发育地层中的水平井水力压裂问题,开展了水力裂缝自天然裂缝处起裂扩展的理论和试验研究。尝试将天然裂缝简化为与井筒轴线垂直的横向裂缝,基于线弹性断裂力学理论和最大拉应力准则,给出了水力裂缝起裂压力和扩展过程中应力强度因子的计算方法。利用预制横缝模拟高角度天然裂缝,开展了室内水力压裂试验,对水力裂缝的扩展形态和起裂压力进行了研究。理论计算表明,(1)水力裂缝自预制横缝端部起裂后,扩展距离超过1倍的预制横缝端部半径时可将预制横缝和水力裂缝合并起来,整体视作一条横向裂缝来计算应力强度因子;(2)水力裂缝尖端距井壁处的距离大于4倍的井筒半径时,应力强度因子的计算可忽略井筒的影响,近似采用硬币形裂缝的计算公式。试验研究发现,(1)水力裂缝在预制横缝端部起裂并扩展,形成与井筒轴线垂直的横向裂缝,裂缝的扩展呈现出Ⅰ型断裂的特点,形态近似呈圆形,未发现与井筒轴线平行的纵向裂缝的起裂和扩展;(2)排量对破裂净压力和起裂净压力有重要影响,大排量会导致较高的破裂净压力和起裂净压力,在大、小两种排量下起裂净压力的离散性均较小,计算得到的KⅠ临界断裂值的离散性也较小。研究结果可为改善裂缝发育储层的近井裂缝形态提供指导,也可为煤矿开采中预制横向切槽的水力压裂设计提供参考。  相似文献   

Hydraulic fracturing is the method of choice to enhance reservoir permeability and well efficiency for extraction of shale gas. Multi‐stranded non‐planar hydraulic fractures are often observed in stimulation sites. Non‐planar fractures propagating from wellbores inclined from the direction of maximum horizontal stress have also been reported. The pressure required to propagate non‐planar fractures is in general higher than in the case of planar fractures. Current computational methods for the simulation of hydraulic fractures generally assume single, symmetric, and planar crack geometries. In order to better understand hydraulic fracturing in complex‐layered naturally fractured reservoirs, fully 3D models need to be developed. In this paper, we present simulations of 3D non‐planar fracture propagation using an adaptive generalized FEM. This method greatly facilitates the discretization of complex 3D fractures, as finite element faces are not required to fit the crack surfaces. A solution strategy for fully automatic propagation of arbitrary 3D cracks is presented. The fracture surface on which pressure is applied is also automatically updated at each step. An efficient technique to numerically integrate boundary conditions on crack surfaces is also proposed and implemented. Strongly graded localized refinement and analytical asymptotic expansions are used as enrichment functions in the neighborhood of fracture fronts to increase the computational accuracy and efficiency of the method. Stress intensity factors with pressure on crack faces are extracted using the contour integral method. Various non‐planar crack geometries are investigated to demonstrate the robustness and flexibility of the proposed simulation methodology. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a new pore pressure cohesive element for modeling the propagation of hydraulically induced fracture. The Park-Paulino-Roesler cohesive zone model has been employed to characterize the fracturing behavior. Coulomb’s frictional contact model has been incorporated into the element to model the possible shear reactivation of pre-existing natural fractures. The developed element has been validated through a series of single-element tests and an available analytical solution. Furthermore, intersection behaviors between the hydraulic fracture and the natural fracture under various conditions have been predicted using the present element, which shows good agreement with experimental results.  相似文献   

李明  郭培军  李鑫  梁力 《岩土力学》2016,37(12):3591-3597
基于水平集法的基本思想,讨论了含有不同类型包裹体分布的岩石的二维和三维有限元建模方法。对于二维有限元模型的建立,考虑了以椭圆形为例的规则包裹体的周期分布、位置及包裹体大小均随机变化的多种情况。建议了包裹体和基岩之间界面的材料特性过渡处理方法。同时给出了含有非规则形状包裹体的建模方法。对于三维有限元模型的建立,则考虑了以任意大小椭球体为例的包裹体分布情况。该种建模方法的优点是对于不同的含有任意分布的包裹体的岩石试件,均可以采用相同的有限元网格,即,材料特性的变化不受有限元网格的制约。该法缺点是增加了计算资源。最后结合基于弥散裂缝模型的水力压裂数值计算方法,模拟了含有不同包裹体分布的岩石试件的水力压裂传播特点。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the modelling of mixed-mode fracture using the conventional smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method and a mixed-mode cohesive fracture law embedded in the particles. The combination of conventional SPH and a mixed-mode cohesive model allows capturing fracture and separation under various loading conditions efficiently. The key advantage of this framework is its capability to represent complex fracture geometries by a set of cracked SPH particles, each of which can possess its own mixed-mode cohesive fracture with arbitrary orientations. Therefore, this can naturally capture complex fracture patterns without any predefined fracture topologies. Because a characteristic length scale related to the size of the fracture process zone is incorporated in the constitutive formulation, the proposed approach is independent from the spatial discretisation of the computational domain (or mesh independent). Furthermore, the anisotropic fracture responses of materials can be naturally captured thanks to the orientation of the fracture process zone embedded at the particle level. The performance of the proposed approach demonstrates its potentials in modelling mixed-mode fracture of rocks and similar quasi-brittle materials.  相似文献   

砂砾岩水力压裂裂缝扩展规律的数值模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李连崇  李根  孟庆民  王昊  王振 《岩土力学》2013,34(5):1501-1507
砂砾岩储层一般具有岩性和渗透性变化大、孔隙度低、连通性差、孔隙结构复杂和非均匀性严重等特点,因此,在水力压裂过程中,裂缝扩展形态难以控制,大规模改造难度大。针对国内某典型砂砾岩油藏特征,采用数值计算方法对砂砾岩压裂裂缝的扩展规律进行了研究,包括地应力场、砾石含量和粒径等对裂缝扩展形态及压裂压力的影响。研究表明,砾石的存在增加了压裂裂纹扩展的复杂性,裂纹主要有止裂、偏转、穿透和吸附4种表现模式,但主应力差严格控制着裂纹的走向,随着主应力差的增大,裂纹由总体绕砾扩展转变为总体穿砾扩展,失稳压力随着主应力差的增大而明显减小;砾石含量的多少体现了砂砾岩试样宏观的非均匀性,含量越高均匀性越差,随着砾石含量的提高,裂纹与砾石的相互作用占据主导地位,失稳压力随砾石含量的增加而增大;当砾石体积含量一定时,砾石粒径对压裂压力的影响主要取决于砾石排列的随机性,失稳压力随砾石粒径的增大而略有增大。  相似文献   

为了研究煤岩水力压裂的起裂压力和水力压裂裂缝扩展规律,采用型煤试样,利用自主研发的水力压裂实验系统,参照现场压裂施工制定了“施加三向应力-顶部注水”的煤岩水力压裂物理模拟实验方案并开展了水力压裂实验,分析了不同条件下泵注压力和水力压裂裂缝。实验结果表明:压裂液泵注排量越大,起裂压力越大。三向应力满足最大水平主应力σH > 垂向应力σv > 最小水平主应力σh,水力压裂裂缝沿着垂直于σh的方向扩展。σvσh一定,随着σH的增大,煤岩起裂压力先增大后减小,水力压裂裂缝扩展路径越平直。当σH远大于σvσh时,水力压裂裂缝扩展路径越复杂,分叉缝角度越大。研究结果可为煤岩水力压裂理论的完善提供一定的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

In this paper, a fully coupled model is developed for numerical modeling of hydraulic fracturing in partially saturated weak porous formations using the extended finite element method, which provides an effective means to simulate the coupled hydro‐mechanical processes occurring during hydraulic fracturing. The developed model is for short fractures where plane strain assumptions are valid. The propagation of the hydraulic fracture is governed by the cohesive crack model, which accounts for crack closure and reopening. The developed model allows for fluid flow within the open part of the crack and crack face contact resulting from fracture closure. To prevent the unphysical crack face interpenetration during the closing mode, the crack face contact or self‐contact condition is enforced using the penalty method. Along the open part of the crack, the leakage flux through the crack faces is obtained directly as a part of the solution without introducing any simplifying assumption. If the crack undergoes the closing mode, zero leakage flux condition is imposed along the contact zone. An application of the developed model is shown in numerical modeling of pump‐in/shut‐in test. It is illustrated that the developed model is able to capture the salient features bottomhole pressure/time records exhibit and can extract the confining stress perpendicular to the direction of the hydraulic fracture propagation from the fracture closure pressure. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着扩展有限元理论的深入研究,利用扩展有限元方法模拟水力压裂具有了一定的可操作性。相比于常规有限元方法,XFEM方法具有计算结果精度高和计算量小的优点。但是,如何模拟射孔孔眼、如何模拟流体与岩石相互作用以及分析水力裂缝的扩展规律仍然是难题。以研究水力压裂裂缝扩展规律为目的,建立了岩石多孔介质应力平衡方程、流体渗流连续性方程和边界条件。通过有限元离散化方法对耦合方程矩阵进行处理。通过富集函数定义初始裂缝(射孔孔眼),选择最大主应力及损伤变量D分别作为裂缝起裂和扩展判定准则,利用水平集方法模拟水力裂缝扩展过程。数值模拟结果显示:增加射孔方位角、压裂液排量和减小水平地应力差,起裂压力上升;黏度对起裂压力无明显影响。增加射孔方位角、压裂液排量、黏度和减小水平地应力差值有助于裂缝宽度的增加。增加水平地应力差值、压裂液排量和减小射孔方位角以及压裂液黏度有助于裂缝长度增加,反之亦然。基于ABAQUS的水力裂缝扩展有限元法可对不同井型和诸多储层物性参数及压裂施工参数进行分析,且裂缝形态逼真,裂缝面凹凸程度清晰,结果准确。此研究可作为一种简便有效研究水力压裂裂缝扩展规律的方法为油田水力压裂设计与施工提供参考与依据。  相似文献   

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