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This paper presents a 3D bonded discrete element and lattice Boltzmann method for resolving the fluid‐solid interaction involving complicated fluid‐particle coupling in geomaterials. In the coupled technique, the solid material is treated as an assembly of bonded and/or granular particles. A bond model accounting for strain softening in normal contact is incorporated into the discrete element method to simulate the mechanical behaviour of geomaterials, whilst the fluid flow is solved by the lattice Boltzmann method based on kinetic theory and statistical mechanics. To provide a bridge between theory and application, a 3D algorithm of immersed moving boundary scheme was proposed for resolving fluid‐particle interaction. To demonstrate the applicability and accuracy of this coupled method, a benchmark called quicksand, in which particles become fluidised under the driving of upward fluid flow, is first carried out. The critical hydraulic gradient obtained from the numerical results matches the theoretical value. Then, numerical investigation of the performance of granular filters generated according to the well‐acknowledged design criteria is given. It is found that the proposed 3D technique is promising, and the instantaneous migration of the protected soils can be readily observed. Numerical results prove that the filters which comply with the design criteria can effectively alleviate or eliminate the appearance of particle erosion in dams.  相似文献   

This paper presents a two‐dimensional coupled bonded particle and lattice Boltzmann method (BPLBM) developed to simulate the fluid–solid interactions in geomechanics. In this new technique, the bonded particle model is employed to describe the inter‐particle movement and forces, and the bond between a pair of contacting particles is assumed to be broken when the tensile force or tangential force reaches a certain critical value. As a result the fracture process can be delineated based on the present model for the solid phase comprising particles, such as rocks and cohesive soils. In the meantime, the fluid phase is modelled by using the LBM, and the immersed moving boundary scheme is utilized to characterize the fluid–solid interactions. Based on the novel technique case studies have been conducted, which show that the coupled BPLBM enjoys substantially improved accuracy and enlarged range of applicability in characterizing the mechanics responses of the fluid–solid systems. Indeed such a new technique is promising for a wide range of application in soil erosion in Geotechnical Engineering, sand production phenomenon in Petroleum Engineering, fracture flow in Mining Engineering and fracture process in a variety of engineering disciplines. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interaction between solid particles and fluid is of fundamental interest to scientists and engineers in many different applications—cardiopulmonary flows, aircraft and automobile aerodynamics, and wind loading on buildings to name a few. In geomechanics, particle shape significantly affects both particle-particle and particle-fluid interaction. Herein, we present a generalized method for modeling the interaction of arbitrarily shaped polyhedral particles and particle assemblages with fluid using a coupled discrete element method (DEM) and lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) formulation. The coupling between DEM and LBM is achieved through a new algorithm based on a volume-fraction approach to consider three-dimensional convex polyhedral particles moving through fluid. The algorithm establishes the interaction using linear programming and simplex integration and is validated against experimental data. This approach to modeling the interaction between complex polyhedral particles and fluid is shown to be accurate for directly simulating hydrodynamic forces on the particles.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a numerical method to deal with fluid–solid interactions and simulate particle–fluid systems as encountered in soils. This method is based on a coupling between two methods, now widely used in mechanics of granular media and fluid dynamics respectively: the discrete element (DE) method and the lattice Boltzmann (LB) method. The DE method is employed to model interactions between particles, whereas the LB method is used to describe an interstitial Newtonian fluid flow. The coupling presented here is a full one in the sense that particle motions act on fluid flow and reciprocally. This article presents in details each of the two methods and the principle of the coupling scheme. Determination of hydrodynamic forces and torques is also detailed, and the treatment of boundaries is explained. The coupled method is finally illustrated on a simple example of piping erosion, which puts in evidence that the combined LB–DE scheme constitutes a promising tool to study coupled problems in geomechanics. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

采用颗粒离散单元法进行动力计算时,人工截断边界上需设置吸收边界条件,以防止波的反射。鉴于颗粒离散单元数值计算模型的人工边界上颗粒单元半径大小不一、边界面凸凹不平,在连续介质的黏性、黏弹性、自由场边界条件方程基础之上,推导出适用于离散介质的等效方程。在离散介质的黏性边界条件等效方程中引入微调系数,提出比值迭代法以快速确定其最优值,以实现对波的最佳吸收。采用二维颗粒离散单元计算软件PFC2D,分别建立黏性、黏弹性、自由场边界条件相关数值分析模型,探讨颗粒分布模式对黏性边界上颗粒单元半径、速度分布及比值迭代过程的影响;采用外源波动算例及经典Lamb问题算例验证黏弹性边界设置方法的正确性;通过隧洞算例检验提出的自由场边界条件设置方法的正确性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a three-dimensional coupled bonded particle and lattice Boltzmann method (BPLBM) with an immersed moving boundary scheme for the fluid-solid interaction. It is then applied to investigate the erosion process of soil particles in granular filters placed within earth dams. The microscopic migration of soil particles can be clearly visualised as the movement of particles can be directly recorded. Three granular filters with different representative size ratios are simulated and the numerical results are seen to match the empirical criteria. In addition, the effect of the representative size ratio of granular filters, hydraulic loading and erosion time are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the numerical simulation of the quicksand phenomenon using a coupled Discrete Elements – Lattice Boltzmann hydromechanical model. After the presentation of the developed numerical model, simulations of ascending fluid flow through granular deposits are performed. The simulations show that the quicksand actually triggers for a hydraulic gradient very close to the critical hydraulic gradient calculated from the global analysis of classical soil mechanics, that is, when the resultant of the applied external pressure balances submerged weight of the deposit. Moreover, they point out that the quicksand phenomenon does not occur only for hydraulic gradients above the critical hydraulic gradient, but also in some cases with slightly lower gradients. In such cases, a more permeable zone is first gradually built at the bottom of the deposit through a grain rearrangement, which increases the hydraulic gradient in the upper zones and triggers the phenomenon. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper endows the recently‐proposed granular element method (GEM) with the ability to perform 3D discrete element calculations. By using non‐uniform rational B‐Splines to accurately represent complex grain geometries, we proposed an alternative approach to clustering‐based and polyhedra‐based discrete element methods whereby the need for complicated and ad hoc approaches to construct 3D grain geometries is entirely bypassed. We demonstrate the ability of GEM in capturing arbitrary‐shaped 3D grains with great ease, flexibility, and without excessive geometric information. Furthermore, the applicability of GEM is enhanced by its tight integration with existing non‐uniform rational B‐Splines modeling tools and ability to provide a seamless transition from binary images of real grain shapes (e.g., from 3D X‐ray CT) to modeling and discrete mechanics computations.Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为研究弯道水流现象并且拓展格子玻尔兹曼(Lattice Boltzmann Method,LBM)在水利工程领域的应用,建立了弯道水流的三维多松弛LBM演进模型,其中包括水流自由表面模拟、弯曲固壁边界处理以及紊流模型耦合求解等关键技术。应用该模型模拟研究了不同流量下U型弯道的水流状态,得到了水位、最大水深平均流速以及紊动能等参数的分布规律。分析和实践表明,该模型能较好地模拟三维弯道水流现象。  相似文献   

In this paper, Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) has been used to study the effects of permeability and tortuosity on flow through saturated particulate media and identify the relationships between permeability and tortuosity with other parameters such as particles diameter, grain specific surface, and porosity. LBM is a simple kinematic model that can incorporate the essential physics of microscopic and mesoscopic processes involved in flow through granular soils. The obtained results indicate that the 2D LB model, due to its inherent theoretical advantages, is capable of demonstrating that the porosity and specific surface are the most influential parameters in determining the intrinsic permeability of granular media. The obtained results show that particles' size diameter has a two‐fold effect on the coefficient of permeability: one is through specific surface and the other is by tortuosity factor. Numerical study also reveals that tortuosity of granular soils decreases almost linearly with increasing the porosity. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

许江  李克钢  陈萍  刘玉洪 《岩土力学》2004,25(11):1819-1822
以丰都名山崩滑体为研究对象,拟通过对该崩滑体失稳破坏过程的离散元模拟分析,达到对该崩滑体的稳定性进行有效分析评价的目的。研究结果发现,崩滑体的滑移崩塌过程及散落情况与其坡脚是否风化剥蚀相关,且不论坡脚是否风化剥蚀,其上部块体的运动轨迹与中下部块体的运动轨迹存在着明显差异。分析结果同时还表明,丰都名山崩滑体的确存在滑移崩塌危险,应积极采取适当防范措施。  相似文献   

With the increasing demand for discrete element simulations with larger number of particles and more realistic particle geometries, the need for efficient contact detection algorithms is more evident. To date, the class of common plane (CP) methods is among the most effective and widely used contact detection algorithms in discrete element simulations of polygonal and polyhedral particles. This paper introduces a new approach to obtain the CP by employing a newly introduced concept of ‘shortest link’. Among all the possible line segments that connect any point on the surface of particle A to any point on the surface of particle B, the one with the shortest length defines the shortest link between the two particles. The perpendicular bisector plane of the shortest link fulfils all the conditions of a CP, suggesting that CP can be obtained by seeking the shortest link. A new algorithm, called shortest link method (SLM), is proposed to obtain the shortest link and subsequently the CP between any two polyhedral particles. Comparison of the analysis time between SLM and previously introduced algorithms demonstrate that SLM results in a substantial speed up for polyhedral particles contact detection. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

严成增  郑宏  葛修润 《岩土力学》2015,36(1):249-256
传统的离散元类数值方法存在处理角-角接触时接触力方向不确定、三维情形时接触计算极其复杂等问题。Munjiza提出的基于势的接触力计算方法很好地解决了这一问题,但同时存在势的物理意义不明确,计算出的接触力与物理直观不符、相同嵌入量计算的接触力大小不一致等问题。在已有研究的基础上,提出了一种基于统一标定的势接触力计算方法,该方法重新定义了势函数,即三角形单元内一点的势与该点到3条边的最短距离成正比。采用这种势函数定义可以对嵌入量进行统一表征。在相同的嵌入量下,计算的接触力大小是一致的,同时保留基于势的接触力计算方法所有优点。新定义的势函数,解决了原有势函数所存在的重大缺陷,只要重叠区域不变,计算的总接触力是不变的,接触力计算具有局部特性,而与划分的三角形单元的整体形状和大小无关,即新的接触力计算方法,具有更好的网格鲁棒性。该方法使得基于势的接触力计算方法建立在坚实的物理基础之上,意义重大。  相似文献   

石梁宏  李双洋  尹楠 《冰川冻土》2021,43(1):195-203
多年冻土是含有冰的特殊土体,在自然环境变化及工程扰动下易发生冻胀融沉变形,严重威胁着青藏高原工程建筑物的安全稳定,特别对青藏铁路的畅通运营提出了严峻挑战.以青藏铁路五道梁地区路基断面为研究对象,采用颗粒离散单元法,通过建立热-力离散元计算模型,对路基的温度场和变形进行了计算和预测.结果表明:离散单元法克服了有限元方法无...  相似文献   

Difficulties are involved in discrete element method (DEM) modelling of the flexible boundary, that is, the membranes covering the soil sample, which can be commonly found in contemporary laboratory soil tests. In this paper, a novel method is proposed wherein the finite difference method (FDM) and DEM are coupled to simulate the rubber membrane and soil body, respectively. Numerical plane strain and triaxial tests, served by the flexible membrane, are implemented and analysed later. The effect of the membrane modulus on the measurement accuracy is considered, with analytical formulae derived to judge the significance of this effect. Based on an analysis of stress-strain responses and the grain rotation field, the mechanical performances produced by the flexible and rigid lateral boundaries are compared for the plane strain test. The results show that (1) the effect of the membrane on the test result becomes more significant at larger strain level because the membrane applies additional lateral confining pressure to the soil body; (2) the tested models reproduce typical stress and volumetric paths for specimens with shear bands; (3) for the plane strain test, the rigid lateral boundary derives a much higher peak strength and larger bulk dilatation, but a similar residual strength, compared with the flexible boundary. The latter produces a more uniform (or ‘diffuse') rotation field and more mobilised local kinematics than does the former. All simulations show that the proposed FDM-DEM coupling method is able to simulate laboratory tests with a flexible boundary membrane.  相似文献   

路基冻胀问题严重影响寒区高速铁路的安全服役,而成冰相变过程是解释冻胀机制的关键。基于介观尺度的格子Boltzmann方法,将修正的孔隙水冻结温度算法与焓法固液相变格子Boltzmann模型相结合,模拟了悬浮液滴冻结和冻土孔隙水成冰两个过程,分别揭示了液态水在自由状态和孔隙束缚状态下冰水相变的细观机制。计算结果表明:土体孔隙中冰晶由中心向外生长的过程与悬浮在空气中的液滴冻结过程截然不同,并且孔隙水越接近颗粒表面,其冻结温度越低。相同粒径颗粒按照不同排列方式得到的冻结特征曲线(soil freezing characteristic curves,简称SFCC)具有明显差异;不同粒径的SFCC随着颗粒增大残余水含量逐渐变少,形态更加陡峭。通过与文献试验结果对比,验证了格子Boltzmann方法的有效性,表明该方法能够为研究多孔介质水气迁移与相变过程提供介观尺度的新手段。  相似文献   

离散元计算的位移控制方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈文胜  柏署  杨燕 《岩土力学》2007,28(7):1304-1308
基于离散单元的动态松弛法,提出了由每循环步允许块体最大位移增量控制每步块体求解的方法--位移控制法。该方法通过对块体的位移试算来决定时步的大小,不仅解决了离散元计算中的如叠合过大等问题,还可以提高计算的精度和效率。编制了相应的程序和程序流程图,并给出了算例分析。  相似文献   

基于格子Boltzmann方法,采用D2Q9基本模型,上、下边界采用非平衡外推格式,左、右不透水边界及土颗粒采用反弹格式设置边界条件,对土体细观渗流场进行数值模拟。首先将试验测得物理单位的数据转化为格子单位,然后用Matlab编制程序,对CT扫描切片进行处理,生成土体细观的数据结构,最后把格子单位表示的结果再转为物理单位,分析了渗流流速的变化规律,得到了整体和局部渗流场的分布情况。分析结果表明:(1)孔道处的流速U随着入渗时间的延长而逐渐达到一个相对稳定值,进而得到流体从开始入渗至稳定状态经历的准确时间T;(2)平均渗流速度由入口处沿y轴负方向逐渐递减,且小于入口处的平均渗流流速;(3)渗流量主要受控于通道的连通性、孔隙大小,最大渗流速度集中在通道的窄孔道处,封闭的孔道和孔隙渗流速度为0。格子Boltzmann方法能有效地对CT扫描得到的2D切片进行数值模拟,可以定量、准确地研究真实土体渗流场的变化机制。  相似文献   

Biot theory predicts wave velocities in a saturated granular medium using the pore geometry, viscosity, densities, and elastic moduli of the solid skeleton and pore fluid, neglecting the interaction between constituent particles and local flow, which becomes essential as the wavelength decreases. Here, a hydro-micromechanical model, for direct numerical simulations of wave propagation in saturated granular media, is implemented by two-way coupling the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) and the discrete element method (DEM), which resolve the pore-scale hydrodynamics and intergranular behavior, respectively. The coupling scheme is benchmarked with the terminal velocity of a single sphere settling in a fluid. In order to mimic a small amplitude pressure wave entering a saturated granular medium, an oscillating pressure boundary on the fluid is implemented and benchmarked with the one-dimensional wave equation. The effects of input waveforms and frequencies on the dispersion relations in 3D saturated poroelastic media are investigated with granular face-centered-cubic crystals. Finally, the pressure and shear wave velocities predicted by the numerical model at various effective confining pressures are found to be in excellent agreement with Biot analytical solutions, including his prediction for slow compressional waves.  相似文献   

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