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The logistic regression and statistical index models are applied and verified for landslide susceptibility mapping in Daguan County, Yunnan Province, China, by means of the geographic information system (GIS). A detailed landslide inventory map was prepared by literatures, aerial photographs, and supported by field works. Fifteen landslide-conditioning factors were considered: slope angle, slope aspect, curvature, plan curvature, profile curvature, altitude, STI, SPI, and TWI were derived from digital elevation model; NDVI was extracted from Landsat ETM7; rainfall was obtained from local rainfall data; distance to faults, distance to roads, and distance to rivers were created from a 1:25,000 scale topographic map; the lithology was extracted from geological map. Using these factors, the landslide susceptibility maps were prepared by LR and SI models. The accuracy of the results was verified by using existing landslide locations. The statistical index model had a predictive rate of 81.02%, which is more accurate prediction in comparison with logistic regression model (80.29%). The models can be used to land-use planning in the study area.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to produce landslide susceptibility map of a landslide-prone area (Daguan County, China) by evidential belief function (EBF) model and weights of evidence (WoE) model to compare the results obtained. For this purpose, a landslide inventory map was constructed mainly based on earlier reports and aerial photographs, as well as, by carrying out field surveys. A total of 194 landslides were mapped. Then, the landslide inventory was randomly split into a training dataset; 70% (136 landslides) for training the models and the remaining 30% (58 landslides) was used for validation purpose. Then, a total number of 14 conditioning factors, such as slope angle, slope aspect, general curvature, plan curvature, profile curvature, altitude, distance from rivers, distance from roads, distance from faults, lithology, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), sediment transport index (STI), stream power index (SPI), and topographic wetness index (TWI) were used in the analysis. Subsequently, landslide susceptibility maps were produced using the EBF and WoE models. Finally, the validation of landslide susceptibility map was accomplished with the area under the curve (AUC) method. The success rate curve showed that the area under the curve for EBF and WoE models were of 80.19% and 80.75% accuracy, respectively. Similarly, the validation result showed that the susceptibility map using EBF model has the prediction accuracy of 80.09%, while for WoE model, it was 79.79%. The results of this study showed that both landslide susceptibility maps obtained were successful and would be useful for regional spatial planning as well as for land cover planning.  相似文献   

Use of native soil in adsorption of phenol from industrial wastewater has been one of the attractive option for dephenolation, especially in view of low cost and ease in accessibility, as well as scope for regeneration (or, at least reuse). However, an effective usage of the adsorbent necessitates a deeper understanding of the adsorption characteristics. Most of the study of adsorption characteristics are confined to analysis of mono- and bi- parametric isotherm models (and rarely, linearized multi-parametric isotherm models), due to the difficulties in solving higher parametric models, as well as fairly satisfying results by lower-parametric models. In the present study, adsorption batch studies were carried out using a naturally and widely available common soil of south India (namely, Adhanur soil), for removal of phenol from the aqueous solution, with an explicit objective of comparison of linear and non-linear regression methods for finding variation in isotherm coefficients and fitness of the models. Six linearized isotherm models (including four linearized Langmuir models) and three non-linear isotherm model were discussed in this paper, and their coefficients were estimated. Although all the studied isotherm models showed fairly good fit to the experimental data, but Redlich—Peterson isotherm was found to be the best representative for phenol-sorption on the used soil adsorbent. Besides, it was observed that to determine the isotherm parameters non-linear isotherm models were found to be the best representative of adsorption characteristics, than their linearized counter-parts.  相似文献   

Harry Timmermans 《Geoforum》1980,11(2):123-131
The purpose of this paper is to outline a conceptual model of consumer spatial decision making and choice behaviour and to investigate the use of various combination rules of consumer's evaluations of attributes of shopping centres to predict spatial choice behaviour.The research findings indicate that the linear combination rules perform as well as the multiplicative rules and that both types of rules perform quite acceptably. The paper concludes by discussing some implications for future research on spatial decision making and choice.  相似文献   

申萍  沈远超 《岩石学报》2010,26(8):2299-2316
西准噶尔与环巴尔喀什地处中亚成矿域腹地,发育着许多大型和超大型斑岩铜矿床,构成了中亚成矿域最重要的斑岩铜矿床集中区。二者的成矿动力学背景略有差异,成矿岩浆条件和成矿物源有一定的差异,所形成的斑岩铜矿床有所不同。西准噶尔斑岩铜矿床以新发现的包古图斑岩铜矿床为代表,该矿床位于达拉布特不成熟岛弧南部;含矿岩浆为中钾钙碱性中性岩浆,侵位较深(5~10km);S(δ34S=-2.4‰~0.4‰)和Pb(206Pb/204Pb=17.92~18.89,207Pb/204Pb=15.45~15.62,208Pb/204Pb=37.68~38.36)同位素指示成矿物质来自地幔。含矿中性杂岩体由早期闪长岩体和晚期闪长玢岩岩株组成,含矿岩体发育碱性(黑云母化、硅化、绿泥石化、绿帘石化)和酸性(绢云母化和硅化)蚀变;以浸染状矿化为主,有少量的脉状矿化。环巴尔喀什斑岩铜矿床以科翁腊德和阿克都卡等超大型斑岩铜矿床为代表,这些矿床位于巴尔喀什-伊犁岩浆弧北部,含矿岩浆为中高钾(科翁腊德)和高钾(阿克都卡)钙碱性中酸性岩浆,侵位很浅(科翁腊德)和较浅(阿克都卡);S(δ34S=0.7‰~6.0‰)和Pb同位素分析表明,成矿物质来自地幔和地壳。含矿岩体为连续分异的中酸性杂岩体,包括辉长岩-闪长岩-石英闪长岩-花岗闪长岩-斜长花岗岩等;科翁腊德含矿岩体发育酸性蚀变(高级泥化、绢云母化和硅化)和少量的碱性蚀变(钾长石化、黑云母化和硅化),阿克都卡含矿岩体发育碱性蚀变(钾长石化、黑云母化和硅化)和酸性蚀变(绢云母化和硅化);矿化均为浸染状和脉状矿化。  相似文献   

A comparative study on linear and nonlinear site response analysis   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Site response analysis is usually the first step of any seismic soil-structure study. Geotechnical earthquake engineers and engineering geologist have been trying to find both practical and most appropriate solution techniques for ground response analysis under earthquake loadings. The paper attempts to give a critical overview of the field of site response analysis. In this paper, the influences of nonlinearity on the site response analysis summarized and were evaluated with a numerical example. Site response of a two layered soil deposit with the assumption of linear and rigid base bedrock (or viscoelastic half-space) was analyzed by using linear and nonlinear approaches. The amplification spectrum of the soil column is computed between the top and the bottom of this soil deposit. Nonlinear analysis was compared with the linear method of analysis. Steps involved in ground response analyses to develop site-specific response spectra at a soil site are briefly summarized. Some of the well-known site response analysis methods are summarized and similarities and differences between linear and nonlinear methods are compared by a numerical example.  相似文献   

The separation features of the floatex density separator (FDS) are investigated through experimental and computational approaches. It has been shown that the performance of the FDS can be predicted reasonably well using a slip velocity model and steady-state mass balance equations. The approach for the formulation of the slip velocity model makes a difference in the prediction of FDS performance. The computed data from four different slip velocity models have been compared and contrasted with the experimental observations. It has been shown that a slip velocity model based on the modified Richardson and Zaki equation, in which the dissipative pressure gradient is considered to be the primary driving force for separation, predicts the performance more accurately than the other three. A deslimed feed is recommended for better performance of the FDS.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the mechanical response of granular materials and compare the predictions of a hypoplastic model with that of a recently developed dilatant double shearing model which includes the effects of fabric. We implement the constitutive relations of the dilatant double shearing model and the hypoplastic model in the finite element program ABACUS/Explicit and compare their predictions in the triaxial compression and cyclic shear loading tests. Although the origins and the constitutive relations of the double shearing model and the hypoplastic model are quite different, we find that both models are capable of capturing typical behaviours of granular materials. This is significant because while hypoplasticity is phenomenological in nature, the double shearing model is based on a kinematic hypothesis and microstructural considerations, and can easily be calibrated through standard tests. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了更精确描述煤层气注气开发或二氧化碳煤层封存涉及到的多组分吸附过程,采用扩展Langmuir、理想吸附溶剂和二维状态方程预测不同煤对甲烷-二氧化碳混合气体的吸附,并将三种模型预测结果与实验数据进行对比分析,结果表明:二维状态方程模型对混合气体的吸附预测精度最高,并且能较好适用于高压系统的吸附预测。除此之外,从三种模型分离因子的变化规律可以看出,理想吸附溶剂和二维状态方程模型在吸附时都考虑了气体相对吸附性随平衡气相组分和压力的变化,而扩展Langmuir没有考虑该因素。因此,也表明理想吸附溶剂和二维状态方程模型在预测多组分气体相对吸附方面具有一定的优势。  相似文献   

陈龙  楚锡华  张明龙  徐远杰 《岩土力学》2013,34(11):3306-3314
基于CLoE与Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性模型数值模拟了平面应变条件下Hostun砂的应变局部化现象。从侧向压力和初始缺陷两个方面对比研究了两种模型所预测应变局部化的产生及演化模式。结果表明:(1)两种模型均能反映Hostun砂刚度随着侧向压力提高而增大的现象。(2)相比Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性模型,CLoE亚塑性模型所得出的应变局部化形态与试验结果更加一致。(3)CLoE亚塑性模型能够反映随着荷载增加,砂的体积先膨胀后缩小的特点。(4)相比Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性模型,CLoE亚塑性模型所得到的应变-应力曲线能够更明显地反映应变局部化带中单元的软化现象。(5)CLoE亚塑性模型能够更好地模拟由初始缺陷导致的不均匀应变。总的来说,所得的数值结果表明,CLoE亚塑性模型能够较好地模拟侧向压力和初始缺陷对应变局部化的影响,在模拟应变局部化现象方面较Gudehus-Bauer更有优势。然而,现有CLoE亚塑性模型无法考虑孔隙比,也未包含颗粒材料内尺度变量,有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

With point-source pollution controlled effectively, nonpoint-source pollution, especially that resulting from agricultural land, has become the main factor affecting surface water. Much attention has been focused on the impact of fertilizer and pesticide application, wastewater irrigation, and land management on pollutant transport. However, landscape pattern also plays an important role in pollutant transport and detention. Landscape types may be classified into two parts: "source" and "sink" landscapes, based on their functions in pollutant transport and detention. As a major contributor to eutrophication of waterbodies, nitrogen loss with runoff has received particular attention when studying nonpoint-source pollution. In this study, four watersheds in the upper parts of the Yuqiao Reservoir Basin, Zuihua, Hebei Province, China, were chosen in order to study the relationship between landscape pattern and nitrogen-concentration dynamics. The results indicate that (1) nitrogen concentration in surface water within different seasons in the rainfall-normal year is higher than that in the rainfall-deficit year and (2) the variation of nitrogen concentration within different seasons in the rainfall-deficit year is smaller compared with that in the rainfall-normal year in which two types of seasonal variation on nitrogen concentration are presented. The first variation occurs when nitrogen concentration is lowest in the dry season, and rises rapidly from the dry season to rainy season and then declines quickly from the rainy season to mean-flow season. This mainly occurs in those areas where most "source" landscapes are close to the monitored waterbody. The second variation occurs when nitrogen concentration is low in the dry season, increases rapidly in the rainy season but does not reach its peak value until the mean flow season. The second variation occurs in those areas where "source" landscape types are spread over the whole watershed. There is no clear relationship between watershed shape, relative importance of landscape types, and nitrogen concentration; however, the spatial distribution of "source" and "sink" landscape types in the watershed has a strong impact on the nitrogen concentration in surface water.  相似文献   

裂隙岩体渗流概念模型研究   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:27  
宋晓晨  徐卫亚 《岩土力学》2004,25(2):226-232
裂隙岩体中的渗流和传统的多孔介质渗流在机理上存在本质的差别,这种差别主要表现为裂隙岩体在各种尺度上存在的非均质性。模拟裂隙岩体渗流的主要困难在于描述这种非均质性。目前的概念模型,包括等效连续体模型、离散裂隙网络模型和混合模型使用了不同的技术来预测裂隙岩体中的渗流。这些模型基于不同的假设和概念框架,有着各自不同的优缺点。在实际应用时,应当根据研究域的具体特点和所要解决的问题的要求对其选择,此外,还讨论了单裂隙的概念模型。  相似文献   

江西相山矿田目前已经发现有20多个铀矿床,同时也发现有多金属矿化现象,但是对多金属找矿一直未取得重大进展,本文将相山矿田的多金属矿与研究程度较高的冷水坑铅锌银多金属矿田,从区域地质背景、地层、岩浆岩、矿体特征及围岩蚀变等方面进行对比分析,发现相山矿田与冷水坑矿田存在相似的地质条件及主量元素、稀土元素、微量元素地球化学特征和矿体及蚀变特征,两者主要岩性均由白垩系鹅湖岭组与打鼓顶组的火山岩系列组成,表现为高钾钙碱性—钾玄岩系列,准铝质—弱过铝质特点,稀土元素配分曲线、微量元素蛛网图特点均表现明显右倾,属轻稀土富集型,低Ba、Sr类型,Eu明显亏损,指示物源主要为壳源,岩浆岩结晶分异程度较高,围岩蚀变均以绿泥石化、绢云母化、硅化、碳酸盐化为主。借鉴冷水坑的成矿模式,认为相山矿田下一步应围绕着小岩体寻找斑岩型多金属矿,在K1d1层位寻找层控叠生型多金属矿,将会取得多金属找矿的突破。  相似文献   

This paper uses results from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Status and Trends Program (NS&T) to place the environmental quality of Long Island Sound in a broader perspective. It compares levels of contaminants in blue mussels from ten Long Island Sound sites and in sediments from seven Long Island Sound sites with concentrations in the same media at 87 and 221 other sites, respectively, where comparable samples were obtained. In sediments, the levels of both trace metals and organic contaminants tend to be relatively high for Long Island Sound sites. This is especially true for five of the twelve metals (silver, cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc) and for five of six categories of organic contaminants (total chlordane, low molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), high molecular weight PAHs, total polychlorinated biphenyls, and total dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes). In mussels, the organic contaminant categories exhibit relatively high levels, but this is not true for most of the metals. In fact, four of the metals—arsenic, mercury, selenium, and zinc—show evidence of relatively low levels in mussels from Long Island Sound compared to other NS&T locations.  相似文献   

This study draws attention to the fact that natural processes can mobilize thallium (Tl), a highly toxic metal, which may enter the food chain with severe health impacts on the local human population. A rural area having independent Tl mineralization in southwestern Guizhou, China, was chosen for a pilot study. Tl contents of soils extracted by HNO3 in the study area range from 35-165 mg/kg in soils from the mining area, 14-78 mg/kg in alluvial deposits downstream, and 〈0.2-0.5 mg/kg in soils from the background area. Tl contents in ammonium acetate EDTA-extracted fraction are 0.013-1.3 mg/kg, less than 1% of concentration in HNO3-extracted fraction. The amounts of Tl in NH4Ac-extracted fraction were thought to be more exchangeable and bioavailable, i.e., immediately available to plants and/or available to plant roots over a period of years. Tl concentration in crops exhibits species-dependent preferences. The enrichment of Tl in edible crop species decreases in the following order: green cabbage〉chili〉Chinese cabbage〉rice〉com. The highest level of Tl in green cabbage is up to 500 mg/kg (DW), surpassing the values of Tl in the soils (13-59 mg/kg). The enrichment factor for TI in green cabbage is up to 1-10 when considering the HNO3-extracted Tl, but the factor highly rises to 30-1300 while considering the NH4Ac-extracted Tl. The average daily uptake of Tl by the local villagers through consumption of locally planted crops was estimated at about 1.9 mg per person, which is 50 times the daily ingestion from the Tl-free background area.  相似文献   

Yi Lu  Jiuping Xu 《Natural Hazards》2014,74(2):421-444
Earthquake emergency response and rescue (ERR) is a global challenge, but especially in developing countries. As a large earthquake-prone developing country, China’s experiences and lessons in ERR can provide a useful reference for other developing countries. In this article, China’s ERR progress is summarized by comparatively analyzing the Wenchuan and Lushan earthquakes, two major recent earthquake events in Sichuan Province. From a comprehensive investigation of the research, it can be concluded that emergency response speed, inter-organizational coordination, and relief resource mobilization are the three critical ERR indicators which can be further subdivided into sixteen sub-indicators. Using these indicators, the Wenchuan and Lushan earthquake ERR processes were comprehensively compared based on data collected from observations and interviews. The results showed that the response and rescue efforts at the Lushan earthquake were faster, more coordinated, and more orderly than those at the Wenchuan earthquake. In addition, the unified earthquake ERR system, the people-oriented principle, and the information disclosure mechanism were examined, which also revealed several major shortcomings, such as deficits in the adaptability to relief technologies, the lack of coordination between rescue organizations, and the lack of capabilities in the local communities. Finally, several recommendations are given for the practical improvement of and future research into the establishment of an effective ERR.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine how energy balances and economical indices of barley production are affected by irrigated and dry land farming systems. Data were collected from 26 irrigated and 68 dry land barley farms. The complimentary data were collected through questionnaires filled by farmers in face-to-face interviews during 2010. The results indicated that total energy input for irrigated barley was 19,308.96 MJ ha?1 and for dry land barley was 7,867.82. The non-renewable energy was about 66.83 and 71.02 % in irrigated and dry land systems while the renewable energy was 33.17 and 28.98 %, respectively. Energy use efficiency is energy output MJ ha?1 divided by energy input MJ ha?1. Energy use efficiency was 5.3 and 3.96 in dry land and irrigated systems, respectively. Although net return in the irrigated system (266.13$ ha?1) was greater than that in the dry land system (208.64) but the benefit to cost ratio in irrigated system (1.38) was lower than that in the dry land system (1.58). Results showed that human labor as well as machinery energy inputs were the most important inputs influencing the dry land and irrigated barley production systems, respectively. The second important input in the irrigated barley was electricity (with 0.16) which was followed by water for irrigation and diesel fuel (0.14 and 0.13, respectively). In total energy consumption, the ratio of non-renewable energy was greater than that of renewable energy. Since the main non-renewable energy input was diesel, electricity, and chemical fertilizers; therefore, management and improvement in the application of these inputs would increase the proportion of renewable energy.  相似文献   

国内外典型工程滑坡灾害比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王涛  吴树仁  石菊松  辛鹏  石玲 《地质通报》2013,32(11):1881-1899
在搜集和梳理全球一个多世纪以来灾难性工程滑坡实例的基础上,将人类工程活动诱发的滑坡分为4种基本类型和若干亚类:①采矿工程滑坡(包括地下采空型、露天采场型、尾矿坝及排土场型);②水利水电工程滑坡(包括库区岸坡型、水库大坝型、灌溉工程型);③线性基础设施工程滑坡(包括公路及铁路工程型、油气管道工程型); ④城市建设复合型工程滑坡。重点剖析了国内外著名的工程滑坡灾害案例,并兼顾一般工程滑坡的共性特征进行分析,综述了各类典型工程滑坡灾害的发育特征、形成机制及部分处置措施。通过不同类型工程滑坡特征的比较分析,总结了工程滑坡成灾的教训和成功处置的经验,为未来工程项目区和城市化过程中工程滑坡的综合防治及风险减缓提供了参考。  相似文献   

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