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A survey of literature data on the P contents of olivine, pyroxene, and garnet in mantle xenoliths and the bulk P contents of mantle xenoliths shows that available data is ambiguous as to whether mantle P is primarily contained in silicates or in phosphates, even though phosphates are rarely observed in mantle xenoliths. Garnet probably contains more of the mantle's P than olivine or pyroxene. Bulk P contents of mantle xenoliths vary significantly. Estimation of the primitive mantle P content from xenoliths requires interpretation of the partial melting and contamination histories of the xenoliths.  相似文献   

The largest occurrence of natural metallic iron on Earth is on the island of Disko, Greenland. Metallic iron is found there in a variety of different types, from small metal particles in basalts to large meter-sized blocks. We have studied three different types of metallic iron: small metal spherules (< 300 m) in basaltic magma; larger metal grains (300 m-3 mm), often composed of aggregates of smaller particles, in similar host rocks; and massive iron lumps (up to several tons). Analytical data for 13 siderophile elements in samples from these three types are presented. All metals analysed have a distinctly crustal pattern of siderophile elements. High Co/Ni, Re/Ir or W/Ir ratios clearly demonstrate that a meteoritic origin for the metallic iron must be excluded. Since the Co/Ni and Re/Ir ratios are approximately chondritic in the upper mantle of the Earth, a mantle origin for the Disko metals can also be ruled out. This supports earlier petrological and geological evidence that the metallic iron was formed through reduction of basaltic magma by carbon derived from Tertiary shales and coals. Significant differences in absolute and relative abundances of siderophile elements occur among the three kinds of metals. The strongly siderophile elements (e.g. Ir, Re, Ni) increase in concentration from the small metal spherules through the larger grains to the massive iron lumps. The contents of less strongly siderophile elements (P, W, Ga) decrease in the same sequence. Evidence is presented that the small metal spherules are formed by in situ reduction. Larger iron metal grains and massive iron lumps are composed of small spherules, accumulated by gravitational settling in a magma reservoir. These metal cumulates have extracted highly siderophile elements from a larger volume of basaltic melt.Part of a Ph.D. thesis by W. Klöck  相似文献   

The Kuannersuit Glacier surged 11 km between 1995 and 1998. The surge resulted in the formation of an ice cored thrust moraine complex constructed by subglacial and proglacial glaciotectonic processes. Four main thrust zones are evident in the glacier snout area with phases of compressional folding and thrusting followed by hydrofracture in response to the build-up of compressional stresses and the aquicludal nature of submarginal permafrost and naled. Various types of stratified debris-rich ice facies occur within the marginal zone: The first (Facies I) comprises laterally continuous strata of ice with sorted sediment accumulations, and is reworked and thrust naled ice. The second is laterally discontinuous stratified debris-rich ice with distinct tectonic structures, and is derived through subglacial extensional deformation and localised regelation (Facies II), whilst the third type is characterised by reworked and brecciated ice associated with the reworking and entrainment of meteoric ice (Facies III). Hydrofracture dykes and sills (Facies IV) cross-cut the marginal ice cored thrust moraines, with their sub-vertically frozen internal contact boundaries and sedimentary structures, suggesting supercooling operated as high-pressure evacuation of water occurred during thrusting, but this is not related to the formation of basal stratified debris-rich ice. Linear distributions of sorted fines transverse to ice flow, and small stratified sediment ridges that vertically cross-cut the ice surface up-ice of the thrust zone relate to sediment migration along crevasse traces and fluvial infilling of crevasses. From a palaeoglaciological viewpoint, marginal glacier tectonics, ice sediment content and sediment delivery mechanisms combine to control the development of this polythermal surge valley landsystem. The bulldozing of proglacial sediments and the folding and thrusting of naled leads to the initial development of the outer zone of the moraine complex. This becomes buried in bulldozed outwash sediment and well-sorted fines through surface ablation of naled. Up-ice of this, the heavily thrust margin becomes buried in sediment melted out from basal debris-rich ice and subglacial diamicts routed along thrusts. These mechanisms combine to deliver sediment to supraglacial localities, and promote the initial preservation of structurally controlled moraines through insulation, and the later development of kettled dead ice terrain.  相似文献   

Melt inclusions in olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts in kersantite and camptonite at Chhaktalao in Madhya Pradesh, India are mainly of the evolved type forming daughter minerals of olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase, spinel, mica, titanomagnetite and sulphides. Heating studies exhibit a temperature range from 1215° to 1245°C for the melt inclusions in olivine in camptonite and 1220–1245°C for olivine in kersantite. The temperature for melt inclusions in pyroxene ranged from 1000° to 1150°C in camptonite and 850–1100°C for pyroxene in kersantite. The bubble inside these melt inclusions is mainly CO2. The Th°C of CO2 into liquid phase occurred between 26° and 31°C in olivine and 25–30°C in pyroxene from kersantite and camptonite. The maximum density estimated is 0.72 g/cm3 and the minimum is 0.45 g/cm3. The depth of entrapment of the melt inclusion is estimated between 10–15 km. The pressure of entrapment of melt inclusion in olvine is 4.6 kbar where as that in pyroxene is 3.7 kbar. The lamprophyres in the Chhaktalao area are considered to be derived from low depth and low pressure region, possibly within spinel lherzolite zone.  相似文献   

The paper describes studies of glacial deposits and raised beaches on the island of Disko. West Greenland. Two stades in the glacial history are defined, the Godhavn stade, which represents the last major glaciation on Disko, and the Disko stade, which defines a Preboreal readvance. During the Godhavn stade, only eastern and southern Disko were affected by the extended Inland Ice, while glaciation on western and northern Disko was local in character. In connection with the deglaciation, the sea transgressed to the marine limit at c. 9,250-9,000 BP. Immediately before, tentatively culminating around 9,300 BP, a significant readvance of glaciers on eastern Disko occurred. The marine limit rises on a transect from northwest to southeast across Disko from 60 m a.s.l. to 90 m. The paper discusses changes in equilibrium line altitude (ELA) during the deglaciation, and explains the Disko stade readvance in terms of variations in upper-air wind conditions.  相似文献   

Experimentally induced capture and retention of argon by the test minerals is strikingly increased by temperature and is an almost linear function of pressure. Diffusion of argon into mica perpendicular to cleavage planes is experimentally demonstrated. - -V. P. Sokoloff.  相似文献   

Lunar mare basalts are a product of partial melting of the lunar mantle under more reducing conditions when compared to those expected for the Earth’s upper mantle. Alongside Fe, Ti can be a major redox sensitive element in lunar magmas, and it can be enriched by up to a factor of ten in lunar basaltic glasses when compared to their terrestrial counterparts. Therefore, to better constrain the oxidation state of Ti and its coordination chemistry during lunar magmatic processes, we report new X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy measurements for a wide range of minerals (pyroxene, olivine, Fe–Ti oxides) and basaltic melt compositions involved in partial melting of the lunar mantle. Experiments were conducted in 1 bar gas-mixing furnaces at temperatures between 1100 and 1300 °C and oxygen fugacities (fO2) that ranged from air to two orders of magnitude below the Fe–FeO redox equilibrium. Run products were analysed via electron microprobe and XANES Ti K-edge. Typical run products had large (>?100 µm) crystals in equilibrium with quenched silicate glass. Ti K-edge XANES spectra show a clear shift in energy of the absorption edge features from oxidizing to reducing conditions and yield an average valence for Fe–Ti oxides (armalcolite and ilmenite) of 3.6, i.e., a 40% of the overall Ti is Ti3+ under fO2 conditions relevant to lunar magmatism (IW ??1.5 to ??1.8). Pyroxenes and olivine have average Ti valence of 3.75 (i.e., 25% of the overall Ti is trivalent), while in silicate glasses Ti is exclusively tetravalent. Pre-edge peak intensities also indicate that the coordination number of Ti varies from an average V-fold in silicate glass to VI-fold in the Fe–Ti oxides and a mixture between IV and VI-fold coordination in the pyroxenes and olivine, with up to 82% [IV]Ti4+ in the pyroxene. In addition, our results can help to better constrain the Ti3+/∑Ti of the lunar mantle phases during magmatic processes and are applied to provide first insights into the mechanisms that may control Ti mass-dependent equilibrium isotope fractionation in lunar mare basalts.  相似文献   

Partitioning coefficients between olivine and silicate melts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
J.H. Bdard 《Lithos》2005,83(3-4):394-419
Variation of Nernst partition coefficients (D) between olivine and silicate melts cannot be neglected when modeling partial melting and fractional crystallization. Published natural and experimental olivine/liquidD data were examined for covariation with pressure, temperature, olivine forsterite content, and melt SiO2, H2O, MgO and MgO/MgO + FeOtotal. Values of olivine/liquidD generally increase with decreasing temperature and melt MgO content, and with increasing melt SiO2 content, but generally show poor correlations with other variables. Multi-element olivine/liquidD profiles calculated from regressions of D REE–Sc–Y vs. melt MgO content are compared to results of the Lattice Strain Model to link melt MgO and: D0 (the strain compensated partition coefficient), EM3+ (Young's Modulus), and r0 (the size of the M site). Ln D0 varies linearly with Ln MgO in the melt; EM3+ varies linearly with melt MgO, with a dog-leg at ca. 1.5% MgO; and r0 remains constant at 0.807 Å. These equations are then used to calculate olivine/liquidD for these elements using the Lattice Strain Model. These empirical parameterizations of olivine/liquidD variations yield results comparable to experimental or natural partitioning data, and can easily be integrated into existing trace element modeling algorithms. The olivine/liquidD data suggest that basaltic melts in equilibrium with pure olivine may acquire small negative Ta–Hf–Zr–Ti anomalies, but that negative Nb anomalies are unlikely to develop. Misfits between results of the Lattice Strain Model and most light rare earth and large ion lithophile partitioning data suggest that kinetic effects may limit the lower value of D for extremely incompatible elements in natural situations characterized by high cooling/crystallization rates.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an investigation into Holocene relative sea-level (RSL) change, isostatic rebound and ice sheet dynamics in Disko Bugt, West Greenland. Data collected from nine isolation basins on Arveprinsen Ejland, east Disko Bugt, show that mean sea level fell continuously from ca. 70 m at 9.9 ka cal. yr BP (8.9 ka 14C yr BP) to reach a minimum of ca. −5 m at 2.8 ka cal. yr BP (2.5 ka 14C yr BP), before rising to the present day. A west–east gradient in isostatic uplift across Disko Bugt is confirmed, with reduced rebound observed in east Disko Bugt. However, RSL differences (up to 20 m at 7.8 ka to 6.8 ka cal. yr BP (7 ka to 6 ka 14C yr BP)) also exist within east Disko Bugt, suggesting a significant north–south component to the area’s isostatic history. The observed magnitude and timing of late Holocene RSL rise is not compatible with regional forebulge collapse. Instead, RSL rise began first in the eastern part of the bay, as might be expected under a scenario of crustal subsidence caused by neoglacial ice sheet readvance. The results of this study demonstrate the potential of isolation basin data for local and regional RSL studies in Greenland, and the importance of avoiding data compilations from areas where the isobase orientation is uncertain. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sulphide separates from mineralisation in Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic host rocks of the Disko Bugt area, central West Greenland, have been analysed for trace elements and Pb isotopes. Isotopic compositions of lead from sulphide separates of Archaean supracrustal rocks show wide variations. Archaean semi-massive sulphides and sulphides separated from felsic metavolcanites yield an errorchron age of 2821 +77/−82, with a model μ1 value of 7.36; this is comparable to the estimated age of the supracrustal rocks. The two most prominent mineralised sites, the Andersen and Eqip prospects, have their own unique Pb isotope pattern; the Andersen prospect is considered to represent the result of an upper crust of Palaeoproterozoic process. The sulphide separates of Palaeoproterozoic epigenetic mineralisation hosted in shear and fault zones in the supracrustal rocks has a common origin, e.g. linked to a metamorphic peak and/or hydrothermal alteration. Gold-bearing samples indicate a local origin for associated sulphides; no regional processes seem to be involved in the formation of the gold occurrences. Received: 17 March 1997 / Accepted: 8 July 1997  相似文献   

A series of high temperature experiments was undertaken to study partitioning of several highly siderophile elements (HSE; Ru, Rh, Pd, Re, Os, Ir, Pt and Au) between Cr-rich spinel, olivine, pyroxene and silicate melt. Runs were carried out on a Hawaiian ankaramite, a synthetic eucrite basalt, and a DiAn eutectic melt, at one bar, 19 kbar, and 20 kbar, respectively, in the temperature range of 1200 to 1300°C, at oxygen fugacities between the nickel-nickel oxide (NNO) and hematite-magnetite (HM) oxygen buffers. High oxygen fugacities were used to suppress the formation of HSE-rich “nuggets” in the silicate melts. The resulting oxide and silicate crystals (<100 μm) were analyzed using both SIMS and LA-ICP-MS, with a spatial resolution of 15 to 50 μm. Rhenium, Au and Pd were all found to be incompatible in Cr-rich spinel (DResp/melt = 0.0012-0.21, DAusp/melt = 0.076, DPdsp/melt = 0.14), whereas Rh, Ru and Ir were all found to be highly compatible (DRhsp/melt = 41-530, DRusp/melt = 76-1143, DIrsp/melt = 5-22000). Rhenium, Pd, Au and Ru were all found to be incompatible in olivine (DReoliv/melt = 0.017-0.073, DPdoliv/melt = 0.12, DAuoliv/melt = 0.12, DRuoliv/melt = 0.23), Re is incompatible in orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene (DReopx/melt = 0.013, DRecpx/melt = 0.18-0.21), and Pt is compatible in clinopyroxene (DPtcpx/melt = 1.5). The results are compared to and combined with previous work on HSE partitioning among spinel-structured oxides, and applied to some natural magmatic suites to demonstrate consistency.  相似文献   

The formation of phosphoran olivine by crystallization from a melt was investigated experimentally using a one atmosphere furnace, using San Carlos olivine [(Mg,Fe)2SiO4] mixed with either iron phosphide (FeP) or magnesium pyrophosphate (Mg2P2O7). Both dynamic crystallization and isothermal experiments produced phosphoran olivine as zoned single crystals and as overgrowths surrounding normal, phosphorus-free olivine grains. The crystallization pathways that form phosphoran olivine were traced and confirm that it is a metastable phase that can crystallize from a phosphorus-rich melt over timescales of hours to days. Removal of the P and equilibration of the olivine however requires weeks to months in the presence of silicate melt. Phosphoran olivine with up to 27 wt% P2O5 was generated and up to 69% of the Si tetrahedral sites were replaced by P. The substitution of Si by P into olivine was confirmed as 4VIM+2 + 2IVSi+4 ↔ 3VIM+2 + 2IVP+5 + VI[]. Phosphoran olivine compositions that vary from (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 to (Mg,Fe)1.65[]0.35Si0.3P0.7O4 have been produced in these experiments.Phosphoran pyroxene was also generated in a few experiments and forms when phosphoran olivine reacts with either tridymite or melt. It has compositions compatible with protopyroxene, orthopyroxene, pigeonite and sub-calcic augite, and can contain up to 31.5 wt% P2O5. Like phosphoran olivine, it is also a metastable phase. Phosphorus replaces Si in pyroxene by the following substitution methods: 8IVSi+4 ↔ 3IVSi+4 + 4IVP+5 + IV[] with Al entering the structure by the exchange 2IVSi+4 ↔ IVAl+3 + IVP+5. Phosphoran pyroxene compositions vary from (Mg,Fe)8Si8O24 to (Mg,Fe)8Si3P4[]O24.  相似文献   

Shells were collected from marine sediments in the area youth of Disko Bugt from various altitudes up to 50 m. Radiocarbon dates showed that only some of the shells were from sands and gravels formed at or near sea level and could be used to date the land/sea level changes. The shell dates show a regression from about 43 m at 7000 B.P. to about 8 m at 4000 B.P. All sediments with shells are Holocene in age, the oldest date being nearly 9000 B.P. The date of the Fjord Stage moraine in Orpigsoq is estimated at about 8000 B.P. on the basis of the altitude of the marine limit at 62 m. Extrapolations dated the older marine limits, falling from an altitude of 130 m to 80 m, at about 11,000 B.P. to 9000 B.P. These are approximate dates for the deglaciation of the area outside the Fjord Stage moraine. The distribution of shells in the sediments was shown to be largely dependent on habitat and water depth. At least some changes ill fauna were caused by a decrease of water depth due to the relative uplift of land. No tilting or warping of the land surface could he detected in the at-ea about 100 km long from the coast towards the Inland Ice.  相似文献   

Mudstone xenoliths in a strongly reduced andesitic subaquatic breccia with native iron from the Asuk Member on Disko contain Ti oxides which are oxygen deficient relative to rutile. Ore microscopy reveals that the mudstone xenoliths contain former clastic oxide grains which have equilibrated to blue Ti oxides and grey aluminous Ti oxides. They also contain still immature coal fragments in a glassy matrix with native iron.The blue oxides are compositionally similar to magnéli phases TinO2n–1 within the range n=4 to 7, and several grains contain more than one natural magnéli phase. Two other phases found are 1) pale orange blebs in magnéli phases with a composition approaching Al1Ti 1 3+ Ti 2 4+ O7 (AlTi phase B) and 2) grey oxide rims on magnéli phases or independent grains of the compositional series Al2–x(Ti 0.5 4+ (Mg,Fe)0.5)xTi n–2 4+ O2n–1 with n mostly between 7 and 10 (AlTi phase A). The natural magnéli phases equilibrated at oxygen fugacities 4 to 5 log units below the Fe-W oxygen buffer at igneous temperatures and represent the most reduced high-temperature environment yet recorded among native iron bearing rocks from Disko. The extremely reducing conditions were met in rocks where coal fragments were still in a state of degassing hydrocarbon components at the time of quenching. Field geology and carbon barometry indicate equilibration at pressures of less than 10 bars.  相似文献   

Tertiary continental flood basalts on Qeqertarssuaq and Nuussuaq in West Greenland contain ~3?km of picrites and variably contaminated tholeiites. The picrites are in the Naujánguit member of the Vaïgat Formation and they have 7–29?wt% MgO, La/Sm?=?0.9–2.1, and 143Nd/144Nd?=?0.51263–0.51307. They appear to have crystallised from high-Mg parental magmas (14.4–16.4?wt% MgO) with isotope and trace element ratios similar to recent Icelandic picrites. Discrete horizons of tholeiites, including the Asûk and?Kûgánguaq, have elevated SiO2 (50–58 wt%), La/Sm?=?3–7, 87Sr/86Sr?=?0.70550–0.71224, and low 143Nd/144Nd?=?0.51234–0.51174. These lavas have low Cu and Ni abundances (typically 10–50?ppm Ni or Cu), and in the case of the Asûk on Qeqertarssuaq, they contain droplets of native iron. The low Cu and Ni contents are attributed to scavenging by magmatic sulphides formed in response to crustal contamination of picritic magmas. Two contamination trends are recognised, one to a sediment end-member with high Th/Nb and Archaean model Nd ages, and the other to a meta-igneous component with high La/Sm, low Th/Nb and Rb/Nb, and Proterozoic source ages. Overall, 206Pb/204Pb varies from 16.47–21.68. Both contamination trends are associated with low Cu and Ni, and high SiO2, and it is argued that the magmatic sulphides were triggered by the increases in silica, rather than simply by the introduction of additional crustal-derived sulphur. Geochemically, the Asûk and Kûgánguaq rocks resemble the most contaminated Nadezhdinsky lavas of the Siberian Trap, which are widely regarded as the source of the Ni and Cu mineralisation in the giant Noril'sk deposits. Mass balance considerations indicate that the parental liquids to the contaminated magmas contained sufficient Ni, Cu, S and platinum group elements to form substantial magmatic sulphide deposits. However, unlike the lavas at Noril'sk, the contaminated (low Cu and Ni) West Greenland basalts are in isolated units with no evidence for a gradual recovery in Ni and Cu abundances with height in the lava column. Comparison with Noril'sk suggests that although significant quantities of metals were scavenged by sulphides in West Greenland, the metal contents of the sulphides may not have been upgraded by continued interaction with subsequent magma batches.  相似文献   

Electron microprobe analyses sensitive to 20ppmw (2σ) were made for Na, P, K and Ti in garnet, pyroxenes and olivine from peridotite and eclogite xenoliths from African kimberlites and volcanic rocks in Tanzania. Average concentrations (ppmw) in peridotite (mostly garnet lherzolite) are: Na2O gt 340 ol 90 opx 1070 cpx 2.1 (wt.%); P2O5 gt 460 ol 130 opx 50 cpx 350; K2O gt <20 ol <20 opx 30 cpx 170; TiO2 gt 1470 ol 130 opx 480 cpx 1630. For eclogites and a cpx megacryst with gt inclusions: Na2O gt 610 cpx 4.3 (wt.%); P2O5 gt 530 cpx 300; K2O gt <20 cpx 370; TiO2 gt 1990 cpx 1980.In garnet, Na can be explained by coupled substitution with P and Ti, and there is no need to invoke six-coordinated silicon. The Na distribution between garnet and clinopyroxene correlates with the Fe/Mg distribution for both eclogites and peridotites, and for the peridotites correlates with estimates of pressure and temperature from pyroxene composition. When calibrated experimentally, the Na distribution may be a useful indicator of physical conditions at depths for which the Fe/Mg distribution is insensitive; furthermore the Na distribution may be less sensitive to oxidation state.  相似文献   

A new centennial scale benthic foraminiferal record of late Holocene climate variability and oceanographic changes off West Greenland (Disko Bugt) highlights substantial subsurface water mass changes (e.g. temperature and salinity) of the West Greenland Current (WGC) over the past 3.6 ka BP. Benthic foraminifera reveal a long-term late Holocene cooling trend, which may be attributed to increased advection of cold, low-salinity water masses derived from the East Greenland Current (EGC). Cooling becomes most pronounced from c. 1.7 ka BP onwards. At this point the calcareous Atlantic benthic foraminiferal fauna decrease significantly and is replaced by an agglutinated Arctic fauna. Superimposed on this cooling trend, centennial scale variability in the WGC reveals a marked cold phase at c. 2.5 ka BP, which may correspond to the 2.7 ka BP cooling-event recorded in marine and terrestrial archives elsewhere in the North Atlantic region. A warm phase recognized at c. 1.8 ka BP is likely to correspond to the ‘Roman Warm Period’ and represents the warmest bottom water conditions. During the time period of the ‘Medieval Climate Anomaly’ we observe only a slight warming of the WGC. A progressively more dominant cold water contribution from the EGC on the WGC is documented by the prominent rise in abundance of agglutinated Arctic water species from 0.9 ka BP onwards. This cooling event culminates at c. 0.3 ka BP and represents the coldest episode of the ‘Little Ice Age’.Gradually increased influence of cold, low-salinity water masses derived from the EGC may be linked to enhanced advection of Polar and Arctic water by the EGC. These changes are possibly associated with a reported shift in the large-scale North Atlantic Oscillation atmospheric circulation pattern towards a more frequent negative North Atlantic Oscillation mode during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

We have used trace element partitioning data available in the literature to investigate nonideality of the cations of Yb, Sm, Gd, Ca, Mn, Sc, Ni, and Al in silicate melt, olivine, and low-Ca pyroxene. Results are consistent with ordering of Mg and Fe around trace cations in olivine and pyroxene. On the basis of these data, we suggest there is an increasing tendency for Fe to congregate in the vincinity of the trace cation as the size of the trace cation increases. These results are important both in achieving a better understanding of trace element behavior in crystals and in constraining the temperature and compositional dependence of trace element partitioning.  相似文献   

Foraminiferal assemblages and the sedimentology of two cores (POR20 and POR21) from eastern Disko Bugt, west Greenland, are used to identify environmental changes in the area over the past c. 2200 years. Changes in the sediment flux supplied to the core sites from Jakobshavn Isbrae are used to assess the relative position of the calving margin. An Atlantic water influence as strong as, or slightly stronger than, present prevailed at c. 2200 cal. yr BP. A trend of increasing Atlantic water influence then culminated in peak warm and saline hydrographic conditions c. 1664-474 cal. yr BP encompassing the 'Medieval Warm Period'. This period was marked by a retreat of the calving front of Jakobshavn Isbrae and was followed by a marked cooling in hydrographic conditions relating to an increase in the influence of the East Greenland Current in the West Greenland Current corresponding to the climatic episode the 'Little Ice Age'. A rise in sedimentation rate over this period relates to the well-documented advance of Jakobshavn Isbrae. The record from Disko Bugt shows good agreement with the temperature record from the Greenland ice cores and other climatic and oceanographic reconstructions in the region.  相似文献   

A native iron bearing buchite xenolith enclosed in basalt in a native iron bearing lava from Disko is similar in chemistry, apart from volatile components, to unheated Mesozoic to early Tertiary carbonaceous shale sediments from West Greenland, believed to have been the major contaminant and reducing agent causing the formation of the native iron in the volcanic rocks on Disko. The shale buchite has preserved original sedimentary lamination and experienced only a comparatively short-lived heating which allowed only short-range equilibration. The xenolith contains native iron and graphite, while the immediately enclosing basalt does not, and demonstrates the indigenous reducing properties of the shales when heated to high (1,150–1,200 ° C) temperatures at low pressures. Sedimentary clastic iron titanium oxide grains have reacted with the immediately surrounding matrix and completely recrystallized to aggregates of rutile and Al-armalcolite with up to 24 mol% Al2TiO5. The Al-armalcolites contain 5 to 11 mol% of the anosovite (Ti3O5) component. They show a considerable variation in iron-magnesium ratio due to small-scale variations in bulk chemistry to varying f O2 and to the effects of progressive melting of the sediment. Glassy veins in the buchite, formed along original fractures in the sediment, contain an assemblage of cordierite, low Ca-pyroxene, plagioclase, ilmenite, ferropseudobrookite-rich armalcolite, iron metal, troilite and acid glass, and crystallized under higher oxygen fugacities than the buchite interior, probably due to influx from the less reduced enclosing basalt magma.  相似文献   

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