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罗先启  郑安兴 《岩土力学》2018,39(2):728-734
岩体中普遍存在着断层﹑节理和裂隙等结构面,这些结构面的存在和发展对岩体的整体强度﹑变形及稳定性有极大的影响。因此,研究岩体中原生结构面的萌生﹑发展以及贯通演化过程对评估岩体工程安全性和可靠性具有非常重要的理论与现实意义。扩展有限元法(XFEM)作为一种求解不连续问题的有效数值方法,模拟裂隙时独立于网格,因此,在模拟岩体裂隙扩展﹑水力劈裂等方面具有独特优势。针对扩展有限元法的基本理论及其在岩体裂隙扩展模拟中的应用展开了研究,建立了扩展有限元法求解岩体裂隙摩擦接触、岩体裂隙破坏等问题的数值模型,并将计算模型应用于岩质边坡稳定性分析和重力坝坝基断裂破坏等工程问题。  相似文献   

岩石类材料疲劳破坏裂纹扩展分析的数值方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在进行岩石类材料疲劳断裂破坏的数值分析时,将损伤力学将裂纹形成与裂纹扩展两个过程有机结合在一起。根据裂纹形成阶段的疲劳曲线(S-N),描述疲劳发展的损伤演变方程,提出了疲劳裂纹扩展的数值计算方法。建立了扩展阶段中裂纹尺寸与载荷循环次数之间的关系,从而将裂纹萌生与扩展这两个独立过程纳入一个统一的理论体系。该方法与断裂力学结合计算出的疲劳寿命与试验值相吻合。  相似文献   

郑安兴  罗先启  沈辉 《岩土力学》2013,34(8):2371-2377
危岩是三峡库区典型的地质灾害类型之一,主要分为坠落式危岩和倾倒式危岩两种失稳形式,危岩主控结构面受荷断裂扩展是其发育成灾的关键核心。将危岩主控结构面类比为宏观裂纹,运用扩展有限元方法(XFEM),求解结构面扩展过程的移动非连续问题,探索在荷载作用下危岩主控结构面的断裂扩展行为,以重庆万州太白岩危岩为例,考虑岩石的抗拉强度、主控结构面的几何位置与倾角对危岩的变形破坏模式与稳定性的影响。结果表明,随着岩石抗拉强度的降低,危岩的稳定性程度降低;随着主控结构面倾角的减小,危岩的稳定性程度提高,同时结构面开裂路径也明显改变;危岩体两种失稳模式的破坏机制都为拉剪机制,相对于倾倒式危岩,同等条件下坠落式危岩的稳定性更差。  相似文献   

为了克服现有数值计算方法在计算复杂断裂面接触滑移过程中效率低的问题,通过吸收边界元的建模思想,提出了新的数值计算方法。在该算法中,所有网格均位于岩块的边界,利用显示差分方法计算得到岩块之间的相互作用力以及岩块的位移量。利用"小球在抛物面上滑移"、"哑铃在不同倾角的斜面上"两个模拟试验对文中的算法进行验证,同时利用文中算法与有限元算法对直剪试验进行模拟。结果表明:算法能够准确描述物体之间的相互接触,准确计算得到接触块体之间的法向位移。算法能够准确判断出接触物体的"滑移状态"和"稳定状态",摩擦力的数值计算结果与解析解的误差小于10-10。在计算断裂面接触和剪应力变化规律时,算法与有限元算法的计算结果一致,但文中计算方法的效率显著提高。  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical method for continuum modelling of the dynamic bit–rock interaction process in percussive drilling. The method includes a constitutive model based on a combination of the recent viscoplastic consistency model, the isotropic damage concept and a parabolic compression cap. The interaction between the drill bit and rock is modelled using contact mechanics by treating the bit as a rigid body. As the bit–rock interaction in percussive drilling is a transient event, the method is implemented in explicit dynamics FEM. The rock strength heterogeneity is characterized at the mesoscopic level statistically using the Weibull distribution. The bit–rock interaction is simulated under axisymmetric conditions using cylindrical and hemispherical buttons. The choice of the quite complex constitutive model accounting, e.g. for plastic compaction, viscoplastic shear and tensile failure along with induced damage and rate dependency is justified by numerical simulations. Moreover, the quasi‐static and dynamic cases are compared in plane strain simulations. Finally, some results clarifying the discrepancy of opinions found in the literature concerning the side (lateral) crack formation are obtained. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the direct shear test (DST), an internal moment is distributed within the rock specimen by non‐coaxial shear loads applied to the specimen, which cause non‐uniform distributions of both the traction on the loading planes and the stress and deformation in the specimen. To examine the validity of the DST for a rock fracture and to clarify the effect of specimen height, both the stress and deformation in a fracture in the DST were analyzed for specimens with three different heights using a three‐dimensional finite element method with quadratic joint elements for a fracture model. The constitutive law of the fracture considers the dependence of the non‐linear behavior of closure on shear displacement and that of shear stiffness on normal stress and was implemented in simulation code to give a conceptional fracture with uniform mechanical properties to extract only the effect of non‐uniform traction on the stress and deformation in the fracture. The results showed that both normal and shear stresses are concentrated near the end edges of the fracture, and these stress concentrations decrease with a decrease in the specimen height according to the magnitude of the moment produced by the non‐coaxial shear loads. Furthermore, although closure is greater near the end edges of the fracture, where normal stress is concentrated, this concentration of closure is not so significant within the range of this study because of the non‐linear behavior of closure, that is, closure does not significantly increase with an increase in normal stress at large normal stresses. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

岩石断裂表面的分形模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙洪泉  谢和平 《岩土力学》2008,29(2):347-352
根据岩石断裂表面粗糙度所具有的统计自仿射分形的特征,提出了改进的自仿射分形插值的概念。运用改进的自仿射分形插值方法,根据实测岩石断裂表面粗糙度数据,对岩石断裂表面粗糙形态进行了分形模拟,给出了二元分形插值数学模型。将以不同数量的观测数据模拟出的插值曲面与实际测量的岩石断裂表面相比较,得出了不同数量信息点的模拟精度,它们之间的关系曲线显示为幂函数关系的规律。这就意味着不仅可以得到模拟结果,还可以得到模拟结果的估计精度。运用少量已知数据值,模拟出未知曲面,给出了由局部模拟整体的方法这对于根据少量数据研究、模拟和直观显示复杂物体的几何形态,如地形地貌、断层表面和材料裂隙表面,具有重要的应用意义。  相似文献   

正交各向异性岩体裂纹扩展的扩展有限元方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师访  高峰  杨玉贵 《岩土力学》2014,35(4):1203-1210
石油开采和非常规天然气开采等领域经常遇到页岩、砂岩等沉积岩,这类岩石材料往往具有正交各向异性特征。采用扩展有限元方法研究了正交各向异性岩体裂纹扩展问题,并基于Matlab平台编写了数值计算程序Betaxfem2D。将由复变函数法得到的裂纹尖端渐进位移场作为裂尖位移增强函数,用相互作用积分法计算混合模式应力强度因子,采用修改后的最大周向拉应力扩展准则确定裂纹扩展方向。与传统有限元方法的对比表明,扩展有限元方法达到相同计算精度需要的自由度少,节省计算机时。分别采用扩展有限元程序和传统有限元程序模拟了岩石试件4点弯曲试验,二者所得结果一致。数值试验表明:随着正交材料坐标系与空间坐标系夹角α的增大,裂纹扩展方向角? 按照周期为? 的近似正弦函数的规律变化;保持剪切模量和泊松比不变时,正弦函数的值域随着弹性模量比值E1 /E2的减小而缩小,但相位基本保持不变;研究沉积岩断裂力学问题时,岩石的正交各向异性特征不可忽略。  相似文献   

In the study of heat extraction by circulating water in a fracture embedded in geothermal reservoir, the heat conduction in the reservoir is typically assumed to be one dimensional and perpendicular to the fracture. In this paper, we demonstrate that by an integral equation formulation utilizing Green's function, the multi‐dimensional heat flow in the reservoir can be modelled. In the resulting numerical solution system, the discretization of reservoir geometry is entirely eliminated, leading to a much more efficient scheme. The multi‐dimensional heat conduction effect as compared to its one‐dimensional simplification is studied. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

卢靖雯  王勤  刘春 《地质学报》2022,96(10):3619-3638
岩浆侵位会引起围岩的接触变质作用和变形,虽然围岩中的破裂提供了流体活动和元素迁移的重要通道,但是大多数岩浆侵位模型忽略了围岩中热对流的影响。本文总结了岩浆侵位的数值模拟原理和常用模拟方法,然后使用离散元软件MatDEM建立了二维的双层围岩模型和均质围岩模型,用孔隙密度流法模拟花岗质岩浆侵位和冷却过程中岩浆与围岩之间的流- 固- 热- 力耦合过程。结果表明岩浆侵位过程中围岩的裂隙发育和热对流对接触变质晕具有重要影响,围岩的裂隙发育和热传输模式可分为三个阶段:① 岩浆侵位初期的挤压力使围岩中产生广泛分布的、呈径向展布的剪裂隙,围岩以热传导和孔隙渗流为主导;② 在持续的孔隙流体压下,径向裂隙连通形成主干张性断裂并向上扩展,成为熔/流体迁移的重要通道以及伟晶岩型和热液型矿床的成矿空间,通道流和局部热对流控制了围岩的热传输;③ 在岩浆侵位后期,岩浆房附近围岩中的孔隙流体压增大,在侵入体与围岩的接触带形成大量张裂,加强了变质晕内的热对流,有助于矽卡岩型矿床的形成。与只有热传导的模型对比,热对流使围岩中变质晕的宽度减小。接触变质晕的几何形态受侵入体的形态控制,但是变质晕宽度在空间上有显著差异。本研究为重建岩浆侵位过程中的变质- 变形- 成矿作用提供了新方法。  相似文献   

郑安兴  罗先启 《岩土力学》2015,36(7):1892-1898
考虑岩石闭合裂纹壁面间存在的摩擦力对裂纹尖端应力场的影响,应用最大周向应力理论得到压剪复合裂纹的断裂角。在此基础上,依据岩石裂纹尖端双向受力时的破坏特征,结合最大周向应力准则与修正的格里菲斯(Griffith)强度理论,建立了考虑摩擦效应的闭合裂纹失稳扩展的岩石压剪断裂判据。研究结果表明:断裂角受裂纹和荷载方向的夹角、裂纹壁面之间的摩擦系数、侧压力系数的影响;当压剪裂纹的断裂角是某个定值时,纯II型裂纹的断裂韧度与纯I型裂纹的断裂韧度的比值只与岩石裂纹表面的摩擦系数取值有关,而与其他岩石力学参数无关。此研究成果可为压剪应力作用下裂隙岩体的失稳破坏提供参考。  相似文献   

The paper presents an embedded strong discontinuity approach to simulate single hydraulic fracture propagation in the poroelastic medium under plane-strain conditions. The method enriches the strain field with the discontinuous deformation mode and allows the fracture to be modeled inside elements. The Mode-I fracture initiation and propagation are described by the trilinear cohesive law, which is implemented by the penalty method. The enhanced permeability inside the fractured elements is dependent on the fracture aperture. Hydraulic fracture propagation is driven by the high pressure gradient near the fracture. Fluid transfer between the fracture and bulk rock is automatically captured within the poroelastic framework. The numerical framework is verified by the comparisons with the asymptotic analytical solutions for single hydraulic fracture propagation.  相似文献   

A dual-porosity poroelastic model is extended to represent behaviour in cylindrical co-ordinates for the evaluation of flow-deformation effects in cylindrical laboratory samples incorporating a central wellbore or non-repeating axisymmetric injection on the periphery. Nine-node quadratic elements are used to represent mechanical deformation, while eight-node linear elements are used to interpolate the pressure fields, which offers significant advantages over the behaviour of other non-conforming elements. The model presented is validated against simplified analytical results, and extended to describe the behaviour of homogeneous and heterogeneous laboratory specimens subjected to controlled triaxial state of stress and injection tests. Apparent from the results is the significant influence of stress-deformation effects over system behaviour. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

薛娈鸾 《岩土力学》2015,36(7):2088-2094
基于复合单元法,结合三维热传导-对流方程和“充填模型”,提出了裂隙岩体不稳定温度场的复合单元模型。该模型前处理简便快捷,计算网格生成时无需考虑裂隙的存在,网格剖分不受限制,随后利用复合单元前处理程序,依据裂隙的位置和方位将其自动离散在单元内。对常规热传导-对流方程进行自伴随性调整,应用变分原理,推导出裂隙岩体不稳定温度场的复合单元算法,该算法可分别计算出岩块子单元和裂隙的温度值,且可真实反映裂隙中水流与相邻岩块间的热能量交换规律。将复合单元数值模型计算的不稳定温度场结果与相应的实测数据进行对比分析可知,数值计算结果与实测数据基本一致,验证了裂隙岩体不稳定温度场复合单元算法的可靠性与有效性。算例分析表明,裂隙中水流与相邻岩块间有明显的热传导和热对流作用。  相似文献   

石路杨  李建  许晓瑞  余天堂 《岩土力学》2016,37(10):3003-3010
建立了求解自然裂纹和水力裂纹扩展的扩展有限元法,对裂纹附近区域的节点采用广义形函数,并采用线增函数消除混合单元,以提高裂纹附近的精度。引入水力劈裂的非耦合模型,即假设裂纹中的水压力为均布力;用砂浆法(线段-线段接触法)结合增广型拉格朗日乘子法处理受压裂纹段的接触条件。并通过算例分析了以下内容:计算了受压裂纹和裂纹面分布均布水压力的水力裂纹的应力强度因子,并与解析解进行了比较,结果表明,提出的方法具有很高的精度;模拟了水力裂纹对自然裂纹面的影响,并分析了自然裂纹面上的接触力和接触状态。  相似文献   

石窟围岩地震变形破坏机制的数值模拟分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对石窟文物的特点,阐述了影响石窟围岩变形稳定性的主要因素和动力有限元分析方法。以敦煌莫高窟的2个典型工段为实例,通过对不同峰值加速度、频谱、持续时间的动荷载作用下石窟围岩位移场、应力场分布特征的数值模拟计算,揭示了岩土体及其附属构筑物在地震作用下的动态响应和变化规律,指出了窟体防护加固的重点部位。分析结果表明,随着地震动峰值加速度(PGA)、反应谱特征周期和地震动持续时间的增大,洞窟的位移和应力值明显增大,应力集中区的范围扩大,围岩损伤的可能性增加,稳定性降低。应力分布与洞窟数量、组合特性、几何形状和尺寸密切相关,并控制了石窟围岩的震害特征。其成果为石窟文物的科学保护和岩体抗震加固与减灾提供理论基础和实践依据。  相似文献   

单孔岩样水压致裂的数值分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭保华 《岩土力学》2010,31(6):1965-1970
水压致裂是改变岩体结构的一种天然行为和人为手段。采用F-RFPA2D软件,对水压致裂过程、裂缝扩展形态及注水孔形状和大小、应力条件和岩样强度等影响因素进行了研究。将开始出现声发射的水压称为微裂压力,将声发射急剧增多、裂缝非稳定扩展直至岩样破坏的水压称为破裂压力。岩样尺寸一定时,微裂压力和破裂压力随内孔面积增加而降低,方形孔岩样的微裂压力和破裂压力均小于同面积的圆形孔。微裂压力和破裂压力随围压或岩样强度增加而增加,且其差值随岩样强度增加而增加,理论破裂压力与模拟值趋势基本一致。方形孔的宏观裂纹起裂位置多在角点附近,而圆形孔比较随机。无围压时,宏观裂纹的延伸方向随机;有围压时,宏观裂纹扩展方向大致与主应力方向一致,且沿较大主应力方向的宏观裂纹扩展至岩样破坏,较小主应力方向宏观裂纹不完全发育。研究结果对水压致裂试验和工程实践有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

Hydraulic fracturing (HF) treatment often involves particle migration and is applied for propping or plugging fractures. Particle migration behaviors, e.g., bridging, packing, and plugging, significantly affect the HF process. Hence, it is crucial to effectively simulate particle migration. In this study, a new numerical approach is developed based on a coupled element partition method (EPM). The EPM is used to model natural and hydraulic fractures, in which a fracture is allowed to propagate across an element, thereby avoiding remeshing in fracture simulations. To characterize the water flow process in a fracture, a fully hydromechanical coupled equation is adopted in the EPM. To model particle transportation in fractures with water flow, each particle is treated as a discrete element. The particles move in the fracture as a result of being dragged by fluid. Their movement, contact, and packing behaviors are simulated using the discrete element method. To reflect the plugging effect, an equivalent aperture approach is proposed. Using this method, the particle migration and its effect on water flow are well simulated. The simulation results show that this method can effectively reproduce particle bridging, plugging, and unblocking in a hydraulic fracture. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that particle plugging significantly affects water flow in a fracture and hence the propagation of hydraulic fracture. This method provides a simple and feasible approach for the simulation of particle migration in a hydraulic fracture.  相似文献   

基于细观损伤有限元方法,模拟分析了刀具在单一动载、动静联合荷载、静态围压条件下动静联合荷载3种情况下岩体破碎的全过程。模型采用黏弹性人工边界剔除了边界应力波反射对模拟结果准确性的影响。数值模拟结果表明:在弹性情况下,静压的存在对岩体内部最小主应力值影响不大,却显著提高了材料内部最大主应力水平,增大了剪应力的大小,导致剪切破坏可能性增加;当有围压存在时,岩体内部受拉区域减少,岩体强度有所提高。单一动载和动静联合荷载破岩时,岩体内部除刀头附近呈现少量压破坏外,破坏均以拉破坏为主;而围压条件下,岩体破碎面积相对减小,裂纹在围压的作用下向两侧自由面延伸,岩体内部破坏形式则趋于多样化,压破坏比重明显增大,整体表现为拉压复合作用。模拟结果还表明,刀头侵入量主要受动载力大小影响,在相同幅值增量下,动载力增加导致的刀头侵入量远大于静压增加所导致的侵入量。相对单一动载和静压作用下的岩石破碎机制来说,动静组合加载破岩的研究还需更为深入的探讨。研究结果可望对岩体破坏机制以及地下工程作业等实际应用提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

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