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A feasible and accurate method named two-class fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is put forward to assess the risk of water inrush in karst tunnels. In view of regarding tunnel face as the evaluation object, 12 influencing factors of water inrush are selected as the evaluation index system consisting of 4 first-class and 12 second-class indices. Based on fuzzy mathematics theory and expert evaluation method, all the indices are quantitatively graded according to five risk grades. The weights of indices affecting water inrush are rationally distributed by using analytic hierarchy process. Membership functions and weights of indices are utilized to stepwise compute the membership degree of indices corresponding to risk grade, and the principle of maximum membership degree is carried out to discern the risk grade of water inrush. The tunnel faces in seven segments of Qiyueshan tunnel are chosen as the case studies. Evaluation results are derived from the proposed method, and they are generally consistent with the actual results through comparisons. This method provides a cogent way for evaluating the risk of water inrush in karst tunnels.  相似文献   

矿山环境质量评价是环境保护领域中带有方向性并颇具实践意义的工作。科学客观的评价结果可指导矿山环境保护与治理决策,促进矿业资源合理开发。不同矿山所处的开发阶段不同,其存在的环境问题也复杂多样。对数量庞大的多个矿山进行环境质量评价,灰色关联分析法具有较强的实用性。EXCEL数据处理功能的运用,弥补了灰色关联分析法中样本数量不足的缺陷。本文以江西省矿山环境质量评价为例,进行了矿山环境问题成因分析,系统阐述了采用灰色关联分析的评价方法与模型。选取了矿山环境背景和危害两大类共12个评价指标,以全省总矿山为样本评定了各指标作用权重和质量分级,结合综合指数法确定各矿山环境质量等级,为矿山环境保护与治理规划提供了可参考的科学依据。  相似文献   

基于模糊数学的地质灾害危险性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陕西省引汉济渭工程跨越秦岭构造剥蚀山地和断陷盆地,地质环境条件差,发育地质灾害点72处。选取地质环境条件、地质灾害发育现状和地质灾害预测为评价指标,分别赋予隶属度值;将工程剖分为284个评价单元,采用模糊数学综合评判法计算每个单元的隶属度值,确定危险性小的单元255个,危险性中等的单元29个;说明工程主要位于危险性小的区段。  相似文献   

基于模糊综合评判的公路岩质边坡稳定性分级研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张勇慧  李红旭  盛谦  李志勇  岳志平 《岩土力学》2010,31(10):3151-3156
公路岩质边坡具有点多线长、规模小的特点,缺乏详细的岩体力学参数,现有岩体分级系统难以应用。根据公路岩质边坡的特点,考虑建模过程的系统全面性、简明科学性、相对独立性及灵活可操作性,选取合理的边坡稳定性评价指标,建立了边坡稳定性的两层综合评价体系,运用层次分析法确定了评价指标的权重矩阵,采用模糊综合评判方法建立了公路岩质边坡的稳定性分级模型。运用该模型对湖南省常德-吉首高速公路路段内142个岩质边坡稳定性进行了模糊综合评判分级,结果表明,该方法是合理实用的,可供同类工程借鉴。  相似文献   

Gu  X. B.  Ma  Y.  Wu  Q. H.  Ji  X. J.  Bai  H. 《Natural Hazards》2022,111(1):283-303

The landslide hazard is one of the geological hazards in mountainous zone. Its occurrence is controlled by many factors. To assess the risk level of landslide in Shiwangmiao accurately, intuitionistic fuzzy sets-Topsis model is introduced at first; secondly, the decisive matrix about the intuitionistic fuzzy sets is established, and the index weight coefficients considering the uncertainty of assessment indices are determined by using the Entropy weight method, then the weighed decisive matrix is obtained. Finally, degree of membership at different levels about the landslide is determined based on the ranking sequence of degree of membership, the risk level corresponding to the maximum degree of membership is final assessment level. The conclusions are drawn that accurate rate of risk estimation about landslide hazards is very high based on the intuitionistic fuzzy sets model in comparison with the current specifications, and the method is feasible for the risk assessment of landslide hazards, so it provides a new method and thoughts to assess the risk level of landslide in future.


徐斌  张艳  姜凌 《岩土力学》2012,33(10):3122-3138
选取矿井涌水水源判别中常用的灰色关联分析和逐步判别分析作为基础模型,分析了两者的优缺点及单独使用中存在的问题,提出耦合判别思路,设计了GRA-SDA耦合式水源判别模型。利用某矿区实际样本数据,选取Na++K+、Ca2+、Mg2+、Cl-、SO42-、HCO3-共6组离子以及矿化度作为判别因子,对该模型进行实例验证。分析表明,该模型判别结果与实际情况吻合较好,与单独使用一种分析方法相比较,有效地提高了水源判别正确率。  相似文献   

基于模糊灰关联投影法的深基坑支护方案优选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏新江  余银  张世民 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):438-0444
针对深基坑支护方案决策影响因素的信息不完全性以及影响因素间与评价指标的灰色关联性,综合应用灰色系统理论、矢量投影原理和模糊数学理论,在灰色关联投影法的基础上,提出了深基坑支护方案优选的模糊灰关联投影法;采用组合赋权方法,使权重能更合理地诠释各指标因素的影响;提出了一种基于最优方案区分度的灵敏度分析方法。工程实例分析表明,采用该方法具有科学实用、操作简便、易于实现程序化、决策灵敏度高等特性,能够为方案的决策提供更为可靠的依据,具有一定的推广和实用价值  相似文献   

王羽  刘会  杨转运  柴贺军  唐胜传  许强 《岩土力学》2011,32(4):1169-1174
优势结构面理论已逐渐在岩土工程中应用。首次将物元模糊耦合评价方法应用于岩体优势结构面的确定中,提出基于物元可拓法的模糊综合评判模型。该模型把易滑岩层的结构面状况作为物元的事物,以结构面的各项几何、物理参数指标及其相应的模糊量值构造复合模糊物元,通过关联度计算,实现对优势结构面的判定。该模型能很好地处理易滑岩层优势结构面计算过程中岩土体性质、规模、产状、分形优势指标及活动状况等不确定的模糊因素,为路基易滑岩层优势结构面的评判提供了一种新途径。此方法克服了传统方法确定优势结构面只考虑数量优势而忽略质量优势的缺点,使结构面评价更合理。通过介绍这种方法的基本理论和操作步骤,并在一工程实例中加以运用。可以看出,该模型有效地保证了工程优势结构面计算中评判的客观性和指标的相容性,大大提高了计算的精度与效率。  相似文献   

Geng  Yanfen  Zheng  Xin  Wang  Zhili  Wang  Zhaowei 《Natural Hazards》2020,100(1):133-149
Natural Hazards - To evaluate urban flood risk while considering spatial and temporal characteristics, this paper establishes an assessment method based on a coupled hydrodynamic model and a fuzzy...  相似文献   

Calculated in this paper is the relational grade between each of ghe 1608 prediction units and the granite-type gold deposits in Jiaodong, concerning 78 geological variants of factors ,in terms of the relational grade analysis of the grey system.The isopleth of the residual values is drawn through trend analysis and anomalies are outlined. Also pointed out in the present paper are the pathfinders for prospecting of gold deposits in various parts of China.  相似文献   

基于AHP和模糊综合评判的TBM施工风险评估   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
赵延喜  徐卫亚 《岩土力学》2009,30(3):793-798
岩石隧洞建设中面临很大和众多的风险,利用TBM施工的深埋长隧洞受多种不确定因素影响,具有随机性和模糊性,目前的研究方法难以对其进行准确定量分析。通过深入分析影响TBM施工的风险因素,建立了TBM施工风险综合评价指标体系。基于风险影响因素的层次性,提出了TBM施工风险二级模糊综合评判计算模型,并利用层次分析法(AHP)确定各级因素权重,利用模糊集法确定隶属函数,划分了风险接受等级。以南水北调西线工程深埋长隧洞TBM施工为例,应用二级模糊综合评判计算模型对该工程TBM施工风险进行分析,计算结果表明,该方法是合理性实用的。其理论、方法、思路和结论可供同类工程借鉴。  相似文献   

Xu  Huafeng  Xu  Kexin  Yang  Yingjie 《Natural Hazards》2021,107(3):2693-2707
Natural Hazards - Carrying out risk assessments of agricultural drought disasters is helpful to understanding agricultural drought quantitatively and scientifically guiding drought prevention and...  相似文献   

成都市土壤质量的模糊综合评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土壤是一个开放体系,尤其城市的土壤污染来源更为广泛,而在土壤的质量评价中,常涉及到大量的复杂现象和多种因素的相互作用,且存在大量的模糊现象和模糊概念。针对这一情况,在成都城区168个土壤样品进行调查和实测后,对主要影响土壤质量的六种重金属污染进行分析,并且在环境地球化学原理的基础上,根据土壤污染分级标准建立了土壤质量的综合评判模型,同时给出了六种重金属的隶属函数。最后在对成都六个城区土壤样本的综合评判中,准确地得出了各城区的土壤污染程度及污染类别。  相似文献   

松辽盆地是中国主要的能源基地,随着中国振兴东北老工业基地政策的实施,如何应对工业和经济发展带来的CO_2排放量的增加,将成为亟需解决的问题。在盆地内进行CO_2地质储存将成为盆地内解决该问题的主要技术选择之一。以松辽盆地为研究对象,在深入分析松辽盆地CO_2地质储存条件的基础上,从储存规模、储存安全性和社会环境风险及经济适宜性4个方面综合考虑,构建了由16个指标组成的松辽盆地CO_2地质储存适宜性评价指标体系,利用灰色关联分析法对松辽盆地33个二级构造单元进行了盆地级适宜性评价工作,评价结果为进一步场地级目标靶区的筛选提供了科技支撑。  相似文献   

综合指数法和模糊综合评价法在地下水质量评价中被广泛应用。岩溶地区地下水环境脆弱,潜在污染来源复杂。为了更好地了解综合指数法和模糊综合法在岩溶地下水评价中的应用效果,本文以贵州省遵义市为例,利用这两种方法分别对该市具有代表性的9个地下水点水质进行评价和对比分析。结果显示:遵义市浅层地下水水质总体较好,Ⅲ类及Ⅲ类以上水占33 %,但个别区域地下水水质很差,主要为NO2-、NH4+、Mn、Na+、Cl-、SO42-、溶解性总固体、总硬度(CaCO3)和Se等超标;两种方法评价结果一致的共有6个水点,均属Ⅱ类水质,结果不一致的3个水点,在综合指数法中全为Ⅳ类水,而在模糊综合评价中则是Ⅲ类水1个,Ⅴ类水两个。出现差异的主要原因是综合指数法在综合分值计算中过于强调单项指标最大值的作用和未考虑参评指标的权重,而模糊综合法则很好地克服了这些不足,精细地刻画出指标值对水质分级界限的接近程度并量化了所有指标对地下水水质的影响权重。可见,地下水水质评价中,模糊综合法要明显优于综合指数法。   相似文献   

针对物化探综合异常反映出的高维空间复杂结构和相互之间复杂关系等现象,通过对多维信息的降维处理,提取综合异常的特征参量,建立了表述物化探综合异常的初始模型。以模糊数学为手段,对已知区的综合异常进行模糊分类评价,建立了物化探综合异常评价模型。利用人工神经网络,通过学习建立识别系统,对未知综合异常进行识别,完成了对复杂物化探综合异常的评价。实例表明,该评价方法是合理可行的。  相似文献   

Taiwan is a mountainous country, so there is an ever present danger of landslide disasters during the rainy seasons or typhoons. This study aims to develop a fuzzy-rule-based risk assessment model for debris flows and to verify the accuracy of risk assessment so as to help related organizations reduce losses caused by debris flows. The database is comprised of information from actual cases of debris flows that occurred in the Hualien area of Taiwan from 2007 to 2008. The established models can assess the likelihood of the occurrence of debris flows using computed indicators, verify modeling errors, and make comparisons between the existing models for practical applications. In the establishment of a fuzzy-based debris flow risk assessment model, possible for accounting it on the basis of far less information regarding a real system and the information can be of an uncertain, fuzzy or inexact character, the influential factors affecting debris flows include the average terrain slope, catchment area, effective catchment area, accumulated rainfall, rainfall intensity, and geological conditions. The results prove that the risk assessment model systems are quite suitable for debris flow risk assessment, with a resultant ratio of success 96?% and a normalized relative error 4.63?%.  相似文献   

Mining-induced water inrush is a sudden and destructive underground disaster caused by a mining disturbance. This disaster occurs frequently in the northern region of Shaanxi province in China due to overburden fractures in shallow seam mining, which pose a great threat to residents’ safety. It is therefore essential to construct an accurate prediction model. This study first applies selection hierarchy analysis to the main controlling factors of roof water inrush to study their weights using an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) including five factors: surface water catchment features, wateriness of the aquifer, water-resistant characteristics of aquiclude, combined influence of overburden, and mining disturbance characteristics. The grey relational analysis (GRA) method is used to calculate the correlation degree of each water inrush. The AHP-GRA method presents a comprehensive evaluative model combining the advantages of both approaches to analyze mining safety. Qualitative and quantitative indicators of the roof water inrush prediction model in shallow seam mining are established. Secondly, risk prediction of roof water inrush points and comprehensive water inrush is determined using engineering examples from the Hanjiawan coal mine. Results indicate that during safety mining, water inflow data are consistent with our prediction, thereby substantiating the model’s accuracy and providing a new method for predicting roof water inrush in shallow seam mining.  相似文献   

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