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Studies of recent eruptions have improved our understanding of volcanic ash transport and deposition, but have also raised important questions about the behaviour of far-travelled (distal) volcanic ash. In particular, it is difficult to reconcile estimates of distal ash mass and transport distance determined from eyewitness accounts, mapped deposits, satellite-based observations and cryptotephra records. Here we address this problem using data from well-characterized eruptions that, collectively, include all four data types. Data from recent eruptions allow us to relate eyewitness accounts to mapped deposits on the ground and satellite-based observations of ash in the air; observations from an historical eruption link eyewitness accounts to cryptotephra deposits. Together these examples show that (i) 10–20% of the erupted mass is typically deposited outside the mapped limits; (ii) estimates of the ash mass transported in volcanic clouds cannot account for all of this unmapped ash; and (iii) ash fall observed at distances beyond mapped deposits can have measurable impacts, and can form cryptotephra deposits with high (>~1000 cm−3) shard counts. We conclude that cryptotephra data can be incorporated into volcanological studies of ash transport and deposition and provide important insight into both the behaviour and impacts of far-travelled volcanic ash particles.  相似文献   

There have been few detailed studies into the tephrostratigraphy of southern Britain. We report the tephrostratigraphy of two sites, one in southern England (Rough Tor, Cornwall) and one in Wales (Cors Fochno, west Wales). Our study extends the known southernmost reach of Icelandic cryptotephra in northern Europe. Given the large distance between sites in southern England and eruptive sources (e.g. Iceland 1500–1700 km distant), most of the cryptotephra layers consist of sparse numbers of shards, even by the standards of distal tephrostratigraphy (as low as 3 shards cm−1), each layer spanning only 1 or 2 cm in depth. We identify multiple cryptotephra layers in both sites, extending the known distribution of several tephra layers including the MOR‐T4 tephra (∼AD 1000) most probably of Icelandic origin, and the AD 860 B tephra correlated to an eruption of Mount Churchill, Alaska. The two sites record contrasting tephrostratigraphies, illustrating the need for the inclusion of multiple sites in the construction of a regional tephrostratigraphic framework. The tephra layers we describe may provide important isochrons for the dating and correlation of palaeoenvironmental sequences in the south of Britain. 2017 The Authors. Journal of Quaternary Science Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

The Eemian interglacial and the onset of the subsequent glacial period serve as the most recent analogue for the natural operation of the climate system during the current interglacial. Pronounced climatic oscillations occurred during this period, but their nature and pattern are poorly understood due to dating limitations and unknown phase relationships between different regions and archives. Tephrochronology offers considerable potential for precise correlation of disparate palaeoclimatic archives preserving evidence of these rapid climatic transitions through the tracing of common isochronous tephra horizons. We outline the identification of three previously unknown cryptotephra horizons within a marine core from the Rockall Trough, North East Atlantic. This sequence preserves a high‐resolution record of this interval and shard size, geochemical heterogeneity and the co‐variance of shard concentrations with ice‐rafted debris data are utilized to demonstrate that primary airfall was the most likely transport and depositional pathway. The main geochemical populations of these horizons have similar transitional alkali major and trace element compositions, suggesting that they were derived from a common Icelandic source, potentially the Öræfajökull volcanic system. These tephra horizons represent additions to the North Atlantic event stratigraphy for this period and tentative correlations to Icelandic terrestrial deposits are proposed for two horizons.  相似文献   

Grain size and grain shape analysis of fault rocks   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

颗粒级配与形状对钙质砂渗透性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任玉宾  王胤  杨庆 《岩土力学》2018,39(2):491-497
钙质砂是富存于热带海洋环境(包括中国南海海域)中的一种特殊岩土介质,具有不同于陆源砂的水理性质。采用传统常水头渗流试验,首先探究了不同不均匀系数和曲率系数条件下级配对钙质砂渗透性的影响。针对钙质砂的颗粒形状特性,采用扫描电镜(SEM)与图像处理技术,引入球度 和圆度X的比值 从三维空间角度上对颗粒形状进行了定量描述。并在粒径区间、相对密实度相同的条件下,通过与福建标准砂、玻璃珠进行对比试验来考察钙质砂渗透特性,从而进一步探究颗粒形状对钙质砂渗透性的影响。试验结果表明,钙质砂渗透性随着颗粒粒径不均匀系数和曲率系数的增大而增大,符合级配对一般砂土渗透性的影响规律;钙质砂颗粒形状具有较强的结构性和不均匀性,同等密实度下钙质砂的渗透性小于陆源的石英砂。本研究获得的钙质砂渗透规律对今后南海岛礁填筑和海上平台基础工程设计具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

吴野  王胤  杨庆 《岩土力学》2018,39(9):3203-3212
钙质砂作为南海岛礁填筑常用的岩土材料,其渗透性很大程度上决定着填筑后土体的固结和沉降。拖曳力系数是表达流体对土体颗粒表面力的参数,也是表征颗粒状土体渗透能力的一个重要参数,目前国内外对钙质砂拖曳力系数的研究十分有限。首先引入一个修正的三维参数 对钙质砂这种天然非规则颗粒材料的形状进行定量描述,然后开展一系列单个钙质砂颗粒在液体中沉降试验,利用高速相机记录颗粒沉降过程,结合图像处理技术获得颗粒沉降平衡速度Ut,进而计算出拖曳力系数CD和雷诺数Re,最后拟合出包含CD、Re及 三个参数的钙质砂拖曳力系数半经验模型。结果发现,在相同雷诺数条件下钙质砂的形状系数 越大,拖曳力系数越小。通过与其他研究结果对比发现,其表面微孔隙越发育,拖曳力系数越小的规律。该模型能够考虑不规则颗粒形状对拖曳力系数的影响,从而提高对土体渗透性预测的精度,对南海岛礁填筑工程中钙质砂固结和沉降的计算也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Laser diffraction is now widely used for particle size distribution analysis of sediments and soils. The technique can be very precise, and offers advantages of speed and cost over many other methods when used to analyse mixtures of sand, silt and clay. This study presents the results of an experimental investigation that examined the sensitivity of the Beckman-Coulter LS230 instrument to mixtures of different grain populations and differences in particle shape. The instrument was found to have high sensitivity to coarse particles in a finer matrix (detection threshold 1–2%), but much lower sensitivity to finer particles in a coarser mixture (detection threshold 12–17%). Experiments using near-spherical ballotini showed that laser analysis provides very similar values to dry sieving for the mean, median and mode, but for a range of natural sand samples values for the mean, median and mode were offset by 8–21%, with an average of ca 15%, compared with sieving. Analysis using a Beckman-Coulter RapidVUE instrument, which provides both size and shape information, provided support for the hypothesis that the differences between laser analysis and sieving are partly attributable to the effects of particle shape. However, an additional factor is the way in which the laser software interprets the optical diffraction data. The software predicts a high degree of log-normality in the size distribution, such that highly skewed, truncated or bimodal samples are poorly represented. Experiments using sieved fractions of ballotini indicated that, even with near-perfectly spherical particles, the particle size distribution predicted by the laser software includes a relatively large percentage of particles outside the sieve class limits.  相似文献   

砂土颗粒形状量化及其对力学指标的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘清秉  项伟  M.Budhu  崔德山 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):190-197
砂作为一种特殊的散体材料,其宏观物理力学性质,如密实度、剪切特性(临界状态角,剪胀角)、压缩性及颗粒破碎特征等均受到颗粒形状的影响,目前为止,对于砂粒土颗粒形状的量化工作,未到达成熟阶段。试验采用普通光学显微镜获取3种不同砂颗粒及一种相似材料(玻璃球)数字图像,利用ImageJ图形软件对其进行黑白二值化处理,获取颗粒形状轮廓边界;从3个层次定义颗粒形状参数,并利用java语言编制形状量化插件程序,计算砂粒各形状参数值,最后通过相对密度试验、直剪试验测试不同砂样的极限孔隙比、剪切强度指标。试验结果表明:整体轮廓系数、球形度、棱角度3项形状参数可作为不同砂粒形状鉴别和量化的关键参数,且与剪胀角、临界状态摩擦角均具有良好的相关性,试验提供了一种量化砂颗粒形状的有效方法,并可将得到的关键量化参数应用到宏观力学性质分析与数值模拟工作中  相似文献   

Settling velocity of bioclastic particles in coastal and shallow marine environments is essential for interpreting depositional facies and processes. There is, however, a paucity of accurate formulae for predicting the settling velocities and drag coefficients of platy biogenic particles in particular. This study provides experimental settling data based on 320 platy shell fragments from a sediment core recovered in Li'an Lagoon, south-eastern Hainan Island, China. The results indicate that the settling velocities of platy shell fragments are strongly correlated with nominal diameters and Corey shape factors (ranging from 0.02 to 0.20 in this study). On this basis, a practical equation of acceptable accuracy was established for platy particles, relating dimensionless settling velocities to dimensionless diameters and Corey shape factors. Similarly, another empirical formula for quickly calculating the equivalent diameter of platy shell fragments in practice was proposed as well. Regarding the strong dependence of the drag coefficients using equivalent spherical diameters to Corey shape factors, the drag coefficient based on the diameter of the equivalent maximum projected area remains almost constant and is hence physically well-suited for the definition of grain drag coefficients. The settling data of this study has extended the lower Corey shape factors limit of bioclastic particles, and the equations presented here can be used for quantitative interpretations of sedimentary records, modelling of depositional processes and investigations of other platy particles.  相似文献   

OCCAM算法在大地电磁测深资料反演中已获得了成功应用。将其引入到瑞雷波频散曲线反演中,应用权重矩阵,提高了解的纵向分辨率;应用拉格朗日乘子光滑参数改善了迭代效果并提高了解的稳定性,使其可以在解的精度和模型分辨率中取最佳折中解。实测资料试算结果表明:用OCCAM算法对低速软弱夹层瞬态瑞雷波频散曲线进行反演,不但具有稳定性好、精度高、分辨能力强的特点,而且能自动分层和反演地层参数。  相似文献   

罗岚  夏唐代  仇浩淼 《岩土力学》2018,39(10):3695-3702
为了研究颗粒形状特征对砂土剪切模量的影响,选取4种形状不同的砂样(福建标准砂和人工石英砂)作为研究对象,通过扫描电镜获取其颗粒微观图像,使用Image Pro Plus软件和自编Matlab程序提取试样颗粒的形状特征。采用改进的半径角和轮廓指数综合描述颗粒偏离圆或椭圆的程度以及棱角变化程度,并基于这两个参数提出颗粒形状因子来综合表征颗粒的形状特征。之后在K0条件下通过弯曲元试验获得不同竖向荷载对应的4个试样的剪切模量,试验结果表明,砂土颗粒的形状因子与砂土的剪切模量具有良好的相关性。最后基于Hertz-Mindlin接触模型,推导出引入形状因子的砂土剪切模量理论计算公式,该计算公式与实测值吻合良好。  相似文献   

悬浮颗粒形状对其在多孔介质中迁移和沉积特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋思晨  白冰 《岩土力学》2018,39(6):2043-2051
悬浮颗粒在多孔介质中迁移的研究在地下水回灌、地下污染物扩散、核废料处置、石油开采等领域有重要的理论意义和应用价值。为了研究形状对颗粒迁移的影响,对1组球状颗粒(10 ?m中位粒径)和2组杆状颗粒(长径比为3:1和6:1)进行了三阶段室内土柱试验,得到了不同形状颗粒在多种溶液离子强度条件下的穿透曲线。结合DLVO理论分析了悬浮颗粒沉积和释放机制,阐释了形状对颗粒迁移行为的影响。试验结果表明,颗粒形状对迁移特性有重要影响,当离子强度较低时(6 mmol/L),DLVO势能曲线展现较高能量壁垒,各种形状颗粒沉积主要为次级势阱沉积;当离子强度较高时(150 mmol/L),球状颗粒因能量壁垒较高,其滞留机制仍以次级势阱沉积为主,但长径比为6:1的杆状颗粒在次级势阱和初级势阱都有沉积,这和杆状颗粒的静电性能和优先方向有关。对于杆状颗粒,边位沉积比端位沉积具有更深的次级势阱和更大的影响距离,边位沉积是更加稳定的沉积方式和沉积的优先方向。基于Derjaguin近似方法的DLVO理论计算显示,DLVO理论预测结果和土柱试验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

赵波  许建东  潘波  于红梅 《岩石学报》2008,24(11):2631-2637
龙泉龙湾是射汽岩浆爆发形成的复合式低平火山口湖。龙泉龙湾火山近火口基浪堆积物地层特征为含有火山弹的厚层粗粒-细粒火山砂与薄层细粒火山砂的韵律层,发育气管构造、透镜体构造、下陷构造、U型下蚀堆积构造和丘状构造等。碎屑粒度中值Mdφ为-2.8~1.8,分选系数σφ为1.38~3.23,整体粒径大、分选差。碎屑成分主要是浮岩碎屑、基岩碎屑和晶屑。本文在火山地层堆积构造和粒度特征研究基础上,通过应用SFT分布模式分析发现,龙泉龙湾火山近火口火山碎屑动力学模式主要以牵引为主,其次为弹道和跳跃,悬浮相对较少。  相似文献   

The effect of particle shape on the flotation process has been investigated in laboratory experiments with monosized spherical ballotini and ground ballotini. The particles were treated by partial methylation with trimethylchlorosilane to achieve varying degrees of hydrophobicity. In flotation, the process of film thinning and liquid drainage is critical in the formation of stable bubble–particle attachments and this is affected by the particle shape and surface hydrophobicity. Flotation tests with different particle sizes were conducted in a modified batch Denver cell. Predictions from a computational fluid dynamic model of the flotation cell that incorporates fundamental aspects of bubble–particle attachment were compared with data from flotation tests. Contact angles of the particles were measured using a capillary rise technique to indicate surface hydrophobicity. Ground ballotini generally has higher flotation rates than spherical ballotini; the results are consistent with effects from faster film thinning and rupture at rough surfaces and are well correlated by the sphericity index.  相似文献   

硬性结构面表面起伏形态测量及其尺寸效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
结构面表面形态与其力学性质密切相关,对结构面表面形态进行精细测量是研究结构面变形和强度等力学机理的基础。在分析国内外结构面测量仪器优缺点基础上,利用自主研制的新型便携式测量仪器———接触打孔器对硬性结构面进行机械化精细测量,应用效果表明:由接触打孔器获得的结构面粗糙度JRC值与结构面表面实际的JRC值十分接近。在此基础上,对硬性结构面进行尺寸效应分析,获得了结构面表面JRC值的统计方差随测量长度逐渐衰减的规律,并且计算分析了粗糙度对结构面剪切强度影响的极限长度,最后通过强风化粉砂岩节理、新鲜砂岩层面、泥岩层面进行了分析。结果表明,对于研究区强风化粉砂岩构造节理,当取样长度大于50cm时,可以消除剪切方向上起伏粗糙度尺寸效应;对于平直新鲜泥岩层面、平直的新鲜砂岩层面,当取样长度大于5cm时,可以消除剪切方向上起伏粗糙度尺寸效应。  相似文献   

This paper presents three-dimensional finite element simulations to evaluate diffusion and dispersion tensors in periodic porous media in the presence of an advective velocity field. These tensors are evaluated in the framework of the double-scale expansion technique. Two problems, a Newtonian flow and a vector-valued advection–diffusion equation, have to be sequentially solved at the pore scale. Finite element techniques to approximate these problems are proposed and analyzed. Numerical results in three-dimensional networks of spheres are presented to quantitatively assess the impact of the pore morphology and of the advection velocity on the diffusion and dispersion tensors.  相似文献   

Sand transport in the Colorado River in Marble and Grand canyons was naturally limited by the upstream supply of sand. Prior to the 1963 closure of Glen Canyon Dam, the river exhibited the following four effects of sand supply limitation: (1) hysteresis in sediment concentration, (2) hysteresis in sediment grain size coupled to the hysteresis in sediment concentration, (3) production of inversely graded flood deposits, and (4) development or modification of a lag between the time of a flood peak and the time of either maximum or minimum (depending on reach geometry) bed elevation. Construction and operation of the dam has enhanced the degree to which the first two of these four effects are evident, and has not affected the degree to which the last two effects of sand supply limitation are evident in the Colorado River in Marble and Grand canyons. The first three of the effects involve coupled changes in suspended-sand concentration and grain size that are controlled by changes in the upstream supply of sand. During tributary floods, sand on the bed of the Colorado River fines; this causes the suspended sand to fine and the suspended-sand concentration to increase, even when the discharge of water remains constant. Subsequently, the bed is winnowed of finer sand, the suspended sand coarsens, and the suspended-sand concentration decreases independently of discharge. Also associated with these changes in sand supply are changes in the fraction of the bed that is covered by sand. Thus, suspended-sand concentration in the Colorado River is likely regulated by both changes in the bed-sand grain size and changes in the bed-sand area. A physically based flow and suspended-sediment transport model is developed, tested, and applied to data from the Colorado River to evaluate the relative importance of changes in the bed-sand grain size and changes in the bed-sand area in regulating suspended-sand concentration. Although the model was developed using approximations for steady, uniform flow, and other simplifications that are not met in the Colorado River, the results nevertheless support the idea that changes in bed-sand grain size are much more important than changes in bed-sand area in regulating the concentration of suspended sand.  相似文献   

Rayleigh面波勘探的目的在于有效利用频散曲线反演地层厚度及横波速度,而不同模式的频散曲线对横波速度和层厚的敏感性不同。通过求取介质参数变化10%后与参数不变化时的二组频散曲线的差值,得到各阶模式的频率~相速度差曲线,分析了Rayleigh面波各模式频散曲线对横波速度、层厚的敏感性。试验结果表明,基阶模式对于浅层的横波速度和层厚比较敏感,敏感区域主要集中在较窄的频带范围内。而高阶模式对于相对较深层的横波速度和层厚比较敏感,且频率范围分布较大,敏感性强的频段分布比较分散。研究结果可以为Rayleigh面波多模式联合反演提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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