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Monsoon onset over Kerala (India) which occurs every year is a major climatic phenomenon that involves large scale changes in wind, rainfall and sea surface temperature (SST). Over the last 150 years, the date of monsoon onset over Kerala (DMOK) has varied widely, the earliest being 11 May, 1918 and the most delayed being 18 June, 1972. DMOK has a long term (1870–2014) mean of 01 June and standard deviation of 7–8 days. We have studied the inter-annual and decadal time scale variability of DMOK and their relation with SST. We found that SST anomalies of large spatial scale similar to those in El Nino/La Nina are associated with the inter-annual variability in DMOK. Indian Ocean between latitudes \(5^{\circ }\hbox {S}\) and \(20^{\circ }\hbox {N}\) has two episodes of active convection associated with monsoon onset over Kerala (MOK), one around DMOK and the other about six weeks earlier (called pre-monsoon rain peak or bogus monsoon onset) and in between a two week period of suppressed convection occurs over north Indian Ocean. A prominent decadal time scale variability was found in DMOK having large and statistically significant linear correlation with the SST gradient across the equator over Indian and Pacific oceans, the large correlation persisting for several months prior to the MOK. However, no linear trend was seen in DMOK during the long period from 1870 to 2014. 相似文献
Abdulaziz Abdullah Laboun 《Arabian Journal of Geosciences》2012,5(6):1333-1339
Spectacular erratic boulders, polymictic conglomerates, and sedimentary structures are discovered in many localities at the Midyan Peninsula, east of the Gulf of Aqaba. These deposits are discontinuous, and they unconformably overlie older lithological units of Proterozoic, Cretaceous, Paleogene, and Neogene ages. The erratic boulders are composed of basement rocks, sandstone, and limestone. Some of the boulders exceed 2?m (6?ft) in diameter. The boulders are sub-rounded to rounded, striated, polished, grooved, and faceted. The polymictics are composed of heterogeneous coarse clastics (ranging from boulders to conglomeratic sandstones) of various rock types and fill incised paleovalleys. The sedimentary structures include polished, faceted, and striated boulders, pavements, U-shaped valleys, slumps, and fan-shaped structures. These deposits are herein informally named the Midyan Formation. A Pleistocene age is assigned to the formation based on its stratigraphic position. The polymictic conglomerates are interpreted as glaciogenic tillite, and the erratic boulders and sedimentary structures are considered to have been deposited by glacial erosion, deposition, and possibly tectonics. This interpretation raises the question; did glaciers exist during Pleistocene in the Midyan region? If this interpretation is valid, then recognition of Pleistocene glaciation in Arabia fills a blank spot in the global map of the ??Ice Age??. Pleistocene glacial features were reported in Yemen and regions in north Iraq. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a sufficiently high residual salt load in the dry sediments of
the St Lucia Estuary to cause salinity problems should it later fill up with either freshwater or seawater. The estuary lakes
have suffered the effects of a severe drought since 2002 with the result that many areas were dry, and the salinity of the
residual water varied between 4 psu and up to five times that of seawater. Measurements of the salts content in the sediments
to a depth of 20 cm showed that more than 2 million tonnes of salt was held in this layer of the sediment in 2006. Recent
management of the estuary (since 1970) has ensured that the mouth was not artificially opened. This was to prevent the inflow
of seawater, with its salts, that would otherwise enter while the drought was in place. The results of the sediment salinity
data showed that if the drought had been broken and the lake area filled with rain and river water, the resulting salinity
would be about 6 psu. In March 2007, Cyclone Gamede in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of South Africa produced a wave
climate at sea that resulted in the mouth breaching; thus introducing an estimated 12 million tonnes of salts. The high salinity
in the system resulting from this breach is expected to have an adverse effect on the ecology of the system, whereas the residual
salinity in the sediments would not have caused an environmental problem. If the estuary and lake system were to fill completely
with seawater, the residual salts together with seawater will raise the salinity to an initial value higher than 40 psu, which
will have the effect of suppressing much of the important submerged vegetation that is vital for sustaining juvenile fish
in the system. Many of the large fauna will also suffer from a shortage of freshwater. 相似文献
Njouenwet Ibrahim Vondou Derbetini Appolinaire Fita Dassou Elisabeth Ayugi Brian Odhiambo Nouayou Robert 《Natural Hazards》2021,106(1):561-577
Natural Hazards - Drought is a recurrent phenomenon in the Sudano–Sahelian region of Cameroon. However, it has received very little attention, especially, on its impacts on the growing season... 相似文献
Ajit Singh Vikrant Jain Michel Danino Naveen Chauhan Rahul Kumar Kaushal Shantamoy Guha V. N. Prabhakar 《第四纪科学杂志》2021,36(4):611-627
The human–landform interaction in the region of the Ghaggar–Hakra palaeochannel in the northwest Indo-Gangetic plains during the Bronze Age Indus/Harappan civilisation (~4.6–3.9 thousand years before the present, ka bp ) remains an enigmatic case due to a paucity of evidence regarding the hydrology of the then existing river. Here, we estimated the palaeohydrology of the foothill Markanda River in the sub-Himalayan catchment of the Ghaggar–Hakra (G–H) palaeochannel. Our morphology and chronology results show aggradation of a fan (57.7 ka) during the Late Pleistocene and T–1 to T–5 fluvial terraces (13.1 to 6.0 ka) during the terminal Pleistocene to Holocene, and deposition of palaeoflood sediments (3.9–3.8 ka) over the T–3 terraces during the Late Holocene. Considering the known uplift rates along the Himalayan frontal thrust, and our estimated aggradation rates, we derived channel palaeogeometry and calculated peak discharge at the site of palaeoflood deposits. We conclude that the Markanda River's peak discharge was several orders of magnitude higher during the Late Holocene than the modern-day peak discharge of 100-year return period. The palaeoflood deposits represent larger flooding of the foothill rivers that sustained flows in the downstream reaches of the Ghaggar–Hakra palaeochannel during the Late Harappan civilisation. 相似文献
Manish Tiwari Rengaswamy Ramesh Ravi Bhushan Madavalm S. Sheshshayee Bammidipati L. K. Somayajulu A. J. Timothy Jull George S. Burr 《第四纪科学杂志》2010,25(7):1179-1188
A few studies from the western Arabian Sea indicate that the Indian summer (or southwest) monsoon (ISM), after attaining its maximum intensity at ca. 9 ka, declined during the Holocene, as did insolation. In contrast, earlier and later observations from both the eastern and the western Arabian Sea do not support this inference. Analysis of multiple proxies of productivity in a new sediment core from the western Arabian Sea fails to confirm the earlier, single‐proxy (e.g. abundance of Globigerina bulloides) based, inference of the Holocene weakening of ISM, following insolation. The reason for the observed decreasing trend in foraminiferal abundance – the basis for the earlier inference – could be the favouring of silicate rather than carbonate productivity by the increased ISM wind strength. Although ISM exhibits several multi‐millennial scale fluctuations, there is no evidence from several multi‐proxy data to conclude that it declined during the Holocene; this is consistent with the phase lag analysis of longer time series of monsoon proxies. Thus, on sub‐Milankovitch timescales, ISM did not follow insolation, highlighting the importance of internal feedbacks. A comparison with East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) records suggests that both ISM and EASM varied in unison, implying common forcing factors on such longer timescales. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Adnan Özdemir 《Environmental Geology》2008,53(8):1695-1710
This study examines the local geological conditions and soil structure as possible causes of the collapse of the Zümrüt Building
2 February 2004. This catastrophe resulted in 92 fatalities and 35 injuries. This study also examines other views which claim
weak soil structure, elastic and consolidation settlement of soil and excessive groundwater extraction as well as subsidence
resulting from the underground silt erosion as possible factors. Zümrüt Building was constructed on normally consolidated,
low plasticity clay. The underground water table was 30 m in depth. The internal friction angle of soil was 8°–30°, its cohesion
was between 34 and 127 kN/m2 and standard penetration test numbers varied between 11 and 50. The underground water level beneath Zümrüt Building had risen
4.5 m since its construction. Therefore the claim that subsidence resulting from the decrease of underground water level contributed
to the collapse is incorrect. Secondly the settlement, resulting from the filling up of the pores created by the silt receding
with the underground water, was 4.4 mm in total, and attributing this as the primary cause of the collapse is also incorrect.
Soil properties, in situ and laboratory test results showed that the existing and/or expected settlement and the differential
ground settlement in the Zümrüt building vicinity had the potential to cause structural damage. The tensile stresses caused
by differential settlements recorded here are thought to be an indicator, but not the main cause contributing to the collapse
of the building. The Zümrüt Building collapse was due to several compounding mistakes during the construction phase. These
were geotechnical and other project faults and the use of low quality construction materials. The resulting catastrophe caused
92 fatalities, 35 injuries and a material loss of approximately US$7 million. 相似文献
Studies carried out on the drought process, which can be classed as a gradual disaster, can help us to understand the disaster mechanism and offer strategies for disaster prevention. This paper uses the example of the drought in the Qianxi??nan Prefecture of Guizhou Province from July 2009 to May 2010. Data have been collected from government gazetteers, meteorological monitoring data, and field surveys to build up a sequence of meteorological drought indices. The categorization of the victims?? perception of drought impact, and the stages of drought responses of different subjects (government, social organizations, and the public), has also been examined by the same way. By contrasting the differences between the metrological drought indices, and victims?? perception of drought impact, researchers explored the drought cognition features of victims, social response features, and dynamic relationships between drought development and social responses. The results were as follows: The drought evolution process could be divided into 6 phases, and victims?? perception of drought impact could be divided into 7 phases. They were consistent in time period, and the victims?? perception of drought was subjective and based on their direct experiences. Their response has the characteristics of long term and concentration on a time. The responses of government and social organizations obviously fell behind those of victims, but they were effective and intensive in both timescale and effort. As the drought developed, responses shifted from individual to social responses and from practical to economic, political, and technological responses. On the basis of the results, the author has suggested methods of preparing stakeholders against possible drought risks. 相似文献
How has coastal erosion affected the prehistoric settlement pattern of the boothbay region of maine?
Douglas C. Kellogg 《Geoarchaeology》1995,10(1):65-83
Erosion of complex, rocky coasts has largely been neglected by geologists. Thus, a geo-archaeological study of coastal erosion was required before analysis of the prehistoric settlement pattern could be undertaken. Along the outer, wave-dominated coast of Maine, erosion is episodic, occurring when large storms raise water levels to new heights. Along the inner, tide-dominated coast, erosion occurs more frequently because unconsolidated sediments are exposed at low elevations in bedrock features. The shell midden archaeological sites of the Boothbay, Maine region are situated in the most rapidly eroding areas; therefore, it can be reasoned that localities without cultural deposits were never occupied. On the other hand, coastal erosion is widespread enough to insure that sites have been exposed to discovery by archaeological survey. Settlement pattern analysis of the study area is, therefore, not biased by differential preservation or discovery of archaeological sites. 相似文献
Hadi Sanikhani Ozgur Kisi Rasoul Mirabbasi Sarita Gajbhiye Meshram 《Arabian Journal of Geosciences》2018,11(15):437
In the present study, trends of rainfall of the Central India were evaluated in monthly, seasonal, and annual time scales using the Revised Mann-Kendall (RMK) test, Sen’s slope estimator, and innovative trend method (ITM). For this purpose, the monthly rainfall data for 20 stations in Madhya Pradesh (MP) and Chhattisgarh (CG) states in Central India during 1901–2010 was used. The Sen’s slope estimator was utilized for calculating the slope of rainfall trend line. Based on the obtained results of RMK test, there is no significant trend in the stations for the January and October months. The results also showed that for MP, two out of 15 considered stations indicate significant annual trend, while the CG has four out of five stations with significant trend. The results of applying ITM test indicated that most of the stations have decreasing trends in annual (16 stations), summer (16 stations), and monsoon (11 stations) seasons, while the winter (12 stations) and post monsoon (11 stations) seasons generally show increasing trend. Unlike the RMK, the ITM shows significant increasing trend in rainfall of November and December months. The finding of current study can be used for irrigation and water resource management purpose over the Central India. 相似文献
Sedimentary processes in the paleocoastal part of the Bengal basin that occured in the Tertiary and Quaternary have been addressed. Three indicators were used: sedimentary bedding forms, microstructure of the sediment, and trace fossils. Various forms of sedimentary structures developed under the influence of dynamic geomorphic processes in the study area in the Quaternary. The microstructure analysis of the sedimentary materials was made by two methods: microphotography and Digital Color Analysis (DCA). The microstructure analysis shows that the geomorphic process remained very dynamic in the Quaternary, influencing the form, thickness, and mineral composition of the sediment strata. The enrichment of the sediments in heavy minerals evidences either oscillating or combined flow sedimentation, while under stable conditions light-mineral deposition took place. The digital data of microfabric study by the DCA method also show that larger particles deposited in the oscillating or high-flow environment and evidence a greater amount of heavy minerals like ferruginous materials. Trace fossils found in the sediments of this area also strongly support the concept that the environment remained dynamic during the Tertiary and Quaternary. The Late Tertiary deposition shows that, during these periods, the sediments were transported from tide-dominated marine coast with low flow energy, which is typical of hot and humid conditions. From Late Tertiary to Early Quaternary, the macrotidal coast became mesotidal (wave-dominated). The second phase is the Middle Pleistocene, when the environment was stable, favoring the continuous deposition of finer particles under low- to medium-flow energy conditions. The third phase, the Recent, is marked by the shoreline shift and modification of the environment. In the Early–Middle Holocene, the shoreline started to shift, which modified the geomorphic conditions of this place from coastal to estuarine and, finally, inland fluvial. 相似文献
Domenico Maria Doronzo 《Natural Hazards》2010,55(2):177-179
Particle-laden turbulent flows, called dilute pyroclastic density currents, can be generated during explosive volcanic eruptions.
They are the most hazardous events of interaction with buildings and human environments in volcanic areas. A qualitative comparison
with the dusty turbulent shear currents generated after the Twin Towers collapse on September 11, 2001 shows that turbulent,
multiphase flow-building interaction causes flow separation and recirculation around the buildings. This simple idea could
be applied to dilute pyroclastic density currents, and improved in future by adhoc numerical simulations of flow-building
interaction. 相似文献
Natural Hazards - Impacts of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) on the downstream hydrological extremes always draw public attentions, particularly during its (quasi) normal water storing period. To... 相似文献
K. S. R. Murthy V. Subrahmanyam A. S. Subrahmanyam G. P. S. Murty K. V. L. N. S. Sarma 《Natural Hazards》2010,55(2):167-175
The South Indian (Peninsular) Shield which includes both the Eastern and Western Continental Margins of India is not as stable
as it was originally thought of. The importance of intraplate seismicity within this Shield has recently been realized with
some devastating earthquakes that occurred during the last few decades. It is also significant to note that most of the Precambrian
tectonic lineaments in this Shield are oriented in either a NW–SE or W–E direction, joining the eastern offshore. In contrast,
the western margin has an elevated coast, associated with a linear coast parallel escarpment, particularly on the southern
side, superimposed by Deccan Trap volcanics on the northern side. The fault reactivation and the associated seismicity are
hence more predominant on the east coast. Recent geophysical studies delineated land–ocean tectonics (LOTs) over the eastern
margin, in some cases associated with moderate seismicity as a result of the compressional stress acting on the Indian Plate.
Though the Eastern Continental Margin of India (ECMI) is considered as a passive margin, coastal seismicity due to the reactivation
of the pre-existing tectonic lineaments extending offshore represents a potential natural hazard. In this context, the ECMI
appears to be much more vulnerable compared to its counterpart on the west. 相似文献
John J.W.Rogers 《地学前缘(英文版)》2012,3(4):369-374
Steady decline in the percentage of 235U in terrestrial uranium made natural fission impossible after about 1.8 Ga.Fission before 1.8 Ga disturbed the lead isotope system at various places worldwide,su... 相似文献
The seismic and emanation activity of fault zones at a geodynamic test site arranged in the vicinity of Ulaanbaatar to investigate dangerous geological processes in a heavily populated area of Mongolia is analyzed. It has been found that, at the modern stage of tectogenesis, destruction of the Earth’s crust occurs in the area of the strike-slip fault transformed from the Indo-Asian collision zone. Thus, a network of fault zones with seismic and emanation activity is developed in this area. In the vicinity of Ulaanbaatar, there are four systems of fault zones. The spatial pattern of the systems shows a nodal junction of comparatively large rightlateral and left-lateral strike-slip faults of submeridional and sublatitudinal orientation. These strike-slips are barely connected with a network of ancient faults. The northwestern and northeastern zones developed by compression and tension, on the contrary, inherit disjunctive structures of the most recent age located in a nodal junction at the tops of dihedral angles. Determination of the pattern of recent faulting is essential to estimate the seismic hazard for the capital of Mongolia, where more than one-third of the nation lives. 相似文献
I.V. Buchko A.A. Sorokin E.B. Sal'nikova A.B. Kotov S.D. Velikoslavinskii A.M. Larin A.E. Izokh S.Z. Yakovleva 《Russian Geology and Geophysics》2010,51(11):1157-1166
With U-Pb zircon dating, the ages of the Ul'degit (228 ± 1 Ma) and Chek-Chikan (203 ± 1 Ma) mafic massifs were determined. These massifs were earlier considered to form at the Early Precambrian stage of the geologic evolution of the Dzhugdzhur–Stanovoi superterrane. In geochemical features the igneous rocks of the massifs show relation with a within-plate source, on the one hand, and are similar to igneous rocks of subduction zones, on the other. They might have formed after subduction, which caused the intrusion of gabbroids of the Lucha massif (248 ± 1 Ma) and diorites of the Tok-Algoma complex (238 ± 2 Ma), followed by the fracturing of the subducted plate. 相似文献
The Eifelian sedimentary record in the epeiric Baltic Basin contains an extensive brecciated interval known as the Narva Breccia. During recent decades, the origin of this breccia has been attributed to (1) palaeoseismicity, (2) extraterrestrial impact event or (3) diagenetic collapse. Our studies show the presence of two different breccia types that form 11 stratigraphic horizons and contain several laterally and stratigraphically unrelated breccias. The occurrence of Type‐1 and Type‐2 breccias, together with carbonate sabkha and carbonate inter‐ to supratidal tidal flat deposits on the basin margins, indicates synsedimentary brecciation formed in a sabkha environment. Type‐2 breccia could also originate from wave‐cycling loading. 相似文献