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准稳恒态宇宙学简介辛酉国际知名天文学家伯比奇(G.Barbidoe)、纳里卡(J.V.Na,lika,)及霍伊尔(F.Hoyle)在1993年6月20日出版的A8trO刀刀刃MJon,nd上发表了他们的准稳恒态宇宙学(twai-SteadyState...  相似文献   

1992~1993年出版的天文图书(续)①一千亿颗太阳——恒星的诞生、演化和死亡鲁道夫·基彭哈恩著朱圣源赵君亮泽大32开221页5.00元上海远东出版社1992年2月出版②太空梦罗运模谢志敏编著小32开183页2.30元21世纪出版社1992年2月出...  相似文献   

许多读者盼望已久的8.5等星星图--《世纪天图》终于出版了。北京天文馆编印的这套星图原名为SKYATLAS(天图),系现代著名星图专家荷兰的W.Tirion的成名之作,他在吸收了《捷克星图》的诸多优  相似文献   

新书介绍《90年代天体物理学》李启斌,李宗伟,汲培文编高等教育出版社1996年出版70余万字800多页精装不定价51.5元90年代是跨入21世纪的关键10年,90年代是天文学和天体物理学的黄金时代,是天文发现的时代;有人称这10年为天文学史上20世纪...  相似文献   

新书介绍《飞向太空》吴守贤编著陕西人民出版社1994年1月出版10万字32开本插图和照片约60幅本书的作者,是我国知名的天文学家、国家级有突出贡献的专家。他曾出版多种天文学专著,《飞向太空──探索天体的奥秘》是他的一本科普新作,是奉献给广大中学生及天...  相似文献   

1781年3月,查尔斯·梅西叶和皮埃尔·梅尚出版了梅西叶星表。星表共有103个天体,其中约四分之三由梅西叶发现,约四分之一由梅尚发现。当时可能为了赶出版时间,梅尚最新发现的天体中,M102和M103还没有来得及核对坐标就被编进了星表中,而另外还有四个天体却遗憾地错过了。进入20世纪,人们在重新翻阅梅尚的观测手稿及梅西叶星表副本时发现了梅尚对这四个天体的注释,之后才将它们加入到梅西叶星表中,其中就包括M106。  相似文献   

中国天文学会图书信息出版工作第四次学术研讨会于1999年10月19~21日在安徽黟县召开。来自中国科学院的北京天文台、紫金山天文台、云南天文台、陕西天文台、上海天文台和南京大学天文系、北京天文馆的22名代表参加了会议。会议上共宣读了16篇论文。 会议的中心议题是在天文学知识创新工程业已启动的条件下图书信息出版工作的定位问题。代表们一致肯定了图书信息出版工作在知识创新工程中的重要作用,指出图书、信息、出版历来是科学技术发展的基础建设,也是科学技术知识传播的重要窗口。在当前知识创新工程中,科研更离不…  相似文献   

本星系群究竟有多少个星系?对此问题,中国大百科全书·天文学卷(1980年12月出版)是这样回答的:“本星系群(Localgroupofgalaxies)以银河系为中心,半径约为百万秒差距(300多万光年)的空间内的星系之总称.也有人把本星系群的中心定...  相似文献   

新书介绍《万古奇观—彗木大碰撞及其留给人类的思考》卞德培编著科学普及出版社1995年1月出版大32开正文108更形色拍页4页定价6.60元1994年7月中下旬发生的管星、木星大碰撞,留给我们终生难以忘怀的印象。在密切注视这类宇宙“交通事故”的同时,许...  相似文献   

主办单位:中国天文学会普及工作委员会、北京天文馆、北京师范大学天文系、《天文爱好者》杂志社 注意事项: 1.本试卷于2003年3月5日在北京天文馆网站(www.bjp.org.cn)和水木清华BBS天文版公布,并发表在3月20日出版的第2期《天文爱好者》杂志。欢迎网  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2000,44(7-9):539-541
We present the first results of a search for the presence of rapid optical variability in a sample of five Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxies. We find clear evidence of rapid variability for IRAS 13224-3809 with variations occurring on time scales of an hour. However, the results are less conclusive for the other four sources in our sample, Markarian 766, PG 1244+026, PG 1404+226 and Arakelian 564. While there are several instances among these latter objects where there is a hint that variability may be present, IRAS 13224-3809 provides the only conclusive evidence of rapid optical variability detected to date.  相似文献   

CHAMP加速仪资料的快速校标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对星载加速仪进行校标是有效利用星载加速仪测量数据的基础,目前校标方法都是建立在星载GPS资料处理的基础上,对处理软件和计算设备的要求都非常高.为了满足高层大气阻力研究的需要,提出了一种快速高效的校标方法,即利用GFZ公布的CHAMP卫星快速轨道作为观测资料,采用有尺度因子和线性偏差的加速仪测量值代替非引力模型摄动加速度...  相似文献   

The search of roAp stars at Mt. Dushak-Erekdag Observatory was started in 1992 using the 0.8 m Odessa telescope equipped with a two-star high-speed photometer. We have observed more than a dozen stars so far and discovered HD 99563 as roAp star while BD+8087 is suspected to have rapid oscillations. Negative results of our observations for the search of rapid oscillations in four stars in NGC 752 are also discussed.  相似文献   

A simple image forming system using a multielement interferometer for obtaining rapid pictures of solar radio bursts is described. A dispersive transmission line is used to feed the elements in series through directional couplers. Truly instantaneous pictures of solar activity can be obtained by placing a number of narrow frequency filters at the end of the I. F. amplifier in the main receiver, located at one end of the array.The two dimensional extension of this principle is examined in some detail. Multibeaming in the two arrays of a crossed grating interferometer can be combined with fast phase-scanning in one of the arrays to produce rapid pencil beam pictures. If log-periodic antennas are used, observations can even be made at widely different frequencies simultaneously. For illustration, some important parameters for simultaneous observations at 60, 90 and 120 MHz are estimated for an interferometer assumed to be located at a latitude of 30° N. The main advantage of the proposed system is that high-resolution rapid pictures of radio bursts can be obtained simultaneously at a number of frequencies with modest effort.  相似文献   

Time-changes in the terminus positions of Patagonian grounded calving glaciers are studied. The framework for the study is a model of terminus retreat based on observations of Columbia Glacier, Alaska. The interpretation favored in this work is that rapid retreat is caused by the terminus thinning to near flotation and weakening of the ice by bottom crevasses. Both thinning and bottom crevasse formation are caused by the increase in near-terminus stretching during rapid retreat. The model is consistent with the behavior of calving Patagonian glaciers regardless of the salinity of the water body calved into. Continuity calculations on Glaciar San Rafael, Chile indicate internal voids, possibly in the form of bottom crevasses, as on Columbia Glacier.  相似文献   

A model of rapid burster MXB 1730-335, the source of type II X-ray burst is proposed, based on the Rayleigh-Taylor instability due to interaction of relativistic electrons produced by the rapid rotation of a highly magnetized neutron star, and the infalling accreted matter through the magnetic funnel at the poles. Conclusions are made that type II X-ray burster may be a constant source of cosmic rays and such a mechanism may be the progenitor of some forms of nebulae.Permanent address: Imphal College, Imphal, Manipur.  相似文献   

A technique for timescale analysis of spectral lags performed directly in the time domain is developed. Simulation studies are made to compare the time domain technique with the Fourier frequency analysis for spectral time lags. The time domain technique is applied to studying rapid variabilities of X-ray binaries and γ-ray bursts. The results indicate that in comparison with the Fourier analysis the timescale analysis technique is more powerful for the study of spectral lags in rapid variabilities on short time scales and short duration flaring phenomena.  相似文献   

We report results of the observations at the Vainu Bappu Observatory and the Uttar Pradesh State Observatory of eight radio-quiet quasi-stellar objects (RQQSOs) during 1996–99. This is a part of our ongoing programme to search for intranight optical variability in RQQSOs. Additional evidence for very rapid variability in three of the five optically bright and very luminous RQQSOs we had observed earlier, 1049−006, 1444+408 and 1630+377, was found. Of the three newly observed RQQSOs, the data for 0043+039 are too noisy to allow conclusions about variability to be drawn, but 0748+294 and 0824+098 show strong hints of microvariability. We also present a summary of the results from our entire programme to date, which includes observations of 16 radio-quiet QSOs and one radio-weak QSO, and compare the general properties of rapid variability in radio-quiet versus radio-loud AGN as determined from our work and that of several other groups. Observations of this kind are likely to play a key role in understanding the relative contributions of accretion discs and relativistic plasma jets to rapid optical fluctuations of AGN.  相似文献   

Cosmic spherules are unique igneous objects that form by melting due to gas drag heating during atmospheric entry heating. Vesicles are an important component of many cosmic spherules since they suggest their precursors had finite volatile contents. Vesicle abundances in spherules decrease through the series porphyritic, glassy, barred, to cryptocrystalline spherules. Anomalous hollow spherules, with large off‐center vesicles occur in both porphyritic and glassy spheres. Numerical simulation of the dynamic behavior of vesicles during atmospheric flight is presented that indicates vesicles rapidly migrate due to deceleration and separate from nonporphyritic particles. Modest rotation rates of tens of radians s?1 are, however, sufficient to impede loss of vesicles and may explain the presence of small solitary vesicles in barred, cryptocrystalline and glassy spherules. Rapid rotation at spin rates of several thousand radians s?1 are required to concentrate vesicles at the rotational axis and leads to rapid growth by coalescence and either separation or retention depending on the orientation of the rotational axis. Complex rapid rotations that concentrate vesicles in the core of particles are proposed as a mechanism for the formation of hollow spherules. High vesicle contents in porphyritic spherules suggest volatile‐rich precursors; however, calculation of volatile retention indicates these have lost >99.9% of volatiles to degassing prior to melting. The formation of hollow spherules, by rapid spin, necessarily implies preatmospheric rotations of several thousand radians s?1. These particles are suggested to represent immature dust, recently released from parent bodies, in which rotations have not been slowed by magnetic damping.  相似文献   

We suggest a way of self-consistently solving the problem of the excitation and rapid damping of coronal loop oscillations observed from the TRACE (Transition Region and Coronal Explorer) satellite. Oscillations are excited on the dispersion branch of fast magnetoacoustic waves, which propagate mainly across the magnetic field. The rapid damping of the observed oscillations is governed by the dispersion spreading of the pulse of these waves that was produced, for example, by a solar flare. The fundamental oscillation period is close to the period of the fundamental mode. Dissipative processes attributable to the nonideality of the plasma and the coronal-loop footpoints play no fundamental role.  相似文献   

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