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北美五大湖区的安大略湖北岸Don Valley Brickyard、Scarborough Bluffs、Bowmanville Bluffs剖面共同构成了北美东北部最长也是最厚的陆地第四纪沉积记录, 较完整地记录了晚更新世劳伦泰德冰盖(the Laurentide Ice Sheet)的演化. 晚更新世劳伦泰德冰盖演化的重建有赖于这些经典剖面中重要沉积地层单元的准确年代学控制. 传统的地层年代学主要是依靠少量14C年代, 将主要的混杂堆积单元(diamicton)解释为气候变冷环境下的冰川扩张, 并与指示全球冰量变化的深海氧同位素曲线一一比对建立起来的. 这样建立起来的年代学存在很大的不确定性. 20世纪80-90年代的少量热释光年代也不相吻合, 最近的13个长石红外释光定年则只集中于Bowmanville Bluffs的一个分层, 并未建立整个剖面的地层年代学, 使这些经典沉积剖面的年代学一直没有得到系统的建立. 应用石英光释光SAR-SGC法测试了Bowmanville Bluffs剖面Glaciofluvial Sand单元的2个冰水沉积样品, 年代结果分别为(41.6±3.8) ka、(48.1±4.4) ka, 分析表明这一年代结果偏老, 石英颗粒可能晒褪不完全. 由于大测片无法识别晒褪不完全的颗粒, 因此, 测试更多的剖面序列的光释光年代并尝试采用粗颗粒小测片或单颗粒技术解决样品颗粒晒褪不完全的问题将是必要的.  相似文献   

Between 10,500 and 9000 cal yr BP, δ18O values of benthic ostracodes within glaciolacustrine varves from Lake Superior range from − 18 to − 22‰ PDB. In contrast, coeval ostracode and bivalve records from the Lake Huron and Lake Michigan basins are characterized by extreme δ18O variations, ranging from values that reflect a source that is primarily glacial ( − 20‰ PDB) to much higher values characteristic of a regional meteoric source ( − 5‰ PDB). Re-evaluated age models for the Huron and Michigan records yield a more consistent δ18O stratigraphy. The striking feature of these records is a sharp drop in δ18O values between 9400 and 9000 cal yr BP. In the Huron basin, this low δ18O excursion was ascribed to the late Stanley lowstand, and in the Lake Michigan basin to Lake Agassiz flooding. Catastrophic flooding from Lake Agassiz is likely, but a second possibility is that the low δ18O excursion records the switching of overflow from the Lake Superior basin from an undocumented northern outlet back into the Great Lakes basin. Quantifying freshwater fluxes for this system remains difficult because the benthic ostracodes in the glaciolacustrine varves of Lake Superior and Lake Agassiz may not record the average δ18O value of surface water.  相似文献   

北美东部被动大陆边缘是世界上最古老的完整被动大陆边缘之一,是研究被动大陆边缘发育演化的天然实验室。本文在大量国外研究成果的基础上,应用盆地构造解析方法,深入研究了北美东部被动大陆边缘盆地群的地质结构和构造演化特征,并揭示了盆地群的油气地质规律。研究认为,北美东部盆地群沉积充填和不整合面发育具有明显的分段性和差异性。以区域不整合面为界,不同段盆地可划分为不同的构造层:南段盆地可划分为两套构造层;中段南部盆地可划分为3套构造层;中段北部盆地可划分为4套构造层;而北段盆地可划分为5套构造层。盆地群整体经历了陆内裂谷—陆间裂谷—被动大陆边缘的演化过程,但不同段盆地的构造演化具有明显的分段性和迁移性:晚三叠世沉降中心位于南段盆地;早侏罗世初期迁移至中段盆地,南段大陆开始裂解;中侏罗世逐渐迁移至北段盆地,中段大陆开始裂解;早白垩世晚期,北段大陆开始裂解。受持续的抬升剥蚀及大西洋岩浆活动省的联合作用,南段盆地和中段大多数盆地缺乏油气保存条件;斯科舍盆地和大浅滩盆地是主要的含油气盆地,以上侏罗统烃源岩为主,主要发育断层—背斜圈闭和盐体刺穿圈闭,整体表现为“自生自储”和“下生上储”的特征。  相似文献   

Based on a compilation of more than 100 kimberlite age determinations, four broad kimberlite emplacement patterns can be recognized in North America: (1) a northeast Eocambrian/Cambrian Labrador Sea province (Labrador, Québec), (2) an eastern Jurassic province (Ontario, Québec, New York, Pennsylvania), (3) a Cretaceous central corridor (Nunavut, Saskatchewan, central USA), and (4) a western mixed (Cambrian-Eocene) Type 3 kimberlite province (Alberta, Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Colorado/Wyoming). Ten new U–Pb perovskite/mantle zircon and Rb–Sr phlogopite age determinations are reported here for kimberlites from the Slave and Wyoming cratons of western North America. Within the Type 3 Slave craton, at least four kimberlite age domains exist: I-a southwestern Siluro-Ordovician domain (450 Ma), II-a SE Cambrian domain (540 Ma), III-a central Tertiary/Cretaceous domain (48–74 Ma) and IV-a northern mixed domain consisting of Jurassic and Permian kimberlite fields. New U–Pb perovskite results for the 614.5±2.1 Ma Chicken Park and 408.4±2.6 Ma Iron Mountain kimberlites in the State Line field in Colorado and Wyoming confirm the existence of at least two periods of pre-Mesozoic kimberlite magmatism in the Wyoming craton.

A compilation of robust kimberlite emplacement ages from North America, southern Africa and Russia indicates that a high proportion of known kimberlites are Cenozoic/Mesozoic. We conclude that a majority of these kimberlites were generated during enhanced mantle plume activity associated with the rifting and eventual breakup of the supercontinent Gondwanaland. Within this prolific period of kimberlite activity, there is a good correlation between North America and Yakutia for three distinct short-duration (10 my) periods of kimberlite magmatism at 48–60, 95–105 and 150–160 Ma. In contrast, Cenozoic/Mesozoic kimberlite magmatism in southern Africa is dominated by a continuum of activity between 70–95 and 105–120 Ma with additional less-prolific periods of magmatism in the Eocene (50–53 Ma), Jurassic (150–190) and Triassic (235 Ma). Several discrete episodes of pre-Mesozoic kimberlite magmatism variably occur in North America, southern Africa and Yakutia at 590–615, 520–540, 435–450, 400–410 and 345–360 Ma. One of the surprises in the timing of kimberlite magmatism worldwide is the common absence of activity between about 250 and 360 Ma; this period is even longer in southern Africa. This >110 my period of quiescence in kimberlite magmatism is likely linked to relative crustal and mantle stability during the lifetime of the supercontinent Gondwanaland.

Economic diamond deposits in kimberlite occur throughout the Phanerozoic from the Cambrian (Venetia, South Africa; Snap Lake and Kennady Lake, Canada) to the Tertiary (Mwadui, Tanzania; Ekati and Diavik in Lac de Gras, Canada). There are clearly some discrete periods when economic kimberlite-hosted diamond deposits formed globally. In contrast, the Devonian event, which is such an important source of diamonds in Yakutia, is notably absent in the kimberlite record from both southern Africa and North America.  相似文献   

Mutual climatic range (MCR) analysis was applied to 15 North American beetle assemblages spanning the interval from > 52 000 to 17 200 yr BP, bracketing a Mid-Wisconsin interstadial interval. The analyses yielded estimates of mean July (TMAX) and mean January (TMIN) temperatures. The oldest assemblage (> 52 ka) yielded TMAX values 7.5–8°C lower than present and TMIN values 15–18°C lower than present. A Mid-Wisconsin interstadial warming dating from 43.5–39 ka was rapid and intense. At the peak of the warming event, about 42 ka, TMAX values were only 1–2°C lower than modern. This level of amelioration apparently lasted only about 2000–3000 yr. By 23.7 ka, TMAX values declined to 11.5–10°C lower than modern, but another, small-scale amelioration is indicated by assemblages dating from 20.5 to 19.7 ka. The interstadial event recorded from the site at Titusville, Pennsylvania closely matches the timing and intensity of the climate change estimated from British beetle faunas in the Upton Warren interstadial. Another warm interval (ca. 31–32.5 ka) has been documented from fossil beetle assemblages in Europe and North America. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

北美洲降水中稳定同位素的时空分布以及与ENSO的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
分析了北美洲降水中δ18O的时空分布特征以及与温度、降水量、ENSO的关系.结果表明:无论是在陆地还是在海洋,北美降水中平均δ18O的纬向分布是非常显著的.随着纬度的升高,降水中δ18O迅速减小.整个北美大陆均存在温度效应,并随纬度的增加而加强.不同季节温度效应分布的差异仅表现在其范围和强度的变化上.降水量效应主要出现在低纬度海洋、中低纬度太平洋的东海岸和湾流的西北海岸.在内陆区,降水量效应不存在.不同季节降水量效应分布的差异也仅表现在其范围和强度的变化上.在大陆内部和高纬度地区,对应显著的温度效应,δ18O的季节差异Δδ18O具有较大的正值;在低纬度海洋,对应显著的降水量效应,Δδ18O较小或为负值;在相同的纬度,陆地上的Δδ18O明显大于海洋.代表大陆性特征的渥太华站和代表海洋性特征的中途岛站降水中δ18O与Ni o-4的SST具有显著的正相关关系,其中,尤以5月的δ18O与Ni o-4的SST的连续相关关系最显著,表明ENSO事件的强信号对该时期陆地和海洋降水中稳定同位素的变化具有重要影响.  相似文献   

High‐resolution multi‐proxy analyses of a sediment core section from Lake Jeserzersee (Saissersee) in the piedmont lobe of the Würmian Drau glacier (Carinthia, Austria) reveal pronounced climatic oscillations during the early late glacial (ca. 18.5–16.0k cal a BP). Diatom‐inferred epilimnetic summer water temperatures show a close correspondence with temperature reconstructions from the adjacent Lake Längsee record and, on a hemispheric scale, with fluctuations of ice‐rafted debris in the North Atlantic. This suggests that North Atlantic climate triggered summer climate variability in the Alps during the early late glacial. The expansion of pine (mainly dwarf pine) between ca. 18.5 and 18.1k cal a BP indicates warming during the so‐called ‘Längsee oscillation’. The subsequent stepwise climate deterioration between ca. 18.1 and 17.6k cal a BP culminated in a tripartite cold period between ca. 17.6 and 16.9k cal a BP with diatom‐inferred summer water temperatures 8.5–10 °C below modern values and a shift from wet to dry conditions. This period probably coincides with a major Alpine glacier advance termed the Gschnitz stadial. A warmer interval between ca. 16.9 and 16.4k cal a BP separates this cold phase from a second, shorter and less pronounced cold phase between ca. 16.4 and 16.0k cal a BP, which is thought to correlate with the Clavadel/Senders glacier advance in the Alps. The following temperature increase, coupled with wet (probably snow‐rich) conditions, caused the expansion of birch during the transition period to the late glacial interstadial. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The different hydrodynamic behaviour of detrital clay minerals in the marine depositional environment allows assessment of relative sea‐level variations in the sedimentary record. Comparison of smectite and kaolinite:illite (S+K:I) changes with the global sea‐level curves and with the third‐order cycles of the eustatic curve for European basins allows assessment of the influence of global eustasy and local tectonics on sequence stratigraphy. In the South Iberian Margin, sedimentation took place both on open‐marine platforms and in deeper water areas. On this margin during the Late Oligocene to Early Aquitanian, the variations in sedimentation were caused not only by global eustasy but also by compressive tectonics. Correlations were made between the S+K:I cycles and the third‐order cycles for European basins, enabling the definition of four third‐order sedimentary sequences (here called C1, C2, C3, and A1) and two lower‐order sequences within C3 and A1 (here called C3a, C3b, A1a, and A1b) related to tectonic movements. High S+K:I values were observed during episodes of maximum flooding in each sequence and lower‐order sequence and in each succession, enabling changes in palaeocoastal morphology to be considered. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper discusses the aquatic environment at Lake Kizaki, central Japan, during the last ca. 60 years and describes the importance of laminated sediments in environmental analyses. The flux of total algal carbon increased between 1965 and 1996 while the BSi flux, which can be used in diatom production, showed a larger increase between 1960 and 1998 than typically occurs on average. The flux of dinosterol, an indicator of dinoflagellate production, also increased from 1966 to 1998, and the sedimentary dinoflagellate record correlated with observations of freshwater red tides caused by dinoflagellate blooms. Parallel laminated sediment was determined to have appeared between 1960 and 1995, corresponding to a period of high total algal carbon levels and BSi fluxes. For lamina formation and its preservation process, the thickness of the oxygen-poor layer depended on excessive total algal production during stagnant periods and appeared to be important because nutrients were diffused and accumulated in the oxygen-poor layer from bottom sediments. This could result in diatom blooms at the next overturn period. The development of the thick oxygen-poor layer appeared to be triggered primarily by the presence of excessive nutrients generated by human activities. In general, the occurrence of laminated sediments can provide a useful tool for understanding the eutrophic state in Lake Kizaki.  相似文献   

This paper reports LA–ICP–MS U–Pb dates and in situ Hf isotope analyses of detrital zircons from the Mesozoic basins in western Shandong, China, with the aim to constrain the depositional ages and provenances of the Mesozoic strata as well as the Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the eastern North China Block (NCB). The Mesozoic strata in western Shandong, from bottom to top, include the Fenghuangshan, Fangzi, Santai and Wennan formations. Most of the analyzed zircon grains exhibit oscillatory growth zoning and have relatively high Th/U ratios (generally 0.2–3.4), suggesting a magmatic origin. Zircons from the Fenghuangshan Formation in the Zhoucun Basin yield six main age populations (2489, 1854, 331, 305, 282, and 247 Ma). Zircons from the Fangzi Formation in the Zhoucun and Mengyin basins yield eight main age populations (2494, 1844, 927, 465, 323, 273, 223, and 159 Ma) and ten main age populations (2498, 1847, 932, 808, 540, 431, 315, 282, 227, and 175 Ma), respectively, whereas zircons from the Santai Formation in the Zhoucun and Mengyin basins yield nine main age populations (2519, 1845, 433, 325, 271, 237, 192, 161, and 146 Ma) and six main age populations (2464, 1845, 853, 277, 191, and 150 Ma), respectively. Five main age populations (2558, 1330, 609, 181, and 136 Ma) are detected for zircons from the Wennan Formation in the Pingyi Basin. Based on the youngest age, together with the contact relationships among formations, we propose that the Fenghuangshan Formation formed in the Early–Middle Triassic, the Fangzi Formation in the Middle–Late Jurassic, the Santai Formation after the Late Jurassic, and the Wennan Formation after the Early Cretaceous. These results, together with previously published data, indicate that: (1) the sediments of the Fenghuangshan Formation were sourced from the Precambrian basement and from late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic igneous rocks in the northern part of the NCB; (2) the sediments of the Fangzi and Santai formations were sourced from the Precambrian basement, late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic igneous rocks in the northern part of the NCB, and the Sulu terrane, as well as from Middle–Late Jurassic igneous rocks in the southeastern part of the NCB; and (3) the Wennan Formation was sourced from the Tongshi intrusive complex, the Sulu terrane, and minor Precambrian basement and Early Cretaceous igneous rocks. The evolution of detrital provenance indicates that in the Early–Middle Triassic, the northern part of the NCB was higher than its interior; during the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic, the eastern NCB was uplifted, resulting in a period of non-deposition; and an important transition from a compressional to an extensional tectonic regime occurred during the Middle–Late Jurassic. The presence of Neoproterozoic and Triassic detrital zircons in the Fangzi Formation sourced from the Sulu terrane suggests that large-scale sinistral strike-slip movement along the Tan-Lu Fault Zone did not occur after the Middle Jurassic (ca. 175 Ma).  相似文献   

Pollen and diatom assemblages, and peat stratigraphies, from a coastal wetland on the northern shore of Lake Erie were used to analyze water level and climatic changes since the middle Holocene and their effects on wetland plant communities. Peat deposition began 4700 cal yr B.P. during the Nipissing II transgression, which was driven by isostatic rebound. At that time, a diatom-rich wild rice marsh existed at the site. Water level dropped at the end of the Nipissing rise at least 2 m within 200 yr, leading to the development of shallower-water plant communities and an environment too dry for most diatoms to persist. The sharp decline in water level was probably driven primarily by outlet incision, but climate likely played some role. The paleoecological records provide evidence for post-Nipissing century-scale transgressions occurring around 2300, 1160, 700 and 450 cal yr B.P. The chronology for these transgressions correlates with other studies from the region and implies climatic forcing. Peat inception in shallow sloughs across part of the study area around 700 cal yr B.P. coincides with the Little Ice Age. These records, considered alongside others from the region, suggest that the Little Ice Age may have resulted in a wetter climate across the eastern Great Lakes region.  相似文献   

With a view to obtain palaeoclimatic data from a climatically sensitive region we have studied core samples from Nal Sarovar, a large shallow lake lying within the palaeodesert margin of Thar in western India. A combination of C/N ratios and δ13C on a radiocarbon-dated core section have been used as climatic proxies. A high-resolution record extending back to ca. 6.6 ka BP has been reconstructed. The data indicate that, in the past, climate has varied from drier to wetter than present on time-scales of few hundreds to few thousands of years. There are, however, significant differences on the timing of these wet and dry periods, when compared with the available data from lakes farther north, in Rajasthan. Further, it looks unlikely that during the 6.6 ka the catchment areas of Nal Sarovar experienced such a significant increase in rainfall as has been suggested for the Rajasthan lakes. Interestingly, drier periods in Nal Sarovar data appear to correlate well with periods of glacier expansion in Eurasia indicating that the palaeoclimatic variations recorded in Nal Sarovar are a regional feature. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

错那洞片麻岩穹隆位于特提斯喜马拉雅南侧,靠近藏南拆离系,是北喜马拉雅片麻岩穹隆带(NHGD)中最新发现的新成员。本文在详实的野外地质调查基础上,首次全面介绍了错那洞片麻岩穹隆的结构组成,同时进行了片麻岩的年代学研究。结果表明,错那洞片麻岩穹隆由核-幔-边三部分组成,核部由花岗片麻岩及淡色花岗岩组成,并可见大量伟晶岩脉穿插;幔部为一套强变质变形的二云母片岩,从内至外具有夕线石+石榴石→蓝晶石+石榴石→十字石+石榴石→石榴石+十字石+堇青石→堇青石+石榴石的变质分带特征;边部主要为浅变质沉积岩系,可见较多因穹隆隆升而形成的A型褶皱。花岗片麻岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为(499.7±3.4)Ma(MSWD=0.025),与NHGD其它穹隆核部片麻岩时代基本一致,均为泛非—早古生代造山活动的产物。在本次野外地质调查过程中,在错那洞片麻岩穹隆中发现了矽卡岩型钨锡铍工业矿体以及铜金矿化体,同时在伟晶岩中还存在着大量的绿柱石等宝石矿产,这样的成矿作用与矿化组合在NHGD中尚属首次发现,基于此本文提出了北喜马拉雅片麻岩穹隆控矿新命题。  相似文献   

Progressive thermal demagnetization of samples from the Tan y Grisiau granite defines a coherent easterly positive characteristic remanence (D/I = 124.9/60.3°;, 42 samples, R = 40–51, a95 = 4.8°;) residing in magnetite. An ancient reversal of magnetization is recovered in the highest blocking temperature spectrum of a few samples and suggests that a cooling-related dipolar axis is recorded by this pluton. Only facies of the granite which have been reddened, probably by submagmatic streaming, have recorded a stable remanence. Adjustment for tilt yields a very steep remanence (D/I = 193/88°;) incompatible with any known Early Palaeozoic and younger field direction from Britain. The in situ remanence has a similar declination to the primary magnetization in Late Ordovician dolerites from the Welsh Borderlands and yields a comparable palaeolatitude (41.5°;S). It is concluded that the Tan y Grisiau pluton was magnetized in Late Ordovician times after deformation. Folding in this region is therefore interpreted to be substantially of Taconic (Late Ordovician) origin and not Acadian in age. As both in situ and tilt-adjusted remanence directions are incompatible with Silurian and younger palaeofield directions from Britain, the pluton is interpreted as a subvolcanic component of the North Wales igneous province. Large anticlockwise rotation of Avalonia is identified between Late Ordovician and Late Silurian times.  相似文献   

Lake George contains the longest continuous sedimentary record of any Australian lake basin, but previous age models are equivocal, particularly for the oldest (pre-Quaternary) part of the record. We have applied a combination of cosmogenic nuclide burial dating, magnetostratigraphy and biostratigraphy to determine the age of the basal (fluvial) unit in the basin, the Gearys Gap Formation. Within the differing resolutions achievable by the three dating techniques, our results show that (i) the Gearys Gap Formation, began accumulating at ca 4 Ma, in the early Pliocene (Zanclean), and (ii) deposition had ceased by ca 3 Ma, in the mid late Pliocene (Piacenzian). Whether the same age control provides an early Pliocene (Zanclean) age for the formation of the lake basin is uncertain. During the Piacenzian, the vegetation at the core site was a wetland community dominated by members of the coral fern family Gleicheniaceae, while the surrounding dryland vegetation was a mix of sclerophyll and temperate rainforest communities, with the latter including trees and shrubs now endemic to New Guinea–New Caledonia and Tasmania. Mean annual rainfall and temperatures are inferred to have been ~2000–3000 mm, although probably not uniformly distributed throughout the year, and within the mesotherm range (>14°C <20°C), respectively. Unresolved issues are: (1) Does the basal gravel unit predate uplift of the Lake George Range and therefore provide evidence that one of the proposed paleo-spillways of Lake George, that above Geary's Gap, has been elevated up to 100–200 m by neotectonic activity over the past 4 million years? (2) Did a shallow to deepwater lake exist elsewhere in the lake basin during the Pliocene?  相似文献   


Clinopyroxene megacrysts in volcanic rocks can provide substantial information on the evolution of the magmatic system at depth. Although considerable attention has been paid to these crystals, their origin is not yet completely resolved. The clinopyroxene megacrysts worldwide can be divided into two major types in general: the green Cr-diopside type and the black Al-augite type. There is a consensus view that the Cr-diopside megacrysts are mantle xenocrysts, whereas two contrasting opinions exist regarding the origin of the black Al-augite megacrysts. One favours a cognate origin, viewing them as crystallization products of the host magmas under high-pressure; while the other argues that they are xenocrysts crystallized from previous alkali basalts or fragments of mantle peridotites, pyroxenites or pegmatite veins. A review study on the clinopyroxene megacrysts in Meso-Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the North China Craton (NCC) and their comparison with those worldwide provides new constraints on their origin, namely, the Cr-diopside megacrysts, as previously thought, are all xenocrysts, representing disaggregated clinopyroxene crystals from clinopyroxene-rich mantle rocks. Contrary to the formerly proposed cognate origin, the Al-augite megacrysts are also xenocrysts, having no direct genetic link to their host rocks. They crystallized from melts that have formed earlier than the host magmas, and probably accumulated in a magma chamber or occurred as sheets or veins filling a fracture network surrounding a magma chamber in the upper mantle. During the subsequent eruption of the host lavas, these previously formed crystals were incorporated into the magma and were brought up to the surface.  相似文献   

In the Late Cambrian, the North China Platform was a typical carbonate ramp platform. The Upper Cambrian of the northern part of the North China Platform is famous for the development of bioherm limestones and storm calcirudites and can be divided from bottom to top into the Gushan, Changshan and Fengshan formations. In this set of strata, the deep-ramp mudstone and marls and the shallow-ramp packstones and grainstones constitute many carbonate meter-scale cycles of subtidal type. More tidal-flat dolomites axe developed in the Upper Cambrian of the southern margin of the North China platform, in which limestone and dolomite beds also constitute many carbonate meter-scale cycles of the peritidal type. These cycles are marked by a variety of litho-facies successions. There are regularly vertical stacking patterns of meter-scale cycles in long-term third-order sequences, which is the key to discerning such sequences. Third-order sequence is marked by a particular sedimentary-facies succession that is the result of the environment-changing process of deepening and shoaling, which is genetically related to third-order sea level changes. Furthermore, four third-order sequences can be grouped in the Upper Cambrian of the North China Platform. The main features of these four third-order sequences in the northern part of the platform can be summarized as follows: firstly, sequence-boundaries are characterized by drowning unconformities; secondly, the sedimentary-facies succession is generally constituted by one from deep-ramp facies to shallow-ramp facies; thirdly, a succession of “CS (?) HST” (i.e., “condensed section and highstand system”) forms these four third-order sequences. The chief features for the third-order sequences in the southern part of the North China Platform comprises: more dolomites are developed in the HSTs of third-order sequences and also developed more carbonate meter-scale cycles of peritidal types; the sedimentary-facies succession of the third-order sequences is marked by “shallow ramp-tidal flat”; the sequence boundaries are characterized by exposure punctuated surfaces. According to the changes for the third-order sequences from the north to the south, a regular sequence-stratigraphic framework can be established. From cycles to sequences, the study of sequence stratigraphy from litho-facies successions to sedimentary-facies successions exposes that as follows: meter-scale cycles that are used as the basic working unit actually are litho-facies successions formed by the mechanism of a punctuated aggradational cycle, and third-order sequences that are constituted by regularly vertical stacking patterns of meter-scale cycles are marked by sedimentary-facies successions. On the basis of the changing curve of water depth at each section, the curve of the relative third-order sea level changes in the late Cambrian of the North China Platform can be integrated qualitatively from changing curve of water depth. The correlation of Late Cambrian long-term sea level changes between North China and North America demonstrates that there are not only similarities but also differences, reflecting control of long-term sea level changes both by global eustacy and by regional factors.  相似文献   

A freeze-drying technique for cutting thin-sections of soft sediments without disturbance is used to study several Lake Baikal sedimentary microstructures. Image analysis methodology is applied to selected thin-sections. This new technique provides quantification of the size, shape, orientation and packing of the objects forming the sedimentary structures. Sedimentary processes, which were previously poorly documented, have been identified, and others are better understood. Spheroidal lens-like pure aggregates of the diatom genus Synedra are found in hemipelagic sediments, providing a new insight into their traditional paleoecological interpretation. They are possibly related to a transportation mechanism from the littoral zone or to lacustrine snow. Laminae of Aulacoseira have also been recorded. Evidence of rapid sedimentation suggests they are due to massive algal blooms. The depositional mechanism that was suggested by other studies for explaining the laminations at the Buguldeika uplift is confirmed: the hemipelagic sedimentation is interrupted by terrigenous pulses due to discharge events. The sedimentation rate appears to be increasing during these pulses. Preliminary results from the Academician Ridge show stronger microbioturbation during cold periods. This observation strengthens the hypothesis of intense water circulation during colder times. Thin-section image analysis provides crucial information for deciphering lacustrine records and their regional and palaeoclimatic significance. Received: 27 November 1998 / Accepted: 13 September 1999  相似文献   

单纯利用成矿元素圈定异常,可能会出现异常与已知矿床不对应的现象.矿化过程伴随着某些微量元素的富集,同时也伴随着一些元素的贫化,将成矿元素与富集及贫化微量元素相结合,可以大大提高地球化学找矿的效果.利用基于实码加速遗传算法的投影寻踪模型将高维数据投影到一维子空间进行分析,既可以得到投影值的大小又可以获得每个元素的权重,在不损失重要信息的同时又可以剔除噪声数据,具有较好的稳健性.通过某铅锌矿床实例研究,发现单纯应用成矿元素圈定异常,会出现某些异常区没有矿床,或者某些矿床并无对应异常的情况,而利用投影值圈定的异常范围与已知矿床吻合得更好,说明投影寻踪方法的分析结果更加突出了一些与成矿有利部位的异常,减少了异常查证面积而没有丢失异常信息.因此,将多元素信息结合,利用基于实码加速遗传算法的投影寻踪模型能够有效处理高维数据并获取重要的信息,能够比较准确地圈定异常区域.  相似文献   

Micro‐X‐ray fluorescence scanning spectroscopy of marine and lake sedimentary sequences can provide detailed palaeoenvironmental records through element intensity proxy data. However, problems with the effects of interstitial pore water on the micro‐X‐ray fluorescence intensities have been pointed out. This is because the X‐ray fluorescence intensities are measured directly at the surfaces of split wet sediment core samples. This study developed a new method for correcting X‐ray fluorescence data to compensate for the effects of pore water using a scanning X‐ray analytical microscope. This involved simultaneous use of micro‐X‐ray fluorescence scanning spectroscopy and an X‐ray transmission detector. To evaluate the interstitial pore water content from the X‐ray transmission intensities, a fine‐grained sediment core retrieved from Lake Baikal (VER99‐G12) was used to prepare resin‐embedded samples with smooth surfaces and uniform thickness. Simple linear regression between the linear absorption coefficients of the samples and their porosity, based on the Lambert–Beer law, enabled calculation of the interstitial pore spaces and their resin content with high reproducibility. The X‐ray fluorescence intensities of resin‐embedded samples were reduced compared with those of dry sediment samples because of: (i) the X‐ray fluorescence absorption of resin within sediment; and (ii) the sediment dilution effects by resin. An improved micro‐X‐ray fluorescence correction equation based on X‐ray fluorescence emission theory considers the instrument's sensitivity to each element, which provides a reasonable explanation of these two effects. The resin‐corrected X‐ray fluorescence intensity was then successfully converted to elemental concentrations using simple linear regression between the data from micro‐X‐ray fluorescence scanning spectroscopy and from the conventional analyzer. In particular, the calculated concentration of SiO2 over the depth of the core, reflecting diatom/biogenic silica concentration, was significantly changed by the calibrations, from a progressively decreasing trend to an increasing trend towards the top of the core.  相似文献   

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