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Wind mediated dispersal of bryophytes is well documented, however, aerial transport of macroinvertebrates attached to moss has not been observed yet. Here, we provide the first evidence of wind mediated transport of aquatic insects (chironomid larvae) inside moss tufts. We also discuss the importance of this dispersal mechanism for colonization of new habitats in regions with high amount of mosses and strong wind activity, such as arctic and alpine regions.  相似文献   

We present methods developed for the small-sizedDaphnia species,D. galeata, D. hyalina, D. cucullata, and their hybrids, which facilitate the use of DNA variation in population studies. Described are large-scale production of material from single genotypes ofDaphnia and subsequent extraction of total DNA. The average DNA yields ranged between 6 µg per gram wet weight (D. cucullata) and 12 µg per gram wet weight (D. galeata). For comparison, the large-sized speciesD. pulex was tested and yielded an average of 28 µg DNA per gram wet weight. The DNA isolated in this manner lends itself well to molecular genetic techniques suited for population studies.Reprint requests to B. Streit.  相似文献   

为了检验已记录的3种裸腹溞(发头裸腹溞(Moina irrasa)、短型裸腹溞(Moina brachiata)、微型裸腹溞(Moina micrura))的系统分类,用试剂盒法分别提取3种裸腹溞的基因组DNA.利用特异性引物,通过PCR扩增了3种裸腹溞的16S r DNA部分序列,并与来自Gen Bank中每个种类相似度较高的裸腹溞属序列进行分析.结果表明,3种裸腹溞的平均种间相似度为88.7%,碱基中A+T含量均明显高于G+C含量.本研究的发头裸腹溞的16S r DNA序列与Gen Bank所下载的多刺裸腹溞(Moina macrocopa)的16S r DNA序列相似度为99%,遗传距离(K2P双参考模型)为0.5%,属种内范围;两个地区的短型裸腹溞测得的16S r DNA序列与Gen Bank下载的欧洲短型裸腹溞的16S r DNA序列序列相似度相对较低(88%~90%),遗传距离较大(13.2%~13.5%左右),已达到属内种间分化水平.基于16S r DNA构建的NJ树和贝叶斯树也支持以上结论.结果表明,本研究的发头裸腹溞可能为多刺裸腹溞,本研究用的短型裸腹溞与Gen Bank下载的欧洲短型裸腹溞已经达到种间分化的标准.由于缺乏物种形态资料和其他分子标记的对比,3种裸腹溞的分类地位还需进行更深入的探讨.  相似文献   

We compared three methods for calculating the standing stock biomass ofDaphnia hyalina galeata population in Lago Maggiore during a single year. We applied body length/carbon regression equations (LCR) obtained under controlled laboratory conditions and directly from field data on carbon and body length to field data on length-specific abundance. Laboratory-derived equations satisfactorily described our field estimates of length-specific carbon content in spring. As the length-standardized carbon content decreased exponentially along the season, we included time of the year as an auxiliary variable, and tested whether it affected slope, intercept or both. The decrease had no effect on slope but reduced the intercept of the LCR. We also calculated biomass, using a single mean value from the literature. By comparing the results with those obtained by simple conversion of individuals number into carbon we might discriminate between the effect of changes in the size frequency distribution of the population and the decrease with time of the length-standardized carbon content. Although we tested the different models for non-ovigerous females, the results did not change when we included also data on females with eggs in the first three developmental stages, whereas they changed substantially when we included females with embryos. We formulate two hypotheses to explain this result and discuss possible implications for the calculation of the standing stock biomass ofDaphnia population.  相似文献   

Floristic surveys, vegetation mapping, and detailed transect analyses rendered a macrophyte flora of 14 native and five alien taxa of flowering plants in the River Erft, a contributory of the River Rhine in Northrhine-Westphalia. Water temperatures of this river do not fall below 10 °C all the year round, for reasons of geothermically heated water discharged from nearby opencast mining areas. Macrophyte stand structures, composed of the neophytes Azolla filiculoides and Lemna minuta (floating) and Myriophyllum aquaticum, Egeria densa, and Vallisneria spiralis (rooted in the muddy or sandy ground of the river) are described and the ecological requirements of these taxa are characterized. The alien species can be seen as elements that increase the α-diversity of the aquatic vegetation of the River Erft. They do not replace any of the native species, even if shifts in the competition dynamics occur. The colonization by neophytes of the abnormally warmed River Erft can be appreciated as paradigmatic for trends in the macrophyte vegetation of medium-sized rivers in Central Europe when climate-related or discharge-based heating of the waterbody occurs and propagules of alien plants imported by waterfowl or – more important – plants from aquarium waste will find suitable places of existence and spread.  相似文献   

近年来关于浮游动物与微囊藻相互作用的研究逐渐被关注.其中有的研究认为浮游动物能够诱导产毒细胞毒素含量的变化.微囊藻毒素是由微囊藻毒素合成基因编码翻译的,目前关于浮游动物对微囊藻毒素合成基因相对表达的影响并无报道,本文首次通过实时定量逆转录PCR方法研究铜绿微囊藻PCC7806产毒相关基因mcyB和mcyD在大型蚤胁迫下...  相似文献   

Phytoplankton and zooplankton were monitored during 2 years in four eutrophic shallow lakes (two turbid and two clear water) from two wetland reserves in Belgium. In each wetland, phytoplankton biomass was significantly higher in the turbid lake than in the clear water lake. Although total macrozooplankton biomass and the contribution of daphnids to total zooplankton biomass was comparable in the clear water and the turbid lakes, the grazing pressure of macrozooplankton on phytoplankton as estimated from zooplankton to phytoplankton biomass ratios was higher in the clear water lakes. Estimated grazing by daphnids in the clear water lakes was always high in spring. In summer, however, daphnid biomass was low or daphnids were even absent during prolonged periods. During those periods phytoplankton was probably controlled by smaller macrozooplankton or by submerged macrophytes through nutrient competition, allelopathic effects or increased sedimentation rates in the macrophyte vegetation.  相似文献   

黄晓龙  李松阳  李宽意 《湖泊科学》2022,34(6):2083-2094
植物根系在地球生物圈物质循环中起到关键性作用.陆生植物中目前基于根系具有对称性和自相似性假设建立的L系统已经做了较好研究,但在水生植物中相关的研究较少,更缺乏根系动态生长模型的构建.本文拟通过发展L系统来模拟水生植物从初生结构到次生结构,从简单根系到复合根系的动态生长过程.根系动态生长模型主要包含根系伸长规则和根系分支规则,并包含由主根与侧根的夹角θ和径向角γ确定初始根系生长方向.特别地,系统建立了2种代表性水生植物——世界上入侵严重的水生植物凤眼莲(Eichhornia crassipes)和被研究较多的水生植物穗状狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum)根系动态生长模型.结果表明凤眼莲成熟根系总长度可达到2042.78 m,可能有利于其占据较多的空间和资源,使得凤眼莲在与本地植物的竞争中占有优势.穗状狐尾藻的总根系长度为73.08 m,由于穗状狐尾藻表现出最为典型的叉状分支构型,表明其对沉水生长环境有较好的适应性.  相似文献   

本文研究了典型的鄱阳湖阻隔湖泊——军山湖沉积物(0~36 cm)中溞属枝角类卵鞍密度的长期变化.1~#和2~#采样点36 cm沉积层对应的年代分别为1839和1857年.1958年前,军山湖沉积物的沉积速率呈现较高的水平,而1959年建坝后的沉积速率明显减小.1958年前,军山湖沉积物中总氮和总磷含量相对稳定,但建坝后总氮含量呈现明显增加的趋势.在军山湖沉积物中,鉴定出中华拟同形溞(Daphnia similoides sinensis)、盔形溞(D.galeata)和蚤状溞(D.pulex)的卵鞍.1~#和2~#沉积柱中3种溞属种类总卵鞍和含休眠卵卵鞍的累积速率和密度呈现较一致的变化.1958年前,3种溞属种类总卵鞍和含休眠卵卵鞍的累积速率和密度均处于较低水平(1~#沉积柱:0~1.51×10~3ind./(m~2·a)和0~0.63 ind./(g·dw);2~#沉积柱:0~0.70×10~3ind./(m~2·a)和0~0.22 ind./(g·dw));1959年建坝后,10~1 cm的沉积层中3种溞属种类总卵鞍和含休眠卵卵鞍的累积速率和密度呈现逐步增加的趋势,尤其是在3~1 cm(2009-2015年)的沉积层.Pearson相关性显示,军山湖1~#沉积柱中的总氮含量与3种溞属种类的总卵鞍和含休眠卵卵鞍的累积速率之间均存在极显著相关性.2~#沉积柱中的总氮和总磷含量均与3种溞属种类总卵鞍的累积速率之间存在显著相关性.2~#沉积柱的总氮和总磷含量还与中华拟同形溞的含休眠卵卵鞍的累积速率之间均存在显著相关性.结果表明,沉积物中营养盐含量和溞属种类卵鞍(或休眠卵)的长期变化能够反映湖泊富营养化和溞属种群的历史演变过程.  相似文献   

为验证利用不同物候期水生植物配置提高碳氮比失衡湿地脱氮能力的可行性,设计了向水芹菜(Oenanthe javanica)浮床人工湿地系统中添加轮叶黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata)的实验,研究了在秋、冬季低温条件下,暖季型植物分解释碳对系统氮去除效果的影响.结果表明,添加轮叶黑藻显著提高了系统水体碳氮比,促进反硝化作用,提高总氮和硝态氮的去除率.在4个周期中,与对照组相比,物候期组合型浮床人工湿地系统的总氮去除率分别提升23.03%、10.90%、18.55%和22.93%,硝态氮去除率分别提升38.28%、20.74%、17.87%和17.06%.由此可见,利用暖季型和冷季型植物配置提高碳氮比失衡湿地氮去除率是可行的.  相似文献   

环太湖地区经济发达,人口密集,近年来面临严重的富营养化、生境退化和外来水生物种入侵等环境问题.为明确环太湖地区河道和湖泊沿岸带水生植物多样性现状,于2018年开展本地和外来水生植物多样性调查.结果表明:(1)在环太湖地区共计进行65个群落样方调查分析,记录到38种水生植物,分属22科29属;(2)环太湖地区31个河道样方中入侵沉水植物水盾草重要值最高,其次为另一种入侵漂浮植物凤眼蓝,在34个湖泊沿岸带样方中凤眼蓝重要值最高;(3)环太湖地区河道和湖泊沿岸带样方生物多样性分别随着水盾草和凤眼蓝盖度的增加而降低,表明外来入侵植物影响水生植物生物多样性.环太湖地区湖泊需加强防范凤眼蓝漂浮生长分布范围扩大和水盾草沿河道入侵太湖湖区.这一地区同时面对水生植物覆盖面积减少和外来植物入侵问题,建议进行全太湖流域水生植物分布区域和生物多样性摸底普查,加强对外来入侵植物传播的监控,建立水生植物自然保护区.  相似文献   

放养河蚌,提高水体透明度以促进沉水植物生长,是湖泊生态修复中的常用手段之一.而小型杂食性鱼类鳑鲏依赖河蚌繁殖,河蚌放养可能会促进鳑鲏种群的发展;而鳑鲏与河蚌交互作用对水生态系统的影响仍研究较少.于2018年11-12月通过原位受控实验,设置对照组、河蚌组、鳑鲏组和河蚌+鳑鲏组,研究了鳑鲏(大鳍鱊Acheilognath...  相似文献   

Areliable sediment transport capacity function provides response against challenges of soil erosion prediction on the Loess Plateau of China. The popular sediment transport capacity functions are questionable on loess slopes because the experimental conditions from which they were derived, like bed materials, gentle slopes,and surface roughness, are different from soil erosion processes on the loess slopes. Due to the foregoing uncertainty, a suitable sediment transport capacity function was dev...  相似文献   

秀丽白虾(Exopalaemon modestus)是我国大型淡水湖库的重要经济渔获对象,也是水体中浮游动物的捕食者之一.以往的研究从渔业的角度揭示了秀丽白虾的生物学特征与食性,但少有研究探讨秀丽白虾这一无脊椎动物捕食者对春、夏季浮游生物群落的影响.本研究设计了一个单因素户外微宇宙实验,比较了春季—初夏(4-6月)时期,有无秀丽白虾条件下水体氮、磷浓度以及浮游生物生物量和群落结构的变化.结果 表明:1)秀丽白虾的存在显著降低了春季水体总氮(TN)浓度,增加了水体总磷(TP)浓度,降低了水体TN∶TP比值;2)秀丽白虾的捕食减少了大型枝角类Daphnia pulex和浮游动物总生物量,D.pulex在浮游动物群落中的优势度被轮虫取代,浮游动物群落趋于小型化;3)秀丽白虾显著增加了春季水体叶绿素a浓度,但对浮游植物群落结构的影响不明显.研究表明在大型湖库中,秀丽白虾等无脊椎动物捕食者可能是影响浮游生物群落变化的因素之一,在春季浮游生物研究中应予以关注.  相似文献   

淡水贝类观察——生物阐释水污染和毒理的创新手段   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
淡水渔业是国民经济重要产业,在产量和产值均取得巨大成就的同时,也面临着严峻的水域生态环境污染形势.与此相适应,自2003年系统性提出以背角无齿蚌(Anodonta woodiana)为专用指示生物的创新性“淡水贝类观察”研究体系(Freshwater Mussel Watch)以来,已经成功地应用于国内外的江河、湖泊和池塘等渔业生态环境无机(特别是重金属)和有机污染物胁迫的监测、评价和预警,以及毒理学、污染物积累动力学和水质净化等方面研究.本文梳理了“淡水贝类观察”在被动监测、主动监测及渔业环境研究用模式动物开发等方面的研究进展,以期为渔业以及水域生态环境污染的有效监测、评价、保护以及阐释污染毒性机制提供有益参考.  相似文献   

An outdoor experiment testing the effect of water flea (Daphnia longispina) and zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) on physical and chemical water parameters and chlorophyll concentration changes was carried out in 12 containers filled with 150 l of unfiltered water from a lowland reservoir. During the 11 weeks of the experiment, the following physical, chemical and biological measurements were recorded: temperature (°C), oxygen concentration (mg dm−3), pH, conductivity (S cm−1), concentration of phosphate phosphorus (PO4-P) and ammonia nitrogen (NH4-N) (g dm−3), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) (g dm−3), phytoplankton community structure and chlorophyll a concentration (g dm−3). The amount of ammonia ions was the highest in the treatment with zooplankton, while phosphate ions reached the highest values in treatments with zebra mussels. The results confirmed the ability of Daphnia to increase the NH4:PO4 ratio, whereas excretion from zebra mussels resulted in a decrease in both the N:P ratio (ranging from 9 to 13) and the NH4:PO4 ratio in water. In both treatments containing zebra mussels, P-rich water enabled sudden growth of Chlorophyta, resulting in blooms of Hydrodictyon reticulatum after 3–4 weeks of the experiment. Such phenomena were not observed in the control and Daphnia treatments. Our results indicate that zebra mussels, in contrast to Daphnia, may increase the symptoms of water eutrophication and contribute to blooms of expansive phytoplankton species.  相似文献   

The abundance of different size classes of perch and roach in the littoral zone of Lake Geneva was compared between submerged aquatic vegetation and unvegetated zones. Samples were taken with gillnets during four periods between June and October 1993. During the vegetation period (June to September), perch 9 cm and roach 10 cm were more abundant in vegetation whereas roach > 20 cm were more abundant in open water. Perch larger than 18 cm and medium roach were equally distributed in both habitats whatever the period, whereas medium perch distribution fluctuated according to the period. In October, after the decline of the vegetation, no more differences in fish distribution were observed except for small roach, which were always more abundant in the vegetated sites.  相似文献   

Internal pressure gradient estimation is problematic in σ-coordinate ocean models and models based on more generalised topography following coordinate systems. Artificial pressure gradients in these models may create artificial flow. In recent literature, several methods for reducing the errors in the estimated internal pressure gradients are suggested. A basin with a bell-shaped seamount in the middle has often been applied as a test case. To supplement the findings from these more idealised experiments, the internal pressure gradient errors in a σ-coordinate ocean model for the Nordic Seas are discussed in the present paper. Three methods for estimating internal pressure gradients are applied in these experiments. The sensitivity of the results to the subtraction of background stratification and to the horizontal viscosity are also investigated. For the extended Nordic Seas case, basin scale modes dominate after a few days of simulation. The errors in the transports across some sections may be larger than 1 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3 s − 1) in these studies with 16-km grid resolution. The order of magnitude of the errors in the transports of Atlantic water into the Nordic Seas is approximately 0.5 Sv or between 5 and 10 % of recent transport estimates based on measurements. The results do not indicate that the errors are generally reduced if the background stratification is subtracted when estimating internal pressure gradients in terrain following models. However, the results from the experiments initialised with the background stratification show that the erroneous flows may be reduced considerably by using more recent techniques for estimating internal pressure gradients, especially for higher values of horizontal viscosity.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate factors controlling transpiration of six common eastern deciduous species in North America, a model describing responses of canopy stomatal conductance (GS) to net radiation (RN), vapor pressure deficit (D) and relative extractable soil water (REW) was parameterized from sap flux data. Sap flux was measured in 24 mature trees consisting of the species Carya tomentosa, Quercus alba, Q. rubra, Fraxinus americana, Liriodendron tulipifera, and Liquidambar styraciflua in a bottomland oak-hickory forest in the Duke Forest, NC. Species differences in model coefficients were found during the 1997 growing season. All species showed a reduction in GS with increasing D. RN influenced GS in the overstory shade intolerant L. styraciflua to a larger extent than the other species measured. In addition, despite a severe drought during the study period, only L. tulipifera showed a decline in GS with decreasing REW. The primary effect of the drought for the other species appeared to be early autumn leaf senescence and abscission. As a result, despite the drought in this bottomland forest accustomed to ample water supply, maximum daily transpiration (1.6 mm) and growing season transpiration (264 mm) were similar to a nearby upland forest measured during a year of above average precipitation. These results may aid in assessing differences in water use and the ability of bottomland deciduous species to tolerate alterations in the frequency or amount of precipitation. Results also suggest little variation in water use among forests of similar composition and structure growing in different positions in the landscape and subjected to large interannual variation in water supply.  相似文献   

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