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We report on observations of several transit events of the transiting planet TrES‐2 obtained with the Cassegrain‐Teleskop‐Kamera at the University Observatory Jena. Between March 2007 and November 2008 ten different transits and almost a complete orbital period were observed. Overall, in 40 nights of observation 4291 exposures (in total 71.52 h of observation) of the TrES‐2 parent star were taken. With the transit timings for TrES‐2 from the 34 events published by the TrES‐network, the Transit Light Curve project and the Exoplanet Transit Database plus our own ten transits, we find that the orbital period is P = (2.470614 ± 0.000001) d, a slight change by ∼0.6 s compared to the previously published period. We present new ephemeris for this transiting planet. Furthermore, we found a second dip after the transit which could either be due to a blended variable star or occultation of a second star or even an additional object in the system. Our observations will be useful for future investigations of timing variations caused by additional perturbing planets and/or stellar spots and/or moons (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present four new light curves of the transiting exoplanets WASP‐1b and HAT‐P‐20b, observed within the TASTE (The Asiago Search for Transit timing variations of Exoplanets) project. We re‐analyzed light curves from the literature in a homogeneous way, calculating a refined ephemeris and orbital‐physical parameters for both objects. WASP‐1b does not show any significant Transit Timing Variation signal at the 120 s level. As for HAT‐P‐20b, we detected a deviation from our re‐estimated linear ephemeris that could be ascribed to the presence of a perturber or, more probably, to a previously unnoticed high level of stellar activity. The rotational period of HAT‐P‐20 A that we obtained from archival data (Prot ≃ 14.5 d), combined with its optical variability and strong emission of Ca ii H & K lines, is consistent with a young stellar age (<1 Gyr) and support the hypothesis that stellar activity may be responsible of the measured deviations of the transit times. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present high-precision K -band photometry of the transit and secondary eclipse of extrasolar planet OGLE-TR-113, using the SOFI near-infrared instrument on European Southern Observatory's New Technology Telescope. Data were taken in 5-s exposures over two periods of 3–4 h, using random jitter position offsets. In this way, a relative photometric precision of ∼1 per cent per frame was achieved, avoiding systematic effects that seem to become dominant at precisions exceeding this level, and resulting in an overall accuracy of 0.1 per cent per ∼10 min. The observations of the transit show a flat-bottomed light-curve indicative of a significantly lower stellar limb darkening at near-infrared than at optical wavelengths. The observations of the secondary eclipse result in a 3σ detection of emission from the exoplanet at 0.17 ± 0.05 per cent. However, residual systematic errors make this detection rather tentative.  相似文献   

The spectroscopic analysis of systems with transiting planets gives strong constraints on planetary masses and radii as well as the chemical composition of the systems. The properties of the system OGLE‐TR‐10 are not well‐constrained, partly due to the discrepancy of previous measurements of the effective temperature of the host star. This work, which is fully independent from previous works in terms of data reduction and analysis, uses the Hα profile in order to get an additional constraint on the effective temperature. We take previously published UVES observations which have the highest available signal‐to‐noise ratio for OGLE‐TR‐10. A proper normalization to the relative continuum is done using intermediate data products of the reduction pipeline of the UVES spectrograph. The effective temperature then is determined by fitting synthetic Hα profiles to the observed spectrum. With a result of Teff = 6020 ± 140 K, the Hα profile clearly favours one of the previous measurements. The Hα line is further consistent with dwarf‐like surface gravities as well as solar and super‐solar metallicities previously derived for OGLE‐TR‐10.The Hα line could not be used to its full potential, partly because of the varying shape of the UVES échelle orders after flat field correction. We suggest to improve this feature when constructing future spectrographs. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

RoboNet‐II uses a global network of robotic telescopes to perform follow‐up observations of microlensing events in the Galactic Bulge. The current network consists of three 2 m telescopes located in Hawaii and Australia (owned by Las Cumbres Observatory) and the Canary Islands (owned by Liverpool John Moores University). In future years the network will be expanded by deploying clusters of 1 m telescopes in other suitable locations. A principal scientific aim of the RoboNet‐II project is the detection of cool extra‐solar planets by the method of gravitational microlensing. These detections will provide crucial constraints to models of planetary formation and orbital migration. RoboNet‐II acts in coordination with the PLANET microlensing follow‐up network and uses an optimization algorithm (“web‐PLOP”) to select the targets and a distributed scheduling paradigm (eSTAR) to execute the observations. Continuous automated assessment of the observations and anomaly detection is provided by the ARTEMiS system (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

New CCD light curves of the recently detected eclipsing variable GSC 4589‐2999 were obtained and analysed using the Wilson‐Deninney code. Spectroscopic observations of the system allowed the spectral classification of the components and the determination of their radial velocities. The physical properties and absolute parameters of the components and an updated ephemeris of the system are given (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

About a dozen field RR Lyrae stars have been observed with the 24‐inch Heyde‐Zeiss telescope of the Konkoly Observatory at Svábhegy, Budapest, since its refurbishment in 2003. Most of the observing time is allocated for the investigation of the Blazhko modulation, a phenomenon that still does not have a satisfactory explanation. The obtained multicolour CCD observations are unique in extent. The accuracy of the measurements makes it possible to detect low amplitude modulation of the light curve as well. The discovery of Blazhko stars with low modulation amplitudes warns that the incidence rate of the Blazhko modulation is, in fact, much larger than it was previously expected. This makes the efforts exploring the cause of the modulation even more important. A summary of our measurements and results achieved during the last 3 years is presented. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Here, BV (RI)C broad band photometry and intermediate resolution spectroscopy in Hα region are presented for two rapidly rotating late‐type stars: EY Dra and V374 Peg. For a third rapid rotator, GSC 02038‐00293, intermediate resolution Hα spectroscopy and low resolution spectroscopy are used for spectral classification and stellar parameter investigation of this poorly known object. The low resolution spectrum of GSC 02038‐00293 clearly indicates that it is a K‐type star. Its intermediate resolution spectrum can be best fitted with a model with Teff = 4750 K and v sin i = 90 km s–1, indicating a very rapidly rotating mid‐K star. The Hα line strength is variable, indicating changing chromospheric emission on GSC 02038‐00293. In the case of EY Dra and V374 Peg, the stellar activity in the photosphere is investigated from the photometric observations, and in the chromosphere from the Hα line. The enhanced chromospheric emission in EY Dra correlates well with the location of the photospheric active regions, indicating that these features are spatially collocated. Hints of this behaviour are also seen in V374 Peg, but it cannot be confirmed from the current data. The photospheric activity patterns in EY Dra are stable during one observing run lasting several nights, whereas in V374 Peg large night‐tonight variations are seen. Two large flares, one in the Hα observations and one from the broadband photometry, and twelve smaller ones were detected in V374 Peg during the observations spanning nine nights. The energy of the photometrically detected largest flare is estimated to be 4.25 × 1031– 4.3 × 1032 erg, depending on the waveband. Comparing the activity patterns in these two stars, which are just below and above the mass limit of full convection, is crucial for understanding dynamo operation in stars with different internal structures (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We report infrared photometry of the extrasolar planet HD 209458b during the time of secondary eclipse (planet passing behind the star). Observations were acquired during two secondary eclipses at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) in 2003 September. We used a circular variable filter (1.5 per cent bandpass) centred at 3.8 μm to isolate the predicted flux peak of the planet at this wavelength. Residual telluric absorption and instrument variations were removed by offsetting the telescope to nearby bright comparison stars at a high temporal cadence. Our results give a secondary eclipse depth of 0.0013 ± 0.0011, not yet sufficient precision to detect the eclipse, whose expected depth is  ∼0.002 –0.003  . We here elucidate the current observational limitations to this technique, and discuss the approach needed to achieve detections of hot Jupiter secondary eclipses at 3.8 μm from the ground.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of a 7.3 M J exoplanet WASP-14b, one of the most massive transiting exoplanets observed to date. The planet orbits the 10th-magnitude F5V star USNO-B1 11118−0262485 with a period of 2.243 752 d and orbital eccentricity   e = 0.09  . A simultaneous fit of the transit light curve and radial velocity measurements yields a planetary mass of 7.3 ± 0.5 M J and a radius of 1.28 ± 0.08 R J. This leads to a mean density of about 4.6 g cm−3 making it the densest transiting exoplanets yet found at an orbital period less than 3 d. We estimate this system to be at a distance of  160 ± 20  pc. Spectral analysis of the host star reveals a temperature of  6475 ± 100 K, log  g = 4.07  cm s−2 and   v sin  i = 4.9 ± 1.0  km s−1, and also a high lithium abundance,  log  N (Li) = 2.84 ± 0.05  . The stellar density, effective temperature and rotation rate suggest an age for the system of about 0.5–1.0 Gyr.  相似文献   

A unique short‐period (P = 0.65356(1) d) Mercury‐size Kepler exoplanet candidate KIC012557548b has been discovered recently by Rappaport et al. (2012). This object is a transiting disintegrating exoplanet with a circum‐planetary material–comet‐like tail. Close‐in exoplanets, like KIC012557548b, are subjected to the greatest planet‐star interactions. This interaction may have various forms. In certain cases it may cause formation of the comet‐like tail. Strong interaction with the host star, and/or presence of an additional planet may lead to variations in the orbital period of the planet. Our main aim is to search for comet‐like tails similar to KIC012557548b and for long‐term orbital period variations. We are curious about frequency of comet‐like tail formation among short‐period Kepler exoplanet candidates. We concentrate on a sample of 20 close‐in candidates with a period similar to KIC012557548b from the Kepler mission. We first improved the preliminary orbital periods and obtained the transit light curves. Subsequently we searched for the signatures of a circum‐planetary material in these light curves. For this purpose the final transit light curve of each planet was fitted with a theoretical light curve, and the residuals were examined for abnormalities. We then searched for possible long‐term changes of the orbital periods using the method of phase dispersion minimization. In 8 cases out of 20 we found some interesting peculiarities, but none of the exoplanet candidates showed signs of a comet‐like tail. It seems that the frequency of comet‐like tail formation among short‐period Kepler exoplanet candidates is very low. We searched for comet‐like tails based on the period criterion. Based on our results we can conclude that the short‐period criterion is not enough to cause comet‐like tail formation. This result is in agreement with the theory of the thermal wind and planet evaporation (Perez‐Becker & Chiang 2013). We also found 3 cases of candidates which showed some changes of the orbital period. Based on our results we can see that orbital period changes are not caused by comet‐like tail disintegration processes, but rather by possible massive outer companions. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In this work we present detailed photometric results of the trapezium like galactic nearby OB clusters NGC 1502 and NGC 2169 carried out at the University Observatory Jena. We determined absolute BVRI magnitudes of the mostly resolved components using Landolt standard stars. This multi colour photometry enables us to estimate spectral type and absorption as well as the masses of the components, which were not available for most of the cluster members in the literature so far, using models of stellar evolution. Furthermore, we investigated the optical spectrum of the components ADS 2984A and SZ Cam of the sextuple system in NGC 1502. Our spectra clearly confirm the multiplicity of these components, which is the first investigation of this kind at the University Observatory Jena (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the significantly expanded HARPS 2011 radial velocity data set for GJ 581 that was presented by Forveille et al. (2011). Our analysis reaches substantially different conclusions regarding the evidence for a Super‐Earth‐mass planet in the star's Habitable Zone. We were able to reproduce their reported χ2ν and RMS values only after removing some outliers from their models and refitting the trimmed down RV set. A suite of 4000 N‐body simulations of their Keplerian model all resulted in unstable systems and revealed that their reported 3.6σ detection of e = 0.32 for the eccentricity of GJ 581e is manifestly incompatible with the system's dynamical stability. Furthermore, their Keplerian model, when integrated only over the time baseline of the observations, significantly increases the χ2ν and demonstrates the need for including non‐Keplerian orbital precession when modeling this system. We find that a four‐planet model with all of the planets on circular or nearly circular orbits provides both an excellent self‐consistent fit to their RV data and also results in a very stable configuration. The periodogram of the residuals to a 4‐planet all‐circular‐orbit model reveals significant peaks that suggest one or more additional planets in this system. We conclude that the present 240‐point HARPS data set, when analyzed in its entirety, and modeled with fully self‐consistent stable orbits, by and of itself does offer significant support for a fifth signal in the data with a period near 32 days. This signal has a false alarm probability of <4% and is consistent with a planet of minimum mass 2.2 M, orbiting squarely in the star's habitable zone at 0.13 AU, where liquid water on planetary surfaces is a distinct possibility (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The paper presents new photoelectric observations of the eclipsing binary systems DU Boo and AG Vir. The systems are somewhat similar – both are A‐type contact binaries with the maximum following the primary minimum being the brighter one. This light curve asymmetry is extremely temporally stable. The phase dependence of the color indices is unexpectedly small for the observed amplitude of the O'Connell effect, amounting to about 0.1 mag in the optical wavelength range which indicates a very large heated area with a temperature contrast of ΔT ≈ 1000–1500 K. The broadening functions (BFs) of the systems do not show any dark solar‐type photospheric spots. On the other hand, there are significant differences of BFs between the quadratures (surprisingly similar in both systems) indicative of stream of matter or bright region causing additional emission seen between the components around the phase 0.25. Absolute parameters of the components slightly depend on the adopted model. Long orbital period of both contact binaries combined with late spectral type indicate that the primary components of either of the systems (but particularly in case of DU Boo) already evolved off the main sequence (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present the frequency analysis of the multicolour time series photometry of the field RRd variable BS Comae. The large number of data points in each of the BV (RI)C bands and the ∼0.01 magnitude accuracy of the individual measurements allow us a high precision analysis of the properties of the combination frequencies due to nonlinear coupling. Through the combination of the frequency spectra in different colors we show that except for the components corresponding to the linear combinations of the two pulsation modes, there are no other components present above the millimagnitude amplitude level. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We consider constraints on the planetesimal population residing in the discs of AU Microscopii (AU Mic), β Pictoris (β Pic) and Fomalhaut taking into account their observed thicknesses and normal disc opacities. We estimate that bodies of radius 5, 180 and 70 km are responsible for initiating the collisional cascade accounting for the dust production for AU Mic, β Pic and Fomalhaut's discs, respectively, at break radii from the star where their surface brightness profiles change slope. Larger bodies, of radius 1000 km and with surface density of the order of 0.01 g cm−2, are required to explain the thickness of these discs assuming that they are heated by gravitational stirring. A comparison between the densities of the two sizes suggests the size distribution in the largest bodies is flatter than that observed in the Kuiper belt. AU Mic's disc requires the shallowest size distribution for bodies with radius greater than 10 km suggesting that the disc contains planetary embryos experiencing a stage of runaway growth.  相似文献   

We present the long‐term multi‐colour photometry of MM Her which is one of the first members of the RS CVn‐type of eclipsing binary systems. We took advantage of its photometry‐spanning 33 years to evaluate its long‐term variation, which is caused by the evolution of the activity structures located on the surface of the cooler component. In this study we found that the long‐term variation in the brightness, colour, and amplitude of seasonal light curves over the years could be represented by two periods: one of which is of around 22.5 years, and is similar to all in this regard, but the other is a period value of about 9.5 years for the brightness variation, and of about 7.5 years for the variation in colour and amplitude. The analysis of the spot minimum phases gives a migration period of approximately 7.8 years. We also presented a new light curve analysis solution, and improved its light elements in this study. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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