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勘察设计行业发展变化与勘察设计企业的调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
勘察设计企业改革的过程是一个长期和发展的过程,是一个按照行业发展的需要和变化不断调整的过程。经济体制改革和加入WTO促使勘察设计行业在发展变化,主要反映在投资主体和投资方式的改变带来的市场需求的变化;人力资源开发和人力资本组合带来的人才流动的变化;体制改革带来  相似文献   

正中冶南方工程技术有限公司(以下简称"中冶南方")自2004年成立以来,经营业绩和规模不断扩大,2012年,在艰难的市场环境下,中冶南方实现了营销和研发工作"双丰收",新签合同额再次突破百亿元。回顾企业发展历程,中冶南方深刻意识到,深化企业转型和自主创新能力是企业在市场竞争中立于不败之地的最根本支撑。以战略管理为先导加快企业转型步伐在中冶南方的"一五"、"二五"战略发展规划中,都将提高技术创新能力作为企业生存发展的核心战略目标。以战略为指导,中冶南方的企业转型工作  相似文献   

<正>党的十八届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》,吹响了中国经济社会全面改革发展的号角。各行各业都应紧紧抓住机遇,及时制定具有本行业特色的改革转型方案,否则,将会落后于时代,甚至面临被淘汰的风险。未来,随着GDP增速的下降,特别是投资拉动对GDP增长贡献率的下降,投资及工程建设规模将会下降或增速放缓,并呈现出投资领域不均衡、不连续的特点。工程设计企业必须及时优化调整自身的业务结构,改  相似文献   

设计单位改企后,面临如何提高市场竞争力的问题,在当前经济快速发展形势下,企业间竞争实力的较量体现在创新能力上,在生产经营模式的改革中,采以技术创新为突破口,以市场为导向,加快内部生产组织形式、经营方式的创新,将科技成果应用到工程勘察设计中去,使之成为适应市场经济要求的合格的市场主体。  相似文献   

近年来,经济全球化、行业生态环境改变为工程勘察设计企业带来了一系列挑战。随着信息技术迅速发展,行业企业开始以更加积极的姿态探索行业IT应用发展方向和解决方案,以期推动企业良性成长、管理与技术创新以及国际化发展。当前,以实现设计、企业运营和项目管理等系统的集成化和智能化,实现项目生命周期的信息管理,建立集成应用系统和协同工作平台的IT应用新理念和目标已经被行业广泛接受,但应用系统集成实践尚处于探索和初级阶段,各家都在"摸着石头过河"。  相似文献   

国际工程市场的主要变化、企业发展路径和风险管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近日,首届京交会在京隆重举行,作为京交会的重要组成部分之一,由中国勘察设计协会主办的国际工程服务发展大会5月29日在京举办。来自中国成达工程公司、中国五环工程有限公司、中国石化工程建设公司等单位的9位代表围绕"国际工程市场环境和风险管理"这一大会主题作了精彩演讲。本期我刊摘登了其中7位代表的文章,以飨读者,敬请关注。  相似文献   

正我国设计市场总量的增长速度,正以国民经济增长速度的两倍以上迅猛提速。建设项目的造价、新技术的应用更以日新月异的变化提升着项目规模和项目品质。全国上万家大大小小的设计院构成的设计行业,完成如此庞大的设计任务,无论从企业管理、市场经营、生产组织、技术质量等方面衡量,还是从行业人力资源的素质提升速度和数量的增长速度,都远落后于设计市场总体规模的量变需求和产品品质需求的飞跃提升。市场需求与资源短缺的矛盾,相当普遍的情况是通过加班加点或降低设计完成度来消弭或掩盖矛盾。常  相似文献   

作为建筑设计公司,特别是民营设计公司,想在当前竞争不断升级、市场环境日趋恶劣的情况下生存、发展,必须做到"内外兼修"。所谓"内功",主要是在企业管理上下功夫,不断创新内部管理体系、机制建设;"外功"则是指联合各家之长进行资源整合及利用,  相似文献   

各位来宾,同志们: 大家早上好!今天很高兴参加由中国勘察设计协会和中国国际工程咨询协会共同举办的工程总承包和项目管理发展论坛,本次论坛的主题是“创新发展,走向世界”。我觉得这个主题选得非常好,在总结与回顾过去改革开放30年勘察设计行业取得成就的基础上,  相似文献   

Tuna Tasan 《GeoJournal》1999,49(1):91-103
The aim of this paper is to show how and in what sense the post-socialist transformation process has influenced the urban spatial structure of Warsaw with the help of empirical evidence dealing with housing. Therefore, the main focus of the study is the transformation of the housing market in the 1990s under social and economic restructuring process. The article comprises two parts: the first part involves the geographical development of the urban spatial structure within the context of housing market changes. In order to explain today's transformation, the system of socialist time is also discussed. In the second part emphasis is placed on the evidence of the transformation in urban space, dealing with new tendencies and challenging mechanisms in the housing market. The last period of transformation is also investigated in terms of changes in the urban space since housing is seen as an important factor of urban transformation. Hence, following the brief outline of historical development of the urban space housing market changes including the privatization of urban land is going to be the concern of the paper. The problems of the transformation and practical implementation of the privatization process are also discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

刘超 《岩石矿物学杂志》2014,33(S2):199-202
本文从消费结构转型、消费主力军变换、信息传播和国家政策催生收藏热等方面论述了中国金银珠宝玉石市场的消费转型.根据历年来的数据以及作者在一线以及珠宝展会的调研可以得出结论,中国金银珠宝玉石的消费转型正在急速进行,而这场革命性的专业也为珠宝从业者,特别是珠宝商带来了极大的挑战与机遇.而在这场挑战中,只要抓住机遇,抓住核心,必将成为转型大潮之中的王者.  相似文献   

The polymorphic transformation between synthetic pyroxmangite and rhodonite of MnSiO3 composition has been reversibly bracketed in the presence of water at 3 kbar (between 425 ° and 450 ° C), 6 kbar (between 475 ° and 525 ° C), 20 kbar (between 500 ° and 900 ° C), 25 kbar (between 800 ° and 900 ° C) and 30 kbar (between 900 ° and 1,000 ° C), using standard cold-seal pressure vessels and piston cylinder apparatus. Oxygen fugacities buffered by the bomb walls and piston-cylinder cell assemblies sufficed to keep manganese in the divalent state. Pyroxmangite of MnSiO3 composition is shown to be the high-pressure, low-temperature polymorph with respect to rhodonite of the same composition. It is a stable phase at atmospheric pressure below 350–405 ° C.X-ray data for synthetic pyroxmangite are presented. The unit-cell parameters (a0=6.717(2) Å, b0=7.603(1)Å, c0=17.448(5) Å, =113 °50(1), = 82 °21(2), =94 °43(1); space group P-1) give a unit-cell volume (807.5(0.3) Å3) which, in accordance with other recent least squares lattice refinements of hydrothermally synthesized material, is slightly smaller than that obtained by single-crystal work on anhydrously synthesized material.Application of the present results to natural rocks is severely restricted due to the great variety and extent of cationic substitutions observed in natural pyroxenoids. The univariant polymorphic transformation determined for the MnSiO3 composition is thus replaced in natural systems by a divariant field in which pyroxmangite and rhodonite of differing composition will stably coexist.  相似文献   

Hundreds of natural catastrophes occur worldwide every year—there were 780 loss events per year on average over the last 10 years. Since 1980, these disasters have claimed over two million lives and caused losses worth US$ 3,000 billion. The deadliest disasters were caused by earthquakes: the tsunami following the Sumatra quake (2004) and the Haiti earthquake (2010) claimed more than 220,000 lives each. The Great East Japan Earthquake of 11 March 2011 was the costliest natural disaster of all times, with total losses of US$ 210 billion. Hurricane Katrina, in 2005, was the second costliest disaster, with total losses of US$ 140 billion (in 2010 values). To ensure that high-quality natural disaster analyses can be performed, the data have to be collected, checked and managed with a high degree of expertise and professionality. Scientists, governmental and non-governmental organisations and the finance industry make use of global databases that contain losses attributable to natural catastrophes. At present, there are three global and multi-peril loss databases: NatCatSERVICE (Munich Re), Sigma (Swiss Re) and EM-Dat (Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters). They are supplemented by numerous databases focusing on national or regional issues, certain hazards and specific sectors. This paper outlines the criteria and definitions relating to how global and multi-peril databases are operated, and the efforts being made to ensure consistent and internationally recognised standards of data management. In addition, it presents the concept and methodology underlying the NatCatSERVICE database, and points out the many challenges associated with data acquisition and data management.  相似文献   


A core principle of geotechnical engineering practice is the need to exercise judgement in evaluating soil and site conditions and in performing analyses. The requirement for considering judgement applies equally to performing deterministic or probabilistic analyses. In addition, for probabilistic analyses, choices must be made among the possible methods of analysis and the method of characterising variables. Consequently, geotechnical reliability studies inevitably involve significant uncertainties, and judgement is needed to perform reliability analyses and to evaluate the results. Two case histories, briefly described here, show that judgement and experience are essential prerequisites for meaningful assessment of geotechnical reliability.  相似文献   

1、当前北京勘察设计市场的特点可以归纳为四点:一是已经形成了开放的、高水平竞争的市场,并逐步在和国际市场接轨;二是市场投资多元化和勘察设计单位组成多元化,具有新旧体制并存的转型期的特点;三是北京作为历史文化名城,加之首都的特殊地位,要求北京的设计产品应有高质量、高水平,在全国有示范作用,由此赋予我们的建筑师、设计师更大的历史责任;  相似文献   

Engineering geology, like geotechnical engineering, is a new scientific subject in Denmark. Experience in the period since 1924 is laid down in the Danish Code of Practice for Foundation Engineering, which states that the geological conditions establish the foundation class and must be determined as early as possible during the soil investigations by experienced geologists and engineers. The consequences are illustrated by some examples from geotechnical investigations performed at the Danish Geotechnical Institute:
• The economic foundation of a small wooden building on the brink of a postglacial lake and fiord basin at Vedbæk.
• The deep excavation for and foundation of a huge commercial center at Lyngby situated in the middle of a tunnel valley with more than 12 m late- and postglacial organic deposits, based on design and control in the high foundation class.
• The engineering geological modelling of the Quaternary development in the Danish North Sea. Applied geology plays an increasing part in geotechnical engineering as a prerequisite for economic and safe technical solutions. The future use of geological and geotechnical data bases will bring Quaternary geological knowledge into focus.  相似文献   

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