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Plagioclase buoyancy experiments have been carried out in a high-temperature centrifuge furnace using seventeen basaltic liquids and plagioclase crystals of three compositions: An89, An76 and An55. The results show that the floating tendency of plagioclase in basaltic liquids is at least 0.03 g/cm3 greater than indicated by the calculations. If this correction factor is applied to calculations of plagioclase buoyancy in the Skaergaard Intrusion, it is found that the plagioclase crystals in the lower and middle zones were less dense than the coexisting liquids.Other phenomena relevant to crystal transport in basaltic liquids were observed in the centrifuge experiments. These included crystal flotation by rising bubbles, plagioclase sinking because of the formation of plagioclase-magnetite composite grains, graded bedding of olivine and magnetite, and more than 60% intercumulus basaltic liquid between settled olivine crystals.  相似文献   

The melting relations of a group of oceanic basalts—olivine basalts, tholeiitic to midly alkaline, and high-alumina tholeiites are determined. The liquidi of these rocks follow closely the course of the temperature—iron enrichment relationship of Kilauean thoeliitic basalts, ranging from 1430°C for an olivine enriched tholeiite, to a tholeiite of liquidus temperature of 1190°C, the liquidus phase of the assemblages being either olivine or plagioclase.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal alteration of oceanic basalts by seawater   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hydrothermally altered pillow basalts dredged from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and belonging to the greenschist facies, have been studied in order to determine the mineralogical and corresponding chemical changes, that result from basalt-seawater interaction at elevated temperatures.The mineralogical transformations are predominantly to albite-actinolite-chlorite-epidote assemblages. Quartz and pyrite are common accessory minerals. On the basis of their mineralogy, the samples may be divided into chlorite-rich and epidote-rich assemblages. The chlorite-rich assemblages, which are the predominant variety, show the greatest chemical changes, while the epidote-rich samples show very little change in composition compared with their basaltic precursors.Mass balances across individual pillows in which the central portions are relatively unaltered allow the directions and ranges of elemental fluxes to be calculated. In general, SiO2 and CaO are leached from the basalt, while MgO and H2O are taken up. No consistent trends are observed for Na2O and K2O although they do show some variations in the core-and-rim analyses.Consideration of the elemental fluxes in terms of steady-state geochemical mass balances for oceanic inputs and outputs indicates that hydrothermal alteration provides a sink for Mg, which may be extremely important in solving the problem of apparent excess Mg input to the oceans. The amount of Ca that is leached from the rock may be of significance in the geochemical budget of that element. The amount of SiO2 in the circulating fluid is controlled by the solubility of quartz or amorphous silica, depending on temperature, and considerable redistribution of silica takes place within the basaltic pile. The changes in redox conditions during hydrothermal alteration do not affect the present day oxidation state of the atmosphere and hydrosphere.  相似文献   

On the basis of the batch melting model^*,the author explains the linear relationships between the elements which are often recognized in oceanic basalts,has established mathematic models,discusses some relevant questions,and finally gives an example to show how to apply the method to research on basalts.  相似文献   

The geochemical discriminate diagrams help to distinguish the volcanics recovered from different tectonic settings but these diagrams tend to group the ocean floor basalts (OFB) under one class i.e., as mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORB). Hence, a method is specifically needed to identify the OFB as normal (N-MORB), enriched (E-MORB) and ocean island basalts (OIB).  相似文献   

Trace element mobility during hydrothermal alteration of oceanic basalts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Trace element analyses have been carried out on hydrothermally altered pillow basalts of greenschist facies dredged from the median valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Sr is leached from the rock, and its behavior is apparently controlled by the same reactions as Ca. Cu is also leached from the basalt, but often shows local precipitation in veins as sulfides. Fe, B, Li, Ba, Mn, Ni and Co show sufficient variations in concentration and location within the altered basalts to indicate that some mobilisation occurs, but there may be subsequent uptake or precipitation into the secondary mineral assemblages. V, Y, Zr and Cr do not appear to be affected by hydrothermal alteration.The production of a metal-enriched solution by hydrothermal alteration and subsequent precipitation of metal salts to form metalliferous sediments is indicated, as is precipitation of metal sulfides in the basaltic basement.  相似文献   

A model is proposed to explain the distribution of titanium and phosphorus in oceanic basalts. This model is based on, the existence of titanium and phosphorus as primary components of specific mineral phases, the use of volumetric considerations to predict the stabilities of these phases and the existence of water as OH? in the mantle. If this model is correct then the distribution of titanium and phosphorus and their ratio may be used to test models for the origin of oceanic basalts. The amount of titanium and/or phosphorus is dependent on (in order of importance) the percent water in the original melt, amount of fractionation of silicate phases, and the depth. The ratio is largely dependent only on depth of partial melting, provided titanium and phosphorus are not depleted in the mantle by partial melting. A χ 2 analysis of the frequency distributions of these elements and their ratio is performed in order to test several models for the origin of basalts. From this analysis it is concluded that partial melting is the primary process for the generation of basalts but the degree of partial melting is relatively small and that the alkalinity of basalts increases with depth of partial melting.  相似文献   

Julian A. Pearce   《Lithos》2008,100(1-4):14-48
Two geochemical proxies are particularly important for the identification and classification of oceanic basalts: the Th–Nb proxy for crustal input and hence for demonstrating an oceanic, non-subduction setting; and the Ti–Yb proxy for melting depth and hence for indicating mantle temperature and thickness of the conductive lithosphere. For the Th–Nb proxy, a Th/Yb–Nb/Yb projection demonstrates that almost all oceanic basalts lie within a diagonal MORB–OIB array with a principal axis of dispersion along the array. However, basalts erupted at continental margins and in subduction zones are commonly displaced above the MORB–OIB array and/or belong to suites with principal dispersion axes which are oblique to the array. Modelling of magma–crust interaction quantifies the sensitivity of the Th–Nb proxy to process and to magma and crustal compositions. For the Ti–Yb proxy, the equivalent Ti/Yb–Nb/Yb projection features a discriminant boundary between low Ti/Yb MORB and high Ti/Yb OIB that runs almost parallel to the Nb/Yb axis, reflecting the fact that OIB originate by melting beneath thicker lithosphere and hence by less melting and with residual garnet. In the case of volcanic-rifted margins and oceanic plume–ridge interactions (PRI), where hot mantle flows toward progressively thinner lithosphere (often becoming more depleted in the process), basalts follow diagonal trends from the OIB to the MORB field. Modelling of mantle melting quantifies the sensitivity of the Ti–Nb proxy to mantle potential temperature and lithospheric thickness and hence defines the petrogenetic basis by which magmas plot in the OIB or MORB fields. Oceanic plateau basalts lie mostly in the centre of the MORB part of that field, reflecting a high degree of melting of fertile mantle. Application of the proxies to some examples of MORB ophiolites helps them to be further classified as C (contaminated)-MORB, N (normal)-MORB, E (enriched)-MORB and P (plume)-MORB ophiolites, which may add a useful dimension to ophiolite classification. In the Archean, the hotter magmas, higher crustal geotherms and higher Th contents of contaminants all result in widespread crustal input that is easy to detect geochemically with the Th–Nb proxy. Application of this proxy to Archean greenstones demonstrates that almost all exhibit a crustal component even when reputedly oceanic. This indicates, either that some interpretations need to be re-examined or that intra-oceanic crustal input is important in the Archean making the proxy less effective in distinguishing oceanic from continental settings. The Ti–Yb proxy is not effective for fingerprinting Archean settings because higher mantle potential temperatures mean that lithospheric thickness is no longer the critical variable in determining the presence or absence of residual garnet.  相似文献   

藏东碧土地区古特提斯主洋盆中的亚速尔型洋岛玄武岩   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
吴根耀 《地质通报》2006,25(7):772-781
采自藏东碧土蛇绿混杂岩带的据水、学巴和登巴东3条剖面的火山岩样品,主体是碱性玄武岩。常量元素的判剐图解表明其构造背景是洋岛。微量元素含量显示出大洋板内玄武岩的特点。稀土元素配分型式表现为一组近于平行的右倾曲线,(Ce/Yb)。值约为6,稀土总量随岩浆分异程度的增高而增加。洋岛总体发育的时间为石炭纪(古特提斯洋盆的全盛期),属亚速尔型洋岛。其中,学巴剖面代表了洋岛形成的初期阶段,其下部有大洋拉斑玄武岩的夹层,稀土配分曲线和微量元素蛛网曲线均落入OIB与E—MORB之间;登巴东剖面则代表了洋岛火山岩发育的晚期阶段,顶部有酸性熔岩的夹层,火山岩之上连续沉积有灰岩和砂岩。对这3个亚速尔型洋岛的厘定,结合以前报道的夏威夷型洋岛(瓦浦火山岩),充分说明藏东的古特提斯主洋盆曾是一个开阔的多岛洋,与滇西南昌宁-孟连多岛洋的构造面貌相同。  相似文献   

Major-element, trace-element and isotopic compositions of approximately 1200 basalts (< 53 wt. % SiO2) from intra-oceanic island arcs have been compiled to assess the nature and possible sources of primitive island-arc basalts (IAB). The chemical characteristics of IAB are examined with reference to those of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) and intraplate oceanic basalts (IPB). Major-element compositions of primitive [Mg(Mg +Fe2+) > 65] IAB and MORB are similar, but differ significantly from IPB. In general, IAB do not have higher Al2O3, lower TiO2 or a lack of Fe enrichment compared to primitive MORB but many do have greater K2O contents. Differences in major- and minor-element contents between more evolved IAB and MORB result from the dominance of plagioclase + olivine crystal fractionation in MORB magmas vs. clinopyroxene + olivine controlled fractionation in IAB suites. This difference in crystallization history may be related to the higher PH2O or greater depth of crystallization of IAB magmas compared to those inferred for MORB.IAB are characteristically enriched in large-ion-lithophile (LIL) elements and depleted in high-field-strength ions (e.g., Zr, Nb and Hf) relative to normal MORB (N-type) and IPB. The enrichment of some LIL elements (e.g., Sr, Rb, Ba and Pb) relative to the rare-earth elements in IAB is difficult to explain by simple partial melting alone and suggests a multistage petrogenesis involving an LIL-enriched component. Low abundances of high-field-strength ions in evolved IAB are explicable in terms of fractional crystallization, but the cause for consistently low abundances in primitive IAB remains problematic.Island-arc lavas contain greater concentrations of volatiles and have higher CO2H2O and Cl/F ratios than either MORB or IPB, suggesting involvement of a slab-derived volatile component. However, this is not consistent with 3He4He data which indicate that only near-trench volcanics have been significantly affected by dehydration of the oceanic crust.Sr-, Nd-, Pb- and O-isotopic data, in conjunction with the trace-element data, clearly indicate that IAB are derived from heterogeneous, LIL-depleted mantle sources most similar to those which give rise to enriched MORB (E-type). The marked shift towards higher 87Sr86Sr in IAB compared to oceanic lavas with similar 143Nd144Nd values cannot be explained simply by the addition of radiogenic Sr from the slab. Variable degrees of contamination from a crustally-derived sedimentary component is consistent with the isotopic and trace-element data from a number of arcs. However, the lack of correlation between LIL/REE ratios and more radiogenic isotopic ratios suggests that this enrichment/contamination process is complex. A multi-stage petrogenetic model involving subducted oceanic crust (± sediments), dehydration/volatile transfer, and partial melting of metasomatized mantle beneath island arcs is considered the most reasonable, although least constrained, method to generate a variety of primitive IAB.  相似文献   

Statistically the (normalised) normative mineralogies of drilled and dredged oceanic basalts show significant systematic differences. Dredged basalts peak at di 47hy36ol17 and drilled basalts at di 53hy43ol4; the latter include more than twice as many (25 %) Q-normative rocks as the former (12%). Many Q-normative rocks derive from aseismic ridges and seamounts; the chemical characterisation of these often iron- and titanium-rich rocks should include this tendency. Other quartz tholeiites, however, come from spreading ridges and ocean basins, including ‘ancient’ crust. Differentiation patterns in moderately long drilled basalt cores show two main types of fractionation with respect to Fe/Mg and Ab/An. Enrichment in iron and albite normally occurs upwards (? within each flow), whilst sudden reversals of this trend may indicate new effusions of magma from its source. Repetitive step-like patterns thus result. The close juxtaposition in at least two oceans of ‘primitive’ (FeO*/MgO, ca. 1.1) and highly fractionated (FeO*/MgO, ca. 2.1) quartz tholeiites is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The alteration of the upper oceanic crust through sea water-basement rock interaction produces different and distinct alteration zones with increasing depth. The zonation generally shows a consistent worldwide pattern.The uppermost basement is influenced by oxidative sea water-basalt alteration at low temperatures and high water/rock ratios. With increasing crustal depth or even in a single pillow the temperatures rise, the water/rock ratios become lower, the redox and pH values normally decrease, and the oxidative zone is followed by a non-oxidative one. Below these zones the basement has suffered high-temperature alteration under reducing and acidic conditions.This results in chemical modifications of the rocks by the addition or leaching of certain elements, and has also consequences for the composition of sea water.From our own data and data presently available in the literature I summarize the mineralogical and geochemical characteristica of sea water alteration processes affecting the oceanic crust.
Zusammenfassung Die chemische Veränderung der oberen ozeanischen Kruste durch Gestein/Meerwasser-Interaktionen produziert verschiedene und unterscheidbare Alterationszonen die von der Krustentiefe abhängig sind. Diese Zonierung zeigt weltweit vergleichbare Muster.Das oberste Basement wird von einer niedrig temperierten oxidativen Meerwasseralteration beeinflußt. Mit zunehmender Krustentiefe steigen die Reaktionstemperaturen an, die Redox- und pH-Werte werden kleiner, d.h. nichtoxidative Alterationsvorgänge dominieren. Unterhalb dieser Zonen wird die ozeanische Kruste überwiegend von reduzierenden und sauren Hydrothermallösungen alteriert.Im Verlauf der Seewasser/Basalt-Reaktionen werden die Gesteine mineralogisch und chemisch verändert, indem verschiedene Elemente aus den Basalten herausgelöst und wiederum andere aufgenommen werden. Diese Vorgänge haben auch für die Zusammensetzung des Meerwassers drastische Konsequenzen.Mit Hilfe publizierter aber vor allem mit eigenen Daten werden die mineralogischen und geochemischen Charakteristika der unterschiedlichen Alterationsprozesse zusammengefaßt dargestellt.

Résumé L'altération de la partie supérieure de la croûte océanique sous l'action de l'eau de mer engendre plusieurs zones distinctes qui se succèdent de haut en bas. Ce zonage présente d'ordinaire une extension mondiale.La partie supérieure de la croûte est affectée d'une altération oxydante de basse température du basalte. Vers le bas, parfois même au sein d'un même pillow, la température s'élève, la quantité d'eau décroît, le potentiel redox et le pH diminuent, de sorte que la zone d'oxydation est suivie d'une zone non oxydante. En-dessous de ces deux zones, les roches ont subi une altération de haute température dans des conditions acides et réductrices.Il en résulte des changements de la composition chimique des roches par apport ou par lessivage de certains élements, ainsi qu'une modification de la composition de l'eau de mer.A partir des données de la littérature et surtout de mes propres observations, je présente une synthèse des caractères minéralogiques et géochimiques des divers processus de l'altération sous-marine.

, . . . , pH , .. , . . , , , . . , . . , .

我们对采自于加勒比海地区小安德列斯岛弧(Lesser Antilles Arc)Kick’em Jenny(KEJ)海底火山玄武岩中的斜长石斑晶进行了矿物形态和成分分析。利用电子探针(EMPA)和LA-ICP-MS测定了具有环带结构的斜长石斑晶中主量元素的空间分布,同时也利用LA-ICP-MS分析了斜长石中Sr的分布。结果表明,在不同的矿物斑晶中,元素含量均表现出和环带结构相联系的空间分布变化。斜长石斑晶中最主要的结构为韵律环带以及熔蚀结构,所测定的矿物边缘都存在An值从由内向外迅速降低的致密韵律环带,可能反映了快速结晶时的不平衡;而晶体内部的稀疏韵律环带结构是由岩浆填充或对流活动导致的。部分斜长石的熔蚀层An值由内向外升高,反映了高Ca岩浆填充的过程。这说明斜长石斑晶的矿物形态和元素环带可以用来制约俯冲带海底火山岩浆从源区上升到岩浆房再到喷发的复杂过程,包括岩浆演化、熔体多次填充、熔体与结晶矿物之间的反应、以及矿物再熔融等。这对于理解海底火山的喷发以及岛弧岩浆岩的演化有重要意义。  相似文献   

Various enriched recycled oceanic components in the source of Cenozoic intra-plate alkaline basalts from eastern China were identified by previous studies. Due to the existence of a stagnant subducted Pacific slab in the mantle transition zone beneath eastern China, it is logical to connect the stagnant slab to the recycled oceanic materials. However, the recycled oceanic materials could also result from ancient subduction events (e.g., Paleo-Tethyan, Paleo-Asian or Izanagi plate subduction) because enriched geochemical signatures of a recycled slab can be preserved in the mantle for longer than 1 Gyr. Investigating the temporal variations of the recycled oceanic materials in the mantle source is a useful way to trace the origin of the basalts. In this article, we have conducted a detailed geochemical study, including major and trace elements and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes, on two alkaline basalt groups from Zhejiang, SE China, which erupted 26–17 Ma and after 11 Ma, respectively. In particular, we recovered the H2O content of the initial magmas based on the H2O content of the clinopyroxene (cpx) phenocrysts and the partition coefficients of H2O between cpx and basaltic melts. The H2O contents of the Zhejiang basalts range from 1.3 to 2.6 (wt.%), which fall within the range of back-arc basin or island arc basalts. The older basalts are more alkaline and have lower Si and Al contents; higher trace element concentrations; higher La/Yb, Ce/Pb and Nb/La ratios; lower H2O/Ce and Ba/Th ratios; and stronger negative K, Pb, Hf and Ti anomalies than the younger ones. The co-relationships between Ba/La, H2O/Ce, Nb/La, Ce/Pb and Ba/Th in the two groups of the Zhejiang basalts indicate that a recycled dehydrated oceanic alkaline basalt component is needed in the source of the older rocks, along with a depleted mantle component. Meanwhile, an additional recycled dehydrated sediment component was required in the source of the younger rocks. The temporal change in the recycled oceanic materials in the mantle sources of Zhejiang Cenozoic basalts demonstrates that the recycled components can only originate in the stagnant Pacific slab that is the only plate subducted since 100 Ma in this area.  相似文献   

王涛  王宗起  闫臻  闫全人  张英利  向忠金 《岩石学报》2009,25(12):3241-3250
秦岭造山带以商-丹构造带为界分为北秦岭和南秦岭构造带.大堡组位于南秦岭构造带内,由灰色-深灰色的泥岩、粉砂岩和炭硅板岩,以及夹含炭硅质岩、灰岩和基性火山岩块体组成.在大堡组中出露的能干上和蚂蝗峡基性岩块夹于黑色的泥岩之中,岩石地球化学分析结果表明,SiO_2含量为41.53%~53.59%,富TiO_2为2.14%~3.58%,REE的总量为∑REE=282.3×10~(-6),轻稀土元素较重稀土元素富集[(La/Yb)_N=8.34],略显Eu正异常(Eu~*=1.13~1.25),具有较高的Ti/Y(300~622)和Zr/Y(3.8~7.4)比值.大离子亲石元素Rb、Ba和K相对富集,无明显的Nb和Ta异常,其Nb和Ta值为N-MORB标准值的10~20倍,为典型洋岛玄武岩(OIB)地球化学特征.锆石SHRIMP Ⅱ U-Pb测年获得能干上和蚂蝗峡基性岩块体分别形成于446Ma和455Ma.这些资料进一步表明,奥陶纪时期南秦岭存在着古洋盆.  相似文献   

The abundance and distribution of uranium in various continental and oceanic ultramafic inclusions and host basalts are reported. Uranium was determined by neutron activation (fission products, fission tracks and delayed-neutron methods) and alpha-particle autoradiography; data is also reported for the uranium content of various USGS standard rock powders. The concentration of uranium in both oceanic and continental samples is similar, levels are controlled by mineral compositions, and their relative abundance in different rock types. Highest levels are found in feldspathic and lowest in olivine rich inclusions. Uranium is enriched in mylonitised samples and along some inter-crystal boundaries. With the exception of some apatites, highest levels of uranium are in clinopyroxenes (chrome) and lowest in olivines; no enrichment of uranium in orthopyroxenes was observed. Attention is drawn to the problem of obtaining representative samples from the sea floor which have not been altered by saline solutions and the identification of uranium and daughter products present along inter-crystal boundaries. Differences in observed heat flow between continental and oceanic areas may reflect inadequate sampling of representative rock types present below the sea floor and lack of information for the true abundance and distribution of uranium in such rocks.  相似文献   

DSDP Hole 504B, located on the south flank of the Costa Rica Rift, shows the most complete reference section through the upper oceanic crust; 274.5 m into the sediment and 1075.5 m into the basement have been penetrated.Very unusual secondary parageneses occur in some basaltic massive flows recovered at DSDP Hole 504 B. Replacement of magmatic augite by secondary Ti- and/or Na-rich augite and aegirine-augite was observed in five veins between the 298 and 685 m sub-basement depth; one of these veins also contains melanite (Ti-rich andradite) and another one contains fassaite. These minerals seem independent of, and prior to, other alteration stages.The conditions of formation and origin of the fluids responsible for the crystallization of these unusual minerals are discussed. Several arguments suggest that their origin is not hydrothermal, but possibly deuteric: (1) these minerals probably formed at higher temperatures than hydrothermal minerals from DSDP Hole 504 B (300–400°C for melanite, 800–1000°C (?) for fassaite, >400°C for aegirine-augite); (2) the chemical composition of the studied minerals are not compatible with the chemical composition of hydrothermal fluids responsible for the alteration at DSDP Hole 504 B; (3) the distribution and chemical composition of these minerals seem to be independent of the alteration zonation and thus of depth; and (4) these minerals are anhydrous, in contrast to mostly hydrated minerals from DSDP Hole 504 B known to be hydrothermal in origin. Moreover, since these minerals occur in subophitic or coarse-grained basalts, their crystallization may have been enhanced by the long standing stability of the physico-chemical conditions existing in the veins.  相似文献   

The intercumulus liquid of a crystal mush fills pore spaces,and typically solidifies to form overgrowths on cumulus grainsand poikilitic post-cumulus minerals. If the liquid is immobile,solidification produces zoned intercumulus minerals, as a resultof progressive fractionation of the residual liquid. Convectionwithin the mush results in buffering of the liquid composition,and thus limits mineral zonation. For fully solidified cumulates,‘fossil’ changes in liquid composition or porosityare difficult to identify. However, detailed study of immobileminor components of plagioclase overgrowth rims can provideinformation about the progressive solidification of intercumulusmaterial. Ti contents of plagioclase overgrowths, in samplesfrom the lowermost parts of the Skaergaard Intrusion, show strongvariations with anorthite content. With decreasing XAn, Ti concentrationsfirst rise and then fall, consistent with changing TiO2 contentsof the intercumulus liquid during solidification. TiO2 in plagioclasedecreases sharply at An55, reflecting local saturation of Fe–Tioxides. Ti in clinopyroxene oikocrysts also falls rimward, butzoning in faster diffusing species (Fe, Mg) is limited. Otherthan slight reverse zones that may occur on the plagioclasemargins, XAn falls continuously during crystallization. Thereverse zoning is interpreted as the result of compaction-drivendissolution and reprecipitation of plagioclase. The continualdecrease in XAn is exploited, together with back-scattered electronimages of the cumulates, to produce calibrated images showingregions of progressive crystallization. This allows the regionscrystallizing at each stage of solidification to be visualized.These images show that the final remnants of interstitial meltwere present in triangular pockets and as thin grain-boundarymelt films. This approach can provide information about theprogressive reduction of porosity during cumulate solidification. KEY WORDS: residual liquid; cumulate; plagioclase; porosity; Skaergaard  相似文献   

The REE abundances and their chondrite-normalized pattern lead one to consider that the basalt from the Caroline ridge area southeast of the Marianas Arc and the one from the Puerto Rico Trench happen to be equivalent to conjugate liquid-type and solid-type materials, respectively, reflecting an equilibrium of a 20% partial melting. This line of interpretation enables us not only to assess the REE abundances in the original solid-type material (M), but also to estimate the corresponding values in the product (¯L) of a very small (say, less than 1 %) extent of a partial melting. It is also found that the relative REE abundances in a basalt from directly east of the Marianas Trench are quite the same as those thus estimated. Alternatively, it is possible to interpret this basalt as representing the residual liquid left after the primary fractional differentiation of the mantle.It is suggested that the straight-type bulk partition coefficients, the absence of the apparent europium anomaly, and the higher pressure are closely associated.  相似文献   

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